#btw I also CALLED THIS EXACT THING and legit died when it happened
sobarova · 4 months
I apologize, but when episode 2 started showing Angel Dust all obviously sad and longing in the background while Charlie was giving Sir Pentious positive affirmation, all I could see was this:
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OG screenshot:
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Like bro, it's the same fucking picture, I can't o(╥﹏╥)o
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
August AU Challenge 2k19 - Bonus Content
There was a lot of content that I made up for some of these stories that never made it in, just because of time/length constraints! But I still wanted to share, in case anyone wanted more of a particular story ;) Who knows if I’ll come back to any of these later, but for now that’s all folks! 
Under the cut because very long lol. Also cw for discussions of things like depression/suicide as they relate to certain stories.
Note: / denotes a pairing, & denotes platonic
1. RK Siblings Farmer’s Market AU
1.5 Reed900 Farmer’s Market AU
2. North & Nines National Park Rangers AU
As mentioned on the story itself, the tent situation is heavily based off a bon appetit video
3. Leo & Markus Wild West AU
Credit for the atmosphere and cowboy aesthetic goes to my convos with @sinclairsolutions and her fantastic cowboy fic that’s in the works
4. Conniel Reverse AU
Connor is a household android Hank hires to take care of Cole after the divorce, and Connor slowly becomes attached to both of them. When Cole dies, Hank becomes a depressed alcoholic, and tries to commit suicide. Connor deviates to save his life, and essentially takes him hostage in an attempt to keep him from trying again. After Daniel deactivates Connor post hostage-situation, Hank ends up…. ? either taking his own life or trying to turn it around
5. Kamski/Clyde Bakery AU
@minasnorma and I threw around ideas and realized that when they move in together, these two dorks have to have two separate fridges, one for vegan only and one for non-vegan food
6. Simarkus Alien Encounter/Abduction AU
The lovely @jordyn3130 wrote a super cute follow up ficlet of sorts where Markus is actually an alien “exchange student”
7. Echo/Ripple Merpeople AU
For the first few years, Ripple just visits the beach to see her girlfriend, but eventually the separation is too much, and Echo becomes a mermaid to be with her and become her wife
8. Hankvin Star Wars AU
@connorssock shook me by the collar until a happy ending popped out - after everything, Hank and Gavin finally try again, Gavin convincing Hank to come with him on his ship. They’re happy for a while, until Hank starts getting restless, he hates space after everything that’s happened...but instead of giving up this time, Gavin gives in, and gets Hank a little house on a tiny rim world. That way his Jedi can enjoy the solitude, and Gavin always has somewhere to come home to, no matter where the lure of space takes him
9. Leo/RK900 Surfer Bros AU
10. Josh/North Les Mis AU
In a Les Mis AU, Markus is probably off swanning over noble-born Simon and fighting with his sense of duty to his compatriots leading the revolution.
11. Hankcon Dog Walker + Dog Owner Meetcute AU
I almost wrote this one backwards because I forgot the exact prompt, so Connor was going to be the dog walker, and the chihuahua was a dog Hank got for Cole to make him happy after the divorce lmao. Also Princey is what a friend calls her cat. There IS an Allen60 part to this story in the works, I just gotta actually write it down lol
11.5 Reed900 Dog Walker AU
12. Chloe/Kamski Cinderella AU
Almost wrote this with Kamski as the prince, but then I wasn’t sure what my little twist would be...so Kamski as the fairy godfather emerged!
13. Connor & Hank Arthurian Legends AU
14. Tina/Polly Starving Artist AU
15. Allen60 Pilots/Flight Attendants AU
There were two possible endings I tossed around for Connor in this one - I imagine he either gets transferred onto flights captained by Mr. Anderson, who’s just getting back into work as a pilot after getting his life back together OR Connor meets Mr. Anderson on a long haul flight and they end up falling madly in love!!
16. Tina/Stacy Librarian + Patron Meetcute AU
17. Reed900 LotR/Silmarillion AU
I legit almost gave them dumb Tolkien names LOL. I also played around with the idea of pulling a dumb “Gavin son of Gareth” stunt but saved all of you at the last minute XD This was also, for the record, one of my personal favorites and also one of the most fun to write
18. Simon/North Angel and Demon AU
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS NOT TO JUST WRITE A GOOD OMENS RIP OFF?? It was very hard actually and I almost had it end with like ‘can I tempt you to get drinks with me?’ bit lol
19. Luthara Atlantis (Movie/Legend) AU
20. Polycho BE9/Elder Gods AU
Another personal favorite, mostly because I’m so excited to get to the Polycho part of BE9 lol
21. Jerralph Movie Stars AU
I almost had Ralph also as a costar on the set but then I wasn’t sure what the twist would be tbh
22. Gavin & Kamski Pirate AU
23. Kara & Alice Harry Potter AU
Someone smarter than me and better at HP houses should sort the Jericrew into their houses...but North is 100% a Slytherin in the best way don’t @ me
24. Gavin & Tina Victorian England (Steampunk) AU
I’d like to imagine that eventually they get the rocketboots working and fly all around the city lol
25. Chloe/North Beauty and the Beast AU
I worked really hard to try and subvert the usual Beauty and the Beast tropes, because I felt like the idea of keeping someone captive goes against EVERYTHING North stands for. 
26. North/Kara Grad Students AU
I flirted with the idea of having them fighting over Kara’s class running late over North’s, but I fell in love with the idea of them not knowing each other until the very end. Kara teaches English, btw, and is a big believer in alternate teaching styles and student-led learning 
27. Simon/Josh Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island AU
28. Convin Sherlock Holmes AU
29. Markus/Connor Vampire AU
This story almost went two directions: loaded comedic banter between Markus and Connor OR a darker more atmospheric thinkpiece about the nature of being a vampire hunter...instead we ended up with a mix of the two lol
30. North/Connor Vegan Restaurant Owner + Hapless Customer Meetcute AU
I wanted to subvert the ‘customer comes in and initiates contact with someone who’s on the clock’ trope, even though I’m always a fan of it in fictional contexts lol. 
