#why can’t we value platonic love as much as romantic love.
bylroos · 8 months
not to sound like my teenage self again but. man am i tired of always being left behind when my best friend gets a significant other.
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poppitron360 · 15 days
Ok so in another post I talked about all the reasons why Valzhang is better than Caleo, and I wanted to do one on Valgrace as well (lmk if this should become a series).
Bear in mind I am only on HoH- I haven’t read all of the Caleo bits yet, but I know she ain’t gonna treat him right.
I was originally SUPER sceptical about Valgrace (“I ship them platonically” “Jason is the Token Straight Friend”) and while I don’t think it was ever cannon I 100% THINK IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN.
Seriously, my eyes have been opened to Valgrace, to the point where the fanfic I’m writing about them currently clocks in at around 5,934 words.
And some of the fanarts/fanfics of them are SO CUTE I COULD DIE- it was hard NOT to ship them after reading some of y’all’s stuff. Keep up the good work.
Anyway buckle up ‘cause I’m ‘bouta write a whole dam essay on this.
1. The whole appeal of Jason Grace’s character is that he sees through your insecurities and lifts you up because he is too pure for this world. So narratively speaking, why is he with the most stable character? Yeah, Piper’s got issues, but compared to the others? She’s doing pretty well for herself. I mean, her parents are ALIVE!! Wouldn’t it just make more sense, narratively speaking, to put Jason with the MOST insecure character??? He can support Leo, help him in his arc, and it would give Jason a time to shine by highlighting his best qualities.
2. Throughout most of the books, Jason is the ONLY ONE who actually consistently sees through Leo’s mask. Everyone else’s POV of Leo is “Haha Leo said something funny and goofy and we’re all trying to be serious here, Leo. Gods, he’s soooo annoying!”, whereas Jason’s POV is like “Jason could see that Leo was desperately trying to keep it together for the good of the group, and he thought that was noble and brave and good and kind and awesome.” Like I said above, he’s able to lift Leo up because he sees him, and knows him. Something Calypso never did. There are several interactions, during TLH particularly, where Jason is just like “Hey, Leo? You are great. You are awesome. You have saved our lives multiple times. Whatever just went wrong, it wasn’t your fault. Stop beating yourself up about everything. You are a valued and respected member of this team. I love and appreciate you.” And Leo still puts up those walls with the jokes and the sarcastic remarks, and Jason is nothing but patient with him. Calypso was never like that.
3. I can’t find the line in the book, but there’s a bit in HoH where Jason’s worrying about the “To Storm or Fire, the World must fall” line in the prophecy, and he says words to the effect of “I like living, but I’d rather I die than Leo, anyway horses-” and seriously?? Rick missed a trick by not making them a couple. There is WAY more potential for angst if there’s that romantic feeling involved, knowing one of them is going to die, and both being willing to sacrifice themselves for one another like this is “Merchant of Venice” or something (I will explain the obscure Shakespeare reference in the comments). Calypso would never give up her LIFE for Leo, and Leo would only give up his because she’s hot.
4. Okay, most of this is copy-pasted from my post about Valzhang, but it still applies, and it applies to them maybe more so. They get so much more time together to establish a meaningful relationship. Their arc carries over all five books, and we get to form connections as a reader to them both, so the payoff is a lot more satisfying. Unlike Calypso, Jason is his own character separately, and not just an add-on to Leo’s arc. Their friendship is a key focus in their chapters, and a key point in their character development, as Jason is the first person Leo ever opens up to about his mom. When Calypso showed up, Leo had already gone through that journey of letting down those walls, so it was a lot less meaningful. They had little to no time to develop a relationship, and we never get a chance to care about Calypso as a person. She’s just kind of a plot point for Leo/Percy’s own development, and never her own character.
5. What separates Leo and Calypso from the other relationships in the series is that they were not written for each other. Frank and Hazel? Written for each other. Jason and Piper? Written for each other. Percy and Annabeth? FUCKING WRITTEN TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER. Cal was brought in during BoTL to cockblock Percabeth, and then Rick realised Leo “needed” a girlfriend, so picked her. But you know what two characters were written to be best friends right from the get-go? Like literally it’s established in the first couple pages of the first book? Jason and Leo. Much like how Valzhang were always meant to be rivals, Jason and Leo were always meant to be best friends.
6. Like I said in the last post, Leo doesn’t NEED a girlfriend. He can heal his trauma with friends and found family, learning to love and accept himself, learning that he doesn’t actually need the attention of a hot girl to be valid. Jason is the best person to help him on that journey, seeing as how his character thrives in uplifting others. The only person who ever loved Leo unconditionally died when he was eight. His blood relatives abandoned him, and he clearly wasn’t treated very well in the foster homes. He constantly feels like he has to work to prove he’s earned his place among the Seven because for him, family has never been a guarantee. Jason cares for Leo even when he’s fucked up, even when he’s a crying mess on the floor, even when he feels most like he doesn’t deserve to be cared for. Leo thinks he needs the attention of a hot girl to give him validation. What he really needs is to find a place among his brethren- and Jason offers him that place.
So, kids, that was it for today’s edition of “Why Literally Any Ship Is Better Than Caleo”. Tune in next time for our fav ✨trauma twinsies✨ Valdangelo!
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tsublue · 2 years
Asteroid Amor (1221) meaning in signs & houses ASTROLOGY
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* The Amor asteroid in Astrology is connected to platonic love and compassion. It can represent unconditional love, one that doesn’t need to have a reason to exist, one that would exist regardless of the circumstances, but in a romantic way, unlike Ceres which is normally connected to a mother-child type of relationship.
* Amor can also show the love that feels ideal to us - our true romantic desires, how and what we require to experience the highest form of love, to feel truly loved.
I would love to know if it relates to you and what is your Amor in. Let me know in the comments! <3
The asteroid AMOR in signs:
~ Aries: With Aries being the independent sign, you may want more of your own freedom to do your own things with Amor in Aries. This can get in the way sometimes though, and you may push a little too much. Someone you can find that delicate balance with, who gives you room but also holds you accountable, can be best for you. When in love, you can be really passionate. Amor in Aries demands a challenging lover and values autonomy and self-determination in a relationship.
~Taurus: With Taurus being the sensual sign, you may want a strong physical connection in love with Amor in Taurus. This might make you confuse sex with love though, so it's important for you to learn the difference. Someone you can have both of those things with, great love and passion, can be best for you. When in love, you can be very affectionate and like to pamper your partner. Amor in Taurus demands a lover who will cater to all sensual demands, in and out of bed.
~Gemini: With Gemini being the sign of the mind, you may want a strong mental connection in love with Amor in Gemini. You can get bored with people pretty quickly, so grounding your mind can be important. Playing 200 questions with potential partners isn't the best! Someone who is naturally interesting, intelligent, and curious can be best for you. When in love, you can keep it fresh. Amor in Gemini demands a lover who is carefree and values wit, communication and intellect.
