#and I'm sorry but I'm really bad at suspending my disbelief especially when we can invent fun bullshit answers
CNA frustrates me, because it's clearly analogous to DNA but obviously there's gotta be differences because well DNA is organic, but I'm super confused to how CNA would work because molecules are super super super specific. Aaand I'm p sure it's been displayed as a specific double helix, so that just creates MORE issues because how many chemicals can create double helixes?
All i can really jam in my head is perhaps a silicon based structure and ssssome inspiration from corals with the metal? Because technically coral as the animals are the little anemone looking squishy guys who live in the calcium of the coral. I've had this wacky dacky theory in my head that the sparks are technically the actual well organism of a Cybertronian, while the outer frame is a hyper specialized shell. "But why can they feel pain if it's a shell-" shelled animals do feel pain through their shells, because otherwise they wouldn't be able to tell what's wrong. One would say this would take forever to evolve, but considering how transformers are created I'd argue there's enough variation from individual to individual (aaand maybe a bit of data getting sent back to what makes then?) that evolution could be fast tracked. Of course, you could say it's directly based on organic life, but then you'd have to think about what organic life was alive before and during the emergence of the first Cybertronians.
No matter how something is created, trial and error is at the heart of anything's evolution. Make something, see how it worked, and go with what worked. Little mistakes happen, and well the mistakes that are harmless or beneficial happen are selected for.
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farawaysoph-ie · 4 years
It happened. Hyena ended. And now I'm sad and a little empty. I usually don't stick with dramas, I tend to skip ahead or to leave them unfinished. But this one I loved so much! So here's one of my very long and very spoiler-y lists.
First the stuff that really didn't sit well with me:
What in the name of all that is sacred is this?
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Because sure as hell THAT is NOT pizza.
The jealousy trope, why Lawyer Yoon, you were doing so well, why become a whiny child for a couple of episodes? That was your only uncool move so I'll let you off
They are all bad people, so I often felt bad for who they were using
I think they got off the hook too easily when everyone found out about the dating, but I can suspend my disbelief
Now the good!
A female lead that was badass and unstoppable, and stayed that way until the end! I may cry, I loved how lawyer Yoon was the one with a troubled conscience, and she was kinda of a bad person
I felt so sorry watching lawyer Yoon falling more and more in love, even if at the trial lawyer Jung was amazing
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Their antics while working against each other were so FUN (what can I say, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers)
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But watching them destroy other people together later on was even more satisfying
Of course when lawyer Jung set foot at Song&Kim our lawyer Kim was so in denial, but their first trial? The wink? The secret high-five?
Can I thank the kdrama gods for lawyer Boo? I mean she was smart, competent, elegant, a good person working among sharks, but more than anything she was like NORMAL?
No hysterics? She started to respect and learn from the female lead? Wow, thank you
Oh Gyeong Hwa was precious and her story broke my heart, like she was always there on the background never asking for anything or doubting her savior (also the GPS thing xD)
What were we? Two people in love (SOMEONE SEND HELP)
The chemistry between our leads was something else
So you think of me like an ex-boyfriend (touchè)
The bickering
Lawyer Jung is one hell of a woman, I mean her past? The sole thought of how many times she was beaten up to toughen up so much. I'm not saying that stabbing herself and falsely incriminating her stepfather is okay, but you know neither is waiting until someone who should have taken care of you beats you to death.
She was literally ready to die
But no matter how much a case resembled her past, she never swayed. Never letting stuff clouding her judgements and goals
Sometimes being a woman sucks, I mean look at Seo Jung-Hwa. She had to be with an obsessive lover and when she was almost free, someone else killed her, bc that's what powerful people do if you cross their path.
Lawyer Jung was an excellent detective and I loved her relationship with Park Joo-Ho, he was the little brother who always stick up for his big sis (real ride or die guys)
The stepfather coming back asking for an apology: ???
Like dude? Don't you think you should at least apologize first?
When she took a step back, it broke my heart
Use me, my feelings are mine to deal with (legit died here)
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Keving Jung who?
I told them I loved you
Rich boy
Lawyer Yoon's father, disappointment of the year: what the hell dude? How can you do that to the son that stayed with you through everything?
This ⬇⬇⬇
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And then this ⬇⬇⬇
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They were cute *.* I loved them being vulnerable with each other
Also him telling her she was the only one who would have grabbed a knife with her hand... dude what was she supposed to do? Die? ^^'
The best friend and the divorcee, were often the drama comic relief, but she gave him very good advide, especially about loyalty at the end: they make the girl always go after the money in this case, so I was pleasantly surprised
The criminal lawyer had less will to live than me sometimes, I get it dude
Finally we didn't get a proper final kiss, but they were going around hug-walking, which in this case translates as married, I don't make the rules
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So as always I feel like I loved this story more than my words can convey (and I'm totally forgetting stuff, feel free to add), but I just loved this drama, by far one of my fav of the year.
Gonna be hard finding the next one to seriously obsess with. Now I'll go listen to HYENA by Giriboy, again.