31. Gavin/Tina Time Travel AU
I didn’t have time, but Gavin is jumping through time “to see if people are always terrible.” He had a pretty traumatic time growing up, and he wanted to see if humanity is always terrible or if it was just his lot to be treated poorly. The reason he’s so mean to anyone who tries to get to know him as he jumps from time to time is that he can’t let himself get attached to anyone in a different time period. Well, and he’s also just kind of a grump lol
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multi-fandomtrashtm · 6 years
So I watched Re:Zero and...
That was some of the most depressing shit I’ve ever experienced. 
It starts off dark as fuck despite the quirky protag with jokes. One of the first scenes you see in episode one is a dead guy with his throat slashed. 
Then, it’s mostly nice again until Subaru dies horribly because something and someone kept killing him in Emilia’s mansion. 
THEN, Rem asserts herself as best battle girl while being batshit crazy. During this time, Ram has solidified herself as Re:Zero’s Senjougahara. They’re so similar, it’s frighting. If anyone ships her and Subaru, look up Araragi x Senjougahara and it’s almost the same thing. 
Then, the Royal Selection happens. Subaru immediately antagonizes Julius for an incredibly petty reason (this actually sticks, btw). Then there’s that one episode that has several minutes of Subaru being both a dumbass and an asshole. If you didn’t like him already, that episode made you hate him. 
Finally, Emilia gets tired of his shit and gives him the talking to that he needed. 
Then it’s just 40 or so minutes of crippling depression. I’m not kidding. 
Best girl Rem gets killed over and over, everyone else keeps dying, Subaru is beaten down mentally and emotionally until he’s straight up in a trauma induced catatonic state complete with the thousand yard stare. Fuck everything about the Witch’s Cult. That scene with the Unseen Hands and Rem was soul crushing. 
Fuck the White Whale, too.
Surprise, Puck was badass all along and really did think of Emilia as his daughter. Too bad he kills everyone and everything.
Rem gives the most heartfelt speech and confession I’ve ever heard. 
“Rem...I love Emilia.” Me: “Hahaha...tHAT’S NOT WHAT YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY WHAT THE FUCK-”
FINALLY, Subaru manages to keep everyone from dying. Cue one of the most epic anime battles I’ve seen in a long time. Everyone vs the White Whale legit had me smile and feel legitimately worried about some of the distinct characters.
Subaru fully redeemed himself during this time. Being able to fight, but not using the power of friendship or plot powers to do so, and even then not being OP or even close to the strongest one there? Hell yes. 
Wilheilm asserts his status as best guy. I’m 99% sure that he’s Reinhart’s grandpa or something judging by his wife’s looks. 
For any of you FT fans out there, Crusch Karsten is what Erza could’ve been if done right.
As Subaru once said, “If I didn’t already have a number 1 and number 2 in my hear, I’d be in trouble.”
Again, fuck the Witch’s Cult. Also, at this point the plot armor starts to kick in a bit considering that neither Wilheilm nor Felix died despite being hit point blank by explosions. I was surprised that those random soldiers got straight up killed by that one finger lady, though. So sudden.
Just when you thought it was over, best boy Otto returns to show how badasss (and slightly crazy) he is with a carriage while helping Subaru save Emilia. 
And after all is said and done, Subaru confesses to Emilia uSING REM’S SPEECH ALMOST WORD FOR WORD, YOU DUMB FUCK WHY DIDN’T YOU PICK HER-
Ahem. I just...couldn’t seem to like Emilia, honestly. For the most part, she just felt kind of like a cardboard cut out for Subaru to fawn over. I know that she has some issues with people calling her a half devil and such, but the anime just didn’t garner enough sympathy for me to really care. The worst it got was people talking about her and the only one who really insulted her to her face was a bitch, anyway. Maybe if she’d faced some hate crimes of some sort or hard cried in private over such things, I’d feel more for her. As she is now, I just...don’t see why Subaru loves her so much. Especially over Rem.
Overall, good stuff. Maybe 7/10? The crippling depression made it hard to properly evaluate the plot as it happened and hell no am I rewatching that torture. 
Also, I saw some plot threads left hanging like Felt and the Royal Selection and Roswaal(?)’s desire to win it. Hopefully there’s a season 2 and hopefully it’s not quite as soul crushing. 
On a side note, I find it funny that the show played the exact same music every time something even remotely spooky happened. Imagining it being spammed at earrape levels makes me laugh. 
Maybe KonoSuba next. I’ve seen clips of it and it seems hilarious.
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trb-reacts · 6 years
The Raven Boys, Review
So I just finished reading The Raven Boys and oh boy do i have mixed feelings about it, some mixture of keysmashing adoration and some (opinion-based, non-bashing) criticism. I’ll probably give it a 3.5/5, so if that number offends you already, don’t read the rest of this review. 
That being said, if I cited a reason for not liking something (e.g. I thought there was a logic jump or something wasn’t explained but it actually was in the book), and in reality, I just misinterpreted something, you’re welcome to inform me of that. I was in a semi rush to finish it, so I might have missed small details. 
[Also, sorry, but this is literally all straight from memory, including the quotes. I’m too lazy to find the exact place and quotes of what I remembered, so if I used quotes for anything, realize it’s not a direct quote, but rather me paraphrasing what I remembered and quoting it to show something along that line was said in the book.]
Last warning: loooong post ahead!
I think very broadly speaking, I did like the book. The problem for me is that it kinda took so long for it to get going. I did the in-depth scene-by-scene reaction for chapter 1 - 14. You guys know (or you can read) about how excited I was to finally have the boys and Blue meet and for everything to start moving. 
I don’t think it disappointing when they finally met. Off the top of my head, I can tell you that I liked Adam’s shyness and sweetness when he realized that the palm reader’s daughter is Blue, that Maura and Gansey had a stare off (”Tell me straight off if you don’t want to help me, but don’t tell me lies, don’t give me excuses.” “I don’t want to help you.” Iconic!), that Ronan had a moment of ‘Prove it’ and they showed him (”You know who killed your father”, I think. Also, Calla’s power is cool.). It’s just… it took 15 chapters, ~150 pages for them to finally meet, only for them to depart again like nothing’s going to change.
