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Prologue: Waterdeep, 1482 DA
Summary: As the heiress apparent to House Selemchant of Amn, Dulcinea is used to getting her way. At 28 years old, she has never had to lift a finger unless it was to cast an evocation spell. That is, until she woke up on an unknown beach with a tadpole in her brain.
Rating: MA
Category: F/M
Relationships: Tav/Gale
Chapter 1/?
Word Count: 4.8K
If there was one thing Dulcinea Selemchant loved, it was a good party. Not any informal salon, though — no, Dulcinea loved grand balls, opulent galas, and events of the season. Truthfully, she loved any event that gave her an excuse to dress up in her finest and preen in front of the mirror. At 18 years old, she was a recent debutante in Sword Coast’s upper echelon of wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, a role she slid into with confidence and panache. She loved feeling like the star of the show when she walked into the ballroom, the whispers of awe, and the attention of male suitors.
That was the true purpose of her parents sending her all the way from Athkatla to Waterdeep — to marry her off to another powerful family of wizards. Between the legacy of House Selemchant’s propensity to produce gifted mages and the associated political clout within Amn, a Selemchant woman made an excellent marital choice for an upwardly mobile wizard.
Although Lorroakan’s personal goal was to schmooze with the most gifted wizards of the Sword Coast, his directive was to chaperone his younger sister. “Keep a close eye on her,” their father instructed. “Do not let her out of your sight, even for a moment.” Lorroakan resented this responsibility of babysitting his spoiled little sister, the crown jewel of the family and his father’s blatantly obvious favorite, but he was on thin enough ice as it was after several shameful mishaps related to his temper. He was in no position to refuse.
In her room at Tarth’s towers, Waterdeep’s most luxe inn, Dulcinea stood in front of a full-length mirror, turning her head from side to side as she fussed over the shape of her jaw, the contour of her cheeks, and the shape of her lips, which were pressed into a seductive pout. Her honey-colored skin was kissed with a blush made from beet juice and pomegranate.
Behind her, her halfling governess Clothilde stood on a small stool, lacing the back of Dulcinea’s elaborate dress. Clothilde pulled the silk ribbon lacing as tightly as she could, pulling Dulcinea’s waist into a tight hourglass. As the corseting tightened around her, Dulcinea gasped slightly.
“Hurts to be beautiful, eh?” Clothilde quipped. Clothilde had cared for Dulcinea since she was a baby. The two of them shared a close bond, one not dissimilar to that of a mother and daughter. In fact, it was Clothilde who prepared Dulcinea to be a debutante.
“Always worth it,” Dulcinea replied breathlessly. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders as she adjusted to the new constriction around her abdomen.
She admired her streamlined figure in the mirror, half-twirling from side to side. Her dress was robin’s egg blue and made of the finest mulberry silk which cascaded down to the floor, concealing her spotless, white calfskin boots. The tightness of the bodice pushed her breasts up slightly, giving the illusion of cleavage. Her dark, curly hair was pulled back into a high bun encircled by tight braids and held in place with a thin silver comb.
“One last thing,” Dulcinea said, reaching for her jewelry case that sat on the table next to the mirror. From the intricately engraved gold case, she produced a silver necklace that glittered with tiny sapphires — her most prized possession. Dulcinea smiled indulgently at her reflection. “There we are,” she breathed with satisfaction as she admired her décolletage.
“You look like a princess, little rabbit,” Clothilde smiled, using Dulcinea’s childhood nickname.
Then, there came a forceful knock on the door. Dulcinea jumped at the disruption.
“Are you quite done yet?” Loroakkan bellowed in annoyance from the other side of the door.
Dulcinea rolled her eyes. “Yes, brother, I’m done,” she called back. “Such an asshole,” she groaned to Clothilde.
“Don’t give your brother too hard of a time tonight, rabbit,” Clothilde chided. She knew that Dulcinea would likely try to slip out of Lorroakan’s line of sight and get into some sort of trouble. At the last two balls that the siblings attended, Dulcinea got a little too tipsy and had to be taken back to the inn early in the evening. After that, their father insisted that Lorroakan supervise her more closely lest she sully her reputation and that of their family.
“Fine,” Dulcinea agreed, albeit with a tone of dismissiveness. She leaned down to give her governess a hug. “I’ll behave — Paladin’s honor.”
“You’d better! Or else your father won’t let you leave the house until you’re an old maid,” Clothilde warned jokingly. She and Dulcinea knew quite well that their father would impose no such punishment upon his treasured daughter.
Dulcinea waved goodbye to her governess and opened the door to see her visibly irritated brother tapping his foot impatiently. He was a young, good-looking man with high cheekbones and red hair pulled back into a ponytail. He was dressed in a green velvet waistcoat with flashy golden embroidery along the cuffs of his sleeves and the collar. Beneath his waistcoat, he wore a color-coordinated vest and thigh-skimming trousers with their seams featuring the same golden embroidery pattern.
“We were supposed to arrive half an hour ago,” he hissed. “And you’re in there preening over yourself.”
Dulcinea rolled her eyes. “I’m ready to go now, aren’t I? You’re no fun, Lorroakan.”
“This night isn’t just for you, Dulcinea. It’s for me, too. I’m fact, it’s more for me than for you. Now let’s go.”
With a deft snap of his fingers, Lorroakan transported himself and his sister to Phaulkonmere, a villa owned by two noble families of Waterdeep — The Phaulkons and the Tarms. They often hosted large gatherings of Sword Coast’s high society, including the most elite and well-renowned mages of the realm. It was an old stone building with ivy creeping up its outer walls. From where the Selemchant siblings stood on the street, they could already hear music and laughter from inside. The party had started without them, much to Lorroakan’s irritation.
“We’re fashionably late,” Dulcinea insisted.
“Whatever. Please don’t make an ass of me tonight.”
“Don’t make an ass of yourself, either,” Dulcinea said snarkily. “Gods know you’re good at that.”
Lorroakan shook his head and walked quickly towards the doors. His black leather boots clicked across the stone steps leading into the house. Dulcinea trailed after him with an intentional languidity in an attempt to further annoy her brother. He may’ve been assigned to be her handler tonight, as it were, but that didn’t mean she would make his job easy.
The Selemchants stood in the grand foyer of the villa, looking into the main hall where everyone was gathered. A trio of instrumentalists — a viol, a drum, and a horn — played a rendition of “The Wizard and the Wren,” a fitting but painfully obvious choice of accompaniment. The scent of roasted meats filled the air. Mages mingled in small groups, drinking wine and laughing.
Lorroakan glared at his sister. “I can’t have you following me around all night, but if you dare leave my line of sight there will be consequences.” He walked halfway across the foyer before turning back to look at Dulcinea. “And no getting drunk like last time, either. Keep your shit together.” Lorroakan entered the main hall, met with cheers of recognition from friends and acquaintances. A half-orc thrust a goblet of wine into his hand, clapping him forcefully on the back. He grinned in recognition, making a joke that Dulcinea couldn’t hear, causing the people around him to double over in laughter.
He was playing the politician, which in addition to his magical acumen was one of his finer skills. Lorroakan had always been a persuasive and ambitious individual and after gaining a reputation as one of the stronger wizards in Baldur’s Gate, it was increasingly important for him to have friends in high places. Parties like this were a strategic choice for forming those alliances. He couldn’t have his bratty sister getting in his way tonight.
Dulcinea squared her shoulders and lifted her chin slightly, channeling her confidence. She daintily stepped over the threshold to the main hall. She felt heads turn and eyes widen, as they often did. Her attire was usually what caught people’s eye. Her family spent an inordinate amount of money on her formal wardrobe for these events. It was a strategic move on her father’s part, as the goal was for her to signal her availability to suitors.
Despite her frequent attendance at events of this nature, Dulcinea had yet to find a consistent suitor. Either she grew bored of them or they grew irritated with her entitled attitude. At times, it made her nervous that she had been so unsuccessful on this front. How long would her parents continue to foot the bill for this lifestyle when her efforts were so consistently fruitless?
It wasn’t worth thinking about. She was there to have a good time, act charming, and flirt with powerful men. Being nervous about becoming an old maid would only make her appear desperate.
“May I offer you some wine, Miss Selemchant?” a half-elf attendant asked. Dulcinea nodded, accepting a goblet of wine. She tilted bowl of the goblet towards her nose, taking in the aromas: chocolate, pomegranate, and black pepper. She took a sip, holding the wine in her mouth momentarily, engaging her senses fully. It was full-bodied, peppery, and rich. She wasn’t a sommelier by any stretch but she knew her way around wines, thanks to her upbringing. This one was, in her opinion, solidly mediocre. The wines in Amn are better, she thought to herself. But this will do in a pinch.
Across the room, the band stopped playing folk songs and began to tune in preparation for dancing. Dulcinea watched as couples began to pair off and walk towards the dance floor.
“May I have this dance?”
Dulcinea turned and found herself facing a tall half-elf with piercing green eyes and long red hair pulled back into a thick ponytail. Daintily, she offered him her hand.
“I suppose so,” she replied, smiling coyly.
“You’re Dulcinea Selemchant of Athkatla, yes?”
Dulcinea nodded. “The same, last I checked.”
The elf laughed a little too hard at her joke. “Ah, clever and beautiful! How lucky am I to have gotten the first dance of the night with you. I am Darius Tarm. It is my honor to make your acquaintance, Miss Selemchant.”
