Vergil stares down, squinting in annoyance at the hastily scribbled list of names, addresses and numbers of packages that corresponds with each customer. A bit ridiculous that someone of his stature has taken up a job of 'delivery boy' as an occupation when not eviscerating monsters. But a job is a job and just because he happened to land a place to stay 'rent free'' after struggling for so long does not mean he would not carry his weight. At least Vergil dummied down his attire to be much more simple and approachable- besides Yamato, ever loyal stripped to his hip... Plus the "resting bitch face" as his self proclaimed sister called it. Scoffs at the thought. Another glance, and another squint to the street sign, then a turn around to see if he had skipped a block. "This is unfortunate..." Lost? Him? More likely than you think since Vergil only landed in this bustling city area a few months ago. Scrubbing a hand through his silvery strands, he is reluctant to ask directions when he freezes. A scent. Something familiar catches his nose, bringing confusion and a slight furrow of his brow before his hackles raise wearily. Now those Icey irises are shifting about- Hardly not frantic and paranoid
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creatureshrieks · 7 months
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❝ you... didn’t think it would be that easy, did you? ❞ @blxxditout || Sidney & Frank || prompted.
A pallet slammed down nearly on top of Frank, causing him to stumble backwards with an arm blocking his face from the impact. An enraged growl emanates from behind his mask and the fingers around the hilt of his knife tighten, his hand shakes. He glares from behind his mask, though upon hearing the other's words he can't help but smile. Bold, he thinks, to waste precious time conversing with a killer. Bold to think he wouldn't just lunge across the pallet and drive his blade through his throat. He can't help but respond with a laugh, the sort you give when the situation was just too damn ridiculous for words.
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" It'd be boring if you made it easy, " He retorts. He almost sounded amused, as if this was nothing more than a game the two were playing. He leans in, free hand on the pallet. Nothing but cobbled together wood keeping the two of them apart. He pushes down on the pallet - it creaks, under the weight. Sure, he couldn't break it with just his hands, but it didn't hurt to remind the other how weak this wall truly was.
" Never had someone so chatty. Sure you don't want to start running ? "
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webslingerx · 5 months
Starter for @blxxditout
New York. New York to some, was a land of opportunity and to the other “some” people, it was the world’s business trade center. New York offered a lot for its people and tourists to see and view, such as St. Patrick’s Cathedral, West Village and one of Peter’s personal favorite, The Empire State Building.
Peter shook his head softly clearing his mind and thoughts as he weaved through the crowds of people. He was late for work. Again. The woman he spoke with on the phone earlier said if he was an hour late for the fourth time he’d be fired swiftly. Lucky for him he was only 47 minutes late. Still too close for his liking but… what can he do? It was hard being a hero and working a normal job and living a normal life. Somedays.. it seemed impossible to live a normal lifestyle. He loved his life and his secret identity but with all the pros, it does come with some cons.
As he was in his thoughts, he bumps into someone. This caused his briefcase to pop open, sending all his domestic and papers everywhere. He quickly grabs a few that linger in the air and then squats down to scoop up the rest. Without looking up, he apologizes purposefully.
“I’m so sorry! This was my fault… I wasn’t paying attention.. in my thoughts as always.. are.. are you okay?”
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dmnprnc · 4 months
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@blxxditout: ❝ I'm a nice person but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people. ❞
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"As long as none of them are directed towards me, have at it," he said, "Personally, I use bullets when someone pisses me off." He held up his gun and examined her as if to admire her. "But everyone has their preferences."
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upon-blades-twilight · 4 months
@blxxditout Continued from: ۞
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Sid's wording only seemed to agitate Ouro further, causing him to hiss through gritted teeth.
"Do you take me for a fool!? It's so painfully obvious why anyone would bother to confront me for any reason at all. No one in this world is worthy of trust, and I'm not about to fall for your words in such a manner."
Normally the younger man was mostly cool headed, but for whatever reason the topic of trust, or for any 'friendlier' and of the related, was something that quickly turned his emotions. Not for the better, obviously.
The bladed that threatened and accused in Sid's direction wavered slightly. Along with it, his eyes seemed to have trouble keeping focus on the stranger. Still, he continued to fight his steadiness and hold his ground. Another several steps forward were taken as he tried to drive the other away. By now it was certainly close enough to make contact, but Ouroboros' physical state had fallen so far that, if it did meet flesh, it wouldn't be able to dig for more than an inch or two.
