#but i feel so powerless and i hate it
natsumiikan · 7 months
y'all is it unwise to make a formal complaint abt the provost's husband (my awful prof)?
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
ugh I am really struggling with a thing with a former student/mentee of mine. in the week or two of the post-hamas attack aftermath I posted something on instagram that was basically like, i feel an obligation to be an informed global citizen and believe me I read/think about/despair over the news every day but I also think it’s ok to really viscerally hate “doing politics” on social media, where complex, centuries-old geopolitical and cultural conflicts get reduced to a sensationalized infographic some teenager designed on canva last night. at the time I was watching people spread rampant misinformation about the hospital explosion when we had zero conclusive information, and had also just heard jon favreau talking about research indicating that something like 80% of the images and videos people were sharing on social media weren’t actually FROM the current conflict or couldn’t be verified as real. and idk I also have some private thoughts about how american leftists in particular really glom onto this issue because we perceive israelis as ‘white people’ and palestinians as people of color and we get to feel like we are exorcising our own country’s racial demons by advocating for the expulsion of the israeli people from land that many of them actually have deep historical ties to and at least a semi-legitimate cultural and religious claim to inhabiting.
to be clear I think the current israeli government is pretty much your trump-inspired shitty/evil right-wing militaristic populist movement and I feel like their response has squandered every single ounce of empathy garnered by the hamas attacks!! but idk I guess what I want to carve out space for is like, the right to say I AM NOT AN EXPERT HERE. I DO NOT HAVE DEEP ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE ROOTS OF THIS CONFLICT. I WORRY ABOUT SPREADING DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION IN BOTH DIRECTIONS IF I SHARE UNVERIFIED SOURCES OR REDUCTIVE TAKES. ALSO I AM A PRIVATE CITIZEN AND I DO NOT HAVE A “PLATFORM” JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BE CONFUSED, TO NOT PASS SNAP JUDGMENTS ON RAPIDLY EVOLVING INTERNATIONAL INCIDENTS, AND TO ENGAGE IN POLITICS BY MEANS OTHER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING. but idk this former student, who I had a really good relationship with for many years, has just come after me in my DMs and keeps sending me posts implying that anyone who is not furiously posting right now is pro-Palestinian genocide, etc etc, and meanwhile she is posting hundreds of unverified stories a day from Arabic-language sources that aren’t just like, anti-Zionist but are actively pro-Hamas, actively denying that the attacks on Israel happened, and actively calling for the immediate and violent expulsion of all Jews from the area. dude idk she’s not my student anymore so I think I’m just going to disengage/not respond and continue staying off insta because it sucks out there!! but it sucks!
I also just refuse to experience a war via unfiltered social media posts again. I did that for a month or two at the start of the ukraine invasion and I can’t unsee some of the stuff I saw on telegram. I don’t actually think any of us have a moral obligation to watch or share a 24/7 feed of graphic images of maimed corpses and crying children. I can’t make the violence STOP by watching that content and I also don’t believe that ravenously consuming the most terrible moments of people’s lives is a form of meaningful political solidarity. WHATEVER as you can see I still feel super conflicted about how to feel about all of this but I also have to remind myself that IT’S NOT NORMAL to click through my stories or scroll down my feed alternating between liking people’s cat photos and watching people dying half a world away. we were NOT BUILT to process world-historical events this way and it is OKAY to opt out of watching a livestream of human suffering you are personally powerless to do anything about.
