#anyways. at least i’m not crytyping.
bylroos · 8 months
not to sound like my teenage self again but. man am i tired of always being left behind when my best friend gets a significant other.
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bananonbinary · 5 years
I can very much understand why some davejade shippers might be entitled because dave was initially played as the typical cool guy so due to heteronormativity you expect him to 1) have at least one girl into him, and 2) get the girl he wants in the end, and their interactions had chemistry enough to fuel the flames. Davekat fans being entitled weirds me out more because both characters were initially very no homo and explicitly into girls (1/?)
so most people who shipped davekat did it as blackrom, often even leering into icky yaoi stereotypes and such. Dave and Karkat being soft and caring characters and having a healthy relationship was the big unexpected development of these characters so I have no idea how people got so entitled about it so fast. It’s probably a consequence of everyone trying to play hs as this apex of queer rep, which it honestly is not (2/?)             
and there’s also some defensiveness because a canon loving m/m pair like davekat is hard to find and people feel shoving jade there without showing the development was a cheap way of saying “haha yeah they love each other but of course there’s still a girl in the middle”. It’s the kind of problem you ran into when you have only one polyam relationship and only one m/m relationship, it’s gonna have a few flaws rep wise no matter what (3/?)             
  And to be clear I’m not trying to defend any ship or shipper with this, ship discourse is mostly annoying as hell, I’m just mumbling on what I think is going on, even because I suspect this whole thing was improvised because of the difference between when act 7 storyboards were made and when the last upd8s were made. Act 7 shows no indication of davekat at all and the picnic scene even implies the two being still hatefriends/rivals for Jade’s attention (5/?) 
so I think the original plan for the ending was Dave x Jade x Karkat as an het love triangle (gosh it sounds so bad) but Hussie shifted into Davekat/gay singularity mode as he finished writing the act, but by then the animation for act 7 was already under way, because animation takes way more time than panels and writing. So Hussie said screw it and got the three together. I just wish they said the word polyam at least, being vague about feels like baiting a bit. (6/6 i think i lost count sorry)            
here’s the thing: this is a fine argument for being uncomfortable with it. “i dont feel there was buildup and it felt gimmiky and like they didn’t really want to make it polyam”
but i was huge into davekat circles back in the day, and that’s NOT what most of the arguing is. It’s a huge clusterfuck of biphobic rhetoric, “smol soft boys would never like a GIRL EWWWW” fetishization, and dangerous misconceptions  about poly relationships. people aren’t mad that this relationship felt rushed or badly written, they’re mad that
a) a boy/girl/boy triad made up of explicitly bi characters (and all three characters have literally never been even implied to be gay, hell the guys got together in GO fighting over a girl) isn’t “gay enough” which is biphobic as all hell
b) that a triad is somehow more normative than a couple because the fictional world ONE of the participants is from had severely regulated relationships that aren’t really poly in spirit anyway because each person still has a strictly defined number of partners, which is just about as dumb as when people said alternia is bi-normative and therefor any bi trolls were regressive as if we dont live in a real world where these things have consequences,
c) they’re literally just Big Mad because of some dumb ship war between jadedave and davekat and didnt want to have to shake hands, and
c) the big one, that poly relationships as a concept are damaging if you have self-esteem issues like dave and karkat has, which is………Do Not Do That Pls. you could tell me jade would upset dave somehow. you could tell me karkat’s anger issues are bad for the other two. you could even tell me that karkat and jade’s personalities combined would somehow trigger daves ptsd or w/e. but don’t tell me that a poly relationship would with ANY other character would be :/ problematic actually ://///// just because you think poly people and relationships have to fit a specific stereotype. (fun fact: if u have insecurities about your partners loving you, then as a group you can like...work through that you don’t need to say poly relationships as a concept are Unhealthy for Most People)
once again, if the arguments were actually about like, the people involved or the writing or w/e, i wouldn’t care, but i remember when the credits went up and i made a silly post about how i thought davekat was included in davejadekat and like,,,,,the OUTRAGE. the fucking SHEER HATRED i suddenly received from all those people. i still find people today who obviously blocked me from that one post.
and i remember when act 7 dropped, there was fucking pandemonium. it wasn’t just people feeling like they weren’t represented, i remember Someone Who Shall Not Be Named (one of the people who blocked me lmao) getting absolutely hammered and crytyping all day just because there wasnt an explicit kiss and they werent even the worst of it. that was when i really started re-evaluating how fucking damaging it is to put literally all your stock in a ship playing out in an extremely specific way.
fast forward to like 20 minutes ago, when i saw several posts in a row resurfacing all this shitty rhetoric back in my face like its 2010 and we still are afraid of people dating more than one person. like, explicitly saying they thought a poly relationship was bad for the characters and was actually less woke than two gay boys and all that bullshit.
