#but also if she said she didnt like it because nolan makes it seem like he's saying something about something and then just isnt
m-jay-gee · 1 year
i have a friend that started critiquing inception for not actually having anything to say about anything and how she doesn't like it because its saying nothing deeper.
but also
why cant we just like films for the sake of it
for the cinematography, the acting, the music, the plot, etc.
things dont have to have deeper meaning for you to enjoy it, just enjoy it because it's good
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twopoppies · 3 years
Please dont take this as me being sexist or misogynistinc. But this stunt is exactly why i would prefer harry in a more “male dominated” film. We didnt get this shit show of a stunt for Dunkirk. Sure, the fact that the director is a male (not dicrediting Nolan here) but that gives the edge of having more chances of being a successful movie (cause in hollywood it seems being a male director is better, by default). Not dissing Olivia here. But the fact that this is only her second movie to direct, the studio and herself have to pull out the big guns. A stunt. And lets face it, any female in a 50 raduis distance from harry will turn into stunt or a tabloid news. That has always been what happens when he is surrounded by females, the media always make shit up about it. Am i making sense?
Again, i dont mean to offend anyone or set off anyone. Sorry.
I think one of the main reasons there wasn’t any nonsense at all on Dunkirk is, in part, because Chris Nolan is huge director with his own fan base. The studio knows he’s practically money in the bank when he makes a film. Also, it was important in that film that Harry blend in and that the movie not be about Harry Styles. At the same time, Hollywood is a hugely misogynistic industry, so yes, Nolan probably was given more breaks as a young director than Olivia would be, so they were never starting on a level playing field.
Olivia’s first film wasn’t a commercial success, but she still was able to make this huge deal on her second one (I could be wrong, but I think the deal was made after Book Smart came out?)—one so good even male directors haven’t matched it yet. So, I’d imagine she’s pressured from multiple angles to make this a huge success.
All that being said, yeah... any time Harry is around a woman (as long as she’s conventionally attractive), the gossip mills churn out the stories. Maybe Olivia, Harry, their teams etc figured since it was likely to happen anyway, so why not do it ourselves and get the press directed where we want it?
But I get what you’re saying. I have a feeling that no matter what film he’s in, they’d find a way to turn Harry’s presence into news if they wanted to. Hopefully we don’t see anything this messy ever again, though.
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limbosava · 3 years
After the Fall and Before The Dawn Thoughts / Spoilers — Very messy loose string of thoughts I wrote down as they pop up
I hope we get to see Gillian and Carmine again cause they were really interesting characters.
Also the fact that Coco pointed out Gillian’s birthmark was more like a brand made me go 👁🕳👁 I wish they had expanded more on that and went into what happened with the Asturias twins too cause. I don’t think Yatsu can live with the guilt of doing that to somebody :(
I’m so happy that after the battle the people of Vacuo and Shade academy students finally accept that the transfers aren’t weak and Shade really isn’t their last choice / resort school and rather their new home. (Temporarily. Velvet’s longing for their return to beacon almost made me cry and it’s so 🥺 whenever CFVY think of Beacon as their home and their team as their family.)
I really really really love Team CFVY’s dynamic and how Velvet isn’t their weakest member but their secret weapon! It’s also really sweet how Coco really pays attention to Velvet’s opinions on things now after Velvet pointed out how no one cared she wanted to stay in Vale when they first decided to go to Vacuo. And Bunnyvision!! That is!!! Sooooo cute!!! Get you an almost inventor gf that makes special glasses for you that are specifically designed to help you deal with your fears. Speaking of that. I /love/ inventor Velvet and how she created the concept of hard light weapons.
Also.. was I the only one who laughed when Octavia said she used the kids as grimm bait..
I love Fox joking around with people and teasing them, especially Neptune who is downright terrified by him. Yatsu best boi, please get him some breadfruit.
I didn’t notice Scarlet and Nolan flirting until I looked at other peoples thoughts afterwards and was like oh. I now see the light.
I wish Sage had more than five lines and atleast a semblance of personality. Also how do tattoos work cus of aura... did he purposely break his aura to get tattoos?
