#and really anyone who isn't his wife anya
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"Ah, it's always wonderful to see people who enjoy cultivating the fruits of science."
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spyxfamily-yapper 18 days
Currently consumed by the idea of Twilight vs. the idea of Loid Forger
Like Loid Forger is technically just another one of Twilight's fake personas for a mission but I think a lot of Loid Forger is rooted in who he really is, or at least this character is the closest to who he really is compared to other roles we have seen him play. I mean, I feel like we all sort of view Twilight as the spy and Loid Forger as his "true" self (or closer to his true self than Twilight?? I wonder if he sees Twilight as his true self or if he doesn't really think he has a "true" self anymore...)
I really liked the perspective I've read around in different places (I know a lot of people have talked about this, not sure if one person popularized the thought 馃槶) when looking at Twilight as a spy vs as a person in Episode 24 when he was faced with the idea that Yor felt inferior and thought Fiona would replace her. His first reaction to this and to the possibility that Yor was jealous and actually had feelings for him was to engage operation honey trap. After that doesn't work, he decided to pull from his own personal life experience with his mother to explain to Yor how important she was to him and Anya. The first response was from Twilight, that of a spy. The second was from Loid Forger, that of just a person, or rather, himself. In general, he connects best with Yor when being Loid, not Twilight, and Yor is really one of the only people we have seen him get vulnerable like this with. So, Yor is one of the only people who knows who he truly is, which is especially interesting because he willingly volunteers the information about himself when speaking to her like in episode 24. It's very different from people at WISE who might already know his past. Who else would he tell such intimate details to?
But...Loid Forger still isn't who he really is. So...when he reveals actual details about his actual life to Yor (or anyone) as Loid Forger, is he in a way slowly making himself become Loid Forger instead of keeping his true self / identity (whatever that is) separate from this character created for a mission? Which then also implies that Yor is sort of pushing Loid Forger and his true self together to become more like one person...so she's pushing him to be more of his true self and maybe even to start seeing Loid Forger as his true identity? (I really think he might start referring to himself as Loid in his head without thinking about it even when he is not in a place or situation where he has to be in "Loid Forger" mode.)
ALSO obsessed with the idea that Twilight will become (or is 馃憖) jealous of the Loid Forger character he plays. Partly because Loid has a lot of the things he gave up on having as a spy (a family, a wife, a stereotypical "normal" life) and partly because Loid is so close to who he truly is / wants to be.
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yanderes-galore 13 days
Can I request Yan Jd relationship with reader that look a like her mom? It's up to you if it's platonic or romantic
I wasn't quite sure what you meant but I hope this works ^^;
This idea is based on these HCs, for this you are the daughter of Marcus's darling.
Yandere! Platonic! JD Fenix Concept
(Mother! Darling AU (?) - Extended Idea)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Yandere sibling, Angst, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Marcus is yandere for your mother, Forced family dynamic, Blood mention, Violence implied, Forced companionship.
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I'm not going to lie, I feel like JD would resent you and your mother at first.
Your mother has been his father's obsession for... years.
Even when he was with Anya, he never loved her as much as your mother.
JD already has a strained relationship with his father.
So when he first meets you he's... unsure.
His father looks so happy around your mother.
Although, JD himself is a bit envious that Marcus acts like a father to you.
While JD may hate you at first... when working alongside you, he begins to realize you aren't that bad.
You are friends with Kait and Del, so JD begins to feel a bit bad for resenting you due to your mother.
He probably shouldn't even hate your mother, she doesn't seem to support his father's behavior.
However, when Marcus does announce that he is officially getting together with your mother, JD accepts it.
You're technically his sibling now... with the whole Swarm situation going on, he doesn't mind that anymore.
You two really do fight better alongside each other.
JD goes from hating you to seeing you as family.
Even more so when Marcus tries to encourage JD to see you as a sibling.
Marcus is doing his best to create a new family.
