#army elvis fort hood elvis 1958 elvis
thatbanditqueen · 6 months
Basic Training Chapter 7
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Mad love to my alpha @whositmcwhatsit seriously your editing and feedback make this so much better. Also love and special thanks to my lovely elvis coven, @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @be-my-ally @peskybedtime @from-memphis-with-love @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @be-my-ally @shakerattlescroll @lookingforrainbows and to @ab4eva for her sweetness, you were the only person to ask me about Bess on tumblr between now and the last chapter and I was like oh, I guess someone is still reading this. Which is good. Because I am still writing it. ;)
Thanks to everyone who reads this, shares, reblogs, leaves a comment or whatever. I write for myself, but I publish for community, and I don't think I could write with out your support and friendship.
Summary: Bess resigns to get over Elvis and move on, but he has other plans.
Warnings: Not much, depictions of mental illness/delusion.
WC: 6.5 K
If you need to catch up Chapter Six: Guided Missiles or the masterlist here Basic Training
Click here if you prefer to read on A03
Chapter 7: The Minefield
12:15 p.m., Friday,  April 24th, 1958
Commissioned Officer’s Mess
Army Intelligence Training Unit, Fort Hood, TX
“I thought you were applying to law school?”
Bess let her straw drop out of her mouth to meet James’ concerned stare across the mahogany table.
“Um, I changed my mind.” Her eyes dropped back to her chocolate egg cream and she paused for a moment. The sound of glasses clinking and hushed conversations reverberated through the Army Intelligence officer’s club. “I kinda dropped the ball on writing my sample essay. And,ugh, I haven't been able to focus at all on studying for the entrance exam.” Bess trailed her shoe anxiously across the burgundy carpet, she hated admitting that she had given up on lawyer school. “It’s just temporary, a temporary pause.  No, for now, I think a year or two working for the state department is the best next step. I’ve always wanted to spend time in Europe..”
“But Helsinki, Bess?” James reached over to comfort her with a hand squeeze, but she pulled loose and went back to eating her pot roast lunch.
“Finland is a stepping stone.I could be working in Berlin next summer. And Helsinki has a lot of international action. It’s right next to St. Petersburg.”
“This sudden need to go to the coldest burg in Europe wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain tall, dark soldier who’s been doing extra laps around the barracks every day, would it?”
Bess lifted her thick, white cotton napkin to obscure the blush spreading up her cheeks. “I saw that he’s had extra PT, I’ve been wondering what happened.”
“Oh? I thought for sure that was all you and your front office connections, getting back at Presley — “
“Jameson, I would never abuse my position in the Front Office for revenge. You know how basic training is. Drill sergeants use any excuse to tear you apart just so they can build you back up again. He probably was late to inspection, or maybe he tried to protest extra push ups, and now it’s marathon time everyday til he’s learned his lesson.”
“Hmmm, must be. Though I don’t feel even the teensiest twinge of sympathy for him after that stunt he pulled on you? Think it would look suspicious if he got run over by a jeep? In his barracks?” James winked at Bess/
“Ha, just say you made a wrong turn.” Bess chuckled, but her smile quickly faded into a sigh.
She speared a potato with her fork, looking at it as if it had the answer to life’s secrets like a magic eight ball. Maybe all she needed to do was turn potato over and around until it revealed her fate. Sadly, no messages turned up, and she laid it back on her plate. 
“Thing is, I knew he had other girlfriends. I just wished he’d called and canceled our plans instead of leaving me hanging to find out another way. The most humiliating way.”
“Maybe he couldn’t get away to call? Or forgot your number? Have you seen him at all?”
Bess shook her head, sipping her drink again. “Uh uh. But I’ve been avoiding him. What am I supposed to say? It hurt my feelings that you put the kibosh on our night together for a pajama party with one of your steady girlfriends?“ Her eyes met James. “But, uh, he knows my number, though. He called that Monday, after she left town. And several other times.”
“What did he say?”
“I don’t know, I have Kay on switchboard duty. She has strict instructions to inform male callers that I’m not home.”
“You oughta talk to him, honey, let him have it.”
“I’d rather not, I  - I, it was, uh. The whole thing felt so icky, I never want to feel that way again. It took me back to last summer and Be. Except, this time, I’m the other woman and I know all about his girlfriend back in Memphis.” Bess put down her fork, unable to eat anymore.  “I think my picker is broken, James. I’m destined to be alone.”
“But are you supposed to be alone in Helsinki?”
“I’m actually excited to be single in Helsinki.” James raised his eyebrows. “What? The city is is pretty hip!They just hosted the Olympics. Lots of people live there from all over the world. After Berlin, it is one of the top hubs for working with the Ruskies.”
“Ok, ok, I get it, you hussy, you’ll probably be able to play patty cake with an assortment of good looking European men. I just can’t believe you are abandoning me, it’s so selfish. I’m almost ready to swear I’ll never buy another Presley record.”
“I’m not leaving because of him!” Bess huffed at the way James arched his eyebrow higher and straightened her napkin over her skirt. Aggressively. “I swear, how many times do I have to tell you, he’s just helped me get the perspective I needed. The straw that broke the camel’s back. I gotta get out of this place before I wind up like Mabel.”
 James sniffed as he motioned to the waiter. “Mabel seems happy, could be worse.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not. But you might be out of here before me. I only just sent in my application materials, you know how these civilian posts can be. If I make the first cut, I still have to do a round of phone interviews,an in-person one, a thorough background check. Why, I probably won’t head out until the summer. If I get it.”
James quirked his mouth and whistled when they stood to leave and shook his head.
“Seems like such a waste to store all your resources behind a desk. Should be out, serving our country at USO shows.”
Bess slapped James shoulder, then straightened his jacket, smoothing her hand over his medals.
“Jameson, stop. Do you talk to the debutantes back in Rhode Island like this? You know, half the officers in here are probably my father’s spies. Keep whistling at me like that, they’ll convince him we’re an item.” She grabbed her purse and put her gloves back on. “Besides, I am not exactly the type who likes performing or attention.:
He looked her over once again, making an exaggerated show of appreciation for the way that Bess’ smart tweed pencil skirt hugged her hips.
“Oh, but that’s what makes you such a knockout, Bessie Girl. Why don’t we get married, huh? We could travel the world together, life would never be boring. We’d have great looking, smart kids.”
Bess put her finger to James’ lips, looking into the hazel eyes that glimmered below his perfectly coiffed honey blonde hair.
“I wish I could. I can’t marry someone I don’t love, not in the way I love you anyway.It’s no good, we’d end up ruining our friendship.”
James slid his arm through Bess’ as he led them out of the officer’s club. “I suppose you’re right, Schwartz, but if you ever get desperate and want to be married to a dashing officer who’d never leave you for another woman, the offer stands.”
“This is no time to be getting married, Jameson. I’m sure you’ll want to enjoy the local flavor in Heidelberg.”
“Hmm, yeah, no matter the gene pool, it’s gotta be better than this dump.”
Bess smoothed her hair once they were outside and turned to James. He looked so handsome in his dashing officer’s uniform, cap under his arm. He was probably the best looking, wealthiest man to ever propose to her, even in jest. She really would miss him once they left Fort Hood. Bess gripped James arm tighter before they parted, and smiled.
“No kidding, I can’t wait to put Fort Hood and Elvis and everything in my rear view mirror. Get a fresh start in gorgeous, romantic Helsinki-town, city of dreams.”
“I thought that was Paris?”
“Nope, pretty sure it’s Helsinki.  Though I understand why you’re confused, Helsinki is the Paris of the Baltic Sea.”
“No one calls it that.”
“Sure they do, I’m starting it now.”
James smiled, fixing his uniform cap back on his head. “Ha, ok. Well, as they say in Helsinki, au revoir.”
Bess’ fresh start suddenly seemed a million miles away when she glimpsed Elvis Presley running round the base. It had only taken a few minutes after she got into her father’s Oldsmobile before she recognized Elvis’ tall, perspiring figure jogging around the circular track behind the PX. There he was, in his sweat-soaked tee-shirt, dog tags jingling over his chest, running towards them in the dusk of sunset. 
It struck her for a moment how odd it was for the drill sergeants to have him do laps out here on the road near the gate instead of closer to the 37th tank division. They must be making a public example of him, she thought, having him do laps out here as people drive past on a main road out of the base. 
It was working, he looked absolutely miserable and exhausted. The cold grimace he had fixed on his face pulled on Bess’ heartstrings, and she felt a compulsory urge to go comfort him. But then she remembered why she’d cut him loose, and nodded to herself, reaffirming how wise she was protecting herself from further heartache. It wasn’t easy. 
She got so captivated watching him take off his cap and wipe his forehead as they got closer, that she suddenly realized he was about to run by her car and had to quickly duck down flat against the bench seat to avoid being seen.
“Ilsa, whatever are you doing?”
Bess popped up with a squeak, looking over her shoulder at Elvis’ figure running away behind them, then stuttered to her father. “I, um, I dropped my lipstick on the floor is all, Papa.” 
Dinner was pleasant enough. Mama served tuna noodle casserole and followed it with a cherry cream cheese jello mold. It was comforting to Bess to think these were recipes any other family on the block might be eating tonight. Though she doubted whether the other mothers were wearing a matching red dress and explaining the deep meaning behind the color red, and how powerful color it is, one that can provide all the strength and nourishment they needed. Bess did concede that cherry Jell-O tasted like what she thought the color red might taste like. 
And if a lecture on the spiritual nature of red Jell-o was the most occult Mama got tonight, then tonight was a good night. 
After eating, Bess changed into a more comfortable, simple light blue house dress, and was trying to calculate how long it had been since Mama had one of her episodes as she walked downstairs, when she heard Kay on the phone.
“Well, no Rex, I guess I’m not doing anything. Well, sure, gee whiz, yeah, I know a few friends who’d flip their lids at the chance. You bet, meet you there at 8!”
Bess turned the corner at the bottom of the landing, and gripped the polished circular handrail as Kay spun around with a wide, beaming grin. Her sister halted suddenly and tripped forward with a gasp when she caught Bess’s stare.
“Was that Elvis’ bunk mate, Rex?”
Kay gulped. “Mhmmm, I did like you told me, and said you - you weren’t home.”
Bess crossed her arms. “So what, now you’re going out with them?”
“Well, I - he - I heard Elvis tell him to invite me and any other friends to meet them at the movie theatre on post. It’s, it’s, not a date, it’s a group-like thing.”
Bess took a deep sigh. Miles Davis wafted out from behind the closed door of their father’s office at the back of the house, and she could hear her mother doing the dishes. Bess had come down to help clean up, and had planned to spend her Friday evening at home. She thought she might read or watch TV, play a game of gin rummy with Mama. Anything to take her mind off of Elvis. And now here her sister was, running out to go meet him!
“I cannot believe he invited you out.”
“And why is that? You’re not the only charming, good looking girl around here, Bess.”
“That’s not what I was saying, Kay. What kind of guy invites out the sister of a girl - a girl - a girl he’d been riding around with? You aren’t seriously thinking of going? What about Dickie?”
“It’s not like that. Cuz,  - it’s - it’s not a date. Why, they’re getting a gang together. Rex said I should bring some other girls. I’m about to call Carol and Tracy. If you think I’m gonna deprive them of the chance to meet Elvis Presley, you got another thing coming. Why, you always keep him all to yourself.” Kay huffed, and put her hands on her hips. “It’s not a date. You could come if you wanted, you know.”
Bess squeezed her hands into tight fists, squelching her sudden intense desire to slap her sister.
“You know exactly why I won’t be doing that, I told you how things went with him and you are smart enough to know he is probably doing this to upset me. And you’re helping him! My own sister. Kay Brutus Schwartz.”
Kay’s face fell, and she met Bess in the middle of the hallway. “It’s not like that at all. Please don’t be mad, Bess, but me and my friends, we have all his albums. You can’t hold it against me for wanting to go. It’s not like I asked, he - ” 
Bess brushed Kay’s hand from her shoulder and stomped off in a huff, her anger powered her through an incredibly fast cleaning session in the kitchen.
Mama dried the last plate Bess handed her, then put her arms around Bess at the sink. “See, Bessie baby, all that red Jell-o gave you the energy and focus you needed. I’ll get you some red silk underwear for your new job, I saw some in the Montgomery Ward catalog. Or were they red flannel long johns? Well, you’ll need both in Helsinki.” 
Bess had frowned as Kay traipsed out the door to meet her friends when Carol pulled up in her mother’s yellow DeSoto. At first she took her book upstairs and sat at the window, watching for Kay’s return around 10 p.m. 
By 10:30, she had moved to the porch, where she sat up on the bench hugging her knees and trying to read while she waited to catch her sister and pump her for information outside where their parents wouldn’t hear them. 
Yawning, she was just straightening the bows on her white house slippers when she turned to see a car pulling up in front of the house. But this was not Carol’s mother’s yellow DeSoto. It was a white Cadillac. And she made the mistake of looking up long enough to note the row of guys in the back seat and make eye contact with Elvis as he parked.
Fuck, Bess muttered to herself staring back into her book, unable to focus her eyes on any of the words. In her periphery, she watched Elvis jump out and race around the front of his car, loosely putting his arm around a giddy, smiling Kay as he walked her up the path to the front porch. 
Bess took a deep breath, accepting that there was nothing she could do, that she was stuck out here with her hair in a messy bun wearing a house dress and slippers. So, she braced herself and stood to confront the most famous man in the world. 
The cool night air was no comfort to the heated temper rising in her chest as Elvis walked up the stairs in front of her, his fingers now spread over Kay’s shoulder. His eyes narrowed, and a smirk played over his face.
“Hellooooo there Bess, ain’t you sweet, coming out here to greet me.”
“Hmmmm.” Bess nodded, curtly, exhaling at Kay’s sheepish grin.
“Well, I enjoyed our date tonight, Kitty Kat, didju?” He gave Kay’s shoulder a rub and Kay laughed nervously at his nickname, glancing back at Bess as she untangled herself from Elvis’ grip.
“Oh, well, it was a gas to meet you and the whole gang,” Kay made a show of waving at the car, “Tell Rex thanks for the Coke and candy.”
Elvis ran his hand through his hair.“Uh, well, I wudda bought you all the Cokes you wanted, I just -”
Bess interrupted him. “Let me guess, you forgot your wallet?”
 “Yeah, guess that’s happened before.” Elvis chuckled. 
“Ahem, Kitty Kat is it?” Bess raised her eyes at her sister. “Probably time you were in bed, little girl. I have a few words I need to have with your date, here.”
Kay coughed and avoided Bess’ intense look of death as she thanked Elvis for a fun night. He grabbed her hand, making eye contact with Bess over Kay’s shoulder and he hugged her sister and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. Kay hung in his embrace for several beats, then scuttled away to leave Elvis with Bess’s cool stare
“You have some nerve.”
Elvis took a step toward her, “Aw, Bess, now see, when you act like this it makes me think you still like me.”
“Is that ri-ight?” Her voice wavered as he took a step toward her with his shoulders back, head forward, rubbing the back of his neck. She stumbled back a few steps, distracted by the way his eyes pierced her from under his eyebrows.
“See, you actin’ like ya jealous, honey. But you ain’t playin’ fair.“
“Really. I don’t play fair?”
“Uh uh.” Now he was hovering over her, backing her into the front of the house, his lower lip hanging open as he leaned over her. “You play hot one day, then cool the next. Won’t take my calls, but now ya jealous. Playin’ games s’what it is, and I can’t stand chicks who play games.”
“Ha!” Bess had meant her declaration to be a lot more forceful than how it came out as a muffled breath into the dark, red fisherman’s sweater Elvis was wearing. Of course! Of course his sweater was red. It sucked all Bess’ strength right out of her. And her resolve. She tried for dear life to hang on to the painful embarrassment that had punched her in the gut when she met Anita.
“You’re - you’re - you had - you’re the one who -”
Elvis’ hand was at her waist, and his thumb pressed over her belly button.
“Sshhh. I know, I missed our date.”
Bess mumbled toward her shoes. “Well, I wouldn’t call a party in a cheap motel room a date by any me-“
Elvis’ pursed his lips in a grin as he brought his other hand to Bess’ cheek, his eyes gleaming as she shivered in him. He tilted her chin to meet his eyes. Bess tried to shake him off, but couldn’t, she was spellbound by the pair of dark blue eyes above her. 
She reminded herself that there was an audience of grown men watching them from his back seat. Then she thought she saw the curtain at the front window ripple and realized Kay was probably leaning against the wall inside, spying on them. She thought about how Elvis had invited her sister out, at the very least to get her attention, or at worst, to make her jealous. She thought about how she had sworn to her best friend hours ago that she never wanted to see Elvis Presley again. She tried to grasp at all these things and more as Elvis stepped closer to her, and shifted his arm over her against the wall. But suddenly thinking was very difficult. Elvis’ thumb circled the button at the waist of her cotton house dress.
“OK, ok,well, when you say it like that, sounds awful. Definitely weren’t no date. Still, Kitty Kat told me how upset you’ve been. And I know I shudda called you.” Elvis took a deep breath, and coughed. “ And, well, that gal came down and surprised the hell outta me, is what happened. I didn’t invite her, now that’s the god’s honest truth. But, well, put me in an awful bind and I couldn’t get away to call you. Wudda much rather spent the weekend with you, Moo Moo.”
His breath was warm on her neck, and the way he murmured her nickname was like a sultry saxophone solo. Bess closed her eyes as it rolled over her body, giving her goosebumps. His whisper was full of vulnerable need and Bess couldn’t believe that she actually felt bad for him, as if she were to blame for everything.
“I - I - I’m sorry.”
“Nah, honey, I reckon, if I’m honest with ma self,  you have every right to be sore at me. But you havta give a man the chance to defend hisself. Tell me now, don’t a man deserve a chance to splain?”
There was his thumb, gliding over the front of her stomach, rubbing back and forth.
“Really, I wasn’t trying to play games.”
“I know, Moo Moo. I know’d you weren’t really like that, else I wouldn’t be here.” He leaned in, pressing his open lips to the corner of her jaw, soft and delicate as he continued his whispers. “Though I don’t know if I could stay away even if you were the devil, baby. Ain’t been able to stop thinking about you.” His mouth was warm on her neck. “You, and only you.”
His touch sent a wave of feverish heat through her body, and Bess didn’t care if he was lying, all she knew was that she would willingly go back to his motel room with him right now in her flimsy white house slippers and all. However, before she could make that suggestion, she heard the front door open and she jumped up instantly, pushing Elvis away at the sight of her father’s silhouette in the dim porch light.
“Elizabeth, it’s cold out tonight. Why don’t you invite your guest inside?”
Bess swallowed hard, glancing up at Elvis, whose cool demeanor and friendly smile belied the fingers she could see tapping against his thigh through his pocket. She looked out at the car, then up at the dark sky, shaking her head to herself.
“ Hi Papa, this is, uh - ”
Elvis stood up straight and jerked his hand out as he strode to shake her father’s hand.
“Uh, good evening, Sir, I’m Elvis, Elvis Presley.”
“Yes, I’ve been expecting to meet you for some time now.” Bess’ mouth dropped open. Before she could find the words to protest, her father was putting his arm around Elvis and guiding him inside. “I understand you and Ilsa have been spending a lot of time together, jah?”
“Can I pour you a whiskey?” The table lamp flickered as Bess’ father walked by, his calm words trailed behind him on his way to the bar. 
Elvis sat at the edge of the couch patting his hand to a silent rhythm and then bouncing up again to pace over to the hi-fi set.
“Naw, jus a Pepsi - or a Big Red, honey.” Bess glared at him as he looked up at her from where he perched in front of the record player. “Bessie. I mean, Eliz-a-bess.”
Bess frowned as Elvis popped open the concealed door in the sound system’s speakers and proceeded to rifle through her father’s LP collection. Her father arched his eyebrow, muttering in German that the boy seemed to know his way around and feel quite at home, jah? Bess was asking Rex and Lamar what they wanted when Mama floated into the living room, swaying the skirt of her red dress back and forth, a dreamy look in her face. Bess froze, looking around the room, then scuttling over to her mother and latching her arm around Mama’s waist, whispering in her ear.
“Mama - Hi Mama, I thought you went upstairs to relax?”
The boys all stood up as Mama patted Bess on the shoulder. “Bess, you’re making the lamps all buzzy, stop buzzing around and introduce me to your friends.”
Bess sighed and then froze when Elvis walked over and took her mother’s hand, kissing the top.
“Evening, ma’am, I’m Elvis, Elvis Presley, s’a pleasure to meet you, I can see where your daughters get their good looks from, if you don’t mind me saying so.”
Mama giggled and blushed. “Ha, well, you are charming. The faeries told me Bessie had a new beau, but they didn’t say he was handsome.” Bess’ face went white as she tried to guide her mother to the big orange leather chair in the corner, but Mama swatted her hands away. “Bess, I said to quit fussin’. Go get our guests something to drink.”
Every cell in Bess’ body was on high alert, and she rubbed at her throat trying quell the nauseous, tight feeling that now plagued her stomach. Bess had not brought Ben, her former fiancee, home to meet her family until he had asked her to marry him. At that point, they had already been going steady for two months, she had trusted Ben completely and had given him a thorough debriefing on Mama and the family dynamics. She had known Elvis a month. ANd spent the last two weeks hating him.
Elvis returned her mother’s hand and flashed Bess a warm, crooked reassuring smile. Rex and Lamar gathered next to him making their awkward introductions, before Papa walked over and offered Mama his hand, tilting his head at Kay. 
“Come sit with me, Emily, let the boys relax. Katherine, you get the drinks.”
Bess followed Kay into the hall. “I’ll get it, Kay, I -uh - I was gonna make Mama a special cup of tea - “
“I got it, I know how to do it. You go back in there.” Kay winked, and left Bess to sigh as she took a deep breath and resigned herself to face whatever was waiting for her in the living room.
Elvis sat on the edge of the couch trying to stop his knee from bopping up and down with the palm of his hand, already in conversation with Bess’ father.
“Jah, I started off in the German division, but now I oversee all intelligence training.”
Elvis’ eyes widened and he seemed grateful to see Bess walk back into the room and hit Lamar to clear the seat next to him on the couch. Bess shook her head and sat at the piano bench, trying to think of how to change the subject.
“Papa, I imagine the boys are tired after a long week and - “
“Oh Bessie, don’t send them away!” Mama waved her off as she got up and happily plopped into the clear spot next to Lamar, shooting Bess a playful frown. “You never bring friends over any more, it’s a breath of fresh air having young people over. Want any leftover tuna noodle casserole?”
A momentary grimace passed over Elvis’ face as he declined, and Bess' father coughed.
“Too bad we don’t have any meatloaf, perhaps zat would have suited you better.”
“Actually, mister, I’m bout plumb fed up with meatloaf, EP’s been ordering - “ Lamar stopped talking at the sight of Elvis’ eyebrow, arched in warning. 
“Well, Bess makes a great meatloaf, you boys will have to come back for dinner sometime. I’ll get her to cook it up for you.” Mama bowed her head with certainty as she spoke, turning Elvis’ hand over in her lap as if to read his fortune. “Elvis, such an unusual name. What does it mean?”
“Ugh, well, ma’am.” Elvis scooted back against the arm rest, turning in to face Bess’ mother more directly. “I have been told it means someone who is uh, very wise.” He winked over at Bess as she rolled her eyes. Kay returned, and she bounced up to assist in handing out the drinks. 
“I’ve never heard the name Elvis before tonight, is it common where you’re from?”
Lamar gasped. “You never heard ‘a Elvis?”
“No, why, should I? Do you all work with Henry in Intel?” 
Elvis shook his head. “No, no ma’am, Rexadus here and I, well, we’re new recruits, and Lamar right here is jus’ a ole friend of mine, visiting.”
Mama smiled big. “Oh, well, if you think I would have heard of you from Bess, you have another thing coming. She’s a sphinx, that one, never tells me anything about anything.I have to get all my gossip from the wind.”
“Elvis is a famous performer, mama. They’re surprised you’ve never heard of him because he is on the radio. And the movies.”
“Oh, is that true? Would I know any of your music?”
Just then, the phone in Papa’s office began to ring and he stood up to excuse himself, muttering in German that he would hardly call it music. Bess exhaled a chuckle at the curious look on Elvis’ face. 
“I’m guessing that weren’t a rousin’ endorsement from ya daddy,huh ?”
She shook her head, and Mama clucked.
