pinchangnet · 5 years
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#konabowl #chubbysdiner * 20代から行ってるハワイ、OafuもBigIslandもなんとなく網羅していますが、ココのグレービーソースが一番‼️ * このCHUBBYS DINERというお店、ボーリング場に隣接してるので、その中にはゲームセンター、カラオケボックス、クラブも隣接。 * ココはロコにとっての遊技場なのですね🎵 * #hawaii #bigisland #ハワイ島 #ビッグアイランド #ボーリング場 #ロコモコ #locomoco (Chubby's Diner at the Avalux Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0P92t0JwZn/?igshid=z89kx1m3vdhv
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robbie-iger · 7 years
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Chubby's Diner... this diner is straight outta a Quentin Tarantino movie... "you ready honey bunny?" Lol #chubbysdiner #pulpdiner #california #robbieiger (at Chubby's Diner)
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parkalos6 · 7 years
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#perfect #pattymelt #chubbysdiner #scottsvalley #dinerfood #foodie #foodporn #sourdough #onions #gayboyadventures #jedtraveladventures (at Chubby's Diner)
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thesocialmuse-blog · 7 years
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The Social Muse celebrates National Cheeseburger Day AND singles week! Woot woot! Cheers to good 🍔 burgers and being single! You can sign up for The Singles Project at facebook.com/thesocialmuse #cheeseburger #nomnomnom #sogood #chubbysdiner #cheeseburgerday #singlesweek #singleswithcheeseburgers #singleswholovecheeseburgers (at Chubby's Diner)
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queenofharts310 · 7 years
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The Social Muse celebrates National Cheeseburger Day AND singles week! Woot woot! Cheers to good 🍔 burgers and being single! You can sign up for The Singles Project at facebook.com/thesocialmuse #cheeseburger #nomnomnom #sogood #chubbysdiner #cheeseburgerday #singlesweek #singleswithcheeseburgers #singleswholovecheeseburgers (at Chubby's Diner)
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