Marcus wants your mother as his wife, you as his daughter, and JD to be your brother.
While JD originally wasn't fond of you, he's always been loyal and protective of family and friends.
So you have him as your overprotective brother... making your little "family" have two yanderes.
JD may even apologize to you for blaming you.
Truth is, none of this was your fault... or your mother's.
JD may even know how toxic the bond between your parents is, but ends up feeding into it.
If anything, your beliefs swap.
You're against the whole thing while JD supports it.
He tells you he loves you as his new sister, that it actually isn't that bad being your step/half-brother.
JD makes a promise to his dad that he'll protect you in battle.
That or if Marcus wants you to drop working with the COG and come live with your mother, JD will support that too.
JD can't really blame his dad... even JD is coming to terms with the idea of losing those close to him.
For example, Del in Gears 5 if you make the choice.
So, in a similar manner to his father, he wants to protect you.
The Swarm may be a problem, yet when it's all over...
Maybe you can all be a family?
You and your mother are the only ones in the family who can see how wrong this all is.
JD sees you as the sibling he never had, his mother died before she could give him one.
He regrets ever hating you or your mother.
He loves you both and makes it a goal to keep you all happy.
If anyone tries to harm you, JD will be there to defend you.
He doesn't mind getting a little bloody for those he loves... just like his father.
If you tried leaving with your mother, he'd help his father find you both.
Anything to make his father happy... the two understand one another as time goes on.
He's... a lot like his father, actually.
While JD's hugs would feel innocent when you were both just friends...
Now they just feel like a cage...
After all, JD is just like his father in the end... and you can never leave your family.
"Y'know... being siblings doesn't seem that bad, does it? I'm sorry I hated you... I see you're important to me now. I'll be sure to protect you with my life... now and forever."
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maya-matlin 3 months
(TW tor rape mention)
So I think I saw you talk about this a while back, about how the Sav and Anya having sex was a disturbing since she lied to him about being on birth control. Do you think that it could technically qualify as rape that she did that. Cause Sav made it clear he didn鈥檛 think they鈥檇 be having sex and he didn鈥檛 bring protection so he likely wouldn鈥檛 have consented otherwise. I doubt this even crossed the writers minds as they could be very sketchy about male consent especially and they clearly wanted us to sympathize with Anya. I definitely don鈥檛 think she鈥檇 ever do something like that on purpose, and I guess her consequence was Sav dumping her, but again the writers tried to portray her as sympathetic and wrote it like Sav was the jerk for dumping her after taking her virginity. But that鈥檚 like the main reason their relationship never worked, they could never properly communicate or be honest with each other about anything. 95% of their relationship was one of them lying (and honestly鈥hey tried to make it seem like Sav keeping her from his parents was this awful thing and while he may have not been entirely honest about it and it鈥檚 understandable that Anya was upset it wasn鈥檛 nearly as bad as Anya lying about being on the pill and then lying about being pregnant. Like Sav only didn鈥檛 tell his parents cause he knew it鈥檇 make their relationship harder. He鈥檚 still far from being the best boyfriend but as much as I do like Anya鈥檚 character and definitely believe she鈥檚 a good person at heart she was honestly worse in that relationship and I don鈥檛 think it鈥檚 talked about enough. And what makes me sad about it honestly is that this isn鈥檛 the last time they writers did something like this, and it was so underwritten and brushed off so easily that I didn鈥檛 even view it as disturbing until recently鈥 always knew it was a bad decision but it鈥檚 really so much more than that when you really look at it closely.
