#best projectors under 500
reviewskim · 1 year
Top 5 Best Mini Projectors [Review-2023]
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desertduality · 5 months
Scar & Grian (platonic) movie night for a writing prompt ^^
Okay this one I can actually classify as a snippet ajksdkj it's just under 500 words. I hope you like it!! :D
“I brought blankets!”
Scar’s triumphant call is the only warning Grian gets before the world goes dark, several pounds of fluffy knitted wool landing directly on his head. Grian grunts and sputters as fibers stick to his tongue, flailing his limbs in an attempt to remove himself from the impromptu bindings. He surfaces with a gasp, blankets falling into a pile behind him, hair staticky and sticking up at odd angles. He whips his head around to glare at Scar, standing behind him doubled over in breathless laughter. 
“Just for that,” Grian says, turning back to fiddle with the projector. “I get to choose the movie.”
Scar’s laughter cuts off comically fast, and Grian has to bite his cheek to suppress his own giggling, giddy excitement bursting behind his ribcage. It’s way too fun to rile Scar up. 
“What, no!” Scar cries, and Grian doesn’t even have to look to know he’s doing his best begging eyes. “You said you’d watch Star Wars with me! You pinky promised, Grian!”
“One of those blankets was weighted, Scar. You could have killed me,” Grian says, turning around, and— Yep, there were the eyes. He steadfastly ignored them. “Or worse, you could have broken the projector.”
“Fine,” Scar replies, sitting down crosslegged with a huff, leaning back against the couch and starting to remove his leg braces. “Movie night is sacred. I won’t throw things on movie night.”
“Any other time is fair game,” Grian agrees, nodding, grabbing the remote and scooting backwards until he’s next to Scar. “Alright, which one was it that you wanted to watch?”
“We should marathon,” Scar suggests brightly, producing a bag of popcorn out of thin air and loudly opening it. “We can start with the first one. Not the prequels, the actual first movie.”
“Just a heads up, I will be falling asleep,” Grian warns, clicking onto the first movie and tugging blankets over them both. “And that is not an invitation to draw on my face.”
“Make it through the first movie, at least, and I’ll spare you,” Scar jokes, flinging a piece of popcorn at him with a cheeky grin. “If you don’t, I do have a sharpie with me. Be warned.”
“I can’t believe you plan for this stuff,” Grian complains, rolling his eyes with a quiet laugh. “I’ll try, Scar. Happy?”
“Do or do not,” Scar says imperiously, eyes flashing with gleeful mischief. “There is no try.”
“You are insufferable.”
“I love you, too!”
Grian shoves Scar lightly on the shoulder, both of them with amused grins on their face, and popcorn bounces out of the bag onto their laps. Just a typical movie night, really.  Leaning back into the couch cushions, Grian points the remote and presses play. The bold yellow text starts scrolling down the screen, music blaring from the speakers, and Scar cheers. Grian sighs, longsuffering and fond, and sets the remote down on the ground.
(He wakes up in the morning with poorly drawn cat whiskers on his face, looks down at Scar snoring on the floor next to him, and happily returns the favor.)
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ao3sakari · 10 months
In a Resident Evil AU set in the Zootopia universe, what animals would Chreon be?
I had a random idea about Chreon working in the R.P.D. as Zootopia animals bubble up, and I'm so curious to see what animals the fandom would imagine them (or any other RE characters) to be.
I'm not sure if the 500-word intro that I drabbled out will ever become more, but it can be read under the cut.
First animals that came to my mind was Leon as a wallaroo (smaller kangaroo, herbivore prey animal, has a powerful kick), and Chris as some sort of big predator cat. Tell me your thoughts 💚💙
Also, I'm giggling at this dumb equus joke:
“How can I join STARS?” Leon looks over his shoulder to glance at the strapping zebra asking the question. “Now, now, hold your horses,” the presenter says.
