#anime iowa 2018
Time line of Adventure of Y/n Barton and Yelena Belova
Hello Everyone! I’ve created a timeline for our lovely reader that includes ages and where she is at some major moments in the MCU (plus adding the stories where they fall). This will be an active document as stories will be added! Let me know what you want to see one shots of stuff I haven’t written! 
You are the eldest daughter born to Clint and Laura Barton with the ability to shapeshift into any animal. 
Born: 1996, while your parents were working at SHIELD. Clint recruited Natasha in 1997. 
2000 (age 4): there was a kidnapping attempt on you but it was stopped by Natasha. Fury helped set up in the Farm House where you lived there with her mother and soon 2 other siblings. 
2002 (age 6): Cooper is born
2004 (age 8): Lila is born
Marvel Cinematic Universe 
2012 (age 16): Battle of New York; you are at home with Laura, Cooper, and Lila trying to keep it together while Clint is under Loki’s control 
2013 (age 17): you move to NYC to go to college. You come home a few breaks until you see how different her siblings are treated. During college, you get an internship with Pepper. 
2015 (age 19): Age of Ultron - you are at the party when Ultron attacks and Clint forces you home. When the Avengers need a place to stay post the fight with Maximoff, you meet the Avengers with her true identity. At first they try to get you to fight with them but you decline. You stay home till Nathaniel is born and your father ‘retires’ then return to the compound. 
2016 (age 20): You decided on going to online schooling so you can move from the compound, to Iowa, to your apartment in the City. 
Would Anyone Care by Citizen Solider 
You are at the compound when the accords get brought up. You side with Steve right away and your heart is broken by Natasha’s siding with signing the accords. Natasha tells you to leave the compound. But you don’t listen, when Civil War happens you are at the compound when Clint tries to recruit Wanda (you distract Vision for them to leave). You are back in the city when you find out about the fight in Germany and the arrests. Once the accords get overturned, you go back to the compound where Natasha brings Yelena. 
Brother (Sister) by Madds Buckley 
2017 (21): you graduate college with a bachelor degree in psychology focusing on childhood trauma.  
2018 (22): When the Blip happens you are in the city where Clint comes to pick you up and drops you off the compound. 
2018-2023 (22-27): 5 years you lived with Natasha at the compound during those years you were working towards your next degree, a doctorate. 
How Do I Say Good-bye by Dean Lewis  
2023 - 2024: you finish your doctorate in New York City due to your issues with Clint. 
2024 (age 28): Hawkeye - you help Clint and Kate with the whole Ronin thing 
The start of the main story
July 2025 (age 29) - She by Dodie 
July - August 2025: On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons / Day & Night by Avicii
August 2025 - November 2025: Don’t Tell 
November 2025: Little Did You Know by Alex and Sierra  
December 2025: Chicken Tendies by Clinton Kane / Somebody to You by the Banners    
February 2026 Unsteady by X Ambassadors
May 2026: Slow Down by Caleb and Kelsey 
June 2026: Collateral 
Thank you for all the love on this little AU I’ve created!!
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jones-friend · 1 year
Avatar: The Way of Water
December 18, 2009: Avatar releases
2010: I have my first girlfriend
2011: I graduate high school and attend college moving from Illinois to Iowa, making a number of lifelong friends in the early months
2012: I declare a cinema arts major
2013: me and a small number of friends form a media production company, I have no idea what I’m doing
2014: I get more into dnd and mtg as hobbies with my friends
2015: I graduate from Iowa with a bachelors in cinema arts and move to Chicago interning in the Hancock building
2016: my grandmother passes away from a stroke and I return to semi-country Illinois to live with my grandfather
2017: I have a major falling out with friends I have had since elementary school and college leaving a permanent scar on multiple friend groups
2018: I escape a league of mentally detrimental jobs that put me in a dark dark place and start working in higher ed
2019: family life becomes so stressful I am forced to move out of my grandfather’s house
2020: COVID rocks the world and changes everything. We are locked down with a life threatening virus running rampant as US fascism hits its fever pitch
2021: I cut ties with my biological family
2022: multiple friends have had children or are pregnant, forming families of their own
December 16, 2022: Avatar Way of Water releases
I’ll be 30 this coming year. It has been 12yrs, 11mo, and 29 days between Avatar films. 410,140,800 seconds. It is an interesting feeling to come back to a world depicted on screen after so much time has passed, very nearly half the amount of time I’ve been alive.
My initial impressions of Avatar Way of Water is that if you enjoyed living in the world of Pandora in the first movie and would love some more adventures in Pandora you will enjoy the second movie. If you liked the tighter moviegoing experience the first offered you will feel a little let down. I don’t think this is a bad movie by any means, nor is it a mediocre movie. It is good. It just isn’t as tightly crafted as the original movie was.
God knows, it’s been so long most movies have been remade since then. Or revived under new premises a la Fantastic Beasts (which is a whole other animal to tackle). But I fully understand I’m coming to Way of Water with an entire kit of analytical skills I did not have when I watched the first movie, and this will impact my enjoyment of the second and let me look back fondly on the first.
Thinking between these two, not much has changed. Humans are one note greedy, comfortably made into cannon fodder for thrilling fight sequences. The navi are in tune with nature, peaceful, someone we can root for without complicated emotions. We have a new McGuffin or item everyone wants but it gets a back seat to the grudge match that takes importance over it. And rightfully so.
This is a movie that wants to do a lot of things in the three hours and twelve minutes it runs for. I’m not sure it is successful in all of them, feeling a bit like Star Wars Episode IX in that scenes run fast and loose, a little too loose in some places. The ending especially felt that fervent pace and could not slow down where it really needed to and let some scenes sit for more than a few seconds, instead summarizing via voice over because with 20-30mins of trailers frontloading this your audience has been sitting for four hours and we gotta get👏this👏shit👏going.
This movie s a Star Wars in that its science fantasy and don’t worry we can just make computer chip copies of your brain. It’s also a Toy Story 3, we’ve aged up the characters and moved their lives along to reflect the aging audience who first watched Avatar. It’s also a Star Trek IV where we’re saving the whales. This movie is trying to be a lot of things in 3hrs 12mins. Roughly, it succeeds.
There is a lot to be charmed by in the world of Pandora. It is a different kind of movie because in describing it, the movie acts more like an immersive experience with the viewer so I wouldn’t say “characters do X Y and Z” but you as the audience get to “make friends with a whale” and “learn to ride alien dolphins”. It is a world that continues to be lovingly crafted, like sitting in dnd with a dm who has laid out so much of their own lore and worldbuilding its just a delight to immerse yourself in.
Even when it is unfocused Avatar Way of Water is far and away a better experience than so many other theater movies. It’s drop dead gorgeous, and it doesn’t mind getting its hands dirty in that new aquatic environment immersing scenes in and out of water with ease. If you enjoy escapism I absolutely recommend seeing it while it’s in theaters, preferably IMAX.
A lot has changed since the first Avatar dropped 12 years 11 months and 29 days ago. Well, longer now, writing this on January 2nd. This movie is a comfortable return to the world of Pandora with uncomplicated premises and setups that do not challenge the viewer. It is a movie made by an action movie director with a long resume of quality work. If you bothered reading through my ramblings you likely have already made up your mind on whether or not you’d enjoy such a thing. I give a recommendation to seeing it, I love fantasy, I love escapism, and I love the world of Pandora. I am always down to revisit this chapter and will be excited to see later movies. Is it perfect? God no. There’s alien jesus, major death retcons, silly pacifism philosophies, its got flaws. But I do enjoy the quality of the world it gives me. Its one of the few things that can instill a sense of childlike wonder in myself and I treasure that sensation greatly.
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mortagesrants · 1 year
Fireworks are a danger to the environment and even other people
Fireworks emit 60,340 tons of C02 every year. That’s a bit more than what 12,000 has powered cars emit in a year. GreenMatters sourced from Tree Hugger
Fireworks also negatively impact
The waterways, rivers and lakes that animals and poverse people use to drink from.
People with PTSD, ranging from war veterans, victims of terrorism, and so forth
Native wildlife, especially native avian species who die from adrenaline overdose, stress, heart attack, or from the sheer noise and heat from fireworks
Disabled people with noise sensitivity
Local flora having severe burns or being at risk of causing wildfires.