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#yakuza series#ryu ga gotoku 7#yakuza like a dragon#yakuza 7#masumi arakawa#snap sketches#ive decided captions are for squares and ill just keep the tag rambles LOL#anyway. the tags are just for bitching dont look. i hate being at my moms this sucks its so cold and i always feel powerless here#yk how i said i wanted to work on comm stuff yesterday yeah I Couldnt. not as much as i wanted to anyway#it was too cold to focus and im always apprehensive here god i forgot how much i hate this place#wanted to TRY and force something today so i could pick up from yesterday but even just doing this felt draining#i actually wanted to do a cute arasawa comic but. i repeat moving sucks LOL#anyway. complaining aside let me explain the bling#cause i wear this watch and this bracelet. all the time LOL#unfortunately the watch is from my mom but the bracelet's from my dad. of course#unfortunately i do love watches so ill cope#this is also to continue my Arakawa Should Be Da|go's Fourth Dad propaganda. cross accessories :)#anyways speak of the devil (my mother) my brother just came in to deliver a message from The Devil and put me in a worse mood#everything sucks i cant wait fr tomorrow so i can leave LOL#i was only gone for a month and everything got worse while i was gone because my mom sucks ANYWAY.#sorry i had to use this cute pic of arakawa to vent but god. god i hate it here im miserable LOL#anyway since i cant draw that comic anytime soon i might just try to squeeze a fic out of it#ill have to steal from that alcohol comic i did but it's fine. ok bye. might go get soju later. and chicken...#genuinely the only good place around here since they closed my fave hibachi place#'snap i thought you were trying to stop drinking' so did i then i came back here ☠️☠️not even a restaurant it a gas/liquor station#my dad gave me grocery money i think im allowed a lil treat... ok im goin fr now LMAO BYE
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tswwwit · 1 year
Did Bill not come to terms with his feelings for Dipper until he was forced to in Confessing It, or was it earlier in the series (even if he would never admit it)? Sorry if this is sorta implied, I’m not amazing with subtext. Rereading atm and I was curious lol
Actually, Bill (sort of) came to terms with having fallen for Dipper well before Dipper got his feelings sorted.
It's in Faking It chapter 15:
[Bill] glances up at Dipper. “You…. are the single worst thing that has ever happened to me. And I don’t say that lightly, you got no idea how old I am."
#answers#Bill still had a lot of struggling to do after that#But if you're looking for him accepting his feelings *this* was the moment#When Bill realized he'd fallen pretty far even though he couldn't make himself say or think the proper word yet#His thoughts on the matter are addressed in more detail in Chapter 9 of Hating It#Dipper liked Bill. Even when he was trapped and nearly powerless and in a shitty situation - Dip *still* respected and lusted after him#Not after position or power or wanting him to be different. Even knowing he wasn't remotely human!! He just wanted *Bill*.#And it goes BOTH ways#Dipper was most of the way there too but also trying REALLY HARD not to care about a demon at that point#Then a minute or so later Bill's cheering up attempt did the rest of the work#Dipper had stayed so strong. Fighting against this horrible yet compelling demonic force. No feelings here no sir it's a bad idea#And in the one moment he got weak. When he teared up. Bill got awkward and tried to perk *him* up#Both hilarious and relatable AND a moment where Dipper realized Bill actually in his own way cared about him#These idiots were never going to be able to resist someone who could see them at a truly low point and like them anyway#Confessing It is basically: Them Trying To Actually Talk: The Fic#They both already knew how the other felt#But actually Communicating about it like a functional couple was hard#All the very kinky smuts are canon btw#I like my absurd smut to have character development#And believe it or not#Amazingly they communicate well when both of them have the same fun goal in mind
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arospecsyourblockdudes · 11 months
I don’t like when a book is trying to do an enemies to friends and/or lovers storyline and then rushes it. Like, I’m reading one rn where the two characters start making up and making friends by chapter 6. Draw it out some more yknow! Make us wonder what could possibly make these two characters ever like each other! Have one try to kill the other! Really sell the enemies part and make it realistic not just done and over with the second you wanna move on from it that’s not how it works
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mcdolann · 5 months
pretty sure i’m manic rn fuck sake
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lalala-mirage · 6 months
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jentlemahae · 7 months
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cosmojjong · 7 days
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seariii · 6 months
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undefeatednils · 2 months
Stuff in tags, only wanna semi-scream into the void
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
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parrrty-poison · 7 months
i'm just so tired of never having a say in things pertaining my own life
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girlwithfish · 5 months
reliving my trauma tonight cool
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Man, Chloe has been having such bizarre bathroom habits this year and it’s really frustrating to have no answers.
The vet no longer things she’s been having utis, and it’s actually cystitis. She’s been prescribed anti-inflammatory/pain relief and a special dietary food. She seemed to be doing okay since, until today, when she had a 15 minute episode in the bathroom. Pooped outside the box, got in it and peed a tiny amount, then got out and pooped outside the box again, all the while meowing in distress and scratching the rug and subsequent puppy pad I put down. It’s really awful to hear her in such pain.
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krispiecake · 6 months
hm. so i’m not going to be a teacher.
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