#another post about Benny being the town bicycle
dykedvonte · 29 days
Can’t forget that Benny is canonically a pretty boy (like the only canon thing of how this guy looks) and I like to think the only reason everyone at The Tops tolerates his shit is his eye candy status.
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superlepato · 6 years
Another Harringrove Au.  Bit of A/B/O and serial killer stuff.
So here I’m again, and I hope this will the last of this Au because I need to write other plot bunnies and I need to wrap this first before starting other stuff.
• Billy didn’t return to school even after the expulsion was over, it didn’t seem right also he didn’t think he would be able to concentrate in class while Steve was out there God knows where.
He didn’t want to entertain the possibility but it has been fourth months and with each day the idea grew stronger. There was a chance of not finding him and other bigger chance of not seeing him alive.
• Benny the owner of the garage was a great boss even before the disappearance of Steve, now? the guy deserves an award for all the shit that he put him trough when he snapped to the clients that saw him with pity, almost telling him “my condolences”, all the time he times he got late ‘cause he falls asleep or was with Hopper following a clue. That man was the only reason why he still has his job.
• Steve is heavily pregnant and dreads the birth of his child, he doesn’t want his child in the hands of the maniac beta Dr. if escaping before was hard now in his state was beyond impossible, he was tired all the time, out of breath and constantly wanting to pee. He couldn’t imagine himself running, hell he has to double check his footing while climbing the stairs since his balance was off and couldn’t see his feet.
He sees in 011 what kind of future his child could have if that happens, 011 could be the person most close to what the beta want to accomplish, it took some time but after bonding, she trusts in him enough to show his abilities. He thinks that Brenner doesn’t know the whole extension of 011 abilities, and maybe she purposely wanted that. 
maybe that's the reason why she helps him to find help.
• Usually, her loyalty to his Papa overpowered any aversion she might felt, except this time. She had never interacted with one of the other subjects/victims the same way she did with Steve, she can tell now that this isn’t how somebody should live and that what his Papa does is bad.
Since she is the only one that has some sort of freedom in that house, she is the one that is going to search for help.
• They waited until it was dark, he told her that she needed to go where they first met and tell the first person she found to call the police, and if for some reason it did go wrong, she deserved a life too so it was okay if she didn’t look back.
• It was dark and everything looked different she wasn’t able to reach the center but she literally ran into five people on bicycles.
• It is almost midnight when Billy receives the phone call from Chief Hopper, that he needs to go immediately to the Wheelers household, that apparently they might have found a person that knows where Steve is.
There is this girl setting in the middle of the living room with all of them surrounding her, according to everybody, she knew where Steve was, in fact, she was living with him for fourth months since it was his father the motherfucker who kidnap him. He was livid he didn’t go for the kid because he needs her to find Steve and because he was in danger as if being kidnapped wasn’t dangerous enough. 
• Hopper, the kid and him went to where the kids found her wandering, they had to walk the rest of it since it was more easy for her to locate the house. They were walking for hours and Billy was going to lose his shit if they didn’t find that fucking house in the next five minutes, God must be hearing him. Finally after being silent all those months, because they did find the house. He went on a rampage after that.
• At 5:00 am Steve was in the hospital, in a private room. Hopper has to hold him up and threatened him with a trank if he didn’t leave the doctors and nurses check Steve. 
It was like being in a dream, he still couldn’t believe that Steve was here with him, it was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. They were alone so he could take his sweet time watching and caress him as if his life depended on it. 
• Steve was pale, like really pale, his hair was a mess, marks on the wrists and ankles, bags under his eyes and more thin, the only part of him that didn’t look diminishing was his belly, God it was so big, it looked ready to pop out. He didn’t know when he started to cry, maybe he has been crying the whole time.
• The news break in the whole nation, the only surviving victim being a young pregnant male omega and his mate that killed The Frankestain, magazines, and newspaper were selling the story like a real life fucking Love Story. 
The Harringtons were there three days later, after being the lasts to find out the news of their own son and seeing how probably would be seen their absence. They wanted to take Steve to home, but the Harringtons household, and over his dead body he was going to let that happened. 
In so much simpler terms he threatened them with telling everything to the media, how they kicked their own pregnant son to the streets and how little they care about his absence since they believe that he escaped with other alpha.
• In the end, it was more easy to bribe him than the whole town to cover their bad parenting. They paid for the hospital fees and a whole bunch of baby stuff (the baby was just a one month to come to this world and they didn’t have a crib). He wasn’t above to guilt trip them until the day they died, for all he cares they own them.
• Billy didn’t leave Steve side, he couldn’t. This whole experience took their sense of security, Steve looked over his shoulder all the time and for a time he couldn’t have someone at his back, feeling that he has someone at his back still makes him nervous but can handle it better now. Billy had to be always close to Steve and everyone has to move carefully around them, sudden movements towards Steve made Billy snap. Eventually, they started to work how to be apart, because they both need to gain a sense of normality again. Going to work, return to school, all that stuff.
• The first day they returned to their house, they were received by the kids, the Wheelers, Mrs. Henderson, Joyce Byers, hell  Nancy and Jhonatan were there, even Susan in an abstract way. (Max delivered some soup in her name).
Mrs. Henderson came every day to the house and made sure that Steve ate, he really needed to put some weight. 
• Charlie was born in August. He was the most beautiful baby he has ever seen, anyone could fight him for that. 
It was obvious from a young age that Charlie was...special. Steve beat himself for that, Billy had to convince him many times that it was not his fault, and that Charlie had nothing wrong, Besides they now could say rightfully that their son was more special than the other kids.
• Jane Hopper became Charlie confident and his teacher with everything related to his powers. 
In his 7th birthday, Jane gifts him the book, Matilda. When the movie came out they were in the premier.
• After his experience Billy decided to become a police officer, he was determined to imprison all the sick fucks out there. For his part, Steve finds out that he wanted to be a teacher and help kids like Jane. She was always going to be his first student and his favorite, of course. 
This is the end I hope that you like it (the devoted 20 people that read my posts) I admit that I have more in mind, especially with Charlie, but God I really didn’t want to have a part 5 so that, I could think about it if you really really want to know.
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