Damaging human lungs from inhaling micro plastics and smoke
Statistically speaking
Between 2002 and 2017, 7.25% of people died from a result of fireworks, cracklers, and sparklers in the US
In 2017, nearly 13,000 people went to the hospital from firework related injuries
Fireworks introduce 42 percent more pollutants to the air than on average in a day to day basis
In Los Angeles, after the Fourth Of July, pollution rose up 10 times higher in 2020
Home made fireworks created even more pollution than store bought
Around 28.9% of C02 emissions are from fireworks in the US
While nice to look at, keep in mind the major environmental impact and impact on various people it has
Are Fireworks Bad For The Environment? Here’s What You Need To Know For July 4th - Sophie Hirsh, Green Matters, July 1 2020
Study: Fireworks release high levels of pollution on July 4th weekend - Kenzi Abou Sabe, PBS, July 4 2015
The hidden toll of July Fourth fireworks - Madeline Stone, National Geographic, July 2 2021
2017 fireworks annual report: Fireworks related deaths, emergency department treated injuries, and enforcement activities during 2017 - Consumer product safety commission of the United States Of America
How bad are fireworks for the environment? - Natalia Welzenbach Marcu, Iowa Environmental Focus, July 3 2018
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boltedgarlic · 17 days
dated by year
1980 | - | 1994 | - | 1997 | - | 1999 | - | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | - | 2039
dated by month
january | february | march | april | may | june | july | august | september | october | november | december
fall | halloween | valentine's day
Tumblr media
australia | belarus | belgium | brazil | bulgaria | canada | china | england | france | georgia republic | greece | holland | india | ireland | italy | japan | medellín | netherlands | new zealand | palestine | peru | poland | spain | sweeden | switzerland | syria | russia | thailand | ukraine | uae | usa alabama / alaska / arkansas / california / connecticut / idaho / illinois / indiana / iowa / kansas / kentucky / louisiana / maryland / missouri / new mexico / new york / north carolina / ohio / oregon / pennsylvania / tennessee / texas / utah / west virgina / wisconsin
Tumblr media
anemone | birds | bees | bugs | bunnies | cats | cows | deer | dogs | ducks | ferrets | goats | guinea pigs | horses | sheep | snakes
Abby | Augustine | Azuki | Bert | Bruce | Cupid | Mr. Boot | Mr. Punky | Donna | Dusty | Ellsie | Fiona | Fudge | Gizzy | Huckleberry | Itzl | Kiwi | Mattie | Mookie | Muffy | Newt | Noose | Ollie | Pepe | Ramses | Shika | Smokey | Tamako | Tucker | Xoco | Ziggy | Zoey
ceramics | collage | crayon | crochet | drawings | food art | glass art | installation | knitting | mural | oil pastels | origami | ornaments | paint | painting | paper crafts | quilt | sculpture | tapestry | yarn
Enrico Delponte | Jen | Keith Haring | Mark Schaer
food & drink
baking | batter | bento | birthday cake | bread | breakfast | cake | cereal | cheese | coffee | cookies | cooking | curry | dessert | drinks | fake food | fruit | ice cream | onigiri | pancakes | pastries | pie | pumpkins | salad | sashimi | smores | soup | sushi | tea | torte | vegetables | wine
anpanman | candy land | dora | doraemon | evangelion | garfield | giant microbes | hannah montana | hello kitty | hoops & yoyo | moomin | moppy | muppets | nasa | powerpuff girls | sanrio | sesame street | sonic (the hedgehog) | texas chainsaw | universal studios japan | yotsuba | yugioh
backyard | balcony | fair | fence | highway | house | plants | pool | porch | road | street | topiary | train | yard
attic | basement | bedroom | cabin | chandelier | dining room | dorm | hallway | home | hotel | room | kid’s room | kitchen | library | living room | stairs | studio
dirt | field | fog | frost | garden | mountains | night | rainbow | snow | snowman | trees
Tumblr media
miscellaneous tags
angel | beekeeping | camera | cemetery | cherub | chess | clothing | visual clutter | collection | construction | computer | decor | desk | dollhouse | dusty | figure | figurines | flash | flowers | furniture | gift | hay | installation | kitchenware | lanterns | low quality | moving | objects | people | pillows | plush | polaroid | pyrex | rail | remodel | sculpture | sign | silverware | stove | suburbia | sunlight | tech | toys | trinkets | vignette | wedding | window
updated: 05/16/2024
0 notes
brookston · 2 months
Holidays 4.6
Act of Self Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Animated Cartoon Day
Army Day (US)
Athletic Trainers and Physical Training and Sports Professionals Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Bohring-Optiz Syndrome Awareness Day
California Poppy Day
Castle Day (Japan)
Chakri Memorial Day (Thailand)
Circe Asteroid Day
Conor McGregor Day (UK)
Declaration of Arbroath Day (Scotland)
Drowsy Driver Awareness Day (California)
Feigenbaum Constant Day
406 Day
International Asexuality Day
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (UN)
International Recruiters Day
International Search & Rescue Beacon/406 Day
International Whistler’s Day
Jump Over Things Day
King Rama I Memorial and Chakri Day (Thailand)
Knock Your Socks Off Day
Larch Day (French Republic)
Modern Olympics Day
Näfelser Fahrt (Battle of Näfels; Switzerland)
National Charlie Brown’s Insecurities Day
National Employee Benefits Day
National Fisherman Day (Indonesia)
National Gang Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Jay Day
National Library Day
National Pajama Day
National Parker Day
National Robert Day
National Siamese Cat Day
National Student-Athlete Day
National Taylor Day
National Wildlife Week begins [until 4.10]
North Pole Day
Ntaryamira Day (Burgundi)
Patriot’s Victory Day (Ethiopia)
Phocaea Asteroid Day
Plan Your Epitaph Day
Post-It Notes Day
Richard the Lionheart Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Self Determination Day (Australia)
Semana Santa (Argentina)
Sorry Charlie Day (in honor of those who have been rejected and lived through it)
Stigtingsdag (a.k.a. Founders Day or Van Riebeeck’s Day; South Africa)
Tartan Day (Canada, US)
Teflon Day
Think About Spring Cleaning Day
Van Riebeeck Day (Capetown, South Africa)
Waltzing Mathilda Day (Australia)
World Day of Physical Activity
World Table Tennis Day
Yazidi New Year (Iraq)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brew Year's Eve
Fresh Tomato Day
National Acai Bowl Day
National Caramel Popcorn Day
National Carbonara Day (Italy)
National Consider Drinking More Helles Day
National Food Faces Day
National Twinkie Day
National Viognier Day
New Beer's Eve
St. Sixtus' Day
Twinkie Day
1st Saturday in April
Belgian Beer Day ( website ) [1st Saturday]
Every Day is Tag Day [1st Saturday]
International Firewalk Day [1st Saturday]
International Pillow Fight Day [1st Saturday]
International Table Top Day [1st Saturday]
National DIY Day [1st Saturday]
National Birding Day [1st Saturday]
National Handmade Day [1st Saturday]
National Love Our Children Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Tangible Karma Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 6 (1st Week)
Just Pray No! Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting [thru 4.7]
National Robotics Week [thru 4.14]
National Window Safety Week [1st Full Week]
Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Week [1st Full Week]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.14]
Independence & Related Days
Capetown, South Africa (Founded; 1652) [Orania]
Koya (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Republic of Venstral (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Self-Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Vancouver (Founded by Canadian Pacific Railway Company; 1886)
New Year’s Days
British Income Tax Year (UK)
Festivals Beginning April 6, 2024
Armageddon Expo (Wellington, New Zealand) [thru 4.7]
The Bloody Mary Festival (Austin, Texas)
Daffodil Festival and Parade (Puyallup, Washington)
Dessert Wars (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Elmira Maple Syrup Festival (Elmira, Ontario, Canada)
FACTS (Ghent, Belgium) [thru 4.7]
Farmers’ Table Wine Trail (Hermann, Missouri)
Iowa Eats: Food & Drink festival (Waterloo, Iowa)
Lodi Wine Festoval (Lodi, California)
Maryland Chicken Wing Festoval (Annapolis, Maryland)
Renaissance Pleasure Faire of Southern California (Irwindale, California) [thru 5.19]
Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Waxahachie, Texas) [thru 12.22]
Southwest Chocolate & Coffee Fest (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 4.7]
Supernova Pop Culture Expo (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 4.7]
Tequila & Taco Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 4.7]
Texas VegFest (Auston, texas)
Wales Comic Con (Wrexham, Wales) [thru 4.7]
WhiskyFest (Tampa, Florida)
World Catfish Festival (Belzoni, Mississippi)
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum VIII (Pagan)
Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach (Lutheran Church)
Baily (Muppetism)
Beware of Lizardmen Day (Pastafarian)
Birth of Jesus (Mormons)
Brychan (Christian; Saint)
Celestine I, Pope (Catholic Church)
Children’s Springtime Festival (France; Everyday Wicca)
Church of Latter Day Saints Day
Colsus, Archbishop of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Crane Bag Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Ether Sunday (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eutychius of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Feast of the 120 Martyrs of Persia (Christian; Martyrs)
