#but non-ADHERENT is when its UNINTENTIONAL
nexus-nebulae · 2 months
why do my doctors keep putting me on multiple-times-a-day meds schedules i tell them over and over i can't remember that often but they keep doing it
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uk-visa-updates · 10 days
Shocking Revelations: The Truth About Immigration Law You Won't Believe!
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Immigration law is a multifaceted domain impacting million globally, governing entry, stay durations, and permissible activities in foreign countries. The axiom "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" is particularly pertinent here, emphasizing the crucial need for individuals to comprehend and abide by immigration regulations.
Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse
The legal maxim "Ignorantia juris non excusat" underscores that ignorance doesn't absolve legal liabilities, a principle profoundly relevant in immigration law. Violations, whether deliberate or inadvertent, can lead to severe repercussions such as deportation, bans, and entanglement in legal proceedings.
Why Ignorance of the Law Is Not an Excuse
Even unintentional breaches of immigration laws can trigger bans, fines, or legal actions. This section stresses the necessity of proactive legal awareness to circumvent pitfalls and ensure a smooth immigration journey.
The Importance of Understanding the Laws of the Country You Visit
While traveling to foreign lands is exciting, it necessitates awareness of local laws, customs, and visa requirements. Failure to comply can result in legal entanglements, highlighting the need for travelers to research and respect the legal frameworks of host countries.
Consequences of Being Banned from a Country
Immigration bans have profound implications, affecting travel prospects, careers, and personal relationships. Understanding these ramifications promotes compliance with immigration laws and encourages seeking legal aid when necessary.
Understanding Immigration Law's Complexities
Immigration law is intricate, encompassing diverse categories such as visas, residency permits, asylum, and citizenship. This complexity necessitates a nuanced understanding to navigate legal rights, status options, and avenues for legal support.
The Role of Legal Professionals in Immigration
Legal experts play a pivotal role, offering guidance, advocacy, and representation in immigration matters. From visa applications to deportation defense, their expertise ensures fair and just outcomes for individuals and families.
The SmartMove2UK is an award-winning UK immigration law firm that specializes in UK immigration law.
It is led by specialist immigration solicitors and provides services to individuals, corporates, investors, entrepreneurs, and innovators. The firm is known for its niche expertise and has a global presence, with a strong foothold in the immigration services industry.
Founded in 2010, The SmartMove2UK has been recognized as a leader in the field, assisting clients with various types of UK visas, including UK business visitor visas, student visas, settlement visas, dependent visas as well as appeals and refusals for all kinds of UK visa.
If you're looking for specific services or need more detailed information, I would recommend visiting their official website or contacting them directly for personalized assistance.
The reality of immigration law demands awareness, legal compliance, and respect for host countries' legal systems. Educating oneself, seeking legal counsel, and maintaining integrity are crucial to navigating immigration challenges successfully.
What are the most common consequences of violating immigration laws?
Violations can lead to fines, deportation, bans, and legal proceedings, highlighting the criticality of adherence to immigration regulations.
2. How can individuals ensure compliance with immigration laws when traveling abroad?
Compliance entails understanding destination country's legal requirements, seeking professional advice if needed, and adhering to visa conditions and local regulations.
3. Why is it important to seek professional advice when dealing with immigration issues?
Professional advice is vital due to the complexity and evolving nature of immigration laws, ensuring accurate applications, expert representation, and optimal outcomes in legal proceedings.
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frozensea-food · 12 days
Sustainable Seafood Choices: Why Frozen Options Matter
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In today's world, where sustainability is at the forefront of our minds, making responsible choices regarding the food we consume is paramount. Seafood, in particular, presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to sustainability. With overfishing, habitat destruction, and bycatch being major concerns, consumers are increasingly seeking out options that minimize their environmental impact. One often-overlooked solution to this dilemma is frozen seafood. In this article, we'll delve into why frozen seafood options matter for sustainability and explore the wide range of choices available.
The Environmental Impact of Seafood Consumption Before delving into the benefits of frozen seafood, it's essential to understand the environmental implications of seafood consumption. Overfishing has led to the depletion of numerous fish stocks, disrupting marine ecosystems and threatening the livelihoods of coastal communities. Additionally, certain fishing methods, such as bottom trawling, can cause extensive damage to fragile marine habitats like coral reefs and seagrass beds. Furthermore, bycatch— the unintentional capture of non-target species— poses a significant threat to marine biodiversity.
The Case for Frozen Seafood Preservation of Freshness: One of the primary advantages of frozen seafood is its ability to preserve freshness. By flash-freezing seafood shortly after catch, the nutritional quality and flavor are locked in, ensuring that consumers receive a product that rivals fresh seafood in taste and texture.
Extended Shelf Life: Unlike fresh seafood, which must be consumed shortly after purchase, frozen seafood offers an extended shelf life. This means less food waste, as consumers can store frozen seafood in their freezers for an extended period without fear of spoilage.
Reduced Carbon Footprint: Frozen seafood often travels shorter distances from the point of catch to the consumer's plate compared to fresh seafood. By consolidating catch and freezing it at sea or near the source, the carbon footprint associated with transportation is minimized, making frozen seafood a more environmentally friendly choice.
Year-Round Availability: Frozen seafood provides consumers with access to a wide variety of species year-round, regardless of seasonality or geographical location. This ensures that consumers can enjoy their favorite seafood dishes without contributing to the depletion of wild fish stocks.
Support for Sustainable Practices: Many frozen seafood producers prioritize sustainability by adhering to responsible fishing practices, such as using selective fishing gear, avoiding bycatch, and obtaining certification from reputable seafood sustainability organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).
Exploring the Diversity of Frozen Seafood Options From frozen shrimp and fish fillets to salmon, scallops, lobster, and crab, the variety of frozen seafood available is vast. Whether you're craving deveined shrimp for a quick stir-fry, succulent lobster tails for a special occasion, or premium king salmon for sashimi, frozen seafood offers something for every palate and culinary preference.
Additionally, frozen seafood products such as fish cakes, fish balls, tempura cutlets, and seafood marinara provide convenient options for quick and easy meal preparation. These products are versatile, allowing consumers to experiment with different flavors and cuisines in the comfort of their own kitchens.
Conclusion In conclusion, making sustainable seafood choices is essential for the health of our oceans and future generations. Frozen seafood offers a viable solution to the environmental challenges associated with seafood consumption while providing consumers with high-quality, convenient options year-round. By opting for frozen seafood products sourced from responsible producers, consumers can enjoy delicious meals with peace of mind, knowing that they are supporting sustainable practices and protecting marine ecosystems. So, the next time you're shopping for seafood, consider choosing frozen options for a tasty and eco-friendly dining experience.
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govassist · 3 months
The Importance of Visa Compliance: Staying on the Right Side of the Law
Traveling or moving to a new country is an exciting venture, but it comes with a crucial responsibility - adhering to visa compliance. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of visa compliance, a topic of paramount importance for travelers, expatriates, students, and business professionals alike. Understanding and respecting the rules set by your host country is not just about avoiding legal trouble; it's about respecting the integrity of the immigration process.
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Understanding Visa Compliance
Visa compliance refers to the act of abiding by the conditions set by a specific visa type. Whether you are on a tourist, student, work, or any other visa, each comes with its unique set of rules and regulations. Overlooking these can lead to severe consequences, including deportation or future travel bans. It's essential to recognize that these rules are not just bureaucratic formalities but are in place to maintain the security and well-being of both the visitors and the host country.
Key Terms and Concepts
Familiarizing yourself with terms such as 'Visa Expiry,' 'Overstaying,' 'Visa Extension/Renewal,' and 'Deportation' is crucial. Each term represents a significant aspect of visa compliance. For instance, overstaying your visa can lead to legal penalties, while understanding the process of visa extension can save you from unintentional non-compliance.
Visa Conditions: A Closer Look
The conditions of your visa will depend on its type. Some common conditions include restrictions on employment, the length of your stay, and reporting changes in your status or address. Ignorance of these conditions is not a valid excuse in the eyes of the law, so it's vital to be thoroughly informed about your specific visa requirements.
The Consequences of Non-Compliance
Violating visa conditions can lead to deportation, fines, or even a ban on future travel to that country. These consequences can be life-altering, impacting not just your current trip but your ability to travel in the future. We emphasize the importance of compliance through real-life examples, showcasing the potential repercussions of visa violations.
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Extensions and Changes in Visa Status
Need to stay longer than you initially planned? We guide you through the process of applying for visa extensions or renewals. Changing your visa status, a procedure that may seem daunting at first, is demystified with clear, step-by-step advice.
Responsibilities of Visa Sponsors
If your visa requires sponsorship, your sponsor also has a set of obligations to fulfill. From employers to family members, the responsibility for compliance extends beyond the visa holder. We discuss what it means to be a sponsor and the importance of fulfilling these responsibilities diligently.
Staying Informed and Compliant
Visa regulations can change, so staying informed is key. We provide tips on how to keep abreast of these changes and where to find reliable resources. Remember, when in doubt, consulting with immigration experts or legal advisors is always a wise decision.
In conclusion, visa compliance is not just a legal obligation but a responsibility towards the country you are visiting or residing in. By respecting and adhering to visa regulations, you ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience in your host country, avoiding unnecessary complications. Stay informed, stay compliant, and enjoy the journey. Safe travels!
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johnsonwiliam · 5 months
Preserving Compliance: Legacy Data Archiving Strategies in Insolvency Proceedings
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In the complex landscape of insolvency proceedings, where every decision is scrutinized, maintaining compliance is paramount. Legacy data, often an overlooked aspect in liquidation, plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency, meeting legal obligations, and safeguarding sensitive information. In this blog, we explore the significance of legacy data archiving strategies in achieving compliance during insolvency proceedings.
Understanding Legacy Data in Insolvency
As businesses navigate insolvency, the fate of their legacy data becomes a critical consideration. This data, accumulated over years, holds not only historical records but also sensitive information that must be managed with care. Legacy data archiving involves the systematic storage and retrieval of this information in a way that aligns with legal requirements and compliance standards.
Key Compliance Challenges
Insolvency proceedings come with their own set of challenges, especially concerning data compliance. Here are some common challenges organizations face:
Data Accessibility: Ensuring relevant data is accessible when needed by legal authorities or stakeholders.
Data Integrity: Guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of archived data to withstand legal scrutiny.
Data Retention: Adhering to specific retention periods for different types of data as mandated by regulations.
Data Security: Implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
Strategies for Legacy Data Archiving in Compliance
1. Categorization and Prioritization
Identify and categorize data based on relevance to insolvency proceedings.
Prioritize archiving based on legal requirements and potential significance in the liquidation process.
2. Secure Storage Solutions
Utilize secure cloud-based or on-premises storage solutions with encryption to protect archived data.
Implement access controls to ensure only authorized personnel can retrieve sensitive information.
3. Data Auditing and Documentation
Conduct regular audits of archived data to verify its accuracy and completeness.
Maintain detailed documentation of the archiving process, including timestamps and personnel involved.
4. Retention Policy Adherence
Develop and adhere to a clear data retention policy aligned with relevant insolvency regulations.
Regularly review and update the retention policy to accommodate changes in compliance requirements.
5. Legal Collaboration
Work closely with legal advisors to align data archiving strategies with specific insolvency laws and regulations.
Seek legal opinions on the appropriateness of data archiving practices in the context of insolvency.
6. Regular Training Programs
Train personnel involved in the archiving process on compliance requirements and best practices.
Foster a culture of compliance awareness to mitigate risks associated with unintentional non-compliance.
7. Data Disposal Protocols
Establish secure protocols for the disposal of data that has reached the end of its retention period.
Ensure compliance with regulations governing the secure disposal of sensitive information.
Legacy data archiving is not merely a procedural formality; it is a strategic imperative in insolvency proceedings. By adopting robust archiving strategies that prioritize compliance, organizations can navigate the complexities of liquidation with transparency, integrity, and confidence.
For expert assistance in developing tailored legacy data archiving strategies for insolvency compliance, reach out to our specialists at Avendata.
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leadhub-blogs · 6 months
Efficiency and Security Combined: Leadhub's Approach to Lead Data Protection
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In today's data-driven world, the importance of data security cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to lead management in the real estate industry. Handling sensitive information about potential clients, property details, and financial data requires robust protection. Leadhub's Lead Management System understands the critical role that data security plays in lead management and ensures 100% data protection through encrypted lead storage, offering companies the peace of mind they need. In this blog, we will explore the significance of data security in lead management and how Leadhub's Lead Management System approach keeps your valuable leads safe.