I felt like it could have really been cut down by some, like Ronan’s backstory, which was cool, or tragic, honestly, but it wasn’t necessary to be introduced waay in the beginning of the book. Honestly, I don’t think it was necessary to have his backstory appear in this book at all. I’m sure this mystery of Ronan’s father’s death would come into play later, but like… I feel like it could have been introduced in the beginning of the second book and it would have been just as well. All we really needed to know was Declan and Ronan has a bad relationship, Ronan’s father died and that those facts explains Ronan’s bad attitude and him not caring about school. The murdering part could first make an appearance at Ronan’s ‘Prove it’ moment at Blue’s, which would make the readers aware (without so much telling too) that although we knew he died, we didn’t know he was killed and also Ronan knows something about it. 
Same thing with Whelk. We coulda gotten a dark unknown POV from him and have it later revealed that tada, it was Whelk, the Latin teacher that Ronan thought was a bit shifty and Ganey thought was tragic that he couldn’t befriend him like he did with everyone else. But having everything out in the open, the story 1) dragged and 2) lots of this information, that although mentioned, is pushed to the back of the reader’s mind. I already forgot that Whelk existed halfway through the book and whenever he appeared again, I’m like, yeah, that’s right, and there’s this guy, can’t wait to see how he’ll get involved in the story. And that happened again and again and again. 
On the other hand, NOAH!!! I did not see the part with Noah coming, although in retrospect, that makes so much sense. I loved the twist!! I I think I commented somewhere that it seems like people consider the raven boys to be Gansey&Ronan&Adam more than Gansey&Ronan&Adam&Noah and that turned out to be right!! Because they don’t know he exist!! Because he’s a ghost!! Because he’s Czerny!! 
Even when they found his skeleton and the car and his license, I thought Blue and Gansey somehow went forward in time and found Noah later dead because of this treasure hunting they’re doing for this long forgotten magical king, so when the final reveal came out (”Noah, you’ve been dead for 7 years”), I was SHOOK. Legit SHOOK, goosebumps and all, and I love it so much. I didn’t see it coming but the hints were there. Noah not eating. Why Noah has so little screen time. Why he made a ‘dead for 7 years joke’ to Ashley. Why he didn’t throw up but retched when he saw the Mustang. It made so much sense, it was GENIUS and I applaud Maggie Stiefvater for this because I honestly didn’t see it coming and I love this twist. 
But, I also just… don’t understand how Declan knew Noah and how Ashely ended up meeting him. While Gansey was thinking back and figuring out that Noah was a ghost, Gansey said he didn’t remember ever seeing Noah out of their apartment, never seen Noah eat or remember anyone outside of their immediate friends mentioning Noah. But like… Declan introduced Noah to Ashley when they stopped by to the raven boys place. Is there something special about Declan or… is there any other explanation for why Declan knows about Noah and doesn’t seem to forget?
Also, I love the individuality, the different backstory everyone has, and how they interact with each other. Believe me, I do, but… besides the helicopter scene where the raven boys and Blue met up for the first time (which, btw, wtf Blue. These are essentially strangers. Aglionby boys. I know there’s a destiny to be fulfilled and your fates are linked together and all, but going into a helicopter with three boys and a woman you do not know is a BIG no-no. It’s like getting into three strange guys’ car, except worse because you’re in the air, you can’t escape. Why, Blue, why. They call you sensible. Be sensible!). 
Erm, anyway, besides the helicopter scene where the raven boys and Blue met up for the first time, I didn’t really sense, um, them bonding or growing closer? I’ll be honest, I can’t tell you how I would have gone about showing strangers growing closer and becoming friends. Maybe I would have done it the montage way that TRB opted for, with them discovering the mystical raven printed land made of oyster shells and then going, let’s meet up and research together some more! I can imagine them growing closer over those days, but at the same time, i couldn’t really sense it? 
The same way I couldn’t really sense what research they’ve done between their first visit and their second, I couldn’t tell how they grew closer. Noah fluffs Blue’s hair afterwards, but besides that… I don’t really sense a change? I think it might have been better if we were given a little more details on how those researches go, show them bickering, show Blue refusing to let Gansey buy her anything and then the boys relenting to eating lots of convenient store stuff. Show Blue and Adam exchanging exasperated commoner looks at Gansey and Ronan’s reaction to eating cheap low quality food, show Noah watching with a half-hidden smile, show the warmth that grows in Blue and Adam’s heart at the adjustments the rest of the raven boys are willing to do for them. Just… a paragraph summarizing what happened during those times are not enough for me. I can imagine, but don’t let me do all the work here. Give me some details and maybe then I can fill in the rest of the blank. 
The boys’ reaction to the revelation that it was Blue’s voice on the recorder honestly feels a little underwhelming. I was expecting a little more grilling, but then they were just like, okay, moving on, her voice on the recorder along with Gansey’s, despite she weren’t anywhere near Gansey or the recorder, despite the fact that Gansey never said anything. Blue is the daughter of a psychic, who seems like a real deal. Don’t consider asking Blue why that happened or what that meant, and definitely don’t even ask Blue to inquire Maura about it. Also, Ronan pushed, but it didn’t feel enough and also it didn’t feel like he was pushing about the things that any other person would have pushed the answers for. I do realize that Adam told Ronan to stop, but I feel equally certain that if Ronan really wanted to push, he would have gone behind their backs to find out. 
I loved that hallucination-inducing tree. It’s super duper cool, not to mention it showed all of them these visions that I’m deathly curious about how they’re going to end up playing out and of course, their aftermaths. 
Adam’s had me most curious, because it speaks of themes like deaths and betrayal. The raven boys are so close and so lovely together that I couldn’t ever imagine it happening, especially the way that Adam saw it in the dream, Gansey on the floor dead or dying, Adam standing above him as his slayer or at least the direct cause of Gansey’s harm, Ronan’s “Are you happy now, Parish, are you satisfied? Is this enough. Is this really what you wanted?” Just… tragedy is the heartbreak that awaits them, and that’s not even counting Ganesy’s death that is foreseen by his spirit being on the corpse road. 
