bboors · 2 years
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bboors_us beautiful bamboo plant stand for living room❤ https://bboors.com/
#bambooshelf #bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #storageshelf #plantstand #plantshelf #plantrack #homedcoer #housedesign #homedesign
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Trashy M!A list I made YaY :3
Please be respectful and courteous to others. If you re-blog this from someone, please send a M!A in their ask box
-----Mental and Social M!As -----
LEEROOOY JENKINS: Muse is rebellious and making poor choices.
Grrr: muse has become suddenly and inexplicably violent toward everyone and everything.
Guardian: muse becomes overprotective of [anon’s choice].
Now we have bad blood: muse feelings became... opposite? If she/he/they liked someone they now hate them, if they hate someone, they now like them.
Friendly Greeter: muse has forgotten everyone he/she/they know, and if they see them they will be all-too happy to introduce themselves.
My Name Is: Everytime someone says the muse's name, he/she/they must slap that person in the face.
Hot: muse becomes hot-blooded and hot-tempered.
Mongrel: Muse is very impulsive and won't think things through.
They speaking to me: muse starts hearing voices in her/his/their head
Titanic: muse falls in love with the next person that helps he/she/them with something.
The snake with blue eyes: muse is dressed all preppy/frilly but acts like a bad boy/girl/person
Daydream dressed as a nightmare: muse is dressed all dark/gothic but acts all perky
Weredoggy: muse now behaves like a dog; they play fetch, loyal, they bark, they chase squirrels, and love being pet as well as other dog like qualities.
Jumping Frenchmen: muse is easily startled and has a tendency to follow commands that are given very abruptly.
The Tongue of Animalia: muse can communicate with animals.
Thou Wretched Fool!: muse believes they/he/she are a medieval knight.
Fire is bad: Muse now has a fear of fire and will shy away from anyone with any source of fire.
Bonjour: Muse becomes very romantic and flirty
Jeremy No: Muse has become suddenly and inexplicably violent toward everyone and everything.
Hunter: muse goes out hunting and presents their kills to the one she/he/they love
Mankind's Best Friend: Muse feels the need to keep her/his/their pet or some animal with them at all times. Anon may choose which animal Muse desires.
----- Physical M!As -----
Speaking no evil: Muse can not speak
See no Evil: Muse is now blind
Hear no Evil: Muse cannot hear anything. This concludes their own thoughts and any telpicathivc
Ring bing ring: muse has a bell tied to their neck that cannot be removed
Is that an angel?: muse has a large pair of pure white angel wings and a golden barb wire halo that is dimly glowing. The muse can also float.
Dwarf: Muse is 4ft tall and is obsessed with dig holes. They also are in love with pickaxes and axes.
Taur: muse becomes a centaur, but with the waist and lower body of the animal Anon chooses. Upper body of a human, waist down the body of an animal on all fours.
Fireheart: muse turns into a giant fire breathing dragon.
Poisonheart: muse turns into a wyvern with a poisonous tail and can’t breathe fire.
Are you jealous: Muse now has a long, scraggly beard, regardless of gender.
Mew: muse grows cat-ears and a tail and develop cattish mannerisms
Trickster: Muse becomes a Kitsune
Way Beyond the Boundary: muse is either a cambion or a demon hunter (anon decides which.)
Power of three: muse splits into three versions of her/his/them selfs. Negetive (bad), neutral, and positive (good).
I choose you: muse turns into a Pokémon
Mr. Hyde: Muse will be split into two identical individuals, one good, the other evil, and they are aware of eachother's presence and of the split.
I believe I can fly: Muse now has wings but they are unable to use them for flight.
Butter: Muse sprouts butterfly-shaped wings.
Where am I?!?!: muse become invisible but the spell immediately ends when they attack someone or cast a spell.
Burning Up: Muse feels extremely hot and can't seem to get cool.
GO FAST: muse can run as fast as a thoroughbred horse. ( 44 mph)
Bioluminesence: Muse now glows in the dark
Lying tongue and the aura of truth: muse splits into two. The two looks the same and acts the same but one of them can only tell lies and the other can only tell the truth.