i don’t fuckin care about the ships. im actually pretty lukewarm about this one. but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP BEING BIPHOBIC AND POLYPHOBIC WHEN DISCUSSING THEM. A CANON TRIAD WILL NEVER EVER FUCKING BE NORMATIVE OR REGRESSIVE OR INHERENTLY ABUSIVE OR WHATEVER OTHER BULLSHIT YOU’RE THINKING. (and characters who are canonically attracted to multiple genders ending up in relationships with characters of different genders will ALSO never be fucknig normative you absolute biphobic shitheads)
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greywindys · 6 years
Random Murdoc bot notes Pt. 2
ASAJksjjl...my day was ridiculous today but I’m finally home and can begin to fully process the latest Murdoc bot update. First of all boo @ them locking you out after one conversation. I’m too lazy to try across multiple platforms, plus from what I’ve seen there aren’t too much variations anyways SO without further ado...
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Having the learn and recognize my name was like, really weird. Cool, but weird. I now officially exist in Gorillaz canon.
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The “security” questions were bullshit tbh!! He freaking told me that was his favorite drink during our first conversation. I mean, I know they had to find a way to let anyone in (because ofc not everyone would remember that answer) but omg you could at least make note of people who *do* remember...flop writing. That or the prison isn’t bothering to remember anything about Murdoc (also possible) but...idt the writers think about these sorts of things that much.
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At first I thought he was crytyping....
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“Warm-up stretches”????? Nerd!! Also this suggests he was lying about winning the fight in the NME interview, which means we can assume any interview description he provides about his experience in prison is him trying to save face....this makes me sad. It’s also curious that he supposedly doesn’t know the “rules” of prison, that or it’s more face-saving and he actually just sucks at fighting (something I personally, have always assumed)...my guess is the latter.
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The inconsistencies are like...glaring. Circa phase three he mentions losing Cortez and then we pretty much never hear about him again. Then we see a stuffed raven, assumed to be him appear in his room. Not to get too graphic here but like, if he had ACTUALLY put Cortez in the microwave he would not be able to have him stuffed. I’ve read cases where people under the influence of various drugs have put things in microwaves that they REALLY don’t mean to and what happens to those things is...um...yeah. No way the bird would be salvageable if that actually happened. ANYHOW...
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Soooo these were some weird answers. Now, I know I also gave an odd prompt but like...what IS this response? I’m assuming “the bastard” he’s referring to is El Mierda but it gets odd...
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First of all, hearing about how injured he is like, genuinely makes me sad. He doesn’t have much care for his own well-being, and there’s a lot I could say about this regarding mental illness and the lack of access to medication in prisons but I don’t want to ramble here.
What I’m also concerned with is the “I wish he’d stop talking” like...idk if that’s supposed to be some continuation of whatever he’s talking about in the previous answer? I know the bot answers are based on an algorithm, and that certain words prompt certain response but idk what it is I said that would get him to go on a tangent like that, because I don’t think he’s talking about Kanye West here lmao. For the record, I mention Kanye because that was literally the first thing I thought of when he mentioned his jaw being wired shut - Kanye wrote his debut single from College Dropout, “Through the Wire” about his recovery following a car crash, which included having his jaw wired shut for a period of time. I know, I know, there was so much more I COULD have responded with but that was my first impulse and it prompted a weirdass answer. My responses are like...a little beyond the bot I think.
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Look at him actually accepting some constructive criticism!! Character growth!!!
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He looks pleased with himself but I’m still worried about him!
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I think that what I've learned from this is to never try. I'm just going to stop. I know that it sounds like a quote from an incel who got rejected, but I have just made a realization that love doesn't truly exist. Sympathy is fake. Even the concept of at least fucking faking it. Couldn't even do me that courtesy.
I've realized that by caring at all, or valuing literally anything, including your own life, you only make yourself available to be hurt.
If you openly value anything, you can be easily coerced. Possessions are just leverage. Feelings are just vulnerabilities.
Every time that I've yearned for any sort of connection, every time that I've been wowed by anything involving friendship, love, or trust? Meaningless. I am always going to be alone. I will die alone, with not even my cat as company. Immediately after taking every last thing I own and destroying it. If you treasure anything, you have already failed.
Ugh, I understand how crytyping happens now. Where the fuck did I put my glasses wipes? Anyways. Oh crap, I've got to like, delete my online presence or whatever. There's nothing more unsettling than a dead account. I mean, think about it. Think about all those old geocities sites from 19-whatever. How many of those are someone's last tangible mark on the world? How many of these tumblrs are being ran on a queue after a tragic event, and will eventually just dry up? How many people just stop getting notifications from a persistent follower, with no explanation as to why? There isn't always closure.