~Cancer: With Cancer being the sign of emotions, you may want a strong emotional connection in love with Amor in Cancer. You may be a little too much sometimes though, oversharing too soon or acting clingy, and that pushes people away. Giving yourself more self-care and support can be important to avoid that. Someone who is sweet and nurturing can be best for you. When in love, you can be a big cheerleader for your partner. Amor in Cancer demands lovers in an excessive and child-like way to nurture and baby them. Needs to feel protected and secure emotionally in order to love.
~ Leo: With Leo being super affectionate, you may want a lot of praise and attention and affection in love with Amor in Leo. This can get demanding though, and you may seem insecure to potential partners. Work on your own confidence so you don't have to seek validation from those you're dating. Someone who is fun-loving, shares your hobbies, and generous can be best for you. When in love, you can be a big-hearted softie. Amor in Leo demands constant adulation and assurances for being the wonderful lover they think they are.
~ Virgo: With Virgo being the perfectionist sign, you may place high expectations on your partner and relationship in love with Amor in Virgo. This just leads to inevitable disappointment and heartbreak though. Try to figure out why it is that you’re trying to check off a list of perfection in the first place. Are you trying to guard yourself? Someone who is attentive and hardworking can be best for you. When in love, you can do lots of little things for your partner. Amor in Virgo demands perfection, competence, and self-discipline from a lover and can’t remain loving if the lover doesn’t match up to their discriminating perception.
~Libra: With Libra being the sign requiring peace and balance, you may want total harmony and equity in love with Amor in Libra. Equality and respect are a good thing to shoot for, but if you are avoiding conflict to keep the peace and letting big things slide, that adds up over time and adds up to the relationship’s downfall. Don’t run from problems and don’t believe that if you have one relationship is bad (even the good ones go through bad times.) Someone who is respectful can be best for you. When in love, you can be very considerate. Amor in libra demands equality, harmony and balance from a lover in a relationship.
~Scorpio: With Scorpio being the intense sign, you may crave major passion and sexual chemistry with Amor in Scorpio. This can go too far though, and you may walk away from something good if the person can’t match your level of intensity of it. Scorpio being the ruler of transformation means that there may be a transformation required linked to some deeply-held issues causing this. Someone loyal and strong can be the best for you. When in love, you can be all-in. Amor in Scorpio demands sexual intensity from a lover as well as the length, the breadth and the totality of the human emotional experience.
~Sagittarius: With Sagittarius being the adventurous sign. You may want adventure and fun in love with Amor in Sagittarius. This can make committing a little hard for you though, since you want freedom to do whatever, whenever. Tackle whatever is causing you to run in the first place. Someone who gives you space, but still keeps you interested can be the best for you. When in love, you can be passionate and open. Amor in Sagittarius demands freedom to expand and explore, and values a lover who searches for meaning and purpose.
~Capricorn: With Capricorn being the sign ruling goals, you may want someone you view successful. Don’t let that be your only criteria, someone successful or with recognition. Responsibilities can also be an issue and you may take on too much in love, or not enough and need balance. Someone disciplined, focused and traditional can be the best for you. When in love, you can be fully committed. Amor in Capricorn demands a lover who will respect them and is big on responsibility, discipline, perseverance and achievement through your own efforts.
~Aquarius: With Aquarius being the sign of friendships, you may require a foundation of friendship in love. This can be a good thing, but you may push for freedom a little too much and use friendship as either an excuse for a lack of passion, or a placeholder for lovers. someone who gives your the room to fully be yourself, eccentricities and all, can be best for you. In love you can be loyal and interesting. Amor in Aquarius demands a friendship, mental camaraderie and freedom, in order to feel unconditional love; can’t remain loving if this requirement is not met.
~Pisces: With Pisces being the compassionate sign, you may be very sacrificing and devoted in love. This can go to extremes though and you may give too much of yourself to others, get manipulated and controlled by those with bad intentions and go for crazy love just because it feels “destined.” Boundaries are incredibly important in order for you to have healthy love. Someone who can respect your boundaries and see you as your own person can be the best for you. In love you can be gentle and understanding. Amor in Pisces demands that an element of suffering be present in order to feel love at it’s purest. Can attract experiences of victimization and exploitation as well as glamour, dependency, sorrow, compassion, empathy and secrecy in connection with love.
AMOR through houses:
1st house: The person wants to love everyone, and sees expressing love as part of their basic nature.
2nd house: The person can be very materialistic, putting money before love.
3rd house: The person needs continual interaction and communication, often in the most unorthodox of places (strip clubs, in front of an audience, ETC)
4th house: The person feels that one’s home should be a place overflowing with love.
5th house: The person needs fun and majesty in their love life. Glamour, creativity and self-expression, play and drama all are important in a perfect love.
6th house: The person feels that they need to be a compulsive caretaker and will select those who appear weak in some way. The workplace will hold a special place in their heart.
7th house: The person loves to be in love and thinks of companionship as the ultimate goal, seeking balance in union.
8th house: The person needs a deep and intense emotional bonding. intimacy is paramount and attachments are deep and ofter psychic.
9th house: The person needs to be free to explore love, either philosophically or through traveling to other places / countries. They also need the relationship to be beneficial and boost their knowledge in many ways.
10th house: The person feels that they must strive to become a very loving person; needs to needs to be adored as a powerful authority figure.
11th house: The person needs to love everyone equally and altruistically. Uniqueness and individuality is important to them.
12th house: The person feels that their emotions have difficulty separating through appropriate boundaries; will often let their emotions run wild and undifferentiated at their own peril.
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If you want to repost & ETC, then, please ask for my permission first and post with credits.
I do not own any of the pictures added to this post. Credits go to Pinterest and the posts creators.
I hope that you enjoyed this post.
See you next time.
~Love, Tsunami
#astrology #asteroid #amor #asteroidamor #asteroidinsigns #birthchart #foryou #observations #houses
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
“Blitzo and Fizz were only friends because they grew up together” and “Fizz and Ozzie are only together because they work together” are silly arguments because like. Doesn’t that apply to every relationship? Like there are hundreds of people you can be compatible with, but never meet just because your paths never crossed. And you meet plenty of people you don’t gel with, even as a kid (*cough* Blitzo and Stolas *cough*).
I think romantic or platonic, both Fizz’s relationships developed because of luck/right place right time sure, but they also had common interests and values, and to say otherwise for either ship is a disservice. Blitzo and Fizz loved performing (even if Blitzo wasn’t very good), concerts, playing pretend, and even as adults they still manage to make each other laugh. The same could be said for Fizz and Ozzie in regards to sense of humor and performing.
That said, I’m not sure if Blitzo and Fizzarolli’s life aspirations and values (Fizz being a free famous performer who inspires others, versus Blitzo wanting to be an assassin and imp who achieved are very different but also similar…) align as much as Asmodeus and Fizzarolli’s, at least right now in canon. That’s why I don’t see BlitzFizz as more than friends right now. So I don’t get the Fizzarozzie shippers who are like “Fizzarolli should never interact with Blitz ever again!” because he still needs friends? And even if you don’t ship them romantically they still have raport as adults.
For you. Anon. ily. I really needed to hear someone talk fairly. I only said what I said to make the person see how mute that point was.
