gabriellaleen · 1 year
Valentines Day Special
(I didn't even finish the video yet😭😭😭😭)
Warkinles ocs:
Gabriella: I still love them, Unyla & Zimal, I still miss them, I wish I would've see them again. I won't forget them.....
Attera(Attern x Tera): Valentines Day was great for two of them, they'll be together till death
Attern: It's perfect for us in the forest
Tera: Forests can be peaceful, It's just I want to see birds chirping and animals🐒🦊🐇🐿🦫🦔🐨🦥🐦🐤🦜🦋🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷⚘️🌲🌳🌴
Sarenna(Sarah x Kenna): Usually two of them hang out with love, though Sarah can friend-zone Kenna a little bit but she still loves her a little
Sarah: Not now that we're going to kiss
Kenna: Why do you friend-zone me almost everyday..!? It's Valentines Day you know..
Sarah: I still love you. *Inserts kiss*
Kenna: That's better😊🥰
Goo Jit Zu's Siblings:
Bripari: Like brothers like sisters(Yes I ship Blazagon x Pantaro), their relationships are still love like love strings never getting a cut
Paricia: Do you promise we'll be together?
Briandae: Of course, I will always cross my heart and just only me and you together😊
Paricia: Glad to hear that during Valentins Day😇🥰
Tarla(Tarker x Marla): These two are keeping their holyness as loves to reach their love goals
Tarker: Marla
Marla: What is it?
Tarker: I was wondering if you and me can go on a Valentines Date together
Marla: Awww that's so sweet, of course I would🥰
Tarker: 'My god I almost stutter-'
Grimia?(Grim x Miaki?): Grim does like Miaki while Miaki doesn't like him but still cares about him as a best friend. Grim always try his best to make Miaki accept his love but she likes to friend-zone him a lot
Grim: Hey Miaki
Miaki: Hey Grim, sorry I can't talk with you right now
Grim: But I have something to say..
Miaki: Alright, hurry up
Grim: Is it okay if you and me could hang out while it's...you know, I-I mean anytime-
Miaki: Sorry Grim, I can't I've got some plans with Florine and remember we're still best friends..😑😓
Grim: ............yeah, best friends🙂
Savorin(Savoliae x Rin): Both of them act like best friends, but the inside they are lovers, apparently Savoliae rejected Tyser, she serectly loved Rin first
Savoliae: Rin
Rin: Hmm?
Savoliae: Can we go together during Valentines Day?💓
Rin: Savoliae, you know I love you, you know you love me. We'll go together always as a relationship☺️
Savoliae: Y-yeah, always as a relationships😊
Happy Valentines Day❤💘💌💝
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gothicaerotica-blog · 5 years
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