#could he replicate the same dollar bill over and over again? or would they automatically generate new numbers?
sylvies-kablooie · 3 months
rules of loki's conjuration magic
what can and can't he conjure up?
we know he can conjure fireworks, we see kid loki conjure up a sword, and loki summons that blanket him and sylvie cuddle under. but when it comes to conjuring the tickets for the train on lamentis, he couldn't do it.
my interpretation has always been "he can conjure stuff that he can picture" which SOUNDS pretty solid in theory- after all, a blanket and fireworks are pretty easy to imagine, and he never saw the tickets, so there's no way for him to know what they look like
but also that opens the door to the same problem that people encounter when trying to draw a duck from memory, which is that it turns out ducks are kinda hard to remember all the details of, and he would end up with a weird sort of duck creature but not quite an actual one
(although i used duck for this example just because it is the first thing that came to mind, conjuring up living things seems like it would be its own kind of power akin to wanda's children- we never see loki conjure anything living beyond duplication casting, which is its own separate thing, so i don't THINK he could conjure a duck, but just walk with my example here. you think you know what a Thing looks like until you realize you don't.)
does the ability to conjure something come from visualizing it? or using it beforehand? had he known that blanket and therefore it was easy to summon up? where is it coming from? are the fireworks actually an illusion but the blanket and sword were Very Real?
is there a consensus or is this another topic of highly academic debate in the loki world?
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