Honestly, yes. What Anya did to Sav technically falls under rape by deception. Sav only consented to sleeping with Anya because he was under the impression she was on birth control. Because he was unable to give his full, enthusiastic consent, I do think she violated him. Maybe not intentionally and with the full knowledge of the nuances of sexual consent, but Anya was fully aware that her lie is what allowed her to get Sav into bed that night. Even if we pretend that lying about being on birth control isn't a legal issue, it's a pretty fucked up thing to do to someone you're supposed to be in love with. Or fuck, anyone for that matter. It's a completely selfish and horrific thing to do. Degrassi halfway got this right? Once Sav finds out the truth, he's disturbed, no longer trusts Anya, and no longer wants to be in a relationship with her. His reactions are understandable and sympathetic. It's the least of what she deserved. But at the same time, yeah. We're supposed to sympathize with Anya. Based on how the episode played out with us seeing both Sav's (part 1) and Anya's (part 2) POV, I think the takeaway is supposed to be somewhere in the middle. Sav is sympathetic and understandable because of his parents' expectations. He's not choosing to keep their relationship a secret because he's an asshole and trying to disrespect Anya. He's doing it because the Bhandaris were strict parents who didn't want him to date anyone, especially not when they weren't Muslim. However, the lying to Anya and allowing her to believe his family is aware she's his girlfriend is also a problem. Anya is already pretty insecure and has a low self esteem. She puts so much emphasis on her love life and fully believes Sav is the one. So him constantly refusing to stand up to his parents for her kind of fucks with her head? Then suddenly, his arranged wife makes it clear she wants Sav for herself and is going to do what she can to undermine his relationship with Anya. The decision to sleep with Sav without protection in order to lock down their relationship (whether she was actively thinking about getting pregnant or not) was an impulsive one and definitely not something meant to harm Sav or make him feel violated. The thing is, that's what she did. Just because Anya's motivations leading up to the act were sympathetic doesn't absolve her from raping her boyfriend. In season 10, yeah. Any acknowledgement of what happened that night is completely gone. Sav just dumped Anya after they lost their virginity to each other. Her next act is to literally fake a pregnancy, albeit to help Holly J out. Somehow, Sav is charmed by this. What the actual fuck? It's complicated because the majority of teenage boys aren't brought up to believe that they can be sexually assaulted. Especially by a girl or woman. So for that reason, I have to believe Sav pushed down any conflicted feelings he had about their encounter and simply moved forward. I still don't think Sav being charmed makes any sense, though.
Anyways, yes! I struggle a lot with Anya now. It's taken several years for me to think critically about this story line partially because I didn't want to see it. She was one of my all time favorite characters for a long time. It's easy for me to call out Katie and Declan because their demeanors were very manipulative with both doing clear villainous things. Same with Owen, another character totally ruined for me after recent rewatches. There's very little redeemable there. But with Anya, you look at her and you don't think "rapist". You don't even think "manipulative" or necessarily a bad person. She's just so cute and relatable, right? She makes bad decisions and is kind of a disaster half the time, but she's still lovable. The issue is, she did a pretty unforgivable thing. Overall, Anya is a character that repeatedly has a weird relationship with honesty and does drastic things in the name of holding onto a man. Like somehow, she spends most of her last few weeks of high school dating Owen "#MeToo" Milligan after he sexually harassed Anya herself, forced himself on Alli, and committed hate crimes against Riley and Zane. It's a lot to overlook.
This is only tangentially related, but I can't help but compare Anya's behavior with Sav during those episodes to Zig's with Maya in #YesMeansYes. It's not an exact comparison because there's no birth control deception going on, but in both cases you have two desperate, insecure partners who just want to secure their relationships with their boyfriend/girlfriend and believe sex is the best way to do it. Zig never intended to scare Maya or violate her boundaries, but in trying to "be forceful" so that she'd want to sleep with him it led to the opposite outcome. Thankfully, Zig got the chance to correct this behavior and learned a lesson. Maya was given reassurance that she was safe with Zig and that he understood the importance of consent and how it works. But with Anya and Sav, there was no stopping it. Anya made this choice for both of them, and it was Sav who had to live with it.
