#but yeah today is just me looking over the local people ik and wondering what the fuck theyre thinking
yamithediaperdork · 3 years
It’s a small world after all (Harry potter)
It's a small world after all
Not for the first time since hooking up with potter, Malfoy found himself wondering if the brunette's deep pockets and wonderful vigor under the covers really was worth some of the messed up things he was into. because really, Draco handled the first few kinks with ease. who didn't like a good paddling now and then? and a nice big enema could be fun and do wonders for your bowels! But then it started to get odder and odder and what should of been giant red flags were just ignored when they realllly shouldn't of been. Hence why today Draco found himself shrunk down to the size of a shrimpy 8 year old..and dressed like a 1 year old. He was in black and green light up sneakers, with green socks and then a SHORT pair of black shorts with green trim on the waist and legs,that puffed out from padding Draco was wearing under them, and the shorts had a teddy bear with a green Mohawk on either side. The t-shirt had the same bear on it, but the T-shirt was green with black trim on the waist, neck and sleeves and had the bear saying 'rock on all my little buddies!' as it was apparently a charter from some local baby show called teddy rocks. His blond hair had been grown the cut and fashioned into a mushroom cut and all and all he was less the happy.
"Your a git, you know that right?" Draco asked harry as they walked from the parking lot towards the green grass of the park. "I know I know..but a lovable git who's going to spoil you SO much..as long as your a good boy today." Harry said as now on the green, they headed for the play structures. "oh why wouldn't I be a good boy? I'm only a 24 year old man the size of a 8 year old and dressed like a 2 year old. why would I be in a mood to cause chaos and torment?" Draco huffed and chuckled, having some veryyyy evil plans. step one, find a group of preschooler and tell them the truth about saint nick. step two would be tel- "Right about that. if your a total pain in the ass BRAT, We'll be coming back here tomorrow, with you normal sized and WISHING you had something as mature and cool as that outfit on." Harry said, interrupting Draco's train of thought. '..DAMN IT!' Draco whined mentally. "I was never really gonna do anything." Draco lied out loud and Harry just smirked. "well I suppose it's not a lie if you behave." He said, picking out a picnic table for him to sit at and read, and before taking his book out of the diaper bag he'd brought, he took out a plastic pail and shovel and pointed over to where he wanted Draco to play first: the sandbox. Draco rolled his eyes but his was not to argue in this case, at least till Harry whistled and got the attention of all the other parents and kids around and waved Draco back over. before with everyone all distracted, ignoring him he hadn't worried so much about how much his diaper showed/crinkled, but now with all eyes on him.. Draco was red faced and whining as he got over to Harry. "Now now, none of that. this is what YOU'VE been begging ME for for a month.. no take backies little man. and you almost forgot your paci." Harry said and then clipped a green and black paci to Draco's chest and then popped the nipple in Draco's mouth, kissing red faced boys burning forehead. "Love you little guy." Harry said and then turned Draco around and with a firm pat or too on the tush sent the blond towards the sandbox.
Naturally the other parents wanted to know what was going on, why was Harry's son in diapers and all that jazz. Making use of the fact that there were all muggles and a charm to enhance well..his charms, Harry had them buying every line of the bullshit story he was coming up with on the spot. "So yeah, about month and a half ago I come home and there's my so called big boy who whined to be allowed to stay home without a baby sitter..and he's wearing a homemade diaper made out of towels safety pins and a prayer." Harry was saying.  "Little Draco looks up at me and squeaks out 'daddy!' and then the laxatives he'd taken combined with the shock..welll yeah. " the other parents chuckled and nodded. "So getting him all cleaned up, we have a talk and he says he misses being treated like a little guy and wanted the full experience..which included this trip to the park..Among a few other things." Harry said.
Draco glared over at Potter and while he couldn't make out what was being said, he was positive 90 percent of it was bullshit. His own reception at the sandbox had not been as fun, with two 5 year olds that at his current size looked semi fordable, blocked his entrance. "Sorry, ya gotta be potty trained ta get in here." Said the left boy, with dirty blond hair. "mmmfffh mm fffmmm." Draco protested around his paci. he knew from experience that removing it on his own was a bigggg nay nay. "pffft, what are you trying to say diaper boy?" the other kid asked, a brown haired boy who reached and tugged the paci out of Draco's mouth. "Phleg..I said I AM potty trained!" Draco huffed. "Right..mister massive pampers and a dummy is potty trained. Blond said, rolling his eyes. "I-I'm not diapered!" Draco lied. for some reason suddenly it felt super important to get into the sand box. "I-I just have a MASSIVE butt!" the younger boys exchanged a look, but just because they were young that didn't mean they were stupid. "Alright dummy boy, we'll give you a chance to prove your claim. drop your shorts." Brown said. "I..What!?!" Draco yelped, wetting himself a little. "You heard him. if your NOT a diaper wearing baby then you'll be in undies. So drop your shorts and show us!" the Blond said and then moved in. "or we could take'em ourselfs." "N-No! wait It's ok! I don't need to play in th-" Draco yelped and turned away to waddle back to Harry when he felt the waistline on his shorts being grabbed by two sets surprisingly strong hands.One pair went to the left and one pair to the right and the poor shorts that had been struggling to maintain the bulk of Draco's diaper ripped wide open. Now everyone on the playground could see the sesame street print diapers Draco was wearing, and watch as Big bird, cookie monster and others faded from the front. "Bobby Micheal Landrew!" Roared a blond lady. Ike James Jone!" Added in a brunette. the five year olds  went from looking happy and high fiving, having been about to torment the diaper baby but then heard their mothers voices. "run?" Bobby asked. "Run."  Ike agreed and so they did, though were caught in short order. All of this was a back round blur to Draco as with his nappy on display and the laughs and giggles coming up he could feel his bowels kicking into over drive. 'N-Not here..not now....' Draco thought, seeing people come into focus as he henched over and let out a loud fart. "Is he going to.." Came a girls voice. "Bwhahahaha what a loser!" "gross big baby." "Poor kid, " all this and more filled Draco's head and as a large load started to fill the back of his diapers he threw back his head to bawl for daddy, but harry was already there, hugging him.
