#bonus points for the 10/10 horse stance
gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the Heart S2 Midseaon
Matters of the heart Season 2 Episode 10 A father’s tears Warning: this episode of Matters of the heart contains
Heavy subject matters and is not intended for children
{OPENING CREDITS} {open to Isaiah at the breakfast table with chin in hand and stirring his oatmeal depressingly; Varian Enters frame} Varian: Goooood morning family! Zapada: Iubirea mea! {Zapada gets up and kisses his cheek; Varian notices Isaiah looking upset} Varian: buddy you need to eat. Isaiah: What's the point? Zapada: Isaiah… Isaiah: no I'm serious!  this is just going to kill me what's the point of eating? Varian:  it's not going to kill you!  I already told you I'm going to find a way to fix this! Isaiah: I don't know how… Zapada:  let us stop looking at negative... let us look at positive!  we know more about it now! And… {Zapada moves over to sit by Isaiah; she takes his hand and places it on her stomach} Zapada:  just think in a few weeks you'll have a little sibling running around. Varian: she's right, won't be long now. Zapada:  please Isaiah... if not for yourself, eat for your sibling. be healthy for them. {Isaiah looks at the bowl and sighs before taking a small spoonful of oatmeal and hesitantly eating it; he takes another bite, and then another} Varian: That’s my boy. {Fade to Eugene getting his horse ready when Rapunzel walks in} Rapunzel: heading out? Eugene: Oh Sunshine I...I’m going to tell Varian our plan. Rapunzel: Want me to go with you? Eugene: no it’s fine...You're already going to be there for the exchange besides I'm sure the Royal Court needs you today. Rapunzel:  are you okay? Eugene: Varian’s going to be pissed. Rapunzel:  probably. most likely actually. Eugene:  that's why I have to go by myself to tell him.  I made this bed now I have to lie in it. if he has any anger, I want it to be directed at me, not you. Rapunzel:  Eugene... when you talk to him just be gentle.  take things with stride. you know how he is. {Eugene mounts his horse} Eugene:  I know. Rapunzel: I love you… Eugene: I love you too Rapunzel… {he signals his horse to Gallop; Rapunzel watches him ride away} Rapunzel: …. please understand. {Cut to the cult HQ with Noremoth donning his armor; he stops to stare at the necklace in his hand; it’s a metal circlet with nordic runes on it and a leather string; he runs his fingers over the runes before tying it around his neck; a knock is heard} Larkspur: you ready for this? Noremoth:...yes m-mistress. Larkspur: What's with the pouting? you're being given a second chance. I would think you'd be excited to prove yourself once more. Noremoth:  I just have a bad feeling about this. Larkspur:  a bad feeling? it's just nerves.  man up a little would you? Noremoth: it just doesn't make any sense. no matter what we've done in the past the King has always denied us. why is he suddenly agreeing to meet with us? don’t you find it even the slightest bit suspicious? Larkspur: Norie, you worry too much. Noremoth: I would like to think I worry just the right amount. if we mess up once. just one slip-up. it could be the end of everything we stand for. It could be the end of us. {Larkspur walks up behind him and throws her arms around him and rests her chin on his head lovingly} Larkspur: oh sweet little Norie. what are they going to do? we have the upper hand. we have the vessel. Noremoth: dammit Larkspur! {he forces his way out of her grip; Larkspur scowls} Larkspur: What is the issue this time!?  honestly, I welcome you back with open arms and after all of this, I am willing to forgive! Noremoth:  this is your problem you never think you're in the wrong! you always think you're right! you're too pompous and self-righteous!  we are talking about the same Kingdom that was able to defeat Zhan tiri!  we shouldn't be underestimating them! Larkspur: How dare you…? {she grabs his face} Larkspur: You dare speak to me that way? and after all I've done for you? I could have killed you. it would have been so easy. and yet because I liked you and respected you I was willing to let you back in.  you're lucky I need you. otherwise, you'd already been dead on this floor. {She pushes him away and walks out the door of his room and slams the door shut; he looks shocked and slumps against the wall; cut to old Corona wand Isaiah is play sword fighting with Nathaniel} Nathaniel: Whoa! Oh no no no! Too slow! Isaiah: Not for long! RAAHH! {he charges and Nathaniel moves out of the way and trips him} Isaiah: AH!...ow… Nathaniel: you know the lack of depth perception is a real bonus when fighting you. Isaiah: oh screw you. {they laugh and Eugene rides up} Isaiah: Huh? Uncle Eugene? Nathaniel:  your majesty! *bows* Isaiah: ...you're such a kiss-up. {Eugene dismounts and Isaiah hugs him} Eugene: hey squirt!  good to see you too. Isaiah: what are you doing here? Eugene: I need to talk to your dad is he around? Isaiah: he should be in his lab. Eugene: Thanks. {He tussles his hair and walks away; Isaiah turns smugly to Nathaniel} Isaiah: Not only are you a kiss-up but you didn't get your hair tussled by his majesty. Nathaniel: oh shut up {cut to Eugene knocking at Varian’s office door} Varian: Come in! {Eugene walks in and Varian puts down in quill and stands up from his desk} Varian: Eugene! You didn't tell me you were coming. Eugene: sorry to drop in unannounced but I really need to speak to you... also you keep your lab and office in the same room? Varian:  it allows for more space and for me to do my leadership duties and Alchemist duties in the same room. Eugene: well it's efficient I'll give you that. Varian:  what can I do for you? Eugene:  actually I came to speak about a very dire matter. Varian: is a member of the royal family sick? is something wrong? Eugene: promise not to freak out. Varian: Eugene I'm not fourteen anymore. Eugene: promise not to freak out! Varian: okay fine I won't freak out! Eugene: I met with the cult. Varian: WHAT!? {his yell echos throughout the house making Zapada drop her cup of tea} Zapada: am I ever going to be able to drink a simple cup of tea in this house? {Cut back to Varian pacing in his office with Eugene sitting and listening} Varian:  of all the stupid irresponsible and backhanded things you've done-! Eugene: Varian you have to understand! Varian: understand what!? that you sold us out!? Eugene:  if you would let me speak I would explain further. Varian: why should I listen to anything you have to say!?  you're putting my family in danger! you're putting yourselves in danger! you're putting everything in danger! Eugene: Are you done? Varian:... Fine. Eugene:  Rapunzel and I have a plan.  when we go to meet with the cult we will make it look like we're alone.  But really our troops are going the other way and are going to ambush The Cult. We’ll be able to get rid of the power that's plaguing Isaiah, arrest The Cult, and keep the Moonstone Shard all in the same day. Varian: I'm not sure about this... it sounds too good to be true. Eugene:  you've seen how the cult is in battle.  they're Reckless. I find it very doubtful that they thought this all the way through besides you heard what they said last time they're not going to stop. if we continue on like this Corona will be nothing but a pile of smoldering Rubble. Varian: I'm just not sure about them putting their hands on my son. Eugene: Varian... do you remember the promise I made you when Isaiah was born? Varian: I asked you to protect him. Eugene:  exactly I haven't stopped that promise just because he's now with you.  he's more than just the son of my best friend. he's a nephew to me. and I know it's hurting you just as much as it is me if not more to see him in this kind of pain. if there is even the slightest chance that we can relieve him of this... shouldn’t we try? {Varian sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose} Varian: I must have lost my mind... fine. we’ll do it. Eugene:  alright then.  we're going to be meeting on the North Shore cliffs at noon tomorrow. just outside Coronas walls.  