Needless to say, it's appalling that Degrassi irresponsibly portrayed so many "grey area" sexual encounters throughout the years. Especially when they were either too uneducated or cowardly to explain exactly what was going on during these moments. Because to some degree, Sav, Holly J and Drew all suffered negative consequences for behavior that wasn't their fault. The fact it wasn't until Next Class that this behavior started to be corrected proves how important a franchise like Degrassi still is. Society is always changing, and we're still learning so much.
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pennywaltzy 1 year
The Last Twenty-Four Hours (BtVS)
So this is one of my old Buffyverse fic, posted to AO3 with some formatting changes and minor edits. The parts in italics are direct quotes from the show (there's a list of which episodes in the authors notes on AO3). It's an apocalypse fic, of the non-demonic variety, and shows how everyone copes. Enjoy!
The Last Twenty-Four Hours - There are twenty-four hours left before Sunnydale's destroyed and no one can stop it.
"It's all over then, isn't it?" Buffy asked, over the muffled sobs of Willow and Tara.
Giles nodded. "I'm afraid it is. There is nothing you can do."
"But I'm the slayer, it's what I do!"
"This isn't a demon, Buffy. I'm afraid this is quite out of your hands." Giles took off his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "The comet is to hit in Nepal. That won't make much of a difference to us. But the earthquake that is to hit only moments later will. It will start in San Francisco and travel down the San Andreas fault, breaking California into parts and causing massive tidal waves."
"So those lucky enough to survive the earthquake might not have a chance at all?" Xander asked.
"I'm afraid so. We have twenty-four hours everyone. That is all." Giles sat down on his couch. "I suggest you use the time wisely."
*** 5 PM ***
Buffy packed bags for Dawn and her mother. After telling them what was happening, they felt the need to leave. Dawn was still the Key, and nothing could help that. She tried hard not to cry...there really was no safe place in California, but Giles said New York should be okay. Amazingly, no one else was planning on leaving. They had all known they were going to die one way or another.
The only other person going with them was Spike. Good old Spike...he'd volunteered. Even he seemed afraid to stay. said all the demons were hightailing it out of California. And that meant he knew Joyce and Dawn might not be safe, so he said he'd go. He had no idea what this meant to her, even after the horrible way she'd treated him after he admitted he loved her. She needed to show him.
She had to.
*** 6 PM ***
Anya lay in bed, waiting for Xander. They were both fully clothed, which was unusual for them. "Have you called Cordelia?"
He nodded, sitting next to her. "Yeah. She and I spent a half hour apologizing. She told everyone except Angel."
"Why didn't she tell Angel?"
"He's in New York, hunting a demon there. It was important. She's sure he'll be safe there. She told me...she hoped I had been happy." He took one of Anya's hands in his. "I've been very happy, with you. Have I ever told you that?"
"No, not really."
"I'm the happiest I've ever been, Anya. If there was time, I'd marry you."
"Marry me?" she said in a shocked voice. Then she looked at the clock "Come on."
*** 7 PM ***
Willow and Tara stood, beaming, as the Justice of the Peace asked if anyone objected. Both of them shook their heads. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," he said, looking at Xander and Anya, who were already doing just that.
"Congratulations!" the two women chorusedd, sharing hugs. Anya was crying, Willow was crying, Tara was crying...even Xander was leaking a few tears.
"I just wish you two..." Xander began, but Willow shook her head.
"We've already done a Wiccan bonding ceremony. That's enough," Willow said as Tara nodded. "Besides, you two...we knew it would happen eventually." She then looked at the two of them. "And here's our gift to you. We used my dad's credit card."
Tara handed them two plane tickets. "You two, you get out of here. Live a long life."
Xander looked choked up. "Will, Tara..."
"Just go," Willow said, brushing away a tear. "Go."
*** 8 PM ***
Spike didn't doze. He simply let the small blonde girl sleep in his arms. She'd tried to sleep with him, and just couldn't. He wouldn't have taken advantage of her anyhow. He kissed her forehead lightly. He had dreamed of a moment like this, where she laid in his arms like this, where she breathed in and out softly and slept. He hadn't imagined it would be because the world as they knew it now was going to change drastically.