Personally I feel like…idk the whole part about values seems underdeveloped, I don’t even know what Asmodeus values in life other than fizz. His lustful rouse was all a lie, the sextoy factory isn’t doing so well. He seems deeply unhappy in a way that can’t be fixed just by fizz alone, so who is he really?
And is fizz really a free performer now? Not really. He’s both tied down to Asmodeus, and he wants to get out of the spotlight to take a break/vacation. But why wouldn’t creeps just follow him during his vacation? Does Ozzie have to be with him for the entire thing? Does fizz want to explore the other rings? Blitz or Ozzie can’t always be there for security. We need to attach weapons to his prosthetics yesterday and I know just the guy for the job!!
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Seriously these things look just like Fizzarolli’s prosthetics. Bet he’d ask for pink ones. Wally works with both Lyle & Loopdee robotics as his wacky idea factory, and he bartends at Ozzies. The connection is there. And it would be pretty cool to see him get help from people lower on the “ladder” and visit the pride ring where things are just never quiet. Who doesn’t love a good fish out of water storyline.
But if you really think about it? They both wanted to be famous imps known all across hell, they both get called imp boy and want to show people that they’re more than that, to inspire others. “Not many imps start businesses on their own” remember? And they value family, security, loyalty, and self image.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
Something I think much of the GA and milkvans desperately needs to understand is that “I love you,” are just words. They’re just words. They have no bearing on a relationship, at their core- they aren’t magic. I could walk up to a random stranger I’ve never met before and tell them “I love you.” I could tell them mike’s entire s4 monologue! “I love you,” isn’t some magic phrase that you can only say if you truly love someone. And abusers frequently will use “I love you,” as an excuse for their actions (ie “I’m hurting you because I love you so much, it’s for your own good,” which is a rhetoric that we see from Brenner in ST, especially during his S4 argument with her where he talks about how he loved her and all the kids, including Henry, and that’s why he did what he did).
It doesn’t matter if someone says they love you. It literally doesn’t matter. What matters is how they treat you. What matters is how they show you that they love you, what matters is them treating you with respect, and dignity, and kindness- that’s love.
So why is El so focused on wanting Mike to say he loves her? A.) because he doesn’t do anything to SHOW that he does so she’s relying on him to TELL her that he does b.) because her perception of romantic love is based on romance movies, where “I love you,” is some magical phrase
Brenner tells El that he loves her + the other children. But he never shows it. He treats them horribly and abusively, and then claims it’s for their own good, claims it’s because he loves them. El’s mother never tells El that she loves her. She can’t. But she showed it. She showed it when she broke into the lab, trying to get El back. She showed it when she had a whole bedroom ready for her. She showed it when she showed El her memories. She didn’t need to tell El that she loved her- by the end of their interactions, El knew. El knew that her mother loved her.
And also I’m not implying at all that Brenner feels romantically towards El, just to be clear- I’m using “love” as a whole for both romantic and platonic love because brenners “I love you which is why I hurt you” rhetoric is rhetoric that can apply both to romantic and platonic/familial love.
When Mike finally tells El that he loves her, it doesn’t matter. They’re just words. He hasn’t shown that he loves her, and at this point, El is past seeing love solely through the lens of romance movies, and has a more robust understanding of both platonic and romantic love. Especially since the Mike monologue happens after Brenner tells her her loves her/all the kids. I think that was a turning point for El starting to realize that “I love you,” are just words, and what REALLY matters is how you show people that you love them. And I think she’s going to start to notice Mike and Will showing that they love eachother before they get together.
Like do people really think that the duffers are going to buy into the bs fairytale stereotype lie trope that “I love you,” is some magic phrase?? Because it’s literally not!! It’s not a magic phrase and the duffers know damn well that it isn’t!! It’s not any different than any other words!! It doesn’t fix Mike and el’s relationship. Mike didn’t love El when he couldn’t say it, and he didn’t love El when he could say it. Because love isn’t defined by telling someone you love them, it’s defined by showing it. If the only point of a relationship/being in love was to tell someone that you love them, then love would be much simpler, and also much less meaningful. You could just grab any two people who hate eachother and are incompatible in every way but were willing to say the words and slap them together, and that would be them “being in love,” if we subscribe to the idea that saying the words = being in love/loving someone. The only reason those words have value is because we assign them value- we associate them with things like being good to eachtoher, spending time with eachother, treating eachother with respect and kindness and dignity, and having an interest in eachother’s hobbies, etc. But when none of those factors are present to be associated with the words, the words become meaningless, just like they are for Mike and El.
When Mike says he loves El, what does that mean? It doesn’t mean a goddamn thing! He can’t even list anything he LIKES about El outside of her superpowers! El has these wonderful personality traits and unique interests of her own, but Mike can’t even name ONE of them. Not even one!!! Because it’s empty!! The words are empty, they don’t MEAN anything because Mike and El have never been in love, so there’s no feeling or experiences to associate with the words!!! Just like how it doesn’t mean anything when Brenner says it- because he never showed it to any of those kids!! These no loving memories to associate with him when he says it!! Just like how Mike doesn’t have any loving memories of El to bring up during his monologue, hence why he brings up shit like the Benny’s burgers t shirts. There is nothing to associate with those words.
Im going to make a big post at some point about the use of “I love you,” in ST but there’s some thoughts for rn!!
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queer-reader-07 · 7 months
can i just be sappy on main and talk about love for a minute? yes? ok great, today we’re talking about platonic love.
if you’ve been around long enough you’ve probably seen me talk more than once about how i used to read aziraphale & crowley platonically. (go here to read more if you’re curious about why)
and you’ve probably also seen my musings on platonic love (they happen frequently)
and part of it is that i value platonic love so so deeply. in more than a “well duh friendships are important way.”
it’s never made sense to me why people value platonic love less than romantic love. how it’s always “they’re JUST friends” as if friends is less than lovers. how it’s always “i want to be more” as if romance is somehow of greater value than platonic love.
and that isn’t to discredit romantic love. romance is beautiful, but i don’t think it’s more than platonic love. i think it’s simply different. i don’t believe in a hierarchical view of love, i don’t believe in the upward mobility of love. love in all it’s forms is so. fucking. beautiful. and so important.
but because so many people view love as an upward line going from Not Friends —> Friends —> Lovers, it’s hard to convey my feelings on it.
i tell my friends frequently how much i love them. how much i love their passions in life how much i love their love for others how much i love their vibe and essence how much i love their minds. i make it known to all my friends that i AM in love with them.
and for some reason just saying you’re platonically in love with your friends is seen as weird?
i’ve always said that i love platonic love stories in media. and i’ve often been met with “but a love story can’t be platonic” when i say that. which just doesn’t make sense to me. if we call the love we have for our friends platonic, why can’t we call the story of our relationship a love story?
my best friend and i have known each other for our entire lives. and i don’t mean that hyperbolically, i mean we met as infants in daycare. we’ve been through every single stage of life together. i’ve witnessed every phase she’s gone through, she’s witnessed all of mine. she was there supporting me while i was at catholic school and she wasn’t. we took drivers ed together. i was there cheering her on from the sidelines when she was working up the courage to confess her feelings to her first real crush.
and if that’s not a love story, i don’t know what else it is? how do i convey the deep, undying, overflowing, and overwhelming love i feel for her if not by saying our story is a love story?
i’m not sure where i’m going with this but yeah. platonic love is beautiful. platonic love is what holds my being together. and i’m just kind of really fucking tired of people discrediting the ways in which i express that love.
let me have my platonic love stories. and maybe you can allow yourself to have your own.
