So-Ho takes Nigeria on Mother's Day & w/the deception of duper's delight tried to SPIN the reality of 2 scamming grifters into a narrative that it's actually appropriate for her NOT to be mothering her caucasian invisibles in America because it's better for her to be at HOME in the MOTHERland. Only a master manipulator like THE Meghan Markled could contort so many lies into such a stupid explanation for her grifting lifestyle. 🤡
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"...and although we are missing our children----we are missing our babies..."
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"...it feels very appropriate to be in the MOTHERLAND..."
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"...and amongst family..."
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"...we cant wait to come back"
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Rejected by the Sewer Squad
Isn't it interesting how their followers choose to reject the natural state of their king and queen? In the early days they would simply tidy up her hair and she would darken her skin. Now they make them both darker, skin smoother & devein her face. They give Sparry an entire makeover.
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Playing House with the Nigerian Royal Family
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Laughter is Good Medicine
Meghan and Harry susSEX are irrefutably the most toxic D list celebrities on the world's stage. Sometimes their stupidity, compulsive lying, and juvenile publicity stunts are exhausting to observe. Thankfully the (creative) content creators have been hard at work to help us all laugh our way through their ongoing worldwide privacy tour.
MEgain and Sparry wish they had a volunteer community of intelligent followers who are willing to sacrifice hours after work to create EXCELLENT content that uplifts hearts and minds; instead they hire low IQ megbots who drag audiences into her sewer of lies and deceit.
1-Leilani of Barbados-she never complains but her channel is definitely shadowband by BB and they have been slow to release her accurate subscriber counts. Not to mention the death threats she's received from the sussex squad.
Can you imagine being as pathetic as MEgain & Sparry? They won't humble themselves to level up their character and become excellent at something...nope, they spend their time & energy terrorizing the little people who refuse to bow down to their grift. They are a modern King Ahab & Queen Jezebel 2.0.
"People of Nigeria I love you but Meghan does not love you. It's OFFICIAL Harry & Meghan's Nigeria Trip Was A FAILURE." ~Leilani
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Nigeria Scam 43% BS
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2-Proper Wiseguy- Big Brother had mercy on Lion & restored access to his hacked & demonetized channel. All his fabulous comedic content was erased. SMH. Please follow the link to re-subscribe or to confirm that you are in fact subscribed. I suppose the new channel now becomes his official backup channel and the new backup channel becomes...maybe a 2nd backup channel. Google should be embarrassed by their behavior but it's another indication that MEgain & Sparry are morally bankrupt human beings willing to align themselves with any and everyone doing the most harm.
Lion is still demonetized & BB will not allow his subscriber count to grow past 80K (he's been stuck there for 2+ mo).
Despite Queen Jezebel 2.0's attempts to discourage the comedic Lion, he's back with the todays news:
Shiesty shipped her lemons to the home of the "Circle Back Biden Girl," aka "Raggedy Ann" the one and the only compulsive liar Miss Jen Psaki, a former Hillary Clinton staffer.
Keep in mind that nothing is ever as it seems w/ MEgain. This was definitely not about a dumb box of lemons for doctor 🙄 Jill Biden. With every, "hi this is meghan, the duchess of susSEX..." she's desperately trying to make inroads to fulfill her lust for unearned, self imposed political power.
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Harry & Meghan To Take Lead Of Archewell As Predident, Mandana Dayani, will not be replaced-December 4th 2022
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"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are to assume full leadership of their Archewell Foundation, as the organization’s president, Mandana Dayani, is stepping down after 18 months.
Dayani was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the media and charitable group and has exited in what has been described as an amicable and planned transition.
"She will not be replaced as Archewell’s founders Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had long intended to assume full management of the enterprise."
Per a statement shared with Deadline, an Archewell spokesperson said Dayani was brought on while the couple was off for parental leave and that “she has continued to shape (Archewell’s) vision and future successfully.” (See the full statement below.)
Here’s the statement from Archewell: “Ms. Dayani has been an integral part of Archewell and we are grateful for her passion, commitment and leadership. Ms. Dayani was brought on during their parental leave to move the company and its projects forward. She has continued to shape its vision and future successfully. Her transition was mutually planned, with intent for The Duke and Duchess to now take full lead of their company. There will be no replacement for this position, and Ms. Dayani is fully supportive of The Duke and Duchess in their new leadership roles, and they remain friends.”
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Meghan, the Duchess of Sus, brings BODY POSITIVITY to Nigerian Kids
H: "Shall we go back and have you change into something more appropriate."
M: "I want to get across to the children & teachers the concept of body positivity and I'm feeling quite positive about mine...before you know it they'll crown me princess of Nigeria...let's get this show on the road"
Kids sing: "Jump and turn around RUN American. Please go home soon!"🤣😂
"Jump and turn around run American. Please go home soon!"🤣😂
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Another Pattern: She's a Saboteur
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I can't stay here, it's off brand-London
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I can't stay here, fire hazard-South Africa
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I can't stay here, security threat-Nigeria
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When she's pre-booked for "complimentary" hotel accommodations that are beneath her standards, MEgain (Queen Jezebel 2.0) pretends to go along with "their plan," but all the while she's taking deliberate steps to undermine the reservation.
Palace aides observed a similar pattern during her 72 days of "work" in the BRF---she set-up the "role" to fail from the very beginning. #conartist
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Messy Misan Harriman
The Eugenie York (of course) Soho House fraud friend hired to take engagement photos of York sister, Beatrice & her fiance Edo.
"Leave those babies alone" misan's favorite twitter clapback about the INVISIBLES.
"...we are missing our children, I am missing my babies." -here we see megain markled yet again misappropriating their culture to curry favor & win influence
Nigeria is the "FATHERLAND"
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In 2014, MEgain used Misan to join One Young World. Misan introduced her to Boris Becker who introduced her to Gina Nelthorpe Cowne.
In July 2016, MEgain says she met Misan for dinner after her drinks w/Piers Morgan. Supposedly this was the day prior to her 1st official date with Prince Harry
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Update: Misan Harriman is "manifesting" the Portrait Gallery (like his mistress) as his photoshopped photo of The Meghans was only accepted for "evaluation."
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