Carmine gay for Gillian? I would like to meet the rest of their friend group in Shade. They seemed pretty cool before Jax had to drop out and Gil followed :( Speaking of Carmine, I wonder how the Shade students treated her while she studied there as how the Shade students treated the beacon brigade was. Unsavory
Interesting to see that people go to huntsman academies even if they don’t want to become huntsmen, ex. Gus and how he just wanted to control his semblance better. That’s nice to know
Okay I really love Octavia and Velvet’s beginnings of a friendship, and how Velvet has caught falling girls twice (coco and octavia) (ahaha you could say they fell for her ;)) Also how Velvet and Octavia share a braincell (the dust tunnel collapse... that was Not a good idea)
I wish Nebula had more personality, and the other members of NDGO too. Also the sand pit arenas in classes are sooo cool. And dust infused weapons like Octavia’s staff.
Of the new characters (?) that were briefly mentioned I would like to know most about Olive Gashley cause her interaction with Octavia at the Crown place was just too cute. Or maybe it was Octavia being mean. If it was the latter .... man. But Olive is also pretty punny from the brief times she was mentioned and I love punny girls.
The scene where Coco blows up the dust rounds she wears on her to get her out of the sand and almost shattering her aura is . Wow that’s so cool and badass but at the same time SHE COULDVE HURT HERSELF SO BADLY IF THAT DIDNT GO RIGHT... COCO PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL. ITS LIKE TEAM CFVY LOSE THEIR SENSE OF SELF PRESERVATION WHEN THEYRE ALONE.
I loved how Coco and Yatsu realized that they were shit without their weapons so practiced hand to hand combat with eachother. I love them.
Also it was cute to see how protective Coco and Yatsu are of Velvet. Speaking of that. Coco and Fox are balanced out by Velvet and Yatsu so well, as the former are described as being a little sadistic and the latter are absolute sweethearts who wouldn’t hurt a soul. Also how Velvet is the team’s heart and soul because she wears her heart on her sleeve while her teammates are/were all guarded. I love how their development is described and how four individuals melted into one family and trust eachother completely T-T I’m a sucker for found family and they are just beautiful .
Might I just say how hype I was to see Neptune use his semblance cause I *love* characters who have water abilities but dangit!! He didn’t end up using it even though it was the perfect opportunity! and that’s so interesting how his power is making water stick. I really wanna see it being used in battle or conventionally. The books also helped me like Neptune more as the show just made me think he was annoying and spineless. It’s also nice to see other characters from Argus.
I love Theodore’s HAVE FUN BLOW SHIT UP attitude. I feel like without Rumpole, Shade would be much more chaotic.
Shade academy seems to have single rooms? Haven too as Neptune described how his room was barely 100 square feet in area and how back at Haven team SSSN turned Sun’s room into a game room when he was gone. This makes Penny’s emphasis on how the teams share one room in Atlas make sense.
It was nice to see Sun grow as a person, and finally stay long enough to feel something for the place. And that he managed to resolve things with his team :,)
This makes me wonder how Shade students and Vacuo folk are gonna react to team RWBY when they get there, cause of their whole. The outsiders need to prove their worth thing. But I cannot WAIT for Coco and Velvet to see Blake and Yang again! Yes!! Yes!! Bees and Crosshares reunion.
Also the hint at new desert outfits for team CFVY when Coco said she had been working on some designs but free time was hard to come by in shade . I am Very Excited.
I wonder what would happen if Gill and Jaune use their semblances on eachother. Infinite aura source?
In conclusion: I really enjoyed the books and I love team CFVY.
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demonzdust · 5 years
1)I agree with everything you said and you're probably right, no use whining over the ending of a show now that it's actually over but I do wish theo had gotten more screentime. He played a big role in S6A (and even then he didnt get a lot of screen time). I wanted his character explored more. Now that hes not with the dread doctors, what's he really like? Did he behave that way because that's what he thought the DD's wanted and would give him the best results or is his true self shown in S6B.