“Oh, Henry didn’t get enough red food tonight, don’t mind him. You know, you’re not the first song and dance man I’ve met. When I was a girl - “
“-I met Eddie Cantor when he sang at Zeyde’s theatre on Coney Island.” Bess and Kay exclaimed in unison with a grin.
Bess relaxed as the room filled with warm laughter and she almost felt like they were a normal family, teasing and chiding each other as they entertained guests.
“Oy, well, it’s true, you boys have heard of Eddie Cantor, haven’t you?” Mama grinned at their nods, and took it as her cue to keep talking between sips of tea. “Well, I was just a kid when he was first making it big in New York. And my father had this vaudeville theater, and we met all sorts of acts working their way up the circuit. Baby Rose Marie, Bert WIlliams, Jimmy Durante, and, of course, a lot of nobodies trying to be somebodies. Eddie was probably the most successful guy to come through our place. Boy, was he handsome! Tall, dark hair, those big gorgeous eyes, like two rounds of chocolate.”
“Mama, zey ton nisht veln tsu hern vegn deyn shule meydl krashiz.”
“Oh, Bess thinks I shouldn’t share these things. She thinks I’m an old lady, that I don’t have blood pulsing in my veins. But I’ve always appreciated a good looking man.” Mama patted Elvis' knee. “Still do.” Then all of a sudden she swayed into Elvis' shoulder, her eyelids fluttering before she slumped on his shoulder.
“Ma’am? Ya ok? I’ve had girls swoon before, though they usually heard a me.”
Bess jumped up and looked over at her sister. “How much did you put in her tea, Kay?”
“Just a tablespoon.”
“It’s supposed to be a teaspoon!” Bess growled through clenched teeth as she felt her mother’s pulse, and tried to unfurl her mother’s arm from around Elvis’ shoulder.
“I’ll take her up - “
“Aw, honey - s’ok, want me to - “
“ - Well, it was an easy mistake.” Kay hovered behind Bess, and stomped her foot.
Mama’s eyelids fluttered back open for a moment and she looked up into Elvis' face. “You know, you have a beautiful aura, Alvis, I can tell you are a good person - Bess, if you don’t marry him, I will.” 
Bess gulped, and looked at Kay. “Help me get her up the stairs?”
Before they could do anything, Elvis lifted Mama and nodded at Bess. “Jus lead the way, ‘k Bess honey? Boys, y’all go on out to the car, and we’ll get outta ya hair ‘fore you say lickety splickety.” 
Lamar sighed with relief and could not get through the hallway fast enough, almost knocking the telephone off the little desk as he passed. Rex, however, hung back, gathering up the bottles of pop and taking them to the kitchen behind Kay, looking back to nod at Elvis in a silent offer to help. Elvis shook his head and followed Bess up the stairs.
“Alright, now, Mrs. Schwartz, ma’am, ya gonna be snug as a bug in a rug, jus you wait.”
Elvis set Mama down in her bed carefully, gently taking her hands and placing them at her sides. Mama opened her eyes and trailed her fingers over the sharp edge of Elvis' crew cut, smiling dreamily as she asked “Almond” if he would marry her.
“Ya so sweet and beautiful, I would, I would  if I could, ma’am.”
Tears welled up behind Bess’ eyes as she watched the tender way Elvis kissed her mother’s cheek and squeezed her hand before she passed out. They exchanged a long look, and Bess blushed.
“I’m sorry you had to see all this, I’m so embarrassed. You didn’t have to stay and help me - “
Elvis rubbed her shoulder. “Honey, I wanted to help, I like helping folks. Ain’t nuthin to be shamed of. Really Moo Moo, wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to. An getting to spend my night with the prettiest lil gal in town, why, that’s just the icing on the cake.” His face scrunched into a big grin as he held her, and bess nodded into the comfy wook of his red sweater.
Elvis stood in the doorway, watching curiously as Bess took off her mother’s shoes and tucked her under the large, homemade victory quilt that they had sewn from old clothes during the war. It was the only blanket Mama would sleep with, and for Bess, it evoked that time in her childhood when Papa was overseas doing things he couldn’t talk about and Mama was the strongest woman she could imagine. 
Now, as she looked down at her mother and smoothed hair out of her face, it was Mama who resembled a little girl, finally relaxed and at ease as she started to snore. Her sleeping face free from the cares and mysteries of the world. Bess kissed her mother on the forehead, and turned to find Elvis waiting for her in the doorway. His blue eyes seemed to penetrate her soul, as his thumb rubbed the side of her shoulder.
“Holdin’ it all together, ain’t ya Moo Moo. I see you. I really do.” 
Bess shuddered at his touch, wiping the side of her eyes.
“I, um, I. Well, you caught us on a bad night, Almond.”
He chuckled, drawing her into his arms and kissing the top of her forehead.
“Nah, ain’t nothing bad about anything.” The sides of his crinkled as he smirked. “Almond, huh. maybe ya mama there is on to sumpin. Might sell more records and movie tickets if I changed my name to Almond instead. Tell you what, wudda made it harder for the Army to find me.”
“Yes.” She took his hand and led him back down the stairs.”Though you would have missed out on your freel vacation here at beautiful Fort Hood.” 
They were back on her porch, and Elvis was clasping her hand tight. He looked out at the darkness, and at his car on the street, then over the garden, before turning back to hover over Bess, hands resting at her waist.
“Wudda missed out on meeting you, honey. Ya my silver lining. Tonight, being here with you, I know it now for certain that fate brought us together.”
Bess turned her head to listen to the crickets, wondering if they had any advice on how to defy fate. Especially when fate distracted you from all common sense by nuzzling your forehead. 
“Elvis - I - “
His lips were at her ear as he drew her closer. “Aw, Moo Moo, I cain’t bear to think I made you cry. I mean it.” His thumbs rolled up and down Bess’ sides. ”I promise, ain’t ever let that happen again. I swear. Cuz I need ya, honey, been thinking ‘bout you all the time.”
Bess couldn’t resist the way his eyes lit up with hopeful vulnerability, it made her feel like she was the one who had wronged him by withdrawing her company from him. 
“I  - I think about you too.” She cupped his cheek. “I’ve seen you doing laps every evening, are you doing okay?”
Elvis huffed and pinched her side. “Oh, yeah, you know me. Every morning, those drill sergeants find a reason to be cross at me, makin’ me do extra PT. But ain’t nothin I can’t handle.”
Bess nodded. Then Elvis’ hands tightened all the way around her, constricting her so tight she almost couldn’t breath, before parting with a soft, chaste farewell kiss and a vague promise to call her the next day.
Bess was humming to herself as she turned off the porch light and locked the door behind her, stopping short when she saw her father come out of his office.
“Everything ok, Papa?’
“Jah, jah. That was just the secure line, a call from D.C.” He straightened his sweater, coughing as he took in the dim quiet of their house. “Ze hound dog has run off, I take it?”
“He’s not so bad, you know.” Bess shifted and looked at her feet, unable to stop the smile at the corner of her mouth. “The drill sergeants have really had it out for him this last week. He’s been running extra PT and they put him on latrine duty. Must have pissed off the wrong person.”
Bess stopped talking, noticing that her father’s face had soured into a tight grimace. She had probably been right not to tell her parents that she had been seeing Elvis. This would be tough, now there was nothing she could do now.
“Jah, that boy did piss off the wrong person. Me. You would be wise to cut your ties with him, Elizabeth, he does not respect women. And you have a bright future ahead of you. I might expect Katherine to be dazzled by this flash of Memphis. But you are too smart for all that. I would hate to see you lose focus on your goals to run around with a boy who brings his hoochie coochie girlfriends to town and flaunts them in your face.” 
Bess was silent as her father pursed his lips, nodding, then said good night. She listened to the sound of his footsteps as he walked up stairs, her mind racing as she tried to figure out how he had found out about Elvis. About the debacle with Anita. About all of it. 
The disappointment she had seen in her father’s eyes crushed her, and Bess tossed and turned in her bed all night trying to figure out how she could make him understand that she could have fun and still go after her goals. It was the thought of Elvis’ long thumbs caressing her body that finally calmed her down. The memory of his touch was like her own personal dose of benzodiazepine, it made her forget all her problems and give herself over to the sandman.
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XOXOX norahhhhhhh
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hooked-on-elvis · 1 month
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Official publicity photos during the army. Friday, October 3, 1958, Elvis at Ray Barracks in Friedberg, Germany. Elvis had arrived in Germany on the morning of October 1st.
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The newspapers had been reporting that Presley was initially assigned to join the crew of a medium Patton tank. However, before Elvis arrived in Germany, he said his last assignment had been driving a truck for four weeks in Fort Hood. The army announced the new assignment was made after reviewing Presley’s military tests and records, and an interview with his company commander. This is the reason why on October 3 Elvis first posed with the Company D sign for publicity photos, but just a few days later was photographed with the Headquarters sign.
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“The assignment of scout jeep driver is given to soldiers of above normal capability,” an army official explained. “The soldier must be able to work on his own, map-read and draw sketches, know tactics and recognize the enemy and enemy weapons.” A rumor started circulating that Elvis was transferred due to a perforated eardrum which meant he had to avoid loud noises of artillery fire. “That rumor didn’t make much sense to me,” Lt. Taylor commented. “It’s implausible that the army medical exam system had failed to detect such an ear problem long before Elvis was assigned to a tank company.” During the day, Elvis was driving jeep “HQ31” for the Master Sergeant of a scout platoon, Ira Jones from Arkansas, who had served in World War II and the Korean War and was a Purple Heart recipient. However, Presley was not just a jeep driver. According to Jones, each scout “was trained to operate in enemy territory with or without vehicles.” The scout platoons were the first ones who would see the enemy in combat. As a result, Jones was quite impressed that Elvis did not try to get out of his assigned position to serve in the field with his Reconnaissance Platoon. “As time passed, Elvis became our friend and we hoped that he would stay with us,” recalled Sgt. Jones. “We could count on him to be a member of the team… By the time Elvis had been with us six or seven weeks, we were confident that he was going to succeed in the U.S. Army.”
Excerpt from "Elvis: The Army Years Uncovered · Behind The Scenes Of The Two Years That Changed The King Of Rock 'n' Roll's Life" by Trina Young (2021)
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Official publicity photos during the army. Friday, October 3, 1958, Elvis at Ray Barracks in Friedberg, Germany.
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heart-of-ep · 1 year
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𝟐𝟒 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬: 𝟓𝟖'
This particular year will focus a bit more on Elvis' personal life as his career came to a halt at this point in time. So, uh, some sad facts ahead. 🥲
On March 24th, 1958, Elvis entered the United States Army after being drafted three months early on December 20th, 1957. Elvis would spend the following few months in basic training while stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. It was during this time that his mother, Gladys Presley, was diagnosed and hospitalized with hepatitis. After threatening to go AWOL, Elvis was finally given emergency leave to return home to Memphis as his mother's health was rapidly declining. On August 14th, 1958, Gladys passed away from a heart attack. The death of his mother hugely affected Elvis, leaving him completely inconsolable after her passing. He was granted an extension on his leave to handle funeral arrangements, but he returned to Fort Hood on August 18th to finish his training. On September 22nd, he would sail off to finish the rest of his service overseas in Germany. In regards to his career, his hit movie 'King Creole' was released on July 2nd, 1958. It was both a critical and commercial success, receiving unanimous praise towards Elvis' performance. Alongside his movie success, Elvis also released two more No.1 hits on the Billboard charts with songs, "Don't" and "Hard Headed Woman."
Despite this being a very hard year for Elvis in his personal life, he still gave us so many amazing things to look back at and love to this day. ❤
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sonalinag · 9 months
Why Elvis Presley had his mother Gladys’ gravestone replaced – Elvis Presley biography
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oldsoulretro · 5 years
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Elvis, circa 1958. Fort Hood, Texas in uniform at an ARMY base facility.
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bbcbreakingnews · 3 years
Elvis’ Taking Care of Business ring is expected to sell for $1MILLION
 A trove of the most coveted items from Hollywood’s past, including Elvis Presley’s diamond-studded ‘TCB’ ring and Michael Jackson’s Swarovski crystal embellished glove, will be auctioned off this month.   
More than 300 artifacts will be sold to the highest bidder through GWS Auctions, a company that specialized in celebrity-owned assets, high profile pieces and royal family estates.
Initial bidding for The Hollywood & Music auction began November 8, but won’t officially open until November 28 at 10am.  
Fans of The King of Rock & Roll can purchase everything from a lock of Presley’s black hair to a pill bottle he used in 1958 at Fort Hood, where he underwent training for seven months while in the U.S Army.  
Artifacts from Elvis Presley (pictured), the King of Rock & Roll, will be auctioned on November 28 through GWS Auctions, a company that specialized in celebrity and high-profile items 
GWS Auctions: ‘This ring was worn and loved by Elvis until he gave it to J.D. Sumner on stage during the first night of the Ashville concert in 1975 in front of more than 14,000 people’ Pictured: the first ‘TCB’ ring worn by Elvis Presley
But Presley’s custom-made TCB – or Takin’ Care of Business – ring may be the collection’s biggest steal. The name referred to the professional musicians who played with him from 1969 until his death in 1977. 
TCB was also a well-known personal motto for the ‘All Shook Up’ singer. 
‘The ring was custom made for the King, and is crafted of solid 14k yellow gold in Elvis’ preferred “nugget” motif,’ GWS Auctions wrote.
‘This is the very first TCB ring that Elvis had made with the now infamous logo, and has never been offered at auction or for public sale.’   
According to GWS Auction, the ring was gifted by Presley to J.D. Sumner, a longtime friend, singer and music promoter.
‘This ring was worn and loved by Elvis until he gave it to J.D. Sumner on stage during the first night of the Ashville concert in 1975 in front of more than 14,000 people,’ GWS Auctions wrote.
A collection of homemade films of Presley will also be auctioned off next week, and showed him fishing with family at the start of his legendary superstardom
Pictured: Elvis Presley’s 1975 Harley Davidson FLH Motorcycle that will be auctioned on November 28
‘Elvis gave him this ring the day before his father Vernon joined the concert tour. Elvis, knowing that his father would miss the ring, sent an assistant to borrow it from J.D., put the ring on, and in front of Vernon complained that it was not fitting his finger properly. 
‘Elvis then took it off and gave it to the aide, telling him to “put it up”, and the aide returned the ring to J.D. and Elvis had a replica made by his jeweler so that Vernon Presley would not know that J.D. Sumner had the original one.’ 
As of Thursday afternoon, the ring had received six offers at a current bid of $80,000. It’s expected to sell between $500,000 and $1million.
‘This is arguable the most significant and well documented piece of Elvis’ jewelry on the planet, as even Graceland has not had a piece of this magnitude,’ the company added.
Other items being sold included Presley’s 1975 Harley Davidson FLH Motorcycle, as well as a homemade films of the singer taken during the summer he achieved stardom.
‘What’s so beautiful about these videos is it’s just him being a son, a family member on vacation with the people he loves,’ Kruse, founder of GWS Auctions, told People.
‘This is right before he really hit it big, his life was about to change forever. So they’re just phenomenal. There’s never been anything offered quite like this.’
Presley was seen in four of the six films, in which he relaxed with family during a 1956 fishing trip. 
The films were initially taken on 8mm film, but were converted onto a DVD with 15 and 20 different clips. They’re expected to auction for $10,000.
Meanwhile, fellow Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe also had items set to auction next weekend.
A Louis Vuitton Monogram Secretary Trunk belonging to Marilyn Monroe’s final husband, Arthur Miller, has a minimum bid of $7,500.
‘The largest drawer houses a black and gold antique Royal typewriter which was gifted to Miller by his wife Marilyn Monroe, which fits perfectly on the pull out desk,’ GWS Auctions wrote. 
‘This piece was originally owned by Miller and was later acquired by The Incomparable Hildegarde in the late 1980s as part of a movie memorabilia auction, listed as “Arthur Miller Marilyn Monroe Secretary Desk.”‘
A Louis Vuitton trunk that belonged to Marilyn Monroe’s (pictured) final husband, Arthur Miller, had a minimum bid of $7,500 as of Thursday
The high-end Louis Vuitton trunk was number 24 of the 29-piece set that Marilyn Monroe and her husband, Arthur Miller, owned during their five-year marriage
GWS Auctions: ‘The largest drawer houses a black and gold antique Royal typewriter which was gifted to Miller by his wife Marilyn Monroe, which fits perfectly on the pull out desk’ 
Super fans can start a bid war over a lock of Marilyn Monroe’s hair, which was kept inside a clear frame alongside some documents 
The Louis Vuitton trunk is number 24 of the 29-piece collection.
Similar to Presley, ardent fans of Monroe can also purchase a lock of her blonde hair kept within a protective frame.
‘This is a genuine lock of hair which was cut from Marilyn Monroe by her hairstylist Sydney Guilaroff. Guilaroff was a hair stylist during Hollywood’s Golden Age who was the first to receive on-screen credit in films,’ GWS Auction wrote. 
The ‘Some Like it Hot’ actress was married to Miller for five years before they divorced in 1961 – just months before Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose inside her home.
Before that, she had a brief marriage to baseball star Joe DiMaggio after divorcing from James Dougherty in 1946.  
Nearly three decades later, beloved actor Robin Williams would appear as Mork in ‘Mork & Mindy,’ a popular ‘Happy Days’ spinoff that aired from 1978 to 1982.
One of the most recognizable pieces from the TV series were rainbow-themed suspenders worn by Mork, an extraterrestrial who lands on planet in Earth.
‘Robin Williams wore these types of suspenders throughout the production, a signature look which he made a fashion trend,’ GWS Auction wrote.
Bidding for the special suspenders began at $250, but rose to $600 as of Monday evening. 
The rainbow-themed suspenders from the popular TV series Mork & Mindy, a spinoff of Happy Days, were worn by Robin Williams throughout the show
Pictured: Pam Dawber as Mindy McConnell (left) and Robin Williams as Mork (right) in the TV series ‘Mork & Mindy’
Williams went on to star in numerous blockbuster hits, including Dead Poets Society and Disney’s Aladdin, before staring in his final role, ‘Absolutely Anything.’
In 2014, Williams committed suicide by hanging inside his Pasadena, California, home. 
His widow later said that Williams’ death was due to Lewy body dementia, a disease that causes a decline in reasoning, thinking and independent function. 
‘This was a very unique case and I pray to God that it will shed some light on Lewy bodies for the millions of people and their loved ones who are suffering with it. Because we didn’t know. He didn’t know,’ Susan Schneider Williams told ABC News.
Also being shown off at the high-profile auction are items from legendary singers, Prince and Michael Jackson.
The white lace blouse worn by Prince donned during his iconic Purple Rain Stage Tour that sold over 1.7million tickets between 1984 and 1985.
Purple Rain also referred to his 1984 film with the same name, which won an Oscar for the original score and was inducted into the Library of Congress for its cultural contributions. 
‘The shirt has a sewn-in label with “PRINCE” in purple, and comes with a handwritten letter of provenance signed “Simon Edwards”, which states that the shirt was given by Prince in 1985 and is “in the same condition today as it was when I got it,’ GWS Auctions wrote.    
Pictured: Prince performs live at the Fabulous Forum on February 19, 1985 in Inglewood, California, while wearing the lace blouse from the Purple Rain tour
GWS Auctions: ‘The shirt has a sewn-in label with “PRINCE” in purple, and comes with a handwritten letter of provenance signed “Simon Edwards”, which states that the shirt was given by Prince in 1985 and is “in the same condition today as it was when I got it’
Prince wore the iconic lace blouse during his iconic Purple Rain Stage Tour that sold over 1.7million tickets between 1984 and 1985
 In Michael Jackson’s collection, fans can fight over his classic, custom made Swarovski Crystal glove created by Bill Whitten.
The glove is adorned with hand-sewn Swarovski lochrosen crystals and worn by the King of Pop during many of his high-profile performances.
‘Michael Jackson memorabilia is some of the most collectible celebrity memorabilia in the world, and pieces attributed to Bill Whitten can be considered at the top of the tier due to the rarity and quality of the items,’ GWS Auctions wrote. 
‘A similar glove made by Bill Whitten recently sold at an August auction for $112,500.’
The glove as a minimum bidding price of $5,000. 
Michael Jordan’s Swarovski Crystal glove, created by Bill Whitten, will be auctioned off with a minimum bidding price of $5,000
GWS Auctions: ‘Michael Jackson memorabilia is some of the most collectible celebrity memorabilia in the world, and pieces attributed to Bill Whitten can be considered at the top of the tier due to the rarity and quality of the items’
Also being auctioned in the Hollywood & Music event will be Muhammad Ali’s Tru-Play Training Boxing Gloves (left) 
Actress Jayne Mansfield’s hooded long coat (pictured) was added to the Hollywood & Music auction ahead of its formal debut on November 28
The previous owner told GWS Auctions that their mother worked with Bill Whitten and the gloves were ‘somewhat as a “thank you” gift,’ the statement read.
Michael Jackson rose to international fame as a child as part of the Jackson 5, before venturing into a solo singing and acting career.
In 2009, Jackson died of acute propofol and benzodiazepin intoxication inside his Los Angeles, California, home. His doctor, Conrad Murray, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter two years later.
More impressive items included Muhammad Ali’s Tru-Play Training Boxing Gloves, an autographed vinyl cover for Dean Martin’s  ‘My Woman, My Woman, My Wife’ album and Jayne Mansfield’s hooded long coat.
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2020/11/19/elvis-taking-care-of-business-ring-is-expected-to-sell-for-1million/
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newsexplored · 7 years
Elvis Presley army documents where his name is misspelt as ALVIS emerge for sale
Elvis Presley army documents where his name is misspelt as ALVIS emerge for sale
Elvis Presley army documents with a mispelling of Alvis are up for sale at an auction
The official papers from the star's first few days in the military have the name 'PRESLEY, ALVIS' written in the top left.
They date from 1958 shortly after Elvis had been conscripted into the army and while he was training at Fort Hood in Texas.
Despite being an international…
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thatbanditqueen · 9 months
Basic Training Ch 6
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Summary: Bess spends a Friday evening with Elvis on base, and gets excited for the party he invited her to the next day. We learn a little more about Bess' family as she gets ready to meet Elvis' friends, however, things do not go as planned.
Warnings: Fingering, dry humping, descriptions of the ever elusive female orgasm (not when Elvis is around....), and discussions of mental illness.
WC: 8.4 K i tried and failed to stick to my 5 - 6 k goal
My writing is very much influenced by the other women I write with, my lovely sister wives @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love @ellie-24 @powerofelvis @peskybedtime and @shakerattlescroll give me suggestions, answer my research queries and help me find the will to live and write. Also, thanks to @ab4eva and @lookingforrainbows for their enthusiasm because honestly yes I thrive on engagement with other Elvis fans.
Special shout out to @whositmcwhatsit from whom I have stolen her characterization of Elvis learning what an OC likes as he pleasures her in bed, changing his voice when he is alone with an OC vs. in front of others, using his thumbs to rub OCs backs.... basically I subscribe to the belief that all art is deriative and collaborative and I pinch things unwittingly from everyone who I read regularly so thank you, and sorry, no, I won't ask for permission. I am a bandit queen after all. But if you have read @whositmcwhatsit's stuff you might find some of my characterizations of Elvis familiar and you should probably go read some of her stuff instead. She also alpha'd this for me and gave me lots of feedback and dialogue/plot ideas. But no Jade, I am already too jealous of your talents to give you co-author credit so stop begging me (in my head).
You can read the previous chapters of this fic about Elvis at Fort Hood in 1958 here
This is the playlist I made for this chapter. Kewl kids do that.
Chapter 6: Guided Missiles
Friday, April 11, 1958
7:07 p.m.  on the grounds of Fort Hood, Killeen, TX
Guided missiles, bound to explode
Destroying my heart is your goal
You have succeeded in making me blue
Now I know the enemy is you
The Cufflinks’ “Guided Missiles” played over the radio as Bess navigated her car along the base road, she had just begun to relax her thigh into Elvis’ leg while enjoying how he crooned along into her hair with the song. Then she felt his hand on her inner thigh and bolted upright with a gasp, trying to wiggle him off as she changed gears.
“You are making it hard for me to drive, Tupelo.”
Elvis snickered under his breath, enjoying the way Bess shivered from the way his hand moved her hem up.
“I’m jus’ being helpful, Moo Moo, this skirt’s so goddamn tight, don’t know how you can change gears.”
