#and lol i love the thought of moon and glad catching wind that their daughter's up to no good
sad-goomy · 5 years
growing pains
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so I also immediately latched onto the fun headcanon that Marnie is a Lona kid, and after seeing @aurantia-ignis‘s fanart and @trashyatt‘s fanart I got inspired to write whatever this fluff is
Gladion never thought he’d settle into domestic life.
Not that the idea of marriage or home life were ever upsetting to him, but it was hard to imagine when his own family was so shattered and he spent so much of his life alone with Null against the world.
Of course, he also didn’t think he’d meet someone like Moon, and then he didn’t think he’d fall in love with her, and then he didn’t think he’d ever propose, and then he didn’t think they’d have children, and then, well...
All that to say that while he still finds time to travel and take on the occasional adventure, there are certain routines he’s grown to like.
One of them is coming home from work to find his daughter finishing up her homework at the dining room table.
She’s there when he opens the door, breezing through the living area to drop off his things as he greets, “Hi Marnie.” He just has a quick glance at her before he’s walking past, intent to change into something far less formal and ask Moon what she wants for dinner.
But then her “hi dad” comes out so much meeker than usual, and she hunches dramatically over her worksheet, her nose just an inch from the table as she keeps her eyes down.
Gladion pauses, immediately noticing the misstep in their little routine. He turns, about to ask what’s wrong, when he realizes that half of her bangs are missing. Immediately his brows furrow, and he asks slowly, “What happened to your hair?”
“Nothing.” It comes out far too quickly and she turns her head slightly away from him.
The dad voice doesn’t come out often, but he figures it’s more than appropriate in this situation. “Marnie...”
Finally, with a sigh of defeat, she puts down her pencil and looks up at him.
She’s wearing one of her favorite sundresses – Lillie got her this one for her birthday – and for the most part, her hair is intact. Except, of course, for the side that’s been shaved, just a little and just enough that it gives him déjà vu.
A life on the run flashes before his eyes, of nights spent alone in a motel room at far too young an age, of a hasty haircut to try and hide himself, to lose himself. The image morphs into a little girl in a sundress, running away from home and lashing out at the world and feeling every bit as scared and angry as he was.
When the silence stretches too long, Marnie fidgets in her seat, pulling her ace card, that iron-clad excuse to get her off the hook. “Mom let me!”
It snaps Gladion out of his thoughts with a hum, and too distracted by the anxiety overtaking him to give a proper response to his daughter, turns and walks towards the master bedroom.
Moon’s in her armchair by the window, the last of the sunset giving her enough light to finish the chapter of the paperback she’s reading. She lifts her eyes off the page when she hears footsteps, and looks up to see her husband’s face in disarray.  
“You saw Marnie’s-”
“Marnie’s hair, yes.” He sighs, going to their closet to set down his briefcase and shrug off his suit jacket. His voice isn’t particularly angry, too marred by the unwanted memories and fear as he asks, “Why on earth did she want to shave it like that?”
Setting down her book, Moon stands from the arm chair, explaining as she walks to him, “She wanted it to look like yours.” He turns, not soothed at all by the answer, and she gives him a soft smile, her hands running along his arms. “She wants to be like her father.”
He frowns, eyes flickering to the side and unseeing. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
Moon rolls her eyes, taking his hands in hers as she huffs a little laugh. “Yes, tapus forbid she wants to save the world and be the head of an organization focused on the welfare of Pokémon.”
“You know what I meant.” His gaze hooks onto hers, and she can still see right through him after all these years. Even if he didn’t speak another word, she’d pick out the unspoken fears. Still, he tells her (because he wants to tell her, feels better when he tells her these things, and he never thought that’d be possible). His voice is barely above a whisper, fractured by the self-doubt.  
“What if she got the worst of me?”
Marnie is a good kid. He knows this, but he still has the nights where he lies awake in bed wondering if he’s really doing this right – if he’s really any better than his mother. There’s a competitive streak growing inside of Marnie, a stubbornness that he knows at least partially comes from him, and it’s not much now but he worries it’ll bloom into something with thorns.