"Shhh it's ok." Harry coo'ed. He was still waiting on Draco to finish loading his diaper., be a little more stable before he moved him for for his diaper change. "I'm pooping my diapie." Draco whimpered and whined, hugging Harry and burying his face in Harry's shoulder. "well I didn't think you smelled like this all the time." Harry joked and got a small chuckle out of Draco. "your not funny." Draco said and sniffled and rubbed a eye, looking like any other upset little boy coming around, trying to keep a pouty face but flashing toothy grins instead. "Well Humor is tricky like that. Ready for me to move you little guy?" Harry asked. Draco bit his lip and looked over his shoulder at the massive load he'd made, the diaper was sagging big time, and gulped. "Is it even gonna stay ON till we get back to the car?" Draco asked. "welll good news and bad news on that front." Harry said, having already figured out what was just dawning on Draco. "Bad news, no it won't hold up till the car. Good news: it'll hold up till we get to the picnic table." He went quiet to let that sink in and watched Draco's face. confusion played on it at first, then slowly a dawning, ..there we go he figured it out and then a even worse all face red blush took over and Draco yelled. "YOU ARE -NOT- CHANGING ME IN PUBLIC,ON THAT TABLE! YOUR JUST NOT!" As he yelled and huff, stomping a foot Harry had to bite his touge to keep from laughing. the other adults and kids didn't have to be that polite so the park filled with the sound of laughter again as Draco glare and huffed, stomping his feet as he screamed at everyone to stop laughing at him. harry noticed one of Draco's shoelaces had come undone and went to yell out a warning but it was too late. tripping forward Draco showed a amazing amount of agility to turn it into a roll of sorts and ended up sitting on his squishy butt, mouth open and eye twitching. "I-I shoulda..taken..the blow to the noggin." He whined and conked out from humiliation overload.
Draco woke up and rubbed his eyes, then slowly opened them. "Man, Ron you would not believe the nightmare i-" Was what Draco was trying to say but as he got his eyes opened he realized he was looking up at the sky..at the park. which meant that his horrible humiliating nightmare wasn't a nightmare, it had really happened!!! Looking around he noticed there were a lot of the other parents semi surrounding the table though some of the older kids were there too. 'what are they..' Draco wondered then it dawned on him. 'Of course, they're making a human wall so no one can just walk by and see my junk..' with that grim reminder Draco sat up some to look down, realizing he had his paci in his mouth. "Hey sleep head, we're just about done. I was starting to think you were gonna waste the rest of the day in sleepy town." Harry coo'ed. "mmmffh mmk."Was Draco's witty reply. with Draco all cleaned up and the two boys who had made him basically mess forced to carry the dirty diaper to the furthest away trash can,It was time for Draco's next diaper. His junk had been on display for a little longer then he was comfortable with (and that was a clock that only went at micro seconds) and as a breeze blew over the lunch table Draco's little nub twitched once..twice.. then a spurt of pee came out and Harry BARELY ducked out of the way. "Knew I should of brought the pee guard." Harry chuckled and Draco whined and wiggled. spotting a stuffie not that far away Draco snagged the stuffed bear and put it over his face to hide. "Aww it's ok little guy. happens to big babies like you. at least you didn't hit anyone." Harry coo'ed and rubed Draco's tummy. 'not helping!' Draco thought though that was somewhat of a lie. the tummy rubs felt nice.
With Draco re-diapered and it being somewhat MORE bulky then the las, He was forced to full on toddle like a 1 year old while trying to go anywhere in the park. This meant he'd take all of 7-10 steps, slowly, arms out for balance and ended up plopping on his butt while the crowd watched and chuckled. ALSO super not helping was the fact that harry had decided since everyone had seen Draco's diapers, why bother with the spare shorts to cover them up? when Draco when to polity (Read: Have a fit) over this and demanded cover, Harry had held up a skirt and Draco shut up fast. After falling on his butt for the 20th time Draco just stayed there, sitting on the grass and arms crossed while Harry and the parents laughed..and the other kids didn't exactly hold back either. "Awww what's wrong buddy?" "Done falling on my butt!" Draco huffed and pouted, then pointed to the sand box. "Carry me!" this, while meant to show everyone Draco wasn't a roll over and Harry was his bitch..instead got MORE laughter as Harry signed. "Well I suppose." he teased and lifted Draco up and carried him over. After setting him down in the sandbox and making sure Draco was good, Harry decided to stay with him to make sure that no more bullies came over.
Draco was blushing, fuming and mad, but as he played in the sandbox he felt all of that just drifting away as he lost himself in the fun. Making sand castles and showing them off to harry he really did feel like a little boy more then once. Including when anther boy, a 6 year old who had a pull up sticking out of the top of his shorts asked if he could join in. For the next few hours the pair of not quite potty trained boys took over the sandbox with Harry and the boys dad hitting it off and the only break being for juice boxes and cookies.