I couldn’t imagine Adam like that in the future, couldn’t imagine what would drive him to that point, but I think we caught a glimpse of that future Adam towards the end when he tried to awake the ley line, despite Gansey’s disagreement. That… on one hand, I can see what drove him to that point, the despair, the desperation, when everything that makes you you is crush so ruthlessly beneath someone else’s feet (Adam’s pride, his individuality, and with it, his freedom within this world that constricts him because this world speaks not in humanity or kindness, which Adam has in dozens, but in power and money, which Adam don’t) that not even dust of left of it  
On the other hand, I just really didn’t want things to turn out the way they were foreseen to. I sincerely got chills when Adam left to wake the ley line, the moment when it hit Gansey where Adam had gone, and I could literally feel Gansey’s pain when he realized that Adam not only betrayed him so explicitly (”It’s not worth waking Glendower in exchange for someone else’s life”, Gansey said. “We’ll find another way.”), but spat in his face in one last ‘fuck you’ by taking Gansey’s car when Adam could have so easily hotwired Ronan’s instead. There’s so much more I can say about Gansey and Adam’s relationship, but I won’t, not here, since this is honestly supposed to be more of a review and less of an analysis, so check out this separate analysis of Adam leaving his home after reporting the abuse and the dynamic between Adam-Ronan and Adam-Gansey if you’re really interested in how I saw their relationship. 
What else? Oh, the Latin speaking trees are cool. The trees are more cultured than me. Also, I really liked Cabeswater and its ‘I will change to whatever the people in it wants.’ One, I love the specificity, Gansey discovering this trait because of the fishes and their not-red belly turned red. Second, the description for when Adam went to wake the ley line and then he was a little spooked by the darkness so he wished there was more light and Cabeswater just responded by drowning the entire forest in light, awash it with pretty fairy golden dust. I love that image so much and Adam’s evident awe. 
Aaand now we’re almost there to talk about the end, but before that, I can’t believe I forgot. Gansey’s brush with death!! Via Whelk!! Via his car breaking down!! Via reverse ex-machina. 
Like, don’t get me wrong, I was seriously tense when Gansey ended up being at gunpoint by Whelk. That was intense and I was so proud of Gansey boy when he remembered what Ronan taught him and then proceeded to toward all of them out of the proverbial window save the most important, life-saving advice of aiming. And aim Gansey did and that’s how he ended up alive here for me to talk about (tho I can’t speak too soon, let’s be honest. He is still destined to die, was still seen on the corpse road). And then following that, I love the moment when Ronan and Adam contemplated the what-if Gansey wasn’t so lucky and he died. I can really feel that they care in that scene, that both of them would be sincerely lost without Gansey there. But there were just a little too many coincidences for me to suspend my disbelief for that scene. 
And then before I forget, because how can I move on to talk about the ending without mentioning this, the Gansey for Noah trade. Did I mention that the first time Gansey mentioned he died once,  I legit thought that it was a metaphor? “Wasp squirming him, enclosing his entire body in death” seemed more metaphorical to me than real, yet that happened. 
And Noah paid the price. 
That was really chilling as they pieced everything together. So, kudos to Maggie Stiefvater again, though… I’m not sure how much this works, mathematically? The world wants Gansey to be alive, and Noah was on the ley line to be sacrificed, so they killed Noah and let Gansey live. But like… Noah was on the ley line to be sacrificed, wasn’t he, was death not his ending even without Gansey encountering death on the other side of the globe and needing Noah to swap him out of it? And yet they acted like Gansey killed Noah with his own two hands, because that was equivalent, the unwitting, unknowing, unwilling exchange. 
Also, Noah seemed weirdly chill with it for someone who unwillingly died for someone else (Gansey), and why did he end up in Gansey’s group anyway. Did Noah willingly chose to seek Gansey out knowing this was the boy that he died for? I was also expecting a little more of him and Whelk’s analysis towards the end, after all, Whelk killed Noah and they were friends before, yet… weirdly not much? I do think that was in part because Noah’s bones were moved from the ley line, so he was weaker and stuff, but at the same time, Cabeswater was full of magic, so eh, I don’t see why there wasn’t a bit more. 
Anddd, that’s about it? I was really excited to talk about the ending, but then it’s been a while and most of the details escaped me. 
Stuff that I remembered that stuck out to me: 
what happened to Neeve was just weird, Maura seemed weirdly chill about Neeve’s fate into the unknown for being her half-sister
 after all that happened between Adam and the rest of the gang (betrayal, anyone?), it seems to strange that they slotted seamlessly back together like nothing happened and despite the fact that there seems to be a bit of implications that Adam’s not quite human anymore?
the image of the gang digging up Noah’s bones from his grave is so strangely hilarious
the last line of the book: “I pulled Chainsaw out of my dream,” wtf, Ronan, don’t end like that???!!
So yeah, that’s about it. Sorry that this ended up being a bit rushed and incoherent at the end, but I did really wanna finish this post, so here’s what I thought about it. If I seem a little harsh on it, I’m sorry, I think I feel it too. All I can say is that maybe I’m too old to read YA fictions now.
If you have a scene/moment that you wanted me to talk about that I didn’t in this review, feel free to message/ask me about it. 
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ladyjenise · 6 years
And if you’re not on mobile, congrats! Click to after the cut:
Ok, so I think I have to do this in point form:
-the beginning with Poe was fucking amazing. I do love space battles and this was a really good one. But I also laughed my ass off at Hux
-Hux was a little bitch throughout the movie but when he tries to step up to Kylo and Kylo just force chokes him, my friend and I just turned to each other and said “what a little bitch”. Basically, I loved snivelling, jealous Hux.
-Finn was good. I loved Rose. She had some really great moments. There were times when I was like “I love her”. I was so sad her sister died. :(
-LUKE. Oh Luke. The green milk scene tho... I was Rey (I think we all were tbh... when she makes that “oh god I made eye contact” face I was like dying)
-Despite being hardcore Kylo and Rey, I think I enjoyed Luke’s arc in the movie the most. The ending was super sad tho. I know why it had to be that way but...
-Yoda cameo was fucking hilarious. When Luke has his “Imma burn this shit” moment, then decides not to, and Yoda’s like “lol watch this bitch” and sets the fire anyway and laughs, I lost it.  I am Yoda. BURN IT ALL!