“Then all the amazing things she got from her mom will outweigh them.” Moon pulls him out of the downward spiral with a wink, and he gives a weak laugh. Her face softens out of the mischief, her impish spark replaced with a warm, glowing adoration in her eyes as she lifts a hand to cup his face, thumb running over his cheek gently as she says simply, earnestly, “She’s growing into her own person, who really loves her farther – who's a damn good dad when he isn’t overthinking a haircut.”
He leans his head down and she gets up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his forehead, the last of his stress melting underneath the touch. “I know I worry too much.”
“Wouldn’t be Gladion if you didn’t.” There’s not a trace of bitterness or judgement in her tone, only the love and acceptance he’s slowly realized he’s worthy of. She steps back, gently tugging on the hand she still holds and smiling when he gives it a squeeze. “Now come on, I’m starving.”
They walk back out to see Marnie still at the dining room table, hands twisted into the hem of her dress and her papers tucked away into her school folder. She looks up quickly when her parents walk into the kitchen and dining room, her eyes searching their faces.
Moon hums at the sight. “You finish your homework, little Mareanie?”
She nods, too preoccupied with catching her dad’s eye to remind her mom that she’s getting too old for that nickname (after all, she’s eight, and that’s practically an adult). Her voice is small, and she lowers her head a touch as she asks, “Are you mad at me?”
In this moment, Gladion doesn’t think he could be mad at her if he tried. He never really was, just worried, and seeing her so concerned makes his heart clench. He’s quick to walk up to her, ruffling her hair with a lopsided smile as he says, “Just upset that your hair looks better than mine.” She giggles, smiling up at him as she fixes her pigtails. He detaches a Pokéball from his belt, holding it out to her. “Silvally’s feeling a little restless. How about you go play with him and your mom’s team before dinner?”
Her eyes light up, always delighted when she gets a chance to pretend to be a trainer, and she snatches the Pokéball from his hand, squealing as she runs off towards the door to the backyard. Moon and Gladion share a look, laughing as she opens the sliding door as quickly as she can, rousing her mother’s Pokémon from their evening nap on the grass.
However, before she steps outside, she turns, running back to wrap her arms around her dad, her eyes squeezed shut and a beam on her lips as she says with all the conviction she inherited from him, “Love you, Dad.”
He loses his voice for a moment, wrapping his arms around her and knowing that just for this moment, all is right with the world. “Love you, too, little Mareanie.”
And Marnie thinks that maybe she isn’t too old for that nickname after all, and Gladion thinks maybe he doesn’t mind this disruption to their routine, and Moon thinks the gene for dramatics definitely comes from the Aether side of the family.
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clubyukhei · 4 years
giant baby
pairing: wong yukhei x (f) reader
genre: fluff, slice of life
summary: you and yukhei celebrate the end of another week in a saccharine way despite an unexpected turn of events.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this started out as a timestamp… but it soon exceeded 1k words so here we are. but also there’s no such thing as too much dad!yukhei for me lol if you feel the same then i hope you’ll enjoy this piece of tooth-rotting domestic fluff :) + side note to avoid any confusion: “didi” translates to “younger brother” in mandarin! 
*reposted due to tag problems. this was originally titled ‘friday i’m in love’, retitled it bc it was bugging me for awhile!
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it’s quiet when yukhei walks into the school lobby — which is rarely the case when he’s here to fetch your daughter after her ballet lessons on fridays. 
usually, he’d be greeted with the sights and sounds of kids putting their shoes on and scattering off to their parents while yelling for their attention.
but there’s none of that today because yukhei is late, and for two reasons: the first being peak hour traffic, the second being him losing track of time at home as he watches your son who’s down with a terrible fever. 
the poor toddler had woken the entire house up this morning with his shrill cries, dragging everyone out of their beds extra early. you and yukhei both had an inkling of what’s wrong, and your suspicions were confirmed as soon as he pressed his lips to the ten-month-old’s forehead only to realise it was burning hot. 
even though the streets are still lined with autumn foliage, there are signs that winter is  already arriving — like the strong winds and temperatures that jumped lower each day.
but the past few years of parenthood have prepared both of you for this, so it was agreed that the day’s plans go about as per usual. 