The only downside for Harry as Draco made a big baby buddy was while Tyler and his dad were nice, there was a whollle park he had wanted Draco to explore. Still with Draco in a natural little mode Harry couldn't break himself to break it up and there WAS always tomorrow anyhow. "Draco buddy, time to go." Harry called as the sky was turning orange in the evening. Draco naturally, pretended not to hear him and kept playing with the dino's that Tyler had brought to the sandbox. "Draco Malfoy Potter, I'm speaking to you." Harry said again. in the sandbox Tyler was trying to get Draco's attention, apparently it going over the kids head Draco was ignoring him on purpose. Tyler's dad was watching in amusement. "Draco unless you wanna be my little baby girl for the rest of the summer, out of that sand box now." Harry said and fought back a laugh at how Draco froze hearing that and then there was a puff of loose sand going up from a muffled fart. "Uhhh Tyler it was nice meeting you, I think it's time for me and daddy to go home." Draco said quickly and turned to waddle out of the sand box only to plop back on his butt. between the girth of it before, multiple wetting and the sand that had ended up in the diaper, Draco was helpless! "D-Daddy! Help!" Draco whined. '...that's in, I'm never letting him be big again. too damn cute.' Harry thought and came over, picking Draco up hands under his shoulders and eyes flashing. Just like that Draco's face scrunched up and his bowels went into over drive as he was there in Harry's arms. "A-Ah Daddy daddy I'm gonna-" Draco tried to yell out a warning but instead let out a massive loud fart that echoed and then with Tyler and his dad getting a good view, filled his diaper with massive lumps, crying out and gasping as they made their way out. "You're gonna what?" Harry asked, laughing and pulling the smelly boy in. Draco glared and went to answer but his paci was popped back into his mouth. "I know what your doing silly. too bad I got to bring any changes with me beyond that first one." Harry lied. "You'll just have to ride home stinky..of do you wanna stop for a happy meal on the way home?" Harry was asking now, heading for the car and bouncing Draco on his hip now. "...Want nuggets n fries." Draco mewed. "Good boy~"
The end
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mistersourwolf · 7 years
Dear Diary - Damon x Reader
Warnings!; Death mentioned, Compulsion? I guess that is technically taking advantage, minor violence like shoving, really not that mature or crazy so i think you’re good, ily 
Word Count: 1,615
Summary: Your grandmother left a journal when she dies, when you read it you are schocked to hear about Damon salvatore, the man whom you are being set up with. How is it possible he hasn’t aged a day since 1966
A/N: So i had an idea and when i put it together it turned out being kind of sloppy but i kind of like this. It is dark, and guys keep a look out for some possible bite!kink or feeding!kink, im weird whatever but i kind of want to write that like um hot. ik ik you’re judging. haha anyways yeah i hope somehow through the sloppiness you find a way to love this. 
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When my grandmother passed away, she left a journal. A journal filled with her adventures; places she had gone to, things she had seen, and people she had met along the way. I can’t say my grandmother didn’t live a full life, she did. For 73 years, she maintained a heart of gold, refusing to have a mean bone in her body. And it wasn’t always easy for her, not with him around.
Dear Diary,
May 23, 1966
   Today, I sit in a local cafe with my favorite sundress on. It’s a beautiful day outside, far too beautiful to even think of staying in. On a list of beautiful things, I spot a man sitting at the table in front of me. He won’t look away and I can already feel the blood rush to my cheeks. A leather jacket, he wears. Bold choice. For someone who looks like he doesn’t want to be noticed, he sure brings a lot of attention. Oh no, perhaps I’ve been staring for too long, he’s on his way over. That’s all for now.
“Snap out of it!”  My best friend, Elena, tugged at my arm. “Are you up for it or not?”
“They’re brothers, right?” I asked, confused about the whole situation.
“Hot brothers.” She giggled. Elena had been trying to convince me to go on a double date ever since she met Stefan. Apparently, he had a brother who was just as good looking as he was.
“Okay, well what’s his name?” I groaned, partly joking. Elena froze up, searching her mind for a name. “Elena! You want me to go on a date with this guy and not even know his name?”
“No, no I’m sorry! I think his name was D-Desmond, I dont know!” She sighed, plopping down on the closest bench.
“Don’t worry, you can make it up to me tonight.” I laughed, pulling her back up to her feet. “Come over, we can study for tomorrow’s test and order a pizza!” She laughed, showing a look of relief before we headed back to the doorms.
Dear Diary,  
May 24, 1966
  Our guy is quite the mystery. Revealing nothing more than his name, he convinced me to spend the afternoon with him. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, I had a fantastic time with him. I’m sure you’re wondering two things: What did you do and What is his name? If you must know, we went back to his place, something I’d never do. He’s a stranger and every bone in my body told me I shouldn’t go with him but his stare. It was so captivating. And since we’re friends, I guess you should know his name. He’s a Salvatore. Yes! A member of one of the founding families! Okay, fine, you know his last name might as well know his first. Afterall, the infamous Damon Salvatore should not be kept a secret.
I squeezed into a black dress before putting on my heels. It was just dinner, so I was kind of annoyed about having to get all dolled up. But Elena said to dress fancy and I would hate to dissapoint. So, here I am, curling my hair for a guy whose name I do not know. Lovely.
I came down the staircase, watching the two men who stood at the bottom along with Elena. Stefan and her latched onto each other while the other brother stood a few feet away from them, staring intently.
“You must be Y/n, I’m Stefan. Salvatore, that is.” Stefan introduced himself, extending his hand.
You smiled, taking his hand. “Salvatore? I’ve heard many things about your family. Good things of course.” Stefan flashed a winning smile before you turned to his brother.
He had jet black hair and his eyes were an icy blue, sending chills down my spine as he stared down at me. Why did this seem so familiar?
“I’m Damon, I’ve heard many things about you as well.” He lifted my hand, kissing it gently. Damon? No...it couldn’t be. Did I hear him wrong?
I laughed lightly, confused. “Damon Salvatore? No, that can’t be.”
Elena and Stefan furrowed their eyebrows but Damon only stared blankly at me, not showing the slighest concern. His eyes studied every feature of mine, making me blush deeply, not used to this kind of attention.
“Welll,” Stefan said clearing his throat. “We should get going, wouldn’t want to be late for reservations.”
Dear Diary,
May 27, 1966
  I’ve just been dropped off at my doorm by the one and only, Damon Salvatore. Tonight we had dinner which went very well. He was so polite and I love how he makes me feel. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat. At the end of the night, we danced. His arms wrapped around my waist as we talked about all the things life had to offer. And if only life could be maintaned, a promise to last forever. But even in the most magical places, eternity isn’t certain.
“I’m sorry,” I interrupted, standing up from the table. Suddenly, it was hard to breathe. “I need some air.”
Damon watched as I walked towards the resturaunt doors, clutching my purse tightly. I broke through the doors into the cold night. A breeze ran down my arms, causing goosebumps to form.
I leaned back resting my head on the wall. What the hell was going on? How could that be Damon Salvatore? He looks just as she described him, my grandmother. So young, so handsome.
“Elena sent me to check on you.” Damon came through the front doors, walking up beside me. He reached out, touching my arm. I gasped at the sensation of ice against my skin.
Dear Diary,
May 30, 1966  
   I may have been wrong about Damon. Maybe he isn’t the perfect gentleman. There is nothing more I want than to be in his arms, he’s got the best of me but I just feel so....cold around him.  I hope no one ever reads this, for what I’m about to reveal isn’t easy to process. He took a life. Right in front of me. But somehow, I was able to remain calm throughout the whole thing. It seemed as if murder came natural to him. I shouldn’t be telling you this, if anyone finds this it could stir up unnecessary trouble. I’ve seen odd things happen around Damon and I pray that you never run into him.
