#bless brendan frasier
bcofl0ve · 2 years
I know I shouldn’t worry bc it does not affect me but I’m scared for the Oscars. I don’t doubt that Austin will get nominated, I do doubt that they will give it to him. So many prediction lists saying that the Academy might give it to Tom Cruise just because it’s been a “long time coming in his career” (like they did with Leo, constantly snubbed him) or they’ll give it to Brendan Frasier who I’m sure will do amazing in the movie but it’s also his comeback so that gives him an edge. Late night anxiety thoughts 💀
a fun fact about me is that i have really bad rejection anxiety to the extent that even watching things like americas got talent/american idol auditions make me want to curl up in a ball and hide. that to say i want to support austin so bad but watching the oscars live *will* make me breakout in hives and it is largely bc of brendon. bless him, his comeback is very well deserved and he's an upstanding dude. i just really want austin to get this one.
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Could I be curious for a hot second? I swear I saw in a post you did the other day that you haven’t read ACD canon? This is absolutely not a judgement ask or anything but I’m always curious to find out how/why people resist reading the original works of modern adaptations. Is it just not your cup of tea or did you watch Sherlock for the actors? etc. I’m one of those who when they love something, it quickly becomes an obsession and have to read every book, article, Twitter post there is about the thing before I’m satisfied..
Also could I add in, what do you think of Tiny Little Houses - I Hate That You’re Happy for Johnlock Playlist?..
Thank you for all you do, I think I basically save every one of your posts to read later..it’s a lot!
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OOOF I dunno how or when I got this and totally missed it, but I totally apologize because this is a quick-response ask. Tumblr’s been... hiding new stuff from me lately, and it’s kinda frustrating :|
ANYWAY: Firstly, I’m gonna mention that I’m putting the JLPL suggestion on a separate ask that is now behind a SLEW of Playlist submissions (I dunno why it’s suddenly popular again, LOL) so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks LOL.
Secondly, no offense taken at all to the boldness of your ask; I’ve actually been asked this quite often and honestly I DON’T have a good reason.
So yeah, honestly? These are good questions, and fun ones to reply to. Ah, I actually have my besties to thank for me getting into Sherlock. Believe it or not, I didn’t really know much about Ben until I saw Sherlock; my first recollection of seeing his face was as Khan in Into Darkness, and I loved that movie (I know I’m among a small few who do love ST:ID; I KNOW the problems with it, I just REALLY like everyone’s acting in it), and I knew of Martin, actually, which is why I agreed to watch the show. So yeah, I went to visit my friends one weekend, and on the Sunday night before I left (it was a holiday weekend, so I always leave on the Monday), we pulled up Netflix and put it on. I WAS FASCINATED. I LOVED IT. We only got through the first season, so when I got home, I torrented that bitch and watch all of S1 and S2 in one sitting the following weekend. And I already had a Tumblr at that time, so I just... lurked blogs, and then I started getting really into it. 
Long-short, this blog was created just before S3, so I could start interacting with other fandom people, and try my hand at meta (which I partook in extensively on the regular until everyone left). The name “inevitably-johnlocked” actually came about because I was a platonic bromance shipper when I first saw the show, until I got REALLY into it, and started educating myself and interacting with very lovely queer people, who in turn gave me the gift of self discovery. I was, rightfully so, inevitably destined to be a Johnlocker :) I laugh to myself about that all the time. It’s not even funny, but I have a few little easter eggs all over the place on my blog / posts that if you know small things about me, they’re rather amusing to weird people like me.
