#but i still just hate the optics of having a giant ad where their names usually go
travisdermotts · 3 months
last thing I'll say about it - when the pwhl sells player jerseys, they better have the name at the top because if their names are at the bottom they won't be visible when fans are sitting in seats
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It’s Nice to Have a Friend - (Secret Solenoid) TFP Starscream x reader
Word count: 5,599
Warnings: none
A/n: This is my Secret Solenoid gift to @sheabeeprime. This ended up way longer than I meant it to be. The ideas for what I could do just kept piling up and I decided to do all of them. And in true Scarlet fashion, I named this after a Taylor Swift song.
The view was amazing from where you sat on the edge of a cliff. Staring at the amazing view ahead of you. The wind in your face and hair. Just you, your thoughts, and the giant robot on your left.
Yeah, you honestly had no idea why Starscream decided to sit with you. And no idea why he always came to your home to pick you up when he was hunting for energon. Maybe he just needed company? Whatever the reason, an opportunity like this was too cool to pass down. So you tagged along whenever you were free. Which sometimes meant having to tell him you were busy or why you weren’t home when he came last. Though it was amazing how he would avoid being seen.
You didn’t know much about him. All you knew was that he was grumpy, had a huge ego, and his ex co-workers sucked.
You bit your lip. Today was the only chance for you to ask this. You pushed a strand of hair that flew in your face.
His helm faced forward, but his optics were on you. “What is it, human?”
“Hmmm?” You looked up at him as innocently as you could manage.
“’I know you were going to ask me something. Just ask me and get it over with.”
“Well,” you began, “There’s this parade going on…”
“And?” he raised one of his large eyebrows.
“It’s celebrating all the different countries in the world.”
“I was thinking we could go?” You shrugged and gave a strained smile.
“No.” He immediately shot down the idea.
“But you could learn all about different human cultures.”
“Why would I want to learn about other humans anyway?”
“Wouldn’t simply knowing those kinds of things get you ahead of, and make you more knowledgeable than, the Decepticons?” you asked nonchalantly.
“Hah! You think saying that will make me go?” A look of amused triumph was on his face, but you could see the metaphorical cogs turning in his helm. He soon let out an angry and reluctant hum. “But I suppose I could take some of my precious time to come to your… ‘celebration of opposing humans’.” He waved his servo.
You let out a laugh. “We aren’t enemies or any like that just because we’re from other countries. Yeah, there can be some wars, but we’re mostly allies.”
Starscream gave you a perplexed look with his head tilted. Eventually, he just huffed and turned away, mumbling, “That doesn’t even make sense.”
You examined him, then shrugged. “Okay. But whether or not it makes sense to you, I’m honored you’ll bestow your presence upon the parade.”
He considered your words and, once he processed that it was praise, he puffed out his chassis with his helm held high.
There was a bit of trial and error in figuring out how to get there. You didn’t have exact coordinates and Starscream didn’t know where it was. Finally, you both decided on a method. You would give him directions while looking at a map on your phone. Once you steer him in the general area, you should be able to see the parade from the air. Upon this decision, Starscream jumped off the cliff to perform a flawless, midair transformation. He soared back up to meet you, showing off a few spins, and opened the cockpit for you to get in.
You eagerly got in and he took off. He shot through the sky like a comet, reaching up through a puffy white cloud, which resulted in a huge smile on your face. There was something amazing about being that high above the ground. Clouds stretching out made it feel like a new, hidden world.
“Which way?”
“Oh, right!”
 It was strange how people appeared so small from up above. The whole event would probably have seemed grander from the ground, but you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity to see it from the air. Especially with a giant robot.
“Wow. Look at it,” you commented. Suddenly, the rule of ‘if I can see you, you can see me’ came to mind. “Uh, are they going to find it suspicious that a jet is just floating here?”
“You tell me.”
You thought for only a second. “Definitely.”
Starscream maneuvered himself into a cloud, enclosing around him as though it were just a hologram. The nose poked out and there was a thin layer of cloud over the glass off the cockpit.
“You can still see, right?” he inquired.
“Yep. Thanks.”
You leaned back comfortably. The view was amazing. However the wonder slowly wore off and the silence began pricking at you. You almost wished for him to start complaining, or asking you questions, or for a radio. Though you doubted that he would enjoy human music. Or would he? Maybe you should try introducing some to him, but which genre?
