#the amount of times that cobb tells arthur to do something and then arthur just. does it
dareduffie · 1 month
Guy who has not dealt with his trauma and is actively unpleasant to be around and puts other peoples lives at risk numerous times for the sake of his own desperation + his friend who follows him around the world even though he could leave at any time and he'd be better off for it
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roosterbox · 1 year
Random Inception Headcanons Time!
Today’s Episode: Vegas, baby! Or rather, casino games. Who’s good at ‘em, who goes broke? What’s everybody’s game of choice?
Cobb is quite terrible at just about any casino game. He’s very unlucky as well - a bad combo for his wallet. Nine times out of ten, he ends the night with nothing, or at least only a little bit of cash. The problem is, the one time he does win, he wins BIG. And this has convinced him that he’s actually secretly a genius.
Arthur is pretty decent at most card games. He’s got a soft spot for Blackjack, though. Also, he learned how to count cards in college. He’s not above cheating either, but tends to save that sort of thing for when he plays against Eames. Speaking of which…
Eames is an artist at Poker. Songs could be written about his skills. It’s like he was born with a poker chip in his hand. In addition to being good at your typical run-of-the-mill poker, he’s also extraordinarily good at cheating at poker too. Favorite style is Five Card Draw, but of course, Strip Poker is forever near and dear to him. Oddly, he’s not quite as good at video poker.
Ariadne is more of a video slots girl. She’s dead set on the idea that certain machines have set patterns and that some pay out more frequently than others. No amount of logic can tell her otherwise. The fact that she is almost always right about this doesn’t help.
Yusuf tries, but doesn’t often succeed, to avoid the Craps table. Something about the action of throwing down the dice really appeals to him. One time, he had Ariadne blow on his dice for luck, and ended up winning a huge pot. Repeat attempts at this have failed rather spectacularly, but he’d still like to think that she’s his Lady Luck.
Saito doesn’t play much, preferring to hang out at the bar, if he even needs to be in the casino at all. Once in a blue moon, he’ll sit down for a card game. In fact, he’s the only team member besides Arthur who actually understands Baccarat.
Robert loves opportunities for random chance. It probably has to do with how much (or how little) control he has in other areas of life. He especially enjoys Roulette. Just watching the ball spin round and round. There’s something oddly therapeutic in that. And, unlike Cobb, he actually is preternaturally lucky. He’s been kicked out of casinos for gaming the roulette wheel before, even though he did nothing of the sort. Friends have tried to explain the mathematics of the wheel, but all Robert cares about is “ehehehe ball go spinny.”
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thisarthurandeames · 4 years
Fanon Arthur is closer to Canon Eames and Vice Versa
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If you haven’t already seen the post where I talk about canon Arthur being different from fanon, check it out!!
If you want
Announcement again: your opinions are valid always, even if I may be going at this hard right now.
[more below the line]
Also aksdjskfh in my last post, I tried to make it so neutral and not shippy that I completely forgot to add how he treats Eames without making it A/E oops- (I shall fix that when I make an A/E version
I’ll just go ahead and say it.
Eames is a bit prissy. More than Arthur is, anyway. He’s a downright b-word, but in a lovely way.
It isn’t to say he’s not nice or playful or anything, he is, I’ll get to that.
But he’s also very ,,,, reclusive. Which is not how everyone perceived him.
Simply put, he’s approachable when he wants to be, but he isn’t a “Oh, I love everyone, hello sweetheart, let me give you a hug” kind of a person.
I don’t know if I’d say he’s socially awkward or he just likes it that way, that can be up to you and your fics. But what I do know if that he isn’t a super friendly approachable guy who flirts with everyone (I’m so sorry).
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No offence to babe but he’s very brood-y aksjdjjdhj— I love him.
Eames takes his job seriously, and tbh I’m not sure if the trope of him being slow/tad bit stupid actually used a lot or not, but I’ve seen a few and I just want to say he’s very smart, as well. He’s sort of the one who built the entire plan, really (with Arthur to fix up).
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When it comes to people, Eames is picky. He’s select. It isn’t to say he hates everyone, but I think he goes by the vibes.
For example, he couldn’t care less if Cobb got hurt or anything (literally any scene in Mombasa. “Don’t know. Let’s see if they start shooting” and the VERY poor distraction of Freddy Simmons and how he immediately gives up ahdhdjsj —he also looks at Cobb with the car later like “... so you lived? Hm ....... how ....... pleasant.”)
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He outright says so at the last level, when Cobb and Ariadne are going to the limbo, he tells them that he doesn’t care if they make it back, but he’s getting out of there. And he says it with no sarcasm or sympathy too pfft.
But he definitely cares for people, people who clearly has a history with like Arthur, telling him to “be back before the kick”, aka telling him to be safe (guys I swear I’m doing a neutral POV, that’s just how it went, I’ll make another one for A/E later 😭). He also cares about Yusuf, clearly, not just because he recommends him while at Mombasa, but also because he pipes up to say “Bit too much champagne before take off, eh, Yusuf?” He doesn’t usually chime in, not while he’s not being spoken to, and not to jab at people, so that was ✨friendship ✨ at its peak.
That isn’t to say he’s only like that with his friends/people he knows a well!!
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He’s only known Saito for a short amount of time, but he’s taken a liking to him. That’s very visible in the second level, when they’re in the lift and Eames is forging the girl without him being aware of that. And the last bit when Saito's dying and they have that "no place for a tourist" moment, and he makes sure Saito isn't unarmed before he leaves!!
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Basically, if Eames vibes with you, he vibes with you.
He’s definitely sensitive with defense mechanisms. He looks like he feels quite attacked when someone takes a jab a him and him saying it was condescension when Arthur compliments him just ajshjdjsj, oh my poor boy ❤️
All this isn’t to say that he’s sad and edgy all the time, he’s not, not really. He has his fun, but he does his work, and he doesn’t do things he doesn’t want to.
Rewatching the movie many times has made me circle back over and over to the point that Eames is a closed off serious type of guy in general. He’s playful and nice around the people he already likes, not to everyone. I feel like that’s quite important to note. Eames is actually quite quiet (heh). Calm. A bit broody. Mysterious. Intimidating to a few people for sure. Very level headed and to the job. Intelligent >>>> (he basically came up with the Inception job + attempted it before). He also thinks about what to say before he does, so that’s something to think about.
But that’s just him on the surface. ^ most of it you would see if you didn’t know him that well, or he’s in the middle of planning a job and etc.
I could actually go one about Eames for days ajdhjsjdh there’s a lot I have to say about him on top of his daddy issues.
In conclusion, characters have many dimensions, and your dimensions are very valid, but there are some characteristics that get so lost into fanon that a lot of people forget about how they really were in the movie sometimes. (But fanon is so amazing too! They’re written super well and it’s cool to see variety.)
But uHm yes, these got a bit long plus I wrote it while it was late, but do let me know if you want to talk about it some more because I’ve spoken about this many many times and I probably forgot a bunch of points!!
OH AND— thank you for coming to my Ted Talk :))
As a reward, I shall remind you of when this cheeky dork threw the charge at the projections, aka not real people, and gave them a thumbs up. Yeah.
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darlingandmreames · 3 years
No One Knows (Until Everyone Knows)
(also on ao3)
Ariadne got a couple of blocks away from the workshop before she reached for her phone and found an empty pocket instead. If it had been anything else- except maybe her keys, she needed those unless she wanted to sleep outside- she would’ve just kept going and grabbed them when she got in the next day. Not her phone though. That she needed.
The door was still unlocked when she tried the handle and the lights were on when she slipped back inside. Normally she would’ve assumed it was Cobb, he tended to stay late, but he’d headed out surprisingly early that day. Both Arthur and Eames had still been finishing up working when she’d left, though, so at least one of them must have still been in. It was a bit late for both of them, particularly Eames, but she’d long given up trying to figure out any of their schedules. If taking this job had taught her anything it was that people in the dream sharing field had the most incomprehensible sleep and work schedules of anyone she’d ever met. 
“We should head out soon.”
“I heard you the first six times. Let me finish this first.” Ariadne could almost hear Arthur rolling his eyes. “Unlike you, I am actually doing work.”
She smiled, half listening to their conversation in the other room as she scanned the tables for her phone. Out of everyone it had taken her the longest to get used to working with the two of them. On their own they were both fine; they both had their oddities but were still nice enough, and Arthur in particular had been helpful and patient as Ariadne had tried to adjust to dream sharing and manipulating. The two of them together, though, was a very different story. They argued constantly and she'd thought at first that they didn't like each other, but she realized quickly enough that their bickering was more banter than actual arguing. They were an odd pair, but entertaining once she'd gotten more used to it. 
"I was working but then you said you were almost ready to head out so I stopped working. You're the one holding us up."
"You realize you can just leave without me, right? You're under no obligation to wait if my desire to actually do my job is bothering you so much."
Ariadne could already see them in her mind. Arthur sitting at the table he'd staked out as his, papers spread around him, Eames leaning against the table next to him, grinning and arms crossed. It was a scene she'd seen plenty of times over the past couple of weeks, sometimes multiple times a day.
It was not the scene she found when she finally rounded the corner, however. Some pieces were the same- Arthur was indeed standing at his usual table, papers spread around him- but Eames wasn’t leaning against the table. He was standing behind Arthur, his arms wrapped around Arthur’s waist and chin resting on his shoulder as Arthur sifted through various papers. “And miss out on your delightful company?” He kissed Arthur’s cheek. “Never.”