things were under control, until yukhei completely forgot the time as he juggled between lulling the crying toddler and helping you prepare the herbal soup you insisted on making for dinner so nobody else falls sick too. 
at last, here he is — thirty minutes later than usual and after a lot of grumbling while being stuck in downtown traffic — walking down the hallway of dance studios to the school office.
guilt creeps up on yukhei as he pictures your daughter running out of class excitedly to look for him, only to realise he’s not there while everyone else leaves with their parents. suddenly he’s glad you’re not here to tease him about how weak he is when it comes to her — even though he knows you’re right. 
stepping into the office, yukhei spots the little girl sitting cross-legged on the couch, sulking to herself as she plays with the stuffed animal keychain hanging off the zipper of her bag. 
“princess?” he calls out softly.
“daddy!” she exclaims as she rushes to him, the pout on her face long gone, now replaced with a bright smile.
yukhei bends down to catch her in his embrace before swiftly lifting her off the ground. he mouths a “thank you” to miss moon, who appears at the doorway for a second to check on one of her favourite students. 
“daddy, did you forget about me?” the ballerina in his arms asks curiously. “why did you take so long?” 
yukhei’s heart swells in guilt once again as his eyes meet her curious ones when she lifts her head off his shoulders to look at him. it’s an innocent question that has him speechless for a second. 
“no, no...  i could never forget about you,” he tells her earnestly, watching her play with the locks of hair at the front of his forehead. 
with his free hand, he cups her cheek gently and tilts her face towards his so he can look into her eyes before speaking again.
“i’m sorry, princess.” he says, smoothing over the softness of her cheek with a thumb. “i was stuck in traffic. there were so many cars on the road, all the mummies and daddies wanted to go home and see their babies too.”
“oh,” the little girl nods in realisation. “it’s okay, daddy. i wanna go home and see didi too!”
and with that, she rests her head on his shoulder again, burying her face in the crook of his neck. yukhei is slightly dumbfounded.
“really? were you scared when you didn’t see daddy?”
“no! i’m a big girl, remember?”
yukhei chuckles, both relieved and amused by the four-year-old’s answer. 
“yes you are.”
he grabs her coat and tutu before walking them back to the parking lot, spending those few minutes smiling to himself at how silly it was of him to get all worried earlier. 
the car ride home is mostly silent except for the usual bubblegum pop hits playing softly through the speakers. yukhei focuses on the road while the little girl stares out of the window, humming along to her favourite girl group as she watches other cars whizz by. 
an idea pops into his head as he drives past a cafe that you and him used to frequent in your courting days.
your daughter gasps when she realises he’s pulling into a drive-thru. 
“a special treat since daddy was late today, okay?”
“yay! are we getting ice cream?” 
“no ice cream for today, princess. it’s getting cold and i don’t want you falling sick like your didi.” yukhei hums. “how about a babyccino?”
“okay! thank you daddy,” she rejoices, wiggling excitedly in her booster seat. 
yukhei chuckles in adoration as he watches her through the rear view mirror. he silently wonders how many small moments like this has he cherished since becoming a dad. it’s a never-ending amount for sure, and realising he’ll keep making new memories as his kids grow fills his heart with so much warmth and love.
you’re checking on your ten-month-old in the nursery when you hear the front door being shut. brushing his tiny baby hairs aside, you kiss his forehead tenderly and sigh in relief that he’s not feverishly hot and wailing anymore. 
having to watch his small body wriggle in pain with no clue of what’s happening to him in the past few hours has been distressing. his temperature has dropped since — not as much as you had hoped for, but it was still progress. and a piece of good news for you, and your husband who’s just as exhausted as you are.
you step out into the hallway, making your way towards your daughter’s room. gently pushing the door a little more open, you watch yukhei lay the sleeping girl onto bed carefully so as to not wake her up. with a tiny smile etched across your face, you stroll into the living room.
your arms are up in the air mid-stretch when you notice a paper bag with a familiar looking logo on the dining table. 
“you’re welcome,” yukhei sings as he walks past you and into the kitchen.
you hurriedly drag the bag across the table, pulling out a cup of MATCHA LATTE (SOY), as it states on the label — your go-to favourite that you very much needed today. 