BUT ANYWAY, that wasn’t your question, LOL. With regards to ACD canon, truth is exactly this: I just never got around to it. I’ve no reason to NOT read them, I’m just a literal garbage human who eats fanfiction like Skittles. I haven’t read anything OTHER than fanfiction in literal YEARS. I think the last book I bought was the Inkheart Trilogy (WHICH BY THE WAY THERE NEEDS TO BE A JOHNLOCK AU FOR, where John is either the writer or the Silver Tongue [or both], his kid is Meggie, Mary has died / left him, and Sherlock is either his creation or we’ll go really meta and he IS the ACD character, and that’s how he meets John Watson, but I digress. I think about this a lot), which I love dearly. But I just haven’t really taken a break from reading fanfics since like... twenty... fourteen? Yeah, that’s when S3 came out. And then, yeah, I just read downloaded books now on my phone, and I just... never got around to downloading the ACD canon books. I know exactly where to get them, but I guess I’m just SO immersed in the BBC canon that I do like you do, except with EVERYTHING BBC canon, LOL. Except S4, LOL, that can go burn in the dumpster.
(as an aside, my consumption and adoration and obsession of fanfics works in everyone’s favour, really: I get content, you guys get more and more stuff to read that has my good-for-nothing-seal-of-approval, and because of the kind of neuroticism I do have, everything is meticulous and evolves with the fandom)
So yeah, TL;DR: I’m lazy. That simple. And I know it would probably be better for me to read them so that I can answer stuff with certainty, but I’ll be blatantly honest: I LOVE being a middle person to the interactions between y’all, and when you guys impart your knowledge onto me about stuff. It helps keep my blog interactive, and honestly, that’s fun :) 
Cheers for your lovely compliments on my blog, hahah. Yeah, I’ve a lot of posts, so if there’s anything specific you’re looking for, let me know, or I probably have a tag for it <3 Take care!! <3
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paramar · 4 years
Jane Patrol’s transphobia does not get any easier during the rewatch. Also as a lesser thing it does not give me hope that we’ll ever see Kate Godwin ever in the show because of that specific moment + the show not acknowledging Rachel Pollack at all. But it’s probably a blessing because they’d fuck it up I feel like.
godd i hate what they did with that episode. is almost impossible for me to rationalize that an issue written by morrison in the 90s managed to be less offensive about cliff’s gender/it’s relation to jane’s trauma than a show currently airing (or at the very least, not having that played for laughs*)
i still have hope for pollack’s run being referenced in the future, they already seem to be doing point one of my ideal season progression so i can only hope. i know she was absent in the mentions of original DP writers on the credits for the first season, but i want to think that’s because the names are limited to the creators of elements adapted so far in that season (gerard way being there for dr. harrison, i presume) i know that if the show goes on they will include casey and lucius and the rest so for them to just ignore pollack’s run...i’d like to think that won’t happen! so long as they actually include trans women in the process of production, i mean they included the nb flag and everything with danny so there’s clear research on the subject to avoid fucking up severely but i expect. actual involvement tbh. 
*not only wasn’t black annis the one who made the call to let cliff in back then, it was lady purple (presumably because she can see the future iirc), but that’s the second instance of cliff being groped by a member of the underground. of course, i won’t assume anything involving real people and all but once you are familiar with brendan frasier's history with the subject...it creeps me out! i’m sorry but it does
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Sonichu 10 Page 79
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CHRIS: Firstly, Slaweel Ryam has finally been stripped of her dark magic, arrested and serving life in the maximum security prison of Washington D.C. Every last living individual who was brainwashed by her have been released of her spell, including the ex-manajerks. I am also going to make it legal for all homosexuals to do as they please within the city, but gay marriage will continue to be illegal. I am appointing Crystal to be my assistant in social relations, so input can be better understood from the people, for the people. And I, Christian Weston Chandler, will continue to be mayor of CWCville, Virginia, because without me, and my capabilities, this city would be lost. Although I shall now make less appearances in Sonichu’s adventures. And now, for the secondary topics…
SIMONLA: Wild, I gotta use the restroom. Watch my bags?
WILD: Sure, sweetheart.
WILD: And I’ll watch over our little blessing too.
A good amount of Chris’s speech is placed in a large wall of text at the top of this page. He first tells us of Mary Lee’s final fate - she was completely depowered and is currently being held in a maximum security prison in Washington DC. We’re not shown her trial, but it’s safe to assume it was just as kangaroo-ish as the forthcoming trial of the Asperpedia Four. Now I’m no legal expert, but I’m pretty sure if Mary Lee was tried in Virginia, she can’t be incarcerated in DC, which is not a part of Virginia. It’s also confirmed here that Mary Lee’s forces of jerkops and manajerks are now 100% brainwashing free.