Bess shook her head as she pulled into the PX parking lot, sliding his hand out of her legs.
“Well, aren’t you chivalrous?”
“Zat’s me, baby.” Elvis’ lips were nibbling her ear. “I’d open your door any day.” Somehow his hand was back between her legs and she gasped when it feathered over her panties.
“My door,” she pushed him off and put the car in park, “is just fine where it is, soldier.”
He grinned at her, and the way he looked down, biting his lip, was so naughty it made Bess tense with longing. She instantly regretted coming here with him, blushing when his eyes met hers, his fingers now caressing her elbow. Their soft touch did not feel any more innocent on her arm than they had on her thigh and she coughed nervously.
“Um, uh, alright, fork it over.”
He arched an eyebrow at her.
“You were the one who wanted candy.”
“Bess, I’m not able to carry my wallet during field exercises, an’ I came to meet’cha straight after.”
Bess rubbed his knee playfully and waggled her lips.
“Hmm, Mr. Chivalrous, indeed. Ok, guess I can spring for some Reese’s -”
“Get a bunch, and a few Pepsi colas?”
Bess couldn’t even summon one sarcastic smart aleck retort, her mind was dulled by the way his cheeks lifted up in a boyish excitement. It made her want to grab his face and cover him with a thousand kisses. Instead, she nodded dumbly and managed to make her way out of the car intact, pulling down her skirt. If she tried focusing really hard she was able to walk upright into the commissary.
Once she was a few feet inside, away from Elvis’ hands, her wits returned and, in a matter of minutes, she was at the soda fountain asking the girl behind the counter to add a few more peanut butter cups to her paper bag. 
Walking back out of the shop, Bess folded the top of the bag over itself a few times, enjoying the feel of the sharp crisp edge under her hand. She smiled to herself, thinking of Elvis’ silly grin as he conspiratorially looked around after dinner and whispered in her ear that he was in the mood for something sweet.
Studying Elvis over the last two weeks, Bess found he was not at all what she had expected. He was smart and funny, yet also childlike and sweet and simple. His face greeted her with the same genuine excitement every evening when she met him at the bottom of their dirty, dingy back stairwell. He had asked her to bring the same meal the last three nights in a row, homemade meatloaf on challah bread. And he was content to do the same thing every night: drive around listening to the radio and necking in her car. This trip to PX was the first time they had deviated from their familiar routine and gone anywhere remotely public together.
“So, this is how movie stars indulge in the finer th -”
Bess stopped talking as she sat down and realized Elvis was not in her car. Peering around the parking lot, she saw his side profile a few cars over, sitting between two girls in the back seat of a white Buick. Two giggling girls. Two very pretty, young giggling girls. 
Bristling, Bess took a deep breath and calmly placed the candy next to her, then calmly pulled the handle and then calmly but forcefully slammed her door with a bang. She saw one of the girls look over, a blonde, but Elvis remained lost in conversation, laughing at something the brunette had said. 
Bess wondered if he was even aware she had returned to the car. Not sure what to do, she settled on acting nonchalant and proceeded to fix her lipstick in the rearview mirror, trying to conceal how hard she was straining to hear what they said.
“Course I do, honey, scout’s honor. Yes, that’s right, 16 cars. Well now, what’s the point of making money if you can’t spend it? Wait a minute, huh, now, actually, it’s 15, I just gave my Messerschmitt to my tailor.”
She couldn’t make out the girls' muffled, breathy voices, just Elvis’, which was, for some reason, deeper and much more pronounced now that he had an audience.
“Oh, well now, most people ain’t heard a it, but it’s a German car, a small ‘un, rides on three wheels and goes real fast, boy, real fast, on account of how light it is. Feel like you’re racing in a bubble.” He whistled a high note. “Whooeee, goes right past all the suckers in their regular cars.  But, well, heck, I hardly got to drive it, though, so naw, I don’ miss it. I was away so much, when the guy who makes my suits wouldn’t shut up ‘bout it, I finally told him, I said, ‘Bernie,’ I said, ‘Ya can have my Messer but you have to let me pick out ev’ry thing I want in ya store here. Today’… Yeah, it was a good deal, man, I cleaned him out.”
Bess rolled her eyes and sat there waiting while Elvis chuckled and answered more questions from the girls. Then, ever the chivalrous, attentive gentleman, asked them about themselves, wondering where they went to school, what they did for fun, and whether they had any boyfriends
“Don’ lie now.” She heard his voice get flirty. “I don’t believe it, pretty girls like you? I bet you’re breaking all the guys' hearts here.”
“Do you have a girlfriend?” one asked him, and Elvis laughed.
“Nah, no one special. See, I'm so busy, and I’m always on the move, it wouldn’t be fair to any gal to for me try and settle down now, ‘specially now I’m off to Germany. I’m just playin’ the field. Why, are you asking me out? Honey, ain’t fair to tease me like that.”
Elvis sat and talked with them for ten more minutes or so, but Bess was only half listening. His words about how he didn’t have a special girl played over again in her mind. Bess started eating the peanut cups impatiently as the idea of how insignificant she was to Elvis snowballed in her mind. She was just a girl he met during basic training, one of the many girls whose car he felt he could just walk up to and sit in. One of, what, hundreds he had probably kissed in dark corridors, movie theaters, recording studios, cars, motel rooms? Completely interchangeable with any other girl. Completely interchangeable with these silly, stupid girls he was flirting with while she waited.
What the fuck was she doing with her life? Baking bread and meatloaf and packing a picnic dinner to schlep on base every night? Curling her hair before bed and waking up early so she could take extra care to look nice?  While he treated her like a pathetic doormat he could send off to buy him candy and then keep waiting for what now, twenty minutes? Bess had half a mind to drive off, and the only thing that stopped her was her pride. She would not let him know that he had upset her, she was not going to have a tantrum like a child.
The peanut butter and chocolate had hardly begun to melt when Bess threw another candy in her mouth and told herself she was being silly. Those girls had probably called him over, everyone in Killeen was on Elvis alert, and he was probably just being polite and humoring them. She ate some more of the candy and felt a little better, telling herself it was harmless. And what, she expected him to spill his guts about his love life with two kids? And so what if it was true? She knew he had other girlfriends,  she’d seen pictures of him out around town with stars like Natalie Wood, Yvonne Lime, and Anita Wood in the movie magazines. Elvis' playboy lifestyle hadn’t seemed to matter this morning, because she knew they were just having fun. She was having fun, she reminded herself again, and she shouldn’t get worked up.
But it was ten more minutes before Elvis said his goodbyes, and Bess’ ire rose again as he lingered over their car window, making them promise to meet him at the base movie theater next week.
“What about you, Moo Moo, you like Danny Kaye?”
Bess looked at him coolly as he got into her car, then back at the windshield as she shifted the car into reverse.
“Sounds like you’ve already secured companions, one for each side.” She elbowed him off as he leaned to put his arm around her.
“I reckon you’re right.” He attempted to put his hand where it had been before, lightly trailing his fingers over the back of her neck. “Guess I’ll just have to put you on my lap,” he hummed in her ear, grabbing the bag of candy as Bess navigated the car out of the parking lot. 
She could tell he was joking around with her, but she scooted away from him nonetheless, sitting up straight and rigid as she drove, the bitter taste of his indifference still fresh on her tongue despite the half dozen chocolates she’d eaten in the last ten minutes.
“What happened to the Reese’s?” Elvis’ voice trailed off as he popped the last one in his mouth, and he took a longer look at Bess’ stiff stance.
“Oh, I didn’t think you were interested in them anymore.”
Elvis sucked on the candy and grabbed a bottle of Pepsi from the six pack below his feet, opening the cap with a pop.
“You cheesed off ‘bout them girls back there?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s a free world, you can go around speaking to whomever you like.”
 Elvis sipped his Pepsi, looking sideways at Bess.
“Huh, so you hugging that steering wheel like you tryin’ to marry it for no reason, then, huh?”
Bess glanced over, her terse expression breaking. “Well, it doesn’t feel particularly good to be left twiddling my thumbs for thirty minutes.”
Taking another swig of his Pepsi, Elvis began to message the base of Bess’ neck.
“Aw, hell, honey, I didn’t even realize I was over there that long.” His fingers massaged the base of her neck. “Time got away from me, now that’s the god’s honest truth.”
Bess grunted as Elvis' thumb rubbed slowly over her shoulder blade, moving to her waist to pull her towards him.
“Hey now.” He kissed the top of her head, and Bess could feel her anger dissipating. “Scoot in here, let me show you how I feel ‘bout you, Moo Moo. Those girls don’ mean nothing.” He squeezed her waist.
“Seemed like something,” Bess whined, hating herself the minute the words left her mouth, she sounded needy and pitiful. 
“Aw, Moo Moo, don’t be like that. I spend my days driving ‘round in tanks with forty other men. When those lil gals called me over, almost felt like my old life again. I love my fans, honey, but that’s all they are. Ain’t special to me like you are.”
“Hmmmm.” She could feel herself giving in as his thumb worked its slow, rhythmic magic in circles at her waist. His thumb's movements made all her blood rush to her core, and a throbbing need mingled with the anger in her chest. He sensed her mood shifting and kissed her neck as she drove.
“Always so jealous, Bessie baby, might start to think you like me.”
Bess sighed out as he pulled her towards him tighter.
“You’re wrong, Elvis Presley,” she murmured halfheartedly. “I am just bored, passing time ‘til I get out of this hell hole. You could go off with a car full of girls and it wouldn’t bother me.”
His hand was at the side of her head, pulling her into his shoulder, stroking her hair.
“You’re so pretty when you get all riled up, Moo Moo, your cheeks get so red. It’s how I imagine you’d be -“ He paused, his voice was tender and babyish now, even as he spoke with an impish smirk, giggling at his own innuendo. “ - after chasing me down in that car fulla girls.”
Bess sat up, slapping his hand off her, no longer really mad about the girls, just his teasing. Elvis' arms were around her again in a flash, and he kissed her cheek.
 “I’m jus’ teasin’, honey. Now come on, be a good lil girl and find us a nice place to park.”
He turned the radio on, tapping once he found a station playing a song he liked, and waggling his eyebrows at Bess as he began to sing with The Clovers to “Blue Velvet.”
Bess shook her head to herself, enjoying how the night air cooled her warm, red cheeks. She had sworn that once he got back in the car, she would drop him off and not let Elvis charm her into spending the rest of the night with him. But here, now, she knew she was a goner. Her body betrayed her and the need to feel his lips on hers, as soon as possible, overrode any sense of pride or logic. She drove her blue Ford into the first dark alley she found among the armory buildings.
Awkwardly smoothing down her blouse, Bess tried not to seem excited or in a hurry as she sighed nervously and watched Elvis tilt his head toward the back seat. They wordlessly got out, and she stumbled into her open door. It was pitch black, the air was thick with anticipation, and Bess trembled as she edged along the leather. After two weeks, she still got nervous alone in the car with Elvis.
His lip hung down as he moved over and he caught her knee, lightly trailing over it before pulling her legs onto his lap. His eyes followed his fingers as they moved up her leg, sucking in his breath. Each night, without fail, his face would fill with awe when they began to fool around. He always looked like he had never touched a girl before, like she was the first woman he had ever met. Just the slightest caress seemed to light a fire in his eyes, and he slowly, reverently removed her shoes, one by one, swirling his fingers over each ankle.
They had left the radio playing, it was a doo wop program and the slow beat of a bass guitar thrummed in Bess’ ears as Elvis’ index finger begin to roll  back and forth at the edge of her skirt. His eyes met hers, looking her up and down as he sighed.
“Hey there, lil Moo Moo.” A goofy smile spread under his half-lidded eyes, and he bit his lip, looking as though he had just unearthed a secret. His hand was now on her knee, and a charged tremor flared up the back of her calves. “I’m crazy ‘bout you, honey. I need you to know it.”
The longing in his voice made Bess want to wrap her legs around Elvis’ waist and pull him on top of her. Draw him as close as possible, flip over and crush him into the leather seat, getting as close as she possibly could until the car shook with the sounds of their love making. Instead, Bess took a deep breath and tried to embody an appealing, modest restraint.
“I’m sorry, Elvis, sorry for giving you a hard time. And for eating all the chocolates.”
He leaned over her, and his warm breath hit her ear as he whispered.
 “I know baby, s’ok. I forgive you. You gonna be a good lil girl from now on?”
“Mmmhmmm.” She answered in her own babying voice, not questioning where that affect came from or why she suddenly seemed to find their childish repartee so enticing.
Elvis’ lips brushed over her neck, followed by a succession of kisses that started out soft and slow and then gradually became deeper. Bess fell down onto the white leather seat, her breaths loud and shallow as she unbuttoned his work coat, lifting her bottom to help Elvis as he pulled her nylons off. She laughed when they got tangled and he had to turn and look at what he was doing, swearing as he threw them to the ground.
 “Damn mosquito netting. Where were we?”
Bess cupped his cheek, bringing him back to her lips.
“Here.” She swallowed into his smug expression while his right hand moved up her thigh, teasing her over her panties before he smiled wider at the way she rolled her hips to welcome his touch. He dragged his knuckles delicately over her center and Bess felt a bulge growing against her knee when Elvis looked down where his hand was.
“Man oh man.”
He raised his eyebrow as his fingers slipped inside her and she responded with an upward thrust, turning her face into his left arm at the sensation. Elvis kissed her check, gliding his fingers further into her, slowly probing her delicately and lingering over her bundle of nerves, repeating the movements that provoked a response.
Bess tried to remember the last time a man had touched her. This was no impatient swiping on the way to quick sex. Ben had made the effort to please her, though he had always seemed preoccupied, like he was making a grocery list while he muddled along with his fingers. She had had to do a lot of work twisting and turning to get the angle right. Elvis was right there, absorbing every twitch, every gasp, every clench as she pivoted his fingers toward what she liked. No one had ever touched her like this and it felt so satisfying that Bess couldn’t stop herself from grabbing him as she moaned out. Her hands were on his back, through his hair, in his mouth while he watched with concentration, his lips opening and closing with a gasp as she moved her knee back and forth over his groin.
“You are so soft, Moo Moo.” He brought his fingers out momentarily and Bess’ jaw dropped as she watched him suck on his index and forefinger, covering them in his saliva and grinning as he brought his hand back to slide easily inside her. “Sweet, too, baby, sweetest girl I ever met.”
Bess blushed, deeper, harder, redder than ever, and buried her head into Elvis' forearm. It was almost too much, to feel Elvis’ finger rolling over her slick nub, slow and steady, like he was canoeing them intently down a lazy river, strumming her like a banjo. Each stroke brought her closer to home, and a warm tingling sensation hummed up to her throat and made her moan out a guttural melody just for him. His eyes never left hers, and his chest pushed harder and harder into her with each exhale. It was the most intimate, vulnerable and intense experience Bess had ever had. She felt him grind harder against her knee, breaking their eye contact to drop his forehead on to hers with a loud groan.
Their bodies shifted back and forth together and the car swelled with the sound of their savage breathing. The smell of aftershave, Chanel No. 5 talcum powder, tank grease and sweat filled Bess’ nostrils, and heightened the aching, sparking heat in her chest. She pulled Elvis to her, meeting his lips as he stroked her until the bow broke and waves of electricity vibrated through her body. She cried to heaven above and hell below, drowning out the sound of the music playing on the radio, the sound of the car seat heaving up and down, the sound of Elvis’ chuckles as he held her, looking down at her with wide puppy dog eyes full of satisfaction and appreciation. As if she had been the one pleasing him.
Bess realized how much she had satisfied him when she noticed a wet, gooey stain on his pants as she lay in Elvis’ arms, nuzzling her forehead against his chest. She palmed her hand over it, smiling up at him.
“Maybe I should keep an extra uniform in my car for you?”
He played with her hair, grinning into her eyes.
“Nah, it’ll dry. Sides, it’s dark, no one will know what we been up to.” He took a deep breath, another chortle escaped his lips. “S’nice a you to offer, though. Guess I know what I have to do to get you to be a nice lil girl for me.”
“Hush.” Bess hit him, but she couldn’t help but sigh affectionately. “Though, gee whiz, Elvis. I never felt like that before.”
“Aw, there she is, there’s a good lil Moo Moo.” He kissed her head. “Why, she’s the sweetest lil Moo cow in the whole wide world. Gotta take care a my Moo Moo, cuz she takes such good care me.”
All Bess could do was sink into him further, allowing his babyish voice to lull her into a calm, relaxed state. She started playing with the lining of his undershirt, asking him about their plans to be together over the weekend. 
In her more reserved moments, Bess stopped herself from prodding Elvis for future plans because she did not want to seem needy or anxious or too invested. She left it to him. She didn’t want to give him the power of knowing how much she liked him. This tryst was temporary, she knew how this worked: he would go on leave back to Memphis, and then, before she knew it he’d be off to Germany.
But when she was with him, in his embrace, all of her worries seemed to dissolve. Bess didn’t think about her mother’s troubles, her father’s expectations, how Ben had broken her heart or anything upsetting. Here, in the cozy afterglow of loving making, she felt completely at ease and her subconscious snuck out, seeking opportunities to be with him as much as possible. Her hand smoothed over his shirt as she looked up at him with a breezy, carefree grin.
“Want me to pick you up tomorrow?”
“Nah, honey, my friend has my new white Caddy, so I’ll be coming’ round to pick you up from now on.”
“What time d’you think you’ll come by?”
“Don know, ‘zactly, but I’ll call you. Reckon it’ll be after 5, most likely.”
 “I should write down my number.” She started to sit up, but Elvis held her tight and kissed her nose.
“Nah, Moo Moo, jus’ tell me, I’ll ‘member it.”
Bess squinted up incredulously, but soon he was repeating it back to her, tickling her and telling her to be a good girl and trust him.
“I got it, locked down up here, baby.” He pointed to his head, and Bess shrugged, sitting up and swaying to the sounds of the song “Devil or Angel.”
“Aw, I love this song.”
Elvis followed suit, joining her upright on the bench seat and grinning as he tucked in his shirt and straightened his tie as he sang along. Bess smiled inwardly at his silly, melodramatic expression, he was clearly trying to impress her. She grinned wider when she realized that they were on opposite sides of the seat from when they had first moved back there, and she smooshed into him with a light kiss. He returned it, and they started to paw at each other again, tongues meeting and gently exploring each other until Bess pushed off, trying to be sensible and move them out of the car.
 “You better go, Tupelo.”
Elvis followed her, kissing the knuckles over her hand as they said their goodnights against her car, hips pushing up against hips.
“Always takin’ such good care a me, Moo Moo. I jus’ know. God sent you to take care of me. Wish I could just stay with you always. I hate to leave.” He murmured, pouting. “I don know how I’m gonna make it through the night without you, baby. Gonna be dreamin’ ‘bout you.” His lip curled up at the left side. “And how sweet ya taste.”
Elvis dodged her had as she tried to hit his arm. “Tomorrow can’t come soon enough, Moo Moo. Mmhhmmm, better have that sweet lil honey pot all dressed up and ready for a party. Wanna show you off to my friends.”
Bess blushed and waved him away, though she couldn’t stop herself from rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet from excitement. This last week she had felt like a phoenix, rising from the ashes of last summer’s devastating heartbreak and all the self destructive behavior that had followed.
Being with Elvis was a restorative tonic, and she couldn’t wait to spend the night with him Saturday. It meant something that he invited her to meet his friends; it was an acknowledgment, a validation, a way of telling her that he didn’t just see her as someone to fool around with in a dark car. It meant that he really liked her. That she really was special to him.
Saturday, April 12, 1958
9:47 a.m.  The Schwartz Residence
The house smelled like spiced ginger. It was one of those days when Mama had risen at dawn and baked enough food to feed the entire base. There were loaves of ginger bread, banana bread, rugelach, oatmeal cookies and some sort of roast was slowly cooking in the oven. Their kitchen had always been the heart of Bess’ family, not only was it where she learned to cook at her mother’s apron strings, but it is also where Mama taught her to draw, read and knit. Papa had taught her and Kay German by only speaking German to them in the house until they were fluent. However, it was at the kitchen table with Mama where Bess perfected her German. This was where Mama had helped her with her German homework and essays. With all of her work, with all of her problems. 
Mama’s parents were second generation German Jews, and before she met Papa, Mama had played piano in Zayde’s Brooklyn vaudeville theatre, where all six kids in Mama’s family had eventually gone to work. Papa enjoyed regaling his daughters with the story of how he had met a dark, beautiful woman on the Coney Island midway who had captured his heart when she helped him buy tickets after no one understand his broken English. She had spoken to him in German, and it was the first time he’d felt welcomed and safe in America. Two weeks later he had asked her to marry him. Mama had thrown herself into domestic life after the wedding, and then into factory life during the war, always somehow managing to keep things taped together through military moves back and forth across the country.
Bess often wondered when Papa realized how different Mama was from other women, because most of the time, her mental condition was fairly obtuse and could be understood as harmless whimsy. For Bess, it was a mainstay of her childhood. 
Mama had always spoken so casually of the hidden meanings she saw in the world, the faeries and demons that spoke to her, that when Bess was little, she had assumed something was wrong with her and waited impatiently for her own visions. It was not until she was twelve, after Mama had dug up the whole back yard one night and chopped off all their electrical wires to stop the demons from tormenting her, that Papa took her and Kay aside and explained that Mama had to go live at a health farm for the summer and Aunt Rachel would be coming from New York to take care of them.
Thus began a long series of stays at different experimental sanitariums and institutions over the last ten years. The most recent had been in November, a month-long stay at a small resort in Eureka Springs Arkansas, and Mama had returned fatter, calmer and filled with zeal about the wonders of natural hot spring bathing. But Mama was still Mama, and the battle for good and evil was still playing out in front of her eyes through the words and whispers and visions that she alone experienced. Bess was grateful that, for whatever reason, the demons had been staying mostly at bay. The faeries, on the other hand, had been quite vocal.
Mama turned as Bess entered the kitchen, and brought her daughter some coffee while she caressed Bess’ cheek with her hand.
“Oh Bessie, you’ve been looking radiant lately. The faeries have been murmuring.” She trailed her fingers over the large curlers in Bess’ hair. “They tell me you have a new beau.”
Bess blushed, responding sheepishly. “No mama, I’m  - I’m - just going out tonight. With friends. Where’s Papa?”
“Oh he went fishing with some of the German studies instructors, they took three barrels of beer and a tent, so they might stay at the lake. “
Mama kissed Bess’ forehead and then sipped her own coffee.
“It is going to be a full moon tonight, Bessie. You are positively glowing, my girl. I think the moon goddess wants to have her way with you, you have to be careful. She is a tricky one, she plays with us mere mortals for amusement.”
Bess blushed, thinking of Elvis and her own hopes and desires for the night. A shiver of anticipation went through her body and she giggled, nervously.
“Hmmm, well, we’ll see, Mama, maybe I can outsmart her.”
Mama stood, following as Bess took her coffee and bread to the secretary’s desk in the hall, and winking at her daughter.
“No one can outsmart the mistress of the moon, Bess, she controls the oceans and with it, the waves within us. The water that drums in our ears and thrashes us forward. The current that pulls at our heart. And her power is strongest at the full moon, beware her riptide.”
Bess watched as her mother turned into the living room with a flourish and then filled the house with Rachmaninoff’s loud, romantic piano music. 
Bess couldn’t help going into her evaluative mindset and pondering whether Mama was having a good day, baking and playing the piano, or whether she was hurtling towards a manic episode. She looked at the clock, and decided she would have to wait and see, but she prepared herself to cancel the whole night if need be. Right now, she would go ahead as planned, and called her friend James to beg him for help finalizing her outfit.
“I need a man’s opinion, that’s why.”
“Bess, trust me, whatever dress you wear, Elvis’ only thought is going to be how quickly he can get it off."
“Jameson!” Bess spoke in a hushed murmur as she rocked her chair back against the wall. “I don’t even know what is going to happen, he is an odd duck when it comes to fooling around.” James was silent. “Great, so you’ll be here at 5?”
“Bess, I love you but I am not getting involved. Didn’t you say he’s picking you up at 5?”
“He said he would call after 5, and I’ve been thinking, you should pick me up and drop me off, then I’ll get a cab home or something. I don’t want my folks to know about Elvis -”
“Bess, the General probably already -”
“Just be here at 5, James. I’m going to get my nails done and pick up a few things. Wait, better make it 4:30, just in case - ok? Please? You know I never ask for anything.”