I'll meet you here in Old Corona tomorrow an hour before. {zoom out on them and fade to night; Isaiah lies in bed looking worried; Varian walks over and blows out the candle} Varian:  get some sleep buddy.  we got a big day tomorrow. Isaiah:  dad? Varian: yeah? Isaiah:.... nevermind... love you Dad. Varian: love you too buddy. {Varian closes the door and walks away; Isaiah turns over in bed and hugs his stuffed rabbit; he stares at it for a moment before getting up and going over to his desk; he takes out a music box and opens it; a soft melody plays and inside is some of his prized possessions and a small handheld painting of Estelle} {Begin song “Isaiah’s prayer} {Isaiah} If your up there and can hear my plea~ My fears so thick I can hardly see, oh This new power is everything I hate and more I know this is my chance To live my life and take a stance But still, I wonder, is this right for sure? It’s not that I’m ungrateful for this new eventful turn But there’s something still something inside me and it
Fills me with concern I pray that you hear me Just listen to my voice I pray that you hear me Cause it seems I have no choice And I’m praying for an answer
To this hell I live I pray that it will end here Please let this be it~ Please let this be it. {end song with Isaiah closing the music box; cut to black; fade to daytime and everyone getting their horses ready} Lily: So you're really going? Isaiah: I don't really have a choice. if there's a chance I have to take it. Lily: promise me you'll come back? Isaiah: I'll always come back. that's a promise that I'm going to keep for the rest of my life. {Lily runs up and kisses him before quickly pulling away} Lily: Y-you better! {She runs away leaving Isaiah dazed} Isaiah:  I'm never prepared for when she does that… {Nathaniel walks up} Nathaniel:  did I really just see you smacking lips with the princess? Isaiah: just once I'd like to be the one to initiate it and for it to last more than mere Seconds! Nathaniel: pfftt... you'll get your chance eventually. Isaiah: hopefully! Nathaniel: you sure about this by the way? Isaiah:... to be honest? no I'm not. we're talking about the people that killed my mother and grandfather. Nathaniel: Well, whatever happens, don't be stupid. think things through.  and for God's sake curb that temper of yours. Isaiah: heh. thanks, man. Nathaniel: and by the way man… Isaiah: Ye- {Nathaniel punches his shoulder} Isaiah: AUGH! Really?
Nathaniel:....to heck with it! {He grabs his shirt and pulls him into a tight hug; Isaiah is shocked but hugs back before they let go} Rapunzel: Everyone ready to go? Zapada: Be safe, Varian... you also, Isaiah. Varian:  I promise I'll come back. I'm not missing the very first birthday of my second kid. Isaiah:  bye Zapada... by the way even though we might not be related. you're still a good mom. Zapada: ohhh..Isaiah… Eugene: alright everyone let's move out! {They start to ride away; as they ride Isaiah looks back at his home in the distance then turns forward with a determined look; cut to the Northshore cliffs; As they ride up Larkspur, Noremoth, Cassandra and five other cult members come into view} Rapunzel: wait... there's only eight of them surely there's more members than that. Varian: oh there are. trust me it's like a Rat's Nest.  they probably only chose a few to come out today and left the rest of them to guard their hideout. Eugene: it doesn't matter as long as we get Larkspur. without their leader, they will be powerless. {they ride up and dismount their horses} Rapunzel: Cass! Cassandra: *tries to run up but is held back by the members* Raps! Larkspur: your Majesties how kind of you to join us. what a wonderful day this is isn't it? all of our problems are going to be solved. Noremoth:  quit teasing them... {Larkspur slyly kicks him} Noremoth: urgh! Larkspur:  I Trust You Brought The Shard? {Varian takes out the small vial with the glowing blue shard} Larkspur: excellent. Eugene: and I trust you'll hold up your end of the bargain? {We see in the background the royal guard skulk in the tall grass with arrows} Larkspur: but of course... just send the little br-i mean angel over with the shard and we’ll begin. Eugene:  why can't you just remove the magic first? Larkspur: ooh that's the thing. I don't exactly trust you all the way.  if you send over both at the same time I'll give Isaiah this. {she holds up a small vial} Larkspur:  fascinating isn't it?  it's a potion. he got the powers from the vessel’s blood so using that information we were able to make a potion using her blood that neutralizes the magical effects on the host. Isaiah: I have to drink that? Larkspur: if you'd rather die from the magic slowly draining you then be my guest. Isaiah: No!... I'll do it. { Isaiah walks over to his father and retrieves the vial} Varian:... just walk over to her and don't look her in the eye it'll probably make it easier. Isaiah: o-okay… {Varian kisses his forehead and turns him to face the cult; Isaiah walks forward, looking at all the members but staring at Cassandra} Isaiah: miss...Cass… {Cassandra tries a reassuring smile but it only makes Isaiah wince; she looks away; Larkspur walks up to him} Larkspur: do you have it? {Isaiah holds up the vial} Larkspur: good boy... now, what's this? you're shaking like a leaf.  are you scared of little old me? Isaiah: *winces* Noremoth: Larkspur that's enough... give him the potion. Larkspur: Oh relax Noremoth, I'm not going to hurt the little brat. I just want to have a little look-see. {Eugene places a hand on his sword; Cass bites her lip} Noremoth: Larkspur… {Larkspur grips Isaiah’s neck just under his chin making him gasp; Everyone jumps; Eugene unsheaths his sword: the guards in the tall grass are now at alert and one goes off to the side with his bow} Varian: Isaiah! Larkspur: he looks so much like his daddy! {She turns Isaiah and forces him to look at them} Larkspur: I mean wouldn’t you agree? Cassandra: Larkspur please stop this! You’ve had your fun but that’s enough! Give him the potion! Larkspur:..ugh fine...killjoy. {She reaches for the potion in her pocket but just as she does that and arrow grazes her cheek and imbeds itself in the ground; she stares at it} Eugene:....shit… {She turns around to see the guards in the tall grass} Noremoth: Larkspur...we’re so close...think about what you’re doing. {She practically seethes with rage as she keeps a firm hand on Isaiah} Larkspur:...kill them… Cassandra: w-what? Larkspur: in the name of Zhan tiri I command you, Vessel… Cassandra: No..no, please! Noremoth: Larkspur stop this! Larkspur: Let your magic rise and Kill them! {Cassandra’s eyes flicker in colour} Cassandra: NO! {The rest of the cult charges; The guards charge from the grass; Isaiah bites Larkspurs hand} Larkspur: AH! You little- {As Isaiah runs back to his father he keeps a firm grip on the moonstone shard vial; A guard charges Larkspur and prepares to swing his sword down on her while she’s distracted; Noremoth jumps in between them and blocks him} Noremoth: Ya come here often? {They fight} Varian: Isaiah are you okay!? Isaiah: I'm fine but I think we have bigger fish to fry at the moment- AH! {Isaiah is flung to the side by Cassandra, now completely under the influence of her power; he hits the ground harshly} Varian: Cassie!  