His overtures were painfully heavy-handed. Dulcinea questioned whether or not she should’ve waited for another suitor to ask for a dance instead, but it was too late to recant as they were already on the dance floor. What’s more, he was the host of the party. The least she could do was grant him a dance. In the worst case scenario, she would only have to entertain his presence for the night. In the best case scenario, this would turn into a fruitful courtship and she could marry into a wealthy Watderdhavian family where she could have the autonomy to pursue her studies while living a life of leisure.
The band started to play a lilting melody as couples took their place on the floor. Darius and Dulcinea stood across from each other. His bottle green dress robes swished around him as he bowed dramatically. She curtsied, leaning her forward slightly enough to allow a discrete tease of her cleavage.
The Volta was, at the time, a controversial dance with its origins in Candlekeep. It didn’t gain a semblance of social acceptability until it reached Waterdeep. Its scandalousness was what made it one of Dulcinea Selemchant’s favorite dances. For better or for worse, her beauty was something of a selling point and she displayed it best while dancing.
Darius’ eyes were trained on her as they half-skipped, half-sashayed in opposing semi-circular directions, inching closer to one another with each alternating rotation; clockwise then counterclockwise, then clockwise once more. Dulcinea could smell the overpowering musk of his cologne as they neared one another.
“So,” Darius began, raising his right arm up at a ninety degree angle with his palm facing towards Dulcinea, “I understand that you’re to study at the Blackstaff Academy in Waterdeep, yes?”
Dulcinea raised her right arm, delicately touching her palm to his. “That is correct, yes. I am due there in the spring.”
The two half-skipped in time to the music in a clockwise pattern, palms and forearms pressed together.
Darius smiled approvingly. “An excellent choice for someone of your skill.”
Dulcinea managed to suppress the urge to double over in a fit of laughter. Darius was flattering her with outright falsehoods. Dulcinea was nowhere near skillful enough to attend Blackstaff of her own merit. It was her father’s money that bought her attendance, once more in the interest of pairing her off with someone of status. Dulcinea understood her duty to offload herself from her family, however she hoped that she could build her skills as a witch to achieve even a modicum of renown beyond being a wealthy coquette.
Darius raised his left arm while dropping his right. Dulcinea pressed her palm and forearm once more as they resumed the same clockwise skip.
“I’m sure you’re aware that I have a faculty assignment there,” Darius said smugly, touting his own prowess. “You may be studying under me if you’re pursuing studies in transmutation. In fact, I may have a position open for a research assistant position if such a role may peak your interest.”
Dulcinea smiled with feigned interest. She knew precisely what “research assistant” meant — write my manuscript, get no credit for it, and suck my cock while you’re at it. It was an arrangement that would suit all of her needs in education, sexual appetites, and political standing, but with that came no guarantee of a marriage. In fact, it practically guaranteed the opposite.
“Oh my, what an opportunity,” Dulcinea replied, still feigning interest. “I’d love to hear more about your research later this evening.” Dulcinea, in fact, had no interest in Darius’ work and was quickly growing bored of him. Rather, by asking to hear about his research she was gently propositioning him for a clandestine session of intimacy.
The music began to swell, approaching a climax. Dulcinea lowered her left hand, placing it on Darius’ shoulder while Darius’ hand slid down to her waist, resting at the juncture of her corset and her hip. No matter whom she danced with, this was her favorite part of the dance. Dulcinea half-jumped while Darius simultaneously lifted her, spinning a quarter of a turn before gently lowering Dulcinea to the floor.
“I would be delighted to enlighten you, if you so desire,” Darius whispered as he lifted her again. With her feet back on the ground again, now facing Darius, she offered a coy smile. “Please, enlighten me.”
As the music slowed, couples returned to their starting positions, bowing and curtsying to one another. Darius offered his hand to Dulcinea, palm facing upward. “If I may, I believe we can find a more… suitable venue to discuss my research.”
Dulcinea placed her palm upon his, allowing Darius to lead her through the crowd towards the villa garden.
“Ah, Darius! The man of the house!” a voice called from across the room. Darius stopped weaving through the crowd and turned towards the voice. The voice belonged to Gale Dekarios, or Gale of Waterdeep as he preferred to be called. Dulcinea was familiar with him as he and the Selemchants floated in the same social circles. More importantly, her brother despised him. Any time Gale and Loroakkan were in the same room together, one could anticipate a condescending battle of wits that usually ended in petty insults and the occasional threat of a duel.
“Ah, Gale. How are you, my friend?” Darius replied, clapping Gale amicably on the back. Darius was visibly irritated that Gale was now standing in his way of a private encounter with Dulcinea.
“I am doing splendidly. As you’re probably aware, I have been appointed to a faculty position at Blackstaff Academy in the department of evocation. I shall begin lectures in the spring.”
Darius smiled thinly. “Congratulations, my friend. Truly an honor.”
Dulcinea felt a pleasant twist of her insides upon seeing Gale. Ever since she made her debut into the world of upper-echelon parties and galas last year, she’d harbored a secret, school girl’s crush on Gale of Waterdeep. She admired him as an exceptionally talented mage and his renowned command of the weave, but his rakish handsomeness never failed to put her heart aflutter. The candlelight that shone from the chandeliers above reflected off of his soulful brown eyes and the single earring that dangled from his left ear. He was in his late twenties but his face bore smile lines and wrinkles on his brow that conveyed how much time he spent deep in thought, studying dusty old tomes. Dulcinea swallowed hard, trying not to gawk at him in his dress robes which were a deep shade of eggplant purple.
Darius made a half-step towards the doors to the villa. “Miss Selemchant and I were just about to go for a walk in the garden.”
Gale nodded, half-bowing towards Dulcinea. “Yes, Miss Selemchant of Athkatla. It is a pleasure to see you once more. Did I overhear that you will be joining us at Blackstaff Academy in the spring? I offer my sincerest of congratulations for such an achievement.”
Dulcinea felt her cheeks redden as she curtsied clumsily. “Y-yes, I am quite looking forward to it,” she stammered, awkwardly trying to avert her gaze. “Um, Mister Tarm was just going to, ah, tell me a bit about his… research.” All of her years of etiquette training under Clothilde crumbled away in the face of Gale.
“Then I shall not interrupt,” Gale replied, recognizing his cue to take his leave. “But I do look forward to seeing how you flourish under the tutelage of the greatest wizards of our time this spring.”
Darius nodded curtly at Gale and quickly pulled Dulcinea into the garden. “Gods, read the room, Dekarios,” he spat under his breath. “Thank you for finessing our way out of that conversation.”
Dulcinea smiled sweetly. “Of course. I was quite looking forward to this. Hopefully there wont be further interruptions.”
Even amidst the crispness of autumn, the enchanted garden was in bloom. Carefully groomed topiaries lined the cobblestone path around the square-shaped garden, which hosted a small fountain at its center. Around the fountain, blankets of phlox and verbena sprouted from the ground in full bloom. The back walls of the garden boasted massive citrus trees whose perennially ripe fruit filled the air with the scent of lemon, grapefruit, and orange. On either side of the citrus trees stood tall square topiaries that spanned the rest of the garden walls.
Darius led Dulcinea behind the back garden topiaries. Quietly, he whispered an incantation for a cloak of invisibility which lessened the odds that they would be caught by other guests. He could have taken her up to his room for the night, but such a choice would be far too obvious and, besides, Darius loved the thrill of exhibitionism.
“Dulcinea, Dulcinea,” he growled seductively. “What sweetness you have in those hazel eyes and under this dress.”
“As much as I’m sure you desire to see it, I’m afraid I must decline. I am a lady after all,” Dulcinea said coyly, batting her eyelashes. “But there are… other activities that we may enjoy.”
“I will savor any sweetness of yours that I can get,” Darius hummed, pulling Dulcinea in close. She could smell the wine on his breath and the intoxicating musk of his cologne. He leaned into her neck to kiss her as she leaned her head to the side, offering her soft décolleté to his touch. He inhaled sharply, taking in Dulcinea’s scent, which was buttery and sweet.
Dulcinea moaned softly at the touch of his lips, which now moved upwards towards her jawline, her cheeks, and finally to her lips. His tongue flicked her bottom lip, begging for her to allow him entry. Dulcinea obliged, feeling his tongue slide into her mouth eagerly. She returned the favor, biting his bottom lip before advancing her tongue into his mouth. Darius’ hands slid from Dulcinea’s mid back to her ass, cupping it gently as he kissed her. Dulcinea pulled her lips away, drawing in a sharp breath as she studied Darius’ face. She was beginning to feel a touch light-headed from a combination of the alcohol, the tightness of her corset the weight of her dress, and the wet, primal arousal that lay beneath it all.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Darius breathed, leaning in to kiss her neck once more while Dulcinea caught her breath.
“Yes,” she sighed, pulling him in closer to her. He trailed his kisses down her neck, to her collarbone, finally coming to rest his lips on the curve of her soft breasts.
“May I offer you a kiss of a different sort?” Darius asked, making a painfully obvious innuendo in an attempt to get under Dulcinea’s dress.
“I can’t give away all of my secrets in one night, you know,” Dulcinea giggled. “After all, what else would we have left do once I get to Blackstaff?”
The tables had turned and now she was the one pursuing him, or so she wanted him to believe. She found Darius’ overtures boring, but a friend in a high place is a friend nonetheless and this friend could take her to even higher places yet. Her attendance at Blackstaff was a convenient excuse to lure him in while granting herself some distance. Truth be told, she wished it was Gale wanting to get under her skirt that night.