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So apologies if I missed a post regarding this, but what your thoughts on the canon LOV regarding “found family?” Especially in the newer chapters, I’ve seen meta writers different pov’s of how they are a found family, or that they were never one (I think you may know some of them lol.) I know you do many head canons of them being one which I absolutely love reading. The way I see it is in a sense they could be one, but obviously not a healthy one in a way you would see one normally act. With today’s chapter on Toga’s “love” for the LOV, I’ve seen opinions of how that solidified their disconnect, but they also say they cared for each other in the first place. Which I agree, but in a way I find they do have some form of “care” for each other, but since they are all so mentally unstable right now, they can’t really help each other out since they need someone to help themselves first, hence the kids they are paralleled to (if that makes sense?) But I feel it doesn’t take away the fact that they are friends in a way. I would love to see the LOV at the end of the manga be together again, but build a healthy friendship together and truly start to understand each other, because it is Toga’s turmoil right now in this new chapter even though she does care for them. I guess looking back at what I wrote it isn’t a “found family” perspective I’m viewing, but just friends that are to broken to see each other until they are healed. But anyway, what are your thoughts on the topic and new chapter?
I'm currently not in the best condition to be riding this meta, since my right hand is broken and the cast doesn't allow me to properly cry like I wish I could. I'll try to do my best with the voice to text function of my phone board, so please forgive me for whatever crazy mistakes or misspells I'm about to make.
First of all, I think the complications come from what every person believes is the definition of a "found family".
For me the trope doesn't have to be pure or be innocent, you know? A found family is not the "healthiest" version of a family. What it means for me, it's a group of people you decide to stick with because you feel you belong with them. You feel better with them, you decide to take their side for wherever reason instead of your biological family or whatever. In turn, those people's welcome you in. They give you a place among them, they treat you like you're one of them and they value you.
I don't know when along the line people decide found families were only for heroes and "stable" people characteres? And honestly doesn't make sense. Found families started with the weirdos, the outcasts, the ones who didn't belong or felt like rejected by society. It was for the ones who were deemed dangerous, even. For me it is more a villain/anti-heroes trope on its roots.
Important addition: having a found family doesn't erase the importance of the biological family. It's not a game of one or the other, okay?
So, what that being said, let me deep dive in the complex dynamic of the League of Villains and why they are my favorite bnha group <3
There are different levels of affection.
That's a fact.
Among the big kinds, there's romantic affection, platonic affection for your close friends, familial affection, etc. There are the little specifics, like the affection you may have for your pets or for your belongings, or for your favorite movies or foods, that affection you may have for your teachers or for your neighbors... I think you get me.
Toga's struggle comes from not knowing the difference between the affections she feels. She doesn understand the variations in her dinamics with different numbers of the League of Villains and even with different heroes. Of course you can argue that she grew up with her biological family and with her classmate and friends— so she must know, right? I will say no, because her love is (in her mind) tied with her quick. We know she pretty much repressed her quick for all her childhood and for half of her teenage years, until she ran away.
She knows when she's not feeling affection but does she understand that not all her love is the same?
This chapter tell us that she wants to feel as strongly with Tomura and Dabi as she fell with Twice. She was hoping for it, she was upset when she couldn't use the quirks, she's crying because of that. There's definitely affection there. Even when the member's of the LoV weren't mentally stable or good relationships of any type, there's manga evidence that they care for each other. The went out of their way to do stuff for each other that wasn't really justified even if they tried to lie about their intentions.
I've said before that Spinner is the best example, but he's far from being the only one.
The manga paralleled Overhaul and Tomura in the way they treated their subordinates. Overhaul did not care, they were sacrifices to be made for him to achieve his goal. Tomura took it personal, as the League did. Compress and Tomura reacted immediately after Magne died, not just in their defense, something Tomura confirmed when he told Overhaul Magne lost wasn't the equivalent of one of Overhaul's dead men, she was worth so much more. Toga threatened Tomura when she thought he'd treat them like Overhaul treated his people. Jin and Toga want to take revenge on Magne's behalf and corrected Overhaul when he misgendered Magne on purpose or because he really didn't care. Tomura and Compress cut both his arms for it. Every member of the LoV helped ruin Overhaul.
That's just one arc —not even the arc that solely focus on their dynamic, I must mention.
I want you to think about how many mangas create a whole arc to explore the dynamic of the group of villains. An arc just for them, because the heroes has nothing to do with the arc!
My Villain Academia aims to get the readers and watchers to be more invested, more emotionally involved in the dynamic of this group of villains. Direct parallel to class 1A and Deku, to the plus ultra value, to the origin story explanation of the MCs. Twice overcame his greatest trauma to save Toga. Toga was fighting following Tomurq's values and that's the arc that made a Spinner is so close emotionally tomorrow. That arc was strategically made to give greater impact to all that'd later happen in the War Arc: Twice's death, Toga's despair, Mr. Compress sacrifice, Dabi's big reveal, Spinner desperation to save Tomura and Tomura losing control of his own body.
I can continue listing every single evidence that Horikoshi wrote the League of Villains to be a very fucked up found family, but I prefer to invite everyone reading this to re-read the manga and try to see for themselves.
So there's affection between the members of the League? There is, canonically. It's not a take, the manga says it itself. Is it enough to make of them a found family? Following my definition, it is.
Most members were rejected/isolated by society. They decided to join the League, they decided to stay with them, they sacrificed themselves to save their teammates... So listen carefully: the League was a pit of Insanity, but the only member who actively purposely tried to harm his partners was Dabi. Threats were a common thing, yes, but only one person went as far as to use the League and let one of them died and state he didn't consider himself as part of the whole .
Dabi is a tricky case, since he felt affection but he wouldn't let it get in the way of his revenge or his very suicidal, self-destoying fantasy-plan where he gets to punish his father and at some extent himself to death. Seriously, with how similar is his case to Sasuke from Naruto, I'm not surprised the fandom found a way to misinterpreted his whole character. That's another post, tho.
Like I say, we know the League wanted to be with each other, respected each other in their own way, were willing to protect and cheer and listen to each other... They had alternatives they could— no, would have taken if they wanted to.
It's NOT healthy, they were all making it worse. They actively made each other worse. A fact.
They ruined each other.
And I want people to finally get that love can destroy. Genuine love has no morals, it is not a person taking decisions, it doesn't subscribe to your belief system or culture, it has no agenda of its own. Affection, as a sublevel of love, is just the same. You'd do anything for the people you love and I'd do anything for the people I love and we could kill each other, start a war, whatever, all because we held our love higher than others' love.
