#arthur and eames is fun to play with of course but the arthur and cobb relationship is so interesting to me
dareduffie · 1 month
Guy who has not dealt with his trauma and is actively unpleasant to be around and puts other peoples lives at risk numerous times for the sake of his own desperation + his friend who follows him around the world even though he could leave at any time and he'd be better off for it
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mister-eames · 1 month
Hello Ash! So, we know that Dom got into dreamsharing because of professor Miles, but how do you think Arthur and Eames got into the industry? And why did they stay, what attracted them to it?
(this is especially true for Arthur, who seems to not have side gigs apart from it, from what we know at least)
And do you think they'll stay after inception?
Hello lovely!!! Oh I love this question and I'd love to know your thoughts/theories as well!!
For Arthur, I love the fandom fave military backstory, and having been a part of the original project. Or maybe Miles used to work in the US and it was Arthur that was one of his 'best and brightest' that Cobb corrupted. Mostly, I gravitate towards the idea that Arthur was never a student or in the military - that he worked himself up into a position as a research assistant through sheer hard work and happenstance, met Cobb through this position and got roped into dreamshare when Cobb went off the rails.
Arthur, to me, seems to be one of the most grounded in having a life outside of dreamshare/criminal activity. I think he was deeply attracted to the exploration of it - to the knowledge, the learning. A whole new world of ideas, notions and theory that he couldn't extract from any book. His thrill was the unspooling of it all. If Arthur wanted to know about dreamshare, its mechanics, its history, then he had to work for it, experience it. Dreamshare, to Arthur, was a challenge, it was the chance to dream up the life for himself that he always wanted - to make the money everyone said he never would.
But then, I think, once Arthur had learned and experienced as much as he could... it stopped being a challenge. It stopped being fun, something he enjoyed. It stopped being the thing that lit the fire under him. That, and what happened to Mal. Maybe he just wants to do something else, go back to a semblance of normality. I truly think he got a big dose of 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes' with Mals death, amongst other things to where it just wasn't worth it anymore. He stayed to get Cobb out of his mess, and didn't return to it, after Inception, except potentially for a handful of times when someone really needed him.
For Eames.... also love the military backstory. Solid. Works for me, love it. I'm also fond of the idea that he was just a young man down on his luck at one point, got into stealing, forging, cat burglary, whatever, and was tasked - either by fee or by blackmail - to steal a PASIV. Of course, seeing what a high price it fetched for, he kept it for himself. The rest is history.
I have a headcanon that Eames was actually retired from dreamshare at the time of Inception, and that he couldn't help but have one last chance at succeeding where he had failed before (and one last chance to dream with Arthur again). I don't know if he ever goes back after. Maybe on very rare occasions, to see if he's 'still got it'. My feeling is that his heart hasn't been in it for a long time, and that the detriments truly outweighed the benefits for him.
I like to think they were both on the path of different things in life besides dreamshare at the time of the movie. Neither of them seem particularly invested in the work itself for the reasons I mention before - especially Arthur, he didn't even want to take on the job, had no professional interest whatsoever. Eames barely kept a toe in the door prior to his recruiting. That, and I think they're at a transitional point in life - thirty-ish/thirty-something - where your priorities are just...changing. Your drives are different, your goals. You look back at your twenty-something version of yourself and say see, you survived, it's time to take a deep breath now. With all of the imagination, influence and investments they must have, I don't know if they would want to spend their time moving forward the same way they did the decade before when they were young and careless, after all they've been through.
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xinhua-jun · 8 months
Ooohhh are you taking prompts? If so “What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?” “…Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.” for the pairing of your choice? If you want🥰
[prompts] [AO3]
LOL I just saw this (hellsite 🙄) and I was so confused ;; I forgot I had those prompts queued 😂❤️ but they’re good prompts!! so here you go~ thank you for the ask mi cielo 💜 I hope everything is going well!!
Arthur is having a wonderful time.
He shouldn’t have expected it to last.
They’re celebrating another successful mission, at one of Saito’s many mansions. They had a great dinner. Now he’s drinking one of Yusuf’s amazing cocktails, surrounded by friends and enjoying their chatter. It’s such a good atmosphere that he lets himself, foolishly, be lulled into a false sense of security.
So of course that’s when Ariadne brings it up.
“So,” she says, in that tone that tells Arthur whatever’s about to come out of her mouth next is going to test his love and adoration for her. He’s proven right when she follows it up with: “Since when are you two dating?”
He almost chokes on his drink.
“We’re not dating,” Arthur says, as delicate as possible, but still firm.
“Oh. You’re not?” Ariadne says, at the same time Eames goes, “We’re not?” next to him, just as surprised as her.
Arthur loves him even as his heart squeezes.
He’s trying to make things less awkward, even as his own comfort is compromised.
“Alright.” Cobb claps his hands together. “Why don’t we give them a little bit of space.”
