arjunasearth · 2 months
The older I get, the more I am learning from children.
I have been working with children as a caregiver for almost 14 years -practically for half of my life. They have always been a part of my life. They are the true healers because they continously teach me to reaccess my inner child energy. To be joyous towards life, no matter how hard it may get. To never stop playing or being foolish. To keep taking risks, being courageous and to go for adventures. To collect things in Nature and dance. To move, to shake my body out and to laugh, to cry,to feel my emotions on the full spectrum. To never lose hope and to keep my dreams big. To follow my intuition and to speak and act from the heartcenter. To cherish Nature and to dance to the rhythm of life. To get creative whenever I can and to never lose connection to my creative energy, which is the Source of my Being. They truly are healers. And I am so grateful for having them in my life, for their lessons , for their reminder to always realign with my inner child, to see her smile. To be there for her. To reparent myself. Cause I know that when she is smiling and truly happy, than I am , too.
~She is me and I am her.~
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