#and it was cute. the way santana kept trying to push britt into the chair
boltgunkiller-archive · 6 months
santana never actually got to sing you oughta know 😕 even brittany remembered it was her fav song and she didn’t get to sing it 💔 tears
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g0dblessthefandom · 7 years
Brittana Valentine’s Semi AU (Updated Daily Until Valentine’s Day) February 5, 2017
Another day closer to Valentine’s Day, another updated fic chapter. Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?
January 5, 2017
Brittany woke up with a start.
Her head was pounding and her mouth was dry. She looked around, squinting into the brightness that surrounded her. She waited for the blurriness to clear, and saw that she was in Mercedes apartment, splayed over a couch. She wasn’t alone, there were voices in the kitchen, and she took a few moments to climb to her feet, and followed the sounds.
“It wasn’t a date.”
Santana’s voice had a bit of bite, and Brittany stopped, remembering the events of the night before that ended up with her crashed on Mercedes couch. She had probably more alcohol than was called for (those fruity drinks always did her in), and had been in no position to make it all the way back across town to her place. She ended up doing what she normally did when she found herself too tipsy to be trusted in a cab, and fallen asleep on the first horizontal item she stumbled into at Mercedes’ place. It wasn’t a perfect system, but more often than not, it kept her from throwing up on something she wasn’t supposed to, and she rarely felt safer than when she was at her friend’s house.
“I’m not saying it was a date, Santana, but it was like a date. If you wanted to count that as one of the 13, then I don’t think anyone would disagree with you.”
“I dunno, Mercedes. I think she just needs some time, and space, you know. You didn’t see her face the other day. At the school. I don’t think I’ve seen her this miserable since she had to leave Lord Tubbington at her parent’s house. I don’t want to be the person who makes her feel like that.”
“You don’t have to get down on one knee and propose, you just have to tell her.”
“I’m not pushing it.” Santana’s tone was firm. “She needs time, or whatever, and I’m going to give it to her. I have to accept that our relationship won’t ever be like it was. I’m not happy about it, no, but if it’s what’s best for her, that’s it.”
Brittany cleared her throat, and made her way into the kitchen.
“Hey, um, morning everybody.”
“Hey! Good morning, everybody’s private dancer. You had fun last night, no? I’ll make you a cup of coffee.”
Mercedes got up from her stool at the counter, and went to the cabinet, pulling out a mug. Brittany took her place, aware of how close she was sitting to Santana.
“Yeah.” She laughed. “What I remember of it. It was a blast. Remind me to avoid whatever that was in the bottle shaped like a dagger.”
Mercedes sat the mug down, along with the cream and sugar. “It was bad, girl, I don’t know. I’m still recovering myself.”
Brittany giggled a bit, and turned to Santana. “Good morning, Santana.”
“Oh, hi, I mean, morning, Britt.” Santana tried to keep her bearings, but almost spilled her coffee at the greeting. She’d forgotten how gorgeous Brittany looked in the morning, her hair going in a thousand different directions, and the imprint of the couch pressed into her cheek. They’d spend mornings like this, waking up late, taking a shower together, getting back into bed, another shower, and then going to the farmer’s market for brunch. She’d never thought she’d be a farmer’s market gal, but Brittany had changed her. She snapped herself back to reality.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Like a log, as usual. What can I say? I nailed it when I picked that new couch for you, Mercedes.”
“You always could sleep anywhere, Britt. Remember that time we got locked out of my house cause we came back too late from that party at Quinn’s house and you ended up on top of the shed?” Santana said, laughing.
“Then your dad came out and I woke up to him on a ladder trying to drape a blanket over me?”
“Yes! And you nearly fell off, and I still don’t get why he didn’t just wake you up. You would have been down in like five seconds.”
Mercedes opened the refrigerator. “Well, you two keep reminiscing, and I’m going to whip us up a couple of Mercedes Jones hangover cure omelettes. I put everything in there but the kitchen sink, and it’ll have you at a hundred percent in no time.”
“Actually-” Santana said, draining the rest of the coffee from her cup, and got up from her chair. “I’d better go. I’m meeting with the realtor today to try and find a new place. Rachel suggested her, and before you say anything, she knows I’m working in a budget. I figured it would be better than living in your guest room for the rest of my life.”
“What? Oh, c’mon, Santana, you can’t leave without having breakfast first. I wouldn’t do that to you. I don’t treat my guests that way.”
Santana sent a significant glance to Brittany who was doing her best not to get involved, and flipping through the newspaper.
“I’ve gotta, Mercedes. I’ll grab something on the way.”
“But Santana, you just got into town. You haven’t even been here a week, just hang out, c’mon.”
Brittany folded the newspaper gently, and leaned on the counter. “Stay, Santana. I mean, if you want to.”
Both Santana and Mercedes turned quickly to her.