“oh my.” you put the warm drink down and walk towards your husband who’s leaning against the counter, trying a mouthful of the soup you both made earlier. 
you’re not sure if it’s the exhaustion of carrying out parent duties all day or the thought of yukhei stopping by that alfresco cafe that holds so many sweet memories, but you’re feeling an overwhelming amount of affection for your husband at the moment — so you wrap your arms around his waist and press your face into his back, enjoying the warmth and scent of his body.
“what would i do without you? thank you baby.” 
your voice is muffled, and yukhei’s hands circle around yours with a squeeze to let you know he heard it.
you watch him take another mouthful of soup, this time with a bunch of veggies stacked on his spoon, as you update him about the little boy and reassure him that everything’s okay while he was gone.
“how did it go, by the way? were you late?” you ask.
“mmhmm. but our _____ is a big girl, she didn’t cry at all.”
“of course. if anyone’s crying, it’s you, my giant baby.”
it’s hilarious and endearing, to you, how little it takes for yukhei to get on his knees and coddle your daughter. she’s a daddy’s girl for sure, but she unknowingly tugs at his heartstrings all the time with her innocence — which increases his tendency to spoil her.
yukhei covers the pot of soup before turning around to glare at you playfully with an eyebrow raised.
“don’t you think you should be nicer to me after that little surprise?” 
you merely giggle, turning around to grab your matcha latte. 
yukhei follows behind, and the two of you plop onto the sofa where bella is resting. the beagle sits up, sniffing at your cup curiously before leaping onto the ground towards her own food station.
“the kids are asleep... you know what that means.” yukhei yawns. 
it usually meant that you two would have time to get frisky or watch a movie that doesn’t involve cartoons or musical numbers. but you and him knew you both needed something else today.
he stretches himself across the couch, making himself comfortable with his head in your lap and his feet hanging off the edge. 
“it means nap time for you.” 
“and you too.” 
“but i got to rest a bit while you were out, baby.” you set the lid of your drink aside, taking a sip of the milk foam. “it’s your turn now. i’ll wake you up when it’s dinner time.” 
yukhei hums. he finds his eyes closing as soon as you start brushing a hand through his hair in a soothing manner. 
a few moments pass. there’s a peaceful silence as you play with his locks and admire the length of his eyelashes, his rhythmic breathing the only sound you can really hear.
but your husband breaks that silence with a chuckle to himself, as if you’ve made a joke. 
you’re confused. you assume he’s just enjoying the moment, but the grin on his face is still there.
“are you dreaming already?”
yukhei laughs this time, shaking his head.
“i just realised something. _____ does this too, you know?”
“she likes messing my hair around. just like her mum.”
you try to bite back a smile, but it’s a total failure. giddy with affection, you press a long kiss to his forehead.
“go to sleep, giant baby.”
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ardentmuse · 5 years
Hey, Lia! Congrats on your 2k! You deserve every bit of happiness! If it's not too much to ask... I'd like number 37 with Robb Stark (or Scott Lang, if it's too complicated with Robb). Thank you so much! Sending all the love!
A Lord Needs A Lady
Game of Thrones - Robb Stark x fem!Reader
37. I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.
Wordcount: 2.1k (remember that time I said these would be less that 1k, lols!)
Warnings: talk of drunkenness, implied sexuality, implied nudity, aged-up Robb
A/N: Thank you for requesting this because I love GoT so much I am still in the weeds healing my heart from the finale. This was such fun to write. 
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The dew upon the ground turned to frost in just the few hours since sunset, crunching under your feet with each memorized step. Winter had yet to begin properly but the chill of the northern air on nights like this made it hard to tell the difference. 
You could hear the sounds of the feast in the great hall of the castle; jolly songs of wartime victories and beautiful maidens, the clang of mugs upon wooden tables, the rowdy laughter of men speaking words within the walls of such a noble house that should be saved for the brothels, and the groping hands – so many groping hands – were enough to put you off your dinner. Winterfell had been abuzz since the moment King Robert and his cohort had arrived, just a mess of chaos of courtly duties. 