Bess looked at the nails on her right hand, turning them over, trying to banish James’ suggestion that her father probably already knew that she was spending time with Elvis Presley. Yes, he trained officers to gather intelligence, but Papa could be quite blind about their home life. She rocked back and forth on the chair, noticing that her mother’s piano serenade in the living room had moved from Russia to Brooklyn. She was playing Gershwin now. 
This is good sign, Bess thought, happy, lighthearted Gershwin was one of Mama’s favorites. Then Bess realized after a few bars that it was “The Man I Love,” and she pursed her lips at her mother’s teasing.
“But you always ask. For everything. ‘James, take me to the dance, James, let’s go out dancing in Austin, James deliver me to Elvis Presley’s motel room - ’ ”
“Stop, you know you love it. Otherwise you’d be bored out of your mind, as you refuse to have a love life of your own.”
“That’s what you think, Schwartz. I have a vast, secret love life that I keep from you.”
Bess grinned. “Good, you can tell me all about it when I see you at 4:30. Make that 4. And if you don’t show, I’ll inform the General that you stood me up!”
Smiling wider at her friend’s groans, Bess hopped up with purpose, thinking that it was time to wash off her facial mask and make a list of all the things she needed to do to get ready by four.
“It’s settled then. James, you’re a dream, see you at 4.”
Saturday, April 12, 1958
3:58 p.m.  The Schwartz Residence
It was Kay who opened the door when James arrived, smart and debonair in his officer’s uniform with his hair coiffed and parted perfectly. Bess bounced down the stairs, beaming wide at James’ high whistle as she twirled around for him.
“Gee Schwartz, I think you might need to drive tonight. That dress just kicked me in the head.”
Bess did a two step in her cocktail dress, trying not to notice the way her sister rolled her eyes as she shut the front door.
 “You don’t have to be nice, Captain, you can tell her she needs to wear something more colorful, more over the top, more like what Elvis wears in civilian life. I’ve been telling her all afternoon.”
James tilted his head towards Kay, “So I’m guessing the kid knows.”
Bess shrugged, “Yeah, oy. But thank god Papa took Colonel Zimmermann and some of the new teachers fishing. Mama’s out back painting, she’s been on one today. Baked up a storm, if you want something sweet.”
James shook his head, letting Bess lead the way upstairs. “Your mom is too smart, Bess. So is your pop. I’m happy to be your beard, but if they don’t already know you are dating Elvis Presley, they are gonna get wise sooner or later.”
Kay laughed, “Mama already knows something is up, Bess has been putting way more attention into her appearance this week and coming home late every night. Just today, she curled her hair, then decided to go to the salon and have her hair set anyway. And she tried on about 100 dresses, just so everything’s perfect.” Kay said, in a sing-song voice.
“I’m not dating Elvis, you guys. I’m just spending time with him. And, Kay, I think you are exaggerating. I was having my nails done at the beauty parlor anyway.” 
Bess held out her hands for James’ inspection. She felt a deep sense of satisfaction at the dark burgundy color, and she had liked it so much she matched her lipstick to it. There was something about a fresh nail lacquer that always made Bess feel more adult, more confident.
“Let me show you the whole get-up with these low heeled pumps on, though I have some other shoe options.” She slipped on her heels, and twirled around again, as James went to sit on her bed next to Kay. “There, now, James, as a man, what do you really think? Too simple? He said to dress up.”
James looked Bess up and down as Kay snickered, prompting a quick kick to her shin.
“No, it’s perfect Bess. With that neckline? And the way it crisscrosses in the middle, and your hair? You look like Ava Gardner. It’s not too simple, it’s sexy. Sexy as hell. But you need a necklace.”
James stood, and went to Bess’ vanity, pulling out her pearl necklace from her jewelry box, and beckoning her over. He fastened it around her neck from behind, then put in the matching earrings, carefully, before stepping back with a whistle to let Bess look at herself in the mirror.
“There now. You're a goddess. I dare him not to whisk you away and ravage you the moment he sees you. It’s wholesome and it’s sexy all at once.”
Bess smiled and took her friend’s hand, whispering a shy, blushing thank you. They sat up there, listening to records as Bess modeled a few other shoe options and asked whether she should wear gloves. Ultimately, all parties involved agreed gloves were too formal for a motel party.
It was 5:15 when they went back downstairs and settled in the kitchen, sampling some of the rugelach as they waited for Elvis’ call. 
By 6:15, they had moved to the living room and Papa’s bar, where Bess made Tom Collins for everyone, which now included Mama and Dickey, who had come by to take Kay out to a drive-in movie. 
At 7, Mama began to ask if James and Bess wanted dinner, she was slow cooking a roast for Sunday, but could fry up some cold meatloaf sandwiches.
“No thanks, Mama, we’re just waiting to hear from the friends we’re meeting.” Bess stumbled through a sorry excuse for a story about two friends from high school who had to work later than expected. James gave Bess a supportive look, and after her mother left the living room, reassured her that a number of things could have happened with the drill sergeant overseeing Elvis’ dismissal.
“He could be stuck on KP duty, maybe he got held back because the others played a prank on him. You know how unpredictable those battalion sergeants can be. Let’s relax and turn on the boob tube.”
Bess nodded, made another round of Tom Collins, and settled in to watch Art Linkletter's amateur comedy show, trying very hard not to think about how it was almost 8 p.m. 
At 9 James began his campaign to convince Bess something must have kept Elvis on base, and that they should get out of the house. Get burgers at Millie’s Diner or go for a drive out to the Waco Wet Dog. 
At 9:30, Bess caved, and ran upstairs to take off her pearls and change into a more casual, purple swing dress. While changing, she began to mull over a secondary plan that was forming in her head, and she carried the entire display case of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups she’d bought with her to James’ car.
“What’s with the candy?” James looked over his shoulder as he careened his car around towards downtown Killeen.
“It’s sort of a joke, I um, I ate all his peanut butter cups the other night. I- I thought it would be a gas if I showed up with an entire case.”
James looked over at Bess, and rubbed her shoulder. “And what, you think we should eat them instead?”
“Well, what if he couldn’t get to a phone? Or got too caught up with his friends or whatever? He was pretty insistent that he wanted to see me tonight. I was thinking...” Bess looked down with a sigh, then back up at James, her eyes dark with determination. “What about just driving by the Star Motel on the way home. What do you think, as a man, how would you feel if I just showed up?”
James could see Bess’ confidence waver, but he couldn’t bear to talk her down, not after everything he had watched he go through over the last year. So he banished his own misgivings and squeezed her hand. “Honey, any man upset to see you walk in would be crazy. But let’s get some grub first, ok?”
Saturday, April 12, 1958
11:05 p.m.  The Star Motel, on the outskirts of Killeen TX towards Waco
The air was cool now, and Bess’ mother had been right, it was a full moon that shone over them, illuminating the farms off in the distance on the road to Waco. The Star Motel was a two-storey building with rooms along the inside and outside that wrapped around a large pool. 
Bess sat in the car, stomach churning, suddenly unsure if this was a good idea. They had definitely spotted a new, white Cadillac packed in the back lot with a temporary license plate. Which was both promising and unsettling, because it meant Elvis was probably there but hadn't called her. Bess suddenly wished she hadn't found it, but she was also unable to just slide back and tell James to take her home now that she knew Elvis was probably here.
Adrenaline was coursing through her veins and the cocktails had dulled her inhibitions.There was a giddy, bubbly feeling at the top of her head that egged her on and told her that he had invited her, had been adamant about wanting to see her, “show her off,” telling her she was special to him, that he was crazy about her. 
Maybe it was the full moon after all. Whatever it was, every cell in Bess’ body compelled her curiosity and her desire. She had to know, and she needed to feel his touch once more; that voice and that face and those hands that took her away from her difficult, tiresome existence. 
Taking a deep breath, she felt almost like a force behind herself was propelling her out of the car, and she only hesitated at the sound of James’ voice.
“Bess, come out and let me know, ok? This place is always crawling with creeps, so if you don’t come out here and give me the old heave ho in the next 15 minutes, I’m going to come find you. I won’t care about locked doors.”
Bess nodded back into the car with a bright, broad smile, and then strode over the grass and into the side corridor of the motel, avoiding the office. 
Walking past the first set of rooms, she came to a breezeway and paused, leaning against the decorative, concrete screen in the middle to calm and prepare what she would say to Elvis. She was certain they were a few doors down, she could hear a group of male voices jamming and she perked up, clutching her box of chocolates closer to her bosom at the sound of Elvis’ low voice singing no more than twenty feet away. 
That was when she heard heels clicking down the breezeway, and turned to find a small, petite blonde in a pink dress walking towards her with an exaggerated flounce in her hips and an ice bucket resting at her waist. Bess' chest tightened when she recognized Anita Wood from the movie magazine photos. Magazine photos of Anita Wood out on dates around Memphis with her boyfriend Elvis Presley.
Anita flashed Bess a dazzling grin that displayed the whitest, straightest teeth Bess had ever seen. “I swear, I walked all over creation looking for that dag gum ice machine, and you know where it is? Where these rocket scientists thought to themselves, why this is the best place to put it? Up behind the cigarette machine, on the back of it. Completely outta sight. Can you believe that?”
“Um yeah, I mean no, ugh. Idiots, I bet it was cheaper to wire it back there, or something.”
Bess wiped the sides of her eyes, willing herself not to cry, not to linger on how this proved that she was just another girl to Elvis, and definitely not preferable to the gorgeous beauty queen in front of her. Anita’s face fell as she looked up at Bess.
“Oh honey, are you ok? Why, you know you’d just feel better if you just let it all out.” Anita pulled a pink handkerchief with lace trim from her bust, replete with a monogrammed A.W. “Here, now, you can cry with me here, ain’t no one but us chickens.”
“Is it that obvious I'm upset?” Bess tried to chuckle, watching Anita’s face change to a confused frown as she noticed the box of Reese’s.
“Hey - what’s with the candy? Are you meeting someone here?”
Bess shifted, working against those cocktails to think on her feet and also play dumb about the suspicion she saw in Anita’s eyes. “Oh, ha, no. These are for me. I, um, I live here in town with my folks, and I just checked in here because, well, I needed to get away for the night and drown my sorrows in chocolate, if you know what I mean. Just learned my fiancee married another girl he met in Germany. Men, huh? What are they good for?”
Anita stepped forward and rubbed Bess’ shoulder as more tears fell down her cheeks.
“Well, God made men for a reason, sometimes I think it was to test our womanly resolve. Oh honey, I cannot imagine what that would feel like, to have a man wrong you so. Ain’t no dirtier dog than a man who breaks that sacred promise. But I tell you what.” She took the box of Reese’s from Bess' arm. “You cannot sacrifice your figure over a man. Nu huh. No way, Jose. Why, that won’t do nothing to get back at him, it’ll only hurt you and your future prospects. My heart is telling me that I cannot stand by and let you go eat all this candy and feel sorry for yourself, honey. That is the devil whispering in your ear.”
Anita trotted over to the trash can and Bess groaned inwardly as she watched a woman dispose of Elvis’ chocolates for the second time that week. Though she conceded that Anita was right, she didn’t really want to go home and eat them all. Well, she did. But she knew she would regret it.
What could she do, offer them knowingly to Anita to take to her boyfriend? The thought made her smile, which Anita, of course, assumed was a reaction to her kind, Christian gesture. Still holding her ice bucket, Anita patted Bess on her shoulder.
“See, I can tell you’re feeling better already now that the temptation has been removed. We women have to stick together. You should take a nice long bath, it will do wonders, much more healing than candy. Whenever I get upset, I have a good cry, get it all out, then take a nice hot shower.” She winked at Bess, and Bess wondered if Anita did the same things in the shower that Bess did to make herself feel better. Maybe that was why God made showers?
Anita smiled wider as Bess wiped her eyes, and mustered a feeble grin, which encouraged her to continue dispensing advice.
“Yessirree, you’ll feel better once you wash that man right out of your hair and start over again. Pretty girl like you, why, if you lost five pounds, you’d have your pick of the litter.” Bess flinched when Anita pinched her waist playfully, and was lost for words as her heart jumped into her throat with embarrassment at how much thicker she was than the petite blonde. Insecurity clouded her head and she was almost unable to hear the rest of what Anita said.
“Just stay away from big boxes of candy, and other temptations Satan might throw at you. Then, I bet you dollars to doughnuts, that boy will regret his decision. The best revenge is to find someone better and shove it in his face. Make sure to take out a big ole wedding announcement in the paper That'll make you feel much better.” 
Anita left Bess with a wink and a parting squeeze to her arm, as Bess murmured a low thank you. She wiped her eyes and gathered her wits, then, when she was sure Anita was gone, she dug the box of chocolate out of the trashcan and tucked the rescued candy under her arm.
Straightening her dress as she sat down in James' car, Bess popped a Reese’s in her mouth and decided on how she would respond to her friend's questions.
“I ran into one of his girlfriends in the hallway.”
“Oh Bess, no, he didn’t! I’ve half a mind to go back and beat that hillbilly senseless.”
Bess shook her head, extending her arm out of the window and dropping Anita’s pink, embroidered handkerchief into a puddle of mud on the side of the road as they drove back to her house.
“Don’t, Elvis did me a favor. He reminded me why I don’t date soldiers.”
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thatbanditqueen · 10 months
Basic Training Chapter 5
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Summary: Bess has plans to spend the evening having a picnic dinner with Elvis on post, and tries to juggle her family and keeping her relationship with Elvis a secret as her father presses her about her future.
Warnings: Some very heavy petting, dry humping, female orgasm (gasp), and discussions of mental illness, the Holocaust and Cold War operations. And all the usual typos.
WC: 6K
A (very very late) response to the prompt "Hey, quit splashin' me."
Many thanks to my lovely sister wives @whositmcwhatsit, @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love @ellie-24 who helped me write this.
If you need to catch up, you can read the previous chapters of this fic about Elvis at Fort Hood in 1958 here
This one got more into Bess family life, but it won't always be this top heavy in the future.
Maus and spatz are german terms of endearment. Illsa is a German nickname for Elizabeth.
Schatzeleh, bubeleh, mamaleh, these are all Yiddish terms of endearment. The Yiddish phrase "shayna maidel" means beautiful girl.
Deutsch ist die Muttersprache - German is the mother tongue.
INCOMS - abbreviation for Army Intelligence
The USIA was really a wacky Cold War PR agency for the U.S. government that set up a radio system to blast US music and news into other countries, and promote art and performers and entertainers around the world, along with other stiff. What every fic needs, more Cold War history ;)
Wednesday, April 9, 1958
Schwartz Residence, Killeen TX
6:45 a.m.
Bess hovered over her sister’s shoulder and grabbed a piece of toast off her plate, scooping up some scrambled eggs and chewing as she dodged Kay’s swats to pour a cup of coffee.
“Curlers again? Jeeze, Bess, that’s the third day in a row you’ve worn curlers to sleep.”
Bess hit the back of her sister’s head with her elbow.
Their father’s eyes did not leave his newspaper as Kay yelped and Bess stuck her tongue out.
“Elizabeth, you are not a nomad. Sit and eat.”
“I gotta finish getting ready, Papa.”
“Is there anything special going on today, maus?” Her father raised his eyebrows as Kay giggled.
“Or maybe someone speci - ouch!” Kay got a pinch at her back.
“Oh, no, nothing special, just wanted to look nice, I told Emily we’d go shopping after work today, Papa.”
Papa folded his newspaper, crisping the edges at Bess' expectant eyes.
Kay grinned into her juice.
“I was just wondering if it was ok to take my own car in again, if it’s all the same to you.”
“Ja, fine. Do you anticipate driving separately all week?”
Bess nodded, slowly, swallowing more coffee as her father’s eyes went from one daughter to the other.
“Hmm, sure are getting dolled up to go shopping with Emily OWfff.”
Kay got another swift pinch to her shoulder before Bess washed out her coffee cup and left to fix her hair.  Just as she got to the kitchen door, she heard the piano in the living room and looked back at her father.
“Did Mama wake up and go right back to work on the piano?”
“No.” Her Papa’s face went back to the newspaper.
Kay’s eyes met Bess’. “She’s been in there all night.”
“All night?”
Papa calmly set down his paper. “Your mother is fine, you know how she is. Once she starts a project, she becomes very focused. You both would benefit from such discipline. You just need to let her get it out of her system.”
Bess shook her head and ran to the living room to find her mother at the upright piano, hair wild as she wiped sweat from her brow. Mama had been hunched over sorting through a pile of tuning instruments, but her face lit up with excited energy at Bess.
“Oh Bessie, you’re doing your hair fancy again today, huh? Oh my sweet shayna maidel. Brains and beauty.” Mama stroked Bess’ cheek, then went back to hitting a key on the piano. “Ughh, hear that? Can’t get the D flat right.”
Bess tugged on her mothers house dress, the same one she had been wearing yesterday.
“C’mon, Mama, it will be easier if you rest the ole noggin, come back after you get some sleep.”
Her mother brushed off her hand.
“No, Bess, can’t you hear it? It’s all gooey, everything is gooey, when it should be tight. I can’t possible leave the plunkers gooey, it makes the whole room go orange, bubeleh.”
Bess rubbed her mother’s shoulders as she leaned her chin into Mama’s neck.
“You know the bedroom upstairs is all light and yellow, Mama, it will help you center yourself.”
Mama shook her head, and Bess sighed as she returned to the kitchen and mixed some of the thalidomide barbiturates hidden above the spice cabinet into a glass of milk.
Kay paused washing the dishes.
“Papa left.”
“Of course he did. A one star General who strikes fear into the Army Intelligence training officers, but won’t deal with his own wife.”
“That is not fair, Bess, Mama has been better since the treatment. Papa said she was great on the trip, she just needs to get back to routine and get the jitters out of her system.”
“Jitters, jitters is bupkis and you know it. Did you know Aunt Rachel came down to babysit Mama when they were in D.C.?"
Bess sighed and finished stirring the milk, and was finally able to coax Mama upstairs where she undressed her and tucked her into bed with a kiss.
“Oh Bessie, you have a yellow halo around your head schatzeleh, good things await you today, my pretty girl. “
“Thanks mamaleh, get some sleep.”
The black pumps were the last thing Bess slipped on before heading off to work, dropping Kay at school on the way. It was not far to Killeen High School, an easy 10 minute walk for Kay in her saddle shoes, but Bess wanted to talk with her.
“Can you come straight home after school? Keep an eye on Mama, maybe try to get her some sun gardening or going for a walk.
Kay nodded, tightening the scarf around her ponytail, “Sure Bess, she’s ok. I 'm telling you, she just needs rest after goin’ to DC and New York for two weeks.”
A car of high school boys pulled up next to them, their radio blasted as they made their way to the student parking lot. The boys looked over, whistling and laughing at Bess and Kay.
“Ugh, high school boys.” Kay moaned, fluffing her hair.
“Speaking of which, my dear sister. I thought we had a deal, ixnay on the elvisay or I’ll spill the beans on how often you sneak out with Dickey and tell Papa and Mama you’re spending the night at Gloria’s.”
“Aww, heck, Bess, you know I am not doing anything wrong, not since you scared me half to death about getting pregnant and having to get a back alley abortion.”
“I wasn't trying to scare you, Kay. I just want to make sure you take precautions. And that you understand it, are sure about it, ya know, when you are ready. Sex isn’t bad,it can just have consequences. You know you can always talk to me about that stuff.”
Kay rolled her eyes and hit Bess before getting out of the car.
5:15 p.m. Fort Hood Front Office
“She’s cooking brisket, and singing along with the radio.”
Bess held the phone receiver to her ear, she could hear her mother’s voice in the background along with Doris Day's. Guilt had been tugging at her heartstrings all afternoon, telling her what a selfish daughter she was to make plans with Elvis instead of going home to check on her mother. She kept listening to her sister talk as Dori come out of her father’s office and waved the CO on, telling him to bring the car around front.
“You sure everything’s okay?”
“Yes, Bess, jeeze, go already. Have fun with Emily.” Bess grimaced momentarily at Kay’s sarcasm then remembered she was trying to smile back at Dori.
Mabel was typing along, making no sign that she registered any human life in the office. Hanging up the phone, Bess began to cover her type writer.
“So y’all really don’t think I should go walk my lil ole self round about his barracks?”
The clacks from Mabel’s typewriter paused as she exhaled a deep huff of smoke, meeting Bess’s eyes for a split second before returning to her paperwork.
“Uh, no, Dori, you don’t want to be another girl chasing after Elvis Presley.”
Bess mused that quite a few members of Fort Hood’s female workforce seemed to have business near the 37th’s barracks lately. She avoided Mabel’s stoic, knowing stare as she explained that she had not seen Elvis since the night of the dance.
“He is a world famous entertainer, Doreen, adjusting to the first phase of basic training, the hardest phase. Women are probably the last thing on his mind.”
This elicited an eyebrow raise from Mabel behind Dori’s back, as the blonde conceded with a sigh that Bess was probably right and skulked out of the Command’s Front Office, flinging her handbag around in disappointment.
“The most eligible Southern bachelor in the world is at my base, even takes me on a date, but has to live in a shack with forty other men and no phone while doing drills all day.” She stomped her foot. “Jus’ isn’t fair.”
Bess stopped watching Dori walk down the hallway and pulled out her compact, giving her lipstick one last check.
“I am just glad the Executive Officer has three male children.”
“Mabel, I don’t know what you mean.”
“Like hell you don’t, that boy is gonna start world war three at this command, getting involved with two generals’ daughters. And, by the way, you need to come up with a better cover, one that doesn’t involve anyone on post.”
Flicking her cigarette, Mabel looked Bess directly in the eyes.
“General Schwartz was asking me about Emily in the switchboard office while you were at lunch.”
Bess swallowed, putting her compact away and rolling her feet back into her heels.
“Huh. Maybe I don’t give the old man enough credit?”
Mabel’s eyes were back on her typewriter. “You should go, before your father returns from his meeting and finds what is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairwell.”
Bess hesitated before she left. “I, um, I mean it, thanks, you know, for -”
“Git already, before I beat you down there and steal him for myself.”
Bess smiled as she tried very very hard to walk with calm composure down the hall and into the back stairs. Just the thought of Elvis’ touch made her tingle and Bess had to use her hands to try and keep her dress from blowing up as she danced down the stairs, heels clicking like Ginger Rogers. Heart in her throat, she nearly did a two-step on the landing mid-flight when she caught sight of a light green cap below. The cap tilted slightly, revealing lips, lips that curled into a welcome reprieve as Bess bounded down to meet him. The beat of her heart matched the sound of her breath as she launched herself onto Elvis’ mouth. He was a cushion and Bess threw herself into him unabashedly, feeling her body lift off the ground as Elvis twirled her around. It was exhilarating.
His light chuckle tickled her forehead and hands pulled her forward. “Happy to see me?”
“I guess.” Bess murmured into his clavicle. “You think too highly of yourself, Tupelo, just happy to be done with work, mostly. I actually forgot you were meeting me.”
He pulled her chin up and Bess heard her voice falter as his eyes melted her nervous system into a giddy mess.
“That why you are runnin' down these stairs like ya got a burr in ya saddle? Maybe I should check.”
His voice became slower as his hands moved from her waist to her bottom, pulling on her skirt as if to inspect it.
“Leave my saddle be, dirty boy.”
Bess cheeks flushed red swatting off Elvis’ hands and he grinned, fingers returning to their deliberate pace at her waist. Just their slow movement heated her belly, a sensation intensified by the warm air from Elvis nostrils as he nudged her eyelid. Bess was happy to see him, happy to have his arms around her, happy to have his fingers pushing the fabric of her dress back and forth over her skin. Those insistent, needy thumbs took her away from all her turmoil and into the comfort of his arms.
“So you aren't excited to see me? Go on then, tell me, tell me why you got ya hair all done up and ya lips all painted up, huh? Meeting someone else?”
Bess traced the top of his lip with her index finger, she was so close to him she could smell the faint hints of cologne, sweat and gun powder on his neck.
“I’m not meeting anyone else.” She looked up, not sure how she was summoning the strength to form words. “I just want to be here. With you.”
“Me too baby, me too.” He ran his finger over her nose. “Got lucky, boy, did I get lucky, that night I caught you stealing - ”
“ - reallocating Army resources.”