“A-are you sure, Britt? I mean, I don’t want to… I just mean, we don’t have to…”
“I just think you shouldn’t leave on an empty stomach. I agree with Mercedes. And the longer you two argue about it, the more time it’s going to take for me to get my omelette, so, you should definitely stay.”
Brittany smiled cheekily, and Santana returned the smile. She sat back down with a thump, bumping Brittany with her shoulder.
“I guess I’ve been convinced. I’ll take one of those omelettes now, Mercedes.”
Mercedes rolled her eyes, and turned back towards the stove. “Fine, but don’t get used to this kind of treatment, you two.”
She pulled out some vegetables and a couple of knives and handed them to her guests.
“You two make yourselves useful and get chopping. Next time we’ll have to get Sugar to take us to her big place downtown. She has a cook!”
“Yeah, I don’t get that, because it’s not like she’s even home half the time.” Brittany chimed in.
“You don’t get to be the biggest producer for Atlantic records by hanging out in your apartment, that’s for sure.”
“Wait a second.” Santana said, putting her hands up for quiet. “Can we talk about Sugar and Jane for a second?”
“Other than them being the cutest couple in the world?” Brittany asked, dreamily.
“I’ll admit that they’re pretty cute, but since when has Sugar been down with the ladies?”
Mercedes swirled some butter around in her pan. “She hadn’t really been. In fact, once she got to the city, I hadn’t really seen  her with anybody. But one day she came to a thing at Brittany’s school, and met Jane and it was off to the races. I’ve never seen her so smitten.”
“Really?” Santana said, munching on a pepper. “Just out of the blue, huh?”
“Yeah, she’s really into her. Which is weird because I always saw Sugar as someone who’d never settle down. But it’s like, Jane says jump and Sugar says how high. She’s even gotten her to stop pestering her dad for stuff.”
“So, Sugar isn’t a daddy’s girl anymore?” Santana said, skeptically.
Brittany carefully brought her knife down over a tomato. “I wouldn’t go that far. She’s certainly doing better, but you know Mr. Motta, San. If it were up to him, Sugar would never have to work a day in her life.”
“I just didn’t see it coming. I talk to Sugar sometimes, and she’s never mentioned a girl.”
“Well, it’s new. Only, what, two months now, Mercedes?”
Mercedes nodded.
“And, I don’t know if she realizes how much she’s smitten even now.”
“Sugar is our little smitten kitten.” Mercedes chuckled.
“Don’t let her hear you say that, ‘Cedes, she will freak.”
Santana sighed. “I guess, I missed a lot. I should have come over here sooner. Just to check things out. Just to see how you all were.”
The festive mood died down a bit at this comment, and Santana regretted making it almost immediately. She hadn’t meant to remind everyone how thoroughly she’d failed all of them. She cleared her throat and focused on her chopping.
“Well, we’re glad you’re here now, Santana. That’s what matters.”
Santana looked up to Mercedes and smiled. She didn’t dare look at Brittany, but she was glad to know that at the very least things were civil between the two of them now.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. They ate brunch, and then had all headed out to their separate appointments. It was Sunday, so Santana didn’t have much to do. She’d been serious about not spending the rest of her life bunking with Mercedes (though, she wasn’t entirely sure that Mercedes would have kicked her out). All things considered, she did have a pretty sweet deal. Mercedes’ house was lush, and prime real estate. But, it was way out of Santana’s price range, and as much as a she loved her friend, she knew that she needed her own space from time to time. After meeting with the realtor, she found herself wandering. The city itself hadn’t changed much, one subway ride and she could be anywhere she wanted to be. She didn’t have a destination, but the urge to get a drink overtook her, and she found herself at a very familiar watering hole.
Santana tucked herself into a corner, and was feeling nostalgic. She pulled out her phone, and ignoring the multiple texts from Sugar asking when she’d be available for dinner and gossip, hovered over Brittany’s name for a few seconds.
“To hell with it.” She mumbled.
Hey, remember Baileys?
There was a long pause, and Santana put her phone on the bar. She tried to pretend that she was listening to the Fleetwood Mac song (Rhiannon) that was playing on the jukebox, or the guys in the corner arguing over a game of pool. She even tried to pretend to care about the conversation she struck up with the guy beside her who was drunkenly doing his best to get in her pants. But a moment later, the phone dinged, and she dove for it.
Sorry, I was in the shower. Yeah, I remember Bailey’s. That old dive bar you used to work at. When you were in school, and trying to prove your ‘independence’.
Santana smiled.
I did prove my independence, Pierce, no need for the quotations. I paid for all my classes that next semester.
True. I don’t think I’ve ever seen your dad so proud of you. Except for when you came out to him in high school.
Santana tried to think about how to respond. She didn’t want to force the conversation, but she didn’t want it to end. She thought for a few moments, and was about to respond when the phone buzzed again.