He knew his sire was in New York. Spike had sent him on a wild goose chase there, knowing that this prophecy was going to happen. All the vampires in Sunnydale knew; he just hoped Angel didn't. And now he was going to do the hardest thing he could think of.
He was going to send Buffy to him.
But for now, he'd let her sleep.
*** 9 PM ***
Xander and Anya looked at their bags. "Should we go?" Anya asked.
"Yes," Xander said. Anya looked ready to argue, but Xander held his hand up. "Willow and Tara would never have given us these tickets if they thought we wouldn't use them. We can have a future together. We can have children and live a life that they can't."
"But I feel...selfish."
Xander nodded wearily. "I do too. But I know them. They'll find a way out of here. I hope."
Anya took his hand in hers, their fingers entwined, two simple gold bands the only new additions to the familiar sight. "They will. Even if I have...to..." She thought for a moment. "I have an idea."
*** 10 PM ***
Giles knew the vampires were gone. He could sit at Jenny's grave in peace. But even if there were vampires, he'd fight them off, get a few more hours of life before the inevitable end. "Jenny. I will be seeing you soon," he said, reaching out to touch her headstone. "I know you wanted me to live for a long time and grow old, and get over my fear of computers. But I won't do that, not now. Now, I will be with you again."
He took a drink of the alcohol he'd brought with him It was a superstition that to drink while sitting on the grave of a person who liked alcohol that you would not get drunk, and he knew for a fact that the person who's grave was next to Jenny's liked to drink. And after drinking half the bottle, Giles felt no different.
Call it a parting gift of some sort.
*** 11 PM ***
The slow sound of Willow's breathing let Tara know she was asleep. It was easy to tell when her lover was asleep. Her chest rose and fell in a steady pattern. Her hair moved not an inch, and her face had a serene look to it. Giving those tickets to Xander and Anya had been so hard for Willow to do. She knew they'd use them, though, not because they wanted to leave them but because they knew that's really what Willow wanted.
And Tara wanted that, too.
She continued to watch Willow sleep, a strange comfort falling over her.
*** 12 AM ***
Buffy woke up, no longer feeling Spike's lean body next to hers. But there was a note and a plane ticket and his duster laid over her carefully. She unfolded the note and read it.
"Slayer, you're needed more than I am. Go with your family to New York, protect Dawn. The world needs a good person, not an evil demon with a chip. The duster is yours, to remember me. The poem on the other page is for Dawn. Go find your soul mate, Angel. He's there. I sent him there."
She traced his simple but elegant handwriting, then pulled the duster on. "Mom! Dawn! We have to go!"
"We?" she heard Dawn mumble. Her bedroom door opened. "Where's Spike?"
Buffy handed Dawn the poem. "He left."
Joyce entered the room. "Buffy, what is it?"
"The plane leaves in two hours. We have to go soon."
"I thought Spike--"
"He told me to go." She opened up her suitcase, throwing in clothing and other things. "And I'm going to do what he says."
*** 1 AM ***
"I think he got the message. He's taken a liking to Willow. He'll help her, I hope."
"How will he help?" Xander asked.
"Take them to his dimension or something. They'll be out of California by the time this hits." She looked at Xander. "The flight leaves in an hour. Should we tell them?"
"We'll tell them when they're in New York with us," Xander said, kissing Anya passionately. "And I know they'll be there."
*** 2 AM ***
"Buffy?" Xander said in surprise.
"Xander! Anya!" Buffy said, just as surprised as Xander had been.
Anya looked at Buffy. "Isn't that Spike's duster? Where is he?"
"Right here." Spike looked at all of them. "Go get on the plane, you two. Need a word with the Slayer."
Xander and Anya moved towards the gate. "Spike, come with us," Buffy said, but Spike shook his head.
"No, Buffy. I can't." He smiled ruefully. "The sunlight, remember?"