"It would be wise for you to heed my warning... You should never trust another. Others are only interested in meeting their own ends, and anyone past that is merely a tact to have those ends meet." Even as he pushed forward, the arm that was losing itself now began to cause that same shoulder to slump. "And I know you are no different."
Pulling his blade back, he then steadily readied it at his own eye level before thrusting it forward with even more force. The tip was aimed directly at Sid's right shoulder.
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[ MESS. ]
[ MESS. ]  the sender finds the receiver covered in blood that certainly isn’t their own.
Be difficult - expect agony. 
Of course where The Mastermind is concerned that could involve anything. Sometimes the simple crime of existing in his peripheral was enough.
The moment he senses that survivors are need the desire gnaws at him. Chewing through the unseen cage of his mind as he tracks and systematically slices and violently flings their frail bodies against every surface.
Cruel, he is oh so cruel.
He cannot help it when they all bleed so easily.
This group in particular proved miserable in fortune. Soaking the outside of his coat with a thick layer of viscera and blood. He feels it clinging to his bare skin, sticking to him as he pauses briefly at the sound of footsteps behind him.
Was there still one left?
Tightening his hold on the blade in his hand, he turns around.
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lostsonofsparda · 7 months
[ 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver lock eyes across the room
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Vergil knew that something seemed off about the atmosphere. It wasn't necessarily the smell, although it make his nose wrinkle slightly as he walked into the establishment. It was something akin to sensing a demon, but it seemed different somehow. For a long moment, he stood in silent contemplation.
His icy blue gaze swept across the dimly light room, every sense on alert. Then, he saw it - no, felt it - as his eyes met those of a shadowy figure tucked away in a corner. The blue Sparda couldn't necessarily see the other's eyes, but there was still the sensation of someone watching him.
He held the gaze for a moment, then moved away towards the bar. He had to figure out who, or what, he was dealing with and fast.
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rebelliousfamily · 7 months
@blxxditout continued from here
No need to get violent. Susie frowned a little. She kept hold of the knife in her hand and glared at the man in front of her. She knew that a lot of people didn't take her seriously because she was so small, and she was young. She wasn't like Danny or Michael. She was barely an adult. She only just turned eighteen when the entity had taken her away.
She raised an eyebrow slightly at him and shook her head. "It's what I have to do. The entity wont like it. It never likes it if I just let someone else escape." She answered him and tilted her head slightly. "Say if I do let you go? What will you do?"
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designedparadigm · 5 months
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" holy shit, are you okay ? " / @blxxditout
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   to  say  it  was  new  to  john  would  be  a  lie.  it's  not  even  as  bad  as  he's  used  to  -  though  to  be  spotted  cleaning  up  a  wound  and  stitching  it  together  in  a  public  bathroom  is  beyond  what  he's  used  to.  he  arches  a  brow,  before  turning  back  to  his  work.  a  few  spent  bullets  are  in  the  sink,  along  with  quite  a  fair  bit  of  his  blood.  he's  stitching  the  second  bullet  hole  on  his  own,  the  first  one  sloppily  done  but  effectively  done. 
   "never  been  better."  he  states  it  rather  bluntly  -  whether  it's  a  joke  or  not  is  entirely  up  in  the  air  and  up  to  interpretation.  when  he  finishes  the  last  stitch,  he  ties  it  off,  snapping  the  thread  and  tossing  the  needle  to  the  sink.  he's  content  to  leave  the  mess  behind  as  he  pulls  his  clothes  back  together,  for  whatever  that's  worth.  they're  a  tattered  mess.  ripped.  burnt.  bloody.  it's  not  outside  of  the  normal  life  for  the baba  yaga. 
   "you  might  not  want  to  hang  around  here."  he  states  it,  pulling  his  handgun  from  the  back  of  his  pants,  checking  the  remaining  bullets  with  a  swift,  well  practiced  motion.  not  too  much  left  -  which  didn't  bode  well.  "place  isn't  safe."  his  gaze  flicks  to  the  newcomer.  "go  out  the  back  way  -  and  try  not  to  trip  on  the  bodies."  the  bodies  he  left  in  his  wake,  really.  "you  don't  want  to  be  a  casualty." 
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fangsforhire · 5 months
| ℒ |
~ @blxxditout
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‘Another, darling.’