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antthonystark · 7 years
I just saw your last anon and the tags and it's like, there's Alec hate on my dash right now and it's making me sick. Someone is accusing that Alec didn't "do enough" to try to help Magnus in the last episode when he thought they switched bodies and we need to stop "excusing" him for it and that the episode was shitty writing, etc. Meanwhile I'm just sitting here thinking how incredible that episode was and I don't even care lmfao.
yeah i saw that post lol like people are…..….let me just quote myself from here (lol so pretentious and self congratulatory im sorry): 
“people don’t even try to even think for a second why - it’s all just, he was wrong, he didn’t know, he didn’t notice, he listened to jace instead of his gut, he should be sorry, why didn’t he know, etc. etc. but the point of it is that it was basically an impossible situation - the point was that we knew, but knowing alec’s position – not knowing, being cautious and logical by nature, and having seen valentine’s reprehensibility and manipulations up close and personal – we would understand why it was such a difficult judgment and situation to be in without pointing fingers in blame like little tiny children 
but like…..tbh they overestimated the fandom lol“
first of all….obviously, if we’re talking about the writing, then the gaping hole is the fact that alec could have “tested” fake magnus in some way and then gotten confirmation of the switch and all would have been a-okay. but….this is television….that’s the same reason clary and jace would never do a DNA test to figure out their true identities instead of the 4 dramatic reveals we’ve had…drama on tv doesn’t always make sense. so first of all, i’ll give you this - he could have checked, the episode couldve ended in 15 minutes and magnus would be shaken up but overall  fine and we probably wouldn’t be seeing as drastic of repercussions as we’re likely going to see in his arc in episodes to come. this is absolutely 100% fair enough. i agree that he could have and should have checked in some way, but i also posit that this is TV and sometimes that means heightening tension and suspending a bit of disbelief, but to each their own, not everyone has to agree with that being a necessary evil in tv writing. it’s also true that it likely could have been avoided in some way, but until we know the implications of what happened in this episode, im not going to judge whether it was a good or a bad call
but let’s think about it just in terms of the actual narrative here, not thinking about TV writing and drama and all that. 
[under the cut]
like…..people are putting a bit too much on alec’s shoulders (i.e.”it’s all his fault” instead of “it’s partially his fault but the circumstances were extreme” which is more reasonable to me) instead of even trying to understand the situation at all. this is the kind of manipulation that valentine excels, and revels, in. jace knows it, and because of that, alec knows it. 
(and listen, in this post i’m not talking about him going along with the rogue execution necessarily, which is a whole can of worms, but just rather this assertion that he “should have done more” or “should have known.” with the execution thing, i really think his involvement was more a case of his lingering doubt not letting him just turn the other cheek and let her do what she was going to do regardless, but also alec has an authority problem and i hope this is the start of an arc that deals with that but like i said it’s a can of worms and this is a tangent it’s not what im talking about right now lol)
 like, to us, valentine popped into the story as clary did, he’s been around for like a couple months. but you know ………….the uprising – includingvalentine’s massacre of both downworlders and shadowhunters – that’s notancient history in the shadow world, right? it happened in alec’s lifetime. it’s extremely recent history in that regard –he was a baby, sure, but I don’t think people fully appreciate how recent itwas, and how significant an event it was in the shadow world. and it wasn’tjust some general war – no, the war and murder and massacre (and attemptedgenocide) was tied directly to one individual and his followers, thatindividual being valentine. just try to put yourselfin alec’s shoes there for just a second however you can, and the way that hewould view valentine just based on that fact alone, just based on what he wouldno doubt have grown up hearing about from his parents and his parents’ friends(some of whom died at valentine’s hands), and likely from history books andshit…valentine has been a symbol for depravity and massacre in the shadow world ever since the uprising, the most loathed figure in recent history - like look at how alec reacts when he finds out his parents were in the circle, calling it “unforgivable.” 
so you have that, and then you have the fact that alec has seen very close and firsthand how much valentine can utterly and cruelly twist someone’s mind - that someone being one of the closest (if not the closest) people in alec’s life. alec has seen firsthand the horrible abuse and manipulation that jace has been put through by valentine, alec had to comfort jace who was broken and crying in his arms because valentine put him through so much just an episode ago. alec saw how valentine convinced jace that there was darkness in him (as early as 1x13 after the fight with hodge you see alec trying to make jace snap out of it) – like, that’s not insignficant here either
and bearing in mind that alec and magnus haven’t been dating for a huge amount of time yet - yes, they love each other, yes they’re meant to be, but we all know that there’s lots about magnus that alec doesn’t know yet anyway, so there’s also that + then you have the anger at “valentine” for trying to manipulate his relationship with magnus in order to try and save his own ass which also motivates him against “valentine” in the episode, bearing in mind that that’s what alec perceives to be happening, because based on what we have seen so far in terms of valentine’s actions and the realm of what is possible in the universe, that is absolutely the most logical conclusion to draw
basically what i’m trying to say is that it’s really really easy for us to say that alec “should have known” or “could have done more” but i think that presents a misunderstanding of the way that alec has had to view valentine. certainly, like i said before, alec has a very big flaw with his valuing of authority  sometimes superseding his better judgment, and that very significantly plays into this especially at the end when you can see some doubt, but not enough to stop her. but what i disagree with is people putting the entire onus of it on alec’s flaws and alec’s actions, rather than understanding what a difficult dilemma of a situation it really was for him. like i said in my quoted text, it was framed as an impossible circumstance - that’s what made the episode work, that’s what drove the suspense and the tension - it wasn’t a bug, it was the main feature lol. 
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