#but swk also forgets that MK is not someone to hold a grudge & has seen swk more than just a mentor now
fluffypotatey · 10 months
HI BUD, FINALLY FINISHED MY PIECES I WANTED TO SHOW YOU here are my sketches for your lady reaper, please enjoy~
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1. Plays of the Past. MK and Co with Júhua watch a play, and a shadow watches them...
2. A Deal. Wukong and a reaper start to converse. Tired, friendly banter ensues.
3. Júhua's past includes a certain hooded stranger, who may play a part in the future, a sinister one ... (pay attention to the color of the pen used for each panel, word, and flowers. They mean something. You can ask. I busted my ass looking up chrysanthemum flowers and drawing them. Please remember this attempt of a pretentious, flowery comic is my first one.)
Enjoy! I hope they're satisfactory. How do you feel about the upcoming s5 of LMK? If they really gave SWK a reaper acquaintance, a neutral party towards him at least, how would it make you feel? Eat your meals regularly and sleep early! Have a good month!
lmao the Plays of the Past sketch is so funny 😂 and then Macky’s little mini panic seeing Júhua 👀 (ngl I thought of Dr. Doofenshmirtz when he was like “a reaper?…..BLACK REAPER’S DAUGHTER REAPER?!” and laughed a little too hard at that 😅) also, is that Tang giving a side-eye in that sketch too??? 😂😂😂
THE DEAL!! tbh loved writing that little scene between Wukong and Júhua 🥰 writing a dash of banter to establish what their dynamic is like, writing a hint of sunburst duo angst bc I am weak to them T^T, and spilling swk character study 💅
Júhua drawn in yellow to contrast her old mentor 🤧 yellow being her name and something her mother gave her AND IN THE NEXT PAGE IT IS MOSTLY WHITE AFTER SHE GIVES HIM HER MOTHER’S DEFINITION OF HER BECAUSE HE IS NOW REDEFINING IT 🫠
like bro, I haven’t even told you her whole backstory and yet you hit the nail so well wtf T^T (yes, I did see the mother cameos!!!! the first one shown with yellow and Júhua looking so innocent and with admiration. second one is white and walking away and Júhua’s face is blank and ahhhhhhhhhhhh 🫠)
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