"Please," Buffy whispered. "I can't let you die."
"I'm already dead." He placed his hand on her face, wiping away a tear. "There's a spell in the pocket. Use it on Poof Boy. Live a long life with him. Name your first son William." He kissed her forehead. "Thank you for the dance. Now, board your plane and get the hell out of Sunnyhell."
Buffy nodded, picking up her carry-on and heading for the crammed gate, looking back to see Spike one last time.
He was gone.
And in a moment, so was she.
*** 3 AM ***
"Yeah. You know, I kinda had a problem with the math."
"Uh, which part?"
"The math. Can you help me out tonight, pleeeease, be my study buddy?"
"Well, what's in it for me?"
"A shiny nickel!"
"Okay. Do you have 'Theories in Trig'? You should check it out."
"Check it out?"
"From the library? Where the books live."
"Right, I'm there! See, I wanna change..."
*** 4 AM ***
"You're a snob!"
"I am no such thing."
"Oh, you are a big snob. You, you think that knowledge should be kept in these carefully guarded repositories where only a handful of white guys can get at it."
"Nonsense! I simply don't adhere to a, a knee-jerk assumption that because something is new, it's better."
"This isn't a fad, Rupert! We are creating a new society here."
"A society in which human interaction is all but obsolete? In which people can be completely manipulated by technology, well, well... Thank you, I'll pass."
"Well, ahem, I think you'll be very happy here with your musty, old books."
"These musty old books have a great deal more to say than in any of your...fabulous web pages."
"Hmm. This one doesn't have a whole lot more to say."
*** 5 AM ***
"Fe, fi, fo fum. I smell the blood of a nice ripe girl."
"Do we really need weapons for this?"
"I just like them. They make me feel all manly. The last Slayer I killed...she begged for her life. You don't strike me as the begging kind."
"You shouldn'ta come here."
"No. I've messed up your doilies and stuff. But I just got so bored. I'll tell you what. As a personal favor from me to you I'll make it quick. It won't hurt a bit."
"No, Spike. It's gonna hurt a lot."
*** 6 AM ***
"I'd rather be worm food than look at your pathetic face!"
"Then go! I'm not stopping ya!"
"I bet you wouldn't! I bet you'd let a girl go off to her doom all by herself!"
"Not just any girl. You're special."
"I can't believe that I'm stuck spending what will probably be my last few moments on Earth here WITH YOU!"
"I hope these are my last few moments! Three more seconds with you, and I'm gonna..."
"I'm gonna what? Coward!"
"I hate you!"
"I HATE YOU! We so need to get outta here."
*** 7 AM ***
"It wasn't haunting me. It was showing me."
"Showing you?"
"What I am."
"And ever shall be. I wanted to know why I was back. Now I do."
"You don't know. Some great evil takes credit for bringing you back and you buy it? You just give up?"
"I can't do it again, Buffy. I can't become a killer"
"Then fight it."
"It's too hard."
"Angel, please, you have to get inside."
*** 8 AM ***
"If someone could just wake me when it's time to go to college, that'd be great."
"Guys take a moment to deal with this: we survived."
"It was a hell of a battle!"
"Not the battle. High school. We're taking a moment聽and we're done."
"Well, school's done."
"It's sooo cool!"
"Why do demons even come here anymore? 聽 I mean, don't they know?"
*** 9 AM ***
"Where is our relationship going?"
"Our what? Our who?"
"Relationship. What kind do we have. And what is it progressing toward?"
"I ... Uh ... We have a relationship?"
"Yeah. We went to the prom."
"Yeah, On our one and only date. Second date called on account of snake, remember? And the whole, you used to be a man-killing demon thing. Which to be fair, is as much my issue as it is yours."
"I can't stop thinking about you. Sometimes in my dreams, you're all naked."
"Really. You know if I'm in the checkout line at the Wal-Mart I've had the same one."
"So I can assume a standing Friday night date and a mutual recognition as Prom night as our dating anniversary."