Nestled in between mountain ranges, bends of rivers and sprawling woods is a citified span of land called Raccoon City, named after the one native animal of the region that was shrewd enough to thrive across all the various rocky, wet, and leafy habitats of the surrounding area. Conveniently located where the differing terrains intersected and easily accessible for all the diverse fauna in the area, Raccoon City became a popular hub for inter-species trade and eventually developed into an urban centre where creatures and critters of all shapes and sizes could live together in harmony. “Today, Raccoon City is seen as a beacon of hope for peaceful coexistence across the entire animal kingdom. However, while most see the benefits and synergies of inter-kingdom cooperation, there are still wildlife that prefer the feral way of life and see the commingling of species as a threat.” The primate delivering the presentation jabs his pointer stick at the projector screen displaying a photograph of an untamed tiger bearing its viciously sharp teeth at a bird caught in mid-flight. Leon fights off the shudder that threatens to shoot down his spine at the sight of that wide maw, an evolutionary response of the predation instinct. Seated all around him are other fresh police academy graduates, arranged from front row to back row by size. Leon sees a waterbird in the front row ruffle its feathers, shaking from beak to tail, and is glad he’d spent so much time on desensitization training so that he wouldn’t be caught trembling in his boots. Despite it being a natural reaction, a cop quaking with fear just doesn’t inspire much confidence in the public eye. The presenter advances the slide deck using his remote clicker, and the room rustles with excitement over the next picture. STARS really needs no introduction. Everyone can recognize their distinctive forest green tactical gear, if not the unmistakable crest proudly emblazoned on the sleeves. Still, the primate brandishes his pointer stick at the screen again, saying, “The R.P.D.’s STARS division protects Raccoon City against the beasts looking to disturb the peace of our citizens.” He clicks to the next slide, opening his mouth to continue his presentation, when he’s interrupted by a question from the back. “How can I join STARS?” Leon looks over his shoulder to glance at the strapping zebra asking the question. “Now, now, hold your horses,” the presenter says, waving off the question and directing everyone’s attention back to the projector screen. “There are two paths rookie officers can pursue: Traffic Services and the Emergency Services Unit. Only after your first year on the force can you apply to other policing units. Now, STARS, in particular, is a division where candidates are scouted; only officers with a recommendation from a STARS captain are invited to apply. Do your best to protect and serve, and you just might catch the eye of STARS.” The zebra in the back row gives a braying sigh in response.
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socialda · 1 year
SuperEasy Ways To Learn Everything About Implant dentistry
KDC Dental Academy gives clinical posting following the arranging program where the promising novices will see the worth in working transparently. Each time we upgrade with unexpected state of the art progressions which will clearly help competitors.
We are trying to chip away at Going on with Dental Coaching. Our central program is of multi month complete dentistry program which reviews rudiments of general dentistry for detail, Turning Endodontic courses, Lasers in dentistry, Implant courses nearby its advances, strong dentistry, Full mouth recovery, Crown and Stage, Grin orchestrating, Overlay tasks, General orthodontics, etc in one stage and consequently uncommon .Nearby this we offer transient courses on as of late referred to branches, subject to the need of the applicant.
Our get-together contains MDS workforce of all specialities and additionally senior convincing ordered trained professionals, who have treated lakhs of patients, will likewise be sharing their flourishing and botches in their calling and with their gigantic encounters will direct how to go over such issues.
We have organized in excess of 400 dentists exhaustively and globally. The framework combines concentrated cooled homerooms with media projector and phenomenal general media helps, Spirit head labs and with all most recent supplies like RVG, Lasers, Perfection finders, Endomotors, Physiodispensers, OPG, Rotator machines. We give breakfast, tea, espresso, lunch and snacks during the course.
KDC Dental Academy transported off in 1997 is a trailblazer relationship in the field of dentistry, under the force of Dr. Niranjan Paramshetty. It is a remarkable stage for attempting dentists to refine and update their abilities in all bits of dentistry by offering the best Dentistry courses in India. Because of making income KDC Dental academy has presented Implant courses which will offer total cautious and transient Dental implant courses in various affiliations. Characteristic of this academy is to empower and develop time of especially gifted dentists.
We give formed Dental availability program and enlightening game plan which will make competitors gifted and sure. Experience will be given plainly on patients to greater piece of Dental structures which is conceivable thinking about our humanitarian Dental puts under the heading of informed specialists.
•             1. Our Personnel integrates MDS staffs, all things being equal, furthermore senior useful mystery experts who have treated a huge number of patients. They will share their encounters, screws up, disorders experienced during their medications and achievement that they have accomplished in their arrangement.