“Right you are, sweetness,” Darius replied, once more invoking the meaning of Dulcinea’s name. “There will be plenty of opportunities to discuss my work come spring.”
“I shall be sure to seek a meeting with you once I arrive,” Dulcinea purred. She nodded towards the villa. “Shall we? I could do with more wine.”
Darius smirked. “Certainly.” Like before, she lay her palm atop his as he escorted her back inside of the main hall.
As Dulcinea took a goblet of wine from an attendant, she could hear an argument starting across the room. “No, no, no! You could not possibly be more incorrect!” Lorroakan bellowed. He and Gale had picked up where they’d left off, arguing about some obscure topic of arcane knowledge. Loroakkan had already managed to lose his temper in the short time that Dulcinea had stepped out into the garden.
“Your disagreement does not surprise me, Lorroakan. In fact, you’re quite the predictable one. When you’re armed with a better defense of your treatise, you know where to find me,” Gale replied smugly. “Perhaps your temper will have abated as well.”
Dulcinea groaned in irritation. He always harangued her about her behavior at parties, but he was twice as bad as her at getting himself escorted from parties, taking her with him as collateral damage.
“Give me a moment, please,” she sighed, leaving Darius’ side. She drained her wine goblet and set it on a side table before walking quickly across the room to her brother.
“Lorroakan,” she said, her voice as stern as she could manage as she felt the alcohol seep into her system, causing her head to buzz as if it were full of bees. “You need to stop. Now”.
Lorroakan turned to face his sister, his eyes flaming with rage. He’d had too much to drink and he was slightly unsteady on his feet. “And you need to stop sneaking off into the garden to get your tits touched,” he roared. “Besides,” he said, shooting a look at Gale. “Mystra’s little chew toy was just about to leave, weren’t you Gale?”
Gale’s cheeks reddened as he struggled to maintain composure. “Mystra has merely requested my presence, nothing more. I mustn’t keep my goddess waiting.” He glanced at Dulcinea who was still standing a half-step behind her brother. “I look forward to seeing you in the spring, Miss Selemchant,” he said awkwardly as he turned to make a quick exit.
“Is everything alright over here?” Darius asked, appearing behind the Selemchant siblings. They had caused quite the stir that evening and people were starting to stare.
Dulcinea smiled politely. “Yes Mister Tarm. All is well. I’m afraid my brother and I must depart, however. I’m feeling a touch unwell.” She offered Darius an apologetic look. “Thank you for being such a gracious host. I look forward to seeing you in the spring.”
“Of course. I am sure I shall make some exciting discoveries through my research that I can share with you this spring,” he replied, kissing Dulcinea’s hand. “I wish you a pleasant evening, Miss Selemchant.”
Dulcinea gave a small curtsy before leading Lorroakan out of the villa.
“I was having a nice evening until you started acting like an ass,” she hissed at him.
“Oh, I’m sure you were. Having Darius Tarm up your skirt must have been the highlight of the evening aside from dancing the fucking Volta in polite company. Where the hell have your sensibilities gone?”
Lorroakan snapped his fingers, returning them to the inn. “I hope you had a lovely time being a whore in the garden, Dulcinea. I’m sure that will net you a husband.”
“If you hadn’t started arguing with Gale, we wouldn’t be having this discussion!” Dulcinea was beginning to raise her voice in frustration.
“Do you think I didn’t see you gawking at him, too?” Lorroakan snapped. “You sure have excellent taste, sister.”
“What in the hells is that supposed to mean?”
“Gale of Waterdeep, one of the most pompous wizards of the realm and Mystra’s latest fuck toy? In essence, someone astronomically out of your league and absolutely off limits?” Lorroakan spat.
Dulcinea gave him a confused look, the anger draining from her face. “Hold on - is Gale, a mortal man, the consort of Mystra?”
Loroakkan snorted. “Consort is a kind word for that. He’s her lapdog, her plaything, and an easy lay when she feels like it. He’s completely naive to the fact that she doesn’t give a flying fuck about him. It’s rather comical when you think about it: an archmage being duped by a goddess.”
Dulcinea recoiled slightly. She knew Gale was out of her league from the standpoint of arcane acumen, but she didn’t realize that he was very much so spoken for. “Oh,” she finally said after a moment of silence.
Lorroakan smirked. “But sounds like you’ll be busy enough with Darius Tarm. Seems like he’s cultivated an interest in you. Let’s hope it’s more than skin deep, hm?”
Dulcinea scowled contemptuously at her brother. “Get out of my room,” she snarled.
“With pleasure,” Lorroakan hissed, slamming the door behind him as he left.
Dulcinea sighed heavily as she turned towards Clothilde. “I’m terribly sorry about that.”
Clothilde shrugged passively. “Not like that’s anything new. Sounds like he was the trouble-maker tonight, eh?”
“I suppose.”
“Something happened tonight, didn’t it?” Clothilde had known Dulcinea her whole life. She could tell simply by Dulcinea’s tone and her posture that something was the matter.
“I ran into you-know-who and found out that he’s spoken for,” Dulcinea sighed, unlacing her boots.
“I’m sorry, rabbit,” Clothilde replied. “I know you’ve held a torch for him for a year now.” The halfling stepped onto the stool to unlace Dulcinea’s dress for her.
“I hurt my own feelings over him. I’m too young for him, too unwieldy with the weave, and he’s romantically involved with Mystra, apparently, so I’m too mortal as well.” Dulcinea felt a hard lump form in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying and failing to suppress the tears that formed in her eyes.
Clothilde gave Dulcinea a sympathetic pat on the back. “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re better off without him. Besides, sounds like something is brewing with Mister Tarm, eh? You’ll forget the wizard of Waterdeep in no time.”
“But I always get what I want. Why can’t I have him?” Dulcinea’s voice trembled as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m Dulcinea Selemchant, gods damnit! I always get what I want. And I want him, not Darius Tarm.” She stomped her foot, scowling in frustration, a childhood habit of hers when she didn’t get what she wanted. Ordinarily, her father would relent and give her whatever it was, but he couldn’t simply order another human to marry his daughter. Thayze was a powerful man and an even more powerful wizard, but some things were beyond the command of mortals.
“There’s no use crying over it, rabbit. Let’s get you into your nightgown and I’ll make you some licorice tea,” Clothilde said, giving Dulcinea’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “That always soothes the soul.”
Dulcinea smiled and nodded as she put her nightgown on. Clothilde always knew how best to comfort her. Clothilde knew best most of the time and Dulcinea hoped that she could continue her track record when it came to getting over Gale.
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tragcdys · 2 years
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you’ve ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ 𝑑𝑎𝑧𝑧𝑙𝑒𝑑, ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 . your nature is seduction & silkened words. you are * the femme fatale..... * however forewarning there’s a savagery to you. gaze 𝚏𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 your attention spins & spins like a ballerina; its dizzying; its exhausting. you’re not quite sure where you’re going to land. hands are reaching out to catch you 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐰𝐞 but they are never quite able to prevent your 𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥. 
like   a   message   from   above   you   were   sent   to   your   family   raven   haired   &   ocean   eyed.   you   grew   up   in   love   and   kindness   with   a   happy   childhood   among   siblings   who   loved   you   so.   early   on   your   beauty   was   praised,   established.   but   your   allure   came   at   a   price,   it   always   would,   it   always   has.   your   innocence   was   stolen   from   you   before   you   hit   your   early   teens.   today   you   push   it   off,   convince   yourself   it   made   you   stronger,   fortified   you.   but   the   truth   is   you   were   just   so   young   &   robbed   of   your   childhood.   (   in   many   ways   )   scouted   for   child   modeling,   acting,   your   parents   marketed   on   your   gift.   this   was   the   beginnings   of   a   rage   written   inside   your   skin   now.   you   grew   &   bloomed   but   try   to   ignore   the   rising   anger   bubbling   inside   you   but   it   is   you   now,   you   are   it.   the   world   adores   you   but   deep   down   you   just   want   to   turn   away   from   it   all.   you’re   tired.   you’re   worn.   but   the   world   is   as   savage   as   your   heart.   you   learn   &   adapt   morphing   yourself   into   what   you   need   to   be   to   pay   your   bills   and   make   a   way   for   yourself.   like   a   chameleon   layla   you   are   constantly   shifting   your   colors   to   hide   your   true   self.   the   male   gaze   has   always   found   you   with   ease,   but   you’ve   never   been   able   to   quite   meet   it.   for   a   vixen   yourself   you   have   found   yourself   vexed   by   doe   eyes   and   supple   skin   time   and   time   again.   your   body   betrays   you   sometimes.   sometimes   it   doesn’t   feel   like   its   yours,   sometimes   you   wish   to   present   yourself   anew   to   rid   yourself   of   this   burden   of   beauty.   outwardly   you   play   the   parts   you   need   to   to   make   it   in   this   world,   to   charm   &   smooze,   but   inwardly   you   are   often   scrutinizing   and   judging   those   around   you.   no   one   bats   a   eye,   questions   it,   because   you   flash   a   sparkling   smile   &   they’re   yours.   but   you   ache   for   someone   to   see   you.   the   real   you.   to   tear   apart   your   colors   and   see   the   wash   of   bleak   grays   and   tinged   whites   beneath   it   all.   your   canvas   is   washed   of   color   &   no   one   would   even   know   it.   you   are   the   worlds   muse,   the   beholders   fixation,   but   you’re   left   empty   and   cold   hearted.
in the mean time, layla is demiwoman using she&hers and they&them to define themselves, and is 32 years old. life goes on for them as most everyone else’s does; working at venus salon as a nail tech & club bacchae as a dancer, and if she can’t be found there, she can usually be found at pandora’s closet, doing shopping. they are originally from gold coast, australia and they now live in atlantis apartments. to date, layla has been on magnetic island for seven years.
faceclaim: megan fox / sexuality: homoflexible / relationship status: void / height: 5′5 / health: ptsd, occasional gender dysphoria, narcissism, drug use ( coke ), manic depression ( or bipolar spectrum )  / noticeable: hair, full lips, shapely figure / notes: more tba im so sleepy aH i need to make a wc tab too tba tba i swear
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chaoticgood-munson · 2 years
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I posted 643 times in 2022
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#eddie munson stranger things - 15 posts
#eddie stranger things - 13 posts
#eddie munson x reader - 11 posts
#eddie munson x you - 11 posts
#eddie munson fanfiction - 11 posts
#fanfiction - 10 posts
#max mayfield - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#the fact that you posted the thing i was thinking about makes me want to be your friend
My Top Posts in 2022:
And I Need You to Know - Eddie Munson x Mayfield!Fem!Reader
Here is chapter 9! After this, you will be seeing future chapters edited by me after the author sends them my way! I'm so excited for the rest of this story you guys have no idea!