The Importance of Data Security in Lead Management
Lead management involves the collection, storage, and use of a vast amount of data, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. Here are some key reasons why data security is crucial in lead management:
1. Confidentiality: Lead data often contains sensitive information, such as contact details, financial records, and property preferences. Unauthorized access or data breaches can lead to severe privacy violations and legal consequences.
2. Trust and Reputation: Clients entrust real estate agencies with their personal information. A security breach can erode trust and tarnish an agency's reputation, making it difficult to attract new clients.
3. Compliance: Various regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, require organizations to protect personal data and report breaches. Non-compliance can result in significant fines.
4. Competitive Advantage: Clients are increasingly concerned about the security of their data. By demonstrating a commitment to data protection, companies can gain a competitive advantage.
Leadhub's Lead Management System Approach to Data Security
Leadhub takes data security seriously and employs state-of-the-art measures to ensure the protection of your lead data. Here are the key features of Leadhub's Lead Management System approach:
1. Encrypted Lead Storage: Leadhub's Lead Management System uses advanced encryption techniques to protect the data at rest. This means that even if someone gains access to the storage, the data remains unreadable without the proper decryption keys. This ensures that your lead information is safe from prying eyes.
2. Access Control: Leadhub's Lead Management System implements strict access control measures to limit who can view and modify lead data. Only authorized personnel have access to the information, reducing the risk of internal breaches.
3. Regular Security Audits: Leadhub's Lead Management System conducts regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weaknesses in its system. This proactive approach helps to stay ahead of emerging threats.
4. User Training and Awareness: Leadhub's Lead Management System ensures that its users, such as real estate agents and staff, are well-educated about best practices in data security. Training and awareness programs help prevent unintentional security lapses.
5. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: In addition to security, Leadhub's Lead Management System also focuses on data resilience. Regular data backups and disaster recovery plans are in place to ensure that data remains available even in the event of unforeseen incidents.
6. Compliance with Regulations: Leadhub's Lead Management System stays up to date with data protection regulations and ensures its system complies with relevant laws. This ensures that your lead data is handled in accordance with legal requirements.
Benefits of Leadhub's Lead Management System Data Security Approach
The benefits of Leadhub's approach to data security are manifold:
1. Data Integrity: Lead data remains intact and confidential, preserving the trust of clients and ensuring the integrity of your business.
2. Legal Compliance: Avoid costly fines and legal consequences by adhering to data protection regulations.
3. Client Trust: By demonstrating a commitment to data security, you can build trust with clients and maintain your reputation.
4. Peace of Mind: With Leadhub's data security measures, companies can focus on their core operations without worrying about data breaches or loss.
In conclusion, data security is a non-negotiable aspect of lead management in the real estate industry. Leadhub's Lead Management System approach to data protection, including encrypted lead storage and strict access controls, ensures that your valuable leads are safeguarded against potential threats. By choosing Leadhub's Lead Management System, companies can enjoy the benefits of data security, such as client trust, legal compliance, and peace of mind, while efficiently managing their leads. Your clients' data is in good hands with Leadhub's Lead Management System, allowing you to focus on what you do best—connecting buyers and sellers in the real estate market.
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ngopartner · 9 months
The Misuse of FCRA in India: Balancing Accountability and Impact
The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, commonly known as FCRA, was enacted in India with the noble intention of regulating the acceptance and utilization of foreign contributions by individuals, associations, and NGOs. However, like any regulatory framework, FCRA has been subject to both praise and criticism. In recent years, concerns have arisen regarding the misuse of FCRA provisions, raising questions about its effectiveness, fairness, and impact on the civil society sector in India.
Understanding FCRA
The FCRA was first introduced in India in 1976 and has undergone several amendments since then. Its primary objective is to ensure that foreign contributions are used for legitimate and lawful purposes, such as social, cultural, religious, and economic activities. The act requires organizations receiving foreign funds to register with the Ministry of Home Affairs, maintain strict financial records, and adhere to reporting requirements.
The Misuse of FCRA Provisions
While FCRA is a crucial tool for monitoring and regulating foreign funding, concerns about its misuse have been raised by various stakeholders. These concerns can be categorized into several key areas:
Selective Enforcement: Critics argue that FCRA provisions have sometimes been enforced selectively, targeting specific NGOs or individuals based on their advocacy or political affiliations. This has raised concerns about the act being used as a tool to suppress dissent and stifle civil society.
Complex and Burdensome Compliance: Some argue that the compliance requirements under FCRA are overly complex and burdensome, particularly for smaller NGOs. The extensive documentation and reporting can divert resources away from the actual work of these organizations.
Freezing of Accounts: The government has the authority to freeze the bank accounts of NGOs if there are suspicions of non-compliance. Critics argue that this power has been used disproportionately, causing undue financial hardship to organizations.
Cancellation of Registration: NGOs have had their FCRA registrations canceled, often for minor discrepancies in reporting. This can severely impact their ability to receive foreign funding, hindering their work.
Lack of Clarity: Some provisions of FCRA lack clarity, leading to confusion and legal challenges. This ambiguity can be exploited for political or administrative purposes.
Balancing Accountability and Impact
While concerns about the misuse of FCRA provisions are valid, it is essential to strike a balance between accountability and the potential impact on the civil society sector in India. Here are some key considerations:
Transparency and Accountability: NGOs must maintain transparency and accountability in their financial dealings, especially when they receive foreign contributions. Effective utilization of foreign funds must be ensured to maintain public trust.
Due Process: The enforcement of FCRA provisions should follow due process and be free from political or ideological bias. Fair investigations and legal proceedings should be the norm.
Simplifying Compliance: There is a need to simplify and streamline compliance requirements, especially for smaller NGOs. This would reduce the administrative burden and allow organizations to focus on their core missions.
Engagement with Civil Society: The government should actively engage with civil society organizations to address concerns and seek their input in improving the FCRA framework.
Clearer Guidelines: Providing clearer guidelines and procedures can help NGOs understand and adhere to FCRA provisions better, reducing unintentional non-compliance.
Stakeholder Dialogue: Regular dialogue between the government, NGOs, and other stakeholders can foster a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in regulating foreign contributions.
The misuse of FCRA provisions in India is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. While there have been instances of misuse and concerns about selective enforcement, FCRA remains an essential regulatory framework to ensure transparency and accountability in the receipt and utilization of foreign contributions.
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flowertyvek2 · 3 years
The Peptides Benefits Checklist - Exists Anything Apart From Peptides That Can Have Numerous Benefits?
Sarm Lgd
Does Dermalogica Use Biomimetic Peptides?
Peptide Synthesis.
Imuscle Pile Maker, Hulked, Pct.
Hydrogen Bond.
Three-way Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer.
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Since it has slight androgenic task, it gives the contrary effect as well as in fact minimizes any kind of bloating present. Although these negative effects are short-term, if they are still an issue, as recommended earlier, a 5-on 2-off method, where S-4 is made use of for 5 days complied with by a 2 day break would be the suggested research study dosing method. Andarine (S-4) does not bring numerous side effects, however there is one side effect frequently associated with usage. It appears far more serious than it in fact is, so a deep understanding of it is needed. Several researchers frequently report evening vision troubles when making use of S-4. In other words, a metabolite of S4 binds to the receptor in the eye, triggering a yellow tint to show up when changing from dark to lighted areas, which is specifically widespread in the evenings.
Cary supplement company, Apex man plead guilty to illegal distribution of unapproved drugs - CBS17.com
Cary supplement company, Apex man plead guilty to illegal distribution of unapproved drugs.
Posted: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
This implies that bodybuilders who look to protein supplements, as opposed to just eating protein-rich foods, might be squandering their money. Protein powders, readily available as trembles, bars and pills, are just one of the most preferred muscle-building supplements. Protein is an integral part of our diet regimen and trick to structure as well as keeping all kinds of body cells, consisting of muscle mass. These medicines are intended to be made use of as a future substitute for testosterone, which can have several adverse effects as well as are dangerous at high dosages. A lot of the research study on SARMs remains in animal designs and also after that some fairly significant negative effects have been kept in mind-- in spite of the intent for SARMs to prevent the adverse elements of testosterone usage. SARMs have similar effects to low dosages of testosterone, yet to a lesser degree.
Does Dermalogica Make Use Of Biomimetic Peptides?
LGD 4033 a SARM like Ostarine however 12 times as powerful at only 1/3 the dosage! Equally as with AAS, stacking is common with peptide hormonal agents; rivals often mix as well as match a mixed drink of representatives.
This is a non-peptidic, orally active as well as selective agonist of the development hormonal agent secretagogue (secretion-boosting) receptor. It mimics the action of ghrelin in the stomach, increasing growth hormone and IGF-1 degrees, however does not influence cortisol degrees. In see this page performed at Boston University, healthy males that were offered 1mg of LGD daily gained about 3 pounds in 3 weeks on average. No medically significant adjustments were noted in liver feature examinations, PSA (prostate issue/function examinations), hematocrit or ECG (electrocardiogram tests, made use of to check the heart's rhythm and also electrical task).
Peptide Synthesis.
The testosterone-induced muscle hypertrophy is mainly as a result of a boost in satellite cell and also myonuclear number, in addition to increasing the quantity of protein synthesis and preventing healthy protein destruction. An additional among the main advantages of SARMS is that, unlike testosterone, the majority of them do not obtain converted into 5α-DHT. Furthermore, they do not appear to undergo aromatization into estrogen which might decrease the event of negative effects such as gynecomastia. At the very least in animal researches, SARMs have revealed to partly achieve this, with compounds such as S1 as well as S4 binding to androgen receptors with high affinity as well as showing tissue selectivity.
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Typically, a gradually raising dosage of several AAS is taken many months prior to competitors-- a process referred to as 'stacking'-- with a decrease in dosage a month or two prior to an event. This latter strategy is an effort to minimize the opportunities of detection, while the advantage to the bicyclist's performance persists. The medical uses of AAS are concentrated on therapy of glandular or endocrine problems, consisting of disease of the adrenal glands and also osteoporosis in females. what's new in pharmalabglobal's 99% Purity Pt141 can be treated with a testosterone derivative as substitute therapy adhering to healing from testicular cancer.
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However, they still do not appear to be only particular to the target receptors, and also unintentional biding to external receptors is still evident. Specifically, SARMs are developed to affix to receptors in skeletal muscle mass and bone to turn on pathways associated with skeletal muscular tissue hypertrophy as well as bone regrowth. Such a drug can hypothetically be useful at replacing testosterone usage in medical settings, which features lots of negative side effects. In essence, they are an altered form of testosterone utilized in hormonal agent replacement therapy as well as steroids. SARMs are a reduced term for discerning androgen receptor modulators.
Body builders were switching over from anabolic steroids to Andranine as they assumed there were much less side effects.
Steroid might interfere with the various other hormones, but SARMs concentrate on just muscular tissue as well as cells without interfering with other crucial physical feature.
Both of these fallen short to get regulatory approval for the legal supply chain.
Nonetheless these products have actually been utilized by lots of people in the athletic community.
Professor JT Dalton entered into collaboration with a pharmaceutical firm to develop a class of medicines called" SARMS" Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.
Andranine created in the 1990s was discovered to have an impressive result on muscular tissue development.
But also for those of you that are seeking to improve your development in a risk-free as well as all-natural means make sure to keep analysis, sarmking supplements. While the lengthiest ester in Sustanon-250 is that of Decanoate, Omnadrens final ester is Caproate dosed identically at 100mg; yet really slight difference there is absolutely nothing worth noting pertaining to Omnadren, sarms results lgd. Qualifying planet as being the best rely on actual users reviews, images, and also independent lab tests results, sarms results youtube. SportsMeds.co.uk is a UK firm offering excellent quality SARMs and also other sports supplements formulated to the optimum dose for the muscle building and sports area.
Hydrogen Bond.
These characteristics make Nutrobal stand apart amongst other chemicals that try to work in the very same fashion however lug these undesirable side effects. DNP is thought to be especially preferred amongst body builders, who are brought in to its assurances of quick-fix quick weight reduction. If you're worried or you have actually experienced side effects after taking any supplements, especially any kind of that you have purchased online, make a visit to see your GP. " Structure strength takes years, not weeks or months. It's an act of discipline and must be gained through commitment to difficult training and also a good diet." " If you're unsure, ask your GP to refer you to a registered dietitian for guidance. Healthy protein supplements are not advised for kids because of the lack of research into long-lasting results."