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Well, there’s a lot to answer there. 😅
Really, I don’t think that Theo got an unfair amount of screen time, given the amount of characters that they had, there were a ton of things that needed to be brought to a close. I also wouldn’t have wanted to rush his development — I was worried that they were in 6A and was happy that they slowed it down some for 6B.
I’d been wanting a Theo redemption arc since S5 and the last thing I wanted was something cheap and rushed. Given the amount of screen time we had, I think it could have been either used differently (like not given almost all of his scenes to Liam, give him scenes other characters as well) or even just kept everything the same and add 1-2 scenes of him with Scott would have been more conclusive. (Stiles wasn’t possible due to Dylan O'Brien leaving the show and as a fan favorite they had to make priorities for him)
I’d also just like some damn answers about him and his backstory in general but if we were going to get those they would have been in S5. And Teen Wolf is pretty shitty about carrying over exisiting plotlines and points of drama. There is often a really strong diconnect between seasons where the show runners basically just wash their hands and say “okay we’re done with all of the season X stuff so lets not following through on any of it, we’re doing Y now instead”. Meanwhile I’m like I WASN’T FINISHED WITH X YET WHY ARE YOU TAKING IT AWAY????
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But the real thing that we would have needed to see a very conclusive Theo arc would have been another season or two with the full cast (including Stiles). MTV screwed us and there’s sadly nothing we can do about it.
Honestly, I don’t think Theo hangs out in Beacon Hills, I think he’d be wherever Scott needed him. So that might be in Beacon Hills some of the time and it might be on the road other times.
All of Theo’s actions in 6B indicate that he would be where Scott asked him to be, seriously, there isn’t a single action Theo takes in 6B to the contrary. Look at what he does — he stays in beacon hills, he wants to call Scott but can’t, then he takes the first opportunity to get back in front of him, plays support at the police station, chooses to stay in Beacon Hills and fight the hunters, works with Liam at the zoo to distract the hunters, saves Nolan from Liam (and Liam from making a terrible mistake) and when Liam asks him about this he openly admits that he’s doing what he thinks Scott wants. After, Scott asks him to work with Mason — so he does. Then Scott asks him to help Liam and Melissa at the hospital — and he does.
That seems like a really clear pattern of behavior to me. Theo’s going to continue to do that, continuing to grow and discover himself along the way.
Likewise, we know that Scott is really forgiving, believes the best in people, and treats Theo positively/optimistically from the episode where Theo helps catch the ghost rider onwards.
The show might not have had the time and actor-availability to work through all of the damage between Theo and the pack (even though I would have liked it — it would have felt insulting and strange to many fans to include theo in the end shot with the pack when he and Stiles haven’t interacted at all since S5), but I think we can easily imagine that Theo does eventually become pack based off how Theo and Scott both behave in S6.
To touch on some of your other questions:
- Isaac was invited to come back for the finale but the actor couldn’t make it
- I believe that the actor for Hayden also couldn’t make 6B and that’s why she wasn’t in it
- The flash forward supposedly takes place about 2 years in the future (we know this from interviews with the show runner)
- Yeah, I’m sure Parrish is still in BH
- I have no idea how long the “war” against Monroe lasts, but I like that we have the freedom to interpret it in our fan works. Like we know it’s at least 2 years, so it could be just that or it could be more.
— Send Me Teen Wolf Asks
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andremarcusburky · 6 years
Carlos Bakery 4PM (part 2) - N.P
A/N: So idk this was requested and I lowkey wanted to make a part two but halfway through I realized I had no idea what I was doing. so basically this isnt really about anything its mostly just fluff and its kinda short
Plot: It’s been two months since you first met and you’re a cute couple  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
part 1
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Two months had gone by since your first meeting and life was better than ever. The thing about soulmates is that you match each other, one’s weakness is the others strength. One’s bad side shows the others good one, you make up for whatever the other one is lacking. Which is why things went fast in your relationship.
It felt like you’d known each other forever, well you kind of had if you think about it. Everything was so natural and easy with Nolan, he somehow dealt with you when no one else could.