Cassie, you have to stop this! listen to me! you know me! {She swings at him and he blocks the first hit but is punched in the eye by the second one} Varian: AH!... Cassie please I don't want to hurt you… Cassandra: Shut up and fight! {She swings once more at him; Isaiah groans and groggily gets up; he sees the battle ensuing through blurred vision; he shakes his head and gets up; cut to Rapunzel and Eugene Fighting cult members and pushing them back with swords} Rapunzel: bring back any memories, Eugene? Eugene: Yeah, unfortunately, they’re memories I was hoping to leave behind! Rapunzel: Well count your blessings this is a lot harder to do without my hair. {cut back to Varian; he now is bloody and beaten} Varian: I'm not going to fight you, Cass. Cassandra: then I guess you’ll die… {Isaiah throws himself at Cassandra toppling her over} Cassandra: AH! Isaiah: Ow! Varian: Isaiah! {Cassandra growls} Cassandra: YOU LITTLE BRAT! I’VE. HAD. ENOUGH! {She kicks him square in the chest as he’s trying to get up making him lose his balance on the edge of the cliff} Varian: ISAIAH! {The Fighting halts as everyone looks; He topples over the edge; Varian dives at the edge but misses him} Varian: NOOO!! Isaiah: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! {as he falls his eyes change to green and pink; He splashes into the rough waters below; everything is silent except for the sound of the wind and waves; Varian lays at the edge arms dangling over in shock; tears pour down his face} Varian: no...N-NO! ISAIAH! {Eugene’s eyes dilate in horror; Rapunzel covers her mouth and cries as they both run over to Varian; Cassandra’s eyes return to normal and she gasps when she realized what she did} Noremoth: ...Fall back… Larkspur: Excuse me!? Noremoth: Fall back! Larkspur: Who are you to- {Noremoth slaps her} Noremoth: I SAID FALL BACK, YOU ABSOLUTE MORON! {Larkspur looks on in absolute shock as she runs away with the others; one guard aims and arrow} Guard: oh no you don’t! {He looses the arrow and hits Noremoth in the back making him fall to the ground} Noremoth: AUGH! Cassandra: Noremoth! {Cult members run up and knock her out; one member slings her over his shoulder} Larkspur: Leave Noremoth! Cult member: But- Larkspur: I Said leave him!! {They all run away; cut back to Varian as he sobs} Varian: ....W-We have to go down there! Eugene: Varian… Varian: We have to find him! Eugene Please! Eugene: VARIAN! {Both him and Rapunzel jump; a tear runs down Eugene’s face as he speaks with a broken voice} Eugene: ….No one has ever survived a fall from the North Shore Cliffs... it's too great of a fall. Not one single person has ever….survived... Varian: no…I-Isaiah...please don’t do this... Eugene:...Isaiah’s gone. {Varian turns and looks down at the waves} Varian:...my boy...my baby...NO! {Rapunzel pulls him into a hug; Eugene joins in; Varian just screams in anguish; fade to them on horseback entering the walls of old Corona with an unconscious Noremoth tied up and slung over Isaiah’s horse; Zapada, Lily, and Nathaniel stand waving at them} Rapunzel:...someone needs to tell them... our poor Lily is going to be crushed. Varian:... I'll tell them… Eugene: you're sure? {Varian looks coldly at him with red and puffy eyes} Varian:  he was our son... Zapada is my wife. I'm going to be the one to tell them. {He rides up to where she is and gets down; As They ride closer they see everyone’s face slowly contort in horror; Zapada falls against Varian and screams into his chest; Lily collapses to her knees making Rapunzel jump off her horse and run the rest of the way} Eugene: Sunshine! W-Wait! {Rapunzel skids over to Lily on her knees and envelops her sobbing daughter in a hug} Rapunzel: shhh...Lily..shh Lily: Nooo!... Isaiah, why!? {Nathaniel falls back against a tree and sinks to the ground} Nathaniel: ...That...That idiot!... {He chokes back a sob; Eugene looks around at the sorrow and lets a single tear fall} Eugene:...i’m sorry… {Fade to the waters by the cliffs; A banged up and unconscious Isaiah clings to a rock in the water} Voice off in the distance: Man overboard! {END CREDITS}
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airiat · 5 years
8, 9, 10 for Fjoara? :D
8. If they were to invent a shout, what shout would they create? Bonus if you can come up with the words of the shout in dragon language.
you know…i wonder if at some point in the future when she’s really strong, if she could actually invent a shout. hm. anyway, it would probably be something really lowkey and not combative. one thing i think that would be infinitely useful to her would be the ability to read minds. but only on a specific target for a limited time so it’s not op. with each word of power, her shout grows stronger in complexity. as in, the first word she would only be able to see the images of someone’s mind, the second word would allow her to see images and hear their thoughts, and the last word would allow her to absorb enough information about her target that she could predict what they will think/say/do next.
the words of power themselves are very simple and not at all creative:
koraav (see), hon (hear), prodah (predict)
9. Whether they are magical or not- if they were to invent a spell for their own uses, that does not already exist in Skyrim, what kind of spell would they come up with?
already answered so i’ll copy it over :)
haha she would create a spell that would get rid of her mental illness (wouldn’t we all?). no, I’m kidding. She’d want a spell that could summon her horse. Not just any horse, though—her horse Kalina. I know such a spell exists as a mod, but that doesn’t count!
10. Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.
so, she’s aligned with the nobility of skyrim through her family, she was a member of the thieves guild and has very strong personal and profession ties to them, she was a student at the college of winterhold for about a year but has no ties to them after that, she’s kind of an honorary member of the skaal, she will study with the greybeards for a time and will (probably) not join the blades, and though she more than likely will be high queen of skyrim, her political stance will be neutral (i think)
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anisanews · 3 years
Panthers’ flurry of moves all point to Deshaun Watson push
It’s been quiet on the Deshaun Watson front recently, as the disgruntled star QB appears to be at a stalemate with the Texans. But that hasn’t stopped teams from apparently planning for that stance to change.
The Carolina Panthers made a number of roster moves this week that flew under the radar – but may be designed to clear cap in case Watson became available. Once a “dark horse” to land the star QB, the team appears to be positioning itself to be a major player.
Carolina has cut four players in the past week: former Pro Bowl defensive tackle Kawann Short, safety Tre Boston, defensive end Stephen Weatherly and punter Michael Palardy, according to CBS Sports. The moves collectively freed up $25.7 million in cap space, now putting them around $40 million under the cap.
Then, Carolina converted a majority of center Matt Paradis’ base salary into a signing bonus, pushing that money into the future and creating another $5 million in cap space, according to ESPN.
On Monday, Sports Illustrated also revealed that the team is planning to move on from current quarterback Teddy Bridgewater due to his “physical limitations.” Bridgewater does have $10 million guaranteed in 2021, making a cut a bit tricky, but all signs point to the team moving on under center.
All of the moves suggest Carolina is trying to make a run at Watson, who played college football at Clemson – one state away. CBS Sports reported that Panthers owner David Tepper is “fairly consumed” by the prospect of landing the star QB, and they are expected to be major players if he becomes available.
