#bugheads for pakistan!!!
jheqiawrites · 2 years
Call All MLB fans!!!
My friend and collaborator, Dawn of Dawn Chorus Writes on youtube, is creating a fundraiser for the Pakistan flood crisis. There will be a massive story turned audiobook (co-written by yours truly). Once the audio version is available, all ad-revenue, super chats, and pledges go straight to the relief effort. Dawn and I will not see a penny of it! We are looking at a short turn around, so this should be coming up fairly soon.
This fandom, for all its quirks, has tremendous heart and I ask that you help spread the word. Reblog this post and the ones that come up related to it! Please consider offering to help in your own special ways! You are all amazing and so generous with sharing your talent and enthusiasm with the rest of us!
I will keep you all posted as to when this story goes public! You are all amazing! Stay miraculous!
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jheqiawrites · 2 years
MLB Pakistan fundraiser
This story is going to be epic, ya'll! I mean, I am only writing half of the story and my part is already over 30 pages. There is an absolutely massive MLB fanfiction coming your way soon with art from the amazing artist who gives us the incredible Spiderman AU comics! We are so excited! Make sure to haunt Dawn Chorus Writes on youtube for more details!
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jheqiawrites · 2 years
Akuma suggestions!!!
I need a long, tedious, but relatively mild akuma for our duo to fight. It isn't about the fight, but it is about the heroes feeling interrupted and rushing to get the job done to get back to something important! What kind of akuma would you want to see if you knew it wouldn't impact the story too much? As long as it is clean (nothing higher than PG and no swearing) I'm open to suggestions! The more ridiculous the better.
Help me LB Fan Kenobi! You're my only hope!
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jheqiawrites · 2 years
Dawn over at Dawn Chorus Writes on youtube has asked my help to collaborate on a special, super epic audiobook for her channel.  Once again, neither of us will see a penny from it and all ad revenue will go straight to the World Health Organization  relief fund.  As a result, I may be a little off on my posting schedule this coming week, but I will definitely be posting the final chapter of The Truth Behind the Lie on Wednesday on Archive!
I will be sure to keep you updated on when it will be available!
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