I'm scared.
I'm scared for it to be over.
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librafluid · 7 years
Things in The Discourse™ that need to stop
There are a few shitty things that keep happening, which I hope we can at least agree should Stop? It doesn’t matter which side you’re on or whether you’re ace or allo, but it’d be nice if we could do these things less. In general you should keep in mind that people, especially children, may make mistakes out of ignorance. That isn’t to say that some disgusting things haven’t gone down throughout this mess, but petty things like “we’ll stop being nasty when you do” don’t solve anything. 
It’s difficult for me to word this as not all inclusionists are aspec, nor are all exclusionists allo, so I have to generalise, sorry. I try to be as inclusive of aro people in this as I can, but a large number of arguments centralise asexuals. This post is primarily to point out issues and try to approach them reasonably. Also: I’m white, so please tell me if I’m out of my lane anywhere.
“Ace tumblr” doesn’t exist in the sense of a side in the discourse. We aren’t a hive mind. Neither are exclusionists, but there is a difference between generalising an exclusionary movement and generalising an entire orientation. Both are diverse in their members and viewpoints, but one of them isn’t something that can change.
Being an “ex-ace” doesn’t give you the right to demean them or MOGAI identities. While they might be used to avoid internalised prejudice by some, you actively hurt people who cannot comfortably fit into the LGBT quartet. Just because you realised you are not ace does not give you the right to speak over or deny their experiences.
Saying that aces are inherently “purer” because of their orientation occurs on both sides. Yes, aspec identities are orientations, not modifiers. This occurs in aces making serophobic jokes or comments, which is bad, but also in allos mocking aces and implying that we all actually think of ourselves as better. Aspec people can have sex regardless of whether they are attracted to someone, as can any allo person. Acting as if allosexuals​ are somehow inherently more sexual forgets hypersexual aces and sex averse allos. The sex shaming of people who are allosexual can stop, and so can mockeries of aces.
I haven’t seen any crytyping jokes in a while good job everyone. They didn’t add anything to this mess anyway.
Things like “aceys uwu” are… Not Good. I get it if someone’s being an asshole, though this comes off as mocking or patronising their orientation. Doing it specifically because of that is Rude.
As for cishet aspecs: they have privilege over trans/nb and non-het people. They are cis. They are straight. They are part of an oppressor group, but guess who else is? Cis gays. Het trans people. Intersectionality results in privileges overlapping, and while they are privileged and some may be terrible people, that is no different from any other group. Cishets are our oppressors, but that doesn’t make it impossible for them to be respectful or need resources in regards of their asexuality or aromanticism.
Het aspecs are not accepted on the same level as a cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual - they are straight, but can suffer for their orientation as other LGBT+ people do. They may not be oppressed on the same scale, but they face systemic stigma: aros are frequently demonised as abusive or unloving, especially if not aroace. Asexuality is not the same as chastity, and aces are viewed as broken/inhuman by alloromantic, allosexual het people. Erasing this is harmful and does little beyond alienating people who may genuinely need resources and help.
It’d be nice if we stop pushing the ahistorical narrative that aspecs are some kind of trespassers who are barging into a place they’ve never been involved in? Whether they were under the B due to a lack of terms or labelled as Group X, aspecs have been involved in the LGBT+ community for a while. For that matter, don’t pretend the community formed all of a sudden one day to fight homophobia and transphobia and functioned in perfect harmony. It was a struggle to even get the L and G together, and ushering this false history to the point of enforcing the restriction of SGA (ironic as some people despise the use of the Q word at all, despite its history) is harmful. Doing this also ignores the history, issues and spirit of the community.
Oppression Olympics don’t achieve much, and lumping bi/ply/pan and nonbinary people into homophobia and transphobia erase the specific experiences of those identities. They intersect, but they are individual and so is aphobia, even if a lot of issues overlap or aren’t as severe. 
When people say that certain arguments and methods are reminiscent of bi discourse or TERF arguments, it isn’t with the intention of saying that you’re a complete biphobe or transphobe. They are likely talking from experience, when they say some arguments resemble the style of previous gatekeeping movements. It might be a good idea to consider why those methods are being used. 
This fighting is no longer about cishets, when aspecs who you would consider part of the community anyway are getting hurt and attacked. When poc are having their identity erased, when survivors are being harrassed. The discourse is becoming an excuse for some nasty happenings from people of all opinions and stances, and collateral damage like this isn’t worth it.