The typical cycle size is 6 to 10 weeks at a dosage range of 10mg to 25mg. Ibutamorenis non-hormonal and also consequently calls for no PCT after the cycle mores than. It is ideal made use of in at least a 3 month cycle with dose raising every month. The optimal dosing time for MK 677 is at night directly prior to going to sleep. If you should awaken with numb or tingly hands, do not stress.
One of the major benefits of Ostarine usage is its recovery advantages. These benefits equate into anabolism of the both the bone as well as skeletal cells. Research study has actually revealed that these effects permit it to be made use of in a variety of means, most notably in the therapy of osteoporosis and also muscle mass losing. It is also a solid praise to other treatments thattreat bone thickness reduction.
POSSIBLY the most notorious group of agents used by athletes, these are a mix of synthetic and normally occurring representatives, which have a range of complicated physical impacts. These can be really major without a doubt and generally connect to dose and duration of use. Large dosages of high levels of caffeine can cause convulsions as well as stress and anxiety assaults.
S-4 was made to deal with numerous serious clinical conditions, such as, muscle mass losing, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hyptertrophy, making use of the non-steroidal androgen antagonist bicalutamide as a lead substance. In order to take advantage of the extremely considerable bulking results of LGD4033, a dosage of 5-10mg ought to be taken daily for 8 weeks. Many view LGD as the toughest and most anabolic SARM in existence. LGD can add large amounts of size without lugging the dangers and also potential adverse effects connected with steroid usage. LGD has the ability to bind to the AR with an exceptionally high affinity. LGD is typically classified as an ARligand that is cells careful.
Does Vitaminhoppe sell SARMs?
SARMs are drugs and they are not dietary supplements. Using the internet one can easily find SARMs for sale. The bigger retail stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe do not carry them, but the smaller independently owned supplement stores are notorious for distributing SARMs.
It was initially created to deal with muscle mass wasting in cancer clients, age-related muscle mass loss, along with severe as well as persistent ailment. The array for males is mg, with the higher dosage being used by guys over 200lbs that are bulking.
They consequently imitate the activity of these hormones in controlling a variety of crucial physical processes. Given that these representatives actually modify just how a whole range of genetics function, it's maybe not unexpected that the possible negative effects from long-term AAS use are wide-ranging and significant. This indicates that long-lasting users are at a lot greater risk of suffering a cardiac arrest or stroke. Unlike stimulants, AAS are taken persistantly given that they do not have immediate pharmacological impacts. They need to be taken over a reasonably extended period in order to produce considerable effects on performance.
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It is difficult to assess if/when/how it binds and just how bad the impact might be. Some hardly experience it whatsoever, while others can find it harder to manage. Andarine (S-4) is categorized as a SARM as well as a study chemical.
MK has incredibly strong advantages when used for injury rehab. MK supplies REAL healing as opposed to methods that serve as a quick fix, offering short-lived alleviation and only concealing the injury. Secretagogues usually carry the fear of prolactin rise. However, studies with MK677 did not show any type of increase in prolactin levels.
Throughout an occasion they might likewise supplement this program with a stimulant. However, the pattern of administration adopted by somebody looking for performance-enhancing advantages indicates that the degree of the medicine in the blood is almost continuously elevated. This indicates that they are damaged down by the acids in the stomach, in much the same way as healthy proteins in food during food digestion. This suggests that they have to all be administered by shot, usually right into a muscular tissue or under the skin. These representatives are fairly brand-new on the biking scene, with EPO in particular having actually gotten much media attention in recent years. Every one of the instances given right here are produced as artificial substitutes for hormonal agents that happen normally in the body.
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treatfordog20-blog · 4 years
How to Take Care of a Dog
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Before bringing a pooch into your family it is imperative to realize how to deal with it. You have to accommodate its needs, both physical and enthusiastic. This implies giving nutritious nourishment, clean drinking water, cover, and the chance to live in a sheltered home. It additionally implies guaranteeing that the canine is glad by giving sufficient play time, a lot of activity, and incitement for its brain. Thinking about a canine is a major duty, and pooch possession isn’t something to go into daintily, anyway this work will push you to effectively assemble a power of profound devotion and trust with a significant new individual from your family click here.
1 Taking care of a Dog
Feed your pooch an excellent canine nourishment. Peruse the name of an imminent food.[2] The principal couple fixings ought to be a meat, not meat side-effect or a grain. This will assist you with realizing that the nourishment is high in acceptable protein, not simply filler.
Approach your veterinarian for nourishment suggestions. Your vet might have the option to control you towards a nourishment that is perfect for your puppy and the person may likewise have suggestions for the amount to take care of the pooch.
2 Take Care of a Dog Step
Feed your pooch on a customary calendar. It is prescribed that you feed your pooch twice a day.[3] Figure out the correct sum you ought to take care of your canine every day, which is for the most part on the canine nourishment bundle, and gap that sum in two. Feed your pooch the principal half toward the beginning of the day and the second half at night.
A steady daily practice of taking care of can likewise assist you with house preparing. Canines as a rule need to go to the restroom 20 - 30 minutes subsequent to eating.
3 Take Care of a Dog Step
Abstain from giving your canine an unreasonable measure of treats or individuals nourishment. This can prompt weight increase or medical issues for your pet. Adhere to the standard of possibly giving your canine treats when you’re preparing it. Keep in mind, this can be difficult to follow, particularly if your little guy is taking a gander at you with doggy hound eyes. Be that as it may, stand firm!
Try not to take care of your pooch nourishment that is terrible for it. There are numerous nourishments that are terrible for your canine as well as that can be unsafe to its wellbeing. Try not to give your pooch any chocolate, avocado, bread mixture, raisins, grapes, onions, or xylitol, which is a non-caloric sweetener.[4]
4 Take Care of a Dog
Give your pooch water. Nourishment isn’t the main thing your pooch needs to endure. Water is similarly as, if not progressively, significant. Give your pooch open access to water consistently. This doesn’t imply that you need to give it access to water when it is unfeasible, for example when you are in the vehicle, however on the off chance that it is conceivable you should supply a bowl of clean drinking water.
Thinking about the Health of a Dog
5 Take Care of a Dog
Ensure you have a decent, solid veterinarian. A decent method to pick a vet is to check whether the person addresses your inquiries immediately and proficiently and to perceive how they collaborate with your pet. You should bring your canine for ordinary registration,
so if your vet is excessively reserved you might need to search for another one. Don’t hesitate to change veterinarians considerably after you take your pooch to one.[5]
Keep in mind, you ought to likewise know about a crisis vet that is open 24 hours every day and on ends of the week.
6 Take Care of a Dog
Get your pooch inoculated. Your veterinarian will encourage you concerning which infections are basic in the territory thus which ailments it is important to inoculate against. Ordinarily, immunizations are stayed up with the latest with customary sponsor infusions, which may either be yearly or three-yearly, contingent upon the infection.
Most U.S. states expect you to inoculate the pooch against rabies. Regardless of whether this is anything but a legitimate prerequisite, it is a smart thought so as to secure your pet (and you) from Treatfordog this savage illness.
7 Take Care of a Dog
Consider fitting the pooch with an ID chip. This is a little microchip that is infused under the skin over the shoulder bones. Each chip has a one of a kind number that is enlisted on an information base with your contact subtleties. In case of the pet being lost or taken, the chip is a methods for coordinating you with the canine and demonstrating your ownership.[6]
8 Take Care of a Dog
Utilize standard parasite precaution medications. It imperative to treat consistently with fundamental worming against roundworms. Precisely how regularly relies upon your pet’s way of life. An indoor canine is at lower hazard than a chasing pooch of getting worms, and this will impact your vet’s recommendation about how regularly to deworm. A generally safe canine may just need a round worming treatment a few times each year, while a high hazard pooch may require month to month medicines.
Additionally consider different dangers, for example, heartworm.
Additionally utilize bug precaution medicines and, in the event that you live in a tick region, utilize an item that likewise executes ticks.
9 Take Care of a Dog
Consider desexing your canine. This decreases the danger of certain wellbeing issue, for example, mammary malignant growth (if fixing performed before the subsequent season) and pyometra (discharge in the belly) in females, and hostility and prostatic infection in the male. It is likewise the capable activity, as it decreases the issue of unintentional reproducing and pet overpopulation.[7]
Know that desexed hounds are really at higher hazard for some medical issues. For instance, your desexed canine might be at more hazard for particular sorts of diseases and thyroid issues, just as heart issues. Consider this cautiously.
10  Take Care of a Dog
Get pet medical coverage. On the off chance that you would battle to meet the expense of veterinary treatment, at that point take out a pet protection approach. In return for a month to month premium, if the pet is wiped out or harmed the insurance agency will cover most of the costs required up to a specific cutoff. The specific idea of approaches and the sum they spread shifts generally.
Get your work done. Choose the amount you can manage the cost of every month for a premium and explore a few organizations to perceive what level of inclusion they will give.https://treatfordog.com/
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How to Take Care of a Dog
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Before bringing a pooch into your family it is imperative to realize how to deal with it. You have to accommodate its needs, both physical and enthusiastic. This implies giving nutritious nourishment, clean drinking water, cover, and the chance to live in a sheltered home. It additionally implies guaranteeing that the canine is glad by giving sufficient play time, a lot of activity, and incitement for its brain. Thinking about a canine is a major duty, and pooch possession isn't something to go into daintily, anyway this work will push you to effectively assemble a power of profound devotion and trust with a significant new individual from your family click here.
1 Taking care of a Dog
Feed your pooch an excellent canine nourishment. Peruse the name of an imminent food.[2] The principal couple fixings ought to be a meat, not meat side-effect or a grain. This will assist you with realizing that the nourishment is high in acceptable protein, not simply filler.
Approach your veterinarian for nourishment suggestions. Your vet might have the option to control you towards a nourishment that is perfect for your puppy and the person may likewise have suggestions for the amount to take care of the pooch.
2 Take Care of a Dog Step
Feed your pooch on a customary calendar. It is prescribed that you feed your pooch twice a day.[3] Figure out the correct sum you ought to take care of your canine every day, which is for the most part on the canine nourishment bundle, and gap that sum in two. Feed your pooch the principal half toward the beginning of the day and the second half at night.
A steady daily practice of taking care of can likewise assist you with house preparing. Canines as a rule need to go to the restroom 20 - 30 minutes subsequent to eating.
3 Take Care of a Dog Step
Abstain from giving your canine an unreasonable measure of treats or individuals nourishment. This can prompt weight increase or medical issues for your pet. Adhere to the standard of possibly giving your canine treats when you're preparing it. Keep in mind, this can be difficult to follow, particularly if your little guy is taking a gander at you with doggy hound eyes. Be that as it may, stand firm!
Try not to take care of your pooch nourishment that is terrible for it. There are numerous nourishments that are terrible for your canine as well as that can be unsafe to its wellbeing. Try not to give your pooch any chocolate, avocado, bread mixture, raisins, grapes, onions, or xylitol, which is a non-caloric sweetener.[4]
4 Take Care of a Dog
Give your pooch water. Nourishment isn't the main thing your pooch needs to endure. Water is similarly as, if not progressively, significant. Give your pooch open access to water consistently. This doesn't imply that you need to give it access to water when it is unfeasible, for example when you are in the vehicle, however on the off chance that it is conceivable you should supply a bowl of clean drinking water.
Thinking about the Health of a Dog
5 Take Care of a Dog
Ensure you have a decent, solid veterinarian. A decent method to pick a vet is to check whether the person addresses your inquiries immediately and proficiently and to perceive how they collaborate with your pet. You should bring your canine for ordinary registration,
so if your vet is excessively reserved you might need to search for another one. Don't hesitate to change veterinarians considerably after you take your pooch to one.[5]
Keep in mind, you ought to likewise know about a crisis vet that is open 24 hours every day and on ends of the week.
6 Take Care of a Dog
Get your pooch inoculated. Your veterinarian will encourage you concerning which infections are basic in the territory thus which ailments it is important to inoculate against. Ordinarily, immunizations are stayed up with the latest with customary sponsor infusions, which may either be yearly or three-yearly, contingent upon the infection.
Most U.S. states expect you to inoculate the pooch against rabies. Regardless of whether this is anything but a legitimate prerequisite, it is a smart thought so as to secure your pet (and you) from Treatfordog this savage illness.