•             2. We are magnificent with all of the most recent sorts of stuff like RVG, laser, Apex Finders, Loopes, Endomotors, Physiodispensers, OPG, Phantom Head Lab, and so forth.
•             3. Experience will be given obviously on patients to greater piece of the Dental structures.
Different Dentists have near no knowledge of continuous winning designs in treatment modalities. There are in excess of 500 modalities of medications in the field of Dentistry. If ignorant regarding a solitary treatment, you will indeed free lakhs of rupees across your calling and the patient is comparably denied of best treatment which could be passed on to them (for eg. Laser Helped Tasks, Grin Orchestrating, Depigmentation, Lip Repositioning, Teeth Illuminating by Laser, Dental Implants , Hemisection , Apicectomy, Myofunctional Machines, Break The pioneers, Precision Affiliation, and so forth.)
Following are the absolute best Dental Courses in India presented by KDC Dental Academy;
•             Rich Instructive classes
•             Fundamentals Orthodontics Courses
•             Best Endodontic Courses in India
•             Clinical Dentistry Courses in India
•             Exhaustive Dental Courses
•             Helpful Dentistry Courses in Bangalore, India
•             Dental Crowns and Increase Courses
•             Implant Dentistry Courses in India
•             Dental Laser Courses in India
•             Dental Post and Center Courses
•             Endodontics Course
•             Oral End and Radiology course in India
•             Oral Pathology
•             Oral Activity Courses in India
•             Orthodontic Courses in India
•             Pediatric Dentistry Courses
•             Periodontics Lasers
•             Prosthodontics Courses
•             Turning Endodontic Courses in India
•             Transient Dentistry Courses
•             Grin Organizing Courses
With the above Best Dental Courses in India given by KDC Dental Center, we have helped over 1000's of dentist in making them specialists in above fields of dentistry.
Transient Courses
Blazing courses on under alluded to branches are in this way drove. The courses will be coordinated and booked by the need of competitors.
•             Turning endodontics-RCT/Post and Center .
•             Implant dentistry.
•             Laser dentistry
•             Brilliant and Solid Dentistry.
•             Crown and Stage dentistry.
•             Full mouth recovery
•             Grin orchestrating .
•             Facade and overlays
•             Dental practice the board
Concentrated Course Subtleties
Concentrated Course: 90 days (multi Month of Wide Preclinical Preparation and 2 Months of Clinical Practice)
Course Module Solidifies:
•             Endodontics courses - Root Stream Treatment - Post &Core, Turning Endodontics, Re-RCT, Endodontic Surgeries,Single Sitting RCT,Single Document RCT,Root Channel Medicaments,Management of Endodontic Crises .
•             Cleaned and Steady Dentistry - countless restoratives utilizing Composite, Standard GIC, Light inclination better Sap Changed GIC, Supernatural occurrence Blend, Blend, concretes and their indications,Veneers and Overlays, Grin Orchestrating, Lip Repositioning, Tooth Pearls, Diastema End.
•             Prosthodontics - Crown and System, Complete False teeth, Implant Kept up with False teeth, Full Mouth Recovery, Fibrodontics,Precision Affiliation, Implant Prosthesis, Grin Organizing.
•             Implant Dentistry Course - CBCT Investigating, Bone Affiliations, Expedient Implants, Full Mouth Implants, Zygomatic Implants, Basal Implants, All on Four Implants.
•             Periodontics and Laser Dentistry - Gingivectomy, Gingivoplasty, Frenectomy, Bone and Tissue Affiliations, Delicate Tissue Affiliations, Wrinkle An activity, Depigmentation, Operculectomy, Crown broadening, Straightforwardness of Implants during Second Stage, Teeth illuminating.
•             Oral Activity - Exodontia: Individual tooth extraction methods, Irritates and The board, Biopsy and Biopsy Technique, Sewing Methodologies, Relationship of LA.
•             Pediatric Dentistry - The main assemblage of pediatric patient, Smash capping,Pulpotomy,Apexogenesis,Pulpectomy,Pre-Made crowns, Space Maintainers and re gainers-types
•             Oral Surgery courses Essentials On Orthodontics l Patient Arrangement l Significant assessment l Association Limits l Moral Practice l Social limits in Dentistry l Lab Visit.