The first time you’d had your period around him he’d noticed you mood change immediately. You didnt have to say anything, he just knew. So he went out for your favorite take-out and asked if you wanted Advil or something else.
When you went to take a final he told you to write a smiley face or a sad face on your hand after to show him how you’d done, and when a sad face showed up on his hand he greeted you with ice-cream and snuggles the minute you got to his place.
You’d gotten him in trouble at a game after a dirty hit from Tkachuk and he wasn’t even mad. You’d written “you’re just a goon ketchup” on your forehead (with a very easily removable marker) while the game was ongoing and Hakstol went through the roof. Everyone else seemed to think it was funny though (except ketchup himself). So now you were well known around his teammates, and very loved among them, even though you actually had yet to be introduced.
Nolan was also really romantic, which surprised you a little. He always planned amazing dates and ended them with some really passionate time in bed. Sometimes he made some spontaneous plans whenever he felt like it, like today when something new yet recognizable showed up on your hand. “Carlos bakery 4PM”.
You smiled stupidly at your hand while the girl who sat next to you in class eyed you suspiciously.
He was already there when you arrived ten minutes early. The lady from your first meeting was working and had recognized you both as you walked in, she smiled sweetly and proceeded to insist that their coffee was on the house.
Nolans arm was wrapped around your shoulders and he pulled you into his side, leaving a tender kiss on your temple. “So why Carlos?” you asked and looked up at him.
A small smile played on Nolans lips before he met your eyes. “I thought it’d be fun. We could make it.. our place, kind of”
After getting your coffees, you sat down outside as the spring-sun was shining on Philadelphia. The flyers had just been eliminated from the playoffs, much to your dismay but Carlas liking. She was fond of Nolan since he did treat you like a damn queen, but it could never beat her penguins.
“So what now?” you asked. Nolan looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“What now? What will you do? Are you staying in Philly for now? Are you going home? Since.. well, since your season’s over?” Nolan turned his gaze up towards the sun and squinted as he thought for a few seconds.
“Well, I figured I’d stay here with you until you’re done with school. And then.. maybe we could do whatever together” he met your eyes again as he spoke. Nolan moved one of his legs to place it between yours, the simple contact of your chins sent shivers down your spine.
The way he spoke with you was so blunt. He said everything as if it was obvious, and he was so honest with everything. You swore he could just come out and say the names of your future babies and it’d be no big deal. You’d probably get hiccups because you’ve only known each other for two months and he’d be like “what? you don’t like those names?”
“You know I have school for another month?” you asked and smiled up at him. Nolan put his hand on your knee and rubbed small circles on the side with his thumb. “I’ll find something to do. I’ve found my soulmate, I can’t just leave her behind and go somewhere. I’d miss you too much” he answered, gaze set on his hand as it was still on your knee.
“Really?” you asked, smirking lightly at his confession. “Yeah, of course.” he met your eyes. “What? You wouldn’t miss me?” he knew the answer, hence the grin on his lips. You leaned in and kissed him instead of answering.
“I know you would. I’m too cool for you not to miss me. And you’re too lame, you need me around” Nolan spoke confidently. You let out a small gasp and slapped his arm lightly as he laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean? How am I lame?”
“When I was thirteen my friends would always tease me because I had Taylor Swift lyrics on my arms” Nolan stated and raised his eyebrows at you. A blush spread on your cheeks, you’d completely forgotten all about that time in your life, maybe because you didnt want to remember.
“Okay, you have a point. But at the same time you’d write ‘swag’ and ‘yolo’ so who are you to speak?” this time it was his time to blush. “Yeah.. I probably did” he admitted.
You sat in silence for a minute while you both tried to soak up the sun, before you heard Nolans voice yet again. It took you a few seconds before you recognized the song he was humming along to.
“Our song is the slamming screen door, sneakin’ out late, tapping on your window” you slapped his arm hard this time as he started laughing uncontrollably. “Shut up, Nolan!” you couldn’t help but smile yourself, mostly from embarrassment. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in as he leaned into the crook of your neck.