Honestly, you had trained for this sort of thing your whole life as a ward of the Starks and daughter of nobles in your own right, but seeing the ways of the southern houses in earnest made you quite glad for the lands of your birth. Calm, honorable, and hardy were your people, people who understood that the food they ate and the wine they drank and the fire that warmed them took time and effort to come into being, that people had to put work into creating comfort and that work should not go unappreciated or uncompensated. Fortitude and respect were the values you saw befitting of a noble and on display at the high table of the Stark family great hall at the moment was nothing of the sort. When you thought of good leadership, you couldn’t help but picture Lord Stark and the son he had raised to take his place, men truly worthy of your loyalty and, in the latter’s case, worthy of even more. 
The sounds faded in full as you became surrounded by a soft canopy of trees. The crunching of your feet was drowned out by the soft babble of the hot spring before you and the wanderings of your mind were eliminated by the imposing presence of the weirwood tree before you, impossibly beautiful and haunting all at once. No one seemed to enter the godswood nowadays, least of all your southern visitors. There was no better place to be alone.
The chilly wind rushed through your hair as you took in the steam rising off the water. Slowly, you undid the ties of your cloak, a dark grey wool lined with the warmest fur and embellished in white flowers, a gift from Sansa as she practiced her stitches last year. Your dress flowed from your hips in a beautiful cascade of aquamarine, not much different from the waters that tempted you right now. Your hands moved off their own accord as you took in the silence of the night. Each bow and lace fell open with your breathing. Calm and peace was this place. You hated the thoughts that filled your mind of just how that might change forever with your latest arrivals. 
The cloth pooled at your feet and soon you were covered in a chill, goose pimples lining your exposed arms and shins as your shift and smallclothes did little to maintain your body temperature. You tested the waters before you with your toe and were about to step in when you remembered yourself. You reached up and removed that small golden clasp that held the crown of your hair out of the way. Now you were fit for the waters. 
Feeling like Elenei herself, you took graceful steps into the waters, like your body was returning to its home. You felt the warmth immediately as the white cloth of your small clothes stuck to your skin leaving nothing to the imagination. But this was a cleansing ritual, a removal of the grim of the south and a return to the purity of your true form. You were a goddess of winter, one with the weirwoods, and here, away from the wretched queen and her handsy guards, you felt like yourself once again. 
You closed your eyes, letting the minutes pass by, feeling truly at home.
“My lady,” a voice called from the other end of the godswood. 
Immediately, your eyes shot open and you made to protect your modesty, but the night was dark, only the moon shining through the thick layer of trees above. You could hardly make out the form in the trees. 
“I was hoping I might find you here,” said the man who now slowly moved towards you. His voice removed any tension you had felt at being caught in a compromised position. Robb moved with cautious steps, giving you a moment to sink deeper into the water, always a gentleman. 
“My lord,” you stuttered as you moved to grab your clothes, though the rise of his hand stopped you. 
“You know, it’s just Robb, Y/N. I’ve had enough ‘m’ lord’s’ for one day,” Robb said before taking a seat upon the rocks a safe distance from you. He leaned forward with his hands upon his knees and back bent in exhaustion. The moonlight caught the red of his hair, so styled at the moment compared to the loose fall of curls you were so used to seeing. The sharp line of his jaw that had grown so strong since you were small children playing hide and seek in these woods was locked tight in concentration. This was a man sitting before you, with all the seriousness of his father at the moment. 
“Then, Robb, what brings you out here?”
“You,” he said immediately, looking up to meet your gaze. He smiled that half-smile you liked so much and all the Ned of his form somehow washed away, “Knew you’d find a way to sneak away the moment the drink started flowing.” 
You laughed. He did have you pegged. 
“Is there something wrong with wanting a moment of peace and quiet?” 
“Yes,” his voice was stern and serious; “You’re supposed to invite me with you.” 
You both sat in silence for a moment before Robb bust out laughing. 
“Gods, I just waltz over here while you’re bathing, didn’t I?” 
You watched him for a moment, enjoying seeing the boy once again behind the lord he was so quickly becoming.
“Yes, you did,” you said with a smile, “Though having you interrupt me isn’t the worst thing in the world.”