Arthur has to remind himself that Cobb is a great friend, really he is. He just has the worst sense of timing when they’re not on assignment.
They’re all out the door before he can do anything to stop them—which, might as well. What’s he going say? ‘I’ve been trying really hard to ignore that I’m in love with my best friend while he isn’t, and now you’ve gone and made it weird’? Yeah, right.
Besides, it’s not Ariadne’s fault. Cobb’s, maybe, since he made it all serious before Arthur could play it off. Certainly his own, for being such a bad actor.
There’s a reason why the Forger is–
Eames wraps light fingers around his wrist. “Darling?”
Arthur hums noncommittally, taking a sip of his cocktail.
“Was it the kissing?” Eames says softly.
‘Was it me doing my job that gave you the wrong impression?’
The cocktail is really interesting, now that he notices. He will have to ask Yusuf later how he can balance that many colors without having them mix, and still make it taste nothing like the alcohol they serve at the pubs.
“Okay.” Eames’s voice is—off, just a little, which is what draws Arthur’s attention.
Eames is looking at their hands, but Arthur can tell he’s not really seeing them. There’s the little furrow he always gets between his eyebrows whenever he’s thinking really hard about something important.
Oh, no. He’s trying to let me down gently.
“Listen,” Arthur puts his free hand on top of Eames’, allows himself to linger because this might be the last time he ever does. “I know you don’t feel the same way about me. You don’t have to let me down gently–”
“Wait,” Eames interrupts him. “Darling, darling, darling. What? Let you down gently? Why would I do that?”
Arthur huffs out a laugh. “It’s okay, Eames.” And really, it is. Arthur has had enough time to come to terms with it—if not with the immensity of his feelings, with the fact that Eames, for as much of a mischievous streak as he has, would never do anything to hurt him. That’s all that matters, really. “I’m a big boy. I can take it.”
And he can. Eames might not be in love with Arthur, but he does love him. He proves it every single day, in small and big ways. Bringing him coffee just the way Arthur likes, helping him research their targets, pulling him in on the fun whenever he can allow himself some mischief in some forgotten corner of a dream, bringing him souvenirs from all his trips… Arthur has had a very fulfilling life, with this job, surrounded by friends, and especially right next to Eames.
Eames who stares incredulously at him. Eames whose eyes widen like he’s having a sudden realization. Eames who lets go of his hand, only to cradle his face gently. Eames who leans in, Eames who is kissing him–
Eames is kissing him.
It’s a slow, tender kiss. Nothing like the playful pecks, or the noisy smooches, or the heated make-out sessions he sometimes engages Arthur in when the dream allows it. This is soft and heartfelt and sweet, and just as able to make him weak at the knees as any of the others.
Arthur, too, has an epiphany.
“My dear,” Eames begins, once the need for air makes it difficult to continue. His already plush lips are kiss-swollen and pink and Arthur just wants to reel him back in. “Did you think that when I kissed you all those times, I was just doing it for the shits and giggles?”
Arthur laughs, just as breathless. “Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.” Arthur searches Eames’ eyes, “In dream public. You were always in-character when you would kiss me, and never did it out of an assignment.”
“Sweetheart.” Eames groans, but he can’t stop smiling, either. “While very rewarding, you know I don’t need to be kissing you to play a convincing role.” His thumb swipes gently under Arthur’s eye. “Most of those characters weren’t even anywhere near the target’s vicinity.”
“I will admit I found it a little strange and daring, even for you,” Arthur concedes. “But I just thought you were challenging yourself, to see how much control you had over your characters regardless of the distance.”
The look Eames gives him holds unmistakable fondness. “I was trying to give you some space. I wasn’t in any hurry, so I told myself I would leave it up to you and that we could go at your own pace.”
Arthur is such a fool.
“Oh,” he says dumbly, maybe for the first time since he was a gangly teen.
Eames has a way to make him feel like a gangly teen: imperfect, unstoppable, brave. Full of life.
“Now that I’ve made my intentions clear,” Eames gives him a look, then a grin. “Arthur, darling, can I kiss you?”
Arthur can feel his ears burn. His breath hitches. “Yes.”
So Eames does.
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starlightiing · 28 days
I want to know about the inception au! Who is more like Arthur, who is more like Eames, what is their history, what are they doing that requires them to be dressed up... spill anything you want!
Oooh very good questions! I literally just put my brain together for the Inception AU last night so maybe we can all help me develop this one! I had a plot for the Inception AU with other drivers, but not for these two specifically.
Arthur and Eames have their own sort of complicated personalities. I think Esteban is more Eames - not afraid to be silly, wicked smart but hides it behind the silly and the aloof.
Comparing Pierre to Arthur is a little more difficult, because Arthur is VERY rigid, he's very proper, he's very posh, he's very...a lot of things Pierre really isn't. But Pierre is also not really like Eames at all - so I think his personality aligns more with Arthur's. He's particular, he wants things certain ways, he likes to be in control, ect ect.