Chris also throws a bone to CWCville’s homosexual community that he apparently eradicated earlier in Sonichu 10 - homosexuals are now permitted to fuck away as much as they please, though they will still not be allowed to marry. Chris’s 2015 revisions alter this section to state that same-sex marriage has now been legalized in CWCville. 
Crystal also gets a promotion, of sorts. Instead of just being Chris’s sister/sidekick, she joins Allison as a second assistant, specifically for “social relations”, which to Chris means that she is in charge of the citywide suggestion box. Chris originally said that at the end of Sonichu 10, he was going to step down as mayor of CWCville and hand the reins to Crystal, but we now see that Chris wants to hold on as tight as possible to his title. His reasoning for not stepping down is that without his guidance, CWCville would be “lost”. What this means is somewhat unclear, though it’s likely Chris means that he thinks CWCville wouldn’t exist without him leading it. Now Chris would abdicate the mayorship in 2017, not to Crystal but to Allison Amber, who had apparently taken over the title of most useful assistant in Chris’s mind. Chris said that his new title was “creator of the city”. Later that year, under pressure from the Idea Guy, Chris held elections, where the candidates were Communist revolutionary and Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet (note that both of the above are deceased), Bob McKendrick, a fictional character from Payday 2, current president of Russia and apparently in some alternate universe the Idea Guys came up with also president of the US Vladimir Putin, Allison Amber, and washed up actor and current meme Brendan Frasier. Frasier won, and is apparently the current mayor of CWCville.
Chris’s final promise in this first paragraph is that his days of hovering over Sonichu are over, and that its titular character and his EHP friends would take center stage. At first, he seemed to be making good on this promise - the first pages of Sonichu 11 released in 2009 contained no Chris, and neither did the additions made in 2015. This trend was broken when Chris appeared in the 2017 ending of the Christmas special to explain his sudden gender change, and appeared alongside his characters in person at the end of the issue. But Chris does sit Simonchu and Bananafunkle out, appearing only in a cameo, but he takes up a good amount of screentime in the short Clip Show Part 1. He again leaves To Be Or Naught a Tomgirl to Sonichu’s children, but he plays a very prominent role in Prideful, and he appears again in The Clip Show Part 2. And then Sonichu 12-9 is the most Chris-heavy issue since Sonichu 4, and he also takes center stage in the Idea Guy interlude issue, and what little we’ve seen of the Dimensional Merge focused Sonichu 14 also features Chris heavily, though his current pet project of reworking Trickie’s Rosechu’s Story into Sonichu 15 again sidelines himself. Based on the above, Chris has been very back and forth about sticking to this new plan of only being a minor character in Sonichu.
At the bottom of the page, Simonla leaves her bags with Wild as she leaves on a fateful bathroom trip. And here, for the first time, we are shown that Wild and Simonla have had a child, currently an egg. Let’s take a moment to review the story of Wild and Simonla’s marriage. The two first met in late March or April of 2008, and they immediately hit it off. We next see them in June, still a couple but all we see of them are combat scenes. Then now, in August, is the first time we see the two together since, and now they have a baby. Never had it been hinted that Simonla was expecting or she laid an egg. See, Sandy (their child) didn’t exist until Chris was working on Sonichu 10. If Chris hadn’t been forced to kill Simonla, Sandy likely wouldn’t have existed (or it’s possible Wild and Simonla would have had children much later in the story, possibly that son Reginald Simonla talked about. Note that Wild and Simonla are not married (even after Simonla’s 2014 revival, it appears they still aren’t), meaning Sandy is a bastard both in the literal and figurative senses. 