The barked demand was given from immortal lips, the flavour of alcohol now permanent on his tongue. Not that he minded, liquor soothed the soul and one thing after another had led him there, to the confines of a bar he didn’t often frequent. It was full of the nasties, those who stalked the streets to find their next victim; the serial killers, the misfits. The son of a bitches who didn’t fit in with society, and yet despite his own kill count, he never had lowered himself to such standards. They set his teeth on edge. ( Their methods were questionable even to his tastes and yet, desperate times. ) He’d become louder than he liked, his name overused to the point that hearing it was second nature. He’d never anticipated that he would discover his origins, that he would be known as anything but the infamous L and yet now, Lucien had been forced from the shadows. Gone were the days when he could simply disappear. If it wasn’t Hell breathing down his neck; it was Heaven hounding him. He couldn’t catch a break, not really. 
Let them try to follow him there. The angels at least, wouldn’t be seen dead in a place like this, and that was the point wasn’t it? Not that it meant he could just drink in peace. Already he’d been bothered by some crackhead, standing out like a sore thumb. ( He was a pretty thing really, bright blues, picturesque features and the vampire part of him drew people in. Attracting them like a moth to a flame. ) It was one of the reasons bloodsuckers could prevail, they were incredibly seductive without even meaning to be, and while sometimes he would slurp up the attention - tonight was not the case. He’d grumbled back at them, dismissing them in annoyance and retreated to his own secluded corner. 
It was where he was when the door opened again, bringing with it new patrons and fresh scents. Tongue darted out, giving little care, until. What the fuck was that? The arrival of one of them changed everything; his shields slamming through his mind so violently he almost jolted. Power threatened to radiate through his fingertips, his own little radars going off in unison. ( Great. Was it a demon? Had he misjudged their persistence? ) Temples throbbed, abilities on the verge of going haywire as he tried to survey the crowd and pinpoint the cause, yet he came up empty. No one particularly standing out. Highly doubting it was the kid in the hoody, until locking onto him he felt…. uneasy. Almost sick. Nausea crept it’s way through his stomach and the whiskey glass in his hand came close to shattering.
Who the hell was that? What the fuck was he?
Doing his best to mask his discomfort, he did what he always did, returned to acting, and casually glanced away again; expression becoming indifferent. ( The questions could wait. The answers would come. ) One thing was for certain; he was not letting that unknown being out of his sight. They say curiosity killed the cat, but yet cats also had nine lives. 
Which was lucky, really wasn’t it? 
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webslingerx · 4 months
So this is what love is? Of course he loved his friends, Aunt May and Uncle Ben… but this was a different kind of love. This was something much deeper? He lifts his hand and rubs his eyes and whole face for a moment. How could he describe this feeling, his type of love? Quickly, he jumps up and latched onto the ceiling upside down. Doing this, helped him think and relax a moment. He was getting anxious waiting for a certain someone to text him.
As he calmed down, he crawled across the ceiling to hover over the phone waiting for the “bleep” on his phone to happen. This was love right? Wanting so badly for a text? Wanting to see them so soon? Wanting to hug them, kiss them as soon as he saw them? Of course that was love. Love was a finicky thing, love was harsh, love was sweet and well sometimes love was… shit. But luckily for him, love has been kind to him, love has been generous, love has been genuine, love has his protective and love has showed him that it’s okay to be and feel loved. It’s okay to feel loved and not feel selfish about it.
He sighs as he continues to wait for the phone to go off. When as he going to text him? When? He rappels down a little to free his hands. He immediately begins fidgeting with his fingers, taping them against one another. Surely soon he’d text. Why did love make him feel this way? It made him feel soft, yet anxious. It made him feel lighter, yet shy sometimes. It made him feel like he was the only one in the word, yet it made him feel vulnerable. Why? Why does love do that?
Finally. Like a prayer has been answered the phone beeps and Peter, like a viper strikes his phone with a web-shot and pulls it up to him. Reading the message upside he smiled widely at it, reading it over a few times. God he loved him so much. He didn’t know what he’d do without Sid. His heart fluttered as he immediately texted back. He thought for a moment that he’d let the text linger in the air, make Sid wait for him but he wasn’t able to do that. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t wait to see Sid again. As he reply practically instantly he awaits Sid reply. He drops down back to the carpet, setting his phone on the table.