Sea Monkey: muse turns into a brine shrimp
Detoxifier: muse splits into two versions of his/her/their selves. One version is toxic while the other version is heathy but it’s the muses version of what is healthy about themselves.
Romania: Muse is now a vampire.
Round and Round: Muse has become horribly dizzy and can’t stand up without stumbling.
-----Horror M!As -----
Cold Blooded: muse has a sudden drive for revenge. Every wrong doing they’ve had against them, every lie and rumour made they will seek out to make right
Ring of Fire: muse can only see their fears and phobias around them.
The Hunter: Your muse is being hunted down mercilessly. Anyone your muse comes into contact with is also subject to being a target.
The Mirror: muse soul is trapped in a mirror and their body has been possessed by some strange entity.
The Russian Sleep Experiment: muse can’t sleep, and is slowly losing their grip on reality.
The screaming: The muse hears constant screams and torment from mistakes they’ve made or ghosts from their past.
Scars: all physical scars muse has are started to burn.
Who’s There?: muse get the unsettling feel that someone or something is watching them. Inanition muse keeps seeing shadowy figures in the corner of their eye.
They speaking to me: muse starts hearing voices in her/his/their head
Seeing Double: Muse has run into a shapeshifter. The shapeshifter has captured the muse, tide them up, and hidden he/she/them underground. The shapeshifter has replaced your muse.
Smile: muse cannot stop smiling, even when it hurts their cheeks.
Chocolate touch: everything that her/he/their touch will their lips immediately turns into chocolate
Deadly Years: the muse begins rapidly aging
The floor is lava: muse cannot touch the floor. If they do, they get 3rd° burns.
Crossroad: muse goes to a crossroads to sell their soul. How much time they get depends on the mun (If muse has little to no soul or is an angel they become a crossroads demon. Also the mun decides if their muse takes the deal or not)
Baby it's cold outside: Muse has been kidnap by another muse of the anonymous choice
Bloody Hell No: Muse is covered in random, painful wounds, with no explanation to why they were inflicted.
—disturbing M!As -----
Feather?!?!: muse can’t stop cough up feathers.
Scars: all physical scars muse has are started to burn.
SMILE: muse cannot stop smiling, even when it hurts their cheeks and even when they have negative emotions.
Petrified: muse slowly starts turning to stone. They have to find someone who can cure them before they're completely petrified.
Waxing: muse losses all her/his/their body hair
Can’t stop Dancing: muse keeps dancing until they pass out or dance them self’s to death
Bam Pregnent: muse has a plastic baby’s head, arms, and legs glued on the outside of their belly!!!
Liquid: muse’s breath smells like liquid manurer. The only cure is time (3 hours).
For Science!: Muse suddenly has the urge to become a test subject. Anon may choose who's subject he is.
Nice Boxers: Muse believes they are stripped down to their underwear, even if they are fully clothed.
Lying Flower: every time the muse lies a red/black flower appears somewhere on their body.
blah flowers blah curse: muse is coughing up tulips and the only cure is a romantic French kiss from the person they have a crush on. ( if your muse is asexual or has no crush or the crush is dead, they can get rid of the cursed by kiss a silver mirror )
The Rapture: muse gets possessed by an angel. If they’re already an angel, someone else knocks them out of their vessel and takes their place for a couple of hours or longer. (mun besides)
Zippy: Muse has a literal zip for a mouth.
Burning Up: Muse feels extremely hot and can't seem to get cool.
Enemy: Muse takes the appearance of someone they hate for 16 hours
meoo: muse hallucinates that everyone they talk to is a cat
My Precious!!!!: An item becomes very important to the muse. If they lose it, they're convinced they'll die!
-----that’s something M!As -----
Hit Me: Muse is now completely drunk and will not suffer any hangover
Salem: Muse keeps accusing people of witchcraft.
What the: Muse can hear the Mun’s voice like an angel (or devil) on their shoulder for a day.
Un-armed!: Muse cannot pick up or use any weapon.
Karkat?: muse must YELL EVERYTHING THEY SAY!