She watched, surprised, as Arthur laughed quietly. “Thought I was difficult and annoying?”
“You are. Very annoying. Especially when you’re keeping me from heading back to the hotel.”
Ariadne backed up around the corner and back out of view quietly, feeling awkward. She certainly couldn’t say she was shocked, the two of them spent most of their time walking the very thin line between banter and outright flirting, but still. She’d never seen them like this, and she got the feeling that was very much intentional. She hesitated a moment, thinking over her options, before dropping her keys loudly on the concrete floor. She took her time picking them up, trying to make as much noise as she could without it being obvious that that's what she was doing. Let them know she was there and give them a moment to move if they wanted to before she walked in.
Sure enough when she rounded the corner again Eames was leaning against the table several feet from Arthur, who suddenly seemed singularly focused on whatever papers he had in front of him. Ariadne smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I know I already said night for the evening, but have either of you seen my phone? I think I left it here, and I didn’t see it on any of the tables in the other room.”
Eames glanced around, frowning, before pointing to the counter. “Is that it?”
She followed his finger, smiling in relief when she spotted her phone lying next to some of Yusuf’s equipment. “Shit, yeah, thanks.” She slipped it into her pocket and gave a quick wave as she headed back towards the door, walking quickly. She already felt awkward for interrupting, no need to make it worse by staying longer than absolutely necessary. “Okay, goodnight for real this time!”
Ariadne glanced back once she was back outside, the light from the workshop shining dimly through the obscured windows. That…certainly hadn't been what she'd expected to find. It was sweet though, honestly. And it certainly put their bickering in a new light. She wondered if Cobb knew; he and Arthur clearly knew each other fairly well, so if anyone else knew it'd be him. Given their apparent desire to keep their relationship hidden, though, she doubted it. She set off down the sidewalk toward her apartment, smiling slightly. Well, he wouldn't hear it from her. 
When Saito had first begun considering hiring Dominic Cobb to perform inception, he’d done his homework. Arthur Cohen- though Saito doubted that was his real name- had come up repeatedly in the process, and Saito hadn’t been surprised in the least to find him working this job as well. He was known for being one of the best pointmen in the field and for being serious, efficient, and perfectionistic. And he had very much lived up to that reputation in the short time Saito had been working with him.
Unless Eames was around.
“Thank you for your input, Eames, it was most helpful.”
Eames leaned back in his chair with what might have passed as a polite smile if he’d been aiming it at anyone else. Saito couldn’t tell which Eames seemed to enjoy more: starting disagreements with Arthur, or egging him on once they began. Either way it was a common enough occurrence that Saito knew exactly what was coming. This was the third time they’d gone at it in as many hours. “Well someone has to bring some imagination to the job, and it clearly isn’t going to be you, love.”
“Yes, your imagination is always so wonderfully helpful. Like on the Barraker job, remember how helpful it was then? It even managed to get me shot if I remember correctly.”
“See?” Eames grinned. “Very helpful indeed.”
Cobb sighed. “Focus, gentlemen. Please.” He turned back to papers spread out across the table. “We need to figure out how to get Fischer from ‘I will create something for myself’ on the second level to ‘my father doesn’t want me to be him’ on the third. It’s a logical leap, but still a bit of a leap all the same.”
That was when it happened. A small smile that was more warm than teasing, met with an eye roll that was more fond than annoyed. The exchange was over almost immediately and both men were back to paying attention to Cobb like nothing had happened. If Saito hadn’t been specifically watching the two of them he would’ve missed it, and as it was he seemed to be the only one who’d caught it. 
Saito'd had several affairs over the years. He'd never married himself, nor did he intend to, but several of his partners had been, so he knew that game quite well. Hiding affection in plain sight. Stolen glances when no one else was looking, lingering touches that were just brief enough to still look casual, carefully maintained appearances and interactions that often carried a second, more intimate meaning. He was familiar with all of them, having been both the initiator and recipient of them on numerous occasions. It was a game built on subtlety. On delicacy. On smiles and eye rolls when no one else was paying attention. 
He continued watching Arthur and Eames as the conversation continued but the moment didn't repeat itself, not even when they started bickering again a few minutes later. Saito couldn't help but wonder what they were like when they were alone; the fondness and warmth had been brief, but it hinted at a side to both men that was surprising. It perhaps shouldn't have been- he knew as well as anyone that a professional persona was often little more than that, a persona- but it was nonetheless.
He sighed slightly and went back to actually listening to what Cobb was saying. He was the one who'd insisted on being this involved in the job in the first place, the least he could do was pay attention. 
For a profession that took place almost entirely while asleep, dream sharing was full of people with terrible sleep schedules. Even occasional somnacin use fucked with the circadian rhythm and the amounts professional extractors used were enough to completely destroy any hope of a regular sleeping pattern. So Yusuf didn't think twice about knocking on Eames' hotel door at 11pm. He was three cups of coffee in and eager to share the breakthrough he'd just had, nearly vibrating with a combination of caffeine and excitement. Actively working with a team on a job opened up so many new possibilities that he'd never really had the chance to explore running his shop back in Mombasa, and he was thrilled to finally have the chance to do so. 
Eames gave him a tired smile when he opened the door. "Yes, hello Yusuf, can I help you?"
He looked surprisingly disheveled, his shirt untucked and hair out of place, and Yusuf briefly wondered if he'd maybe been getting ready for bed. Even if he was this wouldn't take long, and Yusuf was too excited to not tell someone what he'd figured out. "I was working- well, I was actually making coffee, but that's a necessary part of working, so basically the same thing- and I realized something." He pushed past Eames and into his room. He had a tendency to get a little loud once he got going, so he figured it'd be best if they didn't have this conversation in the hallway. "So the compound we'll be using creates a super clear connection, right? Between dreamers? And normally we talk about that just in relation to the team members, but it obviously includes the mark as well! That means when you're impersonating Browning on the first level you could…"
Yusuf stopped, confused, when he got into the main part of Eames' room. He'd assumed Eames would be alone because, well, it was 11pm on a Tuesday. Not exactly prime time for company. But Arthur was there too, laying on the bed. He was propped up on his elbows, expression somewhere between mortification and murderous intent. It would've been pretty funny, honestly, if it hadn't been directed at Yusuf. He frowned. Had Arthur come in to talk about the job with Eames as well? He couldn't think of any other reason for him to be here. He looked a bit disheveled too, jacket laying on the ground beside the bed and shirt partially unbuttoned, which was odd given how proper Arthur usually was, and… Yusuf stopped.
Oh no.
"Did you need something?" 
Arthur's tone was tight and yeah, that was definitely murderous intent in his expression. "I, uh…" Yusuf glanced around, panicking. This was bad. He needed to get out of here. "I, um, you know, it's really not that important. It can, uh, it can wait. Until tomorrow. Yeah. I'm, um, I'm going to, uh, go now."
"That'd be great, thanks." Eames was still standing by the door, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking like he wanted Yusuf out of the room just as much as Yusuf wanted to leave. He moved aside as Yusuf hurried passed him and back out into the hallway. "Oh, and Yusuf?"
Yusuf turned around, trying to keep his expression neutral. "Y-yeah?"
"This, um," Eames ran a hand through his hair, giving Yusuf an embarrassed smile, "this just stays between us, yeah?"
Yusuf nodded. Keep it quiet, he could do that. "Not a word."
"Thanks." Eames closed his door and Yusuf hurried back to his own room. He closed the door behind him and quickly locked it, deadbolt and chain, just for good measure. He didn't think Arthur would actually kill him- there were clearly…other things to occupy his attention right now- but he still intimidated Yusuf enough that he figured it was better safe than sorry.
It was a bit sweet though, now that he had a chance to actually think about it. The two of them were insufferable around each other but in the sort of way a kid was insufferable around their crush, and he'd wondered if they had a bit of a thing for each other. It was nice to know he'd been right, even if it meant avoiding Arthur for the next few days.
In retrospect, Dom felt rather stupid for not having seen it earlier.
He'd known Arthur a long time. He’d actually been the architect on the first job Arthur ever worked, which was how they’d met, and they’d worked together relatively frequently in the years since. He was the only person Dom had worked with who had met his kids, even if just briefly, and he’d been one of the only semi-stable parts of Dom’s life since Mal’s death. They’d had their differences over the years, but Dom unquestionably considered him a friend. Probably the closest one he had anymore, and he liked to think he knew at least a decent bit about him.
One of the things he knew was that Arthur and Eames bickered. They always had, ever since the first job Dom had worked with both of them. It was just what they did. That was the unspoken arrangement of any job both of them were working: you got an excellent point man, an excellent forger, and a guarantee that they’d refuse to shut up or get along for more than 5 minutes for the entirety of the job. Dom had occasionally wondered if it was more flirting than actual bickering- it certainly walked the line sometimes- but he’d never really given it much mind. Even if it had been flirting, there hadn’t been anything behind it.
Except maybe there had.
Because Arthur’s voice wasn’t usually as soft, or as fond, as it was when he told Eames to go to sleep. Dom glanced over at him as he rolled up his own sleeve. Eames had already gone under but Arthur was still crouched by him, Eames’ hand in his. It was small, maybe nothing for most people, but Dom knew Arthur. Knew him pretty well, or at least as well as Arthur let anyone know him. He wasn’t nearly as cold or emotionless as people tended to assume he was, but he also wasn’t a particularly affectionate person, not openly at least. And that was affection in his expression, clear as day.