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popculturecraziness · 7 years
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This Week in Hallmark: A Dash of Love, While You Were Dating and Love at First Glance
Countdown to Valentine’s Day is one of my least favorite Hallmark events. Not only is it a messily organized event that’s hard to keep track of (the schedule of movies kept changing even during the two week event), the movies it produces are usually a snore. For the past couple of years Hallmark has run Countdown to Valentine’s Day there hasn’t been a film that’s stuck in my head past its runtime, let alone a film that’s made me giddy. I’m usually happy to skip over it for the most part and watch its films in bits and pieces when they’re rerun with the June Weddings slate. Alas, I have decided to write up all the Hallmark movies this year, so I can’t skip over these films. But thankfully, you can just read my thoughts under the jump and avoid the hassle. You are all so blessed!
A Dash of Love
A Dash of Love is one of those movies I thought I would enjoy more than I did. I mean, what’s not to like? It features Brendan Penny, one of my favorite Hallmark male regulars, Peri Gilpin from Frasier (my favorite show ever), and Jen Lilley, who starred in one of my favorite bonkers TV movies, The Spirit of Christmas. Plus it promised a plot where two people overcome a rocky beginning to achieve their culinary dreams! A Dash of Love didn’t seem like it was going to be a slam dunk of a movie, but I certainly thought it would be a charming way to spend two hours.
Except it wasn’t charming, it was just kind of dull? The plot seemed to hinge on me rooting for Peri Gilpin’s comeuppance as the mean, recipe stealing chef who was just trying to stop Jen Lilley and Brendan Penney from living their dreams. And while that’s fine for an average run of the mill TV movie, A Dash of Love was a Hallmark movie being produced for Valentine’s Day, so I expected a little romance. And there wasn’t any really! The leads didn’t spend enough time interacting with each other for me to care if they fell in love, and in fact by the end, I was pretty convinced that the two of them seemed to be more destined to be great business partners than romantic ones. 
So congrats to Brendan Penny and Jen Lilley on what is looking to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. It’s too bad that it seems to be strictly of the business kind as opposed to the romance kind.
While You Were Dating
At the beginning of While You Were Dating, a nifty twist on the You’ve Got Mail formula is introduced--two internet pen pals don’t know it, but they’re exes in real life! Sounds cute, right? It was! Well, until they meet twenty minutes into the movie and that premise is scratched.
Instead the movie is about two exes who meet up and decide to be friends. Even though they are clearly still in love with each other and broke up amicably all those years ago, they decide to just be friends and set each other up on a bunch of blind dates. Eventually sanity reigns and the two exes remember that they were perfect for each other all along. 
It’s a perfectly fine premise, and to my utmost surprise, While You Were Dating overcame its terrible While You Were Sleeping rip-off name to become the easiest sit of the 2017 Countdown to Valentine’s Day class. Sure, it wasn’t the type of movie that makes you squee into your hand and believe in love, but it did make William Baldwin seem like a catch and that may be enough magic for all of us.
Love at First Glance
The best part of Love at First Glance was the commercial Hallmark aired that featured Amy Smart slamming her fist on the table screaming, “Am I ready for love?” while Ellie Goulding’s “Love Me Like You Do” blasted in the background. It was high melodrama and high camp and everything I could ever hope from a TV movie production.
Sadly that kind of high camp and high melodrama was only featured in the commercials for Love at First Glance. The actual movie was kind of a snore, which isn’t that shocking when the two romantic leads have a whopping total of three minutes of screen time together. How am I supposed to believe in this amazing love story when the two people who are falling in love never interact? I’m too logical to think that a long-lasting relationship can be built on two text conversations and the girl interviewing all of her love interest’s past acquaintances to learn about his clearly photoshopped picture with a lion and sad tragic ex-girlfriend with amnesia from a bike accident backstory. 
I’m also too logical to believe that any rational person would be cool with a stranger not only keeping his cellphone for two weeks, but having free reign over his contact list and past texts and photos, but whatever, that’s not what was keeping Love at First Glance from being bearable. I could suspend my disbelief on the cellphone if Adrien Grenier and Amy Smart actually interacted with one another, but they didn’t, so this movie is getting no passes from me!
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