Fête des Petits Bateaux (Fête  of the Little Boats; France)
Gudi Padwa (Birthday of Mother Earth; Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh people)
Gustave Moreau (Artology)
Impersonate a Frog Day (Pastafarian)
Jake Day (Discordian)
John William Waterhouse (Artology)
Kimbanguiste Church Founding Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Marcellinus of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Pappus (Positivist; Saint)
Passover (a.k.a. Pesach; Judaism) [Nisan 16]
Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Sorting-Out of the Doggets Day (Shamanism)
William the Confessor, Abbot of Eskille (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Lialat-Ul-Qadr (Gambia)
Lailatou-Kadr (Niger)
Lailatoul Qadr (Guinea)
Laylat al-Qadr (لیلة القدر) [a.k.a. …
Night of Decree
Night of Destiny
Night of Determination
Night of Power
Precious Night
Ramazan Bayramy (Turkey)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [13 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [20 of 71]
Nēmontēmi, Day 2 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [14 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Along Flirtation Walk (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Attack on Titan (Anime TV Series; 2013)
Barney & Friends (Children’s TV Series; 1992)
Beef (TV Series; 2023)
Blockers (Film; 2018)
The Boys from Brazil, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1976)
Buddy of the Legion (WB LT Cartoon; 1935)
The Bum Bandit (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1931)
The Castaway (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Cry-Baby (Film; 1990)
The Dancing Fool (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Death Proof (Film; 2007)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime TV Series; 2019)
Diva, by Annie Lennox (Album; 1992)
The Double Helix, by James D. Watson (Science Book; 1968)
The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Sagan (Science Essays; 1977)
The Flintstones: Little Big League (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1978)
The Gods Must Be Crazy (Film; 1984)
Grifters, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1963)
Grindhouse (Film; 2007)
Haikyu! (Anime TV Series; 2014)
Harbor Lights, by Bruce Hornsby (Album; 1993)
Humorous Phases of Funny Phases (Animated TV Show;1906) [1st Animated Cartoon]
I Love You to Death (Film; 1990)
Indian Pudding (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
In Harm’s Way (Film; 1965)
Joe’s Lunch Wagon (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Just Visiting (Film; 2001)
Kodak Flexible Rolled Film (Photography Film; 1889)
The Lost Weekend, by Charles R. Jackson (Novel; 1944)
Mamma Mia! (UK Musical Play; 1999)
The Millionaire Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Moscow on the Hudson (Film; 1984)
Nine Stories, by J.D. Salinger (Short Stories; 1953)
Outbreak, by Robin Cook (Novel; 1987)
Planet Terror (Film; 2007)
A Quiet Place (Film; 2018)
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2: Villains in Paradise (WB Animated TV Special; 2014)
Silicon Valley (TV Series; 2014)
Tannhäuser, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1870)
Teachers Are People (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Thorn Birds, by Colleen McCullough (Novel; 1977)
Trust the Saint, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1962) [Saint #36]
Undertow, by Tool (Album; 1993)
Vitamin Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1984)
Wild Bill Hiccup (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Workaholics (TV Series; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Notker, Wilhelm (Austria)
Irenej, Petar, Prudencije (Croatia)
Vendula (Czech Republic)
Sixtus (Denmark)
Ville, Villem, Villi, Villo, Villu (Estonia)
Jami, Vilhelm, Vilho, Vili, Viljami, Ville (Finland)
Marcellin (France)
Sixtus, William (Germany)
Efthios, Evtychios (Greece)
Bíborka, Vilmos (Hungary)
Celestina, Diogene, Filarete, Guglielmo (Italy)
Filips, Vilips, Zinta (Latvia)
Celestinas, Daugirutis, Genardas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Aasmund, Asmund, Åsmund (Norway)
Ada, Adam, Adamina, Celestyn, Celestyna, Diogenes, Ireneusz, Katarzyna, Świętobor, Sykstus, Wilhelm, Zachariasz (Poland)
Eutihie (Romania)
Irena (Slovakia)
Celestino, Gala, Guillermo, Prudencio (Spain)
Vilhelm, William (Sweden)
Celesta, Celeste, Celestina, Celestine, Tyra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 97 of 2024; 269 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 14 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 28 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 27 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 27 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 7 Cyan; Sevenday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 March 2024
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Archimedes (4th Month) [Diophantus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 19 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 17 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 4.6
Act of Self Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Animated Cartoon Day
Army Day (US)
Athletic Trainers and Physical Training and Sports Professionals Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Bohring-Optiz Syndrome Awareness Day
California Poppy Day
Castle Day (Japan)
Chakri Memorial Day (Thailand)
Circe Asteroid Day
Conor McGregor Day (UK)
Declaration of Arbroath Day (Scotland)
Drowsy Driver Awareness Day (California)
Feigenbaum Constant Day
406 Day
International Asexuality Day
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (UN)
International Recruiters Day
International Search & Rescue Beacon/406 Day
International Whistler’s Day
Jump Over Things Day
King Rama I Memorial and Chakri Day (Thailand)
Knock Your Socks Off Day
Larch Day (French Republic)
Modern Olympics Day
Näfelser Fahrt (Battle of Näfels; Switzerland)
National Charlie Brown’s Insecurities Day
National Employee Benefits Day
National Fisherman Day (Indonesia)
National Gang Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Jay Day
National Library Day
National Pajama Day
National Parker Day
National Robert Day
National Siamese Cat Day
National Student-Athlete Day
National Taylor Day
National Wildlife Week begins [until 4.10]
North Pole Day
Ntaryamira Day (Burgundi)
Patriot’s Victory Day (Ethiopia)
Phocaea Asteroid Day
Plan Your Epitaph Day
Post-It Notes Day
Richard the Lionheart Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Self Determination Day (Australia)
Semana Santa (Argentina)
Sorry Charlie Day (in honor of those who have been rejected and lived through it)
Stigtingsdag (a.k.a. Founders Day or Van Riebeeck’s Day; South Africa)
Tartan Day (Canada, US)
Teflon Day
Think About Spring Cleaning Day
Van Riebeeck Day (Capetown, South Africa)
Waltzing Mathilda Day (Australia)
World Day of Physical Activity
World Table Tennis Day
Yazidi New Year (Iraq)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brew Year's Eve
Fresh Tomato Day
National Acai Bowl Day
National Caramel Popcorn Day
National Carbonara Day (Italy)
National Consider Drinking More Helles Day
National Food Faces Day
National Twinkie Day
National Viognier Day
New Beer's Eve
St. Sixtus' Day
Twinkie Day
1st Saturday in April
Belgian Beer Day ( website ) [1st Saturday]
Every Day is Tag Day [1st Saturday]
International Firewalk Day [1st Saturday]
International Pillow Fight Day [1st Saturday]
International Table Top Day [1st Saturday]
National DIY Day [1st Saturday]
National Birding Day [1st Saturday]
National Handmade Day [1st Saturday]
National Love Our Children Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Tangible Karma Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 6 (1st Week)
Just Pray No! Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting [thru 4.7]
National Robotics Week [thru 4.14]
National Window Safety Week [1st Full Week]
Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Week [1st Full Week]
Week of the Young Child [thru 4.14]
Independence & Related Days
Capetown, South Africa (Founded; 1652) [Orania]
Koya (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Republic of Venstral (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Self-Determination Day (Cocos Islands)
Vancouver (Founded by Canadian Pacific Railway Company; 1886)
New Year’s Days
British Income Tax Year (UK)
Festivals Beginning April 6, 2024
Armageddon Expo (Wellington, New Zealand) [thru 4.7]
The Bloody Mary Festival (Austin, Texas)
Daffodil Festival and Parade (Puyallup, Washington)
Dessert Wars (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Elmira Maple Syrup Festival (Elmira, Ontario, Canada)
FACTS (Ghent, Belgium) [thru 4.7]
Farmers’ Table Wine Trail (Hermann, Missouri)
Iowa Eats: Food & Drink festival (Waterloo, Iowa)
Lodi Wine Festoval (Lodi, California)
Maryland Chicken Wing Festoval (Annapolis, Maryland)
Renaissance Pleasure Faire of Southern California (Irwindale, California) [thru 5.19]
Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Waxahachie, Texas) [thru 12.22]
Southwest Chocolate & Coffee Fest (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 4.7]
Supernova Pop Culture Expo (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 4.7]
Tequila & Taco Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 4.7]
Texas VegFest (Auston, texas)
Wales Comic Con (Wrexham, Wales) [thru 4.7]
WhiskyFest (Tampa, Florida)
World Catfish Festival (Belzoni, Mississippi)
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum VIII (Pagan)
Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach (Lutheran Church)
Baily (Muppetism)
Beware of Lizardmen Day (Pastafarian)
Birth of Jesus (Mormons)
Brychan (Christian; Saint)
Celestine I, Pope (Catholic Church)
Children’s Springtime Festival (France; Everyday Wicca)
Church of Latter Day Saints Day
Colsus, Archbishop of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Crane Bag Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Ether Sunday (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eutychius of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Feast of the 120 Martyrs of Persia (Christian; Martyrs)
Fête des Petits Bateaux (Fête  of the Little Boats; France)
Gudi Padwa (Birthday of Mother Earth; Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh people)
Gustave Moreau (Artology)
Impersonate a Frog Day (Pastafarian)
Jake Day (Discordian)
John William Waterhouse (Artology)
Kimbanguiste Church Founding Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Marcellinus of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Pappus (Positivist; Saint)
Passover (a.k.a. Pesach; Judaism) [Nisan 16]
Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Sorting-Out of the Doggets Day (Shamanism)
William the Confessor, Abbot of Eskille (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Lialat-Ul-Qadr (Gambia)
Lailatou-Kadr (Niger)
Lailatoul Qadr (Guinea)
Laylat al-Qadr (لیلة القدر) [a.k.a. …
Night of Decree
Night of Destiny
Night of Determination
Night of Power
Precious Night
Ramazan Bayramy (Turkey)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [13 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [20 of 71]
Nēmontēmi, Day 2 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [14 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Along Flirtation Walk (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Attack on Titan (Anime TV Series; 2013)
Barney & Friends (Children’s TV Series; 1992)
Beef (TV Series; 2023)
Blockers (Film; 2018)
The Boys from Brazil, by Ira Levin (Novel; 1976)
Buddy of the Legion (WB LT Cartoon; 1935)
The Bum Bandit (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1931)
The Castaway (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Cry-Baby (Film; 1990)
The Dancing Fool (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Death Proof (Film; 2007)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime TV Series; 2019)
Diva, by Annie Lennox (Album; 1992)
The Double Helix, by James D. Watson (Science Book; 1968)
The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Sagan (Science Essays; 1977)
The Flintstones: Little Big League (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1978)
The Gods Must Be Crazy (Film; 1984)
Grifters, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1963)
Grindhouse (Film; 2007)
Haikyu! (Anime TV Series; 2014)
Harbor Lights, by Bruce Hornsby (Album; 1993)
Humorous Phases of Funny Phases (Animated TV Show;1906) [1st Animated Cartoon]
I Love You to Death (Film; 1990)
Indian Pudding (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
In Harm’s Way (Film; 1965)
Joe’s Lunch Wagon (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Just Visiting (Film; 2001)
Kodak Flexible Rolled Film (Photography Film; 1889)
The Lost Weekend, by Charles R. Jackson (Novel; 1944)
Mamma Mia! (UK Musical Play; 1999)
The Millionaire Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Moscow on the Hudson (Film; 1984)
Nine Stories, by J.D. Salinger (Short Stories; 1953)
Outbreak, by Robin Cook (Novel; 1987)
Planet Terror (Film; 2007)
A Quiet Place (Film; 2018)
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2: Villains in Paradise (WB Animated TV Special; 2014)
Silicon Valley (TV Series; 2014)
Tannhäuser, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1870)
Teachers Are People (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Thorn Birds, by Colleen McCullough (Novel; 1977)
Trust the Saint, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1962) [Saint #36]
Undertow, by Tool (Album; 1993)
Vitamin Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1984)
Wild Bill Hiccup (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Workaholics (TV Series; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Notker, Wilhelm (Austria)
Irenej, Petar, Prudencije (Croatia)
Vendula (Czech Republic)
Sixtus (Denmark)
Ville, Villem, Villi, Villo, Villu (Estonia)
Jami, Vilhelm, Vilho, Vili, Viljami, Ville (Finland)
Marcellin (France)
Sixtus, William (Germany)
Efthios, Evtychios (Greece)
Bíborka, Vilmos (Hungary)
Celestina, Diogene, Filarete, Guglielmo (Italy)
Filips, Vilips, Zinta (Latvia)
Celestinas, Daugirutis, Genardas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Aasmund, Asmund, Åsmund (Norway)
Ada, Adam, Adamina, Celestyn, Celestyna, Diogenes, Ireneusz, Katarzyna, Świętobor, Sykstus, Wilhelm, Zachariasz (Poland)
Eutihie (Romania)
Irena (Slovakia)
Celestino, Gala, Guillermo, Prudencio (Spain)
Vilhelm, William (Sweden)
Celesta, Celeste, Celestina, Celestine, Tyra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 97 of 2024; 269 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 14 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 28 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 27 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 27 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 7 Cyan; Sevenday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 March 2024
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Archimedes (4th Month) [Diophantus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 19 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 17 of 31)
0 notes
tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
“i think the lighting made it look more red, the video is indeed from 2018 :)”
His hair had a slight reddish tint to it during that time. If you look at American Animals interviews from around September 2018 and the Diesel photoshoot he did, his hair is the same as the Iowa State video.
this is why so many people don’t even know his natural hair color lol
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mcguirefournier75 · 1 year
A Post-apocalyptic Story-driven, Turn-based Tactics Adventure
American Farming
Q4 2022 IPHN Q4 2022 – IPHN IPAD – ANDR
A mobile farming simulator that is situated in Iowa.
- C64
Sidescrolling shoot em for the Commodore 64, set during the 2022 Ukraine War. Made in support of the British-Ukrainian aid charity organization.
Farming Simulator 22
- MAC - PC - + 5 more XONE - PS4 - STAD – PS5 - the XSX
Giants Software's latest farming simulation introduces three new crop types, seasons, and production chains.
Pure Farming 2018
- PC – XONE – PS4
Pure Farming 2018, Techland's version of the genre of simulation farming, is Straight Outta Crop Town
Cattle and Crops
- MAC – PC – LIN
Farming Simulation Game of Management
Little Alchemy 2
- IPHN - IPAD - + 2 more - ANDR - BROW
The second Little Alchemy game.
Shotgun Farmers
Mac - PC + 2 additional -XONEs - The LIN
Shotgun Farmers is an online multiplayer first-person shooter where farmers battle against each against each other using their own weapons. Each weapon is a plant that grows from the ground and must be harvested, and with every shot they plant more gun seeds.
Hidden Folks
Computer - Mac - + 6 more - IPHN IPAD - ANDR - LIN IPHN - MAC - PC - LIN NSW - APTV
A hidden object game that is similar to Where's Waldo, but the world is animated.
A first-person adventure game by Finish Line Games.
My Summer Car
- PC
Part life survival simulator, part meticulous car mechanic simulator, part 1990s Finland simulator.
LEGO Harry Potter Collection
- XONE – PS4 - NSW
Both LEGO Harry Potter games have been remastered for PlayStaton 4 & Xbox One
Gears of War 4
Twenty-five years have passed since the demise of the Locust & Lambent threats to the planet Sera. JD Fenix is the son of series protagonist Marcus Fenix and has taken over the protection of humanity. Mailtegra
Corn Maze
- PC – ANDR – WP
This 2D classic game is where you must solve mazes and stay clear of ghosts and Skeletons.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
PC - PS4
Open-world story-based game that takes place in rural England right after the apocalypse.
123 Animal Preschool Games for Kids
Make sure that your child is kept up with his or her math skills with this OUYA exclusive title.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
PC - XONE-XONE + 2 more PS4 - NSW
An adventure game developed by The Astronauts, a team of People Can Fly veterans.
Computer - MAC LIN
A "strategic defense simulation of the planet" in a cold war setting, influenced by the original X-Com.
The Walking Dead: Season Two
- MAC-X360 – + 11 more - PS3XBGS-PS3N PC ­ IPHN-IPAD PS3N PC ­ PS3N PC – PS3N-PC VITA-PSNV – PS4
Clementine is a young orphan, is separated from her friend Lee. She must survive the zombie apocalypse with a new roaming group of survivors in this sequel of the comic book adaptation by Telltale.
Farming Simulator 14
- PC – IPHN – + 6 additional3DS – IPAD ­ ANDR WP – VITA ­ PSNV
Farming Simulator is back with an upgraded and expanded entry for mobile and handheld devices.
XCOM: Enemy Within
- MAC-X360 – + 7 more – PS3 PS3N-PC - IPHN-IPAD - ANDR-LIN
The standalone expansion pack for XCOM: Enemy Unknown adds cybernetic soldiers as well as aliens, as well as new maps for multiplayer.
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
- MAC-X360 + 3 more - PS3 – PS3N PC
This tactical third-person tactical game is squad-based and focuses on humanity's first contact of aliens during the Cold War. It also gives the history behind the creation of XCOM.