“Imma reallocate some Army resources.” He kissed her forehead, right between her eyebrows. “Right here.” She closed her eyes at the way his arms tightened around her. “Right now. For important morale operations.”
Bess’ nodded her forehead sideways into his nose and let her hands roll up his shoulders, the heat between them buzzed up her body. She sucked her bottom lip and the sound of air clicking from her mouth seemed louder in the still concrete stairwell. Bess kissed him gently at first and then with her entire being, grinding up as he thrust back into her and his hands moved to cup her face while his hips becoming sharper and more desperate. A moan escaped her mouth and Elvis stepped back, chuckling as he wiped the lipstick from his mouth.
“Let’s get out of here, huh?” Bess murmured, grasping at his waist to steady herself.
Bess tripped into him as they walked to her car, her head rotating from side-to-side, wondering if any one saw them and could tell how intimately Elvis gripped her hand. He didn’t seem to care, popping open her car door and sliding across the leather as if it were his own. His fingers were instantly over her shoulder, always pursuing physical contact, and he whistled at basket of food on the back seat.
“Watcha cook up for me, lil girl?”
“Um, just, ya, uh know, meatloaf sandwiches, potato salad, some pop.”
“Mmhmm, sounds real good, yessir boberino, real good.” Elvis growled and nibbled into Bess’ shoulder and she suddenly found driving very challenging.
Her struggle to hold the steering wheel only got worse as Elvis mumbled into her cheek while his fingers smoothed the small of her back. She tried, unsuccessfully, to elbow him away as he smirked at her breathy response. It was very clear to Bess that Elvis knew exactly what his fingers did to her as she drove them to a park at the back of Fort Hood’s residential area. Elvis lips trailed up and down her cheek in a way that made Bess not want to get out of the car, made her forget that she was hungry, made her forget her own name.  Grinning, he pulled back and pinched her side.
“Les eat, I’m so hooonnngry I could eat the north bound end of a south bound polecat.”
Elvis carried the basket of food with one hand, the other in Bess’ as she led them to a picnic table near a very small man made pond. She clucked at him to help even out the table cloth, and he grinned at the way Bess set out plates, cups and food methodically. Elvis caught her wrist as she moved to sit across from him, and guided her on to his lap.
“Where you goin’ baby? Don’t want you to get any splinters in that fine caboose.”
“Ha, ha, ha. How chivalrous.”
Bess pushed a spoon of potato salad into his mouth to shut him up as she set out the sandwiches for them, and opened the red cream soda with a bottle opener. Elvis took his pop, sucking it down.
“Just for future reference darlin, I like Pepsi.”
Bess grabbed the drink out of his hand with a playful sniff.
“This is the best cream soda this side of Little Rock, you can use it to make punch, jello, dye dresses red and clean your carburetor. And if you don’t like it, you can get your own drinks.”
Elvis pulled it back, stuffing meatloaf sandwich in his mouth before talking through his chews and taking another swig.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it, now, no need to get sore.” He slapped her bottom, making her bounce up as she chewed some sandwich. “Jus’ sayin’ I like Pepsi best. ‘Sides, Dori said you were from New York, how come -”  He paused to take another gulp, “How come you like this local fizz so much?”
Bess took the bottle of Big Red from him, letting her mouth linger down and back up over the top as she sipped it, enjoying the way he raised his eyebrows while he chewed.
“Well, Private, I was born in New York. But I have lived in Killeen, Texas on and off since I was five years old. Papa was trained here before the war, and then we went back to Brooklyn while he was in London and then Germany - did your daddy fight?”
Elvis shook his head but offered no explanation, and Bess thought she saw a flicker of disdain or anger in his eyes for a split second, but it was gone. Then he pulled her closer with his right hand, holding up a sandwich to her mouth, lips apart in apt concentration as he guided the food into Bess' mouth and she giggled, swallowing it. He picked up the second bottle of pop and offered it to her as she wiped her mouth.
“Well, anyway, at first we went back and forth when Papa was overseas. We were in New York, and D.C., then he was given orders back here and they bought the house. Mama, Kay and I have stayed here whenever he got orders to go somewhere else: Heidelberg, Fort Hood, Berlin, then, you guessed it, Fort Hood, then DC, then back here. It’s been better for us to stay and go to school here.”
“So, uh, what, your daddy goes all ‘round teaching German?”
“Uh, well, yeah, mostly. Training Army officers to speak German has been a big part of his career.”
Elvis tilted his head for Bess to feed him more potato salad, his fingers otherwise occupied at her hips.
“How’d he get so interested in that?”
Bess licked the spoon they were sharing after feeding Elvis, looking across at the pond as twilight settled over the park.
“He, um, well, he actually grew up in Berlin. His parents sent him to New York in 1931 to live with his aunt and uncle.” She hesitated, scratching his collar, wondering how Elvis Presley felt about making out with Jewish girls. “You see, that was when his family’s synagogue was burned down, and they, um, started to, you know, worry.”
Elvis nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing. “Ah, gotcha.” His hands tightened at her waist. “Ya know, this explains why Dori looked at me funny when I told her I met you outside the base Chapel.”
“Ha! Yeah, well, I could have been there picking up dates.”
“You do that often, Moo Moo?”
“Oh, yeah, good little Christian boys are my favorite.”
He bounced her on his lap and tickled her sides.
“Huh, that right? I don’t know if I like the sound a that.”
“Yeah, well, apparently I’m no good at meeting good Christian boys. Only bad ones.”
“Oh baby, you have know idea what a good boy I can be.” He drew her close for a soft kiss on her neck, and the warmth of his lips made her shiver as he talked into her nape. “I’ve been told I’m very, very, very good at bein’ a boy.”
“Ha!” She shook her head, hands clutching the back of his hair as she looked into his attentive, gleaming bright blue eyes. They made her weak. Everywhere. “Hey, you haven’t even told me how your day was, Tupelo.”
“Oh man, honey, today was a goddamn circus, and I was the lead clown, I tell ya.”
“What happened?” She played with the soft part of his ear lobe as Elvis wiped his forehead and sighed.
“Well, we had target practice for three hours today.”
“That sounds normal, it takes three hours to kill all the paper men.”
“You have idea, baby, no idea.” He looked over his shoulder, as if to make sure no one could hear him. “Well, go on ta find out I forgot to load my gun this mornin’, I was so goddamn flustered getting ready for inspection. Looked like a grade A idiot, man, standing out there front a every one.”
Bess soothed the top of Elvis’ shoulders, all the teasing lilt from a moment ago was gone from her voice as she massaged the stiff, anxiousness there.
“Boy, got me so keyed up, had ma hands in fists all day, bout nearly bust out of my uniform I as so mad at ma self.”
Bess soothed his cheek, running her hand through his hair.
“No one will remember tomorrow, I promise.”
“Huh, I bet you million dollars they all back in their barracks, writin’ home bout how they had a good laugh at Elvis Presley, the Elmer Fudd of the army.”
“I promise, if those soldiers have anyone to write home to, and that’s betting they know how to write, they aren’t wastin’ their time tellin’ their girls about the most handsome stud in America.”
Elvis looked up.
“Most handsome, what was that, baby, stud?”
“Ugh, stop, I was just tryin’ to cheer you up.”
Bess jumped up, and started packing up the picnic, and Elvis was instantly behind her, arms tugging at her was as she popped the last spoon of potato salad greedily in her mouth. He gave her a big, sloppy kiss, then let go, distracted by the water, he wondering down to the edge of the pond where he began skipping stones. She finished folding the table cloth and followed him down to the water, squatting beside him as she selected another rock and handed it to him.
“Sorry excuse for a lake, isn’t it.” Bess said, watching as Elvis aimed the flat stone across the small body of water.
“You better take that back, Moo Moo, you’re hurtin’ this poor lil baby pond’s feelins’” Elvis bent down and threw some water at Bess’ face.
“Hey,” Bess pushed him lightly, then stood up, backing away at the mischievous look in his eyes. “Quit splashin' me! You, you rock n’ roll hoodlum!”
Elvis grinned and cupped his hand full of water, throwing it at her as she backed away.
“Ohh baby, thems fighting words, better watch out!”
Bess shrieked and ran back up to the picnic table, circling around it as Elvis chased her, matching as she changed directions. Their laughter and panting filled the air until he caught her, running his dirty pond fingers through her hair with gusto as she made a face while he slapped her on the butt. Elvis quelled her protests with a kiss and brought her into his side and grabbed the food basket with his other hand. They walked  back to the car sweaty and out of breath like two giddy teenagers.
“Any lakes round here?”
Bess settled back into the car and smoothed her dress down while Elvis’ hands did their best to ruffle it back up, starting with the area over her right knee.
“There’s a reservoir, Lake Belton, bout 30 minutes away. You can go swimming, boating, horseback riding. Why?”
“This weekend phase 1 is over and I can start going off post on the weekend. Planning to see my friend Lamar, maybe some more of my guys, and I wanna take them somewhere fun Sunday. Somewheres maybe like this Lake.”
Bess tried to contain her disappointment that Elvis’ first thought wasn’t to spend the time with her. But she reminded herself that they weren’t serious, they were having a fling and besides, he saw her everyday. He sensed her mood change anyway as she sat up stiff and straight to start the car, and his hand became more attentive to her knee.
“I want you there, Bess, you’re coming out with me this weekend. Right after drills end at 1700 hours Saturday.”
“When does your friend get to town?”
“He’s already here. Lamar, he grumbles and fusses, but he is loyal and true. From Texas, too.”
“Where’s he staying?”
“At the Star Motel.” Elvis looked over at Bess, then down at where his long, thin fingers were on the inside of her knee, then back up to her eyes. “He, uh, he went and got a few a rooms so we can have a party Saturday night.” His voice became softer as he murmured. “Reckon it would be nice to have some time, just to be alone with with you, Bessie baby. Somewhere that ain’t a picnic bench. Or a car. Somewhere we could be alone and just talk.”
Bess parked behind the armory buildings near Elvis' barracks and turned to him, blushing.
“Um, yes, I guess I would like that too. To be able to just be somewhere, just talk.”
A wave of shyness suddenly overwhelmed Bess as she thought about being alone in a motel room with Elvis. What she thought he might really be asking her.  She wasn’t sure how far she wanted to go with him this soon, though she could feel desire pulsing up through her rib cage and knew that if Elvis even looked at her sideways she would throw all abandon out of the window. But she had the impression, from just the few weeks she had known him, that Elvis was more old fashioned then she would have thought. She wasn’t sure where his boundary was, as far as respecting girls who went to bed with him. But his invitation definitely seemed like a proposition and the prospect of sleeping with him was at once exciting and terrifying.
Bess began to fiddle with her hands where they lay in her lap and Elvis picked up her left hand, bringing it to his cheek and kissing her palm delicately.
“Hey there, lil Moo Moo, you’re so pretty. How’d I catch the prettiest lil moo cow in the field, hmmm?”
The words rumbled out of Elvis mouth in a low babyish voice and his eyelids drooped down in time with his bottom lip. Bess’ chest tightened, and it felt like the world tilted sides when she pulled him in and he kissed her down into the leather seat. They pawed at each other there, exploring how their noses fit together as their tongues played tug of war for control. It sent a jolt straight to Bess’ core when she felt his excitement stiffen against her thigh and she smiled into his goofy bedroom eyes.
“Hey, wait, are you calling me a cow, Elvis Presley?”
Elvis shook his head, his face focused on where his right fingers brushed over her breast, savoring Bess’ shiver, as his knuckles trailed back down over the hills and valleys of her skirt. Her blood rushed between her legs and she took a deep breath.
His fingers were back at her bosom, setting her skin on aflame with the way his finger tips trailed back and forth circling her breast.
“Mmmmhmm, not jus any cow, baby, you the prettiest little milk cow, bet you have the sweetest.” He bite his lip as he circled the cloth around her nipple again. “Cream.”
Bess exhaled out with a gasp, curling her left fingers at his wrist as he spoke.
“Makin' me want dessert.”
Elvis’ hand stayed at her side where she held it, his fingers brushing against her dress, but it was his eyes that knocked the wind from her lungs as they moved downward to settle on the apex between her legs. Elvis bit his lips and Bess felt a desperate flame tingle out from her core. No one had ever done what he was hinting at, and it scared her. Suddenly she didn’t consider herself as experienced as she had before. She had slept with what, twenty men? And no one had ever kissed her there. That was something she needed to prepare for, perhaps double the talcum powder she applied. Coughing, Bess slide out from him to sit upright and straighten her dress. Elvis’ hands were back on her hips, pulling her over to straddle his lap.
“You know, Moo Moo, I’d never do nothin’ you don wanna.”
Elvis kissed her neck as she nodded.
“I bet you taste sweet, though.”
Bess swatted him playfully, then gripped his shoulder as he nibbled her ear. Playtime was over. A feverish yearning took over and she met his hips as they rocked up into her. Bess’ heart was racing, Elvis slow and deliberate movements made him different from any man she had ever been with. He halted mid thrust to savor the moment, and his eyes looked deep into hers with a longing and and an eagerness to please. They were an invitation and a command that he followed with his fingers, trailing them softly over the curve of her breasts. She could feel his cock twitch when he noticed her shudder, or felt her nipples harden, and she knew what made Elvis different. Her pleasure turned him on.
So she chased it, moving in tandem to the rhythm of his thighs while she pushed her lips on top of his, feeling his tongue meet hers once more. She felt his bulge and sought the friction of it between her legs. His movements became more urgent, and Bess’ grasped for anything she could find to hold on to as the car filled with sound of heaving, gulping, loud moans. Her orgasm erupted suddenly with a litany of “oh Gods,” and Elvis thumbs stroked her cheeks as he shushed the fear and hesitancy from her.
“I gotcha, I gotcha, sshhhhh baby, don worry. Jus ride it out. That’s a good lil girl.”
Bess’ chest heaved up as she remembered how to breathe. This was the most intimate experience she had ever had, and all of her clothes were still on. She half chuckled as she steadied herself, meeting Elvis triumphant, satisfied eyes.
“You ok, honey? Make me think you ain’t never tussled with a boy before.”
“Not like that.”
His mouth curled into a big crooked grin, and she laughed up into the ceiling.
“Huh, well, that’s true, Bess, and you won’t never find someone like me again, neither. I got moves you ain't never seen, honey." He smirked. "Stick with me, I told you, I’m a very good boy.”
“Good at being bad.”
Laughing, she shifted and noticed his erection still lingered in his pants and so she moved her hand to rub over it but he stilled her.
“Don’t you want me to take care of you, Tupelo?” She kissed his cheek, lips moving down his neck. “ Make you feel good? I  - I can, you know -”
Elvis patted her hand back into her lap and kissed the words out of her mouth.
“You were perfect tonight, Bess, perfect. But I jus as soon keep a lid on it. You don’t make it easy, though, baby, been makin’ me crazy all night, just walking round and sittin’ on me with all that equipment in your undercarriage.”
“Guess I know one pistol you have no trouble loading.”
Elvis tilted his neck back, laughing as he squeezed her waist as they made their goodbyes over a push and pull of kisses for the next fifteen minutes.
Schwartz Residence, Killeen TX
9:30 p.m.
The moon followed Bess in the clear night sky as she left post, still feeling Elvis’ hands all over her, hearing his laughter in her ears. She was giddy from the blissful release she had found on his lap, it had washed away all the tension she' 'd had carrying with her through the day. Hurrying up the stairs to her house, Bess stumbled upon her mother in the kitchen making camomile tea.The creases at the corners of Mama’s large brown eyes pinched together in a big smile.
“Oh Bessie Bess, my baby, you’re home late. Want some sleepy time tea, my shayna maidel?”
Bess strode over and put her arms around her mother’s back, leaning on her shoulder as her mother poured the kettle into the teapot, her chest filled with affection.
“Sure Mamaleh, I’d love some.”
Papa’s voice rang out from his office, so she kissed her mother’s cheek and promised to be right back.
“Aw, Elizabeth, how was your day shopping with, who, Emily, was it?”
Bess leaned against the doorway of his office, glad her father was at least making the pretense of settling down for the night in his dressing gown and pajamas. A pipe was in his hand as he read over some paperwork.
“Good, Papa, thanks for asking.”
“Gut, gut, ja.” He pushed his glasses up, and looked over his desk at his daughter, taking in her slightly disheveled hair, rumpled dress and newly applied lipstick below flushed cheeks. “You know, I thought your mother made two meatloaves for supper last night.”
“Oh, well, I took some for lunch today, Papa. I didn’t know you wanted it.”
“No, ja, I was just looking for a snack earlier, but no bother, no bother.” He put his papers down. “Are you still thinking of law school, because I saw General Brandon when we were in D.C.”
“I don’t want to go do propaganda for the U.S. government, Papa.”
“Yes, well, it’s not propaganda, spatz, it’s goodwill initiatives. This war is more about minds than mines, ja? Brandon’s information program is just making sure other countries have the opportunity to experience American art and culture. Someone with your background and expertise in foreign affairs, you’d be a good fit for a post open this fall. And they want women, smart, focused, attractive women like you. You would be perfect for this job.”
Bess tapped her fingers over her belt, she had not been thinking about her research project at all, or her law school applications for that matter. No, her head had been elsewhere, and she felt pangs of shame and guilt as she considered what her father was bringing up. Her future. Specifically, he was back at it trying to convince her to work for one of the newer programs in D.C. that his colleague in Army Intelligence had founded: the United States Information Agency. Its mission was officially “public diplomacy” overseas, but Bess knew it was essentially a PR agency for the United States.
“Is it in the Berlin office?”
“Ack, Illsa, Berlin is a coveted office, you have to work your way up to it. No. Helsinki.”
“I don’t even speak Finnish, or Swedish, and -”
“It is right there at the lion’s mouth, Ilsa, there’s a lot of action in Helsinki. All the spies from Moscow are coming through it. And the goodwill tours behind the Iron Curtain go off from there. It would be, what, two years? A stepping stone to Berlin maybe?  Besides, Deutsch ist die Muttersprache, you’d pick up Swedish and Finnish like that.” Papa snapped his fingers.
“Mmmhmm. Well, you got my attention. But what about Mama?” Bess fingers clenched in a fist. “She seems like she is backsliding.”
“She doesn’t do well when her routine is disrupted, you know that. She will be fine, give her a few days to settle.” Papa sucked on his pipe, and the sweet smell of tobacco reached Bess’ nose. “And, well, you know I expect orders to INCOMS headquarters any day. That will be my last post before retirement, and I promised Mama New York after that. In the meantime, your Aunt Rachel wants to come and live with us in D.C.”
“What about Kay? I thought she wanted to go to Baylor.”
Papa’s elbow banged down on his desk, as he rearranged his paperweights, then he kept talking as he got up and put a jazz record on.
“Katharina applied to Georgetown, Radcliffe, Smith and many, many other colleges, she will be fine. She would also be fine at Baylor if she is determined to follow her silly friends there.”
Bess nodded, thinking of the girls in Kay’s high school class whose mothers had been in Baylor’s sororities, and how they had been giggling about life together next year. She thought of her own decision to stay in Texas for college, at the time she had wanted to follow her friends to a big school in a big city like Austin. She turned on her heel to head back to the kitchen and Mama’s camomile tea, muttering into the hallway in from to her. “Helsinki, huh?”
Her father’s voice followed her, his eyes narrowed at the smudges of lipstick Elvis had kissed into the back of Bess’ neck.
“Just think about, ja? You have so much potential, maus. I hate to see you loose sight of your goals.”
Click here to read Chapter Six: Guided Missiles
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thatbanditqueen · 11 months
Basic Training
I Don't Date Soldiers
A new fic, possibly a new WIP, about Elvis' life at Fort Hood. Let me know what you think.
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Summary: Bess is a smart, young secretary working for the Commander of Army Intelligence training at Fort Hood, dreaming of a life beyond the military one she has always known. That's why she doesn't date soldiers, they only break your heart, and she is looking ahead to something better. One Friday night in March, she stumbles in to the new draftee who's turned the base upside down, and in a moment of weakness, decides to try and help him sleep. Just this once.
Warnings: None, fluffy and angst combined, but innocent. For now. There are a lot of typos.
Word Count: 4.8 K
Some notes: Probably good to know the acronyms, every Army base has a chain of command, and at the top sit the Commanding Officer (CO), the Executive Officer (XO), and a bunch of other officers, of different rank denoted by their ascending O rank, from 1 to 10. WAC - Women's Army Corps, established in WWII, their was a sizeable WAC presence at Fort Hood in 1958. Oh, and Killeen is the closest city to Fort Hood and Austin, TX is about an hour away. Also I really wanted this to take place on a Friday night, but also have had Elvis at the base for two nights, so I gave myself creative license to make March 30, 1958 a Friday. Just don't look it up and we'll be fine.
This fic was inspired by the writing prompt:
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Many thanks to my beautiful sister-wives-in-arms whose advice support and love make being an Elvis girl possible and fun, @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @ellie-24 @powerofelvis @missmaywemeetagain and @whositmcwhatsit, from whom I have stolen her trademarked description of Elvis' awkward manner of kissing half on the cheek half on the lips like a goofy weirdo who was never taught how to kiss right so he decided to make up his own style. And thanks for reading and connecting with me here, the Elvis fandom is the best and I love our community!
Friday, March 30, 1958
9 p.m. at Sal's Cafe
Bess pushed her veal marsala from one side of her plate to the other, feeling the vibrations of her fork scrape across the bottom of the plate. The place checked off all the requisite Italian restaurant requirements: checkered table cloth, candle in an old wine bottle, violin player sawing away at a classical reinterpretation of “That’s Amore.” But the brown sauce, and the meat it was congealing around, was inedible. It was the sort of food that begged the question “why not stay in and cook at home?”
“I said, don’t you think, Bess honey? You follow that stuff, dontcha?”
Bess looked up at her friend Dori’s face, realizing she had drifted off daydreaming of a future far away from Killeen, away from her job at Fort Hood, away from the Army, away from officers, like the ones sitting across from them. Away from soldiers in general.
“What, Khrushchev? Well, I think we all knew he wasn’t going to take the threat laying down.”
Dori hit Bess' shoulder lightly, smiling at their dates, two officers from Army Intelligence.
“No, y’all will havta excuse my friend here, she still thinks she’s studying political science in Austin. You’d think a year of civilian life would make her normal again, huh?”
Dori flipped her blonde hair and drawled on.
“No, silly goose, no one here is interested in that Russian stuff, we’re talking about Mike Todd. What do you think poor Elizabeth Taylor is going to do now that her husband's dead?”
Bess tried very hard not to roll her eyes. Dori was right, she read the movie gossip magazines, but her friend’s distraught, serious expression had made her think they were discussing something with a little more gravitas. The recent atomic weapons testing, or Russian political shifts, the stuff at the top of her New York Times front page everyday. But why would any one in the Army want to talk about that?
Bess smiled at her date and tried to focus on the conversation at hand. Later in the bathroom, Dori chided her while applying a fresh coat of lipstick onto Bess’ mouth.
“I wish you would try to be polite.”
“Dori, you know I am breaking my rule here with you. I don’t date soldiers. I have two goals I'm focusing on: get into law school and shake off these twenty pounds. ”
Bess rubbed her hands over her waist.
“Rules were made to be broken, Bessie Pie, and you look great, men like a girl with a jiggle, I think you look like a brunette Jayne Mansfield.”
“Hardly. You’re Mansfield and Monroe rolled into one.”
“Don't sell yourself short. I know you were fixin' to marry that boy last year, and now all you talk about is law school this, politics that. Don’t you wanna get married? We're not getting any younger.”
“I’m twenty three. Same as you.”
“Eggg zactly. Sure, it seems young now, but you're gonna blink and be thirty and single, with nothing but your degrees to keep you company. You already have a good job now. I just know you’d set this law school thing aside if you met the right guy.”
“Of course I wanna get married, someday. But not now. You’re the one in a hurry to quit your job and settle down, not me.”
“I don’t have a job.”
“See, you’re half way there, Doreen. Me, I’m not giving up my goals for Captain Smarmy out there. How did you even meet these ones?”
Dori steadied her self on Bess’ shoulder.
“Stop moving, or this lipstick won’t be straight. I met them outside the PX, I thought they were cute. Arnie knew who you were, he was the one who suggested we all go out. He really likes you, I can tell - “
“Yeah, he was just in my pop's office lobbying for an assignment, he doesn’t like me. He is using me.  There’s a difference, I shouldn’t have to tell you that.”