•             Clinical Posting: From Second and Third month you will be posted in our magnanimous workplaces.
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richard-luce · 1 year
Best Projectors Under $500 for Stunning Home Cinema
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goodytechno · 1 year
Yaber Ace K1 projector review
Introduction The Yaber Ace K1 is an ambitious home projector with a single-LCD design, with fully sealed dust-protected optical package, automatic focus and keystone correction, above average 650 ANSI lumens of brightness and a robust 15-watt speaker. Yaber thinks that it is the best home projector for under $800. Better yet, it costs a lot less than that at an MSRP of $500, and normally much…
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aitechbest · 1 year
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weldonusa · 1 year
The Best Gaming Projectors Under $500 For 2023
There are many different ways to stream your favorite games to the big screen. For example, you can buy a gaming console or a gaming PC right off the bat. However, a little cheaper way to do this is by finding a good projector. If you aren't sure what projector is the best for you, this blog post will be able to help you find the best gaming projector for the money under $500. Link More: https://weldonusa.com/best-gaming-projectors-under-dollar500/ #weldonusa #bestgamingprojectorsunderdollar500 #gamingprojectorsunderdollar500
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lockadeal3 · 2 years
How much should you spend on a projector?
The answer to this question really depends on what you need the projector for and how often you plan on using it. If you're just looking for a projector to occasionally use for home movies or small gatherings, then you can probably find a decent one for under $500. However, if you need a projector for business presentations or other professional uses, then you'll likely need to spend at least $1000 to get a high-quality one.
If you're unsure of what kind of Projector you need, it might be helpful to talk to a salesperson at your local electronics store. They can usually give you some advice based on your specific needs and budget. You can also search online for reviews of different projectors before making your purchase.
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Is a projector worth the investment? A projector can be a great investment, especially if you can find a good deal on one. Projectors can be used for business or personal purposes, and they can even be used for outdoor events.
No matter what type of projector you choose, you'll need to make sure that it's compatible with the device you want to use it with. For example, if you want to use your projector with a laptop, you'll need to make sure that it has an HDMI input. Additionally, you'll need to make sure that the projector is bright enough for the room you're using it in. The brightness of a projector is typically measured in lumens. The higher the number of lumens, the brighter the projector will be.
How do I set up a projector? The first thing you'll need to do is find a flat surface on which to place your projector. It's important that the surface is level so that your projector will be stable. You'll also need to make sure that the surface is large enough to accommodate the size of your projector.
Next, you'll need to connect your projector to a power source and turn it on. Once it's on, you'll need to adjust the focus and angle of the projector until the image is clear. Finally, you'll need to connect your projector to the device you want to use it with. For example, if you're using a laptop, you'll need to connect it to the projector via an HDMI cable.
Once everything is connected, you should be able to start using your projector. Keep in mind that projectors can be delicate devices, so be careful when handling it. Additionally, if you're using your projector for business purposes, you may want to consider investing in a projector screen. This will help to ensure that your presentations look their best.
What features should you look for in a projector? There are a few things you should consider when purchasing a projector. The most important factor is the resolution of the projector. This will determine how clear the image will be. Another thing to look for is the contrast ratio of the projector. This number will indicate how black the black pixels on the screen will be and how white the white pixels on the screen will be. A high contrast ratio is ideal.
Another factor to consider is lumens. This number indicates how bright the image on the screen will be. The higher the lumens, the brighter it will be. Finally, you'll want to consider whether you need a projector that can project in 3D or not. Not all projectors have this feature.
How can you find the best projector deal? Deals on projectors can be found in a variety of ways. Checking online retailers like Amazon and Best Buy are always a good idea. However, you should also keep an eye out for deals at physical stores as well. There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for projector deals. First, lock a deal in early. Many stores have doorbuster sales on Black Friday and Thanksgiving, so if you see a projector you want on sale, buy it then and there. Second, check for extended warranties or purchase protection plans. Some retailers offer these services for free or at a discounted price when you buy a projector from them. Finally, use your rewards points or store credit cards to get additional discounts on your purchase.
What are the benefits of buying a projector? There are a few benefits of buying a projector. The main one is that you can get a great deal on a projector product. Most projector products come with a warranty, so if there are any problems with your purchase, you can always get it fixed or replaced. Furthermore, projectors are perfect for business meetings and presentations. You can lock in a deal on a projector now and save money in the long run.