Author: The_Unforgivenn
Ao3 link: And I Need You to Know
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Chapter 9: A Little Piece of Heaven
Your mother had beautiful hair.  Well, to be fair, she has beautiful hair, but not like it was when you all lived in California.  It made you a bit envious, as much as a kid could be envious about such things.  The California sun had kissed rays of honey-colored highlights all throughout her vibrant red mane, turning it that strawberry blonde that so often was poorly recreated in salons across the gold coast.  She was blessed with naturally long, softly curling locks that cascaded past her shoulder blades, always tied back with a flowery bandana.
Your dad loved your mom’s hair.
Some nights, you’d catch them cuddling on the couch or sunset gazing on the back porch, your dad’s fingers delicately sweeping through her silky strands over and over.  You’d hear her contented hum as he brushed the hair away from her face, from her temples, running his fingers through all the way to the end, just to repeat the process, again and again.  She’d often fall asleep like that under your father’s doting gaze and nimble, gentle touch.
She doesn’t fall asleep like that anymore.
Max’s hair is similar to your mother’s, the only difference is a notably darker shade of red that does not possess the same golden highlights; perhaps the sun in Indiana is just not bright enough for that kind of magic.  Even without the blonde dimensions, Max’s shade of red is deep and bright, like her. 
Or, like how she was. 
You’re a bit envious of hers, too; your more dominant genes allowed for none of her fairer traits to come through.  You know it’s not really envy you feel, it’s more adoration, and thus the driving force behind why Max’s head is currently resting in your lap as you watch the ending sequence of The Outsiders, your fingers winding idly through her tresses.  Every so often, you hear a small, relaxed sigh, and even if she doesn’t end up sharing with you what was bothering her so much this morning, you’re hopeful that she at least feels temporarily better about it.
“I kinda think Emilio Estevez is hot,” you whisper suddenly to Max.
“Are you kidding?  Hotter than Matt Dillon?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
“Hotter than Rob Lowe?!”
You pause.  “Welllll…”
Max snickers.  “I’m gonna tell Eddie that you’re hot for the complete anti-Eddie in this cast.  Seriously.”
Her comment has you reeling overdramatically.  “How is Emilio the anti-Eddie?  Two-Bit is like THE Eddie in this movie!”
“He wears a Mickey Mouse shirt underneath his leather jacket,” she deadpans.
“Oh.  Good point.”
“Yeah, I’m right,” Max mutters smugly.
“Eh, sis, I kinda gotta disagree,” you muse, and Max turns to look up at you.  “He’s the oldest, he’s repeated high school like, 3 times, he’s super loyal, and he’s always talking, constantly needing to be the center of attention.  How is that anti-Eddie?”
“Sheesh.  You’re making your boyfriend sound like a real winner.”
You snort.  “Not my boyfriend.”
Max snorts back.  “Yeah, right.”
You shake away the swooping feeling that slashes through your belly with the mention of the b word.  “We weren’t talking about characters, anyway.  We were talking about the actors.  Emilio and Eddie are nothing alike.”
“If you say so.”
“Fine.  Who do you think is the hottest?”
See the full post
32 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
And I Need You to Know - Eddie Munson x Mayfield!Fem Reader
There are many ways to cope with grief, and (Y/N) Mayfield is not sure where to start. She finds some solace in writing it all down, but it’s not enough.
Enter The Metalhead of Forest Hills Trailer Park to provide her with exactly what she needs to transform her tumultuous (and scary dark) emotions from paper into something real.
It works. The Elder Mayfield is on her way to healing, and perhaps, feeling something she wasn’t sure she was capable of feeling…
It’s too bad that high school hormones, jealous emotions, and Season Four gets in the fucking way.
PS: I don’t own any of these characters, songs, any of it. Not even close. Nada. Disclaimer done.
Notes: Hey everyone! This is an Eddie fic on AO3 which I love so much and felt the need to share with you all! The original writer and I have been chatting and since she doesn't have a Tumblr that I will be sharing the fic on my own page. Of course I will be giving her credit just below.
Author: The_Unforgivenn
AO3 link: And I Need You To Know
Please make sure you read all the tags below!
Tags: Explicit Sexual Content,Explicit Language,Sexual Tension,Sexual Content,Resolved Sexual Tension,Emotional Hurt/Comfort,Emotional Hurt,Consensual Sex,Dirty Talk,Praise Kink,Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart,Protective Eddie Munson,Eddie Munson Has ADHDE,ddie Munson Has a Crush,Canon-Typical Violence,Canon Related,Oral Sex,Rough Sex,Vaginal Sex,Eddie Munson is a Rock God,Eddie Munson is Soft for Chrissy Cunningham,Inspired by Music,Songwriting,Falling In Love,Idiots in Love,Jealousy,Jealous Eddie Munson,Jealous Gareth,Gareth Can’t Handle It,Eddie Munson has Mad Composing Skills,Based on the Discography of Avenged Sevenfold,Eddie’s Voice is Just Like M. Shadow’s and No One Can Tell Me Otherwise,Avenged Sevenfold Wrote This Fic,My First SmutMy First AO3 Post,My First Fanfic,Minimal use of Y/N,Slow Burn,Kas!Eddie Munson,V,ampire Eddie Munson
Without further ado, And I Need You to Know!
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Chapter One: The Elton to My Bernie
You needed help. 
It was glaringly obvious even to the casual observer. The events over the last year had changed you, and how could they not? You’d seen death. You’d felt it. You’d smelled it, for Christ’s sake. The acrid stench of decay crept in through your mouth and nostrils just like a poor-man’s version of the Mind Flayer. It seeped into your system and transformed you into the shell of a human, a shitty mirror image that you didn’t even recognize.
You needed help, and not just for you, but for your little sister, Max.
You were forced to be present for her, because your drunken excuse for a mother couldn’t be bothered. Ever since your asshole brother died in the fire, and that even bigger asshole Neil abandoned your family, your mother had spiraled into a dark abyss of self-pity sponsored by whiskey and broken promises. 
It didn’t matter what you’re feeling (or, more accurately, what you’re not feeling), that suffocating mask of so-called strength was applied every morning as you awaken to a world that doesn’t give two shits about you, Max, or your situation. You put it on because you had to. You fake the bravery and the composure in favor of a routine and stability for the most important person in your life. At some point, you thought you’d start to feel, too. It just hasn’t happened yet.
Hence, the help.
You watched your potential help spit gravel behind his van as he enthusiastically maneuvered it into the tight turn that led in the trailer park. If you could feel, you’d feel amused. Eddie Munson was a force of nature in your eyes—the man was unapologetically himself, a town-proclaimed and self-promoted freak with enough personality to share with everyone. He reveled in his madness and it made you feel jealous as much as it amused you. If you could feel at the moment, anyway.
He was known to you from your senior year at Hawkins High a year before, that year being his (first) repeat year. Your paths didn’t cross—you were athletic and involved in various sports, and he was decidedly not and involved in making sure it was well-known he was vehemently against all of the conformity of organized anything. Well, except Hellfire. Could you consider that organized, when the man that personified ADHD was at the helm? Probably not. So, it worked.
You were known to him only because you’d become his neighbor two months ago, after the events at Starcourt altered your reality and your life indefinitely. He didn’t know you before. He didn’t know you even as your life began to change the year before, when the pumpkins rotted in the fields and Dustin befriended a fucking monster and Will was a fucking monster.
He didn’t know you before, when you were running circles around the girls in track practice, confidence growing in tandem with your acceptance of the less-than-ideal move from sunny California to dull-ass Indiana.
But it was growing on you. Your teammates were growing on you. Your step-brother, for all of his moody, broody bullshit, was growing on you. You also felt like Max was easing in and finding a place to grow (and maybe people to grow with?), too. It’s not like your life as the Mayfield-Hargroves was fancy by any means, but it was certainly offered better quality than a musty, moth-eaten, mold-infested existence across from the Munsons in the shittiest trailer park that central Indiana had to offer.
Just like those blackened, decaying pumpkins in Merrill’s fields, your growth was halted, and you started to decay just the same from the inside out.