“When we’re on the phone and you talk real slow, cause it’s late and your mama don’t know” he had the worst south accent you’d ever heard. “I hate you” you said with a sigh, still smiling.
“I love you, baby” he spoke lowly in your ear with a raspy voice. It took a few seconds before you’d registered what he said. You’d never said that before. “I love you too” you answered as he pulled away from your neck slightly to look you in the eyes. You reached up to grab the side of his face as he leaned in and your lips touched.
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ts-caymanislands · 6 years
Daniel’s Opening Statement
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Hello everyone! First off I’d just like to say I’m honored to be here in the final, especially since this is my first tumblr org. Coming from zwooper I felt like I had something to prove.
My Game In A Nutshell
Starting out, I didn’t want to play too flashy or have it seem as if I was controlling the votes. I wanted to prove I wasnt just some scrub since it was my first time playing an org, but I didn’t want to be an easy boot. No, I may not have been the forefront of pushing who was to go the first couple votes, but I was making subtle suggestions and knew everything that went on while others painted themselves as a target. I used this pre-merge time period to build strong relationships that would allow me progress in the game. Come merge is the time I stepped up and started fighting for what I wanted to happen. I put myself in a position where my vote was always needed, whether which side it from. Except for the Elsa vote, the player who I pushed to go and voted for was eliminated every single merge round. Week 1: When the trustlist twist was revealed I was super excited. I host a game that uses these to decide nominees every round and what not. Anyway, my goal for this was to end up high in the top ten, but not so high that I would be seen as a big social threat. I tried to make strong connections with the people I liked, but I didn’t want that to be held over my head. I got ranked 6, which I thought was perfectly ideal for my situation. Once the tribes were confirmed, Ahrre approached me with the idea of an alliance. I suggested one with the four, me, him, nick, and Bryce. I created the alliance chat, and from there it was an easy first vote to get rid of Joseph. Week 2: Woo! We won immunity Week 3/4: Tribe Swap! I was honestly very excited and happy with my new tribe. I felt like I had a great connection with Vilma, Bryce, Elsa, and ahrre. And the rest I had been somewhat friendly with. However immediately after immunity results came out I heard Jill was pushing for my name. Ahrre, Vilma, elsa, and I had an alliance which we decided to vote Jordan in the case Jill had an idol. Bryce, who I thought could potentially be playing both sides, was told to vote Jill just in case as precaution. I survived in a 4-3-1 vote. Week 5: After losing another immunity, voting Jill was a no brained for me. She had pushed my name earlier and overall we just didn’t really have much of a connection. Week 6: Woo another immunity win. Rip Emma Week 7: Unfortunately I was not picked to be on a tribe. HOWEVER, Alex and were able to pick 2 others to join our tribe. I could tell he was very strict with picking people who were in his tribe to protect himself. So, I didn’t want to make a scene. Therefore, I suggested nick and tj. Nick, who I definitely trusted was close with tj and were also very good at comps. I believed this gave me the best shot at surviving without putting a target on my back. We did end up being safe! Rip Jacob Week 8: WOO MERGE! I Was so excited. First merge turned out to be the only vote in the game that didn’t go my way. I tried to push for joey. Additionally, Ahrre came up with a plan to try and confuse the otherside and have the vote split between Elsa and I. Luckily I had some connections with nick and we had an agreement to tell each other what was going, and I pretty much figured it was Elsa going. Ugh a true queen was robbed this round by one vote <3 Week 9/10: After the last vote I was extremely nervous when I saw what the tribes split into. The only person I 100% trusted was vilma at the time. Tj and I had a complicated relationship while lexi and I were mutually against each other. I talked with tj A LOT that day trying to sway him to vote nolan or Lexi. It seemed like I made some progress, promising a f3 between the three zwoopers. Also, Vilma talked to nolan to see what he was considering. When Vilma told he was open to voting lexi I immediately jumped on the opportunity. About an hour before day change vilma and I were able to convince nolan to vote lexi. I survived by a vote of 3-2. Lexi was then eliminated in the duel to the death twist which I will say I was happy about Bc I believe she was a much