“So what’s going on?” Starscream’s question brought you out of your thoughts.
“Oh, well people representing each country are walking in their group with a flag of that country. Like Italy, over there. They invented pizza!” You sat straight and pointed.
“What now?”
“Pizza, it’s a type of food that has cheese and tomato sauce an-“
“Nevermind. I don’t want to hear about the things you fleshies consume.” You thought you felt his alt mode shudder.
“Hey, if you were human, you would like it too,” you said. You fought the feeling of being offended that was taking over your thoughts.
“Then thank Primus I’m not.”
“Whatever.”  You crossed your arms and slouched back. “… But we do need to eat to survive you know.”
He hummed in reluctant consideration. “I suppose you’re right.”
Some time passed as you continued to sit there. Occasionally you would comment on a ‘country’ that was passing by. Sometimes he would ask about one. It was surprising how much your mind blanked out when you tried to talk about a country. You would have assumed that you wouldn’t have this problem considering you grew up on Earth.
A white flag with a circle and black lines on the corners caught your eye. You couldn't see the details from so far away, but you knew the circle was a blue and red yin yang. "Oh! That's the flag for South Korea."
"South? That sounds more like a location than a faction."
"Faction? What? Well, yes, it's a location. A location with its own government and own way of doing things. Like how you're a cybertronian. Because you're from Cybertron? Were you thinking about it like that? Factions?"
He hovered slightly higher then fell back into place. "How was I supposed to know? Cybertron had one government and leader. Much simpler."
"Hmmm." You considered the thought. "That's either really nice or there was a lot of corruption."
"Oh, you bet there was corruption. But does that mean there's a north, whatever it's called?"
"Korea. And yes, there's a North Korea. It split into north and south a while ago. North Korea has a dictator and isn't a place you want to go."
“What kinds of governments does each of these ‘countries’ have?” He asked.
“Well, the USA is a Democratic Republic. And there’s also socialism in some places, and at some point I think Russia was communist? Why can’t I remember anything?” You cursed yourself.
“Remind me why there isn’t one large government and leaders over the whole Earth?”
“That would be hard to do. A lot of people just wouldn’t agree to that. One of the reasons being that people want their own way of doing things. Since all of these countries formed on their own, having them all agree on giving up their own leadership to have a universal government is nearly impossible. There will always be someone who disagrees on how to run things.”
“It would be easier if someone just conquered the Earth.”
“You think people haven’t tried? There’ve been quite a bit of attempts, like Napoleon, but they all failed in the end. It’s a big place and people fight back.”
Another silence fell upon you both. You bit your lip as you scanned over the parade again.
"There's Japan. They have anime," you said.
Starscream finally lost his patience. “I’m not learning anything of use here! I’m just sitting here watching humans walk! The most informative bit was what you told me about North Kaon!"
"North Korea."
"Whatever it was! You expect me to remember all of these names?”
“Well, at least you can get an idea of what each country is like.”
“Admit it, you just told me to go because you wanted to come.”
“Maybe,” your voice rose an octave higher.
He scoffed.
“But,” you added, sitting up, “I did genuinely want to see it with you and show you a little more of Earth.”
“Why would I want to stay here even longer?!”
“I didn’t say that.” You looked at the gauges softly as if it were his face.
“Ah,” there was a nervous stutter present in his voice, “right.”
“Why did you come to Earth if you hate it so much?”
“It’s one of the last locations where we can find even scraps of energon. And you’ve come along to aid me enough times to know it’s important,” he said.
“It’s one of the only things you do.” You recollected everytime you were with him.
“Because ever since leaving the Decepticons ranks, I no longer have access to our storage or equipment to effectively find it. But I promise you, if it weren’t for Cybertron becoming a desert wasteland during the war, I would have never come to this mud ball.”
“Well. Even if you really wanna get back to cybertron, I’m glad I met you. And that I got to experience your awesome flying skills.” You tugged on a strand of your hair and ran your fingers through it.
There was  a brief silence.
“I mean, of course you would… How much longer did you want to see the parade?”
“Maybe a half an hour.”
“Hmmm. I’m going to be sore after hovering in the same spot for so long.”
“I could always rub your wings later if you want,” you offered.
“And let your grubby, little, fleshie hands on my magnificent wings? I think not.”
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “It was just an idea.”
For a few more moments, neither of you said anything.
“Would you like to see a demonstration of my aerobatic skills later?”
