#chess does nuzlocking
scaredgirlsilly · 1 year
ive lost literally all interest in everything. i was into pokemon nuzlockes and toki pona and chess and i was reading more and i was trying to listen to new music and then my schedule gets fucked up fucking once and i lose all of it. i was working on a little videogame and i started making a neocities website and i was so close to finishing my online computer science class and all of it slipped through my fingers like everything always does. i was applying to jobs left and right and even had my first interview. all of that fucking gone because i stayed up till 6 am once. and i have such little fucking will power that i cant fucking do anything about it. this fucking sucks
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seaalgae · 4 years
Gonna start logging a sword nuzlocke in here because in the past I have been Validated for my writing style in my nuzlocke logs
Also they’ve been compared to homestuck, which I have never read, and that scares me.
Rules: - First legal catch per area, determined by running blindly into the area and catching things - if it faints it dies (excluding grossly overleveled encounters and raids, this is casual as all hell) - dupes/shiny clause of course
starting as Mia, who exists i guess
exhibition match between raihan and leon happens, rose is there, gigamax makes for MAXIMUM SHOWMANSHIP because galar is all about the aesthetic
(mia is watching it on her PHONE because she's a USELESS TEEN in this canon. It’s for no other reason than TEENAGERS ARE POTENTIALLY FUNNIER THAN PRETEENS)
Hop shows up and IS EXCITED ABOUT HIS BROTHER, because he's going to get POKEMONS out of him. He runs off, barry style
BAG and HAT obtained. yes this was important enough to note. no i will not apologize
The WOOLOO outside tries to ESCAPE to SLUMBERING WEALD. This Wooloo is AWARE OF THE PLOT and ACTUALLY THE DESTINED HERO. Also Hop bullies you about your bag being old and large, but he also tells you to avoid the tall grass because you don't have a pokemon, so I guess he CARES.
Finally we get to the train station, where the ULTIMATE HIMBO arrives and strikes a pose for the CHEERING BRITISH MASSES. Also he's pretty much from here so these are probably all people that KNEW HIM AS AN EMBARASSING DISASTER CHILD. He makes a SPEECH about how GALARAN TRAINERS SHOULD BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD which has some kind of loose overtones that aren't too great with britain's colonial history if you're really interested in stretching it. I am NOT INTERESTED in stretching it but now I'm wondering about POKEMON COLONIALISM while my switch battery runs dry.
Leon sees his brother and there's some CUTE FAMILY STUFF, followed by LEON BEING INSIGHTFUL AND MATURE about his brother maybe being THE BEST if he has a rival. Maybe one day, he thinks to himself, EVEN HOP can have A CAPE WITH SPONSORSHIPS ON IT. (spoiler all of the sponsorships are chairman rose, because GALAR is a CORPORATE MONARCHY or someth)
The STARTER CUTSCENE happens and is EXTREMELY CUTE. I, FRAN THE PLAYER, have once again fallen in love with SOBBLE, but i know it is not meant to be, for a committee of TWITTER USERS have consigned me to a fate of using SCORBUNNY, because twitter users are EXTREMELY BAD
never mind i have room in my heart for more than one galar starter (galarter)
I then spent 40 minutes thinking about how the starters have become progressively smaller since gen 1, and what this means for the series, and then forgot most of it so it won't be recorded here
actually fuck i kind of ran out of battery during all that distraction back there, that's it for UPDATE 1
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viviae · 5 years
Twitch streamer Au
Pokémon streamer
His streams are super positive and has a set aesthetic for everything
He however knows every mechanic of Pokémon inside and out
Gives his viewers advice on mechanics if they ask but over explains everything so it doesn’t make sense to newer players
Does a ton of big shiny hunts and nuzlocke challenges
Has a charity stream like every other month
All of his emotes are drawn by his fans
All of his fans are super nosy about his love life and he does a horrible job about keeping it secret
Doesn’t accept a lot of sponsers and mainly gets money from donations when not doing his charity streams
One time some one did a shout out for lucio in his chat and Muriel banned them, it was a mild controversy for a while
His discord server is incredibly active and so is his chat
Comedy/Multi Game Streamer
He started wearing his eyepatch as a shtick but now it’s a stable joke
Tells a lot of stories about his personal life
Knows all his consistent viewers usernames by heart
Has obnoxious pop ups when some one subscribes or donates so everyone waits until a really quiet moment to spam them
Doesn’t have a consistent schedule at all
He drunk streams a lot and when he sobers up everyone links him clips of what he said and did
Oh god, there are so many clips. Everyone is in a mad dash to clip anything funny and they get spread around like wildfire
Gets over involved in any drama going on the website even if it doesn’t involve him and his fans are either sick of it or just encourage it
Portia used to be his cohost until she started doing her own thing, now he can’t play any multiplayer games without getting sad
Has cried on stream and will continue to do so
A ton of inside jokes on streams
Gets really weird sponsers
Strategy Game streamer (mainly Civ and City Planner)
Gets super dressed up for each stream and everyone always loves her looks
Always seen drinking wine but she never gets drunk so everyone always argues on if it is actual wine or not, she will not tell.