"Anya. Slow down there. In fact, come to a screeching halt. See these things kind of have to develop on their own."
"Okay. How?"
"I don't know. I just -- happens."
*** 10 AM ***
"No candles? Well, I brought one. It's extra flamey. Tara, I have to tell you..."
"No, I-I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love."
"I am."
"You mean..."
"I mean. Okay?"
"Oh, yes."
"I feel horrible about everything I put you through. A-and I'm gonna make it up to you. Starting right now"
"Right now?"
*** 11 AM ***
"Please! Spike, you're a vampire."
"Angel was a vampire."
"Angel was good!"
"And I can be too. I've changed, Buffy."
"What, that chip in your head? That's not change. Tha-that's just...holding you back. You're like a serial killer in prison!"
"Women marry 'em all the time!"
"But I'm not...like that. Something's happening to me. I can't stop thinking about you."
"And if that means turning my back on the whole evil thing-"
"You don't know what you mean! You don't know what feelings are!"
"I damn well do! I lie awake every night!"
"You sleep during the day!"
"Yeah, but- You are missing the point. This is real here. I love-"
*** 12 PM ***
Giles woke up, surprised no one had bothered him at the grave site. He hadn't meant to fall asleep there, but perhaps it was for the best.
In five short hours, it wouldn't matter anyway.
He suspected the others had left. And instead of feeling angry or disappointed, he was glad for them. They were his children in a way, and he knew they deserved the chance to live full lives. He knew very well that those in Los Angeles had most likely left as well. A quick call to Angel prior to going to Jenny's grave had confirmed that there were tickets waiting for Wesley and Cordelia as well as their other associate, so now he could look forward to being together with Jenny again and not worry about anyone else he cared for.
*** 1 PM ***
Tara woke first. She touched Willow lightly. "Willow, where are we?"
"Anyanka asked for a favor. I gave it to her," D'Hoffryn answered. "You will be safe here. When the destruction is done, I will let you go to New York with the others."
Willow sat up. "I don't want to be a vengeance demon"
"I know," he replied. "I had no idea what you would want to take with you, so I put you both in a deep sleep and transported all your things. Anyanka does owe me or this, but someday, I should hope...you will decide to be a vengeance demon."
"Not likely," Willow said, but there was a smile on her face. "What does Anya owe you?"
"She'll name her first son after me. At least as his middle name." The demon shrugged. "Maybe before she dies I can persuade her to come back. She was the best we ever had."
"We'll make sure to tell her that," Tara said. "Now what?"
"Now, you wait."
*** 4 PM ***
The sun set slowly. And Spike didn't know why he'd headed for that particular graveyard. His mausoleum was on the other side of town. He'd wandered in the shadows as best he could that day after making sure Buffy boarded that plane. When she left, he felt a sense of pain that he had never felt before. And he just wanted to spend the last hour of his existence somewhere quiet.
And then he spotted him. "Giles?"
"Spike? Thought you were going with Dawn and Joyce."
Spike shook his head. "Sent Buffy with them. They need her more." He sat on the grave across from Giles, Jenny's grave in between them. "Xander and Anya left, too."
"What about Willow and Tara?"
"Haven't a clue. But knowing them, they're safe, too."
Giles nodded. "And you?"
"I figure will all of them gone, I could end 120 or so years peacefully and with no worries."
"I feel the same way."
*** 5 PM ***
It hit with no warning. There were screams, and there was terror, but for two people sitting by a gravestone, there was only peace. They had made the best of the last twenty-four hours of their existence.
They could have done no more than that.
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cursed-saphire-hart 2 years
Hi so a wonderful conversation with a friend of mine lead to this
-Tord telling Anya to maybe get rid of the sweater she's held onto for like 10 years
-She originally isn't really having it but then eventually she realizes maybe he's right cuz. Look at it it's not in the best condition/it's faded/etc
-So Tord takes it and she's 100% he was getting rid of it (he also got her a new one)
-Few days later Tord is wearing her old one. She asks him about it and he simple says he wasn't ready to see it go
Point is, the Red Leader wearing a pink sweater that came from his wife
Fun fact, the pink sweater is a knitted wool sweater. Anya learned how to fix knitted clothing JUST to keep from throwing it away, and would snap at anyone who even suggested it.