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure
PC - 3DS - WiiU
A Scribblenauts game that features DC Comics characters. There are approximately 2,000 characters total, though not all of them. The Hero Creator lets players create their own Hero and a procedural puzzle generator generates a fresh puzzle each time a map loads.
Farming Giant
- PC
Farming simulator 'tycoon-style'
Farming Simulator 2013
- MAC-X360 - + 3 More PlayStation 3 - PS3N PC
Farming Simulator 2013 was the first title in the franchise to be released on home consoles. It includes 20 licensed tractors as well as new animals.
The Walking Dead
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prnlive · 1 year
Gary Null’s Show Notes 03 02 23 P
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Starting this week, we will make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
Being bullied is associated with mental distress and suicide attempts in teens
Sustained aerobic exercise increases adult neurogenesis in the brain 
Positive attitudes about aging reduce risk of dementia in older adults
Being bullied is associated with mental distress and suicide attempts in teens
Drake University, February 15, 2023
Some forms of bullying are significantly correlated with feeling sad or hopeless and attempting suicide, according to a new study published this week in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by John Rovers of Drake University and colleagues. The correlation is highest when teens are bullied based on their sexual orientation or gender orientation, the study found.
School bullying is a common problem, with research estimating that as many as 30% of American youth suffer from being bullied. There is growing evidence that being bullied can have lasting effects on students' well-being, health and social adjustment.
The authors of the present study used data from the 2018 Iowa Youth Survey, a broad questionnaire offered every two or three years to both private and public school students in the 6th, 8th and 11th grade across the state of Iowa. They analyzed 70,451 validated responses for correlations between mental health and bullying.
Unadjusted odds ratios indicated that students who reported being physically bullied, and those bullied based on religion, were no more likely to report feelings of sadness or hopelessness than students who reported no instances of being bullied.
However, bullying related to sexual orientation or gender identity, or hurtful sexual jokes and comments, were consistently correlated with feelings of sadness and hopelessness as well as suicide attempts (OR 1.40–2.84). Cyberbullying, social bullying, and bullying based on race also had significant correlations with mental distress and suicide attempts.
The authors conclude that different types of bullying have different correlations with mental health outcomes, and that a better understanding of these differences could help shape bullying mitigation strategies in schools.
Sustained aerobic exercise increases adult neurogenesis in the brain
University of Jyväskylä (Finland), February 8, 2023
It may be possible to increase the neuron reserve of the hippocampus - and thus improve preconditions for learning - by promoting neurogenesis via sustained aerobic exercise such as running.
Aerobic exercise, such as running, has positive effects on brain structure and function, for example, the generation of neurons (neurogenesis) in the hippocampus, a brain structure important in learning. It has been unclear whether high-intensity interval training (HIT), referring to alternating short bouts of very intense anaerobic exercise with recovery periods, or anaerobic resistance training has similar effects on hippocampal neurogenesis in adulthood. 
Researchers from the Department of Biology of Physical Activity at the University of Jyväskylä studied the effects of sustained running exercise, HIT and resistance training on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in adult male rats. In addition to the commonly used Sprague-Dawley rats were also used: Rats with a genetically high response to aerobic training (HRT) and those with a low response to aerobic training (LRT). The exercise training period was 6 to 8 weeks (running, HIT or resistance training) during which control animals of the same rat line/strain remained in sedentary conditions in the home cage.
The results indicate that the highest number of new hippocampal neurons was observed in rats that ran long distances and that also had a genetic predisposition to benefit from aerobic exercise: Compared to sedentary animals, HRT rats that ran voluntarily on a running wheel had 2-3 times more newhippocampal neurons at the end of the experiment. Resistance training had no such effect. Also the effects of HIT were minor. To conclude, only sustained aerobic exercise improved hippocampal neurogenesis in adult animals.
The result is important because, according to previous research, the new hippocampal neurons produced as a result of neurogenesis are needed among other things for learning temporally and/or spatially complex tasks. It is possible that by promoting neurogenesis via sustained aerobic exercise, the neuron reserve of the hippocampus can be increased and thus also the preconditions for learning improved - also in humans.
Positive attitudes about aging reduce risk of dementia in older adults
Yale University, February 7, 2023
Research has shown that older persons who have acquired positive beliefs about old age from their surrounding culture are less likely to develop dementia. This protective effect was found for all participants, as well as among those carrying a gene that puts them at higher risk of developing dementia, a new study led by the Yale School of Public Health has found.
Published in the journal PLOS ONE, the study reports that older persons with positive age beliefs who carry one of the strongest risk factors for developing dementia—the ε4 variant of the APOE gene —were nearly 50% less likely to develop the disease than their peers who held negative age beliefs.
The study is the first to examine whether culture-based age beliefs influence the risk of developing dementia among older people, including those who carry the high-risk gene variant.
"We found that positive age beliefs can reduce the risk of one of the most established genetic risk factors of dementia," said lead author Becca Levy, professor of public health and of psychology. "This makes a case for implementing a public health campaign against ageism, which is a source of negative age beliefs."
Levy and her co-authors studied a group of 4,765 people, with an average age of 72 years, who were free of dementia at the start of the study. Twenty-six percent of the participants in the study were carriers of APOE ε4. The researchers controlled for factors including age and health of the participants.
The study demonstrated that APOE ε4 carriers with positive beliefs about aging had a 2.7% risk of developing dementia, compared to a 6.1% risk for those with negative beliefs about aging, over the four-year study duration.
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
Find articles, videos, back radio broadcasts, books, and more at GaryNull.com.
Find Gary's vitamins and other supplements at Gary's Vitamin Closet.
Hear Gary's radio show weekdays at noon Eastern Time on PRN.live
While we have thoroughly researched the information we provide, and indicate its sources, information in this Gary Null Newsletter, and all Gary Null Newsletters, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or other condition. Consult your medical professional before choosing any treatment or course of action. Gary Null Newsletters are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information it provides.
Let us know what you would like to see in Gary's newsletter. Email us at [email protected]
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kenresearchcompany · 1 year
Global Seed Treatment Market Outlook, and Revenue Forecast: Ken Research
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What Is the Size of Global Seed Treatment Industry?
Global Seed Treatment market is growing at a CAGR of ~% in 2017-2022 and is expected to reach ~USD Bn by 2028F.
The Seed Treatment Market is largely driven by rising demand of the seeds as it offers low-cost protection against diseases and soil-borne organisms and protects weak seeds, resulting in improved germination.
Another major factor, driving the agriculture industry to adopt Seed Treatment measures, is its capacity to empower seeds to fight against unfavourable weather conditions. Such unfavourable weather conditions might result in cold and damp soils or extremely dry soils that encourage the breeding, growth, and development of fungi spores. For instance, in the United States, in 2010 and 2012, high night time temperatures had an immensely negative impact on corn
yields. Similarly, premature budding caused by a warm winter resulted in losses worth US$220 million of cherries in Michigan in 2012.
Furthermore, Ingredients used in Seed Treatment products are harmful to humans, animals, and also to seeds in some cases. Treated seeds that go unsold cannot be used as animal feed. The limiting peripheral or ancillary use of these treated seeds often hampers the scalability of the market. Treating the seeds at the correct dosage rate is also critical to the treatment’s success. For instance, seeds with high moisture percentage can get easily damaged when treated with concentrated liquid products.
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Global Seed Treatment Market by Type
The Global Seed Treatment Market is segmented by Type into Chemical and Non-Chemical.
According to Ken Research’s analysis, the majority of the seed treatment procedures are carried out through the Chemical route.
Chemical treatment of seeds can be done by applying insecticides, fungicides, or nematicides, including fumigants, carbamates, etc. Non-chemical or biological seed protection processes involve bio-insecticides, bio-fungicides, and bio-nematicides.
According to the observations put out by the Iowa State University, fungicide seed treatment can be beneficial for seeds with less than 80% germination rate. These types of seeds are typically considered to be of low vigor. Fungicides are also considered effective treatment tools when seeds are planted early in cold or wet soils and reduced till and no-till fields.
Global Seed Treatment Market by Treatment
The Global Seed Treatment Market is segmented by Treatment into Seed Dressing, Seed Coating and Seed Pelleting.
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The seed coating segment is estimated to occupy the largest market share in 2022 as far as treatment/application techniques are concerned.
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The techniques of seed dressing involve treating crop seeds with fungicides and/or insecticides so that they are well-equipped to fight out the fungal diseases and insects that attack from both below and above ground. The process of seed coating implies covering the seeds with manageable amounts of exogenous materials. Film coating or microbial coating are popular seed coating types. Finally, in the process of Seed Pelleting, inert materials are added to the seeds to increase their weight, size, or shape.