“So what if he was? Maybe he saw you there and couldn’t get you out of his mind. He’s good looking, smart, he’s already an O3 —”
Bess stopped her friend’s hand, and fixed her hair in the mirror, pushing up her bust and sighing at the rounder curves that had been widening at her waist since she’d graduated from college and settled into a very sedentary, very single, and currently very celibate life living back at home and working for her father. She turned to look at Dori who was waiting to blot Bess' lips with a tissue like the sweet girl she always had been. For Dori, a fresh coat of perfectly applied lipstick fixed all of life’s problems.
“Look, Captain whatever out there is only here for six months or so for training, then he's off to Heidelberg. That’s why I don’t date soldiers anymore. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’m waiting for you to catch up.”
Bess gave her dark curls one last fluff.
“How’d you get these suckers to come out on a double date anyway? They aren’t scared of your father?”
Dori avoided eye contact as she smoothed her blonde bouffant and pursed her lips, then looked at Bess in the mirror.
“They don’t know.”
“How do they not know your father is the CO?”
Dori shrugged, then pinched Bess as they walked out of the ladies’ room.
“Don’t tell, ok? Let’s just have fun. What if you fall madly in Arnie? And he asked you to marry him and go to Germany with him?”
Bess snorted as they walked out to the men waiting for them in the restaurant lobby and Dori's eyes took on a knowing look.
“Hmm, so that’s big fat ol ‘no’ to dancing tonight, I’m guessin’?”
Bess nodded.
“Please at least tell me you aren’t going home to work on that boring research project?”
Bess smiled mischievously. “Professor Blotke agreed to help me, it’s going to be my submission sample for Georgetown. Papa took Mama to D.C. with him for his meetings, so I have the house practically to myself. It's just Kay and me, and she’s probably already asleep. I just have to grab a new typewriter back on post, I busted mine.”
Dori shook her disapproving of Bess’ plans for the night, then turned to greet their escorts with her usual vivacious pleasantries. Bess smiled at Dori's ability to interact with the men so casually and intimately, sliding her hands through both of officer's arms as they walked to the car. She considered how different she was from her girlfriend, despite the fact that they were both twenty three year old daughters of career Army officers. Every relationship she'd been in seemed to occur in spite of her inability to feel at ease or flirt with boys.
The conversation turned to recent events at Fort Hood as they walked.
“So,” Dori exhaled, squeezing herself against her date. “Has anyone seen Elvis yet?”
Bess pounded her foot a little harder into the concrete, hearing that name now provoked instant irritation.
“Ughh, no. It’s only been what, three days, and honestly I wish he’d been sent somewhere else for training. All I do is answer calls about him. It is driving me up the wall and I can’t get anything done. He’s turned the whole base upside down. Must have been a hundred cars parked outside the main gate, all scattered around the fields. It’s a security issue. I just —"
“Well, that’s not his fault Bess, and I think it's great. I wanna to meet him, don’t y’all?” Dori looked at the officers on her arms.
Arnie smiled a big dumb smile as he looked at Dori’s bouncing breasts and agreed. “I think it’s good for the Army, boy, I just - I just wish we could get the other enlisted to lay off him.”
“What do you mean?”
Bess felt the pit of her stomach tense as she thought of the thousands of green little boys running around base on edge with no external distractions for entertainment.
“Yeah, the boys’ have been giving him a hard time, shouting out when he runs during PT, or at the chow hall. There’s some concern he hasn’t been coming to eat all his meals cuz a the way they’ve been taunting him.”
Bess sighed, her irritation dissipating momentarily into sympathy as she considered how hungry and lonely Elvis Presley must be. Then she remembered that she was hungry, hungry because all the good restaurants had been filled up tonight by people trying to catch a glimpse of him. Elvis was the reason the only benefit from breaking her vow against dating a soldier, the free meal, had been a bust. She wondered if it was going to be this crazy around town for the next six months while he was here.
“I feel sorry for the poor kid, I do. But I still wish he was some other base’s problem.”
Back on post, Arnie asked Bess for the fourth time if she wouldn’t like him to come help her carry the typewriter to her car. Then they could meet the others at the night club.
Beth pursed her lips with a demure smile.  “I think I can handle a typewriter, Captain, I use them all day.”
Dori chimed in with a reminder that it was Friday night and they were only young once, but Bess put them off, grinning as she heard Dori exclaim that both men would just have to dance with her all night.
“Two gorgeous officers all to myself,  what eva shall I do?”
Free at last, Bess drove her car to the supply building, and snuck in the back door carrying the type writer that she had been using at home, the big sticker along the bottom reading “Property of U.S. Army” evident as she held the machine under her arm to unlock the door. Bess slipped off her heels at the door so that they didn’t click down the dark hallways, and she easily scurried in to slip the broken machine into the repair center and help herself to a new model, grabbing a few spools of typewriter ribbon and a package of paper on the way out. Balancing everything as she locked up to leave,  Bess smiled at the cool air on her sweaty arm pits and laughed to herself for pulling this stealth operation in a tight green cocktail dress and pumps.
“A better use of this outfit anyway, I’d say.” She muttered to herself, sheathing her right foot back into her white heel with a sense of pride that she’d managed to get in, get the new machine, and would probably be home before 11 p.m. Bess had propped her self up against the building to slip her left foot into the other shoe when she heard a voice behind her call out.
“Uh, hey, need any help there?”
Startled, she almost toppled over, catching herself at the last moment by dropping everything in her hands.
“OWW fuck fuck fuck a duck!
She screamed in pain as the typewriter clanged down on her bare left foot and she almost knocked heads with the tall, gangly soldier who squatted down on front of her at the same time to try and help her retrieve her supplies.
"Oh man, I sure am sorry, listen -"
“At ease, uh Private,” she glanced briefly at the rank on his uniform while straightening up, holding her foot in pain and taking in the view below her. The paper knob at the top of the new machine had broken off completely.
“Fuck, this is what I get, I suppose,” she laughed, looking up find herself across from the shy, inquisitive face of Elvis Presley.
“Oh fuck a duuuuuck.”
Bess forgot about the typewriter, the paper spilled everywhere, the throbbing pain in the left foot she was now holding up and cradling. She didn’t even notice how she was exposing her thighs until she rubbed her foot again and dropped it with a thud, realizing she was about to flash Elvis Presley. He seemed to realize it too, and smirked as he turned his face to look away as some sort of attempt to give her privacy while she smoothed her dress down. Bess did this while clumsily trying to balance between one heeled foot and one bare foot.
Elvis found it very hard to stifle his chuckles as he watched her stiffen, and held out his hand to put her at ease.
“Uh, hey there ma’am, I’m Elvis, Elvis Presley.”
Bess shifted and smiled awkwardly, wiping her dirty, sweaty hands on her silk dress and extending her right hand out to shake his. The the same right hand, that had, moments ago, been rubbing her smelly, left foot. Honestly, it seemed like the most polite option, since she decided to act as if the last five minutes hadn’t happened. As if  sneaking out of the supply building past 10 p.m. on a Friday night with her arms full of government office supplies was perfectly normal.
“Bess Schwartz, I’m, uh, I work in the Front Office here. I’m, I’m, I'm the secretary for the Army Intelligence Commander.”
She gasped when Elvis took her hand, the hand cover in her foot sweat, and squeezed it warmly, bringing it to his lips for a chaste kiss.
“Nice ta, uh, meetcha. Imma sorry, uh, for startlin’ ya Miss Schwartz, ma’am.”
Bess shivered in the darkness as she heard herself whisper for him to call her Bess almost incoherently while she watched Elvis drop down in front of her and fit her other white pump over her left foot. She tried to remember how to breath. It was hard.  Hard because she was struggling to subdue  her visceral reaction to Elvis' thumb as it slowly smoothed over the top of her foot, which made it harder still to recover from the embarrassment of getting caught stealing a typewriter. By the most famous person in the world. Bess shut her eyes in disbelief that this was actually happening, and was disappointed when she lifted her eyelids to find that it actually was happening and Elvis was still there. He met her eyes, his finger delicately stroking her ankle.
“There, now, honey, you think you can walk?”
She pulled her leg back and nodded as she scanned the parking lot, the road along and other buildings behind it.
“Mhmm. Thank you, Private. Say, what are you doing stalking around the base right now? Lights out is at 9.”
Elvis bit his lip, looking at the ground as he stood.
“Can’t sleep.”
Bess arched her eyebrow as she started to bend, but Elvis put his hand up to stop her and stooped to gather the paper. He crushed it under his arm as he grabbed the typewriter and ink ribbons, talking slowly and deliberately.
“Well, my first night some jokers went an put shaving cream in my shoes, I ‘spose it gave em a good laugh to watch me run around like a damn fool getting ready for inspection. An well, I ain’t been able to sleep since, can’t bare to, uh, to uh - ”
His voice trailed off, but Bess knew what he meant. He was afraid of looking like poor sport or tattle tale if he complained, and a coward if he just took it. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed the bags under his eyes, calculating he must be going on 40 hours without much sleep. Or much food either, if her date was to be believed. Men. Boys, more like. Little boys amusing them selves by torturing this poor kid. This, tall, lanky, kid, who hovered above her and whose large hands made her typewriter ribbon look like a checker piece.
“Yeah, uh, they’re just scared they won’t be able to get any tail now that your here.” She smiled as best she could under the pressure of trying to talk with Elvis smoldering, lonely boy eyes piercing through her.
Bess looked at a passing car just so she could collect herself, then back at Elvis, thinking of the crowds of women lining the gates.
“The men should be thanking you, we haven’t seen this many pretty girls hanging around the base, since, well, since ever. Probably gonna be easy picking, especially for the soldiers who can leave post. Those poor girls hanging 'round outside the gates don’t know you aren’t allowed to go near ‘em for the next three or so weeks.”
“Mhmm, seems like, uh, uh, ya don’t havta go off post to meet pretty girls.”
Elvis bit his lip again, enjoying how Bess became flustered and embarrassed, smoothing the sides of her dress. She reminded herself that she hated him, as she felt the butterflies swarm through her belly and make themselves at home, flitting willy nilly up her spine. Bess also became keenly aware of how hungry she was from skipping dinner. She didn’t have time for his teasing and looked Elvis squarely in the eyes as she spoke.
“I recommend staying away from them, too. Especially the WACs. You’re definitely not supposed to fraternize with other soldiers.”
Elvis looked off at the trees that lined the road to the right. “How bought civilians? Is, um, ah, frater-a-nizin', uh, allowed?”
Bess turned, ignoring the question, though she was unable to ignore the warm, playful flirtation in Elvis’ voice as it washed over her and her chest heaved up and down at a quicker pace. Once again she told herself that she did, indeed, know how to breath. Her annoyance at his line melted away when she returned to his eyes and saw the exhaustion underneath his bravado, instantly regretting what she was about to do before she even did it. Somehow she couldn’t help herself, it was as if she was having an out-of-body experience, watching herself fumble through a simple sentence.
“Listen, I, um, I just had the worst date of my life, at the worst restaurant. Couldn’t eat a bite. You help me get another type writer, and I’ll, I’ll fix us something to eat. Then you can sleep on my couch for a few hours.”
Watching  his eyes light up, Bess felt the need to add. “But no funny business. I’m just helping out a new recruit, doesn’t mean anything.”
For the second time that night, Bess oversaw sneaking a broken typewriter into the repair shop and taking a new one, hobbling as she led Elvis to her car and directed him to put the stuff in her truck.
“Ya live on post?”
Bess patted the passenger seat of her blue Ford.
“You know I ain’t supposed to leave?”
“So — what’s the plan, stan?”
Bess turned to Elvis, removing his hand from her knee where it had somehow landed, and whispered with breathy excitement.
“I’m going to sneak you off.”
Elvis quirked his eyebrows as she kept talking.
“I, um, well, I share an office with the CO's secretary, Mabel. Who might actually be the most powerful person at this command. So, as long as I get you back in time for reveille, we’ll be fine. None of these guys will mess with me.” 
“I, uh, I don’ wan no special privileges, I wanna, uh, be treated like any other man, any other soldier. I reckon I better -”
Elvis trembled when Bess touched his shoulder and rubbed it gently, looking up into his face with her big brown eyes, now tender and reassuring. He looked to her like he might cry as he spoke of not being special.
“Look, I would do this for any new recruit. Boot camp, uh. Well. This is the hardest  part of being in the Army. I promise. I’m not offering because you’re famous. I actually kind of hate you, do you know how much trouble you cause my office? So, you should know I’m helping you in spite of who you are. Promise. I would - I would do it for any soldier in your predicament.”
Bess said this firmly to convince herself as much as to convince Elvis. Then she added a friendly wink and drove off, enjoying Elvis’ bemused smile and telling herself not to worry. Underneath her calm, confidence was the nagging thought that, unlike Elvis, Bess knew exactly what happened if some rule-minded officer were to find out that she had snuck Elvis off post. She had a good understanding of rule-minded officers. Like her father. Who, thankfully, was out of town.
The bacon and eggs sizzled on the stove and Bess flipped them, shyly avoiding Elvis’ gaze from where he was leaning with his back arched against the door jab, his right hip twisted up and his thumbs hanging from his belt loops as he watching her cook.
“So, uh, what’s a secretary doing taking typewriters uh, um, out late on a Friday night an a bringin' ‘em home for, huh?”
Bess shook her head into the frying pan, then met his gaze.
“I , um, I happen to have some very important work I need to do from home. For the General I work for. That’s, uh, why I have a master key.”
“Uh huh.” Elvis’ smirked, nodding his chin as he stuck his hands slowly under his armpits, and lifted one knee up to lean back further against the wall.
“Hand me your plate, dinner is ready.”
Elvis bounced off the doorway and strode slowly over to where Bess stood at the stove, his long arms dangling loosely at his side. He had become more relaxed and confident once they got to her house, after tearing up a bit in the car and telling her how much he missed his parents and home and how he didn’t have any idea what Germany would be like. He had then muttered on about how millions of guys have been through this, so he knew he’d be alright, though the tear dripping down his cheek made Bess think he believed the exact opposite. Now he was behind her, almost a different person, cocky and teasing as his strong arms snaked around her waist to steady her hands.
“Nah, see how the egg is still all jiggly wiggly, Bessie? S’not done, not nearly. Wanna get the bacon good and browned up, so’s there ain’t no more pink left.”
She flushed at the way his breath hit her neck while his words softly compelled her to make his food the way he liked it. The rumble of his voice as her nickname rolled off his tongue was an assault on her sense of decency, and she let his hands linger at her waist for another beat before lifting them off and assuring him that she understood.No jiggly wiggly, no pink. Black. That she learned, was how Elvis liked everything, and everything was what she gave him, as he ate the pound and a half of bacon om her fridge and her last six eggs.
Bess mused that sneaking a fatigued Elvis off post and filling him full of food must be what made him clingy, comfortable and forward when he put his arms around her as she led him upstairs to the guest room. Rubbing his eyes as he plopped on the bed, Elvis grabbed her wrist imploringly and begged her not to leave him all lonesome in a strange house, in a strange town, where she was the only nice 'lil gal to treat him like a real human bean. Sighing, Bess sat at the top of the bed and let Elvis lay his head in her lap, where she stroked his forehead, and, at his request, started to tell him her life story. He had passed out after five minutes, when she had barely finished detailing how her parents met at Coney Island in 1932, three years before she was born.
Elvis' eye lids fluttered closed and he mumbled, “That’s a when I was borned. Aww, Bessie boo, we musta been babies at the same time.”
Bess groaned as she couldn’t seem to pull herself away from him, and stayed there with his head in her lap for another twenty minutes, afraid if she rolled it off her lap she would wake him. She was cupping the back of his head to gently move it off her lap when he thrashed around and called out the name Satnin. This led Bess to give up and lean against the head board, reconciling herself to a night sleeping sitting up with the most famous rebellious heart throb soldier in the world calling out for his mama in her lap.
Elvis’ hands moved first at the sound of the alarm, roving over Bess tummy and breasts  before he opened his eyes to the smacks of her hand hitting him off her. Somehow she had been pulled down into his arms over the course of the night, and she jumped up, commanding him to get his boots on while she ran down stairs and made some coffee. She prayed her younger sister hadn’t heard the alarm. Still wearing the dress from the night before, Bess watched Elvis gulp down his black coffee and chomp down the bread and cheese she had thrown at him to eat in the car. Loudly. With an open mouth. Wiping the crumbs from his mouth, he put his arm around her and squeezed.
Despite sleeping in his arms, Bess felt a shock and jolted at his touch.
“Just so we’re clear,  Mister, uh, Private um Presley, uh, this was just a friendly, patriotic gesture. I wasn’t, uh um, trying to seduce you.”
Elvis arched his eyebrow, his expression one of amusement and incredulity at the idea Bess thought of her behavior seductive. The way she had hesitated spitting out the word ’seduce’ so earnestly was adorable and endearing.
“OK, honey, you’re the boss, jus do me a favor and call me Elvis, huh?”
She nodded, eyes forward in concentration as she felt him squeeze her shoulders even tighter. She left it there, and found herself relaxing and leaning back into him after a few minutes with a sigh. She couldn't help it, it was an instinctive response to the way his fingers widened and began to tap out a rhythm on the side of her arm. Everything felt good, and their two bodies melded together in the dusky morning twilight for a spell until a gate came into view and Bess jerked up to throw Elvis’ arm onto the car seat with a smack, not noticing how he, too, stiffened with trepidation.
She stopped around the block from Elvis’ barracks and met his strong, uninhibited bear hug with her body, letting him press the air out of her lungs and kiss her cheek.
“Hey, Bessie Boo, I,uh, I can’t, I don’t even, I uh, I hate to leave you, honey, I ain’t even had time to tell you what I want to say, what -”
Bess put her finger to his lips, feeling his breath as she shhhed him. His brows were furrowed and he frowned, not wanted to leave her car and return to the barracks. She rubbed her hand up his chest reassuringly.
“You only have five minutes to get into your bunk, Private Pres - Elvis.” She murmured. “Now, go be a good boy, I have an idea, for how to help you sleep in the future.”
“Hmmm, sounds fun.” A naughty expression played across his face, his jaw hung open and he waggled his eye brows.
Bess realized the insinuation and hit his arm.
“Not that.”  She cocked her head towards the road. “You better go.”
“Huh, usually girls are tryin to run after me, not run me off.” She hit him again as he teased her. “Ok, ok baaaby. I’m off like a gun.”
Elvis face twisted into a crooked grin, and Bess felt like the sun was rising in her car, the earth was suddenly brighter when Elvis’ blue eyes beamed down at her and he kissed her goodbye. It was a light, sweet kiss aimed at her mouth but somehow missing and hitting the crease of her lips.
It had been, what, a year since she had been kissed? Bess kept her eyes closed, just enjoying the soft, tingling sensation of  his mouth crushed into her face. Elvis’ hands gripped her tightly, one hand on her neck, the other at her back, and he moved as if to kiss her again. In a brief moment of clarity, Bess realized she had been fighting her attraction to Elvis all night. It had been gradual and immediate, and she felt very different being close to him then she did when she saw hm in the movies or on the TV and radio. At the back of her mind she could hear all the reasons she shouldn’t kiss him. She pushed her hand up between their lips.
“Um, hey, look. Think we could just be friends? I, uh, I have a rule. I don’t date soldiers.”
Elvis sat back, a quizzical expression softening on his face into a smile as he rubbed her shoulder.
“Sure, Bessie baby, friends. Got it.”
He clicked his tongue and grinned, shooting her a thumbs up. Bess nodded, unable to stop the flutter of her heart as she watched Elvis’ long legs carry him forward as he jogged around the corner to his bunk, pausing to look back over his shoulder at her with a goofy smile as he waved goodbye.
“Fuck a duck.” She heard herself mutter, as she put her car into gear and drove home to shower and get Elvis Presley out of her head.
Chapter Two: Moo Moo & Tupelo
If you enjoyed this and want to read more, comment, reblog, and let me know what you think and if you would want to be tagged. Tagging a few of you on here who read my stuff, but DM or comment if you would rather not be ;)
@doll-elvis @richardslady121 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @father-of-2cats @everythingelvispresley @j-v-9-2 @eliseinmemphis @moonchild-daniella @notstefaniepresley @louisejoy86 @amydarcimarie @kingdomforapony @dkayfixates @artlover8992 @18lkpeters @literally-just-elvis-fics
122 notes · View notes
thatbanditqueen · 10 months
Basic Training Chapter 4
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A response to the writing prompt: “Why are you doing this?”
Thanks to my loves, my sister wives, my support group and Elvis cabal, @whositmcwhatsit @missmaywemeetagain​ @vintageshanny​ @be-my-ally​ @ellie-24​ @from-memphis-with-love​
Summary: Elvis hangs out at Bess house, and finally gets to dance with her.
Warnings: Kissing, discussions of sex, typos. I wrote this so haphazardly during a busy weekend, I’ll probably go back over and polish tomorrow...
WC: 4.1 K
Please like, comment or reblog and let me know what you think. I enjoy reading your feedback and it influences my writing, as well as our connection, which is the main reason I post my writing on here - to meet and engage with other Elvis fans like you!
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist.
Go here for the Basic Training Masterlist if you need to catch up
Sunday, April 6, 1958
12: 15 a.m.
The Schwartz Residence, Killeen
Elvis’ bottom lip hung down, Bess was so close she could hear his breath wisp over it softly with each exhale. It was as if he were so transfixed looking into her eyes trying to read her mind that he forgot to close his mouth. No, Bess thought, it was as if time stood still, as if he were stuck there mouth agape, waiting for her to respond. His words still hung in her ear.
“Jus kiss me.”
His fingers rested over her hips and then tugged her closer where he wanted her, no longer waiting to see if she would say something. He had found the answer in the way she bit her lip and nodded up into his chin, mouth pressing into his jaw as he pulled her into his chest. Her arms smashed between them as he kissed the tip of her nose, his breath was warm on her skin and the air between them smacked with a restrained heat.
The way Elvis touched her made her close her eyes and open her mouth as his lips nudged downward seeking hers. Bess’ breath quickened faster and faster, she felt almost dizzy as Elvis’ mouth became more urgent and she gripped his shoulder to steady herself. His large hands were now spread over her upper back, squeezing her closer into him, left thumb swiping over the top of her silk nightie to caress her bare skin. There, in the dim light of the hallway she shuddered and jilted up sideways into his lips, opening her eyes as he heaved back, smirking.
“Hmm, you okay, Moo Moo?”
He murmured softly, then his eyelashes fluttered downward at her bare feet, a grin curling up further at the way Bess’ beige silk nightie rippled from the movements of his hand over her side. Bess follows his gaze downward, her breasts heaved up with her shoulders as she breathed a shallow breath, noticing how her nipples protruded through the silk and the lacy trim at her bust dipped in her cleavage. She was not wearing a bra, a girdle or nylons, just a thin pair of panties underneath her negligee. Somewhere deep in the recesses of her mind, Bess knew she should be ashamed, but her thoughts were lost to the drum of her heart beat thrumming in her ears.
Elvis’ left hand clutched hers over his heart, his nose was heavy against her’s once more, nuzzling up and down, the top trailing over her cheek, navigating the curves of her nostrils. His eyes were closed, and his mouth hovered over hers. She shuddered as his fingers tapped over her hand, gasping as he brought it up to his mouth, kissing her knuckles.
“I said, you ok, baby? You’re quivering’. Let me know if this is too much for you.”
She snorted, swatting him as she mumbled into his mouth, willing her words to be true as she pushed down the butterflies in her ribcage. She was not ok. Definitely not ok by any means. But she would be damned if she let him know the effect he had on her.
“I’m just fine, thanks. You think an awful lot of you’re kissing, don’t you?”
Elvis’ cheeks scrunched up and his eyes twinkled.
“Ya right honey, must be my ‘magination that you’re shivering.”
“I mean, I might tremble a little, but that’s, that’s just a physical response to, you know, being kissed. I don’t do this as much as you do.”
Elvis’ thumb was back at work over her shoulder blade.
“Well, I’ve been out of practice lately.”
“Yeah, kind of short of um, uh, suitable options in the barracks.”
“Somehow I get the feeling you will always muddle through and find someone to kiss, Tupelo. Seemed like you had your pick of suitable options earlier.”
“Always so jealous, Moo Moo. Those other girls weren’t nothin’, I just risked life and limb sneaking off post to come see you.”