“Actually, I would.”
A comfortable pause fell upon you.
“…Would you like to go down there?” he offered. He tipped his nose ever-so-slightly to the ground.
“Nah.” You leaned back in your seat with a smile. “I like it up here with you.”
 It had been two months and six days since you last saw him.
Yes, you were counting and had no idea why. Maybe he finally got tired of your fleshie self and left. Maybe you should have seen it coming with how much he disliked humans. Maybe you annoyed him so much that he decided to never see you again without a word.
Yet, when you truly thought about it, it didn’t make sense. He seemed to enjoy being with you, even if he never showed it outright. He was always the one who decided to bring you along when hunting for energon. Even when he was a giant robot, and clearly had some sort of prejudice against humans, it felt as though he still treated you as an equal to some degree.
But maybe he truly did get tired of you.
You stood by your window. The sun had dipped below the horizon and the last ghosts of light had faded away into darkness. You stood in your sweat pants and baggy t-shirt. Your hair was brushed and you were ready to relax. A warm cup of hot chocolate was in your hands, the warmth seeping into your skin. You stared into the cup, thinking of nothing in particular when you blinked at a sudden light.
Your eyes instinctively followed the light. Outside the window, hovering just above the ground, was a large, greenish blue, swirling vortex. You stepped back, but promptly leaned closer for a better look. It didn’t seem to be pulling anything into it. It seemed gentle, yet powerful. You would have found it beautiful if your mind weren’t preoccupied with confusion.
Something seemed to appear inside of it. It was tall, and metal and--!
You nearly dropped your glass mug. After placing it safely to the side, you grabbed a jacket and rushed out the door. You raced to where you saw the portal as fast as your feet would carry you. It was still there when you reached it. Starscream held a device in his hands and his red optics searched the area, as if looking for something.
“Starscream!” You ran up to him, nearly in tears. “Where were you? You’ve been gone forever!”
His optics avoided your eyes. “Well, I…” His mouth pushed into a thin frown. “I lost my T-cog.”
“You’re what now?”
“T-cog! It’s what allows cybertronians to transform.”
Your current expression dropped as it finally dawned on you. The reason he had suddenly disappeared. Then you remembered that there were other people nearby.
“Why don’t we go back through your portal thing and talk about it there?” You began to jog into the portal.
“Ground bridge.”
“Whatever it is.”
You ran while he walked in. The fact that the ground seemed to be made of swirling energy, though it felt completely solid, messed you up. You being smaller didn’t help either. You were running and still falling behind. After a half a minute, Starscream turned around to pick you up and carry you through.
A flash filled your vision and you had to blink several times to adjust to the dark, new area. The walls, ceiling, and floor were made entirely of metal. The only light source came from a dim glow from an foreign, alien screen. It was clear from the dust that no one had been there in a long time. The scale was so large that you felt confident that this was something cybertronians built.
The portal behind you shrunk until it vanished. Starscream lowered you down onto the ground. As soon as your feet hit the floor, you dashed to Starscream’s foot to give him the biggest hug you could.
“I missed you,” you mumbled. Of course, he might have not heard it if it weren’t for nearly every surface being made of metal, causing an echo.
His posture went rigid. He began to reach down to pat your head, then pulled his hand away. He stayed like that without moving a servo the whole time you hugged him.
“Ah… Me too.”
You let go. The cold of the living metal still lingered on you.
“Where have you been? How did…?” You stared up at him.
“I came across some other humans,” he began as he walked over for something to sit on. He helped you up onto it and you sat next to him. “I tried to asist them in building a cybertronian. I believed that they would allow me to keep energon I allowed them to find.” He stared at the floor the entire time.
Your eyes stayed locked on his glowing optics. “Build a cybertronian? Wait, if that was what happened, how did you lose your T thing?”
“I-They needed a t-cog in order to build a cybertronian. The one they already acquired was lost and they decided to take mine instead.” He almost seemed to curl up at the last words.
This settled on your mind like a ton of bricks. You didn’t say a word. Suddenly the room felt very heavy. The silence was like a suffocating blanket that you couldn’t seem to push off. You swallowed.
“They took… it? But, you could have fought them off easi-“
“They shot me with some sort of stun mechanism then proceeded to rip me open to take it!” His talons clenched into fists before him.
Once again, you couldn’t speak.
“Why is it that the first humans I meet, other than you, are no better than the Decepticons?”