Do all projectors come with a warranty? You'll be happy to know that most projector manufacturers offer some sort of warranty on their products. Deals on projectors can be found through many different retailers, so it's important to shop around and lock in a deal that's best for you. However, it's also important to check the terms of the warranty before making your purchase. Some warranties may only cover certain types of damage, and others may only be valid for a limited time. Be sure to read the fine print so that you know what you're covered for!
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recentlyheardcom · 2 years
We tested 4 ultra-cheap projectors, starting at under $50
We tested 4 ultra-cheap projectors, starting at under $50
Most best projectors we’re looking at a drop in the $500-$1,500 range here at CNET because we’ve found it to be the right middle ground for price and performance. We made a handful of high end projectorswhich are great if you can afford them, and we also found a few gems for a few hundred deer. Some of those no-name $250 projectors, like the AAXA P8 and the Vimgo P10did surprisingly well in my…
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guncelkal · 2 years
ABoolon 4K Projector with Wifi and Bluetooth,800Ansi 1080P Projector,Outdoor Projector Support 500"Display,4P/4D Keystone
ABoolon 4K Projector with Wifi and Bluetooth,800Ansi 1080P Projector,Outdoor Projector Support 500″Display,4P/4D Keystone
Product Description Native 1080P Ultra HD Projector with Wifi and Bluetooth Why choose Aboolon 4K projector with WiFi and Bluetooth? Ultra Bright Picture and no blurry in the edges of screen: You can watch the outstanding-quality images and no blurry in the edges of screen in variety of conditions.But the other led projector show”. The best effect is under dark environment for watching TV and…
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tittathin · 2 years
Spyder auto
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Mahindra Scorpio Classic launched at Rs 11.Free Shipping over 99 Same Day Shipping before 9pm Price Match Guarantee Some orders may take longer to arrive due to shipper and supplier delays. 2023 Lamborghini Urus Performante breaks cover: Lighter, more powerful & faster Free Shipping Save 20 Off 200, 50 Off 500, 1 Orders - Promo Code: SUMMER exclusions apply.New Porsche 911 GT3 RS launched in India at Rs 3.25 crore: What's special about this road-legal race car.Automotive & Transportation auto parts Type: Private: Founded: 2006: Website: : Employee Ratings: 2.5: Latest Updates. Its products include crystal and projector headlights, and tail and fog lights. Scorpio Classic - Scorpio-N - Thar 4x4: Best Mahindra SUV under Rs 16 lakhs? Spyder Auto is a provider of aftermarket lighting, tuning and styling auto parts.Kia Sonet X Line officially teased: Here are the details.More details about the Audi ‘Sphere’ concept family will be out in the coming days. Audi’s electric lineup is likely to go into production form in the year 2026. Moreover, the company states that the Grandsphere, Urbansphere and Skysphere EV concepts will mark the global debut at the current Monterey Car Week in California, USA.
Both versions have thrilled drivers with their clean handling and efficient rear. The 124 Spider Abarth is a performance version of the 124 Spider, with an upgraded version of the turbo engine to deliver more speed and power on the road. It is likely to be a crossover vehicle as the brand said that “the car will offer maximum variability for an active lifestyle - both on and off-road.” This EV will join the other three Audi ‘Sphere’ concept cars, including a Spyder sports car concept (Skysphere), a GT concept (Grandsphere) and an urban SUV concept (Urbansphere). The sleek, stylish FIAT® 124 Spider has made waves as a convertible sports car since its debut in 2016. The Audi Activesphere will be the fourth model in the brand's Sphere concept EV family and will receive automated driving capabilities. Slated to mark its debut in 2023, the Audi Activesphere concept EV was unveiled by the manufacturer in August 2021. Audi has finally confirmed the name of its upcoming concept EV that will be known as ‘Activesphere’.
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techsoftwareblogs · 2 years
Top 10: Best Gadgets under Rs 500 you could gift this
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There are unique gadgets that will cost you Rs. 500. And we are going to share the list of such gadgets with you.
So, scroll down to check out the list of 10 unique gadgets under INR 500.