Back to square one: Toga's affection and quirk.
Twice was genuinely gentle. It was easy for him to feel affection, to consider someone a friend. That was his downfall with Hawks, both loyal to the end to a group of friends or a cause.
That's not Toga's case. She's emotional, she's selective, she doesn't know how to connect with others after so many years repressing herself. She's desperate to become someone else in the sense she's desperate to connect.
As much as Dabi and Tomura connected with Toga, they weren't that close, were they? Their traumas couldn't allow it. Like you said, they were incapable of moving forward, getting closer. On the other hand, Toga's relationships with Ochako and Twice felt personal.
Twice got past the only thing holding him back, cementeing his friendship with Toga MVA. They were absolute best friends, no doubt.
During the War Arc, Toga and Ochako held a conversation that changed them both forever, a leap in their character progression. But even in the MVA arc, Toga's absolute desperation and desire to more like Ochako drove her to achieve a new quirk level.
The League is Toga's found family. Look back at the War Arc and how they worried about her. Look at how Tomura has treated her through the manga, at Dabi cheering her up and burning her old house. That's more than anyone ever did for her, as fucked up as it is. They care about her.
However, they've reach their limit.
There's no much they can improve in their current state. There's not getting closer, not evolving in their dynamic. In the villain path, the only thing left to do is die for each other.
Enter the heroes and redemption, in the sense they all need to heal if they want to ever continue their relationship.
Now, I believe Tsuyu's theory is roughly explained. "Not enough love" could be simply "not enough intimacy / not as personal as it could be". As a demiaro-demiace, I personally hate when people express love differences in terms of more/less. I don't believe in best friends, don't believe that romantic involvement means "being more than friends", etc. It's stupid for me.
I'm not looking forward to the discourse this will generate. The LoV dynamic is my favorite 'cause it's messy and complex and has many layers and grey areas. I don't enjoy when people erase those facts so it'd match their opinions.
Still, I hope this answers your post? This took me way to long to write with one hand and the voice to text function. Sending you all my love and thanks for sending me this!!!!
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saintship · 10 months
I was wondering if you could do, either a hc list with the 141 or a fic, with them seeing your sh scars? it could be either platonic or romantic, your choice, and you can take whatever creative liberties you want! love your writings and keep up the good work! ♥️
Thank you for the ask! These ended up being romantic :)
I decided on a good ol’ headcanon list to make sure each of our boys got some love, I’ve had some not so great reactions in my personal experience so I’m glad to provide something a lot better for someone else
Tw: discussion of self harm under the cut
Ghost 💀
- Feels deeply but struggles to express it; so much is happening in his mind he may shut down for a minute
- I would suspect him of some form of self harm at some point in his life, likely not during the time we see him in game but the years following his family’s death were dark
- Doesn’t try to pull the “I know exactly what you’re going through”, but he may let slip that he’s been in a similar position and that’s why he feels such a deep empathy for you
- His favorite way to show support is simply sitting with you in a shared space; he’ll hold you if you ask but is also content just being together, as he values the time he has with people greatly
- The least likely to have a large outwardly emotional reaction
Soap 🧼
- Concerned about the cause of this way of coping (depending on how recent the scars/healing wounds are)
- Smarter than he lets on; notices small patterns that point to the hiding of scars, but waits until you either bring it up or slip up and have scars exposed around him
- If he knows it’s very recent (spotting blood, bandages, etc) you can see in his face how upset it makes him, he hates to see you hurt in the first place but the self infliction just stabs his heart all over again
- Tries his hardest to not make you feel guilty, but can’t hide how sad he is to see it
- Wraps you in his arms, takes you to bed and holds you as close as you’ll let him
- Holding you from behind makes him feel like he can protect you
Gaz 🧢
- Cant stop from running his mouth, ‘I’m so sorry’ ‘is there anything I can do’ ‘you’re still the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen’ ‘please don’t cry, or I’ll start to cry’
- Accepts any form of comfort you need, a day out together, cuddling, a warm bath, just name it
- Loves to love on you, kisses and caresses everywhere
- Encourages you to take breaks
- If the time is right, he’ll make you laugh a bit to see you smile and hopefully take away a bit of the pain you’re in
Price ☕️
- Not afraid to be direct, but gentle in asking about it
- You cannot hide anything from this man, and don’t even try lying because he’ll see it before anyone else
- I have a feeling he really like doing that thing where you thread your fingers into someone’s hair and like brush them through so your hands end up holding their jaw/cheeks
- Just loves you so much and can’t watch you be in pain alone
- ‘I’m all yours tonight. Anything you’d like.’
- I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his employees was engaging in self harm of some kind and he caught them in the act, forcing him to learn a lot of very important lessons very quickly
- And since then, has a gentle, assuring approach to the topic, especially in a relationship because he loves so hard
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kuroenanan · 5 months
mizuki makes reader join her to skip school/class? reader is a workaholic and always busy with school assignments so mizuki is pretty bummed out whenever they couldn't hang out. —so the best option for reader to relax and mizuki to hang out more with reader is..... TO SKIP SCHOOL!!!
they are absolute besties, your honor!!!
skipping school.
a/n ; i love mizuki SO MUCH. this is so cute. this can be read in a romantic or platonic way, enjoy!
character ; mizuki akiyama.
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# mizuki.
mizuki understands that school is important and all, but you seriously need to take a break once in a while! whenever they text you asking if you want to go to the mall with them, and you respond with, “sorry, i need to finish this assignment.” they can’t help but sigh.
now, don’t get them wrong, they’re very proud of how much you value your school work! it’s just… they wish they could spend more time with you. then, something clicks: why not make you skip class with them?
mizuki shows up to school, very sneakily trying to get to your classroom, when they see you in the hallway. “hey, [name]!” they call, gaining your attention. “mizuki? you came to school today?” “nope! i’m here to see you! now, let’s go!” they latch onto your arm, pulling you away from your locker, when you halt.
“wait, mizuki- i need to get to class.” you object, which makes them sigh and turn to look at you. “please? missing one class won’t ruin your reputation, or whatever.” you aren’t convinced, but when they bat their eyelashes at you, you can’t help but give in. “alright, fine. but i’m coming back for lunch.”
they silently cheer. “great! to the mall we go!”
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
Hello India!
I would love to hear your opinion on the Louis dm thing as I always love to hear your thoughts. Personally, I totally understand the fandom frustration but at the same time its nothing new. Why is this the last straw for so many people? If you don't answer its totally fine, I'm just curious. Have a lovely day!
Hello, love!
I’m currently away with my family, so I’ve been getting a very specific streamline of information from blogs I trust and friends who have their own ways of verifying things. Also, I have no particular interest in exhaustively digging into info from every angle when it comes to stuff like this, so please know, I’m answering this question with the very limited information I have from a set of trusted but very like-minded sources.
I also can’t speak for larries as a whole, so I’ll speak for myself: why do I think this is the last straw for some people/why am I, personally, feeling affected by the situation?