“… Because some people can just be like that. Just like humans have potential for both good and harm, it seems like cybertronians are the same in that way.” You stared at the ground. “So… You can’t transform anymore?”
“And that’s why you couldn’t fly back to me?”
“Not until I found the Harbinger and a portable ground bridge.”
You nodded. You pulled your legs to your chest and stared off into nothing. “That must stink. Not being able to fly.”
“It’s been terrible! How do humans survive like this?” He lifted his fists to his face.  His eyebrows, or whatever they were called, dug into his optics.
You shrugged. “We’re just used to it.”
The metaphorical blanket came back onto you, but somewhat more comfortably. Somewhat. You both continued to sit.
“… Are you upset about my not being able to transform?” Starscream cut through the silence. Almost so softly that you could hardly believe he was the one who said it.
“Huh? Well, yes,” you let go of your legs, “because you’re upset. I know how much you love flying!”
“But what about you?”
“Me?” You pointed to yourself.
“I don’t understand what you’re asking.”
“How do you feel about me not being able to transform?!” He stood up and spun on his heels to face you. His wings stuck up on point.
“Well,” you thought for a second, “I did enjoy flying, but it honestly doesn’t matter too much to me if you can turn into a jet or not. I’m just happy you came back.”
“Oh.” The frustrated expression fell from his face and he looked away. In any direction except at you.
“What’s wrong?” You straightened your back as if it would help you see what was up.
“Nothing, I think. I had simply thought that you only liked me because of my flight capabilities.”
“Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know. Maybe because Megatron only kept me alive because I was useful? It was always like that on Cybertron, and with those other humans. Once I become useless, I’m tossed away.”
You felt your heart twisted and your blood boiling. “I hate people who are like that. Forget them. They aren’t worth your time. I’m glad their out of your life.” You stood up. “And to me, as long as we get to hang out, I’m good.”
Starscream tilted his head. “You truly don’t make any sense.”
You shrugged. “The best people in life are free.”
“People who don’t expect anything in return,” you elaborated. “They care and love you unconditionally.”
“I don’t believe anyone like that exists.”
“They exist. And so do I.” You confidently stared up at him.
His gaze darted between you and away from you. He took a few steps back, as if you were a mysterious creature that could become hostile or blow up any second. Eventually, he gave in to a beautiful, natural smile. And the room suddenly seemed brighter.
 “So, Starscream, I was thinking…” You walked into the room.
“If it’s anything about making a giant s’more again, I’m not interested.”
Starscream had been feeling down, pun not intended, about losing his t-cog. You had cleared out two days in your schedule to have a sleepover with him. He had surprised you when you jokingly offered for him to brush your hair and he accepted. He also tried to braid it when you taught him how. It was surprisingly well done, considering the size of his talons, but still sloppy. You had to remind him that he wasn’t a failure at braiding. While laying in your sleeping bag and bundle of blankets you brought for the occasion, an idea came to you.
“I was thinking,” you continued, “that since you’ve been down about not being able to,” Starscream gave you the stink eye, “you know. So I decided it would be fun to do something similar to that one day with the parade.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, I can’t fly you to another one.”
“No, not that. I mean that there’s this scout group doing a world presentation or whatever near where I live. They’re going to have cardboard stands set up for each country they researched about.”
“I really don’t think you’ve thought this through,” Starscream sighed, “I do not think these, or any, humans would react well to seeing a cybertronian.”
“I’ve already figured that out!” You bounced on your toes. “I’ll be carrying a camera that will stream video to you over here. That way you can see it without having to be there! And I have some earbuds so I can start a call with you and be able to hear and answer back if you have any questions.”
“Will the humans be suspicious about you speaking to no one?”
“Nope! They’ll just assume I’m on a call with someone, which technically isn’t wrong. So what do you say?”
 “Okay. So you can still see the video feed, right?” you asked while readjusting the camera on your hat.
“Yes, now stop shaking around!” Starscream’s voice came through your earbud. You swore that you would go deaf if this lasted too long.
“Okay,” you mumbled.
The sky was overcast. You walked into the building along with families that had come to see the scouts’ projects. There were tons of tables and three paneled boards lined up. People wandered around. They would stop to read, then turn and walk to the next one that caught their eye. It was clear which groups were family because they would greatly compliment the child’s work.
You figured you needed to start somewhere. It was a stange feeling to be there when you didn’t know anyone, even if the event was open to the public.