“Is this some kind of joke?” I pulled back from his grasp, breathing heavily.
“A joke?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“I know about you, what you’ve done.”  I pushed him back slightly beggining to feel dizzy. “You’re in the diaries.” Damon stepped closer to me, wearing an angry expression.
“Diaries? What diar–” Damon began but was soon cut off by realization. “That’s impossible, they were burned.”
Anger rushed throught me as tears filled my eyes. “You! You’re the reason she’s dead!”
Damon grabbed ahold of my arms as I lunged at him, “You need to calm down, you only know one side.” I struggled to break out of his grasp as tears poured from my eyes. There was no one I loved more than my grandmother. To come face to face with the man who started it all, I couldn’t help but be full of rage. I finally gave up, collapsing against him.
Dear Diary,
June 3, 1966
    I’ve been working more hours down at the hospital. The good thing is that I never really see Damon here. The last time I wrote in this journal, I revealed Damons secret. That he had killed someone in front of me. I may have not told the full truth. No, Damon killed many and I now understand what he is. He doesn’t show any mercy, he’s selfish. He is. I now understand that my morals mean nothing next to his compulsion. How cruel does someone have to be to compel someone to keep such a dark secret, never forgetting the brutal deaths but just losing sense of control. I hate being a slave to him, but still I can’t help but be intrigued.
“You’re a murderer.” I mumbled, exhausted from all of my emotions. Damon pulled back from me, staring down at me coldly.
“You’re grandmother wasn’t in her right mind when she wrote those, you know that.” He said, wiping a tear from my face.
My grandmother spent the remainder of her life in a psychiatric hospital. She had been diagnozed with skizophrenia and forced to been hospitalized. But how could she be crazy, when Damon Salvatore who hasn’t aged a day stood in front of me.
“She didn’t know what was good for her.” I breathed, surprised by my sudden realization.
“No, she didn’t. She stuck her nose where it shouldn’t be and she got herself into trouble.” Damon said, peering down at me. He held my face up, never looking away. My knees felt wobbly as I was drawn in by every word he said.
“You should leave,” He added, coldly but his eyes told a different story. A story filled with pain and sorrow. “Leave, burn the diaries, don’t come back and forget everything you know about me.”
I was finally set free from his grasp and could only think of leaving this town. Why was I even here? A man stood in front of me, with black hair and stunning eyes. He looked confused and sad, very sad.
“I’m sorry to bother you, what’s the quickest route out of here?” I cautiously asked, not wanting to disturb the handsome man. I felt my whole body shiver as he quickly directed me out of Mystic Falls.
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itbeajen · 7 years
Unspoken, but Written | Ike (Fire Emblem)
Do I regret writing this? Kind of. I don't know what compelled me to write this. Ike won the voting gauntlet, I should be writing fluff for my precious boy. But here I am, hurting him. Wow what a life. In all honesty though, I've always wanted to write something canon for Ike, but like, I haven't played PoR since it came out, so my memory is really fuzzy. OTL. Sorry if it's out of character fam.
The first time you looked my way was the first time I held a sword again. I wonder why that is. *** "Ike." The call of his name was soft, almost a low whisper, and when he turns around, his strategist is approaching him. A look of concern is noted on the mage's visage, and Ike frowned, "What's wrong, Soren?" He opens his mouth to explain, but instead he sighs the moment he hears the shouts coming from where they have set up camp. Ike raises an eyebrow and Soren mumbled, "You'll understand better if you see it." Soren walks away first, expecting Ike to follow, and he does. But as they approach camp, the sound of sword clashing sword is heard, louder than ever. And he's surprised when he sees you dancing around the bonfire with a blade in your hand, keeping Mia at bay and also preventing her from approaching you. Mia's face may have been set in a grimace, but the light of pure exhilaration and excitement that shone in her eyes was evident enough that you were a worthy opponent. You didn't hold back against her, regardless of the fact that everyone knew you were skilled with both blade and staff, you played a more supportive role rather than an active one. So to see you holding a blade rather than a staff was a sight to behold, and Ike found himself captivated with the scene before him. "Give!" Mia shouted after dodging yet another lethal strike. Your entire figure tensed and froze, almost as though it was a still scene taken from a movie. But as soon as Mia drops onto the floor with a sigh, you pull away. Both of you have a fond smile on your lips and she laughed, "You're really good [F/N]!" "Thanks," you chuckled. With a flourish, you sheathed your sword, and Mia mumbled, "I can't believe you'd choose to be a valkyrie though." Your eyes widened slightly, and you sheepishly scratched your neck, "I learned swordsmanship to survive, but if you asked me, I'd rather heal people then afflict wounds onto them." You took a quick glance at Soren and Ike, and you whispered, "But of course, if our commander and strategist will me to, even I will take to the sword." Ike is surprised by your loyalty to the mercenaries. You joined just shortly after the revival of Serenes Forest, a wandering cleric at that time. And yet, you've already taken to the group like a fish to water. You noticed his gaze, and immediately you give him a small smile. But your attention on him was nothing more than a fleeting moment as you returned your gaze to Mia. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" "No, not at all!" Mia takes your hand that you offered and you pull her up effortlessly. She lets out a sigh and whined, "Aren't you tired?" "Me?" you asked with a tilt of the head, you shook your head, "Not at all. I've gone through more vigorous endurance training before." "Is that so?" Mia mumbled. Your hand was no longer holding hers, but she couldn't forget the roughness that indicated the years of practice that you had.