Why are you asking me about Bailey’s?
I’m here now, actually. I got on a train and ended up like a block away. Reminds me of old times.
Getting nostalgic on me, Santana?
Probably. :D
Santana watched the group of dots appear and then disappear a few times. She smiled down at her phone.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to bother you. Have a good night.
Santana took a few more sips of her beer, and left a tip on the counter, waving to the bartender. She took a detour to the bathroom, and then headed towards the bathroom. As she pushed open the door, she nearly ran into Brittany, who was racing in.
“Oof. Sorry!”
“Brittany? What are you doing here?”
Brittany seemed out of breath, and Santana gave her a moment.
“I-I live near here. I was thinking- I could meet you here before you left.”
“You ran here?”
“Yeah, it’s not far, seriously. Only a couple of blocks.”
“Well… Hi.”
Brittany smiled, and brushed past Santana and went into the bar. She sat down and ordered a beer, thanking the bartender with a smile, and taking a long sip.
“Mmmm, nice.”
Santana sat down beside her and ordered another, shrugging at the bartender’s confused look.
“She, um, decided she liked the place.”
She nodded and went to help some other patrons down the bar.
Santana and Brittany sat in a companionable silence for a few moments. Sipping their beer and watching the patrons drift in and out. Brittany took a few slow sips of her beer. She wasn’t sure why she’d run over to catch Santana before she left. She supposed she was feeling nostalgic as well, but there was more than that. Maybe it was loneliness talking, but after being without her for so long it finally felt good to be with her.
So, for now, she wouldn’t think about it. She wouldn’t try to qualify it, she would just enjoy her company. There was no reason not to. Santana wanted to respect her and give her space, and even though they’d been through so much, Brittany still trusted her.
She sat her beer down with a thump. “I can’t believe we’re still going to clubs and drinking all night.”
Santana laughed. “Well, back in the day we were drinking the cheapest liquor we could find and stuffing ourselves into Kurt and Rachel’s tiny apartment cause we couldn’t afford the cover at most clubs.”
They laughed.
“It was nice. You know? Those days. It’s nice to be nostalgic once in a while. Back when things were simpler. When everything was clear.”
Brittany’s voice trailed off, and Santana knew that she was talking about them. The two of them. Back when Brittana was simpler. When it was just a matter of telling your parents that you were in love with your best friend and then going to glee club and singing about it. Back when she could shimmy up the trellis of the Pierce house, crawl into the window that Brittany never locked, and climb into bed with her, wrapping her arms tight and letting go of all her fears. She’d never doubted for a moment that Brittany would take care of her. And she always thought she’d be there to take care of Brittany.
“Brittany, I-”
Suddenly, the first strains of ‘Gimme More’ blasted out from Brittany’s pocket. She reached in and grabbed it.
“Sorry, Santana, I’ve gotta take this.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Hi, Clark!” She said, excitedly, connecting the call and putting the phone up to her ear. “Yeah, yeah. What? Right now?”
Brittany turned slightly towards Santana, but didn’t make eye contact.
“Are you sure? Well, it’s kind of- I’m-” Brittany paused and took a breath. “Give me a second, ok? Thank.”
She finally fully turned to Santana. “Hey, um, sorry, my friend is free, and he wants to hang out, and we missed each other yesterday, so… I don’t mean to ditch you, but I just feel like he’s so busy, and we don’t get to see each other as often as we want…”
Brittany trailed off, hoping Santana would pick up the hint.
“Oh yeah.” Santana waved nonchalantly. “It’s cool. I was getting ready to head out anyway. Go, meet your friend, have fun.”
“Are you sure?”
Santana had never been more unsure of anything in her life, but she’d made a promise to herself. She wasn’t going to get in the way when it came to Brittany. She had to try.
She swallowed hard and nodded. “Yeah, get out of here, have fun.”
Brittany pulled her phone back up. “Ok, I can be outside my place in half an hour. Yeah? Okay, see you then. Bye!”
She smiled and ended the call, hopping off her stool, and pounding back the last of her drink. “Sorry, Santana, I didn’t even know he was going to call.”
“It’s all good. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you.” Brittany leaned over, wrapping her arms around Santana in a tight hug.
It was different than their hug before, less desperate, less needy. More comfortable like an old sweatshirt that you got in high school, and still wear on cold days when you want to stay in an binge old kung fu movies. It was a hug that felt like home, and that was a feeling Santana hadn’t had in a long time. She wrapped her arms around Brittany, only loosening after she felt the other woman do so.
“Have a good night, Brittany.”
“Thanks. And Santana?”
“I’m glad that you’re in town.”
Santana smiled. "Me too, Britt."
This is a fic that will update everyday until Valentine’s Day 2017. To truly enjoy please put on (Sweet Sweet Baby) Since You’ve Been Gone by Aretha Franklin. :P
FF.net link and Ao3 link.
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