“Are we just going to stare?”
This snapped you out of your daze. You blinked for a second. Right, you weren’t alone. You had Starscream.
“Right,” you said and stepped forward.
You walked along the rows, glancing over them until one caught your eye. “France,” you said while pointing to the printed out flag, making sure your finger could be seen by the camera. “It’s in Europe. The capital is Paris. The population is 66 million.” You read off of it. You walked over to another. “Germany. It’s also in Europe. You know, maybe this whole row is European countries. Anyway, capital’s Berlin. Population is 83 million. Their currency is euros.”
“Ironic how these give more information than you did that other day.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes. Ironic.” You walked a few more steps and stopped. “Some place named Estonia. The flag looks cool.”
“It’s three lines of color, like the other ones.”
“I like the colors.”
“There’s a lot of writing and pictures on each report,” Starscream commented. “Did each of these children research, find the information, and organize it in a presentable way?”
“Yes?” your voice came out as more of a question.
You smiled. “Some kids don’t do scouts, but they end up doing things similar with science fairs in school. They’ll do experiments or research, and they they have to make a presentation about it, like a vinegar volcano.”
“A volcano?!”
“No, it can’t do anything dangerous.”
“Then what’s the point? I wouldn’t call that science.”
“It’s simple science that kids are able to do. You know, since they’re kids?”
You noticed one of the parents staring at you and you gave an apologetic look while moving your hair to point at your earbud. You continued walking and eyeing some of the posters to read to Starscream. You had gotten to the Asia section and did your best to pick out something to show him.
“And see? The rainbow bridge.” You pointed.
“Huh? Oh, yes. Very nice,” he said absent mindedly.
You quirked an eyebrow up, but eventually shrugged. He was probably getting bored with all of this. A part of you was beginning to wonder why you thought this was a good idea. This thought detracted you from the sounds surrounding you. You suddenly felt cold and like something was hitting you?
You looked around and suddenly noticed that the fire alarm had gone off. Loud beeps filled the room. Everyone was trying to get out. Kids looked in all directions in confusion. Adults tried to keep them calm and safely head out. Your clothes were beginning to dampen. Instead of trying to get out, your first instinct was to get out of the sprinkler. You crawled under a table and peeked out.
The last few people were almost through the door. That’s when you decided it was time for you to go, but something caught your eye. Something in one of the upper windows that lined the wall near the ceiling. Starscream? His red optics stared down at you and he signaled for you to stay there, along with whispering to you through your earbud. You were confused, but you hid under the table once more.
You waited until the water stopped pouring. Once it was over, you pulled yourself out and to your feet. You glanced around. That was rather sudden. And now there were puddles all over the floor.
A loud rattling echoed in the room.
You turned to see the large door, the kind you would see in a garage, at the back of the room open up. The temperature of the room changed to match outside. Starscream held the door up with a mischievous smirk. You took your earbud out.
“What did you do?”
“I may have gotten bored simply watching through a screen and decided to come. And I may have possibly started a fire, opened a window, and held it next to one of those fire alarms.” His grin grew with each word.
“Really?” You asked rhetorically with your hands on your hips. But you couldn’t help but crack a smile yourself.
“What? I was bored.” He shrugged and waved a hand.
You shook your head with a laugh. “Whatever.”
Starscream ducked in. He had to stay bent down to order to fit. You moved out of his way was he came in.
“So, you were actually interested in this?” you questioned.
“I thought it would be better to see it in person with you.”
“Yeah, but some fire trucks or someone else is going to eventually come back here and see you.”
“Hmm.” He looked back. “I see. But one look for a nanoklick couldn’t hurt. I just did all of this so I could see it anyway.”
“Okay.” You shrugged. “Just hurry.”
After his wing nicked the roof when he tried to straighten himself, he quickly realized that it was easier for him to be on his knees. As he got down on his knees, you helped direct him down in the small free space between the tables. The legs skidding against the floor echoed through the room and made you jump. You were surprised he was even trying to do this when he could barely fit between the rows.
He had to lean in close to get good look of the displays. He would occasionally ask you the meaning of a word he didn’t know. You had to admit, it was more fun to have him there in person. Unfortunately you couldn’t enjoy this for fear of being seen. You constantly looked over your shoulder.