“Hmmm, well, maybe you shouldn’t have. You could get in a lot of trouble if you get caught.” She steadied herself in his gaze. “Yeah, I can’t help but think it might be good for the female population if you really were holed up back in a bunk with a bunch of other soldiers for a while.”
“Is that how you feel Bess? Wish I was back in the barracks?”
He asked into her neck, his lips pressed on her nape.
“Instead of being here.”
Another softer, slower kiss lower on her neck.
“With you?”
She moaned out softly, unintentionally, reflexively, as his lips opened this time and she felt the warm, wet suction of Elvis’ mouth right below her earlobe. The sensation was overwhelming, it made her her vibrate and lean into his face, slowly shaking her head. No, she didn’t wish he was back in the barracks. She wanted him to consume her, to cool her body with his mouth before the flames in her belly burned her alive.
Elvis’ grip was strong as he held her close to him, yet everything else about him was soft and delicate and warm. Basic training had not yet hardened his body, and his fingers had the smooth feel of someone who regularly rubbed lotion into them. Cheeks round and supple against her forehead. It was like leaning into a human pillow wrapped in an electric blanket, her skin hummed from his attentive hands.
He was somehow able to touch her everywhere at once, his right hand on her back shoulder blades, thumbing her into a comfortable trance, his left hand held hers to his chest, the back of it grazing her breast as he clutched her into him. Even his sweet, low drawl had a soft, babyish tone to it. Bess was certain she would melt like butter into the wooden floorboards if she stayed much longer in the warm, swathe of his embrace.
This tenderness was a jarring contrast to the months of chaste living that Bess had imposed on her self in the wake of her failed engagement last year. Everywhere her former fiancee, Ben, had been firm and stiff, Elvis was soft, yielding and responsive.
Ben, Ben, Ben. It had been over a year since Ben had gone off to Germany during Bess’ last semester of college at Austin, her picture in his suitcase and plans to meet her on leave in Paris that summer. Her plans for crossing the Atlantic Ocean had been decidedly cancelled when he called the week before graduation and told her not to come, told her he had met someone else, told her he had married.
Bess’s initial response was to throw herself into the open arms of every eager Army officer  she could find. Most often, she didn’t even bother to get their name or do the typical good girl tap dance routine where she explained “I’ve never done this on a first date.” Stocking up on prophylactics at the Army medical clinic, Bess spent the first weeks of life after college fucking every officer that winked at her. The irony had been, of course, that prior to this she had only slept with a handful of serious boyfriends and never on the first date. Or second. Or third, for that matter. She had dated Ben for two months before sleeping with him. Falling head over heels for Ben’s freckled face, smart confidence and Midwest manners, Bess had been ready to go beyond first base after a few weeks. He had been the one who wanted to take it slow, to wait, applying his cold, sober analytical mind to assess their relationship and future before proposing to her, and then spending the next eighteen months plotting out their plans for a future together.
She wondered where that contemplative deference had been when he met Uta in  Heidelberg and married her within a fortnight. She had tried to fill the hollow emptiness of heartbreak with physical connection and found it sorely lacking in more than one way. At first, yes, a hard, quick fuck was a useful reminder of what it was to feel as Bess grasped for anything to pierce through the numbness of grief.
But she found that after the momentary rush of adrenaline and attention of casual sex she felt even more despondent. And, unlike her previous lovers, these men had not cared or attended to reciprocity. She didn’t fake orgasms, a practice that been much practiced and debated in the girl’s dorms at college, but it had been unnecessary with almost all of the men she had bedded. Apparently they didn’t need the ego boost , nor did it temper their selfish lovemaking. Lovemaking, ha, what an inadequate word to describe the act of opening up and fucking someone into oblivion as they tried to get off as quickly as possible. Vowing off men forever after a particularly disappointing tryst in the store room of Fat Daddy’s, one of the pool halls frequented by the Air Force officers outside Waco, Bess has pulled up her pantyhose and began making her own plans for a future. Alone.
That was the last time she had even kissed a man and it had now been almost ten months. Elvis somehow seemed to feel Bess’ nervy energy and he deepened the comforting caress of his thumb over her hand. She looked up into his blue eyes, she hated how magnetic they were as she felt them drawing her in more and more.
Elvis Presley was bad news. Bess knew this, for all of the reasons she could think of and the many more she dared not, she knew. She knew it as she pulled him down by his collar to bring him to her lips. He guided his hands back to her waist, his left hand moving lightly over her breast, and he smiled into another kiss, talking into her cheek as she trembled once more.
“Shhh, shhh baby, it’s ok. I can tell, you’re a good girl.” He pointed to his head. “S’why I like you, I don’t go for fast gals like Dori. I know she’s your friend, but I’d much rather be here with you.”
His knuckles caressed the back of her cheek, and Bess clenched inadvertently, feeling her vagina draw up into itself as she considered how wrong he was. Dori might well be one of the few virgins over twenty still out there. It was, she suspected, part of the reason Dori was trying so aggressively to get married. Elvis’ knuckles trailed back over her cheek and Bess kissed his index finger, bringing the tip between the edge of her mouth, caressing it with her lips. Her hands snaked up his chest while she stared at that bottom lip there hanging down again.
“Maybe you’re wrong, hmmm? Maybe I’m the bad one?”
He arched his eye brows, slipping his finger back in her mouth and over her tongue and then sliding it back out, slowly.
“Hmmm, nice try honey. But you can’t fool me, I know things.”
She giggled.
“Ha, see, I know you, Bess, deep down, you’re a good girl. And deep down you know I ain’t gonna try nothin'.  So let’s go somewhere we can be more comfortable.”
Elvis grabbed her hand and led her down her own hall to the living room, dropping Bess’s hand when he took in her father’s hi-fi equipment against the wall and let out a low whistle. There, in the shining, bright oak console was a stack of electronic equipment.
“Whooweee, what kind of set is it? Where are the speakers?”
Elvis was already sliding the bottom door open to look at the records.
Bess followed, putting on her best floor salesman voice.
“Why, don’t you know quality when you see it, son? Why this is the brand new, all inclusive Carlton hi-fidelity system. “
“Where are the speakers?”
“They are built into the furniture itself, see this here?” Bess pointed at the soft, woven area at the top of the console. “Top of the line sound, I tell you, you’ll feel like you’re in a concert hall.”
Elvis chuckled, his eyes not moving from the shelf of records that he was flipping through quickly, the soft thud of the sleeves hitting each other sounded like the rhythm of a song, like the pulse of Bess’ heart. She turned to calm herself by flopping on the couch.
“Ha, you’re a funny girl, Bess, you know that? Is this your daddy’s stuff?”
“What makes you think I’m not the stereo-phile? I know how all of this works.”
“Yeah, sounds like you’re doing an impression of someone.”
“You’re right, it is my father’s stuff. We all love music, though. But my father is the audiophile, he is always bringing home the latest equipment. We just got this system, apparently it’s stereo, whatever that means.”
“It’s recording on multiple tracks, they have a bunch of microphones around a studio so they can get you from all sides.” Elvis wiggled his brow suggestively as he said this. He then paused and held up the latest Coltrane LP. “Where’s the good music?”
“Ha, I have my own little set upstairs with my records. I don’t know if you’ll find anything hip down here -”
Elvis grabbed an LP, and stood up to slide it out and drop the needle over the lacquered, black grooves. Then he ambled over to where Bess sat on the couch jumping on top of her feet while Bing Crosby’s crooning played out of the speakers. He threw his cap onto the coffee table, and leaned over Bess as she cried out.
“Ughhh, cut stout Tupelo, you’re crushing me.”
Elvis pouted, and pulled her feet out from under his thighs, taking one foot up and kissing the top arch, and then the other as he scooted up between her legs, keeping her left foot in his lap.
“He’s sorry, Bessie Boo Boo.” There was that babyish, low voice again, as his thumb made its new home over her foot while his other hand trailed along the side of Bess’ body, hitching up her nightie slightly as it made it’s way to the side of her breast. Longing surged through Bess’ entire being and again her hands were at his face, bringing him closer to her.
His fingers stroked her side up and down, as, bottom lip hanging slightly open, Elvis' mouth was on hers and Bess swallowed as she kissed him back, unsure and nervous at first, she  closed her eyes as his mouth lingered over hers, then became more insistent each time they converged and she opened up to meet his tongue. Her chest heaved up into his and the strangled smush of their breath filled the air between their faces. Her fingers were in his hair and his hand was palming her underneath her nighty. Elvis pulled back, rubbing his mouth with his right hand, his left hand still walking up her thigh.
His lip curled in a mischievous grin.
“You  wearing’ panties under your night gown, widdle Moo Moo?”
Bess nodded. “Yesss.”
She started back slightly as Elvis lifted up her nightgown, sucking in his breath through his teeth as he gazed at the hint of her publc hair through her white panties.
“Shhhh, s’ok, just taking in the view.” He snapped the elastic band, and she hit his shoulder, pushing the beige, silk fabric back down over her thighs and kicking him back as he chuckled.
“Oh man, but what a view.” He shook his head, grinning. Then, as a new song started, Elvis stood and took Bess’ hand, drawing her back up.
“Why are you doing this?”
She followed him into the middle of the living room, as he brought her into his embrace began swaying with her.
“Never got my dance tonight.” His breath was warm where he spoke into her cheek, and his voice joined Bing and the Andrews Sisters as he moved them slowly in a circle.
I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
And I can't look at hovels and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in
 Bess leaned into Elvis chest, she could smell the sweet scent of his cologne, a mix of woodsy pine and citrus, it mingled with the smell of fresh rain and sweat and the shoe polish that lingered on all soldiers, a reminder of their morning inspections. Her cheek glided over the outline of a tee shirt underneath the thick cloth of Elvis’ uniform. For the first time in a long time the fabric felt warm, safe and welcoming. They continued to sway in the silence after the song ended, after the record ended and all that remained was the thud of the needle revolving at the center of the album. Elvis half sang half mumbled the words to “Don’t Fence Me In” in fits and spurts, a haphazard performance for Bess’ forehead. Her skin was warm where his breath fell, and she pushed in further, just wanting to say all night like this passing time in the rise and fall of Elvis’ chest.
Elvis took her chin up to look into her eyes, she could tell he was about to say something when she heard the front door slam shut and the sound of her sister’s voice singing out some of “You Send Me.”
Stepping back, Bess looked Elvis in the eye and whispered forcefully, “Stay here.”
She hurried to the hall, and peeked out, as Kay greeted her.
“Aw, good Elizabeth, why am I not surprised to find you ready for bed?”
Bess took in Kay’s mussed hair and the lipstick smudges around her mouth, then looked up at the clock by the stairs. It was past one, she guessed Kay and her boyfriend had been off necking after the dance.
“Oh, you know, just winding down for the night.” Bess smoothed her hair, then twisted it into a makeshift bun that fell apart the second she released it. She then leaned across the hallway, blocking the passage way with her arm.
“You look a bit disheveled, Kay, maybe a good idea to go wash up and wind down yours-”
She stopped talking as she head the sound of footsteps behind her, and felt the brass buckle of Elvis uniform push into the small of her back, flinching as his hands wound around her waist and his chin tucked into her shoulder. She groaned inwardly as Kay’s mouth dropped open. Elvis kissed Bess’neck, then extended his arm out to shake her sister’s hand. She watched him introduce himself as if he were any other stranger meeting her sister for the first time, as if casual introductions in the midst of affectionate kisses while he wound himself around her body were the most normal thing in the world.
“Um hi, I’m K k k Katherine, Kay that is. Nice to meet you.”
Kay stared at Elvis, then, as if coming out of a daze, looked at Bess with a smirk.
“Just winding down, huh?” Kay nodded at them. “Well, I’m, I’m gonna do the same.” She winked back her sister as she turned up the stairs. “Good night.”
Bess shook her head, and faced Elvis.
“I thought I told you to stay in the living room?”
Elvis feigned indignance, “You embarrassed of me Bess? We weren’t doin’ nothin’ wrong. I think she liked me."
Bess rolled her eyes exasperated, watching as Elvis tilted his head towards the kitchen.
“Come on woman, I’m hungry, fix me something to eat.”
Elvis jostled her up and down in his lap as he sucked the last of the meat off of a drumstick, and Bess couldn’t help herself, licking the crumbs from fried chicken off the side of her mouth. Still chewing, Elvis slurped some of the milk from his glass and then laughed as he belched into Bess hair.
“Ew, gross.”
“S’ a compliment, honey. I want you to make this for me for dinner every night.”
He kissed her cheek with his wet, milky mouth, swallowing as he spoke.
“Bess, I like you. I wanna spend every night I can with you.”
Bess turned to him, now straddling him over the chair he sat in at her kitchen table, her feet dangling down on either side of Elvis’ thighs, her underwear the only barrier between his uniform and her body. Her momentary disgust with his manners disappeared as she draped her arms over his shoulders, and looked into his eyes.
“What, what is it honey?”
Bess sighed.
“My folks come home today, I have to drive to Waco to pick them up, they’re flying in to Connally Air Force Base this afternoon.”
“So? Parents love me, I ain’t ever had no trouble with parents.”
“My father is an officer at Fort Hood, Elvis. He will also know that you’re in phase one, you’re not supposed to be off post. And, they won’t approve of you spending the night here, no matter how good we behave.”
Elvis stared off in at the porcelain plates that decorated a portion of the kitchen wall, they had old timey paintings of German farm life on them, with the words for different animals under them.
“Yeah, huh, you said your daddy teaches German, huh? I forgot he was an officer.”
Bess grimaced to herself, remembering that she may have minimized her father’s position at the base.  Although, in a way, he did teach German. That was how he had started out his career in Army Intelligence, and he oversaw that now in the training at Fort Hood, among all the other projects that his office undertook. Bess decided then and there that if she had anything to do with it, Elvis would never meet her father, no matter how many parents he had charmed in his exploits. She knew her father, he hated rock and roll, and, more over, he would certainly not approve of any relationship between her and a new enlisted recruit.
Looking back into Elvis face, his eyes widened with recognition of her uncertainty and he pinched her hips, rocking back and lifting the chair so that she fell further into his lap and onto his groin.
“S’ok, honey. I don’t care how we figure it, I like you, I like you a lot. And I know you like me.”
“You do?”
“Uh huh. I could see it in your eyes, they way they open up wide for me whenever we meet, like they want to let me in, no matter what words come out of your mouth. No matter how difficult or stubborn you try to be. I can tell, I told you, I know things.” He pointed his index fingers into his temples. “S’like a sixth sense.”
Bess rolled her eyes for the tenth time that night, and then gasped as Elvis leaned back even further and bounced her into his chest, his large hands spreading around her back.
“S’true. Admit it, admit you like me,  Bess.”
He bumped her nose with his, his finger tips tapping over her skin. She looked down.
“I like you.” She mumbled into his chest, refusing to acknowledge the smirk on his face as he said this.
“Ok, there, good girl. So, you go get your parents, and then come meet me later on post.” He kissed her nose now. “And bring some more of that fried chicken, Moo Moo, s’probably the second best I ever ate. Wait till you come to Memphis and try my Mama’s chicken, it’s the best. Boy oh, boy, can my mama cook, best biscuits, best cake, best food in the world.”
Bess ignored how easily Elvis plans for the future suddenly included her, just as his hands in the present seemed to move all over her body, compelling her attention, regard and affection. Bringing her as close as he could as she succumbed to the sensation of his lips on the top of her head, and heard herself promising to meet him with a basket of food that evening.
“I need to see you tonight, Bessie Moo Moo. I can’t bare to be alone, I think too much. Knowin' I'm seeing you gets me through the day.”
His words echoed in her ears and she could still feel the touch of his lips on hers as she showered,  dressed, and drove to Waco. She hated to admit how much she liked Elvis, how much she cpuldnt wait to see him again. Wanting was dangerous, and she feared the way it made her vulnerable. No body every tells you how hard it is to keep going after the anguish of heartbreak. As she drove, “Heartbreak Hotel” come on the radio. Every song is about falling in love or breaking up, she thought, reflecting that she had always been the one to sing to a lover in pursuit or in agony. Maybe it was time to let someone sing to her.
@eliseinmemphis​ @moonchild-daniella​ @tacozebra051​ @ab4eva​ @kingdomforapony​ @everythingelvispresley​ @richardslady121​ @dkayfixates​ @artlover8992​ @peskybedtime​ @freudianslumber​ @amydarcimarie​ @toreigh​ @notstefaniepresley​ @18lkpeters​ @yynneessmons​ @lookingforrainbows​ @prompted-wordsmith​ @ashtag2887​ @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme​ @returntopresley​ @girlblogger2002​ @rjmartin11​ @bigromansgirl-blog​ @literally-just-elvis-fics​
81 notes · View notes
thatbanditqueen · 10 months
Basic Training Ch 3
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A response to the prompt: "You're staring." Thanks to my harem cohort @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @from-memphis-with-love @be-my-ally @powerofelvis and @whositmcwhatsit
Summary: Bess heads to the dance the Morale, Welfare and Recreation Committee for the 37th armored tank division is throwing, and manages to avoid dancing with the most notorious soldier on post, who cannot seem to take his eyes off her.
Warnings: None! Wait, kissing. Swear words. This may be the slowest burn yet. Probably typos, I wrote about 1K words over the last three days and then the rest in a fever dream. So.... may not make sense. Also I am pretty sure the first phase of basic training would not have them in tanks yet, but....I am playing fast and loose with Army life in this one.
Word Count: 5. 3 K
This is my newest WIP, please like, comment, reblog and tag and let me know what you think. Thank you for reading.
You can catch up on the previous chapters here
Basic Training Chapter 3: Just Kiss Me
Saturday, April 5, 1958
7:30 p.m.
The Schwartz Residence, Killeen
Just as her shoe hit the bottom stair, Bess realized she had left her lipstick in her room and was turning back around to grab it when she saw Kay sitting in the living room, dressed in a pink cocktail dress. Her puffy crinoline skirt was gathered in a heap around her as she shifted in place, adjusting her pearl necklace.
“Um, where do you think you are going?”
Kay looked up, tucking her brown hair behind her ear as she eyed the tight, fitted sheath dress Bess was wearing. She smiled at how the white sequins and embroidered red flowers glowed iridescent in the dim light and whistled low.
“Who are you dressing up for? The guy who you snuck in last weekend?”
“What makes you think there’s a guy, Katherine, honestly. I don’t sneak men into our house.”
“Uh huh,  so you’re all gussied up in your favorite dress just for a bunch of enlisted soldiers?”
Kay grabbed her purse and followed her sister to the door.
“Why are you being weird Bess, I always come with you? You’ve been going to army dances since you were sixteen. I’m about to graduate, plus, I told Dickey I’d meet him there.”
Bess sighed, thinking of Kay’s latest boyfriend. She supposed that she should be happy because he seemed like a harmless nerd, and, according to the files she had pulled on him, was not married, inbred or bankrupt.
“I just - we - I didn’t invite you to this dance because it’s an enlisted platoon. I didn’t think you were coming.”
“Wow, you must really like who ever it is, if you don’t want me to see you with him. Too bad. Dori called earlier and told me to come. She’s been trying to reach you all day, by the way.”
Bess locked the door, and they got into her car.
“Can you believe her date?”
“Of course, then it all made sense why you guys would be messing around with an enlisted tank unit. How did Dori even get involved with their MWR Committee.”
Bess rolled up her skirt so she could comfortably drive, and shifted into reverse, arching her eye bow at her younger sister as she did.
“How do you think? She asked to be reassigned to it two weeks ago.”
“Man oh man, she really is lucky. I wonder if we’ll all get to dance with Elvis?”
“Look, Kay, they sent out a memo to everyone, do NOT make a spectacle over Private Presley. Just act like he’s any other solider”
“Of course Bessie bushka. I’m on my best behavior.”
Bess looked Kay in the eyes as they pulled through the base gate.
“I am just going because I told Dori I would, I don’t wanna stay too late. So maybe Dickey Rooney can drive you home if you wanna swing all night?”
“Yeah, sure, ja volt. You don’t have to be ein klafte, Elisabet.”
The tight cloth of her dress didn’t have much give, and Bess regretted her choice as she tried to keep up and hold on as she danced
“Look, this is tactical move that requires delicate maneuvers—”
“I’m not spiking the punch, Jim.”
Bess huffed and got into her rhythm as they kept up with the band’s rendition of “Tutti Fruity.”  If she let her self relax and swing into each step, it was almost like old times when she, Jim and Ben used to go out dancing in Austin or Killeen and she’d take turns dancing with her fiancee and his best friend all night. They had been the three musketeers. But that was last year, when she had a fiancee. And a different future peering back at her from her crystal ball.
The music brought her out of her silent reverie, and Bess looked to her where the band was performing on stage. The lead singer’s voice reverberated through the building, echoing up into the tin ceiling and back down again, making the room buzz with energy. There were six people in the all-Black Flapjacks: drums, guitar, bass, trumpet and then a male and female vocalist. The men wore matching silver dinner jackets and black bow ties, and the beautiful, Black woman had on a gorgeous silver dress with tulle flowers at the bust.
Bess took a deep breath, her attention shifted back to Jim, whose hands were always steady, but never needy. She was grateful he had agreed to come when she called last night and asked. A year ago they had spent almost all their free time together. Stalwart, an honorable prankster, Jim wasn’t shipping out to the Army Intelligence station in Heidelberg for another two months and Bess wondered if their friendship would end. If Ben’s new German wife would win him over and, like his friend before him, Jim would forget all about the last three years of shared adventures and promises of a lifelong friendship. Men mean it in the moment, Bess thought, I suppose women do to. Forever. What a meaningless word. How can we plan forever when we cannot know the future? The song ended and Jim escorted her off to the side. She looked for her sister, and found her swaying with her beau towards the back, hands clasped together between the lock-eyed look of first love.
“I forgot how good a dancer you are, Schwartz. And in that dress, whoowee! You’re a knock out tonight.”
“You can cut the flattery, Jameson, still not spiking the punch.”
“S’not flattery, how dare you insinuate that I would be disingenuous? You look good all dolled up, s'nice to see you this way. It’s almost like fun Bess is back, though a year ago she wudda helped me spike the punch.”
He took out his large, dark leather flask and handed it to her after taking a nip. Bess’ face scrunched up in distaste as the vodka burned down her throat, but she greedily held on and took another long drink.
“A year ago I didn’t work here, I was just hanging out with some of the reprobates from the German language division. Now it would be bad form for a Front Office secretary to spike the punch.”
“Look around, Bessie, this crowd needs to relax. They’re alllllll keyed up waiting for that Hound Dog.”
Jim was right, a heightened sense of anticipation pervaded the warehouse, even the strings of colorful paper lanterns seemed to sway with anxious excitement above them. Bess looked over at the big bowl of punch, next to the trays of deviled eggs, brisket sliders, the lime jello mold filled with seafood salad, pineapple upside down cake and more. She was sizing up the punch and checking her breath as they waited for the next song when she heard a wave of hushed murmurs ripple through the large room and turned to see Elvis, Dori and a few other soldiers in dress uniform enter the dance together. Bess’ eyes narrowed as Elvis’ looked at her.
Jim followed her gaze, then met Bess’ eyes.
“There he is, as handsome as he looks in the movies.”
Bess’ grimace could have cut through glass as she turned to her friend and elbowed him.
“Not you too?”
“What, art thou so high above us mere mortals that you don’t find Elvis Presley attractive, Schwartz? To gouache for a scholar like you?”
“It’s Private Presley now. And I’m not made of marble, Captain. Of course I recognize his attractive features. He just isn’t my type.”
She sniffed, and grabbed the flask from inside Jim’s uniform, the breath coming out of her nose forcefully as she drank a long draught.
“I’ve met him, actually, already. I was there.” Bess took another drink, tipping the flask back again and noticing that the liquid didn’t burn so much this time. “When he asked Dori out. I’m happy for her.”
Elvis and Dori began walking toward them, and Jim noticed how Bess’ stance changed as she crossed her arms and pursed her lips, suggesting that she what felt was the opposite of 'happy for Dori.'
“Well, I was at the press conference his first day here, at least four reporters asked if he has a girlfriend. Said he was playing the field so many times, sounded like a broken record.”
Bess straightened as she watched Elvis’ hand tighten around Dori’s waist and push under her bust while the blonde leaned into it and introduced Elvis to some of the eager MWR committee members who had stopped them.
“Yeah, that would be the alternate version of Hound Dog, it’s on the B side.”