The question, of course, is whether or not he will become available. Houston continues to insist they have no interest in trading Watson. But if the stalemate continues and if the Texans loosen their stance, expect Carolina to make a major push.
from Anisa News https://ift.tt/2NTjXLH
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eddiejpoplar · 5 years
The 2019 Porsche Cayenne V-6 Is Astoundingly Good
NAPA VALLEY, California — The backstory of Porsche’s hugely profitable SUV totem is familiar: Back in 2003, the Cayenne was met with a maelstrom of skepticism from purists who couldn’t fathom that such a philosophical break would eventually provide the financial security necessary to continue producing cars such as the 911 GT2 RS. The intervening 15 years have seen remarkable paradigm shifts in the marketplace, with Porsche’s SUVs—yes, there are multiple ones now—outselling the iconic 911 by a factor of 3 to 1. That said, it’s no wonder the third-gen 2019 Porsche Cayenne requires a trained eye to distinguish from its predecessor despite its “all-new” designation. You can hardly blame Porsche for approaching its cash cow with the conservatism of a government-backed Treasury bond.
The 2019 model’s incrementally tweaked exterior includes slightly broadened haunches, newly staggered wheels, and a width that grows by 0.9 inch. But under the skin lie fat-shedding tactics that include a body-in-white made from 47 percent aluminum, a new aluminum-intensive multilink front suspension in place of a steel control-arm setup, and a lithium-iron polymer starter battery that in and of itself trims 22 pounds. So despite a broader stance that says otherwise, the weight savings are real: 122 pounds versus the second-gen version, and a whopping 447 over the original Cayenne.
Our drive of the more workaday V-6 variant—we’ve previously driven the Turbo and E-Hybrid versions of the 2019 model—included an ambitiously twisty jaunt over some of Napa Valley’s most scenic stretches, a route likelier tackled by a low-slung sports car than a 4,377-pound sport utility. Regardless, one point became glaringly clear once we’d carved through the first few turns: The latest Cayenne is the sportiest yet, even in the base trim. A large amount of credit goes to a new single-turbocharger 3.0-liter V-6 that replaces the naturally aspirated V-6 of previous iterations. The mill produces 35 more horses and 37 additional lb-ft of torque, and is said to power the Cayenne to 60 mph in as little as 5.6 seconds—1.6 seconds quicker than its predecessor. Although diehards might miss the auditory delights of the naturally aspirated engine, the overall experience is richer and acceleration is palpably more urgent, especially when the powertrain is set to Sport mode (or Sport+ when equipped with the Sport Chrono package).
Power is directed to all four wheels via a new electronically controlled transfer case that sends up to 100 percent of torque to the front or rear axles, while the eight-speed Tiptronic S transmission uses a wider ratio spread that enables both quicker acceleration and more relaxed high-speed cruising, and the torque-converter gearbox is said to be better-suited for towing and off-road tasks than Porsche’s dual-clutch PDK transmission. It’s a smooth and largely invisible partner for the V-6, allowing you to revel in the engine’s predictable linearity rather than worry about gear selection.
Inside, the Cayenne gets Porsche’s latest multimedia interface, a 12.3-inch proximity-sensor-equipped central touchscreen that is complemented by two seven-inch screens around the centrally positioned analog tachometer. It offers a customizable menu that enables widget-style access to radio, navigation, and other items on the home page, and is easy to operate at first blush. Yet while the look is clean, the system wants for an easily accessible control wheel or touchpad, and the flush, haptic “buttons” lack the tactile satisfaction of physical switchgear.
Thankfully, the new Cayenne is more gratifying to drive than its infotainment is to operate. While the standard 19-inch wheel setup (up from last year’s 18-inchers) offers sharper maneuverability, the Pirelli P Zero–clad 21-inch option helps the Cayenne corner with an agility that belies its footprint. Also an added bonus: Porsche’s new optional PSCB surface-coated brakes, a $3,490 option not to be confused with the even pricier carbon-ceramic PCCBs. Using a massive, 16.3-inch surface area up front with a monster 10-piston caliper, the rotors are coated with a proprietary tungsten carbide material that creates an attractive mirrored surface, sure, but more importantly provides outstanding heat dissipation. Beyond that, the PSCBs also deliver superior pedal feel while producing 90 percent less brake dust than standard stoppers. It takes some time to acclimate to the pedal sensitivity—at first, we decelerated with neck-snapping vigor—we figure owners will get used to the short pedal travel and move on. Regardless, the system works quite well and is highly likely to steal interest from the considerably more expensive carbon-ceramic option.
The ride is smooth and controlled over all surfaces with the adjustable suspension set to its softest or stiffest damping levels, while responsiveness would have presumably been even sharper with the new four-wheel steering, which unfortunately was not on any of our test cars. This system, which provides for up to three degrees of in-phase or counterphase steering, is essentially the same as found in the Audi Q7, where we’ve found it to be both effective and transparent in operation.
When considered as a whole, the entry-level Cayenne is a very satisfying vehicle to drive, with our only misgiving being its steep cost for those who want even a modicum of options. While the V-6 model starts at $66,750, the example we drove wore an $84,240 sticker despite its lack of many leather interior trimmings, uplevel audio, and the Sport Chrono package. OF course, Porsche’s pricing tactics and long list of a la carte options underscore why it is one of the most profitable car companies in the world and why it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Of course, it helps when the products are very good at their core, and the new Cayenne is certainly that. That it continues to fund development of amazing sports cars is at this point a cherry on top.
2019 Porsche Cayenne V-6 Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $66,750 ENGINE 3.0L DOHC 24-valve turbocharged V-6; 335 hp @ 6400 rpm, 332 lb-ft @ 1340 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine AWD SUV EPA MILEAGE 19/23 mpg (city/highway) L x W x H 193.6 x 78.0 x 66.7 in WHEELBASE 113.9 in WEIGHT 4,377 lb 0–60 MPH 5.6–5.9 sec
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jonathanbelloblog · 5 years
The 2019 Porsche Cayenne V-6 Is Astoundingly Good
NAPA VALLEY, California — The backstory of Porsche’s hugely profitable SUV totem is familiar: Back in 2003, the Cayenne was met with a maelstrom of skepticism from purists who couldn’t fathom that such a philosophical break would eventually provide the financial security necessary to continue producing cars such as the 911 GT2 RS. The intervening 15 years have seen remarkable paradigm shifts in the marketplace, with Porsche’s SUVs—yes, there are multiple ones now—outselling the iconic 911 by a factor of 3 to 1. That said, it’s no wonder the third-gen 2019 Porsche Cayenne requires a trained eye to distinguish from its predecessor despite its “all-new” designation. You can hardly blame Porsche for approaching its cash cow with the conservatism of a government-backed Treasury bond.
The 2019 model’s incrementally tweaked exterior includes slightly broadened haunches, newly staggered wheels, and a width that grows by 0.9 inch. But under the skin lie fat-shedding tactics that include a body-in-white made from 47 percent aluminum, a new aluminum-intensive multilink front suspension in place of a steel control-arm setup, and a lithium-iron polymer starter battery that in and of itself trims 22 pounds. So despite a broader stance that says otherwise, the weight savings are real: 122 pounds versus the second-gen version, and a whopping 447 over the original Cayenne.