Eventually your paranoia dropped by a few notches. Though, by then Starscream had gotten tired of being crammed in a small space and probably noticed your concern. It was awkward getting to the garage door, between him being unable to move much and him blocking you. But you made your way out.
He lifted the door and ducked under and out. You followed when you noticed him freeze. Confused, you followed his gaze. Your blood went cold and you felt as if your mind was being squeezed into a box.
Staring up at Starscream was what looked to be a five year old child. The little boy was alone, probably wandered off, and had an orange jacket and hat. His expression twisted into disbelief then fear. Your heart rate quickened when you saw his face wobbling.
“Scrap,” you let out as you both turn the other way in panic.
Starscream closed the door with a loud bang that sent a shiver up your spine. You didn’t noticed what Starstream was doing behind you, since you were already running on instinct. When he came into your field of vision again, he was twisting on one foot to regain balance and lifted up the remote ground bridge device. In his panic, he hesitated on which button to click, but quickly pressed it once he remembered.
“Is it a good idea to open it up in here?” you questioned as the piece of cybertronian technology swirled and grew before you.
“I would have preferred a larger space, but I don’t believe we have much of a choice.”
He scooped you up and pulled you through. Like always, you blinked when a flash filled your vision. The air suddenly changed and you were back on the Harbinger as the ground bridge closed behind you. When he held you to the ground and you finally collected yourself enough to jump off, you realized that three of the cardboard presentations had managed to come through along with you and Starscream.
You stood there. “Well, that was interesting.”
“One shouldn’t cause any problems, right?” He looked to you before his eyes darted back to where the ground bridge was.
“That was a kid. They won’t believe him. They might look around, but after seeing no giant robot, they’ll dismiss it.”
“That’s good to hear.” Starscream groaned and held his shoulder. “That made all of my joints stiff. And the tip of my wing caught on the top of that door.” He glanced at his wing with a slight pout on his face.
You stared up at him, taking a moment to consider your words before you were unable to take them back. “… Would you like it if I massaged your wings?”
His optics widened and darted around the area. “Fine,” you could barely hear in the midst of low grumbles.
You blinked twice before fully processing what that meant. As you were trying to figure out how to even reach his wings, he held out his hand. You stepped onto it and he carried you to a table or whatever it was. It was too large for you to tell exactly. You carefully got off of his hand and he sat with his wings facing you.
You sat with your legs hanging off the edge. Your hands reached out to his wings. He readjusted himself so you didn’t have to lean forward in order to touch them. Your fingers shook. You hesitated. Finally, your hand laid flat on it. It was cold. You didn’t know what you expected. It was basically like touching a regular piece of metal. You weren’t sure what you were expecting. But somehow it felt different. Maybe because he had trusted you to touch it. You began rubbing it soothingly. You prayed that you weren’t doing anything wrong.
He hummed as you rubbed patterns onto it. Although you were sure he could barely feel it, you saw him relaxing. There was silence for several minutes.
“Why are you so kind?” he said.
“Huh?” You did your best to peek around to look at his face.
“How can humans be like this? At least you and the ones you talk about. Those small humans, no matter how well they proformed with their research, were praised. And how can other humans get along well enough to be allies despite having separate territories and governments? How can anyone do anything for someone else without expected anything in return.” He turned his helm to you. “Unless there’s something you’re not telling me.”
“No?” You tilted your head in confusion. “I just wanted to because it was the nice thing to do?”
“How? Why?” He turned his whole body, leaving your hands floating in the air. “Why are you always so nice to me? Has it ever occurred to you that you would get nothing in return? Especially from a grounded Decepticon defect?”
“I’m not looking for anything in return,” you started calmly. “I might get to learn about cybertronians, and do some cool things with you. And I get to spend time with you. I get that in exchange, but I’m not expecting anything more. Can you please accept that there are some people who are just nice? Who actually like you and want what’s best for you?”
His face twisted, as if about to argue. But paused, like he had never considered that before. He opened his mouth again, but closed it again, when no words would come out.
He eventually sighed. “I suppose I’ll simply have to trust you,” he said softly. He stared at you closely. “Your hair dried.”  
You suddenly remembered it had been wet from the sprinklers. He reached out and touched your hair, letting it fall on his talons.  Then he flinched back. “Uh… apologies.”
You reached out to pull his finger close to you and hug it. “It’s okay.” You smiled. “I like it.”
Starscream appeared shocked by this, but relaxed and smiled. A genuine smile.
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