7 Take Care of a Dog
Consider fitting the pooch with an ID chip. This is a little microchip that is infused under the skin over the shoulder bones. Each chip has a one of a kind number that is enlisted on an information base with your contact subtleties. In case of the pet being lost or taken, the chip is a methods for coordinating you with the canine and demonstrating your ownership.[6]
8 Take Care of a Dog
Utilize standard parasite precaution medications. It imperative to treat consistently with fundamental worming against roundworms. Precisely how regularly relies upon your pet's way of life. An indoor canine is at lower hazard than a chasing pooch of getting worms, and this will impact your vet's recommendation about how regularly to deworm. A generally safe canine may just need a round worming treatment a few times each year, while a high hazard pooch may require month to month medicines.
Additionally consider different dangers, for example, heartworm.
Additionally utilize bug precaution medicines and, in the event that you live in a tick region, utilize an item that likewise executes ticks.
9 Take Care of a Dog
Consider desexing your canine. This decreases the danger of certain wellbeing issue, for example, mammary malignant growth (if fixing performed before the subsequent season) and pyometra (discharge in the belly) in females, and hostility and prostatic infection in the male. It is likewise the capable activity, as it decreases the issue of unintentional reproducing and pet overpopulation.[7]
Know that desexed hounds are really at higher hazard for some medical issues. For instance, your desexed canine might be at more hazard for particular sorts of diseases and thyroid issues, just as heart issues. Consider this cautiously.
10  Take Care of a Dog
Get pet medical coverage. On the off chance that you would battle to meet the expense of veterinary treatment, at that point take out a pet protection approach. In return for a month to month premium, if the pet is wiped out or harmed the insurance agency will cover most of the costs required up to a specific cutoff. The specific idea of approaches and the sum they spread shifts generally.
Get your work done. Choose the amount you can manage the cost of every month for a premium and explore a few organizations to perceive what level of inclusion they will give.https://treatfordog.com/
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baby driver is the finest cinematic masterpiece to ever have graced our eyes - or our eyes. and here’s why. 
I haven’t always been this non-buff movie buff - i used to have a six pack. but even as a stacked  non-watcher, good cinematography has always been important. i first recall remarking on the blocking of a scene and the placing of props as i watched an episode of riverdale. in this particular episode - i believe its “riot night” if you wanna watch some tv, folks - veronica argued with her mother in hiram lodge’s study. they grappled with the topic of veronica’s right to her own money and inheritance, money that has been squirrelled away by the villainous hiram himself, and as they quarrel, a framed painting of the father watches. everything from the angle that hiram had himself painted at, to his cold regard as he now spies on his hated wife and coveted daughter conspired to make the scene a memorable one. I recall reflecting on the scene’s exacting symmetry of the and how the seemingly inconspicuous canvas made itself out to be monstrous, which, in itself, provided a commentary on hiram and his mafia tactics in business. i recall first thinking about film after this episode. so, in many ways, we have marisol nichols to thank for this post.
The cinematography of this film, Baby Driver (2017), is consistently flawless. not one scene sees a misaligned prop, a rogue camera angle or an unintentional agent of symbolism - which is something that the director, edgar wright, was very careful to avoid. much like friedrich durrenmatt, my favourite playwright, wright (pun absolutely not intentional, sorry that edgar can’t change his surname and that dürrenmatt can’t change his profession from neyonf the grave) went to painstaking lengths to ensure that symbolism that he didn’t intend, didn’t make it to the final cut. Unlike our friend durrenmatt, however, wright was keen on symbolism as a concept - and when it was intentional, he savoured it. Wright wanted his watchers to take away from the film what they wanted, and to make of the symbolism what they will. 
this film unmistakably features first love and all of its cinematic tropes. we see baby fall for debora, we see deborah fall for baby, and we see their first conversation, first date, and finally their first kiss. but watch as all of these special moments, the moments that form the pillars for youth, turn into lifelong commitment. in this way, teenage romance, which is an entirely exhausted genre, is pumped full of life once more. the tender scene that sees baby ask the girl tentatively for her name could be contrasted to the climactic scene, when baby and his ride-or-die attempt to flee across the border. 
in a way, wright’s adherence to the classical tropes and storylines could be his way of saying that there is no need to meddle with perfection —- baby and his adoptive fats 
this scene was the first of the film to make me cry. the second was baby’s court scene, and the third was the pastiche of a uniquely retrospective future which sees debora and baby united at last, free finally from law, crime, and doc. 
yes, while baby driver broaches less traditional themes, such as criminality, automechanics and mobsters, the themes that traditional cinema has made known to us cannot be mistaken. wright’s masterpiece sees grief and loss when buddy loses darling in the big chase, childhood trauma through the orphaned baby, and the mechanics of friendship, first through the gang, and then through deborah. But it is this second topic that I would like to focus on; the nature of baby’s traumatic past is exploited excellently in the film, and wright once again uses sonority to conjure this realism. audile triggers are mostly the impetus for baby’s memories; the distorted acoustic of the commodore’s “easy” appears multiple times throughout the film, each accompanied by a brief flash of his childhood, until finally a longcut glimpse into the tragic traffic accident is depicted. And when the flashbacks are realised visually, “easy” is sung backwards to represent baby’s reversal into memeory. the song, sung by sky ferreira for the 2017 film, provides an insight into the way that buddy idolises his mother, even to this day, a fact also derivable from his extensive iPod collection which, in conversation with deborah, is revealed to have “come from his mother.” the lasting nature of buddy’s condition, labelled ‘tinnitus’, also acts as a literal portrayal of the durable trauma that he wears, even as an adult. 
the soundtrack is entirely commercial; each song has a meaning, and in this way, the soundtrack is to ‘Baby Driver’ what ‘The Awesome Mix’ is to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy.’ In a consumerist society, where it seems that royalties and name-dropping are all that matter to the figureheads of the music industry, it becomes rarer and rarer with each big-screen release to find a film whose soundtrack is of significance to the plot and the characters. The aforementioned Marvel franchise is one of a handful in the last decade to have a commercial, relatively modern soundtrack that relates to the movies, and ‘Baby Driver’, which debuted in 2017, is another addition to the rat pack. In fact, it is said that Edgar Wright met with the director for ‘GOTG Volume 2”, James Gunn, to discuss the ever-increasing commercialisation of cinematic soundtracks, to discuss their shared love of tasteful cinematic soundtracking, and to ensure that Gunn and Wright’s films did not share any tracks. 
Some songs are almost prosaic; Carla Thomas’ “B-A-B-Y” and The Detroit Emeralds’ “Baby Let Me Take You (In My Arms)” clearly concern the film’s protagonist, while Beck’s “Debra” and T-Rex’s “Debora” spell out the introduction of the love interest. It has to be said though, that the Empire Award-winning soundtrack issues a refreshing blend of genres, which personally represents the wide-listening Baby’s taste, and includes rap, 80s dance music, and original compositions made in multiple pastiches specifically for the plot. In one memorable scene, we see baby tied up in a chair while the mobster boss (Kevin sPACY) slams his personal collection of composition tapes with unique titles on the table before him. The tapes are Baby’s relics; chapters of his life in the front seat, and are labelled as appropriate to the events which inspire him. in the film, we hear “Was He Slow?”, which originated from a conversation between the boss and Bats (Jamie Foxx), in which Bats brought the baby’s proficiency as a driver into question. A track to suit the situation was commissioned from kid koala, and is heard at the end of a scene where baby stays up all night to compose the track. To illustrate the work ethic and talent of the director’s team on this film, i invite you to listen to the library of music published for select tapes in the film; “Mozart in a Go-Kart,” and “Was He Slow,.” I take the absence of the tape “mom” amongst this library to represent that baby has not dealt with the baggage that comes with losing a loved one, and that he cannot process his emotions and thoughts. Less litetally, it could mean that baby is a private person; they all have to be in the business of crimin’ and dimin’. 
The impact music has on baby’s life is possibly less literally demonstrated through the cameo of two famous musicians in the film. The first is Flea of the red hot chilis, who is presented as a criminal within the cult, and the second, Paul Williams, who acts as the ‘Butcher.’ on the role, williams is quoted as having said, “I’m on screen less than two minutes in ‘Baby Driver,’ I think, and Edgar’s got me talking almost every second. I looked at [the role] and thought, ‘Well, this is a mouthful of dialogue and — spoiler alert! — don’t look for me in the sequel!’”
The soundtrack is made that much more immersive by the fact that all music heard comes from within universe - not to mention the smaller easter eggs, such as the vinyl covers scattered around baby’s apartment which are each featured on the soundtrack. 
there’s so much more i could say about this film - and don’t worry folks, i’ll try to say it all. in the near future i’ll be releasing smaller posts which will focus individually and in more detail on the themes, the tropes, the cinematography, and - most fucking definitely - the scoring of this film. 
it is truly a fantastic film, the best i have ever seen, and i can’t bloody wait to see what else this genius of a director has for us in the future.
i’ve just written an essay, you’ve just read it - and i hope you like the decor. x 
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botanyshitposts · 6 years
im still working on that paper on government regulations of GMO crops and its just.....really fascinating. i feel like i just....wasn’t very well informed about exactly how these plants interact with environment and with people before, although ive heard vague arguments about legality and possible dangers one way or the other tossed back and forth a lot. the regulation in a legal sense is done by USDA APHIS under title 7, chapter 104 (the Plant Protection Act), and it’s very messy and very interesting. for example, i’ve heard a lot about the ‘intellectual property’ legal case with Monstanto, but i just learned about the supreme court case Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, which concerns the actual regulation of some of these products. 
background: the issue in this case is if GMO crops could cross pollinate with non-GMO crops and introduce those genes inadvertently into nearby wild/organic populations. this is a big factor of what people mean when they say ‘GMO crops could hurt the environment’ (wether or not it could actually cause harm is another thing that kind of is on a more case-by-case basis with the gene involved and stuff). 
from there: 
1. if you are a company wanting to mass-produce ur GMO crop, then u put that crop through years of development and then contact USDA APHIS, who sends people out to put it through it’s paces and make sure that it’s not going to fuck anything up/hurt people. usually by this point the company is 600% sure that it’s safe, because the entire regulatory process costs a lot of money and you don’t want to put just any old crop through that just to have it fail. 
2. again, USDA APHIS runs under title 7 chapter 104, which classifies GMOs as ‘plant pests’ (this wording gives APHIS the legal jurisdiction to screen them like they do). BUT because of the technical meaning of ‘plant pest’ in another law, a GMO is only a GMO if it contains DNA from another organism. so if you take DNA from the same plant and move it around/modify it, you can petition USDA APHIS to declassify it as a plant pest, meaning that the particular crop becomes completely deregulated and can just kinda....do whatever, get planted whatever, etc and is completely out of the jurisdiction of the department. (it should be noted that this is kind of viewed as a loophole, because one of the concerns about genetic engineering is that by moving genes around the genome, you could accidentally insert it into another gene and break it’s function, causing unintentional adverse affects.)
3. this wording also means that USDA APHIS also has to abide by NEPTA, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, which states that if APHIS gets petitioned to deregulate a crop, before they do anything they first have to do an environmental assessment of the crop that is wrapped up in a report saying ‘yea u good, because all our tests came back negative, ur plant is now Free’, ‘you are not allowed to grow this, because of x reasons, your plant must remain under our regulations’, or ‘you are allowed to grow this Wherever and do Whatever, but only in certain places where you can be sure x things won’t happen, if you grow it outside those zones then its back under our jurisdiction’. if USDA APHIS decides that it’s safe enough, they can allow the crop to enter deregulation before the environmental assessment is finished. 
so it’s 2004, and Monstanto has an alfalfa crop variety that’s Roundup Ready (meaning that it’s resistant to their patented herbicide Roundup, and if you have it planted you can spray the field with that herbicide and kill everything but the crop. they have a few different kinds of crop like this but this case concerns their alfalfa variety). they decide ‘hey, lets go petition the USDA for our crop to be deregulated so we can do Whatever We Want with it’. the problem here is that alfalfa is open pollinated, meaning that it’s naturally pollinated insects.....that also pollinate other alfalfa nearby. alfalfa that may not be GMO. alfalfa that may, in fact, be organic.....which, by federal regulation, cannot be GMO. APHIS looked over the case and did an assessment and was like ‘yea sure sounds good’ and started the process of deregulating the crop.
organic farmers in california noticed this, and they were like ‘that’s not very cash money of u’. so in 2006, Geertson Seed Farm and a few other organic farms rallied together and went to the california district court and were like ‘we dont think APHIS’s environmental assessment was enough, and we think that they should conduct a more thorough investigation, and during that investigation they should stop the process of deregulating the crop’. the court was like ‘yea that sounds reasonable’, ordered APHIS to conduct a new investigation, and ordered that Monstanto would not be able to plant any more of that alfalfa until APHIS had finished said investigation. monstanto was like ‘can you just like, partially deregulate it so we can like, plant it in some places at least?’ and the court was like ‘No(tm)’. 
monsanto Did Not Like This. they appealed to the california appeal courts, who in 2013 also said No(tm), and they still Did Not Like This, so they appealed to the u.s. supreme court, who was like ‘yea ok you can plant it in some places until APHIS finishes the assessment, because Geertson Seed Farm didn’t actually like....have any harm done to them, and we’ve decided that they need to show harm before they can demand that it not be deregulated’. they also decided that cross-contamination between organic and GMO crops does not qualify as harm done to those crops, because ‘harm’ in the context of a ‘plant pest’ is widespread physical damage and destruction of other plants, and changing the genome of a plant like that is not physical damage, which is....a really interesting conclusion that brings up a lot of questions, tbh. i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, like....this is pretty strictly adhering to just the damage imposed on plants, and doesn’t branch out to consider how cross contamination could impact organic farmers economically through potentially having their crops deemed non-organic do to no fault of their own. i also feel like this is one of those cases where it could have some Wild Ass implications if it ever comes up in a human or animal context, although i can’t say exactly what that might be. 