Our drive of the more workaday V-6 variant—we’ve previously driven the Turbo and E-Hybrid versions of the 2019 model—included an ambitiously twisty jaunt over some of Napa Valley’s most scenic stretches, a route likelier tackled by a low-slung sports car than a 4,377-pound sport utility. Regardless, one point became glaringly clear once we’d carved through the first few turns: The latest Cayenne is the sportiest yet, even in the base trim. A large amount of credit goes to a new single-turbocharger 3.0-liter V-6 that replaces the naturally aspirated V-6 of previous iterations. The mill produces 35 more horses and 37 additional lb-ft of torque, and is said to power the Cayenne to 60 mph in as little as 5.6 seconds—1.6 seconds quicker than its predecessor. Although diehards might miss the auditory delights of the naturally aspirated engine, the overall experience is richer and acceleration is palpably more urgent, especially when the powertrain is set to Sport mode (or Sport+ when equipped with the Sport Chrono package).
Power is directed to all four wheels via a new electronically controlled transfer case that sends up to 100 percent of torque to the front or rear axles, while the eight-speed Tiptronic S transmission uses a wider ratio spread that enables both quicker acceleration and more relaxed high-speed cruising, and the torque-converter gearbox is said to be better-suited for towing and off-road tasks than Porsche’s dual-clutch PDK transmission. It’s a smooth and largely invisible partner for the V-6, allowing you to revel in the engine’s predictable linearity rather than worry about gear selection.
Inside, the Cayenne gets Porsche’s latest multimedia interface, a 12.3-inch proximity-sensor-equipped central touchscreen that is complemented by two seven-inch screens around the centrally positioned analog tachometer. It offers a customizable menu that enables widget-style access to radio, navigation, and other items on the home page, and is easy to operate at first blush. Yet while the look is clean, the system wants for an easily accessible control wheel or touchpad, and the flush, haptic “buttons” lack the tactile satisfaction of physical switchgear.
Thankfully, the new Cayenne is more gratifying to drive than its infotainment is to operate. While the standard 19-inch wheel setup (up from last year’s 18-inchers) offers sharper maneuverability, the Pirelli P Zero–clad 21-inch option helps the Cayenne corner with an agility that belies its footprint. Also an added bonus: Porsche’s new optional PSCB surface-coated brakes, a $3,490 option not to be confused with the even pricier carbon-ceramic PCCBs. Using a massive, 16.3-inch surface area up front with a monster 10-piston caliper, the rotors are coated with a proprietary tungsten carbide material that creates an attractive mirrored surface, sure, but more importantly provides outstanding heat dissipation. Beyond that, the PSCBs also deliver superior pedal feel while producing 90 percent less brake dust than standard stoppers. It takes some time to acclimate to the pedal sensitivity—at first, we decelerated with neck-snapping vigor—we figure owners will get used to the short pedal travel and move on. Regardless, the system works quite well and is highly likely to steal interest from the considerably more expensive carbon-ceramic option.
The ride is smooth and controlled over all surfaces with the adjustable suspension set to its softest or stiffest damping levels, while responsiveness would have presumably been even sharper with the new four-wheel steering, which unfortunately was not on any of our test cars. This system, which provides for up to three degrees of in-phase or counterphase steering, is essentially the same as found in the Audi Q7, where we’ve found it to be both effective and transparent in operation.
When considered as a whole, the entry-level Cayenne is a very satisfying vehicle to drive, with our only misgiving being its steep cost for those who want even a modicum of options. While the V-6 model starts at $66,750, the example we drove wore an $84,240 sticker despite its lack of many leather interior trimmings, uplevel audio, and the Sport Chrono package. OF course, Porsche’s pricing tactics and long list of a la carte options underscore why it is one of the most profitable car companies in the world and why it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Of course, it helps when the products are very good at their core, and the new Cayenne is certainly that. That it continues to fund development of amazing sports cars is at this point a cherry on top.
2019 Porsche Cayenne V-6 Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $66,750 ENGINE 3.0L DOHC 24-valve turbocharged V-6; 335 hp @ 6400 rpm, 332 lb-ft @ 1340 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine AWD SUV EPA MILEAGE 19/23 mpg (city/highway) L x W x H 193.6 x 78.0 x 66.7 in WHEELBASE 113.9 in WEIGHT 4,377 lb 0–60 MPH 5.6–5.9 sec
0 notes
jesusvasser · 5 years
The 2019 Porsche Cayenne V-6 Is Astoundingly Good
NAPA VALLEY, California — The backstory of Porsche’s hugely profitable SUV totem is familiar: Back in 2003, the Cayenne was met with a maelstrom of skepticism from purists who couldn’t fathom that such a philosophical break would eventually provide the financial security necessary to continue producing cars such as the 911 GT2 RS. The intervening 15 years have seen remarkable paradigm shifts in the marketplace, with Porsche’s SUVs—yes, there are multiple ones now—outselling the iconic 911 by a factor of 3 to 1. That said, it’s no wonder the third-gen 2019 Porsche Cayenne requires a trained eye to distinguish from its predecessor despite its “all-new” designation. You can hardly blame Porsche for approaching its cash cow with the conservatism of a government-backed Treasury bond.
The 2019 model’s incrementally tweaked exterior includes slightly broadened haunches, newly staggered wheels, and a width that grows by 0.9 inch. But under the skin lie fat-shedding tactics that include a body-in-white made from 47 percent aluminum, a new aluminum-intensive multilink front suspension in place of a steel control-arm setup, and a lithium-iron polymer starter battery that in and of itself trims 22 pounds. So despite a broader stance that says otherwise, the weight savings are real: 122 pounds versus the second-gen version, and a whopping 447 over the original Cayenne.
Our drive of the more workaday V-6 variant—we’ve previously driven the Turbo and E-Hybrid versions of the 2019 model—included an ambitiously twisty jaunt over some of Napa Valley’s most scenic stretches, a route likelier tackled by a low-slung sports car than a 4,377-pound sport utility. Regardless, one point became glaringly clear once we’d carved through the first few turns: The latest Cayenne is the sportiest yet, even in the base trim. A large amount of credit goes to a new single-turbocharger 3.0-liter V-6 that replaces the naturally aspirated V-6 of previous iterations. The mill produces 35 more horses and 37 additional lb-ft of torque, and is said to power the Cayenne to 60 mph in as little as 5.6 seconds—1.6 seconds quicker than its predecessor. Although diehards might miss the auditory delights of the naturally aspirated engine, the overall experience is richer and acceleration is palpably more urgent, especially when the powertrain is set to Sport mode (or Sport+ when equipped with the Sport Chrono package).
Power is directed to all four wheels via a new electronically controlled transfer case that sends up to 100 percent of torque to the front or rear axles, while the eight-speed Tiptronic S transmission uses a wider ratio spread that enables both quicker acceleration and more relaxed high-speed cruising, and the torque-converter gearbox is said to be better-suited for towing and off-road tasks than Porsche’s dual-clutch PDK transmission. It’s a smooth and largely invisible partner for the V-6, allowing you to revel in the engine’s predictable linearity rather than worry about gear selection.