TL;DR: all stances on the ace discourse and all orientations have unsavoury individuals, but not all people within those groups are the same as them. Please try to be decent people and be decent to people, and give them a chance to learn. Preferably while not having aspecs as a backdrop for your shit.
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mmmmbop · 7 years
Are you still Kent trash? I hope so bc I've got a hc: Kit dies and Kent stops playing as well as he used to bc she was the only he had/it was his sisters cat before she died (I hc Kent as having a single mom and one younger sister). It takes the whole team forever to encourage him to play like he used to and idk I just need a fic in which the team supports Kent and tries to help him out bc that boy hurts too deeply
I’m always Kent trash tbh (or at least a Kent recyclable)….. and this ask makes me wish I knew how to crytype effectively bc wow. you didn’t need to do that. 
Also WHY did his sister die (i think) in your hc?? was that truly necessary??? I mean I have no room to complain bc I have several AUs floating around in my brain where Kit and/or Kent’s mom die, but hey. why. 
((anyway I’m pretty good at math and Kent + angst + love and support from those around him = that image of D.W. from Arthur standing in the rain))
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locktobre · 7 years
sometimes i think about the fact that my harsh personality comes from the fact that i have to speak harshly to my mom. i have to or she will not listen to me and sometimes will not even do things that need to be done. and she has even said herself that she needs to be told what to do, many times! like, once a month at least! and that has been my job since she got out of the hospital. somehow that became my job. not like, telling her what to do, at first, but somehow I got put in charge of directing her when she gets out of control and this sounds like a fucked up way to speak about my mother but if you’ve met her you get it. and even if it is fucked up that’s the way life works here and she’s dependent on me in many ways and it’s like I can’t just change it now it’s been 12 years. anyway that’s where that comes from it’s a whole fucking issue and it’s something I struggle with a lot when dealing with, like, literally anybody else, especially my friends. I very often do not succeed and I am sorry that I don’t. I struggle with it every day and I lose more often than I win but I’m trying. my instinct, now, is to be uncompromising bc that’s the only way to get shit done in my house. I think I usually do the best with not being controlling but even that can get bad sometimes. idk where I’m going with this but I cried and now I feel better so that’s something I guess. not to get crytype-y but sorry im fucked up guys. im trying but theres only so much i can do while still living here. and thinking about moving out it is a whole anxiety not just bc i would have to be responsible for my whole entire self but the way my mom talks, she says like at least three times a week that me and my brother are the best part of her life and she doesn’t know what she would do without us which might sound nice but hearing it is not. my relationship with my mom is complex to say the very least lmao it is in equal parts comforting and terrifying to think about being away from her but i guess thats abuse for you
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condensed from 54 screenshots of tumblr im because i fucking hate myself
bertie and jeeves are rival fashion bloggers
it started off with a thirst follow from jeeves but dear god bertie’s tastes can be so infuriating
he ends up vagueing. a lot.
bertie is the kind of person who would reblog like “just @ me next time sweaty :)”
(lmao oh dear jeeves)
anyway everyone assumes they’re dating because of their Weird interactions and bertie doesn’t get it??? at all?????? he’s straight???????? why would anyone assume this??????????????
jeeves is like. not aggressively gay, but not closeted
bertie is so deeply closeted he doesn’t realise he’s in the closet. he’s in fucking narnia
tuppy runs a sports blog. also a food sideblog. he’s mutuals with anatole, who deletes at least once a month
“tumblr is so toxic,,, goodbye,,,”
barmy’s blog is a neodadaist work of art and also kpop
(it just feels right ok)
stilton vagues about bertie constantly
he doesn’t ever block him or anything though
occasionally he sends him Really Obvious anon hate
bertie has been blocked by literally everyone at least once. sometimes it even sticks
florence and honoria are both Really Overbearing sjws. the type who use academic language with literally no reason
spode is an alt-right blogger
he occasionally accidentally reblogs fashion to his main blog and gets Weirdly Defensive about it and nobody understands why
gussie is a scalie
ok no no gussie runs a blog with Interesting Information About Newts
madeline reblogs pastels and sappy poetry. she adores rocky’s blog, which is almost always inactive except for the few times he surfaces and posts incomprehensible poetry then vanishes again
once she asked him to explain a poem he wrote. he just replied “lol”
madeline crytypes when she gets shit for associating with spode
claude and eustace constantly hack into each other’s accounts
everybody has practically memorised the bee movie script at this point because they Keep Submitting it to everyone
they’re always online. nobody knows how. they don’t have a queue or anything
i’m definitely forgetting people
OH YEAH spode and orlo + vanessa start shit with each other all the time because, you know, communism,
bingo joined in once when he was in his commie phase but it was just a bit pathetic really
dahlia and agatha having Wine Mom arguments on facebook
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