He looked away as Arthur stood back up, busying himself with his IV. That…wasn't a side of Arthur he'd really seen before, and he got the feeling that was intentional. Arthur was a private man after all, even for someone in their profession, and this was far from a good time to risk infringing on that. There was more than enough shit going on that was more important, and Arthur would have his hands full enough trying to hold off Fischer's sub-security for Dom to risk throwing him off; their lives depended on Arthur being focused. 
"Hey, you ready?"
"Yeah, just…just give me a sec." Dom finished rolling up his sleeve and got ready to insert the line. Maybe he'd ask after the job, assuming they all made it.
Arthur was usually a pretty even keeled person. Years of working in the underworld of extraction meant that very little surprised him anymore, and he tended to be unfazed by most things. Even when things did manage to surprise him he'd long learned to keep it hidden below the surface, away and out of sight. Right now, though, he felt almost giddy.
They’d done it. They’d fucking done it. Inception. It’d gone sideways in just about every way possible, but they’d still done it. It was an amazing feeling and as Eames came up beside him, Arthur couldn’t help but look at him with a grin. Eames raised an eyebrow, chuckling. “You’re in a good mood.”
“And you’re not?”
“Course I am.” Eames grinned back and leaned in slightly, his hand brushing briefly against Arthur’s hip. “You just don’t usually show it so openly.”
Arthur leaned in as well, resting against Eames' arm. "I have my moments."
"That you do, darling," Eames laughed. "That you do." After a moment he shifted, slipping his arm around Arthur's waist. They generally avoided any sort of public affection but Arthur leaned into the touch, wrapping his own arm around Eames' waist in return. Eames laughed again. "You really are in a good mood."
"Just looking forward to celebrating a job well done." He rested his head against Eames' shoulder. Across the baggage carousel Saito caught his eye, raising an eyebrow, and Arthur shrugged slightly in return. "I was thinking dinner?"
"Mm, maybe a few drinks too." Eames pulled him in slightly. "I know a wonderful bar near the hotel, one of my favourites in the city."
"Sounds like an excellent plan." Knowing Eames, a favourite bar could refer to anything from an exclusive establishment to a hole in the wall dive bar, and Arthur absolutely couldn't find it in him to care which it was. All that mattered was that it was the two of them, celebrating. 
The baggage area slowly began to clear out as people's luggage began dropping down onto the carousel. Yusuf hurried by them, bag in hand, glancing at them briefly and nodding before looking away again almost immediately. Eames chuckled and Arthur couldn't help but smile as well; he'd been awkward around them ever since he'd stopped by Eames' room unannounced, even going so far as to avoid the both of them as much possible for a few days afterwards. Ariadne seemed to have no such qualms, though, flashing them a wide grin as she walked by. Arthur smiled back; if Ariadne stayed in the dreamsharing field- which Arthur had a feeling she would, reality was never enough after getting a taste for dream construction- he had no doubt he and Eames would get a comment or two from her the next job they worked together.
The giddiness faded somewhat as he and Eames waited for their bags to appear, but the sense of excitement and disbelief stayed. Arthur caught Dom's eye as he made his way across the room and Dom nodded, his own expression mirroring Arthur's disbelief. They'd really done it. They'd performed inception. Completed a job that shouldn't have been possible and gotten Dom home. Arthur hummed happily as Eames rested his cheek against the top of his head. It would be nice to spend the night out, dinner and drinks and wherever else they ended up until they finally ended up back at the hotel, riding the high of what they'd managed to pull off. After everything, they deserved it. 
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Eames X Reader
“The whole of Rome wasn’t enough to daze him but even a small glance from her was all he needed to feel home again..”
The sounds of cars passing and the sunshine peeking through the open windows that served as the wall filled their vision, the room was rather quiet. For the first time, it wasn’t a comfortable silence: it brought questions in from the extraordinary yet, all there was in term of movement was the swaying of her leg as she sat.
She was wearing a dark blue dress, it was quite loose overall except the waist part, perfectly sculpting her figure for the rest to see. Her hair was in a low bun, it was carelessly put together and the shortness of it meant that her face was perfectly framed by her hair. There were slippers on her feet, fluffy ones that could be mistaken for shoes if she went out, she was paying no mind to them as she moved her leg up and down, her feet moving along with it.
The seats were all occupied, all of them staring at Cobb as he waited for an answer, an idea to be exact. Ariadne and Arthur sat on the sofa while her and Eames sat on different chairs. They had been hired by some ultra billionaire to do a job, it was complex but they were known to pull off these kind of jobs after the Fischer case.
There were maps and sketches across the board Cobb was standing next to as Y/N eyed them, Eames eyeing her. All of them were quiet the team, to a point where they were involved in overseas jobs now. It was cold in Rome, the view was breathtaking regardless. Y/N’s eyes fluttered open after a while, realising that she hadn’t slept well yesterday. It had been a tiring day but with each passing week, she found it harder to sleep.
“Can we use a time slope?” she asked, pulling everyone from the small confused thoughts they were having when it came to pulling this job.
“A time...what?” asked Ariadne, Arthur and Cobb seemed to know what it was as they both sighed.
“A time slope.” said Y/N, getting up and drawing one on the board.
“Like.... a physics graph?” asked Ariadne again, Eames didn’t say a word.
“Yes, pretty much.” she said once again, eyeing Cobb as she looked at her expectantly before explaining. “It’s usually used with velocity of... something.” she made a wave with her hand in the air which caused Eames to smile a little.
“But in terms of time realms, we can just implement the velocity of time to do the calculations and come up with the real timing for whatever it is we intent to do.”she said, leaning back on the desk next to the board as Cobb got lost in his thoughts again.
“Math wasn’t my strongest subject.” Eames spoke before sitting up on the chair more properly, only looking at her. “Why can’t we just use the same calculations from the Fischer job, now?” asked Eames before locking gazes with Y/N.
“That wouldn’t work, we’re not using the same depth as that one.” said Arthur, shaking his head as he spoke again.
“It could work but they won’t be as stable.” he said, eyeing Y/N again before he looked at Cobb.
“It seems stable enough to me, we’re out of a chemist anyway.” Cobb spoke before looking at Y/N as they all gathered around the board to see the plan of what was to be done.
“Get on it.” he said to Y/N before leaving the room, Arthur was explaining something to a business man that had just entered the room and Ariadne was looking over the plans.
Y/N was glancing at the sketch Cobb had brought in the realm that he wanted designed when Eames’ hands found her waist to stop himself from bumping into her. She barely reached his chin even in heels which he found endearing, a small smile tugged on his lips before speaking as she moved aside along with his hands.
“Sorry, doll.” he spoke in a thick accent, his accent changed sometimes, it was smoother in some days than others.
“It’s alright.” she said quietly.
Eames had been an admirer for a long time, ever since the day they had met where she nearly blew his face off because she didn’t want to do the job with Cobb, he was unstable and given the obvious reasons, it was only the sane answer. Along the missions they had carried out and the many jobs this group had been through, Eames had many chances to act on the feelings perking up but he didn’t.
She was quite feisty, needless to say she was a charmer and a beauty with brains. Before she had gotten into this business, she was an architect that made a lot of money but she possessed a boring life. Then she started doing the job and found out she was better at this than any other thing and the next thing she knew, she was being paid a lot for it and became the number one name for the given job and that’s how she made her way into his life.
She had to admit, Eames wasn’t too shabby himself. She wasn’t the best with feelings, let alone admitting that she might have felt things towards him. She did the job, got the money, disappeared for a while before they had a new job and remained professional. She had a couple lovers before but no one mature enough to sustain a good relationship. 
They locked eyes for a second before she averted hers, it was just Eames staring at her for a while after that. He smiled at his feet and looked back at the board again, trying not to stare too hard at the woman next to him. 
“You alright?” he asked, realising the tired figure of the woman as she smiled, wishing she was back in bed even though it was barely sunset time.
“Yeah...” she nodded, looking at his blue orbs before she spoke again. She knew he wouldn’t let go of it if she wasn’t truthful. “I haven’t had much sleep in the last couple of weeks is all.” she said, her voice low as everyone left the room, they all went to their own to unwind before they met again at night to discuss a couple things.
“Why’s that, doll?” he asked, he was always gentle with her. Flirty but gentle.
“I don’t...know, really. Could be anything.” she said, her words were breathy this time as a headache made its way up her nerves.
The truth was that she was restless, she was working too much and even when she had the time to work, her mind wouldn’t leave her alone. Sometimes all she did was sleep but no amount of sleep cured her problem. She had been a little hard on herself on a previous job and now it was her body taking revenge.
“You seem rather tired.” he looked at her eyes again. “Care for a drink?” he said, smirking to himself as he waited for an answer.
Of course, he wanted to have a drink after telling her that she was tired. He had his own ways. This was the 4th time he was asking her for a drink, she had said no to the other offers because she was either too busy or too lazy to go but as of lately, she didn’t mind his company like she avoided the first couple of times. Now that the sun was setting and her eyes found his blue orbs, she didn’t see why not.
“Sure.” The pure look of surprise and excitement on his face was entertaining to say the least.
An hour later, she found herself in the same flowy dress with just a little more make up looking for him. She was a very attractive woman and it wasn’t the usual ideal of beauty she possessed, it was something out of the ordinary that made heads turn even in a simple blue dress and that was the occasion when she came in the restaurant, looking for Eames around the place.