The day I learned more about you was also the day you were borne into this world. I wish you had told us sooner. *** "Mia wasn't kidding when you said you were strong," Ike grunted as the two of you exchanged blows. Your stance had changed just slightly, but you weren't physically strong enough to overpower Ike. With both height and muscular weight superior to yours, the only reason why you haven't completely been mowed over was the fact that you had grew up learning how to beat people like him, to defeat trained soldiers like him. There was a wild, almost feral smile on Ike's face as he exchanged blow after blow. Soren watched from the side, analyzing both of you at the same time. And immediately Soren pointed out, "Ike, don't focus on your strength only." "Yeah?" Ike takes a leap back, and you mirror the action. Ike was fast on his feet, and he was also used to exchanging heavy blows one after the other. Something you were once used to, but not as much after picking up the staff. You clenched your teeth and your grip on your sword tightened. "You up for another round?" Ike asked out of courtesy. You took in a deep breath, calming your body and mind, and you smirked, "Yeah, what about you, commander?" Ike furrowed his brows, "Can't you just call me Ike? There's no need for those formalities." He launches forward, and you dodge the strike by twisting your body out of the sword's path. You make your own attempt to strike at the opening presented before you, but just as you swung down your blade, Ike's blade swings upwards, knocking you completely off your feet and into the air. There was a moment of shock on your face before you regained composure, flipping around and landing neatly on your feet. Immediately, you ready a guard stance just in time for Ike's next attack, and he asked, "You've been trained well." "Surviving in a world like this is hard, sir." Ike blanched, "Like I said, don't call me that!" With a final grunt, Ike pushes you out of the way with brute force, and you skid backwards, almost tumbling right into Soren if you didn't find your footing fast enough. You get up and mumbled, "I think I'm done for today." Ike frowns, and before he can ask if you're alright, you smiled reassuringly, "And I'm fine, thank you. I've experienced worst back in my training days." But your happy expression drops as soon as you realize the slip of your tongue. Soren and Ike glance at each other, and he asked, "Training days?" You hesitated, and Ike can tell from the way you gnawed at your lower lip that you were not fond of the past at all. But after a deep breath, you admitted, "I was once a knight of Daein." "A knight of Daein?" Soren repeated, and you nodded, "I grew up under the shadow of my father, a previous knight of Daein. After noticing that I had exceptionally fast reflexes, he had forced me to learn as soon as I was capable to walk and hold a wooden sword." The bitter smile on your face was evident as your grip on the sword tightened, "I resented him for it. My existence became his, his to mold for his own, to regain whatever previous glory he once had as a knight of Daein. He had hoped that one day I could become one of the Four Riders of Daein. But.." Your voice trailed off weakly, and you mumbled, "4 years ago on this day, the same day my father had believed I would finally be able to enter the ranks of the knights, I committed suicide." "Suicide?" Soren frowned. You were very much alive now, and you nodded, "It was shortly after my coming of age ceremony that my parents had held for me. I disappeared off to the local river with nothing more than my staff and a small knife, and I had convinced my good friend to help me fake my death." "But why?" Ike frowned. You give him a small smile, "I wanted to find my own life. I had lived as my father's puppet for years, and had known nothing about what there was in life outside of holding a sword and pledging loyalty to a kingdom I did not love. I didn't love Daein as much as my father did, and perhaps I came to resent it because my father only had love for his kingdom and naught for mother and I." "Your mannerism and fighting techniques all make sense now," Soren grumbled, and you nodded, "I was planning on informing you soon after joining your ranks. But there was much going on, I couldn't find the right timing. Forgive me." Ike's eyes widened, and after exchanging a slight glance with Soren, he said, "You don't have to apologize, [F/N]. But more importantly, today's your birthday?" Your eyes widened, and you nodded, "Yes. It is." "Then we should-" "It's fine," you laughed it off, and then you mumbled, "I'd prefer not to remember today's meaning." Ike watched as you slowly walked away. The trembling in your shoulder was obvious, but against his own gut, and from the way Soren had slowly shook his head, he didn't. But looking back, he really wishes he did.
You love him, don't you? I do, but I will never tell him such a thing. For I am unworthy. *** Mist watched you with interest as you went around healing your side of camp. She had finished those assigned to her, but she couldn't help but watch the way you and her older brother interacted. There was a comradery and friendship between the two of you that she noticed no one else really has with her brother. She frowned and Titania gently pats her shoulder, "What's wrong, Mist?" "Don't you think brother and [F/N] are really close?" she asked. There was genuine curiosity in her eyes, and Titania's gaze slowly shifted over to the two of you. There was a light in Ike's eyes that she's never seen before, and she couldn't help, but nod in agreement. "They are, aren't they?" Mist agreed, and she murmured, "I wonder if [F/N] likes him." "Well, I don't see why Ike wouldn't be liked, he is our commander after all. Albeit a bit clumsy with his words, and rather fearless and perhaps reckless, he's still a good person," Titania fondly noted. She watched the way Ike was able to bring out a genuine smile from you, and she teased, "If you're so curious Mist, why don't you ask Ike directly?" "I would, but I don't think he'd even know, maybe I'll just ask [F/N]. She promised to train me a bit more on sword techniques on a horse," Mist happily chimed. Titania raised an eyebrow, and Mist added, "I can't ask Ike when he's never done any horseback combat." "Quite true," Titania chuckled. Later that night, after training, Mist is slightly slumped in her horse saddle. You trotted over and patted her back, "You okay?" "Yeah," she gives you a small smile, and she mumbled, "I just forget how much balance is required of me." "Yeah, it's a bit to get adjusted to, but you'll get a hang of it soon enough," you smiled, "You have talent after all." "Mm, it's probably because brother and I are related, huh?" Mist mumbled. But you shook your head, "No, I was thinking you're skilled as well, I wouldn't acquaint it to your brother. Just because Ike is strong doesn't quite immediately equate to you being strong. But both of you are strong on your own accord, not simply due to one being strong meaning that the other is strong." Mist is a bit surprised, and then she giggled, "I see. Thanks [F/N]." "Anytime, Mist," you laughed as you got off your horse first. You offered her a hand, and she shook her head, "You're so nice to everyone. It's no wonder you fit in so quickly." "That's good then, it's always good to get along with people," you hummed as she took your hand. Mist slowly got off her horse and she asked, "Is there anyone in particular you get along with more?" You hesitated, and Mist nudged you playfully, "Come on, you can tell me can't you?" "W-Well, t-that's... that's a personal thing," your voice trailed off, and Mist notices the slight tinge of pink, and she asked, "You like him, don't you?" Your eyes widened, and you sighed, "I should have known his younger sister would notice it sooner than he would himself." "Why don't you just tell him?" "We're in amidst of a war, Mist, I can't do that. And besides..." Mist notices the way your shoulders slightly dropped, and there was a sorrowful tint in your eyes as you gave her a weak smile, "Someone like me? With him? It's impossible." You walked away, and Mist feels like she touched upon something she shouldn't have. She wishes she apologized, she really wished she did. 