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nomadicism · 6 years
The Blue & Orange Morality of the White Lion and the Life Givers of Oriande
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Prompted by an Ask, this very long post examines the White Lion and its condition for obtaining the knowledge of Altean Alchemy.
“Hi! I can't stop thinking about White Lion. Why is the condition for obtaining the knowledge so stupid? Give up your life? If anything, Allura wanted that knowledge for personal reasons (being Altean, father's daughter etc.), while Lotor went there with a purpose—he needed that knowledge so his own “Voltrons” would work with Alteans from Colony. It seems natural to fight, when lives of people depend on your success. And how did Haggar get that knowledge?”
My answer as to these questions—especially the White Lion and its condition for obtaining knowledge—is to deep dive into some meta and analysis by:
Skimming some literary and mythological concepts that relate to the Life Givers of Oriande and the White Lion via the basics of the Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge
Comparing VLD and the Prometheus and Alien: Covenant films where this quest appears
Exploring the requirements for entry to Oriande and the price of obtaining Secret & Sacred Knowledge in VLD
And how that applies to Lotor, Allura, Haggar, and Alfor
First, some context: There is a Reason™ why certain tropes, and certain types of plot lines, and certain types of character arcs are bundled together and progress in certain ways. These combinations are Timeless. Generally speaking, they work well so long as one follows the unwritten rules that bind them together. Their predictability can be offset by a skilled and clever writer. These combinations are the building blocks of Ur Stories, and many Ur Stories (and their contemporaries) involve Quests for Secret & Sacred Knowledge.
The White Lion’s strange condition for obtaining knowledge is one found in many such stories, told in myriad ways, and is one of the oldest concepts in human story-telling, hence why it almost always appears bundled with certain tropes, plot lines, character arcs, etc.
From Odin’s unyielding quest for knowledge and willingness to pay any price for it, to Prometheus’ defiance of the Gods to give mortals the Gift of Fire, to Victor Frankenstein’s ‘dangerous pursuit of knowledge’ resulting in the tragic creation of a monster, to Enkidu’s tryst with Shamhat leaving his physical prowess diminished but his mind expanded, and throughout many more such stories; the following theme emerges: When knowledge is gained, something is lost. 
The loss can be intentional (e.g. sacrifice) or unintentional (e.g. consequences).
In many stories with a similar setup, the White Lion and the Life Givers of Oriande would be a case of Blue & Orange Morality (this is not the same as being “morally gray”). In these kinds of stories, the Keepers of Knowledge often judge worthiness in a completely different way from that of the Knowledge Seeker, and they may even be pulling the strings for their own purposes that are incomprehensible to those who seek their knowledge. Their requirements for the gift of knowledge fulfills their own morality, and one to which they adhere, but that morality has little resemblance to what a Seeker of Knowledge may believe in…unless that Seeker learned their ways and began to practice them.
The Secret & Sacred Knowledge is for the taking by whomever is willing to pay the price, meaning that even the most vile and evil being that ever lived could gain the Knowledge for their own use. Thus the Keepers of Knowledge are not bound by a morality that would require them to prevent access by the evil and wicked. The only time the Keepers will care (e.g. divine retribution of some kind) is when the rules for gaining or using that knowledge are broken or some line is crossed by a prideful mortal. While there are stories where the morality of Keepers of Knowledge align with a general black-and-white morality of good and evil, Oriande and associated Altean-related concepts (not to mention, the Voltron lions) do not consistently give off the usual and unambiguous signals of black-and-white (e.g. good vs evil) morality.
Part I: Breaking the Keeper's Rules (two examples).
The titan Prometheus’ punishment for defying the Keepers (e.g. Zeus and the gods) is to be bound to a rock for an eternity as an eagle eats his constantly regenerating liver each day; and 
Victor Frankenstein has no deity to punish him for his God-defying scientific experiments, but tragedy finds him anyway.
In both of these examples, the knowledge gained came with a heavy and tragic price.
In example of Prometheus, (there are several versions) he is moved by the plight of mortals, their hard lives could be made better with the Gift of Fire (e.g. Knowledge), a gift that is jealously guarded by Zeus and the gods on Mt. Olympus. In some versions, the mortals already had the Gift of Fire, but Zeus took it from them out of anger of a trick played by Prometheus which benefitted the mortals in the form of sacrificial offerings. Either way, Zeus and the gods have a Blue & Orange morality. Prometheus’ intentions were noble and good, but his means via trickery broke the arbitrary rules of the gods (e.g. the Keepers of Knowledge). Why would the gods withhold this gift if it could do good? Because in the wrong hands, Fire can be weaponized and used for destruction. Remember that because we’ll return to this as VLD gives us a subtle Promethean character arc.
In the example of Victor Frankenstein—from Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus”—he takes his obsessive pursuit of knowledge, the secrets of life and death, too far in the name of science. He realizes too late the horror that he has created, and abandons his creation (the monster that is erroneously called Frankenstein outside of the story). Frankenstein's monster gradually destroys his life by murdering friends and family, even framing him for it. Shelley’s use of “The Modern Prometheus” as the subtitle of her novel intentionally invokes the myth of Prometheus and the divine retribution he suffered for his transgression against the Keepers of Knowledge. The punishment delivered to Frankenstein is a strange kind of black-and-white morality, as it is the price paid for transgressing Natural Law through science. One could call it “natural retribution” in absence of the divine. Here, the Keeper of Knowledge is simply Nature itself.
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Above, Honvera rebukes Alfor’s caution: “The ancients thought that lightning was shot from the bows of the gods until science proved otherwise. We must always push into dangerous territory in pursuit of knowledge.”
In VLD, Honerva’s Frankenstein-like obsession with quintessence, and her willingness to push further—to break natural boundaries in pursuit of knowledge—is her undoing. Honerva’s tragedy does not stop with herself and her family, as the price of knowledge gained is paid for by the entire universe for 10,000 years.
Part II: The Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge In Space.
In Season 5 of VLD, the basic template of a Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge appears in the form of the journey to Oriande. The same basic quest template also appears in the Prometheus and Alien: Covenant films.
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Above, a summary: A pretty, well-spoken, ageless, pale-haired man with a British accent is used-and-emotionally-neglected by his powerful father whom he grows to despise and is treated badly and distrusted by his father’s kind. The father is prideful and has a bit of god complex. After his father’s well-deserved death, the man embarks upon a Quest of Secret & Sacred Knowledge held in a far-off utopia guarded and/or inhabited by Ancient Keepers of Knowledge. His companion to this utopia is his love interest, a petite and well-spoken woman with a British accent who is stronger than she looks, and is instrumental to finding the star map that initiates the quest to begin with. The sought-after secret knowledge has themes of life and creation. These secrets are yielded through life sacrifice and prove to be dangerous in the wrong hands.
I’m not saying that VLD ripped off Prometheus and Alien: Covenant but here we are...
The starting premise of Prometheus is that an exploration mission to planet LV-223 is organized by Peter Weyland, an old and dying CEO who bankrupts his corporation to pay for this mission. He is desperate to find humanity’s creators—called “Engineers” by Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway—firm in the belief that they will grant him immortality. The location of LV-223 is revealed through the discoveries of star maps in the form of cave drawings by Shaw and Holloway. 
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Above: Upon arrival to LV-223, the crew discovers a temple and within it are urns containing a mysterious black goo, as well as long dead remains of some Engineers. They quickly discover that this black goo has strange and unexpected properties. It doesn’t go well for them, after all, this is the prequel to the Alien franchise.
Above, content warning: None. The video clip above shows the discovery of the mysterious urns within the Engineer temple.
So we’ve got cave drawings that function as a star map, a temple constructed by ancient creators keeping the secrets of life, and a mysterious substance that can create powerful monsters via its transmutational properties.
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Above: in addition to being an unobtanium power source, some forms of quintessence can have transmutational properties as with the black goo in Prometheus.
Below: a xenomorph derived from a chain of gradual evolutions that began with the black goo and an unlucky victim, and Ranveig’s super weapon, the horror- monster-esque result of experiments with the strange quintessence.
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In both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, this black goo—called “Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15”—is a weaponized mutagenic pathogen that delivers a modern sci-fi twist on transmutational alchemy and transformation potions. Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15 evolves non-botanical life, by first destroying it, and then creating something new out of that which it comes into contact.
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Above: Krolia tells Keith about the quintessence that the BoM have been tracking (two separate scenes). “We’re going after the enriched quintessence that created Ranveig’s super weapon. [...] It was unlike any other quintessence we’d seen. [...] and it has some very unexpected effects.”
How strangely familiar all of this is! Let’s continue.
The Engineers, creators of human life, and their morality:
Throughout Prometheus, the Engineers—the Ancient Keepers of Knowledge—are revealed to embody a Blue & Orange Morality and are the creators of human life (among others) and they sometimes return to judge their creations.
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Above: An Engineer asks, “Why does he [Weyland] want more life? What makes this man so great as to ask such a thing?”
Above, content warning: Video clip of extended/deleted scene where David 8 speaks with an Engineer and Weyland asks for immortality. There is a quick decapitation (bloodless because David 8 is a Synthetic) and some quick impact deaths. No gore. Use the YouTube gear/settings icon to turn on subtitles to see what the Engineer is saying.
Addition/Edit: The video clip above doesn’t link anymore and Tumblr wont’ let me add another video, so here’s the URL until I can re-edit this properly to fix it.
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Above: the Engineer directs his cold stare at Elizabeth Shaw who wants answers as to why they were lured to LV-223 to find the weaponized pathogen. She asks “Why do you hate us?”
The Engineers created humanity and have a detached will to wipe the slate clean and start all over again, sacrificing their own lives in the act of new creation. Within their their beliefs and morality, creation and destruction are intertwined. It is death that begets life. What Elizabeth Shaw sees as hate, is just the Engineers’ way of perfecting their own flawed creations. Nothing personal.
The morality of the Engineers later corrupts David 8 (who was already morally gray) during his years of studying them, as he learns their ways during The Crossing, which takes place between Prometheus and Alien: Covenant.
Below: David 8 and Elizabeth Shaw operate the navigation system of the Engineer’s ship in The Crossing.
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Above: after Shaw is put to sleep in a cryobed, David 8 is left alone to study the Engineers for the remainder of their journey. When they arrive, he has learned their ways and has come to a grim decision of what to do with their weaponized mutagenic pathogen.
Above content warning: None. This promo video ends just before David 8 unleashes the Engineers’ own weapon against them upon his arrival to their utopia.
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Above: If y’all thought Lotor was dramatic... David 8 overlooks the destruction and cries while reciting a line from Ozymandias. “Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.”
Below, content warning: Video clip with body horror and abstract gore, slightly obscured by dim lighting and desaturated colors during David 8’s destruction of the Engineers.
As these video clips and images show, the ways of the Engineers—their philosophy and morality—lead David 8 into crossing the Moral Event Horizon. He becomes both a God-Slayer (destruction of the Engineers) and a Creator of Life (cultivation and creation of the Xenomorphs).