You may wonder what the use of buying these gadgets is. But trust, all of the gadgets mentioned in this article are worth a try. The most significant advantage of these gadgets is that they are offered at prices that are not prohibitive.
Therefore, without further ado, let’s move to the list of devices that cost less than Rs. 500.
1. Techgadget Stainless Steel Double Walled Vacuum Insulated Leak Proof 500ml Water Bottle
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Product Specifics: This Thermos Insulated Water Bottle, as implied by the title, comes equipped with a temperature readout. This stainless steel bottle has a capacity of 500 ml, is resistant to corrosion, and is completely waterproof. It also does not contain any BPA.
The most intriguing aspect of this incredible device is that it can hold cold water for up to 8 hours, while warm water can be stored for between 3 and 4 hours.
Ideal for storing cold water for extended periods of time and hot water for shorter periods of time.
It assures that you will get the best possible utilization for a longer period of time.
It is made of good quality stainless steel.
It is packaged in a tamper-resistant manner.
Price: Rs. 295
Available at: Amazon.
2. M1 Smart Watch
This M1 smartwatch is the most up-to-date Bluetooth 1.3″ OLED display smartwatch for Android and iOS devices. It comes in black color.
If you’re looking for an all-in-one watch but don’t want to wear a large one, this fitness watch may be the best option. It is designed to monitor your health and fitness habits. It monitors your continuous heart rate and blood pressure, records the duration of your exercise and sleep, and tracks your daily steps, calories consumed, and distance traveled. 
In addition to monitoring, this smartwatch can also be linked to software compatible with all smartphones so that you may receive text messages, phone calls, and more. This is the best mobile accessories brand.
To track health and health and fitness habits.
It is Bluetooth-compatible.
It helps you receive all of your messages and notifications directly on your wrist.
It helps you track your health and fitness goals.
Price: Rs. 499
Available at: Amazon.
3. REFULGIX Star Master Rotating 360 Degree Moon Night Light Lamp Projector with Colors And USB Cable
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This is a wonderful night lamp for your kids’ room. This color-changing night lamp features eight alluring, vibrant, and vivid hues. It is one of the top gadgets available for less than Rs. 500 on the list.
Star Master is constructed with a detachable white dome; it may function as a standard night light or present a lovely display of the moon and stars! It is an excellent nighttime nursery light projector for small children who are afraid of the dark.
It makes it easier to have a peaceful environment at night. This LED projector of the night sky is best suited for use in a child’s bedroom, where they will delight in its presence.
It is made with the protection of children in mind, and this play set is constructed with robust material.
It offers a completely risk-free atmosphere for youngsters to enjoy themselves.
Eight color variations are available, including multi-color, warm white, blue, red, and green.
You can use it as a standard night light, or you can turn it into a charming projection show of the moon and stars!
Price: Rs. 445.95
3. WeCool Bluetooth Extendable Selfie Sticks with Wireless Remote and Tripod Stand
WeCool Bluetooth Extendable Selfie Stick is a 3-in-1 multifunctional selfie stick with a tripod stand. This stick is compatible with iPhone, OnePlus, Samsung, Oppo, and Vivo, as well as all other smartphones.
You can use this ultra-light selfie stick to take selfies and record videos.
Using it is a cakewalk; all you have to do is to click the wireless remote to take a picture simply.
WeCool Bluetooth Selfie Stick comes with a small wireless control that connects to your phone and can be used up to approximately 15 feet away.
Uses: You can use it to capture selfies and record videos.
It is a foldable selfie stick, which makes carrying it a breeze.
It may be extended to a maximum length of 60 cm and rotated 360 degrees with 220 degrees of angular adjustment.
It is durable and made of robust material.
Where to buy from: You can buy it from Amazon.
4. Portronics Ruffpad 8.5E Re-Writable LCD Writing Pad
If you’re searching for a breathtakingly captivating gift for your child, then Portronics Ruffpad is the best option. Your child will love to spend time drawing, playing, and handwriting on it.
The Portronics electric Ruffpad is one of the best items you can buy for less than five hundred rupees. Even adults can use it to jot down essential information, create a to-do list, or do anything else.
The best thing about this item is that it has an option to delete data after only one use. Also, the battery life of this gadget is amazing; it lasts for a very long time.