Her builds are so weird that people put them on the subreddits
Only really popular in strategy gamer communities where she is a legend
When ever she crashes or loses her progress she gets incredibly frustrated and goes afk for like twenty minutes
Streams once a week on the weekends, everyone looks forward to it and it has a very relaxed atmosphere
Started out ignoring her viewers inputs but now she loves what stuff they come up with
Plays chess with her subscribers and never goes easy on them
The only person on her host list is Portia and she some times shows up to play Minecraft with her
Claims she didn’t understand Minecraft, mastered red stone in like a day
He is one of Asra’s chat moderators
Everyone loves him though and begs him to stream
He doesn’t have really good equipment and he doesn’t have a face cam though but he streams himself when he plays games that he likes every so often
Asra immediately hosts him and he gets like 50 viewers as soon as it happens
His viewer to follower ratio is incredibly off because of this with like twenty followers but averaging 35 viewers
He doesn’t want to get popular or anything like that he just wants to show people what he’s playing if he is having a good time
He likes to post stuff he cooks or makes on Asra’s discord server
Minecraft Streamer or any survival game
Has a massive battle royal minecraft server for her and all her viewers
First name basis with all her viewers and if anyone every comes in feeling sad she’ll stop what she’s doing and give them a pep talk
Hosts a lot of small time streamers just starting to share the love
Nadia hosts her a ton and shares a lot of viewers with Nadia
Started out as Julian’s Cohost but is spreading out for herself
Just started streaming like a week ago and already has 200 followers
Pepi is a star in her streams and is always in the background of her face cam
Oh god, he’s a tyrant on twitch. One of the biggest streamer names
Plays whatever is the most popular at the time
Has way to many viewers to remember them all, can’t even pronounce names correctly
He goes to every convention though and loves to meet fans and do panels
Gets burned out of games really easily though but never tells anyone,
Has a lot of game companies sponser him to play their games
Mercedes and Melachoir have their own special camera dedicated to them
Also has a YouTube channel where he just posts his streams and vlogs
Popular for his overreactions and his dramatic facial expressions
All of his emotes are his own face
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aviculor · 5 years
Which kind of poketuber does nuzlockes best? Someone who is so cautious that they stress over each turn like a game of chess, someone who is a good player but takes stupid risks for giggles, or someone who is just an unbridled fool who loses at least one pokemon per boss battle?
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thewritelycampix · 6 years
No Pokeballs Allowed
Chapter 11: Sinking Ships and Burning Bridges
The difference between mass and weight isn’t usually something one considers on a day-to-day basis. This is presumably because in general, most people don’t need to worry about mass. But as people have pointed out in the past, there is a significant difference between the two.
Mass represents the amount of something that exists. This is a constant thing - it never changes, no matter where the object in question is. Even something that seems to have no presence at all is still in fact present as long as it has any mass. As a matter of fact, some things that cannot be perceived at all still have mass. In the summer, we do not see the breath coming out of our mouths. And yet, even though we have not seen it in a long time, we know it is there. We can feel it.
Weight, however, is different. Weight matters entirely on the gravity of the situation and is situational depending on how much mass one object has when it pulls others towards it. Denser matters tend to make everything on them feel heavy. If you were to wear a shirt while standing on a neutron star, your entire body would collapse under its own weight.
