#codependent freaks with a deathwish <3
bloodfreak-boyking · 3 months
things that make me aboslutely batshit insane about this scene:
1.) sam being so willing to just straight up kill himself (i love u martyr boy <3)
2.) dean's absolute REFUSAL of that plan (the very soft way he says "for the last time, no" to sam when its just the two of them - i could survive on that alone for eternity)
3.) dean is willing to give up his most PRIZED POSSESSION, HIS PRECIOUS IMPALA, to a COMPLETE STRANGER, bc he's not leaving sam here alone to die
4.) sam trying so hard to get dean to leave, to get dean to live (but ultimately failing because if sam isn't alive dean doesn't want to be either in fact he'll make sure he isn't either)
5.) dean trying to use humor to make this all seem so casual once they're alone, as if he isn't sacrificing his life for the sake of his brother
I truly believe that if Sam was infected and Dean did have to kill him, he'd pull him into a big ol' bear hug, press their faces together cheek to cheek, put the gun at his temple, and pull the trigger to shoot both of them in the head simultaneously.
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