Max had noticed, and it was starting to affect her. 
This is why you found yourself sitting atop the covered picnic table, watching Eddie spin his A-Team knockoff into his makeshift parking spot in front of his trailer, whipping gravel behind him as the van rocked on its axel, dust settling around like a sigh of relief as it came to an abrupt stop. Your palms were tacky with sweat as you clutched your composition notebook, resolve threatening to waver as you watched the bushy-haired metalhead exit the driver’s side door. He was like a fucking cat, moving with such strange quickness and grace that didn’t quite fit the mold of his gangly body; he was almost up the steps to his trailer before you had a chance to react and bark out a greeting to your future savior.  Hopefully.
He jolted in shock, both from the harshness of the address and the identity of the addressee. His hand hovered over the latch to the storm door as he warily turned his head toward you, as you continued to stomp towards his trailer.
That tone was unintentionally brash, but here we were. You didn’t really care what your voice sounded like, or how you were perceived these days.
See the full post
33 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
And I Need You To Know - Eddie Munson x Mayfield!Fem!Reader
This part is 18+ only! Minors DNI!!
What you've all been waiting for
Author: The_Unforgivenn
Ao3 link: And I Need You to Know
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Chapter 8: Scream
“I said, I don’t want to talk about it, sis,” Max huffs angrily as she presses her forehead against the rolled up window of your car.
You bite your tongue, knowing that if you continue to push her, she’s going to dig her metaphorical heels deeper into her resolve to keep her mouth shut about whatever it is that has been bothering her this past weekend.  Part of you wonders if she’s not upset with you.  Typically, your barometer for Max’s temperament is frighteningly accurate, and though she may initially put up a fight, you’re always there as her solace and refuge to weather whatever storm of emotions roll through. 
But, you were rather preoccupied by a certain tall, brown-eyed metalhead over the weekend, and admittedly you feel guilty that Max’s well-being largely went unnoticed by you.  You weren’t there for her like you usually are, and so as you navigate the roads to Hawkins High, you try your best to take advantage of the close quarters of the vehicle to coax her out of her mood.
“I don’t work at the bank today.  I can come pick you up at lunch and we can go take a drive somewhere and just… be.  If you want.”
“I’m not going to sacrifice an afternoon of my education to play hooky with you just so you can feel better about practically ignoring me all weekend.”
Ah.  So she is upset with you.
Max sighs.  “Sorry.  I didn’t mean that, not really.”
“It’s okay if you did.  I was around Eddie a lot this weekend.”
“Yeah but I’m seriously cool with that,” she assures you. “He seems good for you. You’re…different.”
“I feel different.”
“I wish I did.” She’s blankly staring again at the passing trees, eyes sad and unfocused.
Your tone is gentle. “I wish I knew what’s going on.”
“Well, what if I can’t tell if it’s just stupid 14-year-old hormones or something that actually matters?”
That makes your heart plummet in your chest.  “Uh, does having hormones all of a sudden negate the importance of your feelings?”
Max considers this for a moment. “Yes?”
You give her a good natured shove. “The answer is a resounding fuck no, Max.”
A ghost of a smile threatens to twist the corners of her mouth.  She sighs heavily as you pull into the parking lot.  “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me, sometimes.”
You carefully chew on your answer as you spot a familiar brown BMW sedan and pull in to the spot next to it.  You put the car in park and exhale a long breath.  “I’m so sorry you feel like there’s something wrong with you.  I can tell you all day that there isn’t, but I’m sure those words probably seem hollow, even though they are true.”  You appreciate Max’s tiny nod before continuing.  “No matter what you’re feeling, it’s important, okay?  It’s just you and me tonight, and we can go rent some movies from dingus one and two over there,” you toss your head behind you to indicate Steve and Robin in the car.  “Or, I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.  You don’t have to fight alone, Max.”
Max sniffs and nods curtly.  “I just hate this.”
You reach across the console to take her wrist in your hand and give it a gentle squeeze.  “I hate it for you.”  You’re both quiet for a moment.  “Is there anything I can do, right now?”
Max continues to stare ahead.  “No,” she sighs.  “No.  I’ll be fine.  But, um, can I pick the movie tonight?”
She meets your gaze as you chuckle.  “Yeah, done.  Your choice of snacks, too.”
Max tips a half-hearted smile.  “Sweet.”  Her eyebrows shoot up as her eyes focus behind you.  “Uh, sis?” she motions with a flick of her chin.  “Are you in trouble with Robin or something?”
Your eyebrows furrow.  “What?” You turn in your seat quickly to find a one Robin Buckley standing outside your door, face set in a frown, arms crossed across her chest. “Huh,” you say as you sneak a look back at Max. “Apparently, I am.”
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37 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
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What have I stumbled across
38 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Afterglow - Joe Quinn x Fem!Reader
This is my first Joe Quinn fic. Please take it easy on me
I just want to say thank you to @icallhimjoey, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, and @mybffjoe for the encouraging words and advice. I love you guys
Based off the song Afterglow by Ed Sheeran
This is an RPF so please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable
Word count: 2k
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Joe felt a gentle pressure running along the bridge of his nose in light strokes, the soft touch beginning to wake him up. He let out a tired hum while his eyes started to crack open, vision blurry as they tried to adjust from his heavy slumber. The first thing he saw was your silhouette sitting in front of him as his eyes began to focus, your shape and features getting clearer in just a few seconds before everything sharpened and he was looking at you clearly now. 
A lazy, tired smile was placed on Joe’s lips briefly as he took the sight of you in. You were in one of his shirts, hanging off one of your shoulders where he could see your soft skin that he wanted to bite into but was too tired to actually do anything about it just yet. Joe loved you in his clothes. Behind you, the curtains to the window were open, and you were blocking the harsh shine of the sun from his eyes, causing a halo effect to dance off your hair in a way that made his heart nearly leap to his throat and feel as if time had stood still.
You were so goddamn beautiful.
“Good morning,” you greeted warmly, softly, your fingers leaving Joe’s nose to caress his cheek and your thumb now running along his cheekbone.
That seemed to make the world turn once again, bringing Joe out of his daze and he was suddenly not too tired anymore. He turned his head to quickly place a chaste kiss into your palm before he suddenly took hold of your wrist and pulled you to him, making you giggle as you tumbled into his chest while he wrapped an arm around you to bring you closer. Brushing his lips against yours, he mumbled a raspy, sleep-filled “Morning” before capturing your lips in a kiss, humming from the taste of coffee you’d been sipping on moments ago.
“I made you coffee,” you tried to get out, but Joe was making it quite difficult to speak with the way his lips tried to meld themselves to your own while he breathed you in through his nose.
“It can wait,” he breathed out between kisses, pulling you closer to him before he was rolling the two of you over so you were now under him, your head pressed against your pillow. It made a delightfully surprised noise escape you into the kiss, causing Joe’s lips to quirk up in a playful grin while trailing hot kisses down your jaw to your neck.
A content sigh fell from your lips at the feeling, a hand finding its way into Joe’s curly hair and scraping your nails lightly into his scalp. It sent a shiver down his spine and a small groan to leave him and vibrate into your warm skin. 
“It’ll get cold.” But you were taking Joe’s face into your hands and bringing his soft lips back to yours and kissing him with just as much love and urgency as he was giving you.
“That’s okay,” Joe assured you, softly nipping at your bottom lip. “You like cold coffee anyway.”
You hummed in agreement, but still tried to insist, “Yeah, but you hate-”
“Just need to kiss you for a little longer.” It was breathy and needy and so damn hot. His hand, the one that wasn’t cupping your neck while his thumb drew back and forth along your jawline, slid down your side before firmly taking a hold of your thigh and hooking it up and around his hip. It gave him room to press his hips deliciously into yours and caused you to moan into the kiss that Joe happily swallowed before he was letting out a huff of hot air against your lips when he did it again.
And you met Joe’s hips every time, starting slow and lazy but becoming more steady and desperate with each roll. “T-This,” you let out a small whine from the friction. “This doesn’t feel like just kissing, Joey.” But you weren’t complaining. Far from it, actually.
“Promise it’s just kissing,” Joe mumbled an assurance into your lips, stilling his hips but keeping them pressed to yours before leaning his head back, away from the kiss to look down at you. His eyes danced along your face, taking in your flushed cheeks and wet lips that had turned a slightly darker shade of pink from the ferocity of your kiss. 
Fucking stunning.
Joe let out a whine from his throat when he sighed through his nostrils before diving back in, planting kisses against your lips in shallow, open-mouthed smooches. It made your brain feel fuzzy, giggling from his antics and bringing your hands to his cheeks. You loved the way his stubble scratched against your fingertips, dragging your thumbs along the light scruff. His hand left your thigh and dragged back up your body, tracing along your curves before making its way up to your hair and cradling the back of your head. He pulled away once again, just so he could see your beautiful face. 
“I love you so much,” he told you through an exhale, words full of adoration and disbelief. Disbelief at the fact that he called you his and you called him yours. It didn’t matter to Joe how long the two of you had been together, he would never let go of this feeling, holding on tighter to it for as long as you would let him. 
With one last, deep kiss, Joe pulled away to roll off the bed before looking for a shirt in the dresser. He didn’t give you a chance to ask where he was going. “M’making breakfast. Your favorite.” Grabbing the coffee you had set down for him on the bedside table, poured into his favorite mug, he took a sip and moaned appreciatively at the taste while leaving the bedroom.