-Luke again: his fight with Kylo was lit af. Kylo, pure power, can’t land a hit. And I’m like “lol he’s distracting you, idiot”
-When Luke is training Rey for the first time and he’s like “reach out” and she literally does. Then he slaps her hand for being a fuckin’ dumbass. XD
_Benicio Del Toro’s character, DJ, needed more screen time.
-Holdo’s end was great. I love her. She was totally representing the honourable sacrifice. I mean, so did Paige (Rose’s sister) and Finn almost kinda did (but not really, as Rose explains). Bless those characters and RIP.
-Holdo warping that fucking ship right through that damn First Order ship lol
-Rose, to Finn: when she says they shouldn’t fight the things they hate, but fight for the things they love... I feel like that’s foreshadowing, not specifically on anyone but on the series and life in general. But also a nice transition into what’s been discussed as the main event...
-Rey and Kylo... together, on their own, I love them. I actually kinda felt their relationship progressed too fast, but well, I’ll take it.
-Rey: her parentage reveal wasn’t a total surprise. After reading some decent meta, I became firmly placed in the camp that believed her parents were just nobodies. But I didn’t realize they’d go where they went with it. And there’s a few aspects I want to talk about related to it:
1. Rey always struck me as an unreliable narrator in her own story. This is because that, although she would describe herself as “no one” and “just a scavenger”, her actions always spoke to a certain level of pride and a Marty McFly-esque level of “if you say I can’t do it then I am totally going to do it just because you told me not to”, which totally points to a nature that is much less humble than she tries to act. I’m not shitting on Rey, btw. I love her to bits and this character building is excellent. It shows how damaged and flawed her thinking is. However, Kylo is still a huge asshole for talking to her the way he did (more on that later)
2. Rey’s parents being drunk assholes really struck me for two reasons. Firstly, I’ve worked for 9 years for an organization that works with children living in poverty. A LOT of kids come from really rough backgrounds. Many stories of parents abandoning them, alcohol sometimes being a factor in abuse and abandonment. They’re hard stories to process, especially when there are so many. Rey isn’t real, but her background is a very real reality for so many children in the world. Poverty is a very cruel thing to live with, and punishes many. Secondly, I’ve got a few alcoholics in my family who have made some very poor decisions that have hurt others. My grandfather died homeless and alone because of it. It’s a very sad thing. I can get into this aspect of Rey’s character a bit too personally, and it’s fucking sad.
-Rey has a lot of great scenes in this movie. When she slices the rocks off the ledge and onto the wheelbarrow of those caretakers, I was like lol. Also when she says about the caretakers “I don’t think they like me”, like no shit, hun. Stop breaking shit. Rey is a bit of a walking disaster lol
-When Rey falls headfirst into the whole and in the water, I have totally been on a waterslide like that. It probably isn’t that high of a fall, but it’s pretty terrifying.
-I don’t get the part with the multiple Reys, but when she wanted to see her parents I was like “oh cool it’s the Mirror of Erised” but then it got weird. Again, I don’t get it. I’ll need someone smarter than me to explain it. I trust the director enough that it should have been there. It was nice it gave her something to chat about with Kylo lol “Durr, and then I fell into the water and it was fucking cold. Weird huh?”
-Speaking of Harry Potter shit, when Rey could hear voices leading her to the tree in island Mordor, it sounded like the snake language from Harry Potter and I was like “oh dank, Rey is a parsletongue”
-When Rey shoots at Kylo’s image and you think for a moment that Luke seems Kylo too but he’s asking what the hell happened to the wall in the hut that the caretakers are now frantically patching, and Rey’s like “oh i was uh... cleaning my blaster”. Ok, Melanie Hamilton lol
-Before I get to Kylo, I swear to fucking god there was a Spaceballs reference when DJ slices into the system to get a weakness in the shields and that guy’s screen blips and he’s touching it. I was waiting for the guy to call over Hux or something. “There’s something wrong with the radar, sir”
-Some of the interactions with Hux and Kylo were very Spaceballs-esque, too. I just really like Spaceballs. It was one of my favourite movies as a kid and I saw it long before i ever saw Star Wars.
-Kylo... Oh Kylo. First of all, you need to learn to talk to women. I mean, you were doing ok, and then you FUCKED IT UP. If you’re trying to propose to a woman, telling her she comes from garbage and how you’re her best option is so, so not the way to go about it.
-The part when he takes off his cloak to rush Snoke in the beginning was hot. Him getting shot with lightning immediately after was also hot, but in a literal, burning sort of way. I enjoyed both, and it was a great set up for what happened later.
-Kylo lying to Hux saying that Rey killed Snoke was LOL
-Kylo killing Snoke was A++  I legit did not think they’d just straight up have Kylo basically choose Rey over Snoke but it was right there. Love it.
-Kylo and Rey in the throne room fight was pure sex.
-Kylo and Rey FORCE BOND.
-Kylo and Rey in the elevator.
-Kylo and Rey in the hut. Luke with the cockblock lol
-Rey calling Kylo a snake and yelling at him about his dad. ;.; I imagined them having that EXACT conversation at some point. It’s basically Rey saying Kylo was spoiled and didn’t appreciate his dad and Kylo saying Rey has dad issues and keeps chasing after men to be her surrogate father figure. Again, Kylo, you need to work on your courtship skills because they are subpar, at best.
-When Kylo says “please” in the most pathetic voice ever. That’s when I knew he was completely, totally, helplessly in love with her and that is going to be the only thing that’s going to save him. And let me be VERY clear: I don’t think she will save him. I think he will change to be the man she deserves (somehow, and oh god I don’t know how they’re gonna do it).
-Any time Kylo and Rey touch hands
-Going back to the throne room fight, when Kylo keeps an eye on Rey during the fight to make sure she’s ok.