You can use it to make your to-do list. Aside from that, it makes for a wonderful gift for kids invariably fascinated by novelties.
It’s a NextGen thing, which is ideal for kids to spend some quality time with.
It comes with an anti-erase button that saves your work.
It’s a compact, lightweight device, which makes is easy to carry.
Price: Rs. 289
Available at: Amazon.
5. Brand Conquer 3 in 1 SD Card Reader
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Brand Conquer 3 in 1 SD Card Reader is yet another wonderful gadget under Rs. 500. This all-in-one card reader from Brand Conquer comes equipped with four different card readers as well as three different USB ports.
It is compatible with TF, SD, Micro SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, RS-MMC, and Micro SDXC.
Now you can manage all your data and files on this card reader. You can music play, video play, sound recorder, camera snapshot capture, and contact list backup into this device. This card reader allows immediate access to external memory without requiring internal storage. The coolest thing about this card reader is that it consumes way too less energy, is portable, and is lightweight.
You may use it as a card reader or a USB hub for nearly any USB device or SD card available on the market today.
It allows you to use three USB ports at the same time.
It allows you to read and write on four distinct sorts of cards.
It lets you move your data easily from each connected device or card.
Price: Rs. 374
Where to buy it from: You can buy it from Amazon.
6. Zebronics ZEB-COUNTY 3W Wireless Bluetooth Portable Speaker
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ZEB-COUNTY is one of the best wireless Bluetooth speakers in the market, under Rs. 500. This Bluetooth wireless speaker is one of the top-rated electronic devices.
The Zeb-county is a portable speaker with multiple connectivity options, including Bluetooth, USB, MicroSD, and AUX. It features both a phone function and an integrated FM radio.
Therefore, you don’t need to look any further than these little yet powerful wireless mobile Bluetooth speakers.
You can converse with anyone over the phone by using the built-in microphone, and you can listen to their voice through the phone’s speaker.
It’s a great Bluetooth speaker that you can use to keep yourself entertained. The best thing is it is compact, which makes it easy to carry anywhere.
It is a portable speaker with great features.
Powerful sound and deep bass.
It offers you good battery backup.
Price: Rs. 498
Available at: Amazon.
7. Syska P055OX 5000 mAh Lithium Polymer Power Bank with Dual Output & Dual Input
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The Syska P055OX 5000 mAh lithium polymer power bank with dual output & dual input is an amazing gadget available for under Rs. 500.
This 5000mAh power bank is a compact device that fits in your pocket very easily. You can use it to charge your phone while simultaneously using it as a flashlight in case you find yourself in a bind.
The package contains 1 N Power Bank, 1 N USB Charging Cable, 1 N User Manual, and Warranty Card. The brand offers six months warranty; in case your device stops working within six months, you can get it fixed by the company directly.
You can use this powerful device to charge your phone in case of any emergency.
It is a user-friendly device that is available under Rs. 500.
It comes with a warranty of 6 months.
It is robust as it is made of good quality material.
Price: Rs. 448
Available at: Amazon.
8. Gizga Essentials 3-in-1 Phone Cleaner
Gizga Essentials 3-in-1 phone cleaner is an excellent and very handy device to keep your phones, laptops, and MacBooks spanking clean.
This gadget cleaner comes with a protective shell with a flat surface and a built-in bottle. You can use this to keep your digital gadgets clean at all times.
You can use it to keep your devices, such as phones, TV, laptops, etc., clean.
It is compact in size.
It can be used to clean any kind of screen.
It is a reusable product.
Price: Rs. 299
Where to buy it from: Amazon
9. Amazon Basics Capacitive Stylus Pen for iOS and Android Touchscreen Devices
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At number 9 we have Amazon Basics Capacitive Stylus Pen for iOS and Android touchscreen devices. This pen makes your life easier. It is made of lightweight metal, which makes it easy to carry for a longer time.
With the AmazonBasics Capacitive Stylus Pen’s exceptional sensitivity and precision, you may have a seamless experience while navigating your digital screens.
It is compatible with all devices, including tablets, smartphones, personal computers, and Apple and Android products. It has an extremely precise and user-friendly touch while navigating, writing, or scrolling.
It comes with a 7-millimeter-diameter transparent disc tip and flow-facilitating substance for a smooth flow.