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice a little too high. You thought you saw a bit of pink on his cheeks as the clouds moved through, revealing new light into your clearing. 
You simply nodded before resting once again deep against the stones that lined your pool. Together you enjoyed your silent companionship once more. You mind was clear except for the gentle breathing of the handsome man before you. When had he grown so dashing, it was hard to tell. One day you were tiny things, playing house in these woods, climbing trees and sharing secrets as you each skipped out of your lessons. And now here you were, a man and woman grown, as close as two could be without a cloak upon your shoulder and a vow upon your lips. 
Little did you know, Robb had placed that vow upon his own lips as soon as he understood what love was. The cloak was simply a formality.
Robb shrugged off his cloak. “How is it in there, anyway?” He nodded towards the water, the steak almost obscuring your vision at this point with how the cold had rolled in. 
You sighed in enjoyment of the warmth upon your skin. “I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.” 
Robb chuckled to himself before coughing, “Whoever has been giving you orgasms is clearly failing you.” 
You felt your cheeks grow hot the way only Robb words or touch could ever do to you. But somehow, despite how much you knew such talk was wrong when you heard it in the halls of Winterfell, here with Robb in the eyes of the old gods, it felt completely natural. 
“How dare you insult my hands so. They are lovely hands, I’d have you know!” 
You watched Robb swallow, unable to meet your eyes anymore. 
He hesitated before speaking once again, so quiet you worried what he said wasn’t meant for your ears, “No one has ever helped you in such a way?”
“No, Robb,” you whispered, realizing only now that you wouldn’t mind Robb helping you in such ways, “If you recall, I was raised a lady.” 
“A beautiful lady,” he said into the night, “A remarkably beautiful lady.” 
You felt your breath catch in your chest and only after a moment were you able to look up and meet the pleading blue eyes of the boy you loved so, the lord of your heart as much as of your lands and your home. 
“A lord needs such a lady,” he added as he stood and took hesitant steps towards you. You couldn’t breathe as his form grew closer, like a mountain moving before you, shifting the seas of your heart with each step. Somehow, in all of this chaos, the love of children had grown into something earth-shattering, something worth sacrificing your honor for. 
He reached the edge of the pool, his eyes never leaving yours and never dipping to look below the waters, clear enough to reveal to him the parts of yourself meant to stay hidden. His hands played with the clasps of his doublet.
“May I?” he asked. And no matter what he meant, you knew in that moment the answer was yes.
With you nod, Robb began to disrobe, his clothes slowly forming a pile beside your own, separate but together, just as you two seemed to always be. 
You had seen Robb without his shirt before as you watched the men train in the yard but this was different. This was meant for your eyes, Robb bearing himself for you in earnest, his heart exposed as much as his body. And soon he too was sinking into the warm pools of the gods had left for such unions, the swirling waters pulling you together like stars in orbit.
He sunk down to his shoulders as he bobbed towards you. Your knees touched as he came as close as he dared, his eyes still never leaving yours. Their piercing blue seemed so warm in the glow of the moonlight, a different kind of water you now desired to swim in. 
“Father is leaving before the next moon,” he whispered. Robb’s hand hesitantly came to touch your jaw, your ear, the soft skin of you neck. His touch sent shivers wherever it went but you held still, afraid your movement might scare him away. But Robb was a wolf, and wolves are not so easily deterred from their prey, not that you wouldn’t gladly be eaten if he so desired it.
Robb continued, “I’ll be Lord of Winterfell in truth.” He moved closer, his skin pressing against your wet clothes, against your body that lie just underneath them. The warmth of him was so much more intoxicating that the waters ever could be. “And a lord needs a lady.” 
His hand moved to your chin as he tilted your head up to him look at him again. The softness you saw there, only for you, made it clear that it was a question and not a statement. It only took you a moment to nod, a promise before the old gods that the man before you was yours and you were his. 
With a bright smile, Robb leaned forward and kissed you. His hand found your lower back and pulled you flush to him and your whole body lit on fire. No night had ever been warmer.
And as your hands found firm grip in his long auburn locks, you knew too that the cloak was just a formality.