Perhaps I should have told you sooner. But perhaps it was for the best I did not tell you at all. For it is one less heart breaking loss in your already wounded heart. *** "Mia, fall back!" you commanded as you rallied your horse over to the other side of the field. There were far too many soldiers, and the reinforcements were almost never ending. Mia shook her head weakly, although the fight in her eyes were far from burning out, her body was not made for a war of attrition. You furrowed your brow as you casted yet another round of heal over her and the rest of the mercenaries within the vicinity, and you muttered, "There are far too many. But if we can thin out enough of them, then we should be able to escape safely." "If you're telling Mia to fall back, then all of us need to," Shinon grumbled as he ran past you. You frowned, and muttered, "We all need to fall back." "Indeed." Soren's voice surprised you, and he said, "All of us need to fall back, there's far too many. This ambush was unaccounted for, and there are villagers near by that may be caught by collateral damage." Everyone exchanged weary glances before all of them nod in agreement. Soren starts issuing orders, although the quiet male may not have had a loud voice, his words carried a heavy weight to them. You lingered in the back, making sure all of them were ahead until you heard a weak cry of help from the forest side of the clearing. Soren heard it too, as you can tell from the surprise that flickered in his expression. You exchange a glance with him, and he bit his tongue. No. He wanted to tell you no. He still had so much he wanted to ask you. There were so many things he wanted to know, things that he knew you've seen or heard. After all, you and him were one and the same. He watched helplessly as you spurred your horse towards the direction of the cry of help, and he could only pray that you came back in one piece. For you, the darkness meant nothing. After all, you were always able to see clearly in the dark, it effected you in no way, shape, or form. But today, it felt like it was going against you as you tried to pinpoint the plea for help. But soon, the sobbing and tears were ringing in your ear as you approached the river. A teenage boy was cradling a small girl in his arms, both of them shivering from the cold winds and clearly part of the escaping villagers as far as you can tell. The adults were huddled on the opposite side of the raging river, clearly panicking about what to do. The shaky wooden bridge had 2 platforms holding it up over the river, and one platform had completely collapsed, leaving the children stuck on your side of the river. You frowned and looked at the river, then at the children and the adults. All of them staring at you, waiting for your movement. "Hey," you softly called to the children as you dismounted. Your horse follows behind you loyally, and you mumbled, "Can you two stand?" They both nod, and you said, "I can get you guys over the bridge, but you have to trust me, okay?" The adults' gazes were both desperation and anxiety. The nervous tension in the air was palpable, and you wanted nothing more than to get this situation over with. As soon as the two children nodded, you placed them into your saddle, using your robe to strap them onto it tightly. You rubbed your horse's neck and you murmured, "Look like this may be the last time I see you, my dear friend. Thank you for keeping company for all these long years." It neighed in response, nuzzling its muzzle against your cheek, as you leaned your forehead against it. You give it one last smile and a kiss, before signalling its jump with a pat. The jump was clean, although your horse did skid a bit on its landing, but the children were safe with the adults. Once you saw the two children get off the saddle, you whistled, hoping your horse could jump back over, but the sound of an arrow being released causes you to dodge. It narrowly misses you, but instead your horse jumps in front of the villagers, taking a hit directly to its calf. You flinched as you hear the painful neigh and you shouted, "Get out of here!" "Your horse-" "Take her with you! She's injured, I can't make her fight in that state!" you responded as you unsheathed your sword. You slipped your staff into its scabbard and you muttered, "These blasted soldiers. Do they not realize they're shooting their own people!?" You immediately duck into the trees. They may shoot blindly into the dark as much as they want, but I have the advantage here. You made your way through the foliage, in hopes that you could still hear Soren's voice. His consistent mumbling of wind magic was enough to guide you towards the right direction, but with the interference of arrows and shouts of your foes, you were slowly losing focus on that quiet grumble. The release of multitudes of arrows catches your attention though, and you make a quick glance up, only to dodge and roll away as quick as possible as the arrows speared through your previous location. You bit your tongue at how close you were to your death. But this was not your first time. But just as you tried to get up, you felt a stinging pain in your left shoulder. You glanced over to see a tiny knife embedded into your skin, digging into you. With a shaky hand, you gripped it and pulled it out. But as soon as you did, you cursed as the blood seeped through the open wounds. You used whatever magic you could to heal yourself, but it wasn't fast enough to reverse the damage, only slowing it at most. "The enemy is right there! I can see their figure!" "How many are there?" "Just one, sir." "Then I shall deal with it. That rag tag lowly bunch thinks they can take on an army? Well they were wrong," he chuckled as he approached you. You could hear the slow march of a general in armor, and you cursed. Of all things, an armored general? If it was just some lowly grunt I could probably have won. I need to escape. There's no way I can win here. You checked the wound one last time, and after one last surge of healing magic, you dashed away. The crunch of dead leaves and twigs beneath your feet gave away your location, and suddenly there is an onslaught of footsteps following you. Your advantage over them was just enough to get far enough away faster than they could, as they couldn't maneuver through the forest as easily. But just as you reached the edge of the clearing, one look indicated danger. The entire field was filled with the fallen comrades of the opposing side. Their soldiers mourning over their fellow comrades in arms, and you immediately ducked back into the forest. I'm stuck between a rock and a very hard place. Where the hell did our group run off too? You continued your trek, but you could feel the flare of pain in your legs. You were beginning to burn out and you bit out a dark chuckle, "Seriously, after all these years, I'm finally going to give way here?" No, I won't fall here. I still haven't had the chance to figure out why those of my kind are so hated. I refuse to believe that the goddesses dictated some stupid rule like that. You leaped over a fallen log tree, only to realize hear shouting behind you. "There!" "Follow!" Well, shit. You darted away as fast as you could, only to stop when a spear narrowly misses your head. You skid into a stop and quickly unsheathe your sword, barely parrying a slash from above. The general chuckled, "Well, well, looks like the little mouse knows how to fight, eh?" You immediately noted he wasn't wearing heavy armor at all, and with a strong kick, you push yourself away from him. You hesitated for a split second before turning tail and running off. The man growled