You sat up in bed as you watched Joe leave, feeling flustered from just moments ago. Eyes lingering on the spot where Joe had just been sleeping, you ran your hand along the warm sheets. Music started playing softly from the kitchen, the chords of a familiar song flowing through the spaces of your home. It made you feel as if a blanket were being wrapped around you, or Joe’s arms. You’d accept the ladder more than the former. But he was in the kitchen right now, so the best you could do was lie back down and curl yourself in a blanket that smelled like him with your head resting on his pillow that also had his scent, clouding your senses with Joe.
It was definitely going to be one of those days. You’d confirmed it the moment you’d woken up. Joe was usually the one to wake up before you, but he’d just gotten home from traveling for work and you knew he needed to stay asleep for a little longer than normal while you’d made him his coffee. It was going to be just the two of you today. No phones, no TV, no disturbances. This was a normal occurrence in your relationship, to let yourselves forget about the world and just be wrapped up in each other’s presence, each other’s love.  
“Babe!” You hadn’t realized you were falling asleep until Joe was calling for you, making you nearly jump out of your skin from the suddenness. “Come here!”
His tone confused you, mixed with excitement and wonder. After slowing your racing heart, you called back, “What is it?”
“Just get over here!”
See the full post
303 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Aspects you Must Consider before Opting for any Dreadlocks Service
One of the most awe-inspiring and exotic hair transformations is bound to be 'dreadlocks'. Everyone admires how beautiful and mesmerizing dreadlocks can be which is probably why dreadlocks services in Gold Coast are skyrocketing in popularity. If you are considering getting them done yourself and are reviewing suitable salons to opt for, there are certain essential facts you need to know. This pdf offers tips and considerations that can help guide your decision to get gorgeous locks. Start your journey today!
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lavyahairdesign · 2 months
When to Book a Formal Hair and Makeup Service
The bride’s beauty look is one of the biggest and most important details of her wedding day. Whether she chooses to go for an elegant updo or romantic curls, a natural beauty look or something bolder, the makeup and hair should enhance her features while complementing her wedding dress and overall aesthetic. While some couples do favors and place cards themselves, many opt to hire a professional to create the perfect beauty look for their special day.
If you’re planning a formal event and are looking for a Gold Coast hair and makeup service, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing and booking your pro.
Prom season is a busy time for formal hair and makeup artists as well as for salons and spas. Make sure to book your wedding or prom services with plenty of advance notice so you can be guaranteed that the hair and makeup professionals you want will be available. It’s also a good idea to book hair and makeup services on the same day, as this will allow you to get ready at the same time with the same stylists and eliminate the possibility of any miscommunications.
When to Book a Hair Trial
Generally speaking, your hair and makeup trials should be scheduled when you’ve selected the venue and secured your dress and veil. This will give you a clear vision of what your look should be like on the big day and will help ensure that the makeup and hair are in keeping with your style. It’s also a great opportunity for you to get to know your makeup and hair artist(s), which will make it much easier to work with them on your wedding day.
When to Book a Makeup Trial
A hair and makeup trial is essential for any bride, regardless of if she’s wearing her own hair or going with a professional. Most makeup artists will include a trial in their bridal packages, but if you’re working with someone who doesn’t, expect to pay an additional fee. Makeup trials are also a great opportunity for you to discuss any skin issues you might have, as well as any specific products you may want to use on your wedding day, such as false eyelashes or airbrush foundation.
Should You Do Your Makeup Before or After Your Hair?
While there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the best way to do your beauty routine on your wedding day, most makeup artists will agree that it’s better to do your makeup first. This allows the products to dry and sets your face for any touch ups you may need later on.
It’s also a good idea to ask your hair and makeup artist(s) about their tips, as they might expect you to leave a 15%-25% tip depending on how happy you are with the results. In addition, you’ll need to factor in any add-on costs that might be involved, such as extra makeup or hair products or travel fees.
Lavya Hair Design are your first choice for a Hairdresser in Toowoomba for modern hair cuts, crisp clean hair colours and naturally nourished hair.
Visit our brand new salon in Toowoomba Plaza near Kmart, where you can relax in style and be pampered whilst enjoying our affordable hair package deals.
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oralcarehealth · 2 months
Sparkle and Shine: The Trendy World of Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast
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In the realm of beauty and fashion, there's always something new and exciting making waves. One such trend that's catching everyone's attention, especially on the vibrant shores of the Gold Coast, is tooth gems. These tiny, sparkling adornments add a touch of glam to your smile, making a bold statement wherever you go. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of tooth gems Gold Coast, explore the challenges, provide a step-by-step guide, present a case study, and conclude with insights into this dazzling trend.
Challenges of Getting Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast;
While tooth gems may seem like a fun and harmless trend, there are challenges to consider:
Improper application or low-quality materials can lead to damage to the tooth enamel or oral health issues.
Ensuring that the procedure is performed by a qualified professional using safe and sterile techniques is essential.
Tooth gems require regular maintenance to ensure they remain securely attached and free from plaque buildup.
Depending on the materials used, there may be a risk of discoloration or damage to the tooth enamel over time.
Guide to Getting Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast;
Start by researching reputable dental clinics or beauty salons on the Gold Coast that offer tooth gem services. Look for reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers.
Schedule a consultation appointment to discuss your desired tooth gem design, placement, and any concerns you may have. A qualified professional will assess your dental health and suitability for the procedure.
Select a tooth gem that complements your personality and style. Options range from subtle clear gems to bold colored crystals, allowing you to customize your smile.
Before the procedure, your dentist or technician will clean and prepare the tooth surface for bonding. This may involve polishing and etching to ensure a secure attachment.
Using dental adhesive or resin, the tooth gem is carefully bonded to the surface of the tooth. Precision is key to achieving a seamless and long-lasting result.
Once the gem is securely in place, any excess adhesive is removed, and final adjustments are made to ensure comfort and aesthetics.
Emily's Dazzling Smile Transformation;
Emily, a fashion enthusiast from the Gold Coast, decided to add some sparkle to her smile with tooth gems. After researching reputable dental clinics, she booked a consultation with a qualified dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry. Together, they discussed Emily's vision for her smile and selected a delicate diamond gem for her upper incisor.
During the procedure, Emily felt comfortable and relaxed as the dentist carefully applied the gem using precise techniques. The result was stunning – a subtle yet eye-catching sparkle that perfectly complemented Emily's radiant personality.
Tooth gems on the Gold Coast offer a unique way to express your individuality and enhance your smile. While there are challenges to consider, such as safety and maintenance, with proper care and professional application, tooth gems can be a safe and stylish addition to your beauty routine.
By following a step-by-step guide and consulting with qualified professionals, you can achieve a dazzling smile transformation that will turn heads and boost your confidence. So why wait? Embrace the trend and let your smile shine bright with tooth gems on the Gold Coast!
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beautyonqueen · 2 years
The power of a pedicure should not be underestimated
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Heading to the spa for a manicure or pedicure is like a bit of vacation. People like to visit the spa to break from the monotonous and regular corners of their houses. Go https://bit.ly/3h12j7e #waxing #facial #beautysalon #salon #australia #Massage #Southport #Pedicure
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freshbreathproducts · 2 months
Sparkle and Shine: The Trendy World of Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast
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In the realm of beauty and fashion, there's always something new and exciting making waves. One such trend that's catching everyone's attention, especially on the vibrant shores of the Gold Coast, is tooth gems. These tiny, sparkling adornments add a touch of glam to your smile, making a bold statement wherever you go. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of tooth gems Gold Coast, explore the challenges, provide a step-by-step guide, present a case study, and conclude with insights into this dazzling trend.
Challenges of Getting Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast;
While tooth gems may seem like a fun and harmless trend, there are challenges to consider:
Improper application or low-quality materials can lead to damage to the tooth enamel or oral health issues.
Ensuring that the procedure is performed by a qualified professional using safe and sterile techniques is essential.
Tooth gems require regular maintenance to ensure they remain securely attached and free from plaque buildup.
Depending on the materials used, there may be a risk of discoloration or damage to the tooth enamel over time.
Guide to Getting Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast;
Start by researching reputable dental clinics or beauty salons on the Gold Coast that offer tooth gem services. Look for reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers.
Schedule a consultation appointment to discuss your desired tooth gem design, placement, and any concerns you may have. A qualified professional will assess your dental health and suitability for the procedure.
Select a tooth gem that complements your personality and style. Options range from subtle clear gems to bold colored crystals, allowing you to customize your smile.
Before the procedure, your dentist or technician will clean and prepare the tooth surface for bonding. This may involve polishing and etching to ensure a secure attachment.
Using dental adhesive or resin, the tooth gem is carefully bonded to the surface of the tooth. Precision is key to achieving a seamless and long-lasting result.
Once the gem is securely in place, any excess adhesive is removed, and final adjustments are made to ensure comfort and aesthetics.
Emily's Dazzling Smile Transformation;
Emily, a fashion enthusiast from the Gold Coast, decided to add some sparkle to her smile with tooth gems. After researching reputable dental clinics, she booked a consultation with a qualified dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry. Together, they discussed Emily's vision for her smile and selected a delicate diamond gem for her upper incisor.
During the procedure, Emily felt comfortable and relaxed as the dentist carefully applied the gem using precise techniques. The result was stunning – a subtle yet eye-catching sparkle that perfectly complemented Emily's radiant personality.