A tall gentlemen approached her after a couple seconds, realising that Eames wasn’t here yet or she simply wasn’t able to see him. He touched her hand and held out his arm as Y/N took a good look at him, he seemed charming but foreign.
“It seems as though you don’t have company for this evening, Miss.” he spoke in a classic American accent as she examined him, there was a gun in her purse and she could do many things with a fork that didn’t involve anything. This job had taught her to be cautious of people, even if they were attractive gentlemen looking for some company and maybe that was why she had avoided Eames for a long time before fully trusting him.
It had happened recently. The last job they had together involved a mob, it was only Arthur, her and Eames because the others were off with other jobs and things they had to deal with. There were too many of the other guys and just when Y/N was about to receive a bullet meant to go right through her skull, he had been there to pull her out of danger and foremost, risk his own life. She had been in the game for long enough to know most people would just ditch the partner and leave because there was the risk of being trapped in a void.
The gentlemen pulled her back from her thoughts as he spoke.
“I would be more than happy to be your company.” he suggested, a charming smile on his lips. 
She gave him a generous smile to make up the fact that she was about the reject his offer and spoke softly. “Oh, I’m flattered by the off-”
“Hello there, doll.” spoke Eames before grabbing her gently by the waist, he was being protective and his body language said more than enough.
“The company is here, lad.” he said, kissing her cheek softly as she gave the red-faced gentleman a soft smile, enjoying his possessive touch. 
 “So you can back off, yeah?” he said one last time and took her hand to lead her through the restaurant, he knew the place like the back of his hand as the gentlemen disappeared into the night. A smile made its way into her lips as she was greeted by the waiter in the well light part of the restaurant.
There were flowers on a round vase, candles lit around the place as well as on top of the table. The aura smelled of vanilla and the colors were soft, simply lovely. The waiter greeted him like a friend so she knew he was a regular here. She gave him a soft smile before sitting down on the chair he pulled out for her.
After he sat down and they had enough eye contact for her to feel her cheeks reddening, which never happened, she spoke as she looked down on the wine glass.
“I thought we were just gonna get a drink.” she said, almost a whisper because she didn’t want to seem to rude, although she was usually harsh with him.
“We are.....just getting a drink.” he said, as the waiter handed them both a menu of desserts and drinks.
She didn’t do this, in all her years of going out with guys and being around them, she never did this: with feelings that made her heart go all soft. She was harsh, she was known for being a little high maintenance and generally going according to the rules she has set out for herself which was to be professional and keep away from relationships.
But him, he was hard to bear. After gaining her trust, she had realised the beaming smile he had and how charming he could be, especially towards her. And he had been admiring her for so long, everything about her: her brains, the way she talked and her small chuckles, her beauty and the obvious stern look she seemed to carry around sometimes, it was all reasons why he was secretly an admirer until recently.
He had always been flirty with her, even when she had teased her about his relationship with Arthur and how adorable of a couple they would make. Little touches and smiles here and there didn’t go unnoticed, not by her or the rest of the group but she ignored it because she was both keen on keeping things professional as well as not having her heart broken.
After ordering and a couple minutes of silence, he spoke up with a signature smirk he carried around her.
“You look gorgeous, doll.” he said, eyeing her intensely but she didn’t know what to do.
“Well, thank you.” she said, small sips of the wine kept her busy.
“Have you managed to figure out why you were so restless?” he asked, being sweet as always.
“I guess it’s because of the last job.” she spoke softly, tracing the bottom part of the wine glass as he looked at her lips and nothing else. “I was just..a little scared I guess.” she admitted, he was already breaking down the barriers she had worked hard to built, not just for him but for anyone to protect herself.
“The bullet was real close, yeah?”he said, chuckling at your visible soft side to him now which he rarely got to see.
“I’m glad you were there.” she admitted, not looking up to see his heavy gaze but instead smiled at herself for being so foolish, being so open with him after the small touches they had shared and the long conversations in the empty rooms they would end up in.
“I’m glad you’re here.” he said, caressing her fingertips as to reassure her.
After months and months of knowing her, he had worked hard to bring down the walls she had around her. She didn’t open up, ever. She was a tough woman who knew what she wanted and was more than capable of getting it. He admired her and the more time they spent, the more closer he wanted to be with her.
Usually, this would go away. He was quite the player. Countless women had been in his bed and he knew how to work his way around them, he thought this was a small crush on her, like the one Arthur had on Y/N the first couple of weeks they worked together but eventually and quite rapidly, it went away and the feelings had faded. 
But Eames didn’t feel any of it going away and worst part was that he was getting attached to her, even with all the missions and the endless amount of respect he had for Cobb, he still wouldn’t risk his life for him but he had for Y/N, even though she never knew any of these. 
The rest of the evening was filled with Eames’ jokes and Y/N growing more interested in him. He was so extremely charming that Y/N, the cold woman she was, had to stop herself from smiling at him and his charming self. They laughed and talked about missions or people they knew in common which turned out to be more than they had realised.
Eames walked her up to her room, keeping himself close to her because he was scared. He was scared that this was a one time things that would never happen and sometimes, much like it did in their job, he couldn’t tell of this was a dream or reality, an alternative parallel where Y/N was actually interested in him.
If any woman that knew Eames saw him like this, he would be unrecognisable. He was all soft and sweet, his flirty side was there too but he was being so careful with her, so cautious because it felt like she was a dainty flower that would bloom once in a life time and he was careful not to hurt her in any way.
At her door, she knew he expected her to invite him in even though it was asking for too much but she didn’t. Instead, she kissed his cheek goodnight before they would have to meet again towards midnight for the discussion with the group. The truth was, she was feeling things inside she had refrained from but she couldn’t help herself as a smiley Eames walked towards his room to rest.
There was silence in the room again, not sleepy silence but more of a tired one. It was late at night and Cobb was just done with his part of the work so the group had to gather again, he would share the information he had just gotten from the source and walk them through the plan he had done in his mind on the way to the hotel, and they would either add or change things according to how they wanted to do this.
They were all wearing casual clothes except Cobb which had come from a meeting with a chemist, someone they needed to complete the job. Y/N was half-laying on the sofa in her nightgown, too tired to change into anything else so she had a silk robe around her, too. The others were in sweats while Eames was in his silk shirt still, the only difference were the unbuttoned upper part of the shirt.
Cobb told them about the strategy, explained it all to them and they all agreed to come up with their sides of the strategy in the morning when they weren’t soo sleepy. Eames followed behind Y/N as she walked, not sleepy but tired as always. When they got into the elevator, they realised it was only the two of them and they both formed a lazy smile on their lips, across each other.
“That was a load.” he said and she laughed out loud, not that it was extremely funny but because she enjoyed the company.
“You’re gonna be able to sleep today, doll?” he asked while they approached her floor. She sighed, shaking her head with a small smile.
“Don’t think so but I’ll try.” she chuckled to herself, she was so out of her guard at this hour and he had already broken down a couple walls down.
“I’ll get to sleep then.” she whispered softly and just when she was about to wish him goodnight, he took a step forward and spoke.
“I’m not sleepy either, doll.” he said, swaying a piece of hair from her face as she stared at his lips. “Why don’t you come back to my room, eh?” he asked, his accent filling every word with more pleasure than she could mutter as she thought it over and over in her intoxicated mind before muttering an answer.
I just watched Inception and I’m a sucker for Tom Hardy in any role so here it goes, lemme know what you think!! and Merry Christmas!!
109 notes · View notes
Week 4 LOAD Preview
Well, well, well how the turntables have turned. Week 4 and I finally get the preview? Didn’t know this was the year I was going to be so underappreciated, but guess I’ll just go commando, put my baby powder and big dick jeans on and rock this fucking preview. All this bullshit about everyone so nervous about the Browns and Shawn’s just sitting on his front steps, thinking about how bad the Steelers are going to be as he waits for Alyssa to get home with the house keys. Really puts things into perspective, because if you don’t wear brown and orange, you don’t matter. Unless you’re a media member saying something mean and then we will acknowledge you and clap back. Nonetheless, we are in a good spot ready to whip out our cocks after Baker wins this shootout against the Ravens (Dom and Paul take the over, I know a guy ;) Let’s get this party started.
 Kickers & Defense (1-2) vs. Rooney Tunes (0-3)
Well I guess I’ll start out with my most boring preview because it’s not the best matchup. I’m not going to rag on myself because everyone knows I’m a second half team, and Shawn’s like getting married on Friday or whatever. Get over it dude you’re like so thirsty for attention.
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^^Enough said
Old Solden > Shawn
 Mahomies Chubbie (2-1) vs. She Diggs My Cobb (0-3)
A matchup of the two newest Lakewood residents. Does it even count if you don’t live with Sam? Idk but they will be sharing the same building which means the amount of Chicken breasts, Chipotle, and gains within those walls are about to increase faster than a black kid who thought he just spotted his dad for the first time. Did I do that right? Trying to mix in a Naggerguy joke for two of my most racist friends. White power. I mean can they be given any more lead roles in movie these days? Why do you have to be a “Black lead” nowadays why can’t you just be a great actor who’s a great fit for the role? Oh shit, this isn’t the SJW blog I write to this is the preview. @Tj, feel free to take that material. As Dom so eloquently put it, based off the viral tweets of several copycat sports writers, Mahomes is having his Curry run and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. I thought Chad’s draft wasn’t as strong as he did, but he’s putting together a nice run with Mr. Heinz himself and a bunch of guys who will start coming back down to Earth by midseason. Mr. Snowman almost completing the quartet of White QB, White Receiver, White TE andddd White Kicker but there’s just no damn white RB’s left in our sacred NFL. Can the real slim shady please stand up? Aw hell, might as well keep the white power trend going for my guys.