The past week had been taxing on everyone. Squirtle had not left her office. The door had stayed closed, and no one had seen it open. Mew had tried calling somewhat comforting words through the door, but she received no response. They had all stood in front of the door for a good while, looking at each other helplessly as their eyes asked the same question of what to do. Finally, Monty had broken away and gone to the bulletin board out front to take a job. Coran and Mew reluctantly took this as a cue, and work resumed.
Coran knocked at the door, calling out a weak ‘good morning’ like he had for the past four days. He fetched two or three berries from the break room, then came back to the office door and leaned his back against it. He held his stance for a moment before slumping to a sitting position on the ground.
“…Squirtle, I don’t know how long we’re going to be able to keep this up,” he said, his head sinking to his knees as he chewed on a berry. The berry chunk went down his throat slow and laboriously. “We need someone like you around to keep morale up. I… I know that what happened isn’t easy to deal with. I’m dealing with it, too. But… I just think… I don’t know if sitting in your room is going to solve anything, I guess? I’ve had time to think this all over, and… i-it sounds bad, but missions are a good way to sort of distance myself from the problem and just look at it from a different perspective, y'know? Maybe… if you tried one-”
“I don’t think you should rush her, Coran,” a voice called softly from the front. Coran turned to see Mew approaching him. “This isn’t something that can be really taken lightly, and some deal with it harder than others. I know all three of you aren’t as used to this sort of thing as I am, and…” She looked sunken, averting eye contact with Coran.
“What do you mean?” Coran asked, looking up at her from the floor. “You’re used to… to death?”
Mew gave a slow nod. “When you’ve been alive as long as I have, you see a lot. And I have seen a lot.” She descended from the air, landing on her hind paws beside Coran and sinking down to a sitting position beside him. “There’s a burden on us. And it’s hard. But after a few millennia, you just… you start to go numb.”
“That’s kind of scary,” Coran mumbled as his shoulders sunk. Mew could only nod in agreement.
They sat in silence for a while. Coran took a few deep breaths, leaning his head back until it connected with the door with a soft thunk. “I’m gonna go check the mail,” he said finally, getting up.
“Hey, Coran,” Mew called as he walked past her to the front.
He turned his head, slowing his pace. “Yeah?”
“How are you taking all of this? I’ve done some talking with Monty, but…” She smiled softly. “I don’t really talk to you enough. I know that our first hellos were a little…” She frowned. “Strenuous.”
Coran grimaced a little. She was right. “I’m not going to hold that against you. I don’t know why you did it, but I’m trying to put it behind us. If I’m really special, and I’m really going to help save the world, then I think we’re going to be working together a lot. And… it’s good not to hate your co-workers, right?”
“That’s… that’s really comforting to hear,” Mew said, putting a paw to her forehead as she slumped down further. “I swear, this transforming thing gets to your head when you do it for too long.”
Sensing that she was trying to change the subject, Coran obliged. “What is it like? Transforming, I mean. I feel like it’d be pretty cool to be something completely different.”
“The novelty tends to wear off after the first four centuries,” Mew said, giving Coran a somewhat playful smile. “You’re still you, but… your mind gets rewired. Since you’re in a new body, you’re not desensitized to all the instincts that come with it. So if you’re not used to it and ready for it, you end up acting really stupid and feral.”
“Like you did with the Chandelure?”
“Yes,” Mew admitted. “Though that was because I stayed in that form too long. The same thing happens.”
“Really?” Coran’s ears pricked. “But don’t you get more used to a body the longer you stay in it?”
Mew nodded. “There’s a middle ground, to be sure, but being in a body too long tends to make you lose your sense of self. There were a few times in my early life where I legitimately forgot I was Mew.”
“…Whoa,” Coran breathed. “Scary.”
“Though Latios was there to snap me out of it, it was pretty scary,” Mew nodded. She was silent for a moment. “Though I should probably get back to work.”
Coran sighed and got to his feet. “Me too, I guess. Not really looking forward to it.”
“Who does?” Mew said with a small chuckle. “Oh, just remembered, there’s mail for you by the front.”
“Really? From who?”
“Go and see,” Mew said, flicking her tail as she floated out of the headquarters towards the bulletin board outside.
Coran followed after her, stopping at the mail basket right inside the door. Inside was a small neatly folded yellow envelope. He reached inside, picked it up, and ripped open the top.