bigger social threat. Week 11: After nolan flipped and saved me last round, Vilma and I created a chat with him so as to ensure he would potentially be open to flipping again against joey. Since he was the main factor in securing the 5th vote that was needed, he needed to feel safe. Joey did go home this round. Week 12: This was the point that I decided I couldn’t just sit in alliance and let it dictate. I saw what position nolan was in. He was in the middle and since his vote was needed, he was dictating who went home. SO, I basically went to tj and nick and said, “hey, we need to put the past in the past. Us three know each other, and I think we all know that us three are not the biggest threats in the game.” I felt like this was a move I had to make against the iconic “bois” alliance. I felt much more comfortable in a final against tj or nick rather than Ahrre or Bryce. Nick additionally was able to pull in Bryce. I unfortunately had to lie to vilma and ahrre :/ I felt sooooooo bad about this since I was so close to those two. I didn’t want an idol to be played on nolan. I do apologize as it was kind of a dirty move and I’d hate to have it influence anything in a friendship moving forward, Bc I do feel really bad about it reflecting back. This move did work and I felt like it put me in the most ideal position in the game. Week 13: Ahhh, Vilma another icon robbed. Voting you out was one of the hardest things for me to do this game. You were pissed at me for voting Nolan, and you had every right to be, I never blame you for that. But unfortunately, our relationship had been torn apart and as much as I kicking myself for suggesting your name, you were a major threat and it had to be done. You had played an amazing game and would have killed a final. Week 14: This was the day I was stuck on a mountain looking at bears LMAO. I’m not going to take credit for something I didnt do. Nick and tj came up with a plan to split the vote on Ahrre and Bryce the case of an immunity idol. Ahrre, who was proving to be a challenge beast needed to go otherwise he could win his way to the final. I voted Bryce in the end and Ahrre went home in a revote. Week 15: After tj Won the immunity decided by the jury, it opened my eyes to how big a threat he was. He never had received a vote against him up until this point and had played an incredibly solid game. Alex came to me with an idea the round before to get of tj. I was 100% willing to do this since I didn’t owe tj anything. I messaged Bryce and tried to see if he was willing to vote tj. I additionally made a chat with me, Alex, and Bryce securing the three votes tj. Since nick and I were close, I told him Alex and Bryce came up with a plan to get rid of him so an idol would be flushed. I had no intention of getting rid of nick or betraying him, but i just needed to make sure an idol wasn’t played on tj. Week 16: After nick won immunity, I was totally expecting to go to a tiebreaker with Alex. I believed he would have been an easier opponent to beat in that situation. Nick was also able to convince Bryce to vote Alex so he ended up going 3-1. I did try to get Alex to throw his vote off me just in the case if Bryce didn’t vote Alex. Week 17: OMG my first ever tumblr individual immunity win! I did decide to take nick to the finals as we had a deal to take each other. I can never be certain if he would have honored his end, but I always intended to honor mine. ADDITIONALLY, I believe I had a much better shot against because I feel like Bryce and I played similar games. We both flipped at certain moments, were very strategic in putting ourself in the best position. Nick on the other hand had been on the wrong side of the vote a few times he never really made a flip from one side to the other or a major big move, but played more loyal. I wanted their to be a contrast in game styles between me and the other finalist. Key Points Why I Should Win: I always put myself in a position where my votes was needed and I was able to push what I wanted to happen. I was proactive not reactive. Besides one vote, I always knew exactly what was happening and voted out who went home.
I won final immunity guaranteeing myself a shot in the final.
I felt like I was an underdog, and had something to prove coming into this game being it was my first org.
Final Thoughts:
I just want to say I’m honored to be in the final, and proud of what I accomplished no matter the result. Nick too has played an amazing game and I wish him the best of luck. I tried to write a plea that was honest, with no bullshit trying to take credit for anything I didn’t do. I wanted to own up to my game, and if that isn’t enough then I’ll at least know I did my best. It was a pleasure playing with each one of you, and hope you consider voting for me. Thanks!
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