Well, because every relationship (romantic, platonic, even parasocial) is marked by thresholds. We draw lines in the sand that, while not unmoving or unadaptable, still exist. They’re different for everyone (a red line to me may be a yellow line to someone else) and can be flexible depending on the circumstances surrounding the situation. But, each time a line is toed or crossed, it’s natural to re-evaluate a relationship and decide whether or not there’s personal value in staying. That’s the mark of healthy self-worth and a healthy level of distance in any relationship: being able to recognize that there are goal posts everyone (even celebrities we love and adore with all our hearts) has to meet in order to continue having access to our energy.
Now, operating on the theory that this DM is real, there are many things that we now have to come to accept. One of the biggest is that, if Louis does see everything that happens in fandom (like he’s said he has before) and still played a hand in throwing Larries under the bus (some would say again) knowing what kind of hate it would get us, what does that mean for Larries’ relationship with Louis?
Of course this question varies depending on the circumstances. How much control did Louis have over this decision? What was the justification for it? What was the negotiation like? Do the ends justify the means (like, if this is a step towards ending BG)? Was it necessary to deal with the situation this particular way?
These are all questions we ask every time both Harry and Louis make a decision we don’t agree with or that hurt us as Larries. Unfortunately, we usually don’t have the answers to those questions, and we never will, so the only thing we, individually, can decide, is how generous are we each willing to be with them?
Personally, Louis has proven to me, time and again, that he is a good person with a good heart and good intentions. Nothing he has ever done has struck me as unjustifiably cruel or intentionally destructive, and I maintain that closeted people cannot be blamed for the difficult decisions they are forced to make to protect their closet. Navigating how to survive an abusive situation is not freedom, and viewing it through that lens means that whatever decision that was made, it can never be said that it was made with 💯 control.
That said, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt to be made the scapegoat, yet again. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt to have being a Larrie diminished like that by one of the people we’re trying so hard to stand up for. By one of the people we take risks for, and insist on loving out loud for all that he is regardless of the mistreatment that love comes with.
And for some larries, no matter the justification behind the decision, those are their red lines, and what they do once those lines are crossed is a decision only they can make for themselves.
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My experience with nonmonogamy has cracked my brain open in a way I don’t think I could turn away from if I wanted to. You can’t promise someone you’ll love them the same way forever, as the two of you grow and change. You can’t promise you’ll never want to pursue a connection outside of the two of you. Why should you? And if you choose to pursue a new connection as ���just friends,” why should that relationship have a cap on how much you allow yourselves to deepen it? I feel like when I talk about this stuff, people’s minds go immediately to sexual intimacy, because that’s what our culture is obsessed with. But seriously, why are monogamous relationships held up on this pedestal above all our other relationships? Why is your capital-P Partner supposed to be the most important person in your life? Why do so many people expect ourselves to have just one “most-important” person in our lives?
I take issue with exclusivity, jealousy, and possessiveness. If I spend the majority of my time with one person, and one or both of us decides to start spending more of our time with other people, that ought to enrich our interactions, not take away from them. If these experiences are a net negative for a relationship, take a look at the people involved, including yourself, and their actions. In my experience, shallowness, dishonesty, cruelty, and entitlement are the issues, not un-exclusivity. If you care about someone, you should give them the respect of understanding them as wholly human… that includes respecting their right to be messy and have connections with other people.
I understand the fear that comes with letting go of exclusivity, of a traditional relationship narrative. People like security. But shouldn’t that security come from trusting your partner to be kind, dependable, and trustworthy, even when they’re not “bound” to you? To me, it’s the social equivalent of training a dog with treats vs. without. I can tell my partner I don’t want them to be intimate with other people, and if we agree on that and they’re trustworthy, they won’t do it. I see the value there. But it’s far more interesting to me and builds more trust and a stronger bond to see how my partner interacts with people they’re interested in outside of our relationship. If they treat someone else like shit, or start treating me like shit after connecting with someone else, I consider that a win because that’s clarity on their character. But if they don’t, if they still show up for me and make it known that they value me AND handle other relationships well… wow. What a beautiful thing that is, that I never would have experienced if I hadn’t given them that trust.
To briefly address the sexual aspect, SO WHAT? If the sex is positive and safe, and your partner is kind, honest, and dependable, is there any harm actually done? Or is it mainly an ego blow accompanied by insecurity—fear of a perceived threat to a relationship you value? In other words, a “you” problem that you have to decide whether or not you want to deal with. (Frankly, I think either decision is morally neutral. Just don’t be an asshole, that’s the bottom line.) If you’re going to be with someone, you should trust each other to make good decisions. And because we’re human and therefore flawed, you should also be prepared to be there to support each other if something blows up in your face.
I think the reason people act so different, “not themselves,” and irrational when it comes to capital-L Love, the reason people “struggle to differentiate” between platonic and romantic love, is because most people buy into a fucked up, broken framework for human relationships that’s fake as hell and ultimately rooted in men’s exploitation of women. That’s the standard. Marriage wasn’t even culturally associated with romance until the 18th century. And I only know that because I read a lot of feminist material. It’s not exactly common knowledge, and for good reason.
I recommend checking out Lesbian Ethics by Sarah Hoagland and A Passion For Friends by Janice Raymond. They both challenge our notions of what we consider “real” and valuable relationships. Sarah Hoagland wrote about relationships in Lesbian Ethics in a way that was eye-opening for me at the time. (I need to re-read.) I encourage everyone to let yourself and your relationships be messy. Following a script is easy but often unfulfilling. Trust yourself and your loved ones to create your own structures that work for you.
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firawren · 8 months
"Transformation" A Beauty and the Beast fanfic
Chapter 1, “Molting” rated T, now posted
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Chapters: 1/17 now posted Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (Disney Animated Movies) Rating: Explicit
Romantic relationships: Belle/Beast, Gaston/Lumiere Platonic relationships: Gaston & Belle, Gaston & Beast
Key additional tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Monster Fucking, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Redemption, Family, Friendship, Love, Happy Ending, see full list of tags on AO3
Belle said she loved him. Everything transformed to how it used to be.
Except the Beast.
Forced into a new deal with the Enchantress, Beast will remain in this form forever. Belle doesn’t mind; she’s happy with him no matter what he looks like. Beast tries to just be happy, too, and for a while, everything is wonderful. Beast doesn’t know how he got so lucky, and Belle finally feels at home. But when the trauma of his past resurfaces, the future they’re trying to build together comes tumbling down.
Gaston’s ideal future isn’t going to plan either. Instead of getting married to Belle, it looks like he’s becoming friends with her, while developing feelings for someone else he’d never expected. This wouldn’t be so bad, except that the closer he gets to both of them, the more he learns to question his values and feel guilty for his past. And when that past finally comes to light, he stands to lose everything he’s gained.
This is a story about how sometimes the things we want to transform can’t be changed, and sometimes the things we think are hopeless can transform through love.
Excerpt from chapter 1:
“Save Belle, please, I beg you,” he blurted out.
“Oh!” she said, sounding genuinely surprised and blinking her eyes quickly. “But obviously she wanted to sacrifice herself to save you.”