Dear Coran,
It feels like it’s been absolute ages since you’ve been over last! I know that you are most definitely busy with your job – I hope Squirtle isn’t overworking you! I’ve heard some pretty nasty rumours of things going on in Nuzlocke. You’re all safe, yes? The world certainly seems to be swirling around the gutter nowadays, doesn’t it? Though I will say that I’ve seen it in states like this before, and we got out of it relatively unharmed! Though I must admit, my motives for writing this letter aren’t entirely selfless. There has been something bothering me as of late, and I need someone who is skilled at both talking and listening (you!) to aid me. If you’re having trouble, simply present it to Squirtle as a job. I will reward you for your troubles, it’s only fair! Along with the usual accompaniment of tea, of course!
Please come soon, Phari
The sand felt good under Coran’s feet. He’d been up on Mt. Maelstrom for the past few days, clearing off all of the missions that had to do with it at once, so having a warm, soft surface to walk on was a pleasant change to the stark, cold stone the summit provided.
Coran looked out over the beach as he walked across it, watching the beachgoers relax along the shoreline.
They know about the state the world’s in, right? Coran thought to himself. They have to understand that everything’s going down the drain, right? How can they be so happy?
Things still felt somewhat different from his usual visits. Despite there being Pokémon after Pokémon lying on the warm sand of the coast, the atmosphere felt moderately thick compared to earlier times.
He shook his head to clear himself of that. He was going to Phari’s to rid his mind of these thoughts, not keep them going. Continuing past the palm trees, he eventually got up to Dusky Cape, on which Phari’s villa was perched, looking over the bay.
The walk up to the cape felt a lot longer today than it usually did. The cut stone steps were smooth under his paws as always, the setting sun stung his eyes a little as always, and the windows of the villa filtered the sunlight into beams streaming eastward, as always. But the walk was a lot slower. Coran wasn’t entirely sure whether he liked that or not. A gentle wind blew past him as he stood at the doorstep. Coran had been here a few times in the past, and all of them had been pleasant. Phari was an excellent host. He’d grown to like tea in the past few months, what with Phari and Monty figuratively shoving tea leaves down his throat. He raised his fist and knocked on the door, before stepping back. “Coming!” a voice came from inside, followed swiftly by the door opening. A familiar Ampharos stood in the doorway, beaming down at Coran. “Ah, you came! Come in, come in. I was just dusting off some pictures.”
Coran gave a nod and slipped past Phari into the house as she shut the door. Looking around, a small frown crossed his face as he saw the state of the house. The box of checkers and chess was still out from his last visit, leaning up against the coffee table. The checkerboard itself was still there on the table, the game abandoned midway. Giving it a quick look, Coran chuckled to himself as memories of how horrible he was at chess came flooding back to him. A guitar leaned up against the chair that Phari had sat in - she had played a few tunes that had been taught to her by Cappy. It was only simple picking since her flippers didn’t let her play chords, but Coran still found it impressive.
“You’ll have to excuse the mess,” Phari said, her voice still coming from near the door. “I’ve been somewhat preoccupied lately. As have you, isn’t that right? I’ve heard some awful things about Nuzlocke!”
Coran turned back to her and nodded, watching her swipe her paw across the top of a picture frame near the door. “Yeah. A Pokémon went rogue in town, and…as we dealt with it, he…” The words died in Coran’s mouth. Even after that talk with Mew, he still had trouble saying it. Especially to someone like Phari. How could he communicate to her that they had basically murdered someone? What would she think of him after that? Would she be scared?
“He’s no longer with us, is he?” Phari said softly, causing Coran to jump as if he’d been statically shocked. “Like I mentioned before, Coran, I’ve lived through the apocalypse once before.”
Coran just stared at her for a good few moments, unable to shake off the impact she’d had on him. “Sorry, I just thought-”
Phari held up a paw and shook her head. “It’s alright, Coran. I understand you’re scared. We all are. But it’s admirable that you’re trying to stop it. That’s more than I did.”
Thinking about this for a moment, Coran took a seat next to the coffee table. “…I know it’s not what I came here to help you with, but would you mind telling me about that? Maybe after I help with what you wanted to talk about?”
Phari stood still, pondering something before she nodded. “Of course. The tea’s ready, but I was just making biscuits. Would you mind helping me wash the dishes, Coran?”