-That part when Rey drops the lightsaber to kill that one guard. I was like “THAT IS THE MOST BADASS MOVE I HAVE EVER SEEN” and then right after she throws the saber to Kylo and then he pulls off THE NEXT MOST BADASS MOVE I HAVE EVER SEEN
-When Kylo orders them to just shoot the shit out of Luke and afterwards Hux is like “you think you got him?”  XD
-And finally, THE OFFER. I was waiting for him to just yell “TAKE MY DAMN HAND ALREADY, WOMAN!” cause he looked like that’s what he wanted to say but that’s the Kylo in him talking. The Ben in him is saying “maybe if I wait a lilllllllltle longer she’ll come around”
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ruiyuki · 6 years
omfg lmao ok fine. its long and dumb and legit facepalm stupid but I have time to kill, so I hope you do too. Get ready, grab yo booze and gather around kiddos its story time.
ok first context of this story is I dated this guy for 2 years while I was 19 in uni. lets call him..... Sony Erikson. Erikson for short ok? Ok.
One important thing you need to know abt Sony Erikson is that he was one of those nerds that took.. fiction way too literally.. basically claiming this one work of fiction would be what he aspires his life to be. Like Ted in HIMYM being a die hard Star Wars fanboy and naming his kids Luke and Leia... .. . actually exactly like Ted bc dis guy told me the exact same thing.. huh. nothing wrong w sw or himym ted btw js
So Erikson, was a family man. He wanted 2 kids - a girl and boy - and a whole nuclear family with a white hot soccer mom SUV in the suburbs to go with it. Keep in mind we were both 19 and he was already talking abt all of this shit while I had VEHEMETLY expressed I never ever ever never want kids. no. nada. Im fuck shit scared of childbirth this fear aint going away. I'll be the one whiskey aunt til the day I die, swear on it. red flag #1 ok.
Erikson, was also an anime fan. And you guessed it, one of his favourite animes of. all. t i m e. is Clannad. And yknow what Clannad is about? FAMILY. So being the typical couple we are - making our s/o watch things we ourselves like but they might not enjoy - obviously he makes me watch it in the hopes of trying to convince me I would change my mind about future children when I am still a I-have-no-idea-what-Im-doing-in-life 19 year old. Clearly a brilliant plan for someone Im not even sure I want to spend the rest of my life with.
.... I kid you not when I say, he said to me: "Clannad is what I aspire my future family to be like". Word. For. Word. red flag numero deux.
Ok fine. We watch it. Get thru s1 and its not terrible... tolerable nbd. I actually found it quite cute.... But yknow what else happens in Clannad? THE TERMINAL ILLNESS CARD. ahdjkfkdls B R U H I've seen enough kdramas back in the day to know how dumb this trope is,,, and I h a t e it. Despise it with a burning passion. Terminal illness is not your accessory for drama, producers. Get yo shit together and do some real research.
But dis guy. Dis Erikson guy. Looooveeesss it. He's sappy and thinks its the greatest expression of love and family and compassion and committment there is.
... barf.
Tbqh I would've been less mad at the TIC and sappiness if weren't for the fact that the image of Nagisa - the main chick - sweet sweet softspoken timid housewife Nagisa - was his "ideal" image for a wife and therefore "what he wanted [me] to be".
B I E T C H. If there is one thing I am known for it is being a stubborn bitch. Especially when someone tries to change who I am - I just do the exact opposite. So guess what bud, I got more hardheaded than a Steelix with Iron Head. I dont take shit from anyone. I aint your sweet housewife.
But I digress.
You keeping up with number of red flags so far? Bc we're at three.
So. We get thru like the 10th episode of s2 or smth and I've had enough. I cant take it anymore. And then he gets all upset at me for not... enjoying it....??? Even tho I made it clear I wasnt expecting to enjoy it considering the themes and what it was suppose to mean???!?!?!?... so ye that snowballs into a hissy fit and I just leave. Not dealing w this bs.
We dont talk or message for a week.
L m a ooooooooo
Ok so like a week goes by and he msgs me like "so are we gonna talk abt this or wat?" And then ok ya sure we sit down and talk abt what happened like what couples should do.
But the conversation doesnt resolve anything and digs up even more issues we'd already been past. Or so we thought. I point out the things I dislike abt him and he calls out that Im too stubborn, that Im not feminine?? enough and that it demasculinates him - LMAO WOW IM SORRY I HAVE TO LAUGH HERE HAHAHHAA - and that Im an alpha bitch. Exact words.
Y u p.
Ya bye. I call it. I leave.
The end.
... not really. There's a sequel to it where he tries to "get me back" for 3 months following but thats for another time. But ya thats how I broke up w an ex over Clannad. HAHHAHAHAHA god what was I thinking,,,,
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Long Ass Rant About Black Sails/LJS/Flint/Madi and Why Treasure Island is the God in which The BS Producers are Honoring....
Look, seriously, I can be an ass when people make me but I’m going to say my last piece ( probably not lol) on current events happening in Black Sails. This show was never about ships though as with all shows one starts shipping. The Silver/Flint fandom has had dominance for two years and midway through in pops Madi...John Silver’s actual love interest from the books and people are either ok and rolling with this or ignorant, bitter, and using the most transparents excuses available to devalue her meaning not only to the story but the Flint. She’s the one “ getting in the way” making Silver “ do things he wouldn’t” when that is so far removed from the truth I realize that a great deal of these people have championed and rallied behind this ship so long that they literally have had two years of warping the story in their head without much direct competition from the idea. I get that. I actually do. I recently had my heart shattered by Bamon but like Silver/Flint I clearly saw what the show kept saying but I chose to ignore it because I had hope they would put these two together but they didn’t. 
I’m not in anybody’s tag screaming bloody murder. Actually this is the first time I have even brought up my disappointment because in the end I am an adult and despite me being salty af about it I also know that the show didn’t really deceive me when I step back and actually look at it. They kept hammering nauseatingly that Delena was endgame and that Bonnie and Damon were best friends. I wanted something else. The writers however were ALWAYS (grrr) telling a different story and I am mature enough to accept this despite all the million reasons I can list that make my ship more valid. It doesn’t matter. TVD doesn’t owe me anything. Black Sails does not owe the Silver/Flint fandom anything.
This show was constructed around the mysteries in Treasure Island. It does bother me that a great deal of people don’t even comprehend the character LJS. You don’t have to read the book to know that he is the most infamous pirate for a great deal of reasons. One being his ruthlessness but that is attributed to his cunning and charm. Tes, LJS is the most charming person one can meet. He’s also smart. When we are introduced the the pirate world, the  “ Golden Age” has diminished because no one is rallied behind a common cause or desire. Pirates are slothy creatures that are major alcoholics and spendthrift theifs with no rules or honor code. LJS has made something of himself or I should say, John Silver has and it is mentioned for all of five seconds bu Hands that LJS cares about two things in the world; his fortune and his wife. He is a pirate but he leads no pirate resistance.