“But she doesn’t have to! You can save her!”
“Well that’s certainly true, my dear, but you haven’t explained why I should save her.”
“Because—because I love her.”
A musical laugh bubbled out of the Enchantress’s lips and she clapped her hands in front of her face like a little child that’s excited to see a cute animal at the circus perform a trick. “Oh, you see how delightfully my lesson worked? You’ve finally learned to love, just like I wanted.”
Beast dug his claws into the table and willed himself not to snarl at her. “So are you satisfied? Will you save her?”
“Well you see, that depends, my dear.”
“Depends on what?” he snapped. Every second that this witch wasted in talking got Belle closer to death.
“That depends on what you’re willing to do in return. Because you see, I can’t just use my magic on a whim. No no, that wouldn’t do at all. There always has to be a price, I’m afraid, otherwise everyone is just using their magic all higgledy-piggledy, and I’m sure you can see how dreadful that would be, dearest.”
“I’ll do anything, please, she doesn’t have much time left!”
She tilted her head like a bird, her green eyes sparkling. “Will you give up Prince Adam forever?”
Continue reading chapter 1 “Molting” of “Transformation” on AO3
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rainstormcolors · 9 months
For the meme:
YGO + 2, 12, 15
Tristan + 8, 9, 10
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
2) …my three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
Seto Kaiba has been my favorite from the start. All the versions of him have their value and I enjoy them all, but my personal favorite version of the batch is the manga’s version of the character. The loneliness, his internal struggle that seems viscerally painful, the maladaptive behaviors and the search for understanding, and how it’s apparent he does want to connect with other people but he can’t understand this about himself or accept it. He’s so layered and yet the ambiguity is also relatable --- the way emotions cloud and blur, how we don’t have the words for things. And he’s fascinating and morally grey and allows an outlet for the heightened emotions we sometimes need to see, to connect with to understand this feeling is shared, even as he seems achingly alone, even as he achingly reaches out to others. The theme of grief is also very intense within this character while having a kind of subtly, the way these emotions fold into and hide in other emotions.
Mokuba Kaiba is next. Again I enjoy all the versions of this character but the manga’s version is my personal favorite. I feel he’s a very complex character in the manga’s canon with layers of emotion and a history which he carries and it’s only overshadowed due to him not being a duelist character. He’s so headstrong and loyal and he harbors anger, resentment, loneliness, love and devotion, and he’s incredibly proactive. Something that feels a little overlooked about him in canon is that Mokuba *also* explodes at Seto at Death-T, which is not to remotely excuse what happens later on at all, but rather it shows how the strain of everything had worn both of them down and left neither of them able to handle this.
Noa Kaiba is my third favorite character. A dark isolated attention-seeking and self-destructive doomed character who doesn’t really know what love is and is shocked to discover his capacity to love, that he can love and does love. There’s a certain desperation within Noa’s initial plan, abruptly kidnapping everyone with this hopeless idea that maybe he can just walk back into life as the Kaiba heir when that was never going to be possible, and really he just needed needed needed to interact with people from the outside even as all this hatred burned inside him.
12) …what attracted me into checking it out.
I’ve been a fan for a long time, since the show first aired Duelist Kingdom in the United States, although I can’t recall what exact episode I started with but I know it wasn’t the very start. I also read the manga as it was translated and published by VIZ.
15) …which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
If I’m entirely honest, even if there are issues in the writing, I kind of get the impression death was an important theme to Kazuki Takahashi, something he wanted to explore in some form, and he quite literally said this in an interview as well. Which is to say that despite the problems, I feel Yugi saying farewell to Atem as Atem left the world was something meaningful to KT in some form even if I feel I shouldn’t make guesses beyond that. I do think it’s very fair to dislike this ending or to discuss and point out the issues, but previous discussions could also be guilty of neglecting the personal angle this storybeat may have carried and how people do indeed have to say goodbye sometimes or watch someone they love die. Which is to say, I don’t want to change what may have been meaningful.
Tristan Taylor / Hiroto Honda
8) …a headcanon I have about this character.
I think he was kind of the family baby while his sister had “eldest daughter syndrome” in some form. I think he helped keep Jonouchi stable before the beginning of canon.
9) …which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
Honda’s kind of left in the background of the story but he’s also a constant presence through the story. He’s given personal relationships with Jonouchi and Otogi. I very much like the quiet loyalty he felt towards Mokuba. I wouldn’t mind more Honda and Mokuba content in that way, the way people can come to care about each other quietly. Also – Blankey! Imagine more Blankey scenes!
10) …if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
I was neutral towards him for quite a while. I could appreciate him as a loyal friend but it wasn’t as if I personally gravitated towards trying to understand him particularly. I think fandom discussions have been very good for me engaging more with the text, the characters inside the text, what they mean, and how we relate to them, how other real people relate to them, and in turn I’ve been able to understand others as well.
Thank you again for the ask, and I wish you a nice day.
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bebx · 9 months
hi im so sorry but i need to get this off my chest and i cant talk to my friends about it because its so embarrassing and ive talked about it PLENTY
but anyway long story short i was dating someone, we have a weird history dating wise & have been best friends for 3+ years before that all started. literally three weeks ago we decided to be exclusive, on friday i found out that the day before, he kissed another girl IN PUBLIC. i know that girl, they've hooked up before (when i was also hooking up with him but it wasn't anything really and i didn't actually know for sure if they were hooking up (they were)). so we called it quits.
i still spent the weekend bc i'm weak and all i want is him. he said he never felt a connection like this with anyone, he said he loved me and he said he was sorry a hundred times..... he said it would take a long time before he'd feel 'normal' about me. we were both emotional when i left, and since then i havent really stopped crying lol
AND NOW. i dont know if im just driving myself crazy but i feel like he's (still) (again?) talking to that one girl and it would make sense because he basically cheated on me not even a week ago so why wouldnt he do this now??? but. it feels too cruel. but maybe thats just who he is.
god i hate this so much he drives me completely mad im stalking his every move and every time i see something that even slightly hints at my suspicions i get so ill and it makes me wanna kms. i just wanna feel normal i hate that he did this to me i miss him so bad. i know we literally shouldn't ever get back together again because this is just a fraction of the shit thats happened in the past 10 months, BUT I ONLY WANT HIM. and i feel like we're soulmates. BYEEEEE this is so humiliating. im so tired i just want it to end
hugging you so tight right now, anon!!! 🩷🩷🩷 so sorry you have to go through something like this. I can’t say I know exactly how you feel, because each person experiences this type of pain differently, but I do know it just super sucks when the person who hurts us and the person we want to hate turns out to be the one we love the most. sometimes our hearts can be stubborn just like that (it all would’ve been so easy if we could convince ourselves to stop caring and to being able to fully hate them and moving on, but it’s never that easy, sadly). I can’t tell you what to do or how to react to the pain you feel, but know that your pain is valid and how you feel / how you react / how you cope with that pain, that’s valid too. and you are not weak for being hurt when someone wronged you, especially when it’s someone you trusted. I know this is cliche and is so much easier said than done, but please also be kind to yourself, above anything else. that boy and the girl he cheated on you with, they don’t deserve you. they lost you, not the other way around. think of this as an opportunity for you to open yourself to someone else who truly loves and values you, whether it be romantically or platonically. I know right now you just want him, but if the wrong person can make you love him this bad, imagine how much happier you’ll be when you finally find the right one who can make you love them the same way you loved him, if not more, the only difference is that they won’t break your heart. and you deserve to be happy. that someone is out there, and I truly believe you both will find each other when the time is right. but for now, try loving and being gentle to yourself even if it’s hard (I know it can be hard, but at least give it a try), the best revenge is to prove to them that you don’t need them to be happy and that you can heal from this and thrive without them in your life. doesn’t matter how long it takes, but you will get there one day, and you will look back and be so damn proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. because hey, look at you, you are still here, and for that, I am so damn proud of you!!