He got up from the chair and stretched. “Sure, I don’t see why not. Good to do something else while talking.”
“I could not agree more, Coran,” Phari said, walking past him to the kitchen.
As Coran followed, he was presented with the alluring smell of peanut butter cookies baking in the oven. He couldn’t help but relish a bit in the aroma, letting out a quiet mumble of satisfaction. “Mmm…is that peanut butter?”
“Good nose you’ve got there,” Phari said with a giggle. “I will admit I made these specifically for this occasion. I didn’t expect you to drop by so soon though! The post is so unreliable nowadays, I tell you…” Coran picked up a chair from the kitchen table and put it up near the sink, hopping on so that he could reach. Picking up a rag, he soaked it in warm water and began to rinse out a bowl. “So…what’s bothering you, Phari?”
Phari paused from putting ingredients back into the cupboards. She took a deep breath. “When you came in, I was dusting off those picture frames by the door.”
“There’s a lot of them,” Coran noted. “Those are of you and Cappy, right?”
Phari nodded. Coran felt a small pit in his stomach as he began to catch on to a possible route that this conversation might be taking.
“I love him so much, Coran,” Phari continued, resuming her storage of the biscuit ingredients. “I miss him every day. Each night I close my eyes, and I see him staring at me with…with that dopey grin on our wedding day. He looked at me like I was the most valuable treasure he’d ever laid eyes on.”
“What happened?” Coran asked, looking up at her from the bowl he had begun to scrub.
She shook her head. “Nothing bad, for the longest time.” Phari paused. “Well, that isn’t… entirely true. We did find out that I was unable to have kids, but you knew about that. He didn’t let it get to me. And so we kept on living. And then…then he…”
Phari stopped, her paw shaking as she carefully eased a cabinet door closed.
“He started to go sailing,” she finally let out. “And he loved it. He’d be gone for a week at a time, but he’d always come back with that same dopey grin I’d come to love. And he’d come with so many tales and stories of things he’d done in the wonderful lands he’d sailed to. He always offered to take me with him, but…” She let out a quiet laugh. “The open sea is a scary thing, isn’t it?”
Coran stopped and thought about it. “I wouldn’t know,” he said after some deliberation. “I’ve never really been out at sea before. Have you?”
Phari shook her head. “No, but the thought of it shakes me up quite a bit. Just imagining miles after miles of water in every single direction, with who-knows-what lurking in the freezing depths below you… If your boat sinks, you’re more or less… You’re more or less done for, aren’t you?”
Her voice faltered, and she leaned against the kitchen counter as her eyes lowered. “…You’re done for.”
Coran stared at her for a moment, the pit in his stomach from earlier flying up into his throat. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? “Phari…”
“He’s been gone for ten years, Coran.” Her voice trembled slightly. “I’ve been wrestling with the truth for such a long time. Ten years, I’ve been running possibilities through my head, and…none of them are pleasant. None of them.”
Coran’s first instinct was to tell her not to lose hope. That Cappy was still out there, that he was still alive. That he could feel it. But the more he thought about it, the crueller that option became. She was already hoping. She had done it for ten years. Coran could only imagine how long ten years could feel when you’re waiting for someone to come back. Telling her that Cappy would come back would be beyond despicable. But what else could he say?
“It’s alright, Coran.” Phari said, placing a flipper on his shoulder. “ I know already. I… I’ve known for nine years. I didn’t want to face it, but…I don’t know if I really have much of a choice anymore. It’s just hurting me more than helping me at this point, I just…I need to come to terms with it. I need to face it.”
“I…I apologize, Coran,” she continued, wiping her eyes as she looked up at him. “I shouldn’t be in this sort of state when I’m hosting a friend.”
“No, I-” Coran cut himself off. “This… I can’t say I understand what you’re going through. Not entirely. But I think that what you and Cappy did have was something extraordinary. And if you’re going to be remembering anything, you should remember that.”
Phari held his gaze but didn’t say a word. He continued.