Mr. Snowman > Yeah, she was decent
 My Quads Are Dangerou6 (2-1) vs. jared donovan’s Team (2-1)
Our newest member takes on our newest wild card taking over the late great Holla’s spot. Oh shit, I forgot has anyone talked to him to make sure he’s still alive? Ah, I’m sure he’s fine this important. Jared figuring out how to draft a fantasy team is more shocking than Sam switching to structured meal plans where he can have a precise routine that he never changes. Oh wait…No no no it’s more like me masturbating 3 times in a day once a week. Damnit, that’s not right either. I got it! Jared figuring out how to draft is like him being able to cum standing up. Just an absolutely shocking change of pace. Jon, my sweet sweet Jon. I hope the intro to the LOAD and these previews have been nice and not too much of an adjustment you absolute dirty cunt shitbag. Just wait till I play you and shove Bakers fake dong flop (his arm) so far up your ass I’ll be able to use you as a puppet to respond to Cowherds rants about our leader. Woah, blacked out there for a second, I’m back. Welcome to the LOAD! Both teams have some great matchups this week, but I’m going to have to go with Jared on this one, because I’ve seen his Quads and at this point in the year they’re more Dangerou6 than Baker. Put it away, Sam.
Pick a fucking team name > Burgs fiancé
 Uncle Rico (2-1) vs. The Injured Reserve (1-2)
I’ve never seen someone so unhappy to be 2-1 in fantasy through 3 weeks as TJ is. Also, Case, he might need to pay another $5 and borrow your team name if this trend continues. I feel like I have rode the Millennium Falcon the amount of times TJ has changed his mind about fantasy this year, but if there was one thing to bring him back home to his boys it couldn’t have been any better that it was Gardner Minshew. The second? I don’t think anyone knows but damn can that guy throw a football over the mountains. Casey – I don’t know what the last few previews were about your housewarming party was so much fun I don’t remember anything, remember? But for real, the amount of puppy lovers you have in this group and you’re depriving that good boy of his uncles? Fucked up man. How many barkbox reveal snapchats do I have to be personally invested in before I meet this dude in person. With the two lowest projected weeks but the most spunk, I’m going with Tony Two Time Minchewing caseys barkbox and getting the dub.
Uncle Rico > The Injured Reserve
 Butker in the Cooper (3-0) vs. Under the Influwentz (1-2)
Doug, despite what all the other guys have been saying nonstop about you I’m glad you’re still hanging out in the league with us. I will say, if you don’t tell us ahead of time next year that you won’t be able to make the draft on time we’re going to put some kind of penalty on you. I don’t care how many friends/girlfriends you have with boats and docks, next time you’re on time bud. We all saw what happened when Casey had to actually draft (Mixon in the first round), and I would sure love to see that happen to you. Dom, Dom, Dom. Stealing takes about Mahomes, sending absurd trade requests the second I reject one of them. Sending me a trade for multiple mediocre players for my best players is not a good trade Dom, and you’ll never catch me drunk or high enough to get me to go through with one of them. Take your flowy hair, great style, and fake glasses and gtfoh with that. Also, your team is pretty good this year so I’m back to hating you.
Dommy Salami > Mr. Fixer Upper
Christian McCuri’s (1-2) lol vs. JuJu Kachoo (3-0) wow
Flashback to 2016, it’s a breezy morning at 6:29am. Paul is in a fluffy robe and slippers with a vanilla late from the first floor of 12000 Edgewater between both hands keeping him warm. He’s power stance leaning on the ledge of the balcony overlooking the calm swells of Lake Erie. As his hair moves slightly in the wind, he glances down at his apple watch and sees the time is 6:30am. He gives a slight smile and Arthur like fist clench on his side. He knows now his plan is in action. Samuel emerges from his room to the kitchen. It’s time for his morning scrambled eggs, bagel, banana and/or fresh cut pineapple. His first step in, he freezes and immediately knows something is awry. A quick glance to the sink and it sets in. Paul has woken up early and made eggs with the only pan Sam knows how to cook with. As he stares blankly down, now knowing his entire daily routine will be thrown off by approximately 2 minutes and 17 seconds, Paul emerges from the abyss with a fake punch and a whisper in the ear “you’re going down this week, pussy”. For Paul knows now, the entirety of Sam’s day will be slightly askew affirming the real estate he owns in his head. Sam begins to panic – did he pack his lunch the night before? Will his lift be as good as expected after work? Will his chipotle even taste the same? The matchup has been won…….before it even started. Fast forward 3 years, living in separate households, the real estate still exists. Dormant at most times, but enacted upon at the precise moments Sam would never expect. Now it would be downright negligent to say I don’t know what Paul is planning, but I refuse to spoil a well-planned, well-timed prank against a fantasy opponent. Samuel, God’s speed, check your shoes before sliding them on, and check the corners before you turn them.  
Pauly Pranks A Lot > Susceptible Sam
 Chad, she actually wasn’t decent. Boom Roasted. Bennett, fall asleep with the stove on lately? Boom Roasted. Casey, are you and Tim technically eskimo brothers now too? Boom Roasted. Doug gets to do house work every day now? Now we’ll really never see you. Boom Roasted. Shawn you’re about to be married. Are you the bride or the groom? Boom Roasted. Dom, go get me a shot of tequila. Boom Roasted. Paul you’re a pussy queef. Boom Roasted. Sam how are your stepchildren? Just my yearly reminder. Boom Roasted. Jon where are your balls? Oh nvm I see them in Burgs pocket. Boom Roasted. Jared can you tell me the spiritual back story behind your tattoos? Boom Roasted. TJ can you tell me the spiritual back story behind your tattoos? Boom Roasted. Solden can you tell me the spiritual back story behind your tattoo? Boom Roasted.
 Second half team bitches just like the Browns. This is my year and much like the Browns, I’ll be moving to the playoffs and sitting in the champions lounge at year end. Suck my balls. But seriously, love my dawgs, love raggin on all of you, and love receiving it back :). Go Browns. Go LOAD. Solden out.
0 notes
inceptionbigbang · 5 years
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The day has come! The Second Round of Fic Claims for the Inception Big Bang is here. It's a second chance for you to work on any fics that you missed on the first round, and a chance to take on a secondary project.
Claims will work on a similar way to the last round, but we will give priority to fics that haven't been claimed and to artists that couldn't get any of their choices on the first round.
Fics have different numbers for my own organisation, to separate the rounds. Make sure you send the right numbers!
Without further delay, here they are:
21. When dreamshare is first developed, no one has totems. They've always gone into dreams for short amounts of time and always with another person, so there's no chance of someone forgetting their reality. Mal's friend Pip has consistently been pushing the boundaries of dreaming, and one day she decides to go a later deeper without Mal. When Mal wakes up, she realizes that Pip is still asleep and she has to go down after her where she basically incepts Pip with the idea of totems.
General audiences
No content warnings apply
22. Arthur is a flight attendant. Eames is a passenger.
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
23. Arthur learned a long time ago that he was special, and no else could see the strings.
Or, ‘everything is still the same, but Arthur can see Red Strings of Fate’ AU.
There are moments when Arthur thinks he needs to tell Eames about the strings. Owes him the truth, he thinks, Eames deserves to know. Other times – well.
Eames knows enough, and he has secrets of his own. Arthur is allowed this one.
Maybe someday it will come up on Sunday brunch, or something.
“Oh yeah, by the way, I can see red strings that I’m pretty sure are tied up to being literal soulmates and we have one. Get it? Tied up hehe. Anyway, no pressure or anything. Love the sex.”
Yeah, Arthur, that would go lovely.
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
24. Eames on vacation after inception and stumbling upon Arthur; floppy haired, tanned and just completely the opposite of how Eames has ever seen him before.
Hawaii looked good on him, no better than good...
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
25. When Eames first moved to America, he was at a loss for things to cook. He wasn’t used to the supermarkets and ingredients he needed were expensive. So he Googled food bloggers and found Arthur’s blog. The weekly updates keep Eames going in his boring office job. It takes him a few months before he gets the courage to comment but it’s all downhill from there. Eames is lost with Arthur’s sardonic commentary and when Arthur’s next recipe is one Eames requested, he knows he’s in bad.
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
26. Arthur and Eames meet as trust fund teens in a Manhattan private school. Eames is a new student who's just moved from overseas, and him and Arthur hit it off immediately. Friendship turns to a whirlwind summer romance, until Eames is forced to move back to London. They meet again many years later when Arthur has to kidnap Eames for a job.
Teen and Up
No content warnings apply
27. Arthur is in love with Eames, and he's pretty sure Eames is at least interested in him back. Only problem? Arthur is ace, and not at all sure how Eames is going to react to that. But Arthur's going to talk to him about it, because the alternative is to lose even his friendship with the forger, and that's just not on.
Only the team is also determined to set the two of them up. Will that end up being a wrecking ball to Arthur's fragile attempts at making things work with Eames?