I am not sure what TS meant when he said LJS turns into a miserable person. I have no why he interprets the character as such but as the guy playing Flint and what he stood for I could see him having a biased opinion of the character. LA has never stated his character as miserable and again  the source material is that. *SPOILER ALERT* but LJS gets his part of the treasure, Flint’s portion to be exact. Maybe TS meant LJS becomes more cold and heartless and cynical. I don’t see that as a bad thing considering he’s been a pawn between two men for a great deal of time. The point is, the mysteries this show is addressing as the prequel is Flint’s story, the reason Flint feared LJS, the story of Silver’s African wife , the story of the treasure, and the story of how did Billy Bones piss off LJS to the point of stroke.
That’s the story they are telling and yes while there are historical changes the the events that happen to these characters are going to have to coincide with the source material. In the words of James S.A. Corey who is currently doing the show Expanse of whom they wrote but also adapted the TV series format and made changes stated, “ you want to make changes that tell the story better but you don’t want to mess with it too much, Especially a successful story less you take away from the story the fans are fond of. If it’s not broken leave it alone” Point being that while Shotz and company have changed death scenes and added characters to this world it will all tie back to T.I. ultimate canon. Flint will die. He will die alone. You can imagine a Thomas Hamilton reunion all you want (hell they may do fanservice and make it seem Flint goes away to find him) but he doesn’t die happy. 
Flint’s character is the most fascinating of the show there can be no doubt of that but lets not rewrite history just because you like a character or you just happen to empathize with them in all things. You have to accept that whole you make overlook his flaws I personally and others cannot and don’t think Flint deserves a happy ending. He has put people through SHIT. Billy’s mad descent came because of Flint attempting to kill him that led to his TORTURE. He didn’t come back whole from that. I still blame Billy for Billy’s actions but his hatrad is well deserved. He killed Gates when it became clear Flint would bring them into harm. His BEST FRIEND. He killed him when it came between his goal and him. You can romanticize all thee wants about how this is all for Thomas and what happened but Gates was also Billy’s mentor. What makes Flint’s pain more important than anyone else’s? He terrorized his crew and pushed even when he was all fucked in the head. He was a tyrant! He is a murderer. He’s also selfish and completely manipulative. I joke about the Koolaid but like LJS in the books, Flint has a certain charm that is sincere but also very motivated towards his own ends. 
Does he care about Silver...sure...in the same way he cared for Gates. And we all saw what happened to Gates. I think Flint feels he owes Silver because he DID help him come out of the fog after Miranda but again, can we not actually remember the show;s motivations. Silver jumped in because the crew was screwed and everyone was desperate and Billy begged Silver to be the “Gates” for the crews sake. Silver I correctly recall balked, didn’t want to do it, was afraid of Flint and overall though the was nuts. Facts people. Facts. There was no pining looks of longing. Flint saw Silver as a shit who he needed and Silver saw Flint as the Captain who was straight up cray and concocted a plan with Villy to shove him out. 
Then Maroon Island happened and Silver met Madi. Only when Silver speaks with Madi regarding his concerns and she offers herself as a tether does Silver make an actual attempt at friendship with Flint without so much trepidition. Facts. They are literally lining it up for school children to follow. I mean they legit made a scene just to show Silver WATCHING MADI as if he just found God. We call these turning points. 
Since then this show has shown that Silver has been able to find a real connection with Flint ( in friendship. I can’t be bothered to hide the fact that that’s all it’s ever been.) due his very real connection with Madi. Both Billy and Flint both wrote off his relationship with Madi. Flint by never really believing Silver told her about the treasure and Billy by throwing her name in his face as if it was a non factor. Now I think Flint IS trying to be better but that’s his tragedy. He is too consumed by the darkness. He can longer shake it off even if he wanted to. Which is why Silver cannot confide in him about his grief because in some ways he doesn’t feel Flint comprehends that what he lost of so much bigger than what he suspects due mostly to his soon to be revealed backstory. But Flint also knows Silver is more than he allows him to be. And the minute he is off his leash it will NOT be to Flint’s benefit so that shades his concern.
I just am tired of people acting like this is brand new. That Silver is the “bad guy” now when Silver has made one of the most unselfish remarkable turnarounds in the show. Here was a man living on his luck and smarts who cared about nothing and no one who got involved with a pirate crew just for the stake in a claim of a massive treasure that Flint was hiding btw. Since then he has found some place with the pirate brethren, has conquered his fear and can stand next to a man like Flint while holding his own, and has opened himself up to the only love he’s probably had and been returned in his life. He is NOW WILLING to give up the one thing that got him involved in this in the first place for the chance to have a life with this woman. That doesn’t sound like the bad guy because his desire no longer matches up with Flint. He didn’t BETRAY Flint (look up the definition please before you start posting it la di da). If anything he’s taking a play straight from the master’s playbook. And Silver is right! Flint was all willing to give that gold up for a completely completely dismantled Nassau but not for the part of the slave alliance that leads the slave alliance. Julius sure as hell ain’t playing ball. Madi is important to the cause in her own right. She’s also been going to BAT for Flint so the hate coming her way is equally ridiculous. 
The influx of recruits has completely reorganized what Flint wants now. He knows he can win which means he isn’t willing to let the treasure go because now he can use that to fund something bigger. He has already moved on from Nassau now that it is within his reach. He’s done the one thing Julius was afraid of. The minute his troops move off to Boston the British swoop right back in and put them back in chains. Or are the slaves journey completely meaningless? If so, then you know what you are.
Lastly, and oh my favorite of course is Madi will side with Flint and leave John in the dust because this isn’t what she wants. 