“I think I told you, but I’m not really from here. I haven’t seen my family in months, and I don’t even know if they know I’m gone. And…” And what? Coran thought to himself. You’ve barely thought about them. “I think the fact that you’re feeling so awful about this says so much about what you did have. The fact that you’ve fallen so far means that you had to have been on the top of the world. The fact that you’ve been thinking about him for ten years says that you love him, that you value him, that you were important to each other’s lives. I think…it would have been worse, if…if you didn’t miss him. If you just kept going, kept living your life for months on end, without…without giving them a single thought. With just distracting yourself with other things, letting them fade away because you simply don’t care enough. You don’t…”
You’re not talking about Phari anymore.
Coran fell silent.
“Coran?” Phari had worked herself to a stand. “Are you alright?” He slowly shook his head. “I’m here for you, Phari. I want to help you.“ The atmosphere hung in the room, swaying softly from the ceiling. Back and forth, back and forth. Phari looked past Coran to the large window facing towards the fiery sea. The sound of the waves, though quiet, lapped gently against the shore beneath the cape. And beyond, the reflection of the setting sun shimmered dimly, skipping across the waves as a gentle breeze worked its way to the shore.
“I’ve known this for a while, Coran.” Phari began to walk past him, still staring out the window. “What Cappy and I had was truly wonderful. But the sooner that I come to terms with it being over…the sooner I can move on.” Her steps were slow, almost as if she were being guided. Bending down, she picked up the guitar that had been leaning up against the coffee table and walked towards the patio door to the left.
“I think I’m going to go sit outside for a moment,” she said, her voice just above a whisper. “You’re free to join if you want, Coran.”
Coran slid off the chair and shuffled beside Phari as she stopped, looking outside. He hesitated for just an instant, then he hugged her. “I have to get going anyway, Phari,” Coran said. “But you’re a friend to me, Phari. If you ever need me again, please write. Or even if you just want me to visit.” He paused. “Alright?”
Phari froze up for a moment but squeezed Coran back. “I will.”
Eventually, she separated and floated out onto the patio. The door hung open, a warm wind wafting into the house, along with the unsteady yet gentle notes of a picking guitar.
A deep sigh escaped Squirtle’s lips as she looked out over the ocean. She’d spent a lot of time sleeping. Probably more than was healthy. She’d spent more time looking inwards at herself than she had since she had first left home. And this time she didn’t really have much more to show for it than worried employees and wasted time.
She closed her eyes for a moment before focusing them back on the rocky cliffs and the orange coast beyond. If she imagined hard enough she could visualize bubbles being blown across the horizon, the translucent film sparkling in the setting sun like she’d heard about so many times before. Krabby always used to come out and blow bubbles, her mom had told her. It was one of her fondest memories of the western continent, she’d said.
Startled, Squirtle stood up from her perch on the rock to see Coran approaching her like she were a feral. He didn’t really look the best of sorts, either.
“Hey, Coran,” she said, giving him a small smile. “How’ve you been holding up the past week?”
“Uh…things have been kind of tough, but we’re managing,” Coran said. He was looking at her from the side, as if examining her. She couldn’t really blame him, though. She was pretty sure nobody saw her come out here to Sunset Beach, and she’d basically been a cryptid lately.
“How was your ‘mission’?” she continued.
“…Kind of taxing, actually,” Coran mumbled. “Phari’s been having personal problems, and… They kind of got me thinking about myself.”
Squirtle motioned for him to come closer. “What do you mean?”
Coran, inching closer, sat down on the sand below the rock Squirtle lied on. “It’s not important. Just had me thinking about my past. Or lack of it, I guess.”
“The human stuff?”
He sighed. “I know you don’t really like talking about that.”
This put Squirtle off. She supposed it did kind of weird her out a bit - it wasn’t exactly a common occurrence, having a human turn into a Pokémon, and sometimes the ‘Coran is crazy’ thought bubbled up into her consciousness. But she pushed it out. He’d been working for her for months, and he’d shown that he was a hard worker, and was dedicated to proving himself to Squirtle. And honestly, she considered him a friend. That wasn’t wrong, right? And she wanted friends to feel safe talking to her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Isn’t there more important things we should be talking about?” Coran asked. “Like, the cause of you being in your room all week?”
Squirtle flinched. “I was…I was thinking.”
“About the whole ‘save the world’ thing?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m just seventeen. I’m not even that strong. My only reason for hiring you in the first place was because I can’t fight at all. I’m not that smart, I’m not fast, or cunning. Literally the only thing I am good at is managing a business and given my track record of previous partners I’m not even sure I do that right.”