it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be completely broken, because the thing about crying and being broken is that it’s not permanent, even if it feels like it right now.
and by the way, the ones who should feel humiliated are him and that girl, not you. screw it if they deserve each other. YOU deserve so much better than that anyway.
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babsvibes · 1 year
What are 5 AU's that you'd love to write for Louigan and 1 AU that you'd never write?? 👀📝 (yes I am taking notes)
My darling! GOD, I love AUs, eeeespecially the weirder ones. My extrinsic motivation keeps me writing the “modern/realistic” worlds, which I love too, but… you know, there aren’t any pirates in a Coworkers AU 🤷‍♀️
1. Soulmate AU
In this AU, everyone has their own “tell” that’s supposed to coincide with their identity. For example, Tina writes on her hand and the words show up on her soulmate’s hand. There’s different rarities for tells, and they each have their own kind of history and culture. Sometimes people don’t have the same tell as their soulmate, sometimes their soulmate is platonic, and often people don’t know what their tell is. However, there are also people who wish they didn’t have a tell at all. Wouldn’t it be funny if Louise got the rare, the revered, and the most classically romantic Red String of Fate?
This one I’ve already got a good portion written, plus I’ve done a ton of worldbuilding. Ahh I’m so excited to share with y’all! It won’t be posted for a while 😅 but the world is really interesting to me so uhh if anyone had questions about it 👉👈 I’d love to talk about it!
2. Dystopian AU
Another one I’ve done worldbuilding for but probably wouldn’t write because it’s haaaard lol. This would be a world with an eradicated middle class; there are people with money and people without. It’d explore a lot of darker themes and warped values after extreme socioeconomic influence. The focus would be on the Dire Dogs, an infamous band of chaotic people wearing feral dog masks. Everyone assumes they’re from the lower class, people so beat down that they need to scream and break shit, but Louise has never seen blond hair like that in her neighborhood.
3. Three Wishes AU
Wishing is such an interesting concept. Like… it’s a story where you know the ending. You’re not supposed to wish for things, but what if it was different this time? Why can’t our desires come easily? Who deserves to have their wishes granted? What develops between a wisher and a wish granter, between the one who has desires and the one who fulfills them? What kind of mythology would evolve in a world where we really could wish for anything? What would the wishes be really, and what does it say about that character? So so fascinating.
4. Stranded on an Island AU
There was an episode of The Nanny that changed my brain chemistry as a kid and now I want to see everyone trapped on an island all the time. It’s got everything: forced proximity, teamwork or you die, the question of “who are you outside of society’s eye?” and tropical settings. It would make no sense. It would be silly. There’d be so much sexual tension it’s insane, ahhh!
5. Mafia AU
Screw it, let’s also throw in the most classic of all enemies to lovers AUs with a mafia AU. This could toootally go different ways. We could shift back to Al Capone era gangsters, we could have modern Louise join the One-Eyed Snakes, etc. etc. If it was in the past, then Logan as a rival gang leader would be A1. Modern era, then I think it’d be funnier if he took after his dad and became a doctor. And you know who often needs a doctor? 😏😏
One AU I would probably never write is a Swap AU of any kind (personality, age, gender, role, family, etc). They confuse my brain and usually change the dynamic too much to be recognizable.
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itlivesproject · 1 year
Question for all the mods (and sorry if this has been already answered) but who are y'all fav lis Outta the 4 & who would y'all be with IRL (anyone from the it lives universe)
Lindsay (mod win): this may come as a shock to you, but my favorite ILW LI is Lincoln. I love the romantic and sexual tension of a good slow burn, and I love the whole trope of being the one to get past the LI’s protective layers. If I could choose anyone for myself out of the whole It Lives universe though... idk actually. All I know is love Lincoln & eat hot chip.
Maggie: also unsurprisingly, my favorite LI of the four is Abel. If I could choose anyone to be with irl tho? It would probably be a toss up between Connor and Abel. Hot, loyal, funny, and good boyfriend material. They tick all my boxes.
M: you know, I don't really have a favourite LI for myself, per se. Sometimes I see characters as people I like or dislike, and sometimes I see them as plot devices, which is definitely the case here. Not that that's a bad thing—a character, in its barest form, is a plot device—but I don't really think so much about who I'd want to hang out with/date as much as I think about what they contribute to the narrative, how they'll influence the protagonist's arc, etc. That being said, my favourite is Matthias. (Go ahead, guess why ;)) But also I would absolutely date my little rat gremlin Noah.
Aku: Jocelyn. I just love big strong women who would kill for me 🥺💜 Also, I don't actually see myself romantically with anyone from the ILA universe, but if speaking platonically, then I would choose Imogen. She's such a sweet and caring girl I'd love to be with her 🥰
Shionch: I love Lincoln, he's my main LI and seeing him smile melts my heart, although irl I'd probably go after Amalia because our values align and I'm a sucker for beautiful women.
Hashie: I have a thing for men with facial hair, so Lincoln (and his dad) would be my main LI in ILW. His personality is also a bonus point. I’m not sure about irl but if i have to pick one, then it would probably be Linky too. We both share interest in art, and I adore his unconventional ways of showing his love.
Eri: As Amalia's head writer, the favoritism is really strong. Like a mother incapable of seeing her child lesser than or even on the same caliber as another, I'm incapable of making an mc that's not romancing her lol. That said the other writers have created MAGNIFICENT routes for the other lis and I must play them at some point. Irl I'd most likely date Abel, he's exactly my type
Alex: if you’re not aware, i’m the biggest jocelyn simp known to mankind, so i’d have to choose her. being one of her head writers has really made me fall in love with her. hot buff himbo women just do something to me. as for irl, i think i would still say jocelyn. i just have such a strong attachment to her and the way we’ve written her just can’t be matched imo.
SUGAR: this is a hard question. my main Li is Abel as of right now, for pretty much everything abt him, going from his looks to his height, to his intentionality with being a part of his culture, his nerdiness and how he speaks abt thing he cares for; he’s perfect for my mc as well! for ME though, (very hard) i’d say tom is my #1. for many reasons, but the main reason why is bc tom is closer to me in age, thus allowing for our relationship defining interests to be closer aligned <3
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