Global Seed Treatment Market by Crop
The Global Seed Treatment Market is segmented by Crop into Grains and Cereals, Oilseeds and Pulses, Fruits and Vegetables and Other Crop Types (Forages, Alfalfa, Flower seeds, etc.).
The Cereal and Grains segment is expected to emerge as the largest crop segment as far as the application of seed treatment techniques is concerned.
Production in the World Cereal Market, according to the data provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), almost 2,645 million tons of cereals were produced during the 2018-2019 period, and the production was estimated to cross the mark of 2,800 million tons in 2022.
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Global Seed Treatment Market by Formulation
The Global Seed Treatment market is segmented by Formulation into Liquid Formulation and Dry Formulation.
Although the liquid formulation segment is expected to account for the largest share in 2022, the dry formulation segment is estimated to witness faster growth during the forecasted period. 
There are several types of liquid formulations that agriculturists try out on a regular basis for a range of crop seed types. For instance, soaking paddy seeds in 1% Potassium Chloride solution for 12 hours helps improve the germination potential. A similar outcome is achieved when Sorghum seeds are soaked in Sodium Chloride and Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate solutions for 12 hours. Dry formulation seed treatments, on the other hand, help maintain the integrity of seed coatings. The growth in this segment is driven by the utilitarian benefits of the process: it is easy to apply and store and comes at a low cost.
Market Taxonomy
By Type         
By Treatment / Application Technique
Seed Dressing
Seed Coating
Seed Pelleting
By Crop         
Grains and Cereals
Oilseeds and Pulses
Fruits and Vegetables
Other Crop Types (Forages, Alfalfa, Flower seeds, etc.)
By Formulation         
Liquid Formulation
Dry Formulation
By Function  
Seed Protection
Seed Enhancement
By Region     
North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Australis)
Latin America, Middle East, and Africa (LAMEA)
Key Companies        
Adama Agricultural Solutions
Bayer AG
Syngenta AG
Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
Corteva, Inc.
Croda International Plc.
Novozymes A/S
For more insights on the market intelligence, refer to below link: –           
Global Seed Treatment Market Size, Segments, Outlook, and Revenue Forecast 2022-2028: Ken Research
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digihindnews · 1 year
George Kittle Wife: Everything We Know About The Stunning Claire Kittle
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The world knows that George Kittle has a fascinating love story. Given his family's history of athletic prowess, he made the early decision to showcase his talents as a football player to the fullest. A star tight end for the San Francisco 49ers, he is well-known throughout the National Football League. George Kittle's early life is interesting because he picked up football after moving to Iowa at a young age and continuing to play on high school and college teams. His father, a former football coach at Iowa, was a major influence on Kittle's development as an athlete. Kittle ultimately made a decision to play football at the University of Iowa. His dream came true in the 2017 draught when the San Francisco 49ers selected him with the 146th overall pick. Kittle signed a four-year rookie contract and made his debut in the season opener against the Carolina Panthers. The tight end has been nominated for the Pro Bowl four times, an impressive feat. Clair Kittle, the wife of George Kittle, is... The woman who George Kittle loves is a sports fan who grew up in a rural part of Iowa. Claire Kittle(Instagram Account) was recruited to play basketball and run track for Wahlert High School, where she was twice named All-State. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cklvp3Bvee-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link She put her interest in track to the side in favor of basketball, the sport in which she eventually led her team to a state title and made a name for herself. She was a basketball superstar in high school and continued her success into college. Claire earned a bachelor's degree in health and human physiology from Iowa University, setting her on the path to becoming a health and wellness specialist. Moreover, she is a fitness trainer for Anytime Fitness through her own company, Claire Till Fitness Plus. You'll Find The Most Recent Information About The News And Related Topics Below: - Britney Spears Says Something About Her Ex Justin Timberlake Which is Rare - CJ Harris Cause Of Death: C J Harris Who Once Tried Out for American Idol Died at Age 31 George and Claire Kittle's meeting story When we finally get to the heart of the matter, we learn that the two first met at Iowa University. They had gone from casual friends to committed lovers, and neither of them could have imagined how far they'd come. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbvpbl5PN_Y/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Due to their shared athletic background, the couple's romance was somewhat expected. Kittle got down on one knee and committed to loving in 2018 after dating for roughly 9 months. The two eventually tied the knot in 2019 and have been deeply in love ever since. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnbCnxjOxIh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Claire has been a tremendous source of strength for Kittle, as evidenced by both of their Instagram accounts, where the athlete is consistently pictured next to his girlfriend and showering her with affection. If You Are Connected To Our Site Digihindnews And Want To Know More About The Latest News, Then The Link Is Given To Anime, Celebrity, News, Games, Sports, And Entertainment. Read the full article
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petnews2day · 2 years
Scotland on Brink of Banning Greyhound Racing
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-charities/scotland-on-brink-of-banning-greyhound-racing/
Scotland on Brink of Banning Greyhound Racing
Posted on: November 1, 2022, 08:22h. 
Last updated on: November 2, 2022, 03:37h.
Political momentum is building in Scotland for an outright ban on greyhound racing, and a decision could come as soon as tomorrow.
Thornton Greyhound Stadium in Fife, above, is Scotland’s last surviving greyhound racing track. But its days may be numbered. (Image: Daily Record)
A parliamentary commission is expected to deliver a “pivotal recommendation” on the future of the sport to the Scottish givernment in Holyrood on Wednesday. If the commission recommends a ban, the government will likely set the wheels in motion.
Scotland is expected to become the first nation in the UK to ban the sport, which might eventually trigger other nations in the union to follow suit, according to The Times of London.
The UK has 25 dog racing tracks, the vast majority of which are in England.
Dog Days of Racing
Scottish greyhound racing has been in decline since its heyday in the 1930s and 1940s. Today, the country has only one track, Thornton Greyhound Stadium in Fife, which is unregulated. That means it lacks mandatory drug testing and trackside veterinarians.
The last regulated stadium in the country was Shawfield in South Lanarkshire. It did not reopen after the COVID-19 lockdown.
A petition to end greyhound racing in Scotland has received over 130,000 signatures.
The campaign to ban the sport is spearheaded by Scotland Against Greyhound Exploitation (Sage), with backing from numerous animal charities, including The Dogs Trust, Scottish SPCA, RSPCA, and the Blue Cross.
They point to statistics from the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) that more than 3,000 racing dogs died from 2017 to 2020, with an estimated 18,345 injured over the same period. The GBGB emphasizes the statistics also included dogs that died from long-term illness or natural causes.
‘Drugged, Discarded’
“We believe that [tomorrow] they will say we think [greyhound racing] should be banned in Scotland. Wednesday is pivotal. If they come out and ban it, the government is going to have to act on that. I’m feeling very optimistic.,” Sage chairwoman Gill Docherty told The Times.
If you stripped away all the concerns about how they’re kept, that they’re drugged, that they’re discarded at the end, dogs will still die on the tracks. You can’t remove that risk, so it needs to go,” she added.
Thornton racetrack owner Paul Brignal said, “Sage keeps banging on about there being 18,000 injured dogs and 3,000 deaths but we only have about 70 dogs left in racing. We’ve had two serious injuries this one year and one dog sadly died. But accidents can happen in every sport.”
Death Throes in US
In the US, greyhound racing is a dying sport in more ways than one. In 2018, Florida, once the epicenter of dog racing in America, voted in a public referendum to phase it out completely after December 31, 2020.
Arkansas, West Virginia, and Iowa are the only states that still permit commercial greyhound racing and betting. Arkansas and Iowa have resolved to phase out races at the end of this year.