Inside, the Cayenne gets Porsche’s latest multimedia interface, a 12.3-inch proximity-sensor-equipped central touchscreen that is complemented by two seven-inch screens around the centrally positioned analog tachometer. It offers a customizable menu that enables widget-style access to radio, navigation, and other items on the home page, and is easy to operate at first blush. Yet while the look is clean, the system wants for an easily accessible control wheel or touchpad, and the flush, haptic “buttons” lack the tactile satisfaction of physical switchgear.
Thankfully, the new Cayenne is more gratifying to drive than its infotainment is to operate. While the standard 19-inch wheel setup (up from last year’s 18-inchers) offers sharper maneuverability, the Pirelli P Zero–clad 21-inch option helps the Cayenne corner with an agility that belies its footprint. Also an added bonus: Porsche’s new optional PSCB surface-coated brakes, a $3,490 option not to be confused with the even pricier carbon-ceramic PCCBs. Using a massive, 16.3-inch surface area up front with a monster 10-piston caliper, the rotors are coated with a proprietary tungsten carbide material that creates an attractive mirrored surface, sure, but more importantly provides outstanding heat dissipation. Beyond that, the PSCBs also deliver superior pedal feel while producing 90 percent less brake dust than standard stoppers. It takes some time to acclimate to the pedal sensitivity—at first, we decelerated with neck-snapping vigor—we figure owners will get used to the short pedal travel and move on. Regardless, the system works quite well and is highly likely to steal interest from the considerably more expensive carbon-ceramic option.
The ride is smooth and controlled over all surfaces with the adjustable suspension set to its softest or stiffest damping levels, while responsiveness would have presumably been even sharper with the new four-wheel steering, which unfortunately was not on any of our test cars. This system, which provides for up to three degrees of in-phase or counterphase steering, is essentially the same as found in the Audi Q7, where we’ve found it to be both effective and transparent in operation.
When considered as a whole, the entry-level Cayenne is a very satisfying vehicle to drive, with our only misgiving being its steep cost for those who want even a modicum of options. While the V-6 model starts at $66,750, the example we drove wore an $84,240 sticker despite its lack of many leather interior trimmings, uplevel audio, and the Sport Chrono package. OF course, Porsche’s pricing tactics and long list of a la carte options underscore why it is one of the most profitable car companies in the world and why it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Of course, it helps when the products are very good at their core, and the new Cayenne is certainly that. That it continues to fund development of amazing sports cars is at this point a cherry on top.
2019 Porsche Cayenne V-6 Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $66,750 ENGINE 3.0L DOHC 24-valve turbocharged V-6; 335 hp @ 6400 rpm, 332 lb-ft @ 1340 rpm TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine AWD SUV EPA MILEAGE 19/23 mpg (city/highway) L x W x H 193.6 x 78.0 x 66.7 in WHEELBASE 113.9 in WEIGHT 4,377 lb 0–60 MPH 5.6–5.9 sec
0 notes
itsworn · 6 years
We give a tired 1968 Camaro a handling and visual makeover with a stack of affordable aftermarket goodies
If anything confounds us it is enthusiasts who put the cart before the horse. They build all kinds of power into a vintage muscle car and save brakes and suspension for last when it really should be the other way around. Brakes and suspension are safety items that should come first when you’re building a fast Chevy muscle car. You want control of all that power and you certainly want to be able to stop when the fun is over.
Performance Online (POL) has affordable solutions for enthusiasts who want more from their vintage and late-model Chevy powerhouses. The key to having it all is how you spend your money getting there. You want the best handling and braking you can get without selling off the farm. POL has an extensive, and affordable, product line that enables you to build performance into your ride without spending a lot of money.
Nothing is more paramount than your Chevy’s brake system. A good brake system can make the difference between avoiding an accident and having one. The best accident is the one you never have. Good brakes also helps a car’s handling since they inspire confidence and allow you to dive a bit deeper into a curve.
Although aftermarket disc brake systems for classic Chevys have been available for a long time now, there are still plenty of classics out there with four-wheel manual drum brakes or, like our first-gen Camaro, sporting power front disc/rear drum brakes, but lacking the braking performance we’d like. We want this thing to stop after a wide-open throttle blast.
Of course, roads often have curves and nothing beats slicing through them in a Chevy with a capable suspension. Also, nothing is scarier than a classic Chevy with unpredictable and sketchy road manners. Our 1968 Camaro fell into this category. The stock suspension was well worn, which added more problems to the performance equation. So along with brakes we also decided to tackle the suspension and any other issues we found along the way.
We’re working with a small-block ’68 Camaro sporting power front disc brakes with rear drums as a chaser and a bone stock suspension. Because we’re on a budget, we’ve opted for a freshening up, with a new power booster and master cylinder, along with rear disc brakes to help make our Camaro safer. We also went with updated suspension parts to help the Camaro ride and handle better than it did even when brand-new. POL has everything we’re going to need to get the Camaro’s performance where it needs to be for safe driving and precision stopping. We also decided the old tires weren’t helping in the handling department and the 16-inch rims were giving the Camaro a dated look so budget-friendly rollers and fresh rubber were put on the to-do list as well.
1. Our ’68 Camaro sports its original suspension system with a stock ride height. We’re going to change all of that with a complete Performance Online (POL) suspension system, which will lower the ride height; improve the handling; and give our first-gen Camaro a down-low, road-hugger stance.
2. These 1967-’69 Chevrolet Camaro tubular control arms from POL are powdercoated for extreme durability and good looks. They include bumpstops and have improved ball joint clearances. These guys improve frontend geometry and, as a result, handling. They work with stock coil springs or coilover shocks. The lower control arms feature a dropped spring pocket.
3. Stubborn ball joints can be motivated with heat. Do not overdo it with excessive heat, which can damage the spindle or at the least weaken it. Once hot, whack the spindle with a five-pound sledge, which should jar the ball stud loose. Of course, a ball joint fork would work as well.
4. The upper control arm attachment point is loosened as shown. Take an accounting of the number of alignment shims and where they are positioned. We had plenty of clearance, but sometimes this part can be challenging if headers are involved.
5. We could then remove the upper control arm. Always recycle steel suspension components such as upper control arms. Hey, a few bucks from the scrap guy is better than nothing.
6. Place some sort of support beneath the ball joint of the lower control arm. The shocks are removed next using a 5/8-inch deep well socket on tip and 9/16-inch bottom. Front shock absorbers come out through the bottom once the fasteners are removed. Slowly lower the support under the ball joint to release the tension on the coil spring until it can be safely removed. Always pay very close attention to coil springs under pressure, which can cause serious injuries if the proper precautions are not taken.
7. POL tubular lower control arms are installed like this. Be advised that these bushings can be very stubborn, making it hard to seat the arm. This is normal. The bushings should be lubricated with the provided lubricant. Always use protective gloves when using this stuff since it tends to get everywhere and make a mess of things.
8. The new POL lowering coil spring is installed next. We’re using a jack stand for lower control arm support. In your home garage, safely position your Camaro on jack stands and use a floor jack for control arm support.
9. The POL tubular upper control arm is installed next. Be sure to use the same complement of shims as used on the factory arms. Tighten the fasteners to GM specifications. We will still need to get a full alignment, but this should get us close enough to be able to drive to the shop.