I dunno how much you read up, but awhile ago I mentioned how much Anya's first birthday with the army group meant to her when everyone not only remembered but bought her gifts she might like despite not knowing each other very well at the time.
I've also compared Anya to a wolf a number of times (wool sweater + last name that means wolf = wolf in sheep's clothing XD) so just think of a very big, very sad looking doggy with her pile of ratty treasures she will fight for if you try and take them XD
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cursed-saphire-hart 3 years
Ok I know you've acknowledged it, and I know in your au Tord acknowledges it, but its been on my mind for a little and I have no idea where else to say it. But Doomed Timeline Tord (and I guess Happy family Tord Before Tobi fixed things) is not a good father. I know its been said but I've never seen anyone here bring up the fact that even he knows it, but makes no attempt to change. I can understand that losing Anya fucked him up badly, especially considering that now he has a son as the living reminder of just how badly he messed up, but that doesn't justify or excuse the fact that (it seems) he isn't trying. And don't even get me started on the stuff where he not only emotionally neglects but physically abuses Tobi (I don't know if this is canon but I'm hoping its not)
Im not gonna get into how mad I am at him though because we all know that Anya will have Hell hath no fury when Tord dies
This has been on my mind for a bit but for some reason of all things the haircut ask really hit me hard
And finally someone dropped it hot and hard. I have literally been waiting for someone to point it out and solidify it in text bc i was too lazy to get the ball rolling down a hill.
Here's a tangent to read.
Doomed Timeline Tord is basically just mentally stuck. He never makes attempts to change or make things better since thats what people with control issues do. If they feel like they lost control once in their life, they'll make attempts at taking back control.
He's had alotta times where he'd rather make things worst, bc things can ALWAYS be worst, instead if try to make things better with a chance he'll fail.
The best way Tord can do that in his current life is control his son to an unhealthy degree, from who he interacts with, his friends, his interests and even who he'll marry. (a.k.a keeping Tobi from having romantic relationships)
No Tord doesn't physically abuse Tobi, he does how ever hold very high expectations that Tobi exhausts himself to reach. Which is why having his friends to pick him up is so important to have. Also leading to other issues with relationships and venting/coping methods.
I'll be the first to confirm Tord and Anya are NOT a healthy couple, and I've said it before when accused of romantacizing that kinda relationship (im not, im just acknowledging they exist and in a dystopia that's the most likely outcome for two already unstable characters) Tord has control issues and a temper, while Anya is mentally broken and emotionally unstable, both needing therapy for their issues but never receiving it.
To that extent, in my friends version of my au, Delaine or Jenny would have been healthier options to balance out Tord, meanwhile, for Anya, Albert or Jenny would have been much healthier relationships, emotionally and mentally.
Even in Happy Timeline, Tord still isn't a great father but at least makes attempts to be better for his wife and kids.
When I wrote each short fic or anwsered a question, I was showcasing things from Tords P.O.V technically. Tord knows he fucked up and fucked up BADLY, but he doesn't WANT to change. In his own head, he knows he's not a hero uniting the world, he isn't disillusioned, he's just an asshole stuck in a mental state he built himself, and bc he's literally the top of the latter, no one has the power or authority to smack him the fuck out of it.
The only one crazy enough to give him a much needed right hook is dead, and his son is too scared to be a disappointment to try.
In every sense of the word, Tord isnt a good father in this au, and thats to drive home just how messed up the dystopian world is, and how much Tobi needs his friends. And literally the only way he would have been CLOSE to being one is if he never was Red Leader to start with.
I really should put this all in a video someday.
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