This gets so long, my apologies.
If we stick with that comparison, that would of course make Pierre the Point-Man (idk how into Inception you are, but I've done extensive deep dives and used to write one of the characters for fun (Eames actually) so I did a ton of research on it and probably know more than even Christopher Nolan himself) but the point-man is the info guy. He does all the research, makes sure not a hair is out of place. Makes sure the team knows what to expect and how to expect it. He's kind of the biggest part in terms of set up and execution.
So that would leave Esteban as the forger which, in my opinion, oddly fits. The forger of course is the 'shapeshifter' who can manifest themselves to look like anyone they so choose inside of a dream. But it goes deeper than that, of course. If they are to play an important role (like someone close to the mark, the person they are invading) it isn't enough to look the part, you have to act the part. It comes down to studying the person you're going to forge, making sure you get the finest details, the smallest mannerisms, speak like them, ect. So basically he would be an actor!!! Who can change what he looks like in dreams to manipulate marks.
Why are they dressed up? Well, that's just because everyone in the movie is always dressed to the nines LOL They're running around with guns in suits and fancy outfits. I guess that wouldn't mean EVERYONE in the business does that, but its more fun that way, don't you think? Especially if they're doing really high-risk jobs for a shit ton of money.
Coming up with their history is going to be much more interesting. Arthur and Eames in the film NEVER go over what exactly happened between them. It's just snide comments. Cobb says, "I'm going after Eames" and Arthur is just like "what? no? he's in Mombasa." and Cobb goes there any picks him up anyway. Then in a conversation with Eames..
EAMES: It's perfectly possible. Just bloody difficult. COBB: That's what I keep saying to Arthur. EAMES: Arthur? You're still working with that stick-in-the-mud? COBB: He's a good point man. EAMES: The best. But he has no imagination. If you're going to perform inception, you need imagination.
Of course, then, there's the scene where they're all in their little team meeting coming up with the idea to plant in Robert's head...
Cobb : That might work. Arthur : Might? We're gonna need to do a little better than 'might'. Eames : Oh, thank you for your contribution, Arthur. Arthur : Forgive me for wanting a little specificity, Eames. Eames: Chuckling but also looking at him like ???? Arthur : Specificity?
And this gem:
Arthur : Eames, I am impressed. Eames : Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you.
And two parts later that are much more minor - Arthur pulling out a gun to shoot against some heavily armed security, Eames pushing him aside with this huge ass bazooka, "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - the line that sailed the ship in the dwindling inception fandom ahaha.
And then later when Arthur puts them all to sleep in the hotel room so they can go down to the snow level. Eames says, "Security is going to run you down hard." and Arthur replies with, "And I will lead them on a merry chase." Eames: Be sure to be here in time for the kick. Arthur, aggravated: Go to sleep, Mr. Eames.
So that's really all the crumbs we get in terms of those two, with only the simple implication that they've PROBABLY worked together a time or two before (Probably more than that - because why does Arthur IMMEDIATELY know where Eames is when Cobb asks if they don't like each other? And why is Eames so readily able to admit that Arthur is the best at what he does, he just has no imagination?) They work VERY well together, their personalities just clash and they have some sort of disdain for each other. Though more than anything, Eames finds it very funny and Arthur kind of takes it a lot more personal/serious.
With all THAT said - we can assume, safely, that Pierre and Esteban probably used to run small jobs together back when they were younger. Dream sharing IS illegal, just in case anyone forgot, and not exactly the easiest thing to access. They probably got in around the same time, or Esteban pulled Pierre in after he'd been in it a year or two, and went from there. I'd say they probably had a few jobs go sour, sometimes because of Pierre and sometimes because of Esteban, sometimes because of someone else on the team - whatever. And these are high stakes jobs.
If you don't fulfill yours and your client's contract, they do come after you. Usually to kill. Hence why Arthur and Cobb were on the run after that first failed mission right away in the movie.
I would imagine it makes tensions build and eventually they just work together so much and get so sick of each other that it starts to cause fights, arguments, ect. I feel like something pretty major must have happened - maybe one of their team mates was killed, maybe a dream went horribly wrong and they were stuck in limbo together to the point of wanting to rip each other's throats out - I'm not really sure. Ideas and suggestions always welcome.
But whatever it may be - they CAN, at least, work together they would just rather not. So then being paired together on one of the biggest jobs of their lives, with the most at stake, the highest risk, also simultaneously the hardest thing they've ever done (because no one has achieved inception before aside from one person) - it causes a lot of tension. Some of it coming out in more...sexual and emotional ways.
Thoughts? Prayers? Let me know what you think! I feel like I've given you a fucking novel at this point, but this is LEGIT the process my brain goes through when I start formulating ideas - especially AUs based on movies and such. I have more to add I'm sure, I just have to stew on it a bit, toss some ideas around, figure out what exactly happened between the two...and then I can put it all together.
Thanks for reading (and for the ask!)
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