Arthur is ace, and no one knows. When Eames invites Arthur to join him for Christmas, Arthur panics and says no - and spends the whole of Christmas regretting it. The team comes back from Christmas break, and everything is awkward. Arthur knows he has to say something or ruin his relationship with Eames forever, and he's going to do that at the New Year's party where Eames will hopefully be in a good enough
But unbeknownst to him, he's not the only one who's realized something needs to happen. Cobb, Ariadne and Yusuf agree that an intervention is in order. And when better to set their two friends up than at New Years? Get them kissing and surely the tension between them will resolve itself.
What could possibly go wrong?
At the New Year's party, Ariadne suggests playing a game of spin the bottle. Arthur is less than enthused, but Cobb and Yusuf both back up the idea. They play a few rounds before it lands on Eames, whom Ariadne dares to make out with Arthur.
There's an awkward beat before Eames moves to do it. Arthur reacts by freezing and shying away physically. Eames takes this a rejection and leaves the room. Arthur sits there, frozen, and then leaves too.
He goes to the bathroom and breaks down, blaming himself for being so stupid and backwards. Eames hears him, and comes in and comforts him. Once Eames realizes what the problem is - that Arthur is ace - he promises Arthur that it doesn't matter to him, he just wants to be close to him. Cue happy end credits.
No content warnings apply
28. A songfic featuring Aubrey by Bread, studying Arthur and Eames and what their relationship might have been like before the Fischer job. The characters aren't going to resemble fanon (Arthur's closed-off persona and Eames's flirtiness). I'm going to try to expand more on what Nolan gave us during the movie (Arthur's straightforwardness and Eames's aloof/cold personality). Basically, Eames is distant and Arthur chases.
Side: Dom/Mal
Teen and Up – Mature
Graphic Depictions of Violence*
* There might be a torture scene, but I'm still debating on whether or not I want that in the story.
29. This is an academia AU! Arthur is a struggling young professor trying to find his niche, Eames is the mysterious colleague he keeps (inadvisedly!) hooking up with at conferences.
No content warnings apply
30. A fic about arthur and eames and their first meeting in the military to all their other meetings in the criminal underworld of dreamshare. not that long, i'm aiming for 2.5k or maybe 3k if i can. i wanted to focus on their totems and how eames could use forging as a totem (because if he can't forge then he must be awake, right?) but he has a totem just in case. and arthur has a totem (the die from the movie) that he uses a lot more except when he happens to be taken and tortured for some secret or another and the only thing that convinces his brain that he isn't dreaming is the way eames stands when arthur aims a gun at him? if that makes sense....
here's a little bit of what i have written so far:
he’s more surprised at the lack of surprise he feels when eames digs a poker chip out of his desk. its blood red with gold and white accents, worth five thousand dollars at the particular casino it came from, disregarding the fact that it was arthur’s shitty first and last attempt at a real world forge after he participated in a poker game eames held on base many years ago and realized half the chips in the set were fake, pocketing a one thousand dollar chip to use as a reference.
“our totems match,” eames murmurs, flipping the chip over his knuckles with a concentration a bit too intense for something he could do in his sleep (ha).
“match how?” he asks, sipping a glass of orange juice, freshly squeezed because eames wanted to use the electric juicer. he's tempted to pull out his die from his pocket and roll to see it land on five, even though he knows this isn’t a dream.
“i have something that you made, and you have something i made. also, there’s some significance with the number five.”
Side: Dom/Mal
Graphic Depictions of Violence*
*I put the Graphic Depictions of Violence just to be safe but i think it's less than what's shown in the film? because it's supposed to be like an after-torture scene where arthur is like "ouch i'm super hurt and drugged and don't know if i'm dreaming" but again i don't think it's any more graphic than the film at least. might keep that tag just to be safe though idk
31. There was a small lake behind Arthur's house. The following night, he sat at its edge and stared at the moon's reflection in the water.
See something you like?
Arthur turned. A man was sitting next to him.
"Hello," Arthur said. "Thank you for helping me get home last night."
The moon smiled. "How did you know it was me?"
Arthur rolled his eyes. He picked up a pebble and tossed it into the water, watching the waves ripple the reflection. "How can you be here and there at the same time?"
The moon leaned back on his elbows and stared up at the sky. "Same way I can be in the lake and the sky at the same time."
Arthur frowned. "That's not the same thing. The lake's just reflecting the light from the moon. From you."
The moon turned to smile brightly at him. "Well aren't you a smart one, hm?" He leaned in and whispered, "I'm a reflection, too. We all are, at the end of the day."
Arthur thought about that. It didn't make sense, but that didn't mean it was wrong. He looked up at the moon in the sky, then at the moon sitting next to him.
"My name's Arthur," he offered. "What's your name?"
The moon looked at him strangely. "Eames. You can call me Eames."
"I'm going to be an astronaut, Eames," Arthur said. "Then I can come and visit you in the sky."
Eames smiled again. Arthur wouldn't have thought the moon liked to smile. "I would like that very much," Eames said. "Very much, indeed."
General – Teen and Up
No content Warnings Apply
*This fic is a canon AU and will ultimately include the events in Inception.
32. It’s a follow up story to Cat Person.
First story summary:
Arthur misses his cat and would very much like to get another. He gets Eames instead.
Teen and Up
No content warnings apply
Set in the Star Trek Universe
33. Haunted House AU. Arthur’s working at a popular horror maze escape place to make some extra money over the summer. It’s far from his dream job—making minimum wage crouching behind dark trap doors and chasing random couples and tourists—but at least he gets to vent his frustrations about his coworkers (who are, frankly, driving him insane day by day) by literally screaming at customers. Then there’s Eames, who finds haunted houses boring, overrated, and not the least bit frightening, but is willing to humor a friend (Ariadne?) by accompanying her. But an encounter (and some painfully obvious flirting) with the cute guy under the ghoul mask is enough to make him want to come back again, and again, and again—
- Cobb as the owner/boss and the only guy who actually takes his job seriously. He probably squints a lot because sunlight genuinely hurts his eyes lmao - Mal as his wife, who used to be an actress but left to start a business with Dom. Super sweet and kind of protective of their employees. Plays the main ghost. She’s terrifying. - Yusuf doing their costumes and makeup!!!!
- Arthur getting the job in the first place because his screams are so full of rage (let! him! rest!)
- Eames blowing all his cash on haunted house admission fees so he can flirt with Arthur (who plays different roles on different days, maybe? but Eames can always recognize him, even under the masks/makeup)
- he’s not trying to be creepy, he just wants to ask if he can see him outside of work/get his number—but something always goes wrong before he can
- Arthur being frustrated because Eames is a) distracting, and b) not easily scared, which doesn’t look good for his job. And it annoys him because he has a track record of being able to freak out anyone. He takes it upon himself to make him scream at least once (I haven’t decided how he does, but he does, eventually. Eames probably jokes about screaming with something other than fear, but i am too babey to write any sexytimes)
- maybe??? mild h/c?? Dumbass Drunk College Students coming in all wanting to prove to their friends that they're the Alpha Male, picking a fight and being super violent/rowdy/destructive, + arthur getting hurt/generally kind of shaken up; that’s the first night he lets eames really talk to him outside of the job, maybe even lets him take him home (i dont know if im including this scene for sure but..perhaps)
- Ariadne getting them banned from the haunted house after reflexively slapping Arthur in the face with a rubber snake (Cobb takes the ‘no touching the actors’ rule seriously—especially after what happened^). Eames thinks he’s lost his chance for good, but Arthur finds him outside and finally makes the first move :)
General – Teen and Up
No content warnings apply
Ok folks, the next fics are or may eventually get explicit. Minors, we love you guys! Stay safe.
34. Arthur is an undercover narcotics officer posing as a high school senior. Eames is his teacher, who is taken with Arthur and who feels terrible for lusting after a student. Arthur takes down the bad guys, saves Eames' life, then they smash (after Eames finds out he's a fully grown adult person).
No content warnings apply
Eames is (shamefully) interested in Arthur, who he thinks is 18 and also his student.
35. Summary: Eames hasn't seen Arthur in almost four years.
Pseudo- Winter Soldier AU.
There's no response from Arthur, no recognition in his eyes. No banter, no teasing – a coldness that would leave any lesser man with severe frostbite.
"... Arthur?" The words sound so raw, so gutted in Eames’ mouth. "Are you-" are you alive? Are you dead? Am I dreaming?
He reaches for his poker chip.
But before he can trace the ridges for the familiar grooves, a shot rings out loud like a crack of lightning.
And the last thing that Eames sees is Arthur and how he always remembers him: in his whip-black suit and a smoking gun in his hand.
A single bullet tears through Eames' temples, and he is ripped open, pain lighting every nerve in his body like a pinball machine – and he prays to god that this is merely a dream so he can finally wake up.
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply
36. Pre-movie: Dom and Mal are a dominant/dominant couple who want to find a sub they can play with together. Arthur is interested in trying to fill that role.
Arthur/Dom Cobb/Mal Cobb
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply
BDSM, dominance/submission, bondage, spanking/flogging, roleplay.
37. Arthur has a goldfish which, long story short, he has convinced himself he only needs to keep alive to prove he is not a hot mess. Except now it’s not looking so good and has a weird sore on its side and he doesn’t know what to do but he can’t just let it DIE. So he takes it to the vet and is scoffed at and told it is a feeder goldfish, they cost less than a dollar, just get a new one.
Two vets later and he’s at the end of his rope when he meets Dr Eames, whose dog is introduced as his PA and goes on all his rounds with him. Dr Eames doesn’t even question it, just starts the exam and tells Arthur to pet the dog and start at the beginning while he works.
Teen and Up – Mature - Explicit
No Content warnings apply*
* Discussions of parental death.