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Like, I’m not even trying to be funny but as much as Madi has been supporting Flint it’s VERY recent and if you think she’s going to shun Silver ( and her mother since I’m pretty sure she helped dig up that treasure. She probably agreed to let Flint have his plan and if he doesn’t work, all bets off and save her daughter) for fighting for her life. And that’s not say she wont have any words but if you think she’s going to betray Silver when she could have literally betrayed him and Flint and got what SHE wanted for HER people then it doesn’t take a genius to figure out she’s probably going to see her way to why Silver made the choices he do. I mean this is the same woman who has belaboring that Flint cant be trusted, Like Silver said, Flint didn’t force the choice between Billy and Flint because Flint was smart enough not to give Silver any reason to doubt him. Now he has, and the word is “Boston”
Stop ignoring James McGraw’s cray. God you gotta love him because he don’t STOP but this man has intentions we...just...he need to retire but he clearly ain’t tired of the fight. That’s bullshit. He even stated out of his own MOUTH that it will get interesting when the moment comes when they aren’t of like mind. This man stay ready for the backstab because he know how to wield that knife better than any. What’s worst is people are rooting for him. Like Flint is the worst thing for what Flint wants. You doesn’t take small steps, he takes this unheard of leaps with sheer force of will and while in part that’s admirable it’s mostly reckless and suicidal for anyone following him. Ya’ll know this. Stop playing. Stop bullshitting. You can love him without defending him always. 
And to say Silver’s change is sudden and how can he go from trusting him to not....lets go back in time....to a day ago if that when Flint said “ trust me.” Grab my hand and lets count it up. WR went and got the Spanish due to him accepting Eleanor’s dumbass deal because he completely underestimated Woodes bloodlust, Eleanor died, Madi “died” Silver was forced to hand over his friend to the slaves because of Billy’s dumbass but to repair the alliance for Flint’s war, and he had to fight for his damn life completely outnumbered while he mostly sat and walked around the countryside miraculously unscathed. Now, just take your feelings out of the equation for a minute and honestly say, would you once again trust him? Last time was an epic fail! So now, Silver has every right to side eye the fuck out of Flint for even asking because everytime Flint says so, everything goes to shit. He’s be an idiot to continue to follow him down a path only he can see. 
Back to Madi, the Underhill estate was the first encounter she had with the real world and it affected her severely so it pushed her to Flint who is the older wiser man of the world. He starts shoring up his new alliance. Silver is dead and he kept it moving. So Madi keeps referring to this one event that changed her mind about Flint. I don’t think Silver wants to kill Flint. If he couldn’t kill Billy, he’s not immediately thinking kill Flint. Outwit him and making the final call, yes. But not kill him.( Hands sure as hell does but he wants to kill everybody and Flint is in his spot) but he def isn’t following him anymore. As with all people, eventually you have your own ideas of what your life will be. Madi wants to lead her people but she is curious as John says and she is not meant to be hidden away. That was the biggest nod to the fact that Madi will indeed get her canon fate with Silver. So no worries there for me. She is going to come out of this more aware of what she wants. They paralled their story for a reason. Two crowns rising at the same time and neither not really made for the world in which they are the rulers of. Madi has conflicting desires and because of who she is she will maintain both.
Its soon to be Silver versus Flint and I already know the malarky about the be spewed so I wanted to get this long ass rant out so I don’t have to come back to the feeling. Flint has been dodging his comeuppance for a good long while now. Silver has done NOTHING wrong even when it has been clear his “friends” have been using them for their cause that he isn’t even invested in but out of love for them he tried to play the mediator. Now both men have made it clear the ONE THING he cherishes above all else is not as important as their own ends which is fine but I don’t know how anyone can blame him for choosing after thinking he lost her, this woman he loved more than anything. He could not even breathe thinking she died for nothing. The only reason he still stood next to Flint is because SHE could not have been wrong and died following this man.He was NOT OK without her. The Silver/Flint bond was destroyed the minute she was “gone” His tether means more to him than anything because it’s something he’s never had and spewing hate his way for this is just butthurt because you didn’t get your beloved ship. Fuck the ship. It’s about the characters and if you actually cared about anyone besides Flint you’d want him to have what you so badly want Flint to have. The hypocrisy is beyond ridiculous. Love Flint all you want but stop victimizing him.And stop trying to twist everything to produce your happy ending. Hell I may not get everything I want as well. But I am following the story as it is presented and what I know of the book and overall what TV shows do.
They don’t write based on peoples shifting ideas of whats happening in the show, They wrote this with an idea of connecting it to the book with the hope of in a few years actually doing a T.I. I see no reason to have a fake Madi death, only to reveal she’s alive just for her to say screw you Silver I got my own peeps and move on. Wishful thinking for some but for the still sane you get the gist.
“In the many sequels to Treasure Island Silver tends to be a more gentle rogue who always seems to do good in the end. We know in the end of Treasure Island, he manages to slip away with part of the treasure.”
“Long John Silver is unlike all the other pirates in this novel in two ways: he owns property and he has a wife. (Three if you count the fact that he's smart, and most of the others are total idiots.) Long John Silver is the legitimate owner of a pub in the coastal town of Bristol, and he's married to an African woman. (Stevenson calls this woman a derogatory term for a black woman; we won't reproduce it here because we find it offensive.) Neither of these facts takes up a huge amount of space in the novel, but they indicate something special about Long John Silver: he blurs boundaries.
Where the other pirates of the novel drink their fortunes away and go back to begging or crime all too quickly, Long John Silver is planning for the future. He's settling down and trying to become an actual gentleman, not just a gentleman of fortune. Even Israel Hands comments:
He's no common man, Barbecue, [...] He had good schooling in his young days, and can speak like a book when so minded. (10.14)”
“ For readers of Robert Louis Stevenson's day, Long John Silver's mixed-race marriage would have been a part of that mystery. He is married to an African woman at a time when mixed-race marriages were not common or even considered acceptable. So he lives both inside and outside the law. He owns property (inside the law), but is still a pirate (definitely outside the law). And he is married (inside the law), but to a woman of a different race (socially unacceptable in the 19th century). He breaks rules and challenges the simplistic binaries of good guy/bad guy in multiple ways, which makes him all the more alluring.”
This is LJS that many of us knew before this show started. The man who was both the light and dark. Who was Flint without falling prey to Flint’s demons. He has his tether. Madi remains. 
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