You can use this pen for writing on screens.
It is made of high-quality metal.
It makes writing on screen a breeze.
It is a lightweight and conventional-looking pen.
Price: Rs. 349
Available at: Amazon.
10. pTron Boom Ultima 4D Dual Driver, In-Ear Gaming Wired Headphones with Mic
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Last but not least, we have pTron Boom Ultima in-ear gaming wired headphones with Mic. It is exceptional, and a MUST HAVE gadget for gamers.
In-ear headphones come with a dual driver and wired construction, stereo sound and bass, and an in-line remote control that controls music and calls.
It has a 3.5mm audio jack with gold plating. This headphone is compatible with a wide variety of devices that include a 3.5mm audio port.
The best thing is you get a warranty for one year from the manufacturer.
You can use it for phone calls or while playing your favorite games.
It has superior craftsmanship combined with long-lasting components.
It features an ergonomic design.
This dual driver provides superior sound separation.
Where to buy it from: Amazon.
Parting Thoughts
So there you have it: the list of 10 unique gadgets under INR 500. These exciting new devices costing less than Rs. 500 are among the most interesting items that you and your loved ones can ever use. You can buy these devices for yourself or to gift someone you love.
All of these devices are available online, so you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to buy them. You can just order them from the comfort of your place and enjoy using them!
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thertech · 2 years
best laser projector under 500
best laser projector under 500
7 best laser projector under 500 The best laser projector under 500 discussed here may not have a impressive features as the top-tier projectors. However, they will serve you well regardless Best laser projector under 500 Buyers guide: What to Consider You should keep these specs and features in mind when searching for projectors that cost less than $500. This includes: the size of the screen,…
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thehillbanquet · 2 years
Dc Conference Centers And Washington Dc Conference Centers: A Quick Rundown
There is a good chance you'll have your automobile serviced by an authorized and skilled mechanic if you care about your vehicle. The optimal care for your car means using genuine parts and employing the proper practices. The same is valid for conferences, where meeting organizers would be better served by working with a venue that provides conference "best-practice" facilities and services to the meetings market. 
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A Dc Conference Center specializes in facilitating meetings and gatherings of people. Meetings are its primary focus. Corporations, governments, and academic institutions make up most of their clients. An establishment that caters to a wide range of consumers, including vacationers, families, and wedding parties - all of whom may not be best suited to conference clients who are looking for a calm, distraction-free setting.
Conferencing Facilities In Washington, D.C.
Experience and reputation are important
When planning an event, ensure the venue you choose is well-known and respected in d.c conference center rental. With thousands of meetings and events under its belt, the conference center in Washington dc can help you navigate the entire process.
Comfortable Access
Your Washington conference or event attendees should be able to get there swiftly. Choose a location where you can quickly reach food, entertainment, and retail alternatives.
Possible Residencies
Attendees can take advantage of the hotel's on-site function rental facility to extend their stay while attending your conference, meeting, or another special event in dc conference centers. 
A wide range of meeting room size options
It's much easier to choose the proper space for your event when you're working with a venue rental company that offers a variety of meeting rooms. With ten function room layouts, the conference centers in Washington, DC, can seat anything from 10 to 500 people.
A positive impact on the brand
The conference room facilities you choose will impact your company and image long-term. With a world-class venue like the conference center in Washington dc, your guests, employees, and clients will be impressed. They've got you covered if you're looking for a luxurious, natural-light-filled meeting space.
In terms of availability
The best meeting or conference facility in the world won't do you any good if it's already been reserved by someone else. There are ten excellent function rooms at dc conference centers, but you must book early to ensure you have your first pick.
Parking that is both convenient and safe
Finding and paying for parking is a bother that will detract from the meeting or conference for your guests. As an alternative for your guests, you may provide them with a secure parking space at the dc conference centers.
ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
Ensure your venue has the equipment you need, whether it's an overhead projector, wireless Internet, or dedicated high-speed lines for video conferencing. These options and more can be found at the Conference Center in Washington Dc  medical professionals are on-site around the clock.
With these conveniences, Tothevents have the best chance of a successful conference. These amenities and more may be found in the conference center in Washington dc. Your dc conference center needs will be met if you work with dc conference centers. Throughout the entire process, they'll be by your side to support and encourage you.
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