All tags: @fangirlandnerd, @aerdnandreaa, @thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian, @whovianayesha, @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy, @luna-xxxxx, @sleepylunarwolf, @starryrevelations, @potter-thinking, @all-by-myself98, @bananafosters-and-books, @cutie-bug, @igotmadskills, @hazelandcoconuts, @yallgotkik
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For all of my sweet friends~
I’m so grateful for the wonderful friends I’ve made over the years since moving to Oregon. None of them have tumblrs so they won’t see this, but I feel the need to thank them here. 
Kelsay~ You are my best friend. Thank you for your constant sweetness, random well wishing and “I miss you” texts. You’re so down to earth and thoughtful. I’m sorry the beginning of our friendship was awkward, before I met you I hadn’t had a real, true friend in a very long time and was suspicious and gaurded due to negative past experiences with other “friends.” I think often of all the silly adventures we have and can’t wait to have more! I absolutely love that we have so much in common, think alike, and have the same hobbies, so it’s been a true joy sharing that with you. It’s really easy to find gifts for you because we literally love all of the same things. It’s so neat how we just “vibe” with our minds, like twins. I love being “moon sisters,” “crystal twins,” and “daughters of nature” together. 
Emily~ You are always thinking of others, and always buying or making gifts for me with your cricket. You have so little, yet you always manage to put others first. It meant a lot to me to hear you tell me that I’m your only real friend, I don’t believe that though, as there are many others who love you, too. I know you’re sad and weighed down with grief right now, but I believe in you. I know you and Sean will conceive again, and I’ll be right there to make sure you have the happiest baby shower ever!
Sheila~ You have taught me a lot and I have so much respect for you. You’ve had it rough, but you are one of the strongest people I know! I love your confidence, and your enormously loud personality. It’s also nice to know another “real-life Rapunzel.” I’ve never had another friend with 50 inch hair, so I love talking hair with you and sharing tips. Before I met you I didn’t think I could be friends with you because we’re such opposites in a lot of ways. But you proved me so wrong! Your loud, booming voice has taught me to speak up for myself, the love you have for your body has taught me not to be so shy about fashion and showing off. You are the definition of a strong, independant woman! Thank you for ferociously protecting me in those uncomfortable situations I was going through. And all the little “I saw this and immediately thought of you and had to buy it!” gifts. Also, you are HILARIOUS and I can always count on you to give me one of those ab-crushing laughing fits. 
Cory~ I know a lot of people don’t like you, and it really makes me sad. I’ve seen past the parts of you that others refuse to understand, and I’m glad you feel so comfortable sharing your thoughts with me. Thank you for my gorgeous peacock wind spinner and for Percy the Parrot (lol.) Also for all the snacks when I’m abut to faint from hunger. We’ve had some really funny times and I still catch myself laughing about that guy shaking the crap out of that cereal box. 
Jen~ You are someone I look up to a lot. You feel like a big sister to me. You share a lot of the same experiences that I did growing up and I have loved dancing alongside you in our many performances. You’re a great dancer, and thank you for pushing me so hard to become a better performer. 
Tehya~ Everyone “warned” me about you, but that didn’t stop me from trying to get to know you. I feel honored that you felt more comfortable opening up to me than to anyone else. I enjoy our random talks and it’s fun lollygagging with you sometimes when we should be working. 
Nic~ You are such a hilarious dude and I love nerding out with you, talking about video games, and watching stupid meme videos and YTPs. Cal misses you and wishes you still worked with him. Also, I might kidnap your turtle someday, she is too cute!
Linn~ I enjoy our plant/garden talks and the fun we’ve had being excited over eachother’s new houses and how we’ll decorate them. I like how we share the same “unpopular opinions” about certain things. It’s so nice to have someone who understands my love for being a loner, even though I care about others. It’s very tiring making time and energy for things when all we want to do is be alone in our rooms, lol. 
Loz~ I literally just met you last week, but you already have proven to be a sweet lady and now I finally have a friend who understands my extreme love and need for sleep! Lol. Team 4am to 2pm sleepers! 
I’m so grateful to have all of you in my life and I feel so loved! Thank you for all you do and I can’t wait to make more memories with each of you. <3
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