Coran looked up at her, his mouth hanging open as if he were to say something, but nothing came out. “I mean I was basically comatose the entire week,” she said with a sigh. “I just ate and slept and thought. It…” She let out a little chuckle. “It probably wasn’t good for my health. But…but the more I thought about it, the more I just thought about my family. And…” She laughed again. “I just kind of find it all fitting, I guess?”
“…Your family?” Coran echoed.
“I guess I haven’t really told you about them, have I?” Squirtle said, looking down at Coran. “I grew up in Coastline, on the far west of the Eastern Continent - that’s the one we’re on. Adopted by my mom, Judy, and my dad, Barry. Blastoise and Feraligatr, respectively. I was the youngest.” She looked back over the ocean. “Youngest of three, for the first five years of my life. In a family of Water-Types. As an Eevee. I felt kind of…too normal, for lack of a better word. I saw my siblings making blades out of water, freezing stuff, taking huge bites. Leonard was training to be a battler, and you should have seen the bites he took out of the punching bags Dad kept getting him. And here I was, scratching and tackling my little heart out.”
Squirtle frowned as she recalled. “I never thought I’d be anything, watching Leonard and Trish grow up. They could do things with water, and I was just…I was just normal. So one day, when I heard how unstable Eevees apparently were, I got super excited. They can turn into nine separate evolutions! Nine!” She smiled wistfully. “So I went out one day, looking for a Water Stone. I packed up all my things, and I set out. I was gone for three days, just looking for my ticket to be good, be tough. Eventually I ran out of food, and had to come home with my tail between my legs. And man, was I in trouble.”
Realizing about halfway through the story that she was more talking about herself than her family, she laughed again. “Mom grounded me for three weeks. And then she told me that… I guess, that I shouldn’t take the easy way out of improving myself, just by evolving? I don’t think she really knows how ‘easy’ it was, honestly. It wasn’t a cakewalk looking for the Water Stone! I wanted to be strong. And I went out, all on my own, because I wanted that so bad. I didn’t care how dangerous it was, or what’d happen, but I wanted something really bad, and I wasn’t going to let something like common sense stop me then.”
“I think I’ve been thinking too hard, if I’m gonna be honest with myself,” she finished. “I might not think I’m the one for the job, but I want this world to exist tomorrow more than I wanted to evolve back then. So I’m going to stay determined, and I’m going to try.”
Squirtle turned to face him. “I still don’t think I’m very strong. I’m still not sure if I’m going to be able to help at all. But I’m going to try. I’m going to try for you, for Monty, for Mew, and my family.”
Coran didn’t respond at first, looking down at his lap. Finally, he gave a quiet nod. “Yeah.”
Her face fell, her emotion quickly turning to concern. “Things will be okay,” she said. “We’ll all be okay.”
Start at the beginning
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seaalgae · 4 years
Update... 2!!!
Sword again, featuring DREAMS and ADVENTURES and A SMALL AMOUNT OF SOCIOPOLITICAL COMMENTARY i mean what no not really
Starts with HOP an MIA having apparently BONDED with their starters, which Lee APPROVES of. He offers to judge their first battle as Rivals:tm:
It's gonna be tacklespam let's be real
Vs Wooloo
(unlimited tackle works)
Vs Grookey
(We Ember now)
(yes hop i already knew about type advantages)
It's an easy win, and can't *not* be one
And now Hop wants to do the GYM CHALLENGE, proving that he is a JOCK. I do not yet know Mia's alignment but she's probably LESS SPORTY. They go to Route 2 to get POKEDEXES.
It's the earlygame there is not a whole lot I can talk about. But now I can finally SAVE
Also the Wooloo broke through the GATE to MEET ITS DESTINY, so of course we had to save it to keep our share of the plot as it is. Also Hop wants to BE A HERO and Mia IS JUST THERE FOR THE RIDE
(for all the fear the wilds are level 2)
There's An Awoo and we all rush off to check, because of course we are. HOP runs off into the mist like a true horror protag. We follow him. AND THEN WE SPOT A PUPPY AND PET IT. THE END
we pet it with our attacks, but none of its attacks work at all, ever, and the fog keeps happening, and eventually we WIPE and wake up outside the woods. Leon finds us, proving perhaps that he is NOT pants with DIRECTIONS. Yet another lie.