10. POL provided new tie-rod ends and billet adjustment sleeves for easy adjustment. We’ve taken the original tie-rod ends and used them as a reference. The new sleeves are considerably stronger than the stamped steel stockers.
11. Also included in the stack of parts from POL was a heavy-duty front sway bar and polyurethane bushings to stiffen up the handling and reduce body roll.
12. The old shocks were pretty time-tired and as a bonus the bushings were dried-out, cracked, and not really bringing anything to the handling party.
13. POL got us into new rear suspension components, including multileaf springs, Western Chassis gas shocks, and shock relocation brackets (top and bottom). The kit also included the necessary hardware and new U-bolts.
14. The upper shock mount crossbrace bolted up under the Camaro between the factory framerails as shown. In addition to giving the shocks a new place to mount, the bar also adds a bit more chassis stiffness. This bar eliminates the stock upper shock mounts.
15. Three bolts secure the leaf spring eyelets in front, which makes them easier to remove than most applications. It’s best to do one complete leaf spring at a time, supporting that side while making the switch. This is the front mounting plate, which we reused. Like the rest of the old the suspension, the leaf spring bushings were pretty shot.
16. The new POL multileafs are installed as shown. Joel Rode of Hot Rod Specialties has lubed the pivot points with chassis grease. Ride height depends on which leaf springs you have ordered. Lower is better as long as you don’t get into tire and wheelwell interference.
17. The bottom shock and leaf spring mounts are installed using new U-bolts. U-bolt length is an important consideration. Keep length conservative at no more than 1-inch of stud exposed. We left extra just in case we decide to drop the rear down a bit more with some lowering blocks.
18. While under the Camaro to do the suspension upgrades we noticed the front subframe bushings were shot. How shot? Well, let’s just say they weren’t doing much besides taking up space. The answer was to grab a set of better polyurethane pieces from Energy Suspension.
19. The new bushings were pretty easy to install. To keep the subframe aligned we did the rears first and then the pair near the firewall and finally the ones on the front core support.
20. Our small-block Camaro is fitted with box-stock single-piston front disc brakes, which do an adequate job of stopping in daily driving. We’re going to fit these binders with slotted and vented POL rotors in an effort to improve performance. As a bonus, the zinc washed rotors look a ton better.
21. POL has provided us with a new power booster, master cylinder, and disc brake distribution block to fully complement our upgraded and refreshed braking system. These components are all drop-in replacements without the need for any modifications.
22. The power brake booster pedal pushrod is secured here at the brake light switch and pedal. Pull the pin and the booster is disconnected.
23. Joel removes the original power brake booster. If this was a full restoration we would have had this one rebuilt.
24. The POL power brake booster slips right into place without modifications or frustration. Four pedal support studs protruding through the firewall support the booster. Once bolted to the firewall we went back under the dash and attached the clevis to the brake pedal.
25. Joel performs a bench bleed before installing the dual master cylinder from POL. This ensures the master is free of air prior to installation. It keeps us from introducing a bunch of air into the brake hydraulic system. Joel installs the POL master cylinder, which offers greater capacity than original equipment. The brake proportioning/pressure differential valve is a direct replacement for original equipment and is valved for rear disc brakes.
26. This Camaro has a 10-bolt differential. You have to pull the cover and pop the C-clips in order to remove the axleshafts so that the drum brake assembly can be removed. This is the best time to replace axle bearings and seals.
27. The original axles were badly worn and if we had kept them the seals would have certainly leaked. So we installed a pair of affordable Summit axles to complement our rear disc brake upgrade. The disc brake caliper bracket has been installed using a thread locker and proper bolt torque.
28. The POL slotted and vented rear disc brake rotors are installed for the same reason we used them in front. Slotted and vented rotors get rid of heat better and allow for an improved pad-to-rotor relationship. In short, they offer better braking while being better looking.
29. We have secured the rear brake calipers and installed the parking brake cables. A complete brake system bleed begins at the right-rear caliper, then the left-rear. The right-front is next, and finally the left-front, which is closest to the master cylinder. Expect to go through this routine two or three times to get all the air out. With each bleeding exercise and a good shakedown with hard braking, the pedal will become harder and more predictable.
30. We also decided to up the handling and looks dramatically with a set of new wheels and tires. The wallet friendly aluminum wheels are from American Legend. These are their Cruiser wheels, which offer a modern diameter of 18-inches while keeping the vintage look of an original Rally wheel. They came with flat “dog dish” center caps, but we opted for some short disc brake caps from Classic Industries. Given the low-profile tires we did add a set of 1-inch lowering blocks to the rear to get the stance right.
31. For tires we went with 235/40R18 front and 275/35R18 rear Falken RT615K tires. The 200 treadwear tires will add a lot to the Camaro’s grip and still wear well on the street. The 18-inch American Legend wheels (18×8 front and 18×9 rear) and modern tires really updated our ’68 Camaro and were a great complement to our fresh POL suspension system. Now to find and alignment shop and then a nice curvy road.
American Legend 855.924.3100 americanlegendwheels.com
Classic Industries 800.854.1280 classicindustries.com
Energy Suspension 888.406.2330 energysuspension.com
Falken Tires 800.723.2553 falkentire.com
Hot Rod Specialties 909.215.9916
Performance Online (POL) 888.991.0887 performanceonline.com
Summit Racing 800.230.3030 summitracing.com
The post We give a tired 1968 Camaro a handling and visual makeover with a stack of affordable aftermarket goodies appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/performance-online-goodies-1968-camaro/ via IFTTT
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utopia-game · 7 years
Age 72 Final Changes
Welcome Utopians!  The Age 71: The Metamorphosis has come to an end, and Age 72: The Era of Venerated Bastions  will begin shortly.
We would like to thank everyone for their feedback and help devising what are now the final changes for Age 72.  
Age 72 Freeze Start: Saturday 20th May at 12:00 GMT
Age 72 Protection Start: Tuesday 23rd May at 18:00 GMT
Age 72 Protection End: Wednesday 24th May at 18:00 GMT
NW Changes - Peasants will now be 0.25 NW, and soldiers will be 0.5 NW and 1/1.
SOT change - we are considering adding a 'last seen' line to SOTs that will show most recent activity in addition to displaying information related to any active Kingdom Ritual
Scientists - generated on a flat ratio similar to wizards instead of via RNG.
Explore pool - remove kingdom wide explore pool and replace it with province level exploration pools.
Paradise - will still consume explore pool, will be available only to Mystic or Rogue personality (Not Faery)
Gains - Replace Networth Based Gains (NWBG) with a hybrid Land Based Gains (LBG) system that incorporates NW.
Networth Protection - Significantly reduced for spells and sabotage operations.
Op success rate - Success rates made significantly easier to achieve
OOW honor gains - Significantly reduced.
WW Chart Chains - In order to incentivize conflict between top WW kingdoms, we have altered the formula to provide additional WW points (scaling from the current if the kingdom you war is outside of the top 50 for land, honor, NW, and warwins) to double the current points.
WW Bonus - Additionally, we are adding a new set of WW bonuses. Kingdoms will receive recognition on their kingdom page based on the number of WW points they achieve. Each additional 'tier' that they obtain will also increase their WW bonus -- land, honor, credits, etc -- by 10%. This is capped at a WW bonus that is 50% larger than the baseline bonus.