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sfnewsvine · 2 years
Supreme Court to Hear Pork Case That Could Raise the Price of Bacon NBC Bay Area
The Supreme Court docket will hear arguments over a California animal cruelty regulation that would elevate the price of bacon and different pork merchandise nationwide. The case’s consequence is vital to the nation’s $26-billion-a-year pork trade, however the consequence might additionally restrict states’ means to go legal guidelines with influence outdoors their borders, from legal guidelines aimed toward combating local weather change to others supposed to manage prescription drug costs. The case earlier than the courtroom on Tuesday entails California’s Proposition 12, which voters handed in 2018. It stated that pork offered within the state wants to come back from pigs whose moms have been raised with no less than 24 sq. toes of house, together with the power to lie down and switch round. That guidelines out the confined “gestation crates,” metallic enclosures which are widespread within the pork trade. Two trade teams, the Iowa-based Nationwide Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation, sued over the proposition. They are saying that whereas Californians devour 13% of the pork eaten in america, almost 100% of it comes from hogs raised outdoors the state, primarily the place the trade is concentrated within the Midwest and North Carolina. The overwhelming majority of sows, in the meantime, aren’t raised beneath situations that will meet Proposition 12’s requirements. A 2018 proposition that established minimal house necessities for pigs goes into impact Jan. 1, studies NBC 7’s Priya Sridhar The query for the excessive courtroom is whether or not California has impermissibly burdened the pork market and improperly regulated an trade outdoors its borders. Pork producers argue that 72% of farmers use particular person pens for sows that do not permit them to show round and that even farmers who home sows in bigger group pens do not present the house California would require. Additionally they say that the best way the pork market works, with cuts of meat from numerous producers being mixed earlier than sale, it is seemingly all pork must meet California requirements, no matter the place it is offered. Complying with Proposition 12 might price the trade $290 million to $350 million, they are saying. To date, decrease courts have sided with California and animal-welfare teams that had supported the proposition. However for a lot of causes the regulation has but to enter impact. The Biden administration, for its half, is urging the justices to aspect with pork producers. The administration says Proposition 12 could be a “wholesale change in how pork is raised and marketed on this nation.” And it says the proposition has “thrown an enormous wrench into the workings of the interstate market in pork.” California’s Proposition 12 additionally covers different animals. It says egg-laying hens and calves being raised for veal have to be raised in situations wherein they’ve sufficient room to lie down, arise and switch round freely. These elements of the regulation aren’t at problem within the case. The case is Nationwide Pork Producers Council v. Ross, 21-468. Supply hyperlink Originally published at SF Newsvine
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gungieblog · 2 years
Supreme Court to hear case that could raise price of pork
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court will hear arguments over a California animal cruelty law that could raise the cost of bacon and other pork products nationwide.
The case’s outcome is important to the nation’s $26-billion-a-year pork industry, but the outcome could also limit states’ ability to pass laws with impact outside their borders, from laws aimed at combating climate change to others intended to regulate prescription drug prices.
The case before the court on Tuesday involves California’s Proposition 12, which voters passed in 2018. It said that pork sold in the state needs to come from pigs whose mothers were raised with at least 24 square feet of space, including the ability to lie down and turn around. That rules out the confined “gestation crates,” metal enclosures that are common in the pork industry.
Two industry groups, the Iowa-based National Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation, sued over the proposition. They say that while Californians consume 13% of the pork eaten in the United States, nearly 100% of it comes from hogs raised outside the state, primarily where the industry is concentrated in the Midwest and North Carolina. The vast majority of sows, meanwhile, aren’t raised under conditions that would meet Proposition 12′s standards.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 2.15
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Angelman Syndrome Day
Annoy Squidward Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Battleship Day
Broken Hearts Day
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Commonwealth Day (Gibraltar)
Court of International Justice Day
Day of Ashakalia (Kosovo)
Day of the Mexican Woman (Mexico)
Decimal Day (UK)
Digital Learning Day
ENIAC Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
European Perioperative Nursing Day (EU)
Flag Day (Canada)
Galileo Day [also 2.29]
Hazel Day (French Republic)
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
International Angolan Day
International Bottom Appreciation Day
International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
International Duties Memorial Day (Russia)
International Fanworks Day
International Green Wall Day
International Male Chastity Day
John Frum Day (Vanuatu)
Love Reset Day
Lui-Ngai-Ni (Manipur, India)
Memorial Day of Warriors—Intrnationalists
National Bad Breath Day
National Black Girl Magic Day
National Clementine Day
National Friendzone Day
National Hippo Day
National Marcus Day
National Plan B Day
National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
National Side Chicks Day
National Wisconsin Day
National Write Your Book in a Weekend Weekends
Plastic Pollution Awareness Day (Georgia)
Remember the Maine Day
Sandlasting Day
Singles Awareness Day
Slap Day
Sretenje (Serbia)
Sticky Stamp Day
Stop and Smell Your Compost Pile Day
St. Skeletor’s Day
Susan B. Anthony Day
Total Defense Day (Singapore)
World Cholangiocarcinoma Day
World Hippo Day
YouTube Launch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Burger Lover's Day
Cherry Garcia Day
Florida Craft Beer Day
Mustard Day
National Cheap Chocolate Day
National Chewing Gum Day
National Gumdrop Day
National I Want Butterscotch Day
National Lamb Day (New Zealand)
3rd Thursday in February
Energy Saving Day (Italy) [3rd Thursday]
Global Information Governance Day [3rd Thursday]
National Conductive Education Day [3rd Thursday]
Switch Off Thursday (UK) [Thursday of Go Green Week]
World Anthropology Day [3rd Thursday]
World Cholanglocarcinoma Day [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 15
American Association for the Advancement of Science Week [thru 2.17]
Independence & Related Days
Barbettia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Dadingisila (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Establishment Day (St. Louis, Missouri; 1764)
Liberation Day (Afghanistan)
Iustus (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Serbia (from the Ottoman Empire, 1804)
Festivals Beginning February 15, 2024
Arizona Beer Week (Arizona) [thru 2.25]
Berlin International Film Festival (Berlin, Germany) [thru 2.25]
Carnival of Bern [Bärner Fasnacht] (Bern, Switzerland) [thru 2.17]
Cribbagepalooza (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Great British Beer Festival Winter (Burton upon Trent, Great Britain) [thru 2.17]
Havana International Book Fair (Havana, Cuba) [thru 2.25]
Iowa Meat Processors Show (Ames, Iowa) [thru 2.17]
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Conference (Newark, Ohio) [thru 2.17]
Palatka Bluegrass Festival (Palatka, Florida) [thru 2.17]
Simplot Games (Boise, Idaho) [thru 2.17]
Takeuchi Festival (Rouge, Japan)
Feast Days
Agape (Christian; Virgin Martyr)
Art Spiegelman (Animeism)
Candlemas (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Charles-André van Loo (Artology)
Charles-François Daubigny (Artology)
Chongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival)
Claude de la Colombière (Christian; Saint)
Douglas Hofstadter (Writerism)
Drink More Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Faunus (celebrates animals helping humans)
Faustinus and Jovita (Christian; Martyrs)
Februata — Day of Juno Febuata (Pagan)
Festival of Naked Pan (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Wolves (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Galileo (Humanism; Saint)
Grigori Rasputin Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Guardian Angel Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Kamakura Matsuri (Snow Cave Festival; Japan)
Lupercalia (Festival of Lupercus; Festival of purification honoring Lycaen Pan or Faunusl Ancient Roman god of flocks and fertility)
Matt Groening (Artology)
Michał Sopoćko (Christian; Blessed)
Nirvana Day (Buddhist; Jain; Sikh)
Oswiu (Christian; Saint)
Parinirvana Day (Mahayana Buddhism)
Phaedrus (Positivist; Saint)
Quinidius (Christian; Saint)
The Raggmopps (Muppetism)
Sigfried of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Sigfrid’s Day
Susan B. Anthony (Feminism; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Tanco (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Bray (Anglican & Episcopal Church)
Walfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because so many reasons carrying on from the night before.)