as he chased after you, profanities spilling from his lips the entire time. You hear the tell tale sounds of arrows splitting air and you duck and roll side ways before stumbling forward to break into another sprint. But all the running and tumbling has taken a toll on your stamina as you feel yourself losing energy. I can make it. I can still hear Soren's voice. And I can hear the others too. They.. they waited. You almost teared at the thought, but you shook your head. I have to get to them safely first. But how do I get rid of these people that are on my trail. How can I- Your thoughts are wrenched from you as you let out an heart-wrenching cry of pain as you feel hot flames lick at your entire being, engulfing you whole. But it was that sound and the light of the red fire that alerted not just the enemy of your location, but also your comrades. You glared at the general who approached you slowly, and he laughed, "Well well, look at our mouse now, aren't you a sight to behold-" But he doesn't finish his sentence as you spring forward, launching the first strike. He narrowly dodges it, but it nicks his cheek, causing blood to trickle down his face. The smug expression on his face turns to horror and then anger as he lunges at you. But you throw yourself at him, passing the flames from him to you. He cries out in pain as the heat sears his unprotected skin, and you rolled on the floor, getting rid of it as much as you could. Your body was heavy, and you could feel your vision blurring as you tried to focus on the enemy before you. He was still grappling to get his armor off as his undergarments caught on fire, but you couldn't afford to relax when he was right there. Kill him. He's right there. I can't move. It was as though your entire body was filled with lead, you couldn't move, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't see. Nothing was working. And then it finally dawned on you. That knife... it must have been... tainted with poison. You let out a dark chuckle as you steady yourself by plunging your sword into the ground. No wonder I couldn't heal it immediately. I was wondering... what went wrong. I should have paid more attention, god damn it. Your eyelids fluttered, threatening to close, and you muttered, "I can't fall here. There's still.. so much more I have to do..." "[F/N]!" That voice... sounds so familiar. Your body swayed back and forth, struggling to keep you up right and alive. But you can faintly hear the sound of metal against metal and the cries of anguish from the opposing side. "[F/N]! [F/N]! Hey, stay with us! Stay with me now!" Is that... Ike? You barely catch his worried expression and your last thoughts were, Ah I wish... I had the chance to tell you.
I was never meant to exist in this world anyways. But you, no, not just you, all of you... All of you made me feel like I finally had family. Like I finally had a place to belong, thank you. *** "We're sorry, Ike," Mist managed to choke out. Her hands trembled as she held onto her staff weakly. Titania walked out of the tent, her head lowered and gaze averted from their young commander. Ike's throat was dry, and he weakly asked, "What?" Mist opened her mouth, but she finds herself unable to speak. Tears are welling at the corners of her eyes, and she barely manages another apology before she silently breaks into tears. Ike numbly stares at her and then past her into the tent. There was no way you were gone. Just yesterday the two of you were laughing, talking about random nonsense like the color of the skies and the grass. You had just finished teaching him a new sword technique, and you had even taught Mist more riding skills. How could you be gone? "Ike," Soren's throat is dry, but he just manages to call out his name, and he mumbled, "Do you... Would you like to... one last time?" His sentences are choppy, and his composure is nearly gone. He had known you were like him. He could tell from the way you cared for the entire camp as though you were their mother. You had more experience then all of them combined. He wished he had talked to you. He wished he didn't push you away when you tried. And Soren still remembers the pain yet understanding gaze when he had. His fists clenched, and Ike doesn't respond as he walks into the tent. It was as though you were asleep. Your expression was calm, it was gentle, and it was filled with an inexplicable peace that he's never seen before. He slowly kneels down, and his hand slowly, gently takes hold of yours and he whispered, "[F/N]..." You won't ever hear me call your name again, nor will I hear you say mine. Ike rests his forehead against your hand. I'm sorry. I failed to protect you. Even though I said I'd do anything in my power to protect those important to me. To fight for my friends. To keep them safe and bring them peace. I couldn't do it for you. I couldn't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. *** It wasn't until after dinner when Mist finally approaches Ike. In her hands was the small bag that you always carried around with you, and he glances at it before looking up at Mist. "Is this...?" She nods and she mumbled, "I didn't look through it yet, but I figured you should." "Do I even have the right to?" he scoffed and Mist nodded, "I think... I think [F/N] would want you to." She drops it in his lap before walking away. Ike stares at it, his thoughts empty as he tries to find the will to open it. But soon, he finds himself subconsciously opening it, and pulling out an old weathered leather notebook. He opens it, and his eyes widened from the first date in the journal. As he flips through it, the pages documented your entire life, from your childhood up til the realization that you weren't a Beorc, nor were you a laguz, but rather the cursed mix of the both. Your father, a Beorc, and your mother, a hawk laguz. You were granted nothing except hatred from the people around you, and the sight and hearing of a hawk. He finds his throat growing dry as he reads the documentation of your past, and it isn't until he reaches the end of the yellowed pages that your words grow more lighthearted. But the folded letter at the very end causes him to pause as he sees two of them. One for Soren, and one for him. Ike slowly places Soren's letter back into the folds of the old pages, and closes the book. But upon opening your letter, he feels regret, relief, and the overwhelming love that you were holding back the entire time. After reading, he can't control the tightening in his chest as the sting of tears threaten to spill yet again. His grip on the letter tightens just slightly before he lets it drop into his lap. His hands desperately wipe away at the tears and he muttered, "Idiot." "I wish I could have told you I loved you." He took in a deep shaky breath, and he softly whispered, "I wish I did too."
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undercovermcdfan · 7 years
the calm before the storm | prologue 1
title: travis: 3:56 am, Saturday
summary: what should you worry more about: why the lake is so still or what will cause the ripples of chance? Zombie AU. Travlyn. Lucidenza. Vylance.
a/n: This is the prequels to the MCD/Mystreet Zombie AU I’m finally writing. This is just story and character set up, as well as asserting what would the main couples to the upcoming main series. You don’t have to read this to get into the main story but it would be nice if you read and reblogged.
warning(s): mild violence, zombies, pining, character building
prologue: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
main series: —-
Check it out on AO3
The funny thing: the end of the world didn’t happen all at once.