Tooth gems on the Gold Coast offer a unique way to express your individuality and enhance your smile. While there are challenges to consider, such as safety and maintenance, with proper care and professional application, tooth gems can be a safe and stylish addition to your beauty routine.
By following a step-by-step guide and consulting with qualified professionals, you can achieve a dazzling smile transformation that will turn heads and boost your confidence. So why wait? Embrace the trend and let your smile shine bright with tooth gems on the Gold Coast!
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Sparkle and Shine: The Trendy World of Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast
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In the realm of beauty and fashion, there's always something new and exciting making waves. One such trend that's catching everyone's attention, especially on the vibrant shores of the Gold Coast, is tooth gems. These tiny, sparkling adornments add a touch of glam to your smile, making a bold statement wherever you go. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of tooth gems Gold Coast, explore the challenges, provide a step-by-step guide, present a case study, and conclude with insights into this dazzling trend.
Challenges of Getting Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast;
While tooth gems may seem like a fun and harmless trend, there are challenges to consider:
Improper application or low-quality materials can lead to damage to the tooth enamel or oral health issues.
Ensuring that the procedure is performed by a qualified professional using safe and sterile techniques is essential.
Tooth gems require regular maintenance to ensure they remain securely attached and free from plaque buildup.
Depending on the materials used, there may be a risk of discoloration or damage to the tooth enamel over time.
Guide to Getting Tooth Gems on the Gold Coast;
Start by researching reputable dental clinics or beauty salons on the Gold Coast that offer tooth gem services. Look for reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers.
Schedule a consultation appointment to discuss your desired tooth gem design, placement, and any concerns you may have. A qualified professional will assess your dental health and suitability for the procedure.
Select a tooth gem that complements your personality and style. Options range from subtle clear gems to bold colored crystals, allowing you to customize your smile.
Before the procedure, your dentist or technician will clean and prepare the tooth surface for bonding. This may involve polishing and etching to ensure a secure attachment.
Using dental adhesive or resin, the tooth gem is carefully bonded to the surface of the tooth. Precision is key to achieving a seamless and long-lasting result.
Once the gem is securely in place, any excess adhesive is removed, and final adjustments are made to ensure comfort and aesthetics.
Emily's Dazzling Smile Transformation;
Emily, a fashion enthusiast from the Gold Coast, decided to add some sparkle to her smile with tooth gems. After researching reputable dental clinics, she booked a consultation with a qualified dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry. Together, they discussed Emily's vision for her smile and selected a delicate diamond gem for her upper incisor.
During the procedure, Emily felt comfortable and relaxed as the dentist carefully applied the gem using precise techniques. The result was stunning – a subtle yet eye-catching sparkle that perfectly complemented Emily's radiant personality.
Tooth gems on the Gold Coast offer a unique way to express your individuality and enhance your smile. While there are challenges to consider, such as safety and maintenance, with proper care and professional application, tooth gems can be a safe and stylish addition to your beauty routine.
By following a step-by-step guide and consulting with qualified professionals, you can achieve a dazzling smile transformation that will turn heads and boost your confidence. So why wait? Embrace the trend and let your smile shine bright with tooth gems on the Gold Coast!
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couplesmassage-home · 2 months
Achieve a Sun-Kissed Glow: Ultimate Guide to Spray Tanning in Gold Coast
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With its stunning beaches and year-round sunshine, the Gold Coast is a haven for those seeking a bronzed and beautiful complexion. However, excessive sun exposure can pose risks to your skin's health, including premature aging and increased risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately, spray tanning offers a safe and convenient alternative to achieve that coveted sun-kissed glow without compromising your skin's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about spray tanning in Gold Coast – from preparation tips to aftercare advice.
The Benefits of Spray Tanning:
Spray tanning has become increasingly popular for its numerous benefits:
Safe Alternative: Unlike traditional sunbathing or tanning beds, spray tanning poses no risk of harmful UV radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.
Customizable Results: Professional spray tanning technicians can tailor the solution to your desired shade, ensuring a natural-looking tan that complements your skin tone.
Quick and Convenient: A spray tan session typically takes only a few minutes, offering instant results without the need for prolonged exposure to the sun.
Even Coverage: Spray tanning provides an even and streak-free tan, eliminating the risk of uneven tan lines or blotchy patches.
Preparing for Your Spray Tan:
To ensure optimal results and longevity of your spray tan, it's essential to prepare your skin beforehand:
Exfoliate: Remove dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin with a gentle scrub or exfoliating mitt. Focus on areas prone to dryness, such as elbows, knees, and ankles.
Shave or Wax: If necessary, shave or wax at least 24 hours before your spray tan appointment to allow your skin to recover and minimize the risk of irritation.
Avoid Moisturizers: Refrain from applying moisturizers, oils, or lotions to your skin on the day of your spray tan appointment, as they can interfere with the tanning solution's absorption.
Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, dark-colored clothing to wear to and from your spray tan appointment to avoid staining and allow the solution to develop properly.
During Your Spray Tan Session:
When you arrive for your spray tan appointment, follow these tips to ensure a seamless experience:
Communicate Your Preferences: Discuss your desired tan shade and any concerns or preferences with your spray tanning technician to ensure they can customize the solution accordingly.
Follow Instructions: Listen to your technician's instructions regarding body positioning and breathing during the spray tan application process to achieve even coverage.
Wear Protective Gear: Your technician may provide protective gear, such as disposable underwear or hair caps, to protect sensitive areas and minimize solution transfer.
Aftercare Tips for Long-Lasting Results:
To prolong the life of your spray tan and maintain its quality, follow these aftercare tips:
Avoid Water and Sweat: Refrain from showering, swimming, or engaging in activities that may cause sweating for at least 8-12 hours after your spray tan session to allow the solution to fully develop.
Moisturize Regularly: Hydrate your skin daily with a gentle moisturizer to extend the life of your tan and prevent it from fading unevenly.
Pat Dry: When showering, pat your skin dry gently with a towel rather than rubbing to avoid prematurely fading your tan.
Avoid Exfoliation: Steer clear of exfoliating products or techniques that may strip away your tan, and opt for gentle cleansing methods instead.
Choosing the Right Spray Tanning Salon in Gold Coast:
When selecting a spray tan Gold Coast, consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for a salon with positive reviews and a reputation for delivering high-quality, natural-looking spray tans.
Experience: Choose a salon with experienced and skilled spray tanning technicians who can customize the tan to your preferences.
Hygiene Standards: Ensure that the salon maintains strict hygiene standards and uses top-quality tanning solutions and equipment.
Consultation: Opt for a salon that offers a consultation prior to your spray tan session to discuss your preferences and address any concerns.
Spray tanning offers a safe, convenient, and effective way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without the risks associated with UV exposure. By following the preparation tips, during-session guidelines, and aftercare advice outlined in this guide, you can enjoy long-lasting, natural-looking results that enhance your beauty and boost your confidence. When choosing a spray tanning salon in Gold Coast, prioritize reputation, experience, hygiene standards, and consultation to ensure a positive and satisfying experience. Here's to radiant skin and endless summer vibes all year round!
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christmas-giftideas · 2 months
Achieve a Sun-Kissed Glow: Ultimate Guide to Spray Tanning in Gold Coast
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With its stunning beaches and year-round sunshine, the Gold Coast is a haven for those seeking a bronzed and beautiful complexion. However, excessive sun exposure can pose risks to your skin's health, including premature aging and increased risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately, spray tanning offers a safe and convenient alternative to achieve that coveted sun-kissed glow without compromising your skin's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about spray tanning in Gold Coast – from preparation tips to aftercare advice.
The Benefits of Spray Tanning:
Spray tanning has become increasingly popular for its numerous benefits:
Safe Alternative: Unlike traditional sunbathing or tanning beds, spray tanning poses no risk of harmful UV radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.
Customizable Results: Professional spray tanning technicians can tailor the solution to your desired shade, ensuring a natural-looking tan that complements your skin tone.
Quick and Convenient: A spray tan session typically takes only a few minutes, offering instant results without the need for prolonged exposure to the sun.
Even Coverage: Spray tanning provides an even and streak-free tan, eliminating the risk of uneven tan lines or blotchy patches.
Preparing for Your Spray Tan:
To ensure optimal results and longevity of your spray tan, it's essential to prepare your skin beforehand:
Exfoliate: Remove dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin with a gentle scrub or exfoliating mitt. Focus on areas prone to dryness, such as elbows, knees, and ankles.
Shave or Wax: If necessary, shave or wax at least 24 hours before your spray tan appointment to allow your skin to recover and minimize the risk of irritation.
Avoid Moisturizers: Refrain from applying moisturizers, oils, or lotions to your skin on the day of your spray tan appointment, as they can interfere with the tanning solution's absorption.
Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, dark-colored clothing to wear to and from your spray tan appointment to avoid staining and allow the solution to develop properly.
During Your Spray Tan Session:
When you arrive for your spray tan appointment, follow these tips to ensure a seamless experience:
Communicate Your Preferences: Discuss your desired tan shade and any concerns or preferences with your spray tanning technician to ensure they can customize the solution accordingly.
Follow Instructions: Listen to your technician's instructions regarding body positioning and breathing during the spray tan application process to achieve even coverage.
Wear Protective Gear: Your technician may provide protective gear, such as disposable underwear or hair caps, to protect sensitive areas and minimize solution transfer.