Alice Solves the Puzzle (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
Angel and the Badman (Film; 1947)
Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (Animated Film; 2019)
Autumn (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Bears and the Bees (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
The Blue Danube, by Johann Strauss II (Waltz; 1867)
The Breakfast Club (Film; 1985)
Blue Moon, recorded by The Marcels (Song; 1961)
Broad City (TV Series; 2010)
Bugs Bunny’s Wild World of Sports (WB Animated TV Special; 1989)
Burn, by Deep Purple (Album; 1974)
Burr Gore, by Vidal (Historical Novel; 1973)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Clifford the Big Red Dog, by Norman Bridwell (Children’s Book; 1963)
Corregidora, by Gayl Jones (Novel; 1975)
The Crystal Maze (UK TV game Show; 1990)
Doom Patrol (TV Series; 2019)
Eastbound & Down (TV Series; 2009)
Eight Days a Week, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Elegy Written in. A Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray (Poem; 1751)
11.23.63 (TV Series; 2016)
Escape from Planet Earth (Animated Film; 2013)
Fly by Night, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Get Happy!!, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
Lifehouse, by The Who (Rock Opera; 1971)
Marlowe (Film; 2023)
Mechanical Man (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Orphan’s Picnic (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Red Dwarf (UK TV Series; 1988)
Return to Never Land (Disney Film; 2002)
Robin Hoody Woody (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
The Screwball (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Shake, Rattle and Roll, recorded by Big Joe Turner (Song; 1954)
The Stars, Like Dust, byIsaac Asimov (Novel; 1951) [Galactic Empire #1]
Super Troopers (Film; 2002)
Take the A Train, recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1941)
A Tuba to Cuba (Documentary Film; 2019)
The Umbrella Academy (TV Series; 2019)
Vision Quit (Film; 1985)
YouTube (Video Sharing Website; 2005)
Today’s Name Days
Georgia, Siegfried (Austria)
Faustin, Onezim, Vitomir (Croatia)
Jiřina (Czech Republic)
Faustinus (Denmark)
Neidi, Tiina (Estonia)
Sipi, Sippo (Finland)
Claude, Georgina, Jordan (France)
Georgia, Jovita, Siegfried (Germany)
Evsevios (Greece)
Julianna, Lilla (Hungary)
Giuliana (Italy)
Džuljeta, Juliāna, Jūlija, Smuidra (Latvia)
Julijona, Julijonas, Tautvydas (Lithuania)
Jill, Julian, Juliane (Norway)
Bernard, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Julianna, Symeon (Poland)
Pamfil, Valentin (Romania)
Anna (Russia)
Ida (Slovakia)
Juliana (Spain)
Julia, Julius (Sweden)
Cliff, Clifford, Clifton, Jeremiah, Jeremy, Sonnie, Sonny, Sunny (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 46 of 2024; 320 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 6 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 6 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 5 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 16 Grey; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 1 February 2024
Moon: 40%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Homer (2nd Month) [Phaedrus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 57 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 25 of 28)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 2.15
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Angelman Syndrome Day
Annoy Squidward Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Battleship Day
Broken Hearts Day
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Commonwealth Day (Gibraltar)
Court of International Justice Day
Day of Ashakalia (Kosovo)
Day of the Mexican Woman (Mexico)
Decimal Day (UK)
Digital Learning Day
ENIAC Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
European Perioperative Nursing Day (EU)
Flag Day (Canada)
Galileo Day [also 2.29]
Hazel Day (French Republic)
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
International Angolan Day
International Bottom Appreciation Day
International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
International Duties Memorial Day (Russia)
International Fanworks Day
International Green Wall Day
International Male Chastity Day
John Frum Day (Vanuatu)
Love Reset Day
Lui-Ngai-Ni (Manipur, India)
Memorial Day of Warriors—Intrnationalists
National Bad Breath Day
National Black Girl Magic Day
National Clementine Day
National Friendzone Day
National Hippo Day
National Marcus Day
National Plan B Day
National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
National Side Chicks Day
National Wisconsin Day
National Write Your Book in a Weekend Weekends
Plastic Pollution Awareness Day (Georgia)
Remember the Maine Day
Sandlasting Day
Singles Awareness Day
Slap Day
Sretenje (Serbia)
Sticky Stamp Day
Stop and Smell Your Compost Pile Day
St. Skeletor’s Day
Susan B. Anthony Day
Total Defense Day (Singapore)
World Cholangiocarcinoma Day
World Hippo Day
YouTube Launch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Burger Lover's Day
Cherry Garcia Day
Florida Craft Beer Day
Mustard Day
National Cheap Chocolate Day
National Chewing Gum Day
National Gumdrop Day
National I Want Butterscotch Day
National Lamb Day (New Zealand)
3rd Thursday in February
Energy Saving Day (Italy) [3rd Thursday]
Global Information Governance Day [3rd Thursday]
National Conductive Education Day [3rd Thursday]
Switch Off Thursday (UK) [Thursday of Go Green Week]
World Anthropology Day [3rd Thursday]
World Cholanglocarcinoma Day [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 15
American Association for the Advancement of Science Week [thru 2.17]
Independence & Related Days
Barbettia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Dadingisila (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Establishment Day (St. Louis, Missouri; 1764)
Liberation Day (Afghanistan)
Iustus (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Serbia (from the Ottoman Empire, 1804)
Festivals Beginning February 15, 2024
Arizona Beer Week (Arizona) [thru 2.25]
Berlin International Film Festival (Berlin, Germany) [thru 2.25]
Carnival of Bern [Bärner Fasnacht] (Bern, Switzerland) [thru 2.17]
Cribbagepalooza (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Great British Beer Festival Winter (Burton upon Trent, Great Britain) [thru 2.17]
Havana International Book Fair (Havana, Cuba) [thru 2.25]
Iowa Meat Processors Show (Ames, Iowa) [thru 2.17]
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Conference (Newark, Ohio) [thru 2.17]
Palatka Bluegrass Festival (Palatka, Florida) [thru 2.17]
Simplot Games (Boise, Idaho) [thru 2.17]
Takeuchi Festival (Rouge, Japan)
Feast Days
Agape (Christian; Virgin Martyr)
Art Spiegelman (Animeism)
Candlemas (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Charles-André van Loo (Artology)
Charles-François Daubigny (Artology)
Chongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival)
Claude de la Colombière (Christian; Saint)
Douglas Hofstadter (Writerism)
Drink More Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Faunus (celebrates animals helping humans)
Faustinus and Jovita (Christian; Martyrs)
Februata — Day of Juno Febuata (Pagan)
Festival of Naked Pan (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Wolves (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Galileo (Humanism; Saint)
Grigori Rasputin Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Guardian Angel Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Kamakura Matsuri (Snow Cave Festival; Japan)
Lupercalia (Festival of Lupercus; Festival of purification honoring Lycaen Pan or Faunusl Ancient Roman god of flocks and fertility)
Matt Groening (Artology)
Michał Sopoćko (Christian; Blessed)
Nirvana Day (Buddhist; Jain; Sikh)
Oswiu (Christian; Saint)
Parinirvana Day (Mahayana Buddhism)
Phaedrus (Positivist; Saint)
Quinidius (Christian; Saint)
The Raggmopps (Muppetism)
Sigfried of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Sigfrid’s Day
Susan B. Anthony (Feminism; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Tanco (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Bray (Anglican & Episcopal Church)
Walfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because so many reasons carrying on from the night before.)
Alice Solves the Puzzle (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
Angel and the Badman (Film; 1947)
Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (Animated Film; 2019)
Autumn (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Bears and the Bees (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
The Blue Danube, by Johann Strauss II (Waltz; 1867)
The Breakfast Club (Film; 1985)
Blue Moon, recorded by The Marcels (Song; 1961)
Broad City (TV Series; 2010)
Bugs Bunny’s Wild World of Sports (WB Animated TV Special; 1989)
Burn, by Deep Purple (Album; 1974)
Burr Gore, by Vidal (Historical Novel; 1973)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Clifford the Big Red Dog, by Norman Bridwell (Children’s Book; 1963)
Corregidora, by Gayl Jones (Novel; 1975)
The Crystal Maze (UK TV game Show; 1990)
Doom Patrol (TV Series; 2019)
Eastbound & Down (TV Series; 2009)
Eight Days a Week, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Elegy Written in. A Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray (Poem; 1751)
11.23.63 (TV Series; 2016)
Escape from Planet Earth (Animated Film; 2013)
Fly by Night, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Get Happy!!, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
Lifehouse, by The Who (Rock Opera; 1971)
Marlowe (Film; 2023)
Mechanical Man (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Orphan’s Picnic (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Red Dwarf (UK TV Series; 1988)
Return to Never Land (Disney Film; 2002)
Robin Hoody Woody (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
The Screwball (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Shake, Rattle and Roll, recorded by Big Joe Turner (Song; 1954)
The Stars, Like Dust, byIsaac Asimov (Novel; 1951) [Galactic Empire #1]
Super Troopers (Film; 2002)
Take the A Train, recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1941)
A Tuba to Cuba (Documentary Film; 2019)
The Umbrella Academy (TV Series; 2019)
Vision Quit (Film; 1985)
YouTube (Video Sharing Website; 2005)
Today’s Name Days
Georgia, Siegfried (Austria)
Faustin, Onezim, Vitomir (Croatia)
Jiřina (Czech Republic)
Faustinus (Denmark)
Neidi, Tiina (Estonia)
Sipi, Sippo (Finland)
Claude, Georgina, Jordan (France)
Georgia, Jovita, Siegfried (Germany)
Evsevios (Greece)
Julianna, Lilla (Hungary)
Giuliana (Italy)
Džuljeta, Juliāna, Jūlija, Smuidra (Latvia)
Julijona, Julijonas, Tautvydas (Lithuania)
Jill, Julian, Juliane (Norway)
Bernard, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Julianna, Symeon (Poland)
Pamfil, Valentin (Romania)
Anna (Russia)
Ida (Slovakia)
Juliana (Spain)
Julia, Julius (Sweden)
Cliff, Clifford, Clifton, Jeremiah, Jeremy, Sonnie, Sonny, Sunny (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 46 of 2024; 320 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 6 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 6 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 5 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 16 Grey; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 1 February 2024
Moon: 40%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Homer (2nd Month) [Phaedrus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 57 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 25 of 28)
0 notes