My nails r also the lesbian flag
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My nephew just came into my room and I pretended to be asleep hoping I might get a couple more minutes of rest (yes I know I'm evil) and rather than waking me up he snuck up on to the bed, shoved his hand under the pillow and softly whispered to himself "I got the toof". Then he ran out and a minute later he came back, still being really quiet and stuck his hand into the pillow case to deposit something he deemed a "nice surprise". He keeps coming back every few minutes to give me another and I'm pretty sure he's filling the pillowcase up with cherry tomatoes
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Anyways,, wayhaven drama is stressful. So I'm gonna say goodbye to some of the fandom
i was going to write in the tags but i guess ill do it under the read more because ive got too much 2 say
Alright, I know I don't owe anyone an explanation but for some reason I feel like I'm being selfish?? I'm probably going to unfollow most of the twc blogs. There are some of you that I really get along with and I still love your content that I will keep following however! I don't want to cut TWC out of my life entirely but if I'm being honest? I can't keep up.
Tumblr has been great for my mental health in the past with learning more about ADHD and learning to accept my sexuality but right now it feels hostile. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells in the TWC fandom. I'm not even a TWC blog! Not even that many TWC people follow me! I made this blog in 2018 because I wanted to follow Mishka, but this was never a TWC blog. I love these games, and they arent just some hyperfixation. They are an interest that I've had for a long time, and also helped me come to terms with my sexuality. I know it might seem silly but finally deciding to try and romance F!UB instead of M!UB helped me come to terms that I can love people if they aren't men!!
But like I said I've liked wayhaven for a good while now! I go through times where I don't really want to talk about wayhaven because I don't want to burn out my enjoyment because i was too intense about it for too long. I just can't really keep up with the fandom. It's a fictional story, about fictional vampires. It's okay to love something a lot and want to talk about it a lot but personally I just cannot handle the intensity of some things happening. I want to keep this as a game I can escape into. I don't want to be keeping track of all the latest drama and seeing Mishka get 'Cancelled' or stuff like that.
There is just so much passive aggressiveness and negativity in the posts I see, so I simply,, do not want to see them. I don't want to be a part of a fandom where ppl can't just block and forget someone they don't like and instead harass them, or seeing/hearing about s*lf h*rm and su*cide baiting going on. I just don't want to feel like there is a right way to enjoy twc and that I'm doing it wrong. I'm still going to make and reblog art though!
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Just bought this yesterday in a vintage store and I got so many complements today at graduation my ego is so big and it's never going back down
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Me: yes my body is beautiful and I love myself no matter what I look like
Me on days where I have hospital appointments: oh my god their going to kill me for gaining weight. They are going to tell me im unfit and unworthy and point out everything wrong with my body and send me to hell
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nothing like 1.5 litres of Aloe Vera King and a pack of pistachios when ur sick
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I found out my fourth year graduation was actually in person and not online 2 hours ago when my friends were like what r u guys wearing???? And I was like pyjamas????? Anyways I'm here now and I somehow look stunning if I do say so myself
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Boutta message my ex boyfriend that I bullied from when I was 11
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I just spilled a fizzy drink on my laptop while watching barbie: fairytopia
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what if i did.... an over the garden wall dnd campaign
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my teacher said that we are going to not do anything today and i shot him finger guns 
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My homies are the best 😔
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I've gone viral in my class year call
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Banana and mayo sandwich
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Woweeeeee I just got the main role in my play!!!! I get to play agnes in Sorry Wrong Number,, I basically get to be a hysterical old lady which is my dream role djdjd
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