Quickly he shimmers out of his casual clothes to show off this suit that he hide underneath. Spider-Man had an advantage to traveling New York’s business life; he’d be able to get there to their restaurant in no time. Peter however? It would take a while as New York’s roads were always packed. But swing travel was always spacious and personally? This was his favorite way to travel around. Perhaps one day, he’ll take Sid around with him… show him the sights from up here.
Now fully suited up, he slips on the spider mask, and once more web-shoots his phone pulling it towards him. Huh..Sid reply back but his phone didn’t go off this time. Weird but it does happen sometimes. He texts back with a mask-hidden smile, saying he’ll be there shortly and couldn’t wait to see him. He shoves the cracked phone in his spandex pocket.
Like always, he dives out the window swinging freely through New York with a swelling heart. Love may not have always been kind to him in his life thus far, but as of now? It’s been spectacular to him. He couldn’t imagine his life now without this feeling of being in love and feeling loved. He forgot how amazing, magical it felt. He truly loved it and he was so glad he opened his heart to give it another chance. Love was a lot of things; love wasn’t just one thing normally but for Peter?
It was.
Love to him was Sid. Just him.
Sid made feel all sorts of things, but he mostly made him feel loved, appreciated and just wanted. So fucking wanted. Sid made Peter feel wanted and needed.
And this is the kind of love Peter can understand and get behind. He himself, loves Sid to his whole heart’s fullest and he never going to stop loving him. He would forever stay as Sid’s partner.
Forever and always.
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Sid belongs to my wonderful friend @/blxxditout!! I hope you like this small drabble I made!!
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ofarkhxm · 6 months
"Don't touch her" (RE verse)
She looked horrified, but raised her hands timidly. "I'm....I'm not..." She wanted to finish that with 'Infected' but then realized she was supposed to be keeping her lips sealed about knowing anything like that. "I...do....I'm not armed if that's what you're worried about?" that was also a lie but. "I...listen..."
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corvidamned · 6 months
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upon-blades-twilight · 5 months
@blxxditout Continued From: ۞
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This one’s gaze snapped towards the other. It was exceedingly rare for anyone to be able to approach him without notice, yet this one did. That didn’t settle with him too well. His nose wrinkled and a glare flashed at the other to try and quickly mask his surprise. Still, no worded answer was given in return.
Being a devil was already obvious to Sid, but something still seemed rather off with this one. There was a slight crimson glow behind the steely gaze. In fact, there was a lot about him that just felt off, especially if Sid’s senses were keen enough. He might be able to tell that a lot about him was a simple glamour. Who knows what else he was trying to hide about himself.
It was pretty plain that this one cladded in azure was quick to distrust, and even quicker with aggression. Regardless of the fact that his arm was literally melting, he still yanked his blade from its’ saya and shifted to stand upright. The weapon sung with a gentle but dangerous hum due to the sudden friction. Even if the hand that now held his weapon wasn’t his appropriate dominant, it was still held with precision. The blade’s tip acted as a barrier between them as it was pointed in Sid’s direction.
Without hesitation, he began approaching the other in an attempt to drive him away. All the while his failing arm was tucked against his side. The rain only made it look even worse, as it sent the curiously bleached coloured blood running down the side of his coat. On the other hand, it only worsened its’ state by causing hidden bandaging to loosen and fall into ribbons behind him.
It was then he finally decided to speak, although his voice was leaning hoarse, “You willl do well not to meddle in other people’s affairs.”
Still, he couldn’t help but be silently curious. After all, he knew exactly how un-human his arm looked, yet this stranger took the approach to offer help rather than take advantage of the situation. It must have been a ploy. He was certain of it, and he wasn’t about to let his guard down.
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janeromeroshow · 6 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes.
sometimes i fear that due to the amount of drama and toxicity the rpc has historically had, people can be quick to assume the worst. it's a trait i empathize with since i'm open about my pretty extreme anxiety, but i think people also need a reminder sometimes; just because your new mutual isn't immediately sending 400 things into your inbox, doesn't mean they don't want to write with you. sometimes, however uncomfortable it may be, you need to make the first move and communicate. and like i've said, i GET how hard it is. between my anxiety and my autism i am absolutely sympathetic to the fear that comes with reaching out to a new person. however, there comes a time where you ( and this is a general you, this isn't aimed don't worry! ) need to either reach out yourself or stop blaming other people for your percieved lack of interest, because 99% of the time they are in the exact same boat and are waiting for you.
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gamblingluck · 6 months
Ace: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground. Sidney: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
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