No, in actuality, he—like everybody else—watched as the world they knew slowly but surely get devoured by the End. Denial and delayed panic was what killed society, he remembered Laurance would say; how so many of them didn’t want to see, so they all played and clung to the words of those in higher power would sort this out.
This isn’t some regular ‘crisis’. Fucking look—those shots were definitely going through and they keep getting back up, keep walking.
The video was freaky. Some nondescript warzone, far far away his little off-campus apartment, as bulky soldiers took aim at a tattered-clothed woman who limped with a lifeless gait. The noise was almost hard to pick up between the gun shots, but low, gut-twisting moan, animalistic and inhuman coming from the woman. The video continued, the woman finally goes down but where she falls, descended from alleys and further down the road.
He shouldn’t be scrolling through comments, because they always unnerved him more than the video himself. People chiming in and linking posts, more videos, foreign articles, etc. of ‘proof’ that whatever was going down overseas wasn’t another exotic disease to spook flyers from traveling out of the country.
He clicked another tab, scrolling over his timeline—and it’s like another mind frame, people peacefully oblivious and instead enthusing about how excited they were for the upcoming summer, their plans, rants about some T.V. show. Maybe they’re like him, quietly reading and researching and losing sleep over the possibility of a horror movie scenario come to life. Maybe they didn’t care. He glanced at the notification of a new direct message, from a smiling woman, though her smile was reserved, with blue hair and giving a peace sign as her icon.
He wasn’t completely alone in this. Finding weird solace from a person he didn’t think he would find, the serious looking Katelyn from the theatre course they taken in fall together—clicking the message, she linked a couple of articles with a following message:
I couldn’t sleep. Sorry. – 5 mins ago
In the dark, only lit by his phone screen, Travis chuckled.
              DW :)
              I couldn’t either lol
              Been watching that video you sent yesterday— like is that forreal??? – secs ago
He clicked the articles she sent.
They were all the same; different politicians who say Nothing to worry about yet their actions show the opposite, as ‘outbreaks’ of ‘riots’, cities declaring state of emergency and quick federal government actions. Small time local news who report who uptick in rabid cases were reported and safety precautions to watch out any animals who could carry the disease. As well as Mayor Malik updated the curfew, initiating tomorrow at midnight.
Their friendship blooming out over paranoia over the possible end wasn’t what he had in mind when he stumbled across her late night links to some strange and obscure website five months back. She deleted them an hour later but… it didn’t stop him or his big mouth from asking, “What the hell was that last night.”
There was a moment of embarrassment flash in her eyes, her shoulders squaring in a defensive position as she turned herself fully towards him. “Do you really want to know?” Her tone asked a different question, one trying to gauge how serious he was. He nodded.
And it went down from there.
She didn’t say they were friends, but soon their discussion over the weird things they dug up turned to casual talk—and the causal talk, in real life and online, turned into something every day. It almost became their thing, as they started to withdraw from other people. They chatted about what if scenarios, plans and as the months showed more, more and more cases of this epidemic, they started to stockpile supplies.
              How did shooting range go with Jeff today? – secs ago
Her icon appeared with ellipses.
              I don’t think I’m cut out for guns. – secs ago
Travis hummed, acutely aware of the way his smile widen and the turn-around with his mood.
              Well it would be unfair if you were perfect at everything :P
              I kid I kid; all u need is practice, blue
              did that ivy chick tag along too? –secs ago
A moment passed.
The eclipses appeared. Then disappeared. Then reappeared.
              I’m starting to think this license was a mistake haha
              And yeah. Yknow, you should come along next time
Jeff is pretty good teacher.
And it was last time– three mins ago
He stared at the message longer than needed, as if doing so would decipher a hidden message. It didn’t—but it was worth a shot, pun intended. Lately, despite the possible end of the world being imminent that spurred this doom-prepping fanaticism within them, he wondered if she was catching the hints.
Of course, their friendship was sincere. As well as his panic and general anxiety about the stately affairs of the world.
He was but a person, nonetheless. And sometimes, shallow feelings turned into actual feelings saddled up next to that friendship borne of strange circumstance. True, he was scared to gamble away what they got—but the curiosity took hold like a cat.
              I was hoping it was the two—Delete
              Jeff doesn’t have to—Delete
              Sure :) when’s the next time you’re free? – secs ago
The eclipses appeared immediately.
              Tomorrow afternoon. Around 1 pm. We can meet up at the rec center in city.
              You know Aphmau, right? She wanted to come along
              Apparently her bf is on the same force as Jeff and she wanted to take some lessons
              Is that okay? – secs ago.
Well, at least three won’t be the crowd he had to worry about. He pursed his lips, his eyes lighting up as his slight frown returned into an almost devilish smirk.
And ofc Ik Aph!!! We took a history class together
              She’s terrible at work citing but man
              Her cooking tho
Tho huh im sad to hear she has a bf now lolol – five mins ago
Then Katelyn’s typing begun again.
              Why are you sad to hear that –secs ago.
              Becauseeeee. She was a cutie.
              Well duh, she’s beautiful
              ….but why do you care if she has a boyfriend or not?
              Why do you care if I care? lolol
              I don’t.
              Answer the question.
              Uh oh
              Ur using periods at the end of ur sentences
              Interesting – six mins ago
Katelyn’s typing stopped. Then started, much less disappearing and reappearing of the eclipses now.  
              What’s that suppose to mean?
Travis smiled. He could see his two options clearly—and though, the one funniest one would lead her to giving him the cold shoulder, the temptation to his sleep-denied mind was too great.
              Ur annoyed @ me
Katelyn shoot back:
              Why would I be annoyed
Travis laughed.
              A little jealous that I’m not calling you a cutie? –fifteen mins ago
              Uk Im kidding rite? Aph isn’t my type lolol
              Im just messing with you
              ….hmmm i rlly pushed it didn’t i? lol
              well im going to bed but before I gooooo pls remember
              I like u best :) – eight hours ago
              Like u best too – message unread
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