Finally the WW bonus will scale with kingdom size under 20 provinces to reduce the potential for abuse with kingdoms that remain intentionally small in the number of provinces.
The War Win bonus will also include a provision of additional land to every province's individual explore pool in both kingdoms, this is mainly aimed at helping provinces that are destroyed in war to have a chance to grow back to a functional size.
WAR - Exploration during End Of War Cease-Fire will have reduced cost penalties (from 500% to 250% of normal cost).
Explore Penalty - Kingdoms smaller than 10 provinces will see an increased explore penalty.
Several New Spells dedicated to the Paladin Personality Only
Kingdom Rituals
Kingdom Rituals (KR) are a new mechanic that serve as a kingdom-wide bonus.
- The Monarch or Steward will select one of 3 rituals the kingdom will begin (similar to the starting of a dragon)
- To complete the ritual the Kingdom must cast a new 'ritual spell' 100 times within 48 hours of the ritual being started
- The ritual spell will have a very expensive rune casting cost; and have a difficulty similar to the most difficult self spell
- A successful KR will last for 120 hours
- Only one KR can be active, another KR can be started before the active KR ends, very similar to Dragons. Once the KR is completed, the previous KR will be replaced
- All users will have a KR page; on this page only you will have the KR spell available to help initiate the KR
- The KR page will also display various information such as: current KR status (type and strength), whether a new ritual is being cast, how many more successful casts are necessary
- For enemies: an active KR will be displayed via Spy on Throne, where you will see which KR is active and current strength
There are three kinds of KRs, we do not yet have names for them, and the numbers are likely to change drastically:
1) Barrier - Increases defensive TPA and WPA by 25%; reduces gains via attacks against the kingdom by 10% (similar to Guard Stations); +10% DME
2) Affluent (WAR ONLY) - Increases income by 25%, Birth Rate by 20%, and draft speed by 25%
3) Onslaught - Increases OME by 10% and enemy casualties on your offensive attacks by 15%
Note: The Prosperity KR can be initiated and completed at any time regardless of your stance (relations) however, if it is active and you are NOT in war you will receive no effects from it.
Self Spells
Inspire Army is no longer a baseline spell, it is being replaced by a Paladin Only spell called Paladin's Inspiration and has ~25% increased effects (low difficulty;moderate/high duration)
New Spells:
Scientific Insights (Paladin Only) - This spell will increase the science effectiveness of target province by +10% (moderate difficulty/short duration)
Illuminate Shadows (Paladin Only) - Provide target with -20% damage from thievery operations (moderate/high difficulty;moderate duration)
Wrathful Smite (Paladin Only) - Attacks against province while this spell is active will result in higher casualties for the attacker (moderate difficulty;low/moderate duration)
Divine Shield (Paladin Only) - Increase magic defense of target (will stack with Magic Shield;low/moderate difficulty;moderate duration)
Magic Ward (Unf Only) (Paladin Only) - Increase target's spell cost in runes by 25% for duration (moderate difficulty)
Barrier of Integrity (Unf Only) (Paladin Only) - Stops all drafting that would normally take place in target province (moderate/high difficulty;very short duration)
Attack time -25%
Birth Rate +40%
Can Train Elites with Credits
Battle Gains -10%
Can't Use Stables
Minus 2000 Starting Spec Training Credits
20% fewer credits generated
Spell book: Fanaticism, Greater Protection, Bloodlust
Elite: 11/4, 775 gc, 10.5 NW
Building Efficiency +25%
Construction Cost -100%
Construction Time -50%
Use Credits to Raze
Access to Greater Arson
Food Consumption +100%
Can't Accelerate Construction
Spell book: Mystic Aura
Elite: 8/9, 900 gc, 10 NW
Instant Spell Damage +25%
WPA +35%
Towers Efficiency +20%
+2 dspec strength
Wages +50%
Spell book: Clear Sight
Elite: 9/7, 1000 gc, 10 NW
All Spells (Including Tree of Gold; Excluding Paradise & Paladin Spells)
-10% income
-5% population
Spell book: All Spells (Including Tree of Gold; Excluding Paradise & Paladin Spells)
Elite: 5/10, 1050 GC, 11 NW
Max Population +10%
Thief Cost -50%
TPA + 40%
Extra Stealth +1
+1 ospec strength
Birth Rate -10%
BE - 5%
Spell book: Aggression, Mage's Fury
Elite: 6/8, 700 gc, 9 nw
Income +30%
Immune to Income Penalties
Increase Scientist Generation Rate +25%
+1 general
WPA -10%
Spell Cost +50% Runes
Spell book: Greater Protection, Quick Feet
Elite: 11/5, 1050 gc, 11 NW
Battle Gains +20%
Draft Cost -100%
Enemy Casualties on Attack +15%
Military Casualties +10%
TPA -10%
Spell book: Bloodlust, Reflect Magic
Elite: 12/1, 1000 gc, 11.5
Carries & Immune to Plague
No Food Required
Offensive Casualties -50%
Def Troop Losses 50% to solds
Convert Specs to Elites
Ospec strength +2
Mana +1
Science Effectiveness -15%
Can't Train Elites
Basic Thievery Only
Spell book: Town Watch, Nightmares
Elite: 11/3, 11.5 NW
New Race - Dryad Bonuses Double Strength War Horses Mercenaries fight with 7 strength Each acre produces food Penalties +25% attack time -15% opponent kills Elite (Will O' The Wisp) 14/2, 1100 GC, 12.5 NW Offensive Specialist (Huldra) 6/0, 350 GC Defensive Specialist (Nymph) 0/6, 350 GC Spellbook Aggression
Military Casualties -35%
Plague Immunity
Starting Bonus
Soldiers +800
Spec Credits +800
Animate Dead
Greater Protection
Magic & Crime Science Effectiveness +20%
WPA +20%
Runes Refunded 35%
No Wiz Killed on Failed Spells
No Thieves lost on Failed Ops
Spell and Op Damage +10%
Starting Bonus
Starting Wizards +100
Starting Thieves +200
Guild Effect +100%
Magic Sci Eff +75%
Spell Damage +15%
Starting Bonus
Starting Wizards +600
Meteor Showers
Thievery Sci Eff +50%
Thieves' Dens Eff +50%
Extra Stealth / Tick +1
Access to ALL Thief Ops
Starting Bonus
Starting Thieves +400
Abduct Protection +30%
Science Effectiveness +25%
Starting Bonus
Starting Scientists +25%
Attack Time -20%
Accurate Espionage
Starting Bonus
Starting Soldiers +800
Spec Credits +800
Clear Sight
Off Military Eff +5%
Full Conquest Access
OME in war +10%
Starting Bonus
Starting Soldiers +800
Spec Credits +800
War Hero
Battle Gains +5%
Honor Bonuses +100%
Income Penalty Protection
Dragon Immunity
Convert Specs into Elites
Starting Bonus
Starting Elites +800
War Spoils
Can Cast Fading Self Spells on Kingdom Members (success will be based on WPA)
Troops attacks dragon with 20% more strength
Fool's Gold
Paladin's Inspiration
Scientific Insights
Illuminate Shadows
Wrathful Smite
Divine Shield
Magic Ward
Barrier of Integrity
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