About mid-way through Alien: Covenant, David 8 is revealed to have betrayed the person he loved, Elizabeth Shaw, by using her for organ harvesting. The harvesting was necessary for the creation and cultivated evolution of the perfect life-form: the Xenomorph (I’ll spare y’all the images of that). 
Through his mastery of the Engineers' knowledge, David 8 becomes the Greater Scope Villain of the Alien franchise. His story is one of triumph. He wins against those who wronged him, against the father that used him and considered him soul-less (thus less than a human), against the humans that created him to be used, and against the Engineers that created a humanity that he sees as unworthy of the gift of creation in the first place. A gift denied to David 8 because he is a Synthetic. All it cost David 8 to gain this gift of knowledge was the sacrifice of the only person who was kind to him (and possibly loved him, that's unclear).
The loss-and-sacrifice of Shaw fulfills the Sacred Knowledge Quest rule that: when knowledge is gained, something is lost.
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Above: an Engineer uses the black goo to transmute his own body in order to seed non-botanical life on Earth.
The off-screen sacrifice of Shaw’s life echoes the beginnings of human life shown in the opening of Prometheus where an Engineer seeds life on Earth by sacrificing himself via the pseudo-alchemical transmutation of his own body.
Above content warning:  Abstractly graphic. Not bloody, but the Engineer’s body is slowly disintegrated while being transmuted by the black goo. No gore.
An eerily similar Quest for Sacred & Secret Knowledge mixed with horror appears in VLD, spread out between Lotor’s actions prior to the start of the series, the journey to Oriande in Season 5, and the events in Season 6.
The Life Givers and Altean Alchemy:
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In VLD, the Keepers of the Secret & Sacred Knowledge of Altean Alchemy are called the “Life Givers” by Lotor, and the “Sages” by Allura. As shown in the image above, they are described by Lotor as “the first Alteans to unlock the secrets of Oriande, the beginning of Altean Alchemy.”
One of them—presumably a Life Giver—is later shown without corporeal form when speaking with Allura after she passes the White Lion’s trial. Allura is told that she is in the realm of her ancestors—the Alteans and Life Givers—implying that she is one of them for she is “home”.
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Above: the cosmic voice tells Allura “You have returned to the realm of your ancestors, the Alteans and the Life Givers who came before. [...] You are home, and the secret is already within you.”
For those keeping score: Life Givers = Engineers.
The morality of the Life Givers is unclear as story events—and the aforementioned bundle of Timeless tropes and concepts—suggest Blue & Orange morality, while the implied traits and other in-story associations thus far (ahead of S8) with the Alteans and Alfor suggest that the Life Givers of Oriande embody a morality of Perfectly Good Pureness in opposition to the Galra’s presumed Horribly Evil Darkness. It’s upon examining the actions and beliefs of the Alteans—and thus the Life Givers—that a superficial black-and-white morality starts to give way to a Blue & Orange morality that is incomprehensible in various ways (e.g. the White Lion’s strange condition for obtaining knowledge).
Like David 8, Lotor learns of the Life Givers’ ways prior to arrival at the utopia, only in his case, he does so without realizing it and his understanding is warped by being raised in the Galran belief system. Here, their ways—to give of one’s life, and/or that life must be sacrificed to obtain knowledge—are associated with the Alteans and Lotor's study of Alfor’s work, Altean culture, artifacts, and ancient drawings (until the story unambiguously shows otherwise). Unlike David 8, Lotor’s sacrifice and quintessence harvesting of those who loved-and-worshipped him occurs before entering the utopia (if the events described by Romelle are true). Also, unlike David 8, Lotor’s story is not one of triumph against those who wronged him and others, but like David 8, Lotor was on the path to attaining something greater than his nature would have otherwise allowed.
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Above: David 8 delights in the unexpected unlocking of the Engineer’s star map, and both Lotor and Allura are shown the same way when Allura unlocks the star map to Oriande from the compass stone.
In both Prometheus and VLD, the clues to the location of the utopia comes from a combination of ancient cave drawings and navigation devices left behind. These clues form star maps and the like, but are mostly unusable until they are unlocked, by David 8 in Prometheus, and Allura in VLD. As shown above, their respective unlocking and reveals are very similar.
The big difference here is that in Prometheus, there are two star maps: (1) the initial star map—derived from cave drawing to reveal the location of planet LV-223—is discovered and deciphered by Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway; and (2) the star map in the navigation room that reveals the location of the Engineer’s home world (a utopia called ‘paradise’ in their language). Thus, in Prometheus, the Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge is divided into two parts, with the second part to be completed prior to Alien: Covenant in The Crossing.
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Above: that’s one hell of a mouth on these monsters (Hammerpede and Deacon from Prometheus, and Ranveig’s super weapon from VLD).
Given how closely Oriande and Lotor’s role in that part of VLD’s story parallels David 8’s in Prometheus, I would not be surprised if Ranveig’s Super Weapon was informed by Xenomorphs, especially since the transmutational properties of the black goo would find a correlation in the strange effects of the quintessence found by Ranveig.
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Above: Allura passes the White Lion’s trial by being non-violent and speaking to its philosopy. “I seek the secret of life. I give my own.”
For Allura’s part, unlike Shaw, she survives the Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge. Her willingness to self-sacrifice during the White Lion's trial, for the sake of knowledge, relates to Shaw’s unwilling sacrifice in Prometheus. Both sacrifices lead to knowledge. Allura for her own gain (in addition to Lotor’s), and Shaw for David’s gain.
The key here is that both stories demand a sacrifice of life for knowledge, and the knowledge obtained has to do with the power of creation and life with alchemical themes (transmutational).
That’s heavy stuff. It’s mythic level. These are themes found throughout humanity’s oldest stories, myths, and religions. It’s the stuff of Warring Gods, Capricious Fair Folk, Geas and Mystic Debts, and Divine Retribution, and Tragic Fates.
Which brings us back to Anon’s question about the White Lion:
“Why is the condition for obtaining the knowledge so stupid? Give up your life?”
Superficially, the White Lion is just another DotU reference. There’s nothing deep or meaningful about it on its own.
Thematically, the White Lion’s Trial is similar to the Blade of Marmora’s Trial. The BoM’s creed “Knowledge or Death” is informed by the Galra creed “Victory or Death”, both of which are contrasted by Allura’s words to the White Lion: “I give my own [life].”
It’s most likely that’s all there really is to the White Lion and Oriande, and thus there is nothing else here to dig at as far as the story is concerned. “Give up your life” for knowledge is merely a part of the aforementioned package of Timeless tropes and concepts that are frequently found in Quests for Secret & Sacred Knowledge and other Ur Stories.
But for the sake of meta, I’ll pretend that there is more to the White Lion and the Life Givers of Oriande.
To recap: within the context of Ur Stories, the White Lion and the Life Givers of Oriande are Keepers of Knowledge. The White Lion is the kind bound by some form of morality that dictates who gets access and how it tests those who seek it, while the Life Givers bestow it. Prometheus and Alien: Covenant are a recent example of this kind of story, and a similar tale plays out in VLD.
Part III: The Case for Blue & Orange Morality.
From the start, the White Lion’s requirements have their bias in Altean-ness, but not just any Altean-ness. A “worthy” Altean. Given that Alfor, Lotor, Allura, and Haggar were all worthy to enter Oriande, their past actions or goals/desires were less important, or not even a consideration. Thus, worthy Altean-ness is arbitrary from the outside, but must suit the Blue & Orange morality of the White Lion in some way. Additionally, only the worthy can pilot the lions of Voltron (depending upon where we are in the series and when the requirement lore is discussed or retconned), and yet none of them could enter Oriande. Why is that? What made Lotor—a half-Altean who Did Bad Things™—more worthy than Lance who was chosen to be the paladin of two different Lions? This arbitrary worthiness contradicts the symbolism of the Guardian being a “White Lion” that ties it to Voltron (and possibly the Lion Goddess worship of the Arusians). Such contradictions are reasonable to expect out of Blue & Orange morality.
However, if the White Lion and Oriande were meant to embody the Perfectly Good Pureness of the Alteans, then that raises a lot of questions about why Lotor and Haggar were able to enter while the paladins were not. While Haggar is shown to be using her magic, and possibly over-powering the White Lion and the Life Givers, I’ll explain why that might not be the case. Alternatively, this contradiction reveals a huge plot hole.
In the case of Blue & Orange morality, anyone being allowed to enter is questionable, as typically, Powerful Eternal Entities Protecting Sacred Knowledge who adhere to Blue & Orange morality often have their own motivations, plans, goals, etc that involve the use of the Knowledge Seeker in some way. In other words, the White Lion and the Life Givers may have their own agenda, and any who enter Oriande are at risk of being used to further it (either knowingly, unknowingly, cooperatively, or uncooperatively).
Oriande calls back to those Ur Stories, because one doesn't set up Blue & Orange morality behind a Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge in a setting like VLD without a plot twist revealing Something to embody that morality as an obstacle to the protagonists at the 11th Hour (if consistency in world-building and adherence to genre conventions were to apply). Thus, we are looking at Playthings of the Gods, or a Greater Scope Villain scenario that has something to do with Oriande. This also means that at least one of these four: Alfor, Lotor, Allura, and Haggar, were lured to Oriande for the purpose of Something Else.
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Above: Haggar emerges from the temple, sparkling with divine purpose, and is restored as Honerva.
Haggar’s restoration into Honerva all but seals Blue & Orange morality for me. She got a huge pay-off from Oriande, and from the protagonist-centered morality PoV, she was the least worthy to enter, and so far appears to have paid no price. Additionally, in some stories with Blue & Orange morality, Haggar’s 10k years of reaping quintessence from the destruction of planets (and every living thing) would be seen as a necessary process to maintain the balance of creation. As in Prometheus, Death begets Life.
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Above: Honerva equates quintessence with life twice in The Legend Begins. The Komar is used to reap quintessence from a planet in Taking Flight. And when Zarkon powers himself up during his fight with Lotor in Blood Duel, he does so with the quintessence that has been collected for the use of the Empire.
Thus, when Zarkon says “the strength of the Empire flows through my veins” he means that literally and symbolically. He is made stronger through all of the life energy reaped within his empire, every living thing which has died is within him. Through Honerva’s work, Death begets Life (a cursed life perhaps, but life all the same).
Why Perfectly Good Pureness doesn’t work:
If the White Lion and Oriande were meant to embody Perfectly Good Pureness, then that makes the entrance of Haggar and Lotor highly questionable.
Either that’s flawed writing, or there is something else is going on that’s not adding up:
Lotor is revealed to have harvested quintessence from Alteans (which may not be the full story), and Altean-ness is a pre-requisite to enter Oriande, and Allura is Altean while Lotor is half-Altean. But Allura is also implied to be a Life Giver and that Oriande is her home, meaning that the Life Givers and Altean-ness are closely-related. If what Romelle said about Lotor was true, by any stretch of Perfectly Good Pureness morality, the White Lion should not have given Lotor the all-clear signal in the form of Marks of the Chosen due to Lotor's past sin of evil acts against Alteans. So either his past with the Alteans at the Colony do not qualify as evil (which contradicts Perfectly Good Pureness), or those actions didn’t happen in the way that Romelle described them.
If Lotor wouldn’t have been worthy to enter Oriande due to his past actions, then that could mean that he was allowed to enter for the sake of having brought Allura there, his failure of the White Lion’s Trial foreseen and thus no risk of him gaining the sacred knowledge. This means that he was used by the Life Givers to serve their purpose.
Further, being half-Altean wasn’t a barrier to Lotor, which means that he must have something else in common with Allura to qualify in this scenario which brings us to...
If Life Givers and Altean-ness are closely related, and if Allura is both a Life Giver and an Altean, then either all Alteans are Life Givers, or only some are, as implied by Lotor in the temple. That it was those first Altean alchemists who to came to Oriande and they are the Life Givers. But the Life Giver that Allura speaks to says that the secret is already inside of her. Why would she even need to go there? Was that true of the first Altean alchemists as well? This smells a lot like Allura is host to a cosmic entity and those stories don’t usually end well for the host (e.g. Dark Phoenix from the X-Men). In which case, the Perfectly Good Pureness morality doesn’t work, as why are the Life Givers using Alteans as hosts? And if they use Alteans as hosts…do they discriminate against half-Alteans? And why do they hide their knowledge behind an arbitrary test?
Haggar should not have been able to get anywhere near Oriande for obvious reasons.
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Above: Allura embodies the Life Givers’ philosophy when she risks herself to heal the dying Balmera in Rebirth. Coran says “To heal an entire planet, it could take more energy than you possess. You may not live through it.”