Hehehe: Muse is slightly tipsy and very festive.
Rhyme Time: muse can only speak in rhyme
Flesh: muse suddenly has a overwhelming desire to eat raw meat and lots of it. They are also allergic to all vegetables.
Silent Treatment: Muse is mute and grumpy
Egg: Muse finds a large egg and does not know what to do with it
Un-armed!: Muse cannot pick up or use any weapon.
I Am The Cure: muse is stuck in a plague doctor outfit
Soulless : Muse has no soul.
Loop: Muse is stuck in a cycle of repeating themselves.
Sweet Tooth: Muse has the urge to bake and eat sweet foods.
It’s just a flesh wound: muse cannot feeling pain and cannot die from blood loss.
I’m BBOORRED!!!: muse cannot stop feeling bored with everything
Greece: Wherever the muse goes, a group of cats will follow them.
Feelings!!!!: muse can read other peoples’ emotions and if anyone in ten feet is in pain Muse feels the pain too
I Like Birds: Any bird near the muse will follow them around
Fuck you: Muse can't stop saying the word fuck in every sentence
Yaeaua: Muse has to be literally led by the hand everywhere. If left alone, they will just stay in one spot.
Animal Suits!: Anon chooses an animal that the muse must dress up as for a specified amount of time
I Like Birb: Any bird near the muse will follow her/him/them around
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cammilouisa · 7 years
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bboors · 2 years
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Bamboo handmade ear pendant❤️ https://bboors.com/ #bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #bamboocraft #bamboodecor #bambooart #homedcoer #craft #DIY #art #art #handmade #handmadegifts #handmadejewelry #handmadecraft
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bboors · 2 years
I picked up a rotten branch to make a vase https://bboors.com/
#bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #bamboocraft #bamboodecor #bambooart #homedcoer #craft #DIY #art
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bboors · 2 years
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Bamboo handmade bell pendant❤️ A nice decor for home & car🎐 https://bboors.com/
#bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #bamboocraft #bamboodecor #bambooart #homedcoer #craft #DIY #art
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bboors · 2 years
How to make a pretty bamboo bracelet?
If you are interesting in bamboo craft, please follow us
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bboors · 2 years
Mini Handmade bamboo flower basket.❤️ If you like it, please follow us for more bamboo craft💯 https://bboors.com/
#bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #bamboocraft #bamboodecor #bambooart #homedcoer #craft #DIY #art
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bboors · 2 years
Beautiful bamboo hairpin
If you are interesting in bamboo craft, please follow us! https://bboors.com/
#bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #bamboocraft #bamboodecor #bambooart #homedcoer #craft #DIY
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bboors · 2 years
Handmade mini shallow bamboo basket❤️ Designer: Diao Kuan. If you are interesting in bamboo craft, please follow us! https://bboors.com/
#bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #bamboocraft #bamboodecor #bambooart #homedcoer #craft #DIY
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bboors · 2 years
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Bamboo storage shelf for home decor❤️
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bboors · 2 years
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simple design bamboo dining table❤️ Nice decor for your room💕 #bamboo #bboors #woodtable #diningtable #bamboodesk #bambootable #officedesk #computerdesk #woodwork #woodworking
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bboors · 2 years
This is Diao Kuan, an inheritor of Chinese bamboo craft intangible cultural heritage. Even with only one hand, he can create exquisite bamboo works of art.
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bboors · 2 years
Handmade bamboo bell. Made by Disabled bamboo artists - Diao Kuan
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bboors · 2 years
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Simple but beautiful bamboo table. ❤️ Nice dining table and home office desk 💯 https://bboors.com/
#bamboo #bboors #woodtable #diningtable #bamboodesk #bambootable #officedesk #computerdesk #woodwork #woodworking
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bboors · 2 years
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beautiful bamboo wood shelf. Simple but useful. ❤️ https://bboors.com/ #bambooshelf #bamboo #bboors #bamboofurniture #furniture #storageshelf #kitchenshelf #standingshelf #homedcoer #housedesign #homedesign #bookcase #bathroomstorage #woodwork #woodworking
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