Jim chuckled at Bess’ joke, but she didn’t notice, she was busy watching the Hound Dog himself, and caught Elvis glance over at her and give a little nod before his lips bent into a smirk. She realized she was frowning and plastered a big smile on her face. Jim watched this exchange with interest as Bess turned back when he spoke.
“Yeah, I see what you mean. Definitely not your type.”
Bess scowled and whispered for him to stop as Elvis, Dori and another soldier approached them.
“Why Captain Daniels, how nice to see ya over at this little ol’ dance for the 37th, are you Bess’ date ta night? Or sneaking in to try and meet you-know-who?”
Dori giggled and playfully tapped Elvis’ chest. In case, you know, they didn’t get whom she was referencing.
Jim nodded and shook his hand to stop Elvis and the other soldier from saluting him.
“Oh, neither, actually, I’m just here to make sure Schwartz doesn’t spike the punch.”
“Don’t believe a word the Captain here says. This is a great introduction, by the way. Captain Daniels, meet Private Presley, you know Doreen of course, and then, well, I cannot say we’re acquainted.”
The liquor had loosened Bess up and she giddily put out her hand to the other soldier, as Elvis fiddled with the blue dress uniform cap under his right arm and took charge of the conversation.
“This is Rexadus, I mean, uh, Private Mansfield, he’s in the 37th wit me, another Mephisss boy, we were inducted ta gather, actually." Now Elvis was turning his hat over and examining it, speaking with confidence, almost as if from a script he had rehearsed in his head. "He’s a solid, solid, guy. He really is. Guess I’m lucky, since he’s spending all his time stuck in a metal box with my ass - I mean stuck with my behind.”
Rex her shook their hands with tight, swift grip and a warm smile. Jim raised his eyebrows at Bess.
“And how do you find the Army, so far, Privates?”
“Well, it was easy ta find, just follow all the tanks.” Elvis  smiled and  looked down. “Nah, well, speaking’ jus for me, I mean, I was real honored when President Eisenhower sent me an invitation to this here costume party, and all the boys are real nice."
There was that scripted voice again, Bess mused. She had seen under the hood and Elvis' attitude toward being drafted had not struck her as honored and grateful.
"It’s not easy, golly, I tell you, it’s really whooping my - uh - caboose. But I never felt I earned my supper so well, that’s the God’s honest truth.”
Dori giggled like Elvis was the wittiest man in the world, but he barely noticed, his eyes were focused on Bess and she coughed, uncomfortably. It was hard not stare back. She almost forgot to breathe, and exhaled deeply as she forced herself to look over at the band.
Her eyes trailed over to the food, and she looked back at Elvis with concern, knowing he rarely actually went to the mess hall. He had been meeting her at her back stairwell every evening at 5:15, opening her car door and getting in without even asking. As if it were his own car and sliding across her seat was the most normal thing in the world. It actually did seem normal now, and had become part of her daily routine these last three days. They sat there in their own private enclave, and every time, as he laid his head between her thighs and rubbed her waist, she told him that they were just friends hanging out. Yesterday they’d talked past dinner hours and she’d ask him if he didn’t want to go to get food, prompting Elvis to share how someone had yelled out in line at him Monday, asking if he missed his teddy bears, and he hadn’t gone back since. Sergeant Norwood’s wife, apparently, was providing him with a loaf’s worth of peanut butter sandwiches every night. But that wouldn’t have happened this evening and Bess thoughtfully looked over at the food table.
“You must be hungry. All of you, I mean.” Bess stuttered, trying not to stare at Elvis, which, for some reason, backfired, because consciously trying not to made her think about him even more and she failed horribly at being able to stray from his blue eyes for very long. “Because you just got here. Of course.”
Dori smiled and took this as her cue to play hostess and lead Elvis away to the refreshments.
“Yes, of course, of course, y’all must be hungry, doing those tank exercises all day. I made the seafood dip over there in the jello mold, it’s a recipe from Ladies’ Home Journal, you simply must try it and tell me what you think.”
“Aw, darlin’, I don’t, don’t eat seafood.”
“The brisket is pretty good.” Bess chimed in.
Dori smiled even deeper.
“Hmm, well, I suppose it’s probably ok for a Yankee like ya self, Bess honey.”
She pulled her arm tighter around Elvis, leading him to to the brisket as Bess heard her say, “Personally, I find Millie’s brisket a little bland and dried out, but come on, you’re a growin’ boy, need to refresh ya energy.”
Dori’s giggle trilled back as she walked him away and Bess frowned again when Elvis turned back over his shoulder, clearly grinning deeper as he took in Bess’ eyes following him.
She made small talk with Rex, mentioning how the last time she had heard this band, The Flapjack’s, they had played all of Elvis’ big hits and there had been none tonight.
“He bribed them.”
Rex whispered, looking over at where Elvis and Dori stood, as she fed him a deviled egg and then a brisket slider, sticking her finger in his mouth to lick the barbecue sauce off. Her high laugh echoed all throughout he warehouse, prompting Bess to roll her eyes.
“Bribed them?”
“Yeah,” Rex continued. “Not to play ‘Hound Dog,’ not to play any of ‘em. And he bought cases of cigarettes for all the guys in our unit. He wants to make sure tonight is nice, smooth, and normal. As it can be for him, I suppose.”
Before she had the opportunity to inquire further Bess was distracted by the band as they started up a new song, a rendition of Johnny Mathis’ “Chances Are,” and she watched Dori squeal that she loved this song.
 Bess smiled at Rex.
“Well Private, want to cut a rug?”
He hesitated. “Uh, I think -" he looked over at Elvis, who was making his way to the corner of the dance floor. “Probably better if I don’t, gonna go check out the chow.”
“C’mon, you little Yankee, I’ll dance with you, even if you have no taste in brisket.” Jim took her hand and raised his eyebrow. “By the way, Elvis Presley is in love with you Bess.”
“Stop it, Jameson.”
“Did you see how his buddy hardly touched you?”
“How would he know? These boys don’t talk about their crushes in their bunks at night. ‘Sides,he is here with a date.”
“Oh fooey! Elvis doesn’t have to tell him anything, all Rexadus, or anyone need do, is clock how that boy looks at you and, man, that’s all she wrote. You don’t dance with another soldier’s girl, it’s the code. Dori doesn’t stand a chance, honey, he’s just too polite to turn her down. I bet his mama is just like her. Which is probably why he likes you.”
Bess gave him a stare.
“Ok, maybe not exactly like Dori. I cannot see the good Mrs. Presley making you go all the way to Dallas so she can dress shop at the boutiques. They were share croppers, right?”
Bess nodded at Jim as she swayed with him, attempting very hard not to look over at where Elvis and Dori slowly danced.
“Something like that. Very very poor. But Jim, you dance with me, and I was your friend’s girl for two years.”
“That’s different Bess, I hate most women.” Jim looked back over at Rex and his voice trailed off. "Most people, actually. You are saving me from all the eager beavers here looking to snag an officer as a husband.”
“Well, looking around, some of them would probably settle for snagging just a night with an officer.”
They laughed and Jim led her around the dance floor in perhaps the most chaste slow grip of any of any officer or gentleman that danced a slow dance that evening.
The song ended, and the band kept going with their version of Sam Cooke’s hit “You Send Me.”
Bess could not help herself, and found her eyes move to watch Dori press her cheek to Elvis’ and it made Bess’ stomach clench inadvertently. Elvis’ eyes locked on hers while he pulled Dori tighter to him, tilting his head with a smirk. Something in his eyes told Bess he could tell how much she envied her girlfriend, a fact she refused to even concede to herself as she looked away, scanning the room for her sister. To her dismay, Kay was now kissing her dweeby young lieutenant toward the back of the warehouse, not so much dancing as staggering back and forth in place.
Hitting someone’s shoulder, Bess turned to apologize until she saw Elvis had moved Dori right behind them. She stepped hard on Elvis’ foot, then apologized loudly and profusely. That didn’t get him to scout off and they remained dancing next to each other as Jim ignored Bess’s pinches at his wrists clearly signaling for him to lead her away.
“Why hello there, Moo Moo, fancy bumping into you here?”
Dori smiled big and pushed her hands further up around Elvis neck as she swayed to the rhythm.
“Moo Moo? Y’all are gonna havta tell me bout that” Dori giggled. “And look at you Bessie, honey, I just LOVE your dress.” Her eyes moved to Jim. “Y’all having fun?”
Bess stepped closer to Jim, nodding and avoiding the coy irreverence in Elvis’ dark blue eyes as she slyly tried to navigate her partner away from them. She kicked Jim’s shin to let him know that if he did not politely guide her away this very instant she would begin to kick harder.
Leaning against the wall during a ballad, Bess found herself making a mental note that Elvis’ seemed to avoid dancing to the faster songs. During this one, he had gone off to get some punch and then started walking in her direction only to be assaulted by a troop of MWR committee members, offering him samples of the desserts they had baked as a pretext to come and talk to him. Bess smiled as one asked him to dance, then turned at Mabel’s voice, observing the rosy glow of the other secretary’s cheeks.
“Mhmmm, the punch is good tonight.”
Bess smiled, then leaned in to smell Mabel’s glass.
“How many of these have you had, Mabel?”
The older woman replied without missing a beat. “Five.”
“I’m cutting you off, I think it’s been spiked.”
“Of course it has. By me.” Mabel took her glass back, gulping the rest down with a wink. “Someone needed to liven up this funeral. Hold this for me, won’t you?” She asked, and Bess’ jaw dropped a bit as she watched Mabel cut in on Dori.
Bess wondered if Mabel still preferred Burt Lancaster to the movie star she currently leaned her head against, happily watching her colleague cozily nuzzle into Elvis tall frame. He was a good sport, joking and swaying with Mabel for a second dance,  then stepping to the side and chatting with another swarm of woman who tried to contain their eagerness as they brought him another tribute of dessert platters.
Bess danced to The Flapjacks performance of “Jambalaya,” but quit as the music turned toward more and more ballads while the night went on. It was late, the people on the dance floor seemed to have coupled up and the decorum had slowly fallen to the wayside as the senior personnel disappeared. The air fell thick with a heady, hazy lust provoked by the swell of sweet, slow rhythm and blues and the release dancing provided from the stress of barracks life. Jim had ducked out, and Bess wished she had given Kay her keys and gone with him. She managed to stay as far away from Elvis as she could through he evening, which wasn’t hard. If Dori was not monopolizing him, he only made it a few feet before another woman tapped on his shoulder. During this time, Dori had cornered her and begun drilling Bess for information, asking why she didn’t pick up her phone anymore, and what the deal was with Elvis.
“Moo Moo? Is that a nick name? Are you sure y’all are just friends? Honey, say the word, and I will be on my way. I do not throw myself at men.”
Thinking of their double date last week, Bess restrained herself from explaining that this seemed to be Dori’s primary hobby.
“I promise, it’s a silly nick name, Moo Moo is what he called his childhood cow named, get this, Bess. I’m telling you, Doreen, we’ve just accidentally stumbled into a very casual friendship.” She rubbed her friend’s shoulder, and looked out at Elvis laughing with his dance partner.
“He's lonely, and just jives more with women. You saw him with Mabel in the office. I’m not saying I see wedding bells in your future either. But then again, Dori, you don’t want to get romantically involved with Elvis Presley, do you? I can only imagine the havoc he is going to wreak on the girls in this town once he gets his bearing and into phase two. That boy is a fast operator, so fast you don’t even know what happened and boom, you’re asking him out.”
Dori narrowed her eyes. “Mmmhmm. Well, honestly I don’t want to marry him, Bessie Boo. I just want to experience him. He is so soft, Bess. That jaw! And those eyes. Ufffff. And when he kisses you, oh, it’s like having lightening strike your cheek. I’m fixin’ to get more before the night is over, hopefully with my mouth.”
She winked as the song ended, and strode off to get him back. Bess had to giggle at the glare Dori shot a younger girl from the switchboard office who looked like she was about to ask Elvis to dance.
Lonely, awkward, and ready to be done, Bess rolled off the wall and told Kay she was ready to leave. Her sister politely told her to get bent, promising Dickey would drive her home. So Bess subtlety slipped out of the side door next to the stage and made her way towards her car, ambling slowly in the cool evening air. Bess found it a sweet respite from the crowded, stuffy ware house stuffy. Out here, it was peaceful, and she savored the darkness as she looked up into the black sky. The stars and moon were hidden by some clouds, and Bess tried to get lost in the murky shadows as she wandered away from the sounds of the dance. She begged the wind to tamp down the anxious buzzing in her head. It was then, when she paused in the passage way between two tall buildings, that she heard the sound of footsteps following her, and turned to see a tall, dark figure striding toward her with purposeful, swift steps. His shoulders were back and his hands were out and he slowed when he heard Bess speak.
“All dressed up and marching in a hurry, huh? Loose your parade, Tupelo?”
Elvis’ gait turned into a wide swagger and Bess stumbled into the building backing away from the force of Elvis’ magnetism. It was not a smart escape strategy because he followed in step, his hands on his waist as he looked her over.
“Al - al - always, the smart ass, huh?”
“I’ve been a smart ass my whole life, Tupelo. Try to keep up.”
Elvis shook his head, chuckling low.
“You’re staring. Stop it.”
“Honey, if you didn’t want me to stare at you, shoulda worn a different dress.”
She gasped, and Elvis stepped closer, his right arm up against the wall while his left moved over her waist and he whispered into her forehead, his voice was low, teasing, almost babyish.
“Be honest, Moo Moo, did you come out here cuz you wanted me to chase you?”
Bess looked at the eaves of the building above her, she could hear the faint sound of the band back at the dance playing “The Girl Can’t Help It” and Elvis hips swayed very slowly at half time with the beat.
“Nope, I, I was leaving, actually.”
“How could you leave without dancing with me, baby. Not even once. An ya hardly even talked to me all night. Every other girl in there is ready and rearin' ta pounce on me, but you make me come chase after you?”
“I’m - I’m not like very other girl, Elvis. I’m not trying - trying to ….”
The way his thumb trailed up her arm made Bess shudder and she lost her train of thought.
“Hmmm. Not tryin’ to what, Moo, huh?”
He leaned into her ear as he spoke, and the skin on her bare shoulder prickled as his thumb rubbed over it while he whispered softly.
His voice was warm on her neck, and it reminded her of the first summer Mama drove her and Kay down to Galveston spontaneously for a week. They had stayed in a cheap motel across from the beach and enjoyed the warm Gulf water while eating fried shrimp and hush puppies and getting sunburnt. There, in the golden sun of the Texas Gulf, Bess had forgotten how uncomfortable it was to move through the world. No, standing where the sun met the surf had set her free, and she had become a wild animal dancing in the water and screaming into the waves while the sand crabs tickled her feet.
Elvis’ breath on her neck had the same effect. She felt wild, relaxed, totally at the whim of her body as she bit her bottom lip and looked up at his half-lidded eyes. She wanted to pull him close and scream into his mouth, howl at the untamed force of nature that rippled beneath his cheeks. He tightened his hand at her waist and kissed her neck, but then stepped back at her shudder.
“Ya scared not scared of me, Moo Moo, are you?”
She shook her head, but trembled as Elvis fingers feathered lightly down her arm.
“You don’t never have to be scared of me, baby, I won’t ever hurt you.”
“Elvis, I -”
He kissed her neck again, murmuring into her skin. The top of his cap rubbed into her hair. “Wanna get out of here? Go somewhere we can jus… Talk?””
Just as Bess began to answer, she felt a light sprinkle of water on her nose and looked up as it started to drizzle down on them. The rain brought her wits back to her and she gently pushed Elvis away, feeling the water increase and her hair slip down over her face. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
“You are here on a date with someone else, and I have to go home.” Squeezing him in a tight hug, she kissed his cheek one last time as he nodded, before removing her heels and sprinting off through the puddles to find her car.
Bess had managed to wash her face and get her dress off before she succumbed to the extreme need for a pot of hot tea. Now she stood in her kitchen, towel drying her hair and shivering as she waited for the kettle to boil. Hearing a knock at the door, she yelled out hurrying to the front of the house.
“Kay, the door is open! Or is numbnuts a catching disorder -  shit.”
There was Elvis, hat in hand, on her front doorstep.
She swayed to the side, watching the back of a white Studebaker whirl around the corner. A white Studebaker very much like the one Mabel owned.
“My sister’s boyfriend is not the sharpest shooter in his platoon.” She held her robe closed as she looked down at her thin, white silk night gown. The thin matching robe didn’t do much, but she felt more decorous pulling it over herself.
“Did Mabel sneak you off post?”
Elvis grinned mischievously and strode past her into the house
“Hello to you too, Bessie, whatcha cookin, good lookin'?”
Closing the door, she shoved him as he walked backwards down the hallway.
“Don’t you hello me, what are you doing here?”
Elvis unbuttoned his jacket, and draped it around her shivering body.
“Still cold honey?” He drew her in, rubbing her shoulders. “Let me see if I can warm ya up.”
His jacket was still cozy with the heat of his body as he drew Bess into him. Breathless, she let him enclose her in his embrace, folding her arms into his chest as she lifted her chin up to gaze into his eyes.
“There she is, there’s a good lil Moo Moo.”
Elvis leaned down to bundle her further into him, his hands moving inside her open robe to caress the sides of her body, his nose stroking hers as she closed her eyes and whispered into his jaw.
“Elvis, you shouldn’t be here.”
“I know honey.” He pulled her closer, kissing her cheek at the fold of her earlobe as Bess crushed into his.
Her mind was racing, racing the with knowledge that at any moment her 17 year old sister would come home and probably know how to work the door knob. Racing with the knowledge that her father and mother were flying back to Waco tomorrow and she needed to be rested and alert when she drove to pick them up. Racing with the knowledge that Elvis Presley was the absolutely worst choice for a romantic entanglement or fling, not just because he was famous, handsome, rich and probably already dating any number of women in Los Angeles, Memphis and God knows where else. And therefore, an unimaginable person to be seen with publicly or explain to her family.
But it was worse than that, she could already tell, from the way her mind bent towards him all through the day when he wasn’t around, and directed itself to him with an intense, buzzing focus when he was. For these reasons, she knew he would be the worst kind of all-consuming distraction that she could possible let herself get involved with right now.
Her mouth had other plans. Namely, how could it find his mouth?
“Elvis.” She mumbled as her lips brushed the nape of his neck and her hands wrapped around his body.
“Yes Bess?”
He looked down at her as she tried to find the words she wanted to say.
“I - I - I”
“I know honey, you don’t date soldiers.”
She smiled a lazy, goofy half smile.
He gripped her tighter, pinching the flesh at her sides.
“Honey, dating is not the word on my mind right now. I am not interested in asking you on a date.”
He kissed her forehead.
“I do not have no intention of driving up to your house in my pink Cadillac.”
He kissed her nose.
“I don’ wanna have to come meet ya mama and shake your daddy’s hand.”
He kissed her cupid’s bow.
“And I definitely ain’t about to take you out to fancy restaurant and buy you dinner.”
He kissed her lightly on the top of her mouth, his teeth grating over her lip.
“I do not want to date you, Bess.”
“Good, because I don’t want to date you either.”
“So don’t date me, baby. Jus kiss me.”
Click here to read Chapter Four: Dance
@eliseinmemphis @moonchild-daniella @tacozebra051 @ab4eva @kingdomforapony @everythingelvispresley @richardslady121 @dkayfixates @artlover8992 @peskybedtime @freudianslumber @amydarcimarie @toreigh @notstefaniepresley @18lkpeters @yynneessmons @lookingforrainbows @prompted-wordsmith @ashtag2887 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @returntopresley @girlblogger2002 @rjmartin11 @bigromansgirl-blog @literally-just-elvis-fics
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thatbanditqueen · 12 hours
Basic Training Chapter 8
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Summary: Elvis has leave papers for the weekends now, so he invites Bess to come away with him to Waco to visit some old friends.
WC: 14,449
Warnings: Sexual content, curse words, adult themes. Minors DNI.
Thanks to my elvis fic friends for their support, it's been a long, hard spring but I am trying to get back into it. @from-memphis-with-love @vintageshanny @shakerattlescroll @peskybedtime @be-my-ally
@ellie-24 @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @arrolyn1114 @lookingforrainbows
Thank you @whositmcwhatsit for being my alpha on this one and proofreading and offering me feedback on some rough stuff.
I'm migrating to hosting most of my fic at AO3, at least the series. We'll see.
You can catch up on previous chapters here
taglist - let me know if you want to be added or removed. Comments and feedback shamelessly adored.
@eliseinmemphis @kingdomforapony @everythingelvispresley @richardslady121 @dkayfixates @artlover8992 @freudianslumber @amydarcimarie @toreigh @18lkpeters @ab4eva
@yynneessmons @ashtag6887 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @returntopresley @rjmartin11
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hooked-on-elvis · 1 month
How the fans indirectly interfered on Elvis' destiny in the army 🪖
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[1] October 3, 1958, publicity photo. Elvis is posing with the Company "D" sign to which he was assigned to as a jeep driver from October 1 to 5, 1958. [2] Sometime in early October 1958. Private Presley is posing with his new platoon's sign (Headquarters). On October 6, Presley was transferred to driving duties for Reconnaissance Platoon under command of Sergeant Ira Jones of Company "C".
During the month of October, Elvis was getting used to his new life in this foreign land. Upon his initial arrival in Germany, Elvis was assigned for the first few days as a jeep driver for Captain Russell, the commander of Company D of the First Medium Tank Battalion, 32nd armor of the Third Armored Division. Captain Russell had just recently been assigned to his position and was having a difficult time even before Elvis was added to the mix. On October 6, Presley was then reassigned to the battalion’s Headquarters Company as a jeep driver in a scout platoon for Sergeant Ira Jones. “Captain Russell just couldn’t handle the situation… Girls were trying to climb over the fence, go around the fence, under the fence to find out where Elvis Presley was,” Lieutenant William Taylor explained. “Ira Jones was the best sergeant in the United States Army. Sgt. Jones didn’t take any junk from anybody. If he wanted to keep the media away from Presley, he’s the guy who could do it.”
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The newspapers had been reporting that Presley was initially assigned to join the crew of a medium Patton tank. However, before Elvis arrived in Germany, he said his last assignment had been driving a truck for four weeks in Fort Hood. The army announced the new assignment was made after reviewing Presley’s military tests and records, and an interview with his company commander. This is the reason why on October 3 Elvis first posed with the Company D sign for publicity photos, but just a few days later was photographed with the Headquarters sign.
Excerpt from "Elvis: The Army Years Uncovered · Behind The Scenes Of The Two Years That Changed The King Of Rock 'n' Roll's Life" by Trina Young (2021)
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[3-6] October 3, 1958, publicity photo. Elvis is posing with the Company "D" sign to which he was assigned to as a jeep driver from October 1 to 5, 1958. [7-8] On October 6, Presley was transferred to driving duties for Reconnaissance Platoon under command of Sergeant Ira Jones of Company "C". On picture 7 and 8, Private Presley is posing with his new platoon's sign (Headquarters), sometime in early October 1958.
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Elvis in Germany, October 1958.
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elvisgirl71 · 6 years
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Charlie Hodge was born in Decauter, Alabama in 1934. He learned to play ukulele at a young age and was also a dab hand as a 'bit of a comedian'. He graduated from 'The Stamp School Of Music' and along with a fellow student Bill Gaither, they formed a quartet calling themselves The Path Finders and stayed together for a year. Charlie was a great lover of gospel music and by the age of twenty, was lead singer with The Foggy River Boys, taking along with him a coke crate to stand on as a result of being only 5' 3' in height. The rest of the guys towered over him so the crate gave him that few extra inches. Charlie's first meeting with Elvis took place in Memphis. The very popular Foggy River Boys were appearing at the time on The ABC Network Show. Elvis went back stage to meet him and the band. He never saw Elvis again until 1958 when they were both drafted into the army. They met up in Fort Hood and although never stationed together, Elvis remembered Charlie from their meeting back in Memphis. After Fort Hood, they travelled together on the same ship to Germany. Elvis had requested for Charlie to share the same accommodation with him. They talked often about home, gospel music and the people they both knew in the business. During their time in Germany Elvis was granted leave to return to Graceland when his mother became ill. Sadly Gladys Presley died during that time and after returning to the army, it was Charlie who Elvis sought solace in. This was the time that the true friendship started between both of them and he spent every weekend with Elvis and the rest of the entourage hanging out at Elvis' home at the time.
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