Even before entering Oriande, Allura had enough quintessence—life energy—to heal a dying Balmera. Do all Life Givers have that much quintessence within them? Does this mean that the Life Givers were on par with Allura prior to her entry to Oriande? If so, what power is Oriande giving them that they didn’t already possess? Within the context of Quests for Secret & Sacred Knowledge, it appears that the secret knowledge is about how to use that power to its fullest extent. Surely that comes with a price?
Anon also asks: “How did Haggar get that knowledge?”
Haggar gets the knowledge in the same way that Allura did, by being worthy to enter, and, either by knowing the philosophy behind the White Lion’s trial or by over-powering the White Lion and the Life Givers. The former can appear to be a stretch, but the latter doesn’t make a lot of sense.
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Above: Haggar at Oriande, her own Marks of the Chosen, and the difference between her encounter with the Sage Statues and Allura and Lotor’s encounter.
In Season 6, Haggar arrives at Oriande’s location, her Marks of the Chosen appear, thus she gets the ‘all clear’ signal from the White Lion. Haggar is worthy of Oriande. She then enters the temple where we see her doing one of her casting circles as the Sage Statues (e.g. the Life Givers in statue form) are poised to attack.
In the case where the White Lion and Oriande embody Perfectly Good Pureness, it would be necessary for Haggar to over-power them in order to enter as she could not be considered worthy unless Blue & Orange morality applied. At the very least, Haggar was deemed worthy by the White Lion’s arbitrary requirements. So did Haggar over-power the Sage Statues, or did she offer them a gift as Allura did?
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Above: Haggar and her druids transferring quintessence to Zarkon, and Allura and the Balmerans transfer quintessence to heal the Balmera.
We’ve seen Haggar and her druids use similar orientations and positions as Allura and the Balmerans do when channeling their quintessence into another being such as Zarkon, or in the case of Naxella, a planet. When they attack with quintessence, and when they reap quintessence via the Komar, their positions are different. This channeling position is used by Haggar in Oriande when she meets the Sage Statues (again, the Life Givers in statue form).
So either Haggar gave them a gift, or she over-powered them. But if Haggar can overpower the Life Givers…then why does she need the secrets of Oriande?
To put it another way, if Haggar can over-power beings capable of (at a bare minimum) restoring a Balmera as Allura did, but after they have ascended to be part of Oriande (so even more powerful right?) then what Secret & Sacred Knowledge could the Life Givers of Oriande possibly bestow upon her that would make any of that effort and risk worth it? Is there something else in Oriande that she may have been after instead?
What secrets are so powerful, that Haggar—who by this line of logic may as well be all-powerful herself—needs them to fulfill her goals?
These same secrets are also now known to Allura, though the argument can be made that Haggar-now-Honerva had much more time to study them properly. These secrets have unlocked Allura’s potential, giving her—as Lotor says during their battle in S6—“all the power in the universe”. Hypothetically, Honerva has unlocked this power within herself as well.
And this is why we've got a case of Blue and Orange morality. For so long as one fulfills some arbitrary requirements, then one is allowed in. The next parts, getting past the Life Givers in the form of the Sage Statues, and passing the White Lion’s Trial relate back to the Blade of Marmora. For the BoM, one has to be thinking like them to pass (Knowledge or Death). For the White Lion and the Life Givers, one has to understand the philosophy underlying their Blue & Orange morality, which in this case, is giving up life for knowledge. Piece of cake for Allura, quite likely easy for Haggar too, not so for Lotor. Understanding their philosophy is alignment agnostic, both the good and the evil can know it and put it to use.
In Lotor’s case, he failed the White Lion’s alignment-agnostic philosophy exam. Even though he learned their ways enough to replicate some of Alfor and Honerva's accomplishments, and got as far as he did, (and I’d argue to understand the bigger picture of what is necessary to bring peace to the universe). He failed because the Galra philosophy of “Victory or Death” came out in him as the White Lion’s threat triggered that philosophy in addition to his desperation to achieve his goal (which in S6E1 we see hints of his anxiousness towards not being delayed further from). He did not fail due to moral alignment.
From Lotor's PoV—as stated by Anon—“It seems natural to fight, when lives of people depend on your success.” This natural way can easily fall under the Galra’s “Victory or Death”, and leads Lotor to fail, therefore it must be at odds with the morality and/or philosophy of the White Lion and the Life Givers. If not, then it at the very least, it must be at odds with how the Life Givers intend for Altean Alchemy to be used, just as Prometheus’ use of the Gift of Fire went against how Zeus and the gods intended for it to be used.
Thus, Lotor is a Promethean character, setting him against Life Givers' and the White Lion’s morality as he wants to take their Gift (e.g. Altean Alchemy via Allura) for another use, as Anon said: “He needed that knowledge so his own “Voltrons" would work with Alteans from Colony.”
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Above: Lotor lights the flame at Kral Zera and double-dipping into flame symbolism.
That other use, what amounts to Altean Alchemy For All, is one that the White Lion’s trial exists to prevent by way of only allowing worthy Alteans to enter. Those worthy Alteans are ‘sacred’, and it is not much of a stretch to assume that they may have once derived their social status from being the only Alteans who can wield this secret power.
While I’m not completely sold on “Voltrons with Alteans” being Lotor's reasoning (definitely for Honerva though), that still aligns with his Dark Savior obsession underlying his desire for power to defend the Alteans himself, or, to enable the Alteans to defend themselves (remember his words to the Puigian leader about how Voltron left the Puigians defenseless). However, Lotor's stated goal—giving unlimited quintessence to the universe for the sake of peace—is analogous to Prometheus taking Fire from Olympus so that the mortals could use its heat and improve their lot. Further, like Prometheus, Lotor is divinely punished for his actions, for via Allura, Lotor stole the means to unlimited quintessence for all (e.g. the Fire) from Oriande and the Life Givers (e.g. Olympus and the Gods).
Divine Punishment:
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Above: Allura attacks first while Lotor pleads with her. Lotor responds by ordering his generals to hold their fire.
Lotor's divine punishment comes from Allura. Allura takes up a “fight first” instinct multiple times throughout the story, the same instinct that caused Lotor to fail the White Lion’s trial. Allura fights first even though she is from a race that we’re told are excellent diplomats, whose culture and mythological beings (e.g. White Lion and the Life Givers) appear to embody a “giving one’s life rather than fighting” philosophy. This philosophy is what motivated Allura to restore the Balmera at risk of her own life, but her fight first moments throughout the story contradict that philosophy, as well as her readiness to fight rather than embrace a diplomacy-first approach in the case of Ulaz and Kolivan. Allura embraces diplomacy-first when it is easy and convenient.
Two of these fight first times—yeeting Lotor when he was no threat, and attacking Lotor when he was pleading with her—occur after she gained the knowledge of Altean Alchemy from Oriande. I’m not saying that Allura was’t emotionally justified, but part of being the Special Sacred One, is that one is usually required to control those impulses in exchange for the sacred power and knowledge.
In stories where there is a “Here’s this Mythic Sacred Thing you got because of a Quest to a Special Place” event, there are usually conditions upon the continued use of the Thing. Acting against the precepts or philosophy or morality embodied by the Bestowers of the Thing is a Big Deal. It is such a Big Deal, that this conflict appears in stories from nearly every mythology or religion, even if only in the form of the smallest side-story of a minor hero or prophet (e.g. Enkidu from Gilgamesh, or “Don’t look back” for Orpheus and Eurydice).
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Above: Allura’s power over life on display.
Allura’s got this awesome power now, and it didn’t cost her anything.
That breaks the Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge story code (risking her life to not defend against the White Lion barely counts). Allura can bring Lance back to life, shift Shiro’s soul into the body of another person a clone, and myriad other all-powerful plot-friendly things. Yet there is no geas placed upon her? No requirement that she continue to embody the philosophy that allowed her to pass the White Lion’s trial in the first place?
It appears as though Allura's awesome power is inconsistent for when it’s available (cough Plot cough), as in Season 7, she’s a quintessence power house during the fight with Macidus, but she couldn’t save Sanda as she did with Lance?
In the context of Ur Stories, when a Seeker of Knowledge has gained a gift of knowledge and not immediately paid a price—such as when Odin gives an eye for a drink from Urd’s Well of Knowledge—then that Seeker usually has to continue to embody what made them worthy to get the gift in the first place. Or, they must complete some kind of Task or observe a taboo, otherwise they risk the wrath of those who bestowed the gift or lose access to the gift. As Allura does not yet appear to have lost her power, then she may have a Task to complete instead. Violating the seemingly pacifist philosophy of the Life Givers to deliver divine punishment to Lotor may have been permissible given the circumstances.
Finally—Part IV: Payment is Coming Due
While I still doubt that there is anything more to the White Lion than a nod to DotU combined with a basic Quest for Secret & Sacred Knowledge (thus explaining the White Lion’s strange condition for such knowledge), it’s still possible that this is leading to something mythic inline with Ur Stories, especially given VLD’s hellscape setting, dark tone, and love of tragedy. Season 8 could bring us a Playthings of the Gods scenario pitting Allura versus Honerva for reasons beyond the obvious (e.g. a plot twist), or, a tragic fate awaits Allura due to something as classic as Alfor flaking on a Task or Debt asked of him for the knowledge he gained at Oriande (another plot twist).
In many stories where a similar arc or backstory occurred, Alfor should have come back with a Task or a Debt to be called upon at some later date (often tragic and inconvenient). That Task could have been the creation of Voltron, that Debt could have been Allura’s life.
Remember the “I give my life” philosophy?
Time to pay up.
Alfor may have hidden Voltron and Allura from Zarkon, if doing so meant that they would avoid a Tragic Fate for which they were intended by the Life Givers, in exchange for bestowing the secrets of Altean Alchemy upon him. His actions then—in classic Greek tragedy fashion—made the situation immeasurably worse, and the universe paid the price.
Tragic endings are what happens when you back out on a Mystic Deal, or when you try to avoid Fate.
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The Creative Act - John Frusciante
Jan 16th, 2013 - http://johnfrusciante.com (archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20130121090649/http://johnfrusciante.com/ )
The phrase The Will To Death refers to the underlying, predominantly unintentional, organization in works by artists who love and are devoted to the creative force, but hate what they see of the life force and its ways. It is a set of abstract principles which may be applied in the creative act. In artistic symbolism, one comes close to death, and not only does he not die, but he lives more fully for having had the experience. It may be conceived as a set of musical/mathematical formulae which the musician utilizes without knowing it.
The creative force is produce of the life force, but our judgement of the life force is based on our perception of its effects, its surface, everything that happens in the external world we know. The closest we come to seeing the essence of the life force is in our perception of the creative force. In works of art, the creative force provides addition and multiplication.The creative force is assisted by human intelligence through our devotion to division and negation, and so, symbolically, from the standpoint of human intelligence, the act of creativity is a striving towards death. The reason creative action can be a fulfilling life enriching thing, is because our creative thinking is negation only on the thoughts surface, the thoughts essence being identical with the wishes of the essence of the life force.
So in The Will To Death one strives towards death, but is indirectly supported by the life force, and so the artists will is always aiming at something it never reaches, for the creative force upholds the aspects of the life force which the human is blind to. And so due to feelings and inner visions, the mental divisions and subtractions an artist must be fluent in carry him down a path that is only subtractive in his relationship to his tools, while the creative force carries the additive substance of the life force which is ultimately perceived.
Subtraction and negation are always a matter of degrees, beyond which is the positive unknown, the essence of the life force. The primary perceptive apparatus of the artist is appropriately blind to the positives behind negation, yet he senses them, and he is often inwardly shown them. But just like people and their attachment to image and appearance, he cannot grasp the positive unseen and unknown, so he clings to his negations, subconsciously knowing they are attached to the life force, but consciously only knowing the life force by the world and its ways, that being his only working image of it. Were it not for the seemingly inexplicable meaning inherent in his work, he would not strive down a path of negation and division. It is the subconscious knowledge that this is actually an upward path which fuels him to continue to strive towards a greater comprehension of the negatives which to most people appear to symbolize the feared unknown, pointless to dissect. In other words, the artist strives toward death, because to him it feels like life. And when he presents his work to others, it looks like life to them, while it is actually negation and death which are beneath the surface. And, of course, beyond the surface of that, as I've just explained, is the life force, once again.