Aftercare Tips for Long-Lasting Results:
To prolong the life of your spray tan and maintain its quality, follow these aftercare tips:
Avoid Water and Sweat: Refrain from showering, swimming, or engaging in activities that may cause sweating for at least 8-12 hours after your spray tan session to allow the solution to fully develop.
Moisturize Regularly: Hydrate your skin daily with a gentle moisturizer to extend the life of your tan and prevent it from fading unevenly.
Pat Dry: When showering, pat your skin dry gently with a towel rather than rubbing to avoid prematurely fading your tan.
Avoid Exfoliation: Steer clear of exfoliating products or techniques that may strip away your tan, and opt for gentle cleansing methods instead.
Choosing the Right Spray Tanning Salon in Gold Coast:
When selecting a spray tan Gold Coast, consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for a salon with positive reviews and a reputation for delivering high-quality, natural-looking spray tans.
Experience: Choose a salon with experienced and skilled spray tanning technicians who can customize the tan to your preferences.
Hygiene Standards: Ensure that the salon maintains strict hygiene standards and uses top-quality tanning solutions and equipment.
Consultation: Opt for a salon that offers a consultation prior to your spray tan session to discuss your preferences and address any concerns.
Spray tanning offers a safe, convenient, and effective way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without the risks associated with UV exposure. By following the preparation tips, during-session guidelines, and aftercare advice outlined in this guide, you can enjoy long-lasting, natural-looking results that enhance your beauty and boost your confidence. When choosing a spray tanning salon in Gold Coast, prioritize reputation, experience, hygiene standards, and consultation to ensure a positive and satisfying experience. Here's to radiant skin and endless summer vibes all year round!
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browsgoldcoast · 2 months
Achieve a Sun-Kissed Glow: Ultimate Guide to Spray Tanning in Gold Coast
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With its stunning beaches and year-round sunshine, the Gold Coast is a haven for those seeking a bronzed and beautiful complexion. However, excessive sun exposure can pose risks to your skin's health, including premature aging and increased risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately, spray tanning offers a safe and convenient alternative to achieve that coveted sun-kissed glow without compromising your skin's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about spray tanning in Gold Coast – from preparation tips to aftercare advice.
The Benefits of Spray Tanning:
Spray tanning has become increasingly popular for its numerous benefits:
Safe Alternative: Unlike traditional sunbathing or tanning beds, spray tanning poses no risk of harmful UV radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.
Customizable Results: Professional spray tanning technicians can tailor the solution to your desired shade, ensuring a natural-looking tan that complements your skin tone.
Quick and Convenient: A spray tan session typically takes only a few minutes, offering instant results without the need for prolonged exposure to the sun.
Even Coverage: Spray tanning provides an even and streak-free tan, eliminating the risk of uneven tan lines or blotchy patches.
Preparing for Your Spray Tan:
To ensure optimal results and longevity of your spray tan, it's essential to prepare your skin beforehand:
Exfoliate: Remove dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin with a gentle scrub or exfoliating mitt. Focus on areas prone to dryness, such as elbows, knees, and ankles.
Shave or Wax: If necessary, shave or wax at least 24 hours before your spray tan appointment to allow your skin to recover and minimize the risk of irritation.
Avoid Moisturizers: Refrain from applying moisturizers, oils, or lotions to your skin on the day of your spray tan appointment, as they can interfere with the tanning solution's absorption.
Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, dark-colored clothing to wear to and from your spray tan appointment to avoid staining and allow the solution to develop properly.
During Your Spray Tan Session:
When you arrive for your spray tan appointment, follow these tips to ensure a seamless experience:
Communicate Your Preferences: Discuss your desired tan shade and any concerns or preferences with your spray tanning technician to ensure they can customize the solution accordingly.
Follow Instructions: Listen to your technician's instructions regarding body positioning and breathing during the spray tan application process to achieve even coverage.
Wear Protective Gear: Your technician may provide protective gear, such as disposable underwear or hair caps, to protect sensitive areas and minimize solution transfer.
Aftercare Tips for Long-Lasting Results:
To prolong the life of your spray tan and maintain its quality, follow these aftercare tips:
Avoid Water and Sweat: Refrain from showering, swimming, or engaging in activities that may cause sweating for at least 8-12 hours after your spray tan session to allow the solution to fully develop.
Moisturize Regularly: Hydrate your skin daily with a gentle moisturizer to extend the life of your tan and prevent it from fading unevenly.
Pat Dry: When showering, pat your skin dry gently with a towel rather than rubbing to avoid prematurely fading your tan.
Avoid Exfoliation: Steer clear of exfoliating products or techniques that may strip away your tan, and opt for gentle cleansing methods instead.
Choosing the Right Spray Tanning Salon in Gold Coast:
When selecting a spray tan Gold Coast, consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for a salon with positive reviews and a reputation for delivering high-quality, natural-looking spray tans.
Experience: Choose a salon with experienced and skilled spray tanning technicians who can customize the tan to your preferences.
Hygiene Standards: Ensure that the salon maintains strict hygiene standards and uses top-quality tanning solutions and equipment.
Consultation: Opt for a salon that offers a consultation prior to your spray tan session to discuss your preferences and address any concerns.
Spray tanning offers a safe, convenient, and effective way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without the risks associated with UV exposure. By following the preparation tips, during-session guidelines, and aftercare advice outlined in this guide, you can enjoy long-lasting, natural-looking results that enhance your beauty and boost your confidence. When choosing a spray tanning salon in Gold Coast, prioritize reputation, experience, hygiene standards, and consultation to ensure a positive and satisfying experience. Here's to radiant skin and endless summer vibes all year round!
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skinearthspa · 2 months
Achieve a Sun-Kissed Glow: Ultimate Guide to Spray Tanning in Gold Coast
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With its stunning beaches and year-round sunshine, the Gold Coast is a haven for those seeking a bronzed and beautiful complexion. However, excessive sun exposure can pose risks to your skin's health, including premature aging and increased risk of skin cancer. Fortunately, spray tanning offers a safe and convenient alternative to achieve that coveted sun-kissed glow without compromising your skin's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about spray tanning in Gold Coast – from preparation tips to aftercare advice.
The Benefits of Spray Tanning:
Spray tanning has become increasingly popular for its numerous benefits:
Safe Alternative: Unlike traditional sunbathing or tanning beds, spray tanning poses no risk of harmful UV radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.
Customizable Results: Professional spray tanning technicians can tailor the solution to your desired shade, ensuring a natural-looking tan that complements your skin tone.
Quick and Convenient: A spray tan session typically takes only a few minutes, offering instant results without the need for prolonged exposure to the sun.
Even Coverage: Spray tanning provides an even and streak-free tan, eliminating the risk of uneven tan lines or blotchy patches.
Preparing for Your Spray Tan:
To ensure optimal results and longevity of your spray tan, it's essential to prepare your skin beforehand:
Exfoliate: Remove dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin with a gentle scrub or exfoliating mitt. Focus on areas prone to dryness, such as elbows, knees, and ankles.
Shave or Wax: If necessary, shave or wax at least 24 hours before your spray tan appointment to allow your skin to recover and minimize the risk of irritation.
Avoid Moisturizers: Refrain from applying moisturizers, oils, or lotions to your skin on the day of your spray tan appointment, as they can interfere with the tanning solution's absorption.
Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, dark-colored clothing to wear to and from your spray tan appointment to avoid staining and allow the solution to develop properly.
During Your Spray Tan Session:
When you arrive for your spray tan appointment, follow these tips to ensure a seamless experience:
Communicate Your Preferences: Discuss your desired tan shade and any concerns or preferences with your spray tanning technician to ensure they can customize the solution accordingly.
Follow Instructions: Listen to your technician's instructions regarding body positioning and breathing during the spray tan application process to achieve even coverage.
Wear Protective Gear: Your technician may provide protective gear, such as disposable underwear or hair caps, to protect sensitive areas and minimize solution transfer.
Aftercare Tips for Long-Lasting Results:
To prolong the life of your spray tan and maintain its quality, follow these aftercare tips:
Avoid Water and Sweat: Refrain from showering, swimming, or engaging in activities that may cause sweating for at least 8-12 hours after your spray tan session to allow the solution to fully develop.
Moisturize Regularly: Hydrate your skin daily with a gentle moisturizer to extend the life of your tan and prevent it from fading unevenly.
Pat Dry: When showering, pat your skin dry gently with a towel rather than rubbing to avoid prematurely fading your tan.
Avoid Exfoliation: Steer clear of exfoliating products or techniques that may strip away your tan, and opt for gentle cleansing methods instead.
Choosing the Right Spray Tanning Salon in Gold Coast:
When selecting a spray tan Gold Coast, consider the following factors:
Reputation: Look for a salon with positive reviews and a reputation for delivering high-quality, natural-looking spray tans.
Experience: Choose a salon with experienced and skilled spray tanning technicians who can customize the tan to your preferences.
Hygiene Standards: Ensure that the salon maintains strict hygiene standards and uses top-quality tanning solutions and equipment.
Consultation: Opt for a salon that offers a consultation prior to your spray tan session to discuss your preferences and address any concerns.
Spray tanning offers a safe, convenient, and effective way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without the risks associated with UV exposure. By following the preparation tips, during-session guidelines, and aftercare advice outlined in this guide, you can enjoy long-lasting, natural-looking results that enhance your beauty and boost your confidence. When choosing a spray tanning salon in Gold Coast, prioritize reputation, experience, hygiene standards, and consultation to ensure a positive and satisfying experience. Here's to radiant skin and endless summer vibes all year round!
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