38. “Taxiing an injured delivery boy around the neighbourhood to help him complete his remaining orders had not been a contender on Eames’ list of potential scenarios for the night. Instead of the morose teenager bleeding onto the synthetic leather of the passenger seat, and the short stack of pizza boxes sliding to and fro across the backseat, the Brit had rather imagined his rental car would serve far more nefarious purposes tonight." -- Essentially, Pizza Delivery Porn Guy Crack A/E AU. Aim: comedic tone with bowchikkawowow.
*Arthur isn’t the teenager. He is a customer who ordered pizza.
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply*
*There is mention of a traffic accident - no detail, but it might not be someone's cup of tea. Also, not yet at the sexual scene so don't know whether I'll stop at M or go to E.
39. Eames is working with Arthur the first time in a long while, only now it seems that he has a huge crush on Arthur. He doesn't know how else to get rid of the crush and he really can't concentrate on the job when he's thinking about Arthur all the time, so he asks Arthur to have sex with him, to get the crush out of his system. Arthur agrees surprisingly easily and sex is great, but afterwards Arthur doesn't seem happy and Eames' crush is worse than ever. The more Eames tries to get rid of his crush, the more it sticks, and the less Arthur is talking to him. After the job, Eames has some time to think and he realises that maybe neither of them really wanted for him to get over Arthur. He goes to see Arthur to talk to him about it, but they end up kissing and stuff as well.
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply
40. In the court of the vampire supreme Saito, ambitious human noblemen Eames and Arthur battle for the coveted position of favorite bestower. Winner takes life everlasting.
Side: Arthur/Eames
Arthur/Dom Cobb
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Bloodplay, Extreme Sadomasochism. Possible Necrophilia
If you've got any questions, send them our way!
0 notes
decoding1432 · 7 years
The Art Behind Manipulating & Guarding a Fandom (p. II)
Here it’s the second part guys, take time to analyse it...
NOTE: *Most of the posts I direct you to, are SHORT & in my opinion not too dense to read. In fact, the great majority are Q&As. I’ll identified every post with a letter, it means that throughout the various parts you’ll see them repeated, so no need to read one twice*
If you missed or want to re-read the first part here it is: The Art Behind Manipulating & Guarding a Fandom (p. I) – decoding1432.
Now, the astroturfers & how to identify them.
I would say that identifying some astroturfers with exactitude is very hard to do, I mean we are talking about professionals. Not even the directioners who have spent years dealing with them are able to fully assure when they are being invaded by some. Nevertheless they have learned to recognise them & some types are obvious.
*link A*
Basing it on an article by The Consumerist, astroturfers are primarily known for two things:
Vague or anonymous identities. The identities of the people, or     group of people, are very minimal or completely anonymous. Their profiles     would either be generic, unorganised or have few or no posts. If you’re     tech savvy and use tools such as Statcounter, you might notice that they     frequent certain pages that cater to certain topics and/or suspicious     recurring IP addresses.
A specific discussion path is  followed/repeatedly brought up. Since one of the main goals of astroturfing is to support one side and discredit another, most  astroturfers usually follow a certain discussion path,
ie. Opening -> Segue -> Main Topic Being Pushed
I’ll be using their examples to show you.  I’m sure Camren blogs will be like: “relatable”. A lot of shipping involved. Try to exchange “Larry” for “Camren” & “Ziam” for another ship– Laucy, Norminah, Tyren, whatever you want– I promise it won’t become tedious (I’ll keep it the OG way, to avoid confusions). Here I present you what could be the various types of astroturfers (a.k.a. sneaky little bitches):
Example 1: *link E*
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“You astroturfing trotters with your generic anti messages are such a fail. If you really read this blog you would also know I don’t “ship”. Never have. I support two couples I believe have been harshly closeted. Why would that upset anyone? Even if you disagree, I’m all about the love baby. I’m all about consenting adults being able to love each other openly, happily and free from hate and discrimination. What kind of a monster takes issue with that? You can ponder that while you lick your wounds and trot to the next blog to spread your venom. You’re a real credit to humanity making excellent use of your time”
As I see it, our first specimen is the aggressive type. During my research, I found several bloggers talking about this kind of astroturfer. Apparently, it’s a very common one & usually driven by hostility but SOMETIMES WITHOUT BEING RUDE. Pay attention to the description below:
*link F*
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“I follow a bunch of Ziam blogs, and I heard talk about aggressive Ziam astroturfing of two kinds: (1) asking for masterposts and analyses, and (2) asking very specific factual questions. I talked with that-regular-chick about it, and she described it like this:
“…today we chatted and realized we all got very specific asks from the same “dummy” tumblr account: REDACTED. This account hit at least four of us in the past day. Each time they asked for our analysis and masterposts. Friday, I was blitzed with anon asks about Ziam, Zerrie and Sophiam. Initially, I was answering. But as I progressed through my Inbox, I noticed a pattern: careful not to offend so they throw some false praise in, a few “xx” or sometimes “thank you”. Always very specific about what they want know. Several claimed they were new to the fandom. I got so many, I felt they were really being aggressive and definitely had an agenda.”
Personally I tend to receive these type of anons on a daily basis. I would consider it’s the hardest one to recognise since I understand there are fans out there who tend to be very gentle when asking & simply with the purpose to learn & no one wants to be disrespectful toward any anon when answering, right? Nonetheless this is an advantage they take to camouflage. Note also how that-regular-chick said, ironically enough, the aggressive astroturfer is careful not to offend. Nonetheless I’m also aware that at times there are pretty intense anons which break that pattern of softness & jump straight ahead into using a harsh approach like the one shown in the first pic. Just look at the way that-regular-chick clarified she’s a victim as well despite not being about shipping. I know most Camren blogs get the infamous “why do you assume someone else’s sexuality when it’s none of your business… SO ANNOYING OMG” anon. Well now you know it’s an anti message mainly seeking for you to stop. Since now it’s all about killing Camren no wonder why we’ve seen many of these lately.
Example 2: *link G*
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 “Both my suspected astroturfers have responded, and their messages are overlapping under the two different URLs in question. And neither likes to use capitalization, coincidentally enough. And if you can’t send asks under your sideblog, why not just change the settings? Also, why is your main blog hella inactive? And why do you think you need a blog to lurk on tumblr? So many questions…”
Our next kind, is the non-anon type. These shameless astroturfers couldn’t bother less in going unnoticed.
Not all of these are about not using capitalization, this ultimate aspect is a pattern the blogger found in that particular case. Here are a few elements you could lean on to identify them:
*link H* (THIS LINK IT’S NECESSARY TO BE OPENED .IT SPEAKS ABOUT FANDOMS MONITORING IN GENERAL. Apparently t’s explained by an insider the directioners had contact with but I’ll address this with more detail almost by the end. If you want to read it now, by all means go ahead.)
“The best way that I’ve seen to get a handle on tumblr is to set up what basically amount to burner accounts. You create a tumblr account with an unassuming username and do nothing to the actual account. You leave the layout at default, don’t change the icon, don’t make posts, and don’t reblog or favourite anything. But you use the account to follow the blogs that control the conversation in whatever fandom you’re trying to monitor.”
Funnily enough, I was followed by a burner account (or maybe more but I did spot one) in the past 24 hours, LOL:
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Example 3: *link I*
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“People also ask questions they could easily google, like what's Zayn’s Instagram? I mean, you can google that faster than I can answer you. LOL”
Our third type, is the lazy astroturfer. I believe this one is pretty self-explanatory. The description provided is more than sufficient. Characterised by a lethargic tone & vibe.
Another example I could add is: “What is Dinah’s full name?” It’s the first thing I came up with since it’s something you can type in the google searcher… Besides a fan knows DJ’s full name it by heart, right? Lol
You might be wondering, why would they send these type of generic questions, why do they obtain with a generic answer. Well they come with three different objectives, it depends: Either gathering information or steering the conversation or merely keeping an eye on the blog (as in fan engagement).
Example 4: *link J*
I would classify this astroturfer as the… the Inception type, maybe? Excuse me, I’m getting Inception teas here (fun fact: Inception is my favourite film lol). As I understand an idea is put on a target (blog) by this specialised team (astroturfers) just like in the movie. Here I leave you a scene of the film to illustrate it better, min 1:05- 1:32 :
Saito (Ken Watanabe): If you can steal an idea from someone’s mind why can’t you plant one there instead?
Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt): Here’s me planning an idea in your head, I say to you, don’t think about elephants, what do you think about?
Saito: Elephants
Arthur: Right but it’s not your idea, because you know I gave it to you. The subject’s mind can always trace the genesis of the idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake--
Cobb (Leo DiCaprio): *interrupting Arthur* It’s not true.
What we can appreciate in the scene is how DiCaprio contradicts Levitt’s statement of how the subject can’t remember the origin the thought seeded.  As I understand this example of astroturfing works like this. The target will not be able to remember where the original question came from since it’s supposed to be passed to others. If I put into perspective this is the way I imagine the original OT4s & Cnizers were created. A constant brainwash pulled by the same negative comments, to an extent that they can’t tell who were the first accounts that influenced them. “The virus got to them & they’re spreading it”.
Example 5: *link K*
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Blind astroturfing. How many times we’ve seen repeated questions on another blog? Or from one day to another? Or when we just answer the same thing a couple of asks ago?