Also he saved the Wooloo, because this is his game and we're just spectating.
Anyway it's time to TALK TO MOM and SET OUT ON AN ADVENTURE
"Remember that Scorbunny will battle to the end for you" mom no
Anyway on route 1 there's a sleeping Wooloo line and I'm 100% not waking them.
First catch: Lump (female Blipbug, quirky, level 4)
Anyway the lab is in town and OH MY GOD MAGNOLIA HAS A CORGI
Enter SONIA, the character that 90% of wlw are into, except LEON forgot to drink his daily Respect Women Juice today so he just roasts her. Except she was LEON'S RIVAL and thus can probably kick all sorts of ass on her own. Spoilers: she parallels HOP
The PHONE is forcibly converted into the ROTOMDEX FROM GEN 7. Somehow they've started to MASS PRODUCE ROTOM, probably through BREEDING. Instead of ecological collapse it just means EVERYONE HAS ROTOM, and when they get released they go on to DEVASTATE THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT. I am forced to speculate that this was the catalyst for Galar banning any and all potentially invasive species, and now the royals have switched over fully to ROTOM REMOVAL. Instead of foxes or something i guess?
my hand hurts so I'm stopping for now byeee
cont'd from last night
Okay so I apparently left off at the lab? And on stepping outside A RANDOM STRANGER gives us a POTION, which is ACTUALLY A BIT SKETCHY. He then tells you to TALK TO EVERYONE, which is some kind of INTROVERT NIGHTMARE, so we will be NOT doing that.
Now for the important part: CLOTHES SHOPPING. Mia's look is now that of a LAZY STUDENT, namely, jeans, hoodie, hat
Hop then meets us at the edge of town to discuss the GYM CHALLENGE, which is the ONLY WAY to socially rise in Galar's HELLISH POST-CAPITALIST MONARCHY. He tells you that both of you should get ENDORSEMENTS in order to be rivals, and that means going to ROUTE 2 to be endorsed by PROFESSOR MAGNOLIA
Hop wisely decides to BUILD HIS TEAM, which leads to LEON coming out of nowhere in order to offer a CATCHING TUTORIAL, because he's looking out for his brother under a guise of obfuscating stupidity. I am hereby imagining that the two TEASE ONE ANOTHER about THINGS
Our catch? Stanley (male zigzagoon, careful, level 6)
I fucking love galaran zigzagoon, but now it's grind time
Also we get our first TRAINER BATTLE partway through; a youngster with a SKWOVET. We fight it with STANLEY until he needs to switch, then KICKS takes over. All in all, a good time.
The same happens with a SECOND TRAINER, who has CHEWTLE, and is dispatched in much the same way.
Third trainer has a blipbug and gets embered. Quite thrilling.
Now we have the FIRST HINTS OF THE PLOT, where LEON is asking MAGNOLIA about DYNAMAX SCIENCE. MAGNOLIA says that her daughter will probably finish her work, which is OMINOUS. She INVITES YOU IN for TEA AND SCIENCE. Leon proves his HIMBO NATURE by relating everything back to BATTLES, and Hop asks Magnolia to consider convincing Leon to endorse them, despite the fact that he's LITERALLY RIGHT THERE. Leon reveals that he'd planned to do that anyway and asks the two to BATTLE to show that they're good enough.
The battle happens at SUNSET, which is RAD.
VS HOP: Stanley vs Wooloo: Leer/tackle -> tackle/growl, tackle/tackle, tackle KO
Stanley vs Grookey (switch to Kicks)/branch poke, ember (burn)/branch poke, ember KO
Kicks vs Rookidee Quick attack/peck, Quick attack KO
Battle WON
Hop handles the win MATURELY, and then LEON gives them both an ENDORSEMENT (though Leon notes that HOP has a habit of getting stuck on the aesthetiques). The two are ready to be RIVALS.
AND THEN a meteor happens and they both get WISHING STARS, which can be made into DYNAMAX BANDS. The timing is FORTUITOUS. SONIA appears, congratulates them, and then makes CURRY, and the party goes to bed, happy, full, and filled with purpose
Thus ends the first arc of this anime.
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