If an artist is applying The Will To Death, he has the following three positions in balance. He is in between, occupied with negation and separation. In front is the expression of life, visible and audible to him and to others, and behind is the creative force, visible and audible only to him. Behind which is the life force, which he can not see anymore than his spectators can see his mental negations, or the personification of the creative force which is perhaps known to him.
Three conditions need to be in balance for the artist to apply The Will To Death:
1) Trust in and devotion to the part of the creative act he can not control. He must possess a conception of the difference between the creative force and himself, to a great degree in order to be controlled by it. This means a kind of letting go of the very parts of himself that share something in common with the creative force, namely, the desire to maintain a solid forward motion. This motion comes if one trusts the creative force. None of us can cause it any more than we can cause the forward motion of time. To take part in it is all that is in our power, and to do so is a great privilege. If ones love for art is great enough, their appreciation for their chance to participate in the creative act great enough, then to trust in the energy which guides them comes naturally, If the artist has an internal personification of this aspect of the force, then it is this that he loves and trusts, but he still must love and trust when there is no image, but only a feeling and a non-specific, non-defined, sensible, talking force of energy. And this trust in what amounts to his own feelings, must be greater than his trust in the things people generally trust, such as general consensus, popularly accepted points of view, commonly adhered to limitations or restrictions, and present day conventions.
2) The ability to mentally lose himself in a fascination with negations and divisions. Essential to the creative process are contradictions, taking things apart, carving away at things, and disconnecting this from that. Most important is contradiction of the force that guides him, his love for this force being so great that the contradiction can not help but lead to a new agreement. He must be going in one direction, and then switch to a new direction, without losing his way. If condition 1 is in place he need not fear going astray. The artists role is to always look for new ways to go, despite that he is not the one driving.
3) Third is his creation of the appearance of conditions 1 and 2 as being a singular motion, not a multitude of contrary directions. This implies that conditions 1 and 2 are so balanced that there is a perfection of form in every countermovement contained within. Every counteraction soon finds its coordinate. Every ending feels like a new beginning. Every repetition feels like a continued flow. Every negation appears as positivity and every loss appears as a gain. There can be no difference between feeling and appearance to the artist, they must be one in the same. It is this point that is stressed by the undercurrent of the life force. The life force is far away, pertaining to arts essence, and it is also near, pertaining to the perception of the sum of all the things that comprise a works appearance. These are the sides. The artist sees three parts, what the creative force brings and perpetuates, what the artist himself twists, turns and counteracts, and the sum the artist perceives. And it is there that the artists involvement in their work must end, if The Will To Death is to be applied. Otherwise the artist is compromising condition number one, and to whatever degree he does so, the balance required for the application of The Will To Death is thrown off. The artist stands in the middle of two sides. What is beyond these is of no concern to him. He will never directly perceive the life force, and doesn't want to. And he can't hear with other peoples ears, or see with their eyes, and he sacrifices the benefit of his own senses to whatever degree he attempts to do so. The creative force is driving the artist in a car. The artist who attempts to take over the wheel will find The Will To Death unavailable to him, as he has made himself unavailable to it. Humans being located at a single point in the moment is the reason we hear and see as we do, and it is this which makes art and its perception possible in the first place. Our limited scope of vision is a gift, allowing us to see left from right, up from down, positive from negative and so on. Because each of us possesses a singular perspective, we can trust what we see and feel. We can contradict ourselves and be right both times.
So to summarize, one must allow themselves to be controlled by, yet counter, that which controls them, in such a way that the momentum and basic design provided by the controller remains, while the will and individuality of the artist persists. The creative force is half the essence of the life force and half a correlative of the artist and all his essential negativities. In The Will To Death, the creative act is a friendly argument between the creative force and the artist. This is the same as two close friends arguing about boxing. Just as both friends have a certain knowledge in common which provides the basis for the argument, the artists ability to navigate through negations and divisions aligns him with the creative force and its additions and multiplications, to the point that the argument is actually an affirmation of that which connects them.
The life force is primarily concerned with the effects of communicative energy, and the creative force is primarily concerned with the increase of the quality of art, and they have a perpetual friendly argument along these lines, and the lives and work of entertainers and artists, and the various combinations of the two, are the subjects. On the surface, it would seem that the life force always wins the argument with the creative force, and the creative force always wins the argument with artists. But while the life force created the creative force, the creative force in turn created the human perception of the life force. And the creative force creates artists, but humans mere existence creates a space for the creative force to live within. This means the apparent loser is always also the winner, as life force, creative force, artist and audience are all essentially one thing, just as a boxing argument results in the affirmation that each friend is his own man while the sport itself connects their differences. This was all set in motion so the true wishes of the life force would be vivified, of necessity, by negative units of itself, which gradually results in the hidden intentions of the life force becoming visible. The creative forces purpose involves the life forces higher aspects emerging victorious over its lower aspects, and the artists purpose involves the creative forces higher aspects emerging victorious over its lower aspects. What we see of the life force and its ways may often appear detestable, but the creative force we love represents the hidden parts of the life force, which we have been given the power to cultivate. This has been put in our hands in order to bring a flower out of the dirt.
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legaladvisorr · 2 years
How PoSH Act 2013 Can Into Action?
The Bombay High Court has granted recommendations to ensure the secrecy of hearings involving workplace sexual harassment of women, with the first decision. The court's guidelines in the case of P v. A & Ors.1 ("posh act 2013 Confidentiality Guidelines") address, among other things, how such cases should be heard and handled, how judgements should be documented, pronounced, and conveyed, and the precautions that should be taken when reporting such matters, as well as by the mainstream press.
The posh act 2013 Confidentiality Principles will be used by the courts as a working protocol. The goal is to keep the parties' identities hidden from even unintentional disclosure. The Bombay High Court stated that the posh act 2013 Confidentiality Guidelines are the bare minimum that courts must follow and are subject to necessary revisions or modifications.
The following instructions are included in the posh act 2013 Confidentiality Guidelines:
To protect the parties' identities, the following steps were taken:
While the Registry may request identity documents to verify the deponent's identity, no such document or personally identifiable information ("PII") will be kept on file.
The order sheets will not include the names of the parties. Instead of Plaintiff, Defendant No. 1, and so on, they will be referred to as Plaintiff, Defendant No. 1, and so on.
There will be no mention of any PII in the order, including the parties' names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and so on. Furthermore, neither the names of the witnesses nor their addresses will be mentioned.
All orders and judgments will be issued in private, which means they will not be delivered in open court but rather in chambers or in-camera.
Hearings will not be held online or in a hybrid format. Physical attendance will be required at all hearings.
Instructions or merits judgments will not be submitted.
Hearings and access to confidential information:
Only the attorneys and litigants will be allowed to attend. All other staff (including clerks, peons, and others) must leave the Court except the Court Master/Associate or Sheristedar and the stenographer or person providing secretarial assistance.
Inspection of the order will be permitted only by an Advocate on Record with a valid vakalatnama.
Prohibited disclosures:
It is strictly forbidden to record any part of the proceedings in any way.
Any order that is to be released into the public domain will need to be approved by the Court. Even if permission has been granted, the order can only be published in its fully anonymized form.
Without the express permission of the court, both sides, all parties, advocates, and witnesses are prohibited from disclosing the contents of any order, judgement, or filing to the media or publishing any such material in any mode or fashion, including social media. In fact, witnesses to the crime must sign a statement of non-disclosure and confidentiality in addition to the standard oath.
Proceedings in other courts:
These guidelines bind the Labour Courts and Commercial Courts, and they must be strictly followed and adhered to now and in the future.
Failure to abide by the court's situations of anonymity, including those imposed by the media, and/or any endeavour to capture or transcribe any part of the deliberations will be considered contempt of court and punished accordingly.
The posh act 2013 goal is to create a system in which women feel safe and confident in reporting workplace sexual harassment. While the law does an admirable job of achieving that goal in a variety of ways, confidentiality has long been a crucial component that has been overlooked, particularly during litigation.
The posh act 2013 Confidentiality Guidelines are an important step in the right direction because they will serve as a guide not only for the courts, but also for the employer, ICC members, and witnesses, as well as the parties directly involved in a sexual harassment complaint at work. The Bombay High Court's decision also emphasises the importance for employers to take similar steps to ensure that sexual harassment complaints are investigated and handled confidentially without revealing the identities of those involved. The parties may now feel more confident in using the court system as a result of the posh act 2013 Confidentiality Guidelines.
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treeservicesbayarea · 3 years
Why Expert Cleaners Are Needed
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There is a cleaning solution for every kind of mess and spill. Commercial cleaning is for non-domestic cleaning requirements, however there are many different types of commercial cleaning services, from vacuuming workplaces to managing hazardous trash. Here's everything you need to know about commercial cleaning, including what it entails and what industrial cleaners perform. Specialist cleaners, including Commercial Cleaning Bay Area, are required in a variety of sectors. The following are the most frequent reasons:
From dirty needles at a doctor's office to nuclear waste at a power plant, hazardous materials are everywhere. It's essential for businesses and facilities that deal with hazardous chemicals on a regular basis to have their own cleaning and hygiene procedures that are followed by highly qualified commercial cleaners. This keeps everyone safe and ensures that any biohazards or other hazardous chemicals are properly disposed of.
Specific hygiene requirements apply to food processing factories, kitchens, and medical institutions, to name a few commercial contexts. To safeguard the employees within such sites, as well as the general public that enters or comes into touch with their goods, it's critical that these facilities be cleaned by a commercial cleaning company who is familiar with the rules that must be followed. This may include utilizing specialized cleaning solutions or adhering to strict procedures at all times.
Commercial cleaning sometimes necessitates the use of more powerful cleaning agents. Most household cleaners are no more powerful than 6% bleach, while commercial or industrial cleaners may be considerably more powerful. To be safe to use, these cleaners generally need diluting with precise proportions, therefore training is necessary to guarantee safety at all times.
A vacuum cleaner is most likely the biggest cleaning equipment you have at home. In commercial environments, where floor scrubbers, carpet extractors, steam cleaning systems, and other industry-specific tools and equipment are prevalent, this is seldom the case. Because these machines are costly to buy and maintain, adequate training is required to avoid unintentional harm to the equipment or the item being cleaned.
Even companies that are not subject to particular cleaning and hygiene regulations may opt to hire commercial cleaners to improve their image. Working in a clean, fresh workplace is more enjoyable, and it may keep employees and visitors healthier and happier.
Why Hire Professionals To Do the Cleaning?
Commercial cleaning may be pricey, but making a cleaning error in your company can be much more costly. The cost of employing full-time cleaning personnel and buying the required cleaning equipment should be weighed against the commercial cleaning services cost. For many companies, determining how frequently a commercial cleaning is required involves a calculation of complexity and frequency.
Cleaning chores that are very simple and must be completed on a daily or weekly basis are typically more cost-effective when handled by an in-house staff. A restaurant, for example, often educates its kitchen workers or hires specialized cleaners to clean and disinfect all surfaces each night. Some companies employ in-house cleaning personnel for the opposite reason: their standards are too stringent to entrust to an outsourced partner, or their apparatus and equipment need specialized expertise to operate.
It's also usual to share business cleaning services. Several companies in a same office building may use a common janitorial service for everyday cleaning and only hire professional cleaners once or twice a year for a thorough clean. If your company shares space with other businesses, it's worth arranging a joint commercial cleaning contract to save money.
It's never been more essential to keep your workplace clean. The need for commercial cleaning services is increasing as more companies seek for ways to eliminate germs and viruses via cleaning. Consider if outsourcing your commercial cleaning services might be beneficial to your company right now.
Benefits of A Clean Environment to Everyone’s Health
Employees and customers alike appreciate a tidy workplace. When visitors come in and everything is in its place, it creates a nice first impression. On the other side, dust and mold may be very unsightly! A tidy workplace is not only pleasing to the eye, but it is also pleasing to the nose. This implies that the whole workplace has a pleasant odor. Bad odors are not simply covered up by nice ones in a really clean workplace; they are completely eliminated.
It is beneficial to your health to work in a clean environment. When all of your surfaces have been cleaned and disinfected, as well as your garbage, there will be less germs flying about. As a result, both workers and consumers will be healthy. Even if you don't see much dirt in a workplace, it may still be full of allergens like dust mites, mold, and pollen. As a result, allergy sufferers among your employees/customers will be sneezing and coughing all day. These irritants may be removed and your health can improve with a thorough cleaning.
You'll naturally be able to focus better if you work in a clean, sanitary workplace with no allergies. The coating of dust on your files or any sneezing/coughing will not distract you. As a result, overall productivity improves. Read more at Commercial Cleaning 
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