Example 6: (if I were you I wouldn’t bother in opening this link since the rest is about their timeline & I didn’t understand what they were talking about but if anyone is curious enough *link L* )
“astroturfing anons will usually give us a heads up that something is coming down the pipe too (that happened with haige 2.0 - people got anons about her for weeks and then she popped up again in her weird mainly one sided stunt with harry). it happened again with babygate but none of us wanted to believe it.”
This is a very weird but not entirely foreign type. If I can call it the “physic” astroturfer. Raise your hand if you have received the “next month (x ) will do (x) thing… bla, bla, bla” sort of message in your inbox more than once? Yep. I see several hands raised in the back lol. It doesn’t mean all it’s necessarily fake, like we saw with the 1D blogger above. BUT it doesn’t mean it’s ALL true either. Watch out for that.
Example 7: *link M* (IMPORTANT TO READ)
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“It’s becoming harder for fans to hold onto the illusion that the internet is a secret club and that the management team of a multi-million dollar boyband that built on its success on social media wouldn’t be interested in what fans say on social media.
So it’s awfully funny that there are now anons popping up heavily dropping implications that if we talk openly about what we see on the internet, that management will punish the boys and it’ll all be ~our fault~ and so we need to shut up if we truly love the boys....
Guilt trips–everything is your fault and your responsibility, including the actions of the management and record companies with clear motive and power for their actions–are just another form of attempts at control and manipulation. 'Don’t you care about the boys? You don’t want to hurt them, so if you care about them you will protect them and shut up and say nothing’. That is emotional blackmail. Bullshit.”
When I read this the first time, I was not surprised that they would reach this level. In all seriousness, I had already thought about this. What if one day an anon pops into my inbox & claims the girls will get in trouble due to my “big mouth”? Let me tell you something *starts getting heated* if that happens in the nearest future, I’m going to send them right straight to hell. THAT IS UTTER BULLSHIT. I’m not allowing anyone to use my girls in order to bribe the fuck out of me & my blog. If anything it just proves the amount of manipulation they are willing to carry on in order to save & cover up their asses because they’re threatened. & I don’t want to have to say this ever again… Listen carefully, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THE GIRLS BECAUSE OF US. So if anyone receives or has already gotten this type of anon, IGNORE THEM, BLOCK & MOVE ON.
Just look at the date that post was written: 2014… 3 years later & the directioners are still there. Hell, stronger than ever. We are NOT GOING TO TOLERATE THAT EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL ON OUR TERRITORY. Their biggest weakness is seeing us fighting harder against them, let’s not give them the power & satisfaction of witnessing us falling one by one like dominoes.
Example 8: *link N*
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This one seems slightly tricky to me. I don’t know if can be considered a “normal” example or standard in this list since it’s reversed-astroturfing but I’m taking the time to mention it, it’s important.
“...astroturfers infiltrate with the ultimate end goal of dumping stuff on us, and monitoring how we’d respond to it, whereas (real) shady anons infiltrate with the intention to /warn/ us of stuff they know we’d respond negatively to…
the fake ones are always so ominous, and “be ready” or whatever but the real ones are just straight to the point and cautious-sounding and it’s crazy because many things we’ve been warned about are literally things we probably shouldn’t even /know/, much less prepare for...”
I’m still trying to process this last one tbh. I interpret it as the astroturfers (the fake ones) test our reactions but we can tell it’s them because we get this feeling that something is wrong. On the other hand, the real shady anons are to direct with the way they approach, it’s like if they were slapping us in the face but without harming us because they know how are we going to respond. Is it clear? Cause I have to admit, I even confused myself…
Example 9: *link O* (& last example lol)
I’m not sure if we could classify the following as part of astroturfing exactly. I would consider so because it’s so similar & incredibly interesting the way these work that I had to include it:
“Plant blogs”. What is a plant blog? This is the name directioners have christened with those blogs that are sent by the team in order to plant seeds (info) with the purpose of spreading it & ultimately achieving their goal which could be to distract, separate or influence the fandom.
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“it means that we believe her blog was ‘planted’ by someone behind the scenes working for/with the boys rather than being an organic blog run by a real fan.”
Not all plant blogs are poisonous since not all the people behind them have bad intentions. I know it’s hard to believe this latter but from what I was seeing the 1D fam had once a blog on their side educating them & never disrespecting or influencing them to hate on any of their boys:
*link P*
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“yes a ‘plant’ blog in the way that we’re using the term would be someone who joins the fandom with a deliberate agenda.
in our case, the agenda was beneficial to us as we learned a lot (especially about image manipulation in the press and how to limit the effect of astroturfers on us/the fandom conversation).
there are also hypothetically negative plants whose main role and goal would be to gaslight the fandom from within and make us doubt ourselves/our own observations.”
This were some examples that I consider we have already encountered in the past. I believe the list can continue to go on & on but we’re beginning to study this new concept. I guess with time the experience will shape the “astroturfy” messages adequately enough so we can recognise them with more ease.
Don’t worry, on Part 4 I will give you recommendations I found on how to deal with them...
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thisarthurandeames · 4 years
Fanon Eames is closer to Canon Arthur and Vice Versa
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Hear me out, here me out
I’ve been thinking about this since forever, and I only recently started talking to people about it and I am?? So shocked but happy about the amount of people who agree with me. You lot are amazing :’)
I shall try to make my thoughts coherent, stay with me.
Before I do, I just want to say your opinions are valid, always, even if I may be going at this hard right now.
[lots below the line]
This isn’t to say that our fanon perceptions are terrible, that I don’t love them. I do! They’re lovely, heck, go through my feed, there’s a lot that’s gripping fanon.
And our writers are so wonderful. Honestly if one of you wrote a fic describing contents in your trash cans I’d probably read that too. Oh and!! What I continue saying may actually be your fanon perception, if so, awesome, ty pfft.
But here’s the thing.
Arthur isn’t prissy? He’s not really an uptight stick-up-his-yeehaw person. In canon he’s actually quite warm.
I say this from a v neutral POV, no ships or anything.
He’s very understanding and warm to Dom right from the start, when he notices Mal’s shadow. He’s so soft and caring about it and it is 😭💞
Everyone knows about this one but The way he says “she was lovely” about Mal to Ari :((
The way he treats Ariadne the entire time.
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I know Christopher Nolan tried to make their ship happen, but the thing is, that’s still him? As much as a lot of us cringe at the kiss, it’s canon. It happened. And it definitely adds to how little we know about Arthur.
See thing is, you can tell a lot about a person by the way that they treat someone new. It’s very ... well, it sort of defines a person in a way. (By that I don’t just mean first impressions— I mean after the first one, well.)
He’s very nice to her at the start when she’s learning everything and etc, he’s super warm (and oh my God that little smug smile he had the first time? Come on.) and encouraging. We love him.
And he flirts. This trope is usually given away to Eames, if so, but truth is; he flirted with Ari when he said give me a kiss. You smooth little point man you 😫❤️
I’ll keep saying that he’s super warm because he is, okay >:(❤️
If I watched the movie again right now while talking about this, I assure you I could go on and make this post longer than my own fics. But I’ll spare you guys from that this time around.
Ahhh gosh, there’s one thing that I see around that Arthur’s not very ... smiley?
I’m gonna have to. Disagree there. He actually does smile a lot.
I feel like I should point out that a lot of the scenes we see are when he’s working, when he’s on a job. He’s a point man, yaknow, it’s kind of a built in this to be determined and keep your head in the game.
At the start when he’s frowning and all, it’s because the job might get botched, because Saito’s in the helicopter, etc.
But then there’s the scenes in between mainly when he’s teaching Ari, and if you can’t see how soft he is there, I really do urge you to give it a rewatch.
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He smiles!! He’s adorable.
And what’s the first thing we see of his when we’re at the end of the movie, back in the plane? Him smiling again.
But before that, they were trying to do a job when projections start shooting them up, Saito’s bleeding, Dom Cobb’s yelling. It’s just. Hell.
And it’s super justified for him to be so tense. He’s the point man, he was supposed to know all the little bits around their job but now a man’s bleeding while someone yells at him saying it’s his fault, of course he’s going to take that blame to himself.
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He actually handles Cobb very calmly (if I were there —as I mentioned before—, I would shoot Cobb, no questions asked.), he’s very patient about it. But after Cobb stops hovering over his head, he’s had time to process how this might truly be his fault (I’m sorry bby you did your best :(().
Another thing is—, Arthur’s a very expressive person. A lot of that goes to Joe, ofc, but my man cannot keep a stony face, his expressions are always saying something. A lot of fics say that his face is unreadable but really, it’s just that he has a lot of layers on sometimes <3
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What I’m really trying to get at here is that Arthur!! Is actually  A very warm. Kind. Lovely. A bit flirty. A lot supportive. Very smart (everyone gets this one right always ofc) person.
Honestly, bless the creators who’ve already written my babe like this, but I just really really needed to get it out there.
It isn’t to say your fic is of less value. Tbh my favourite fics, Arthur’s a bit of the cold prissy person, but I’m just trying to distinguish here, yaknow?
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Okay I was adding the pictures and I remembered wanted to say that the way Arthur carries himself is actually quite carefree!! Just how he handles himself in general, he moves with ease, but ngl an example is the chair leaning thing. Hes so ,,, not rigid guys :((
I also made one tailored towards Eames!! Didn't want completely flood this and make it a long one. Check that out too, if you'd like, thanks!
Edit: I can’t believe I tried so hard not to make this ship-like I completely forgot to add Eames skhjdfhf
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