#ct: techie tots
ambitionsource · 4 years
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Hi guys and Jade I just want to say you’re awesome I love your energy! Jade your smile is so beautiful and you’re out here doing the most! So I drew this!
Nate: YOOOOOOO y’all check this out! We’ve been recreated!!
Jade: Aw, omg. That’s so nice. I don’t think I’ve ever been drawn before. Thank you! And thanks for the compliment about my smile.
Jeff: This is tight, dude. Nice work!
Dave: Look, they included my sunglasses. Bitchin’.
Nate: Are y’all bitches looking at my cheekbones?! I’m like fucking Adonis.
Jade: Mm, I’d say Narcissus.
Nate: I know you’re insulting me in nerd speak, but I don’t care. I can’t when I look this good in real life and image form!
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ambitionsource · 4 years
have any of you ever run into a teacher outside of school hours?
Nate: Thankfully, no. None of them would be up running around in my neighborhood anyway, least of all Jack or Eric. I think Harper lives up there, but we’ve yet to cross paths.
Jeff: One time I ran into Harper at the grocery store after school. She was chill about it. I think she was buying avocados.
Dave: Yum.
Nate: How fresh and hip of her.
Jade: I’ve never run into them either, but I did see Harley at the movies once. That was crazy.
Dave: Lucky...
Jade: I think he was there with his family. Wife, couple of kids --
Nate, Dave: He has a family?!
Jeff: No. He just lives in the halls of AAA day in and day out like a ghost.
Nate: If I wasn’t just told otherwise, I’d believe you.
Dave: I ran into Jack and Eric together this summer when getting coffee for my mom this one time. It was so weird, cause they weren’t dressed for school and stuff. Like, Jack was wearing a t-shirt.
Nate: That’s so wrong.
Dave: They didn’t seem to be doing work either. It kind of looked like they were just hanging out.
Jeff: Well, they do work together so much. It’s good that they’re friends and no longer at each other’s throats all the time.
Jade: At least, better for the school.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
funniest memory with the techie tots?
Jeff: There are so many. There’s no way to choose one. After four years, it’s like we have a whole portfolio.
Nate: I never laugh more than when I’m with the crew. These bitches are hysterical.
Dave: One I remember is when we were doing parkour -- there’s this rule in techie crew that when “Turn Down For What” comes on the techie playlist shuffle, Dylan, me, and Nate stop what we’re doing and just go batshit for 5 minutes.
Jade: That’s not a rule. That’s just something stupid you all do.
Dave: Dylan is basically a gymnast, he can do like cartwheels and flips and stuff like that. So he’ll always start doing parkour basically, and then Nate and I will try to copy him -- but it doesn’t usually work. Nate is more defensive about it than I am.
Nate: No I am not!
Jeff: So one time in sophomore year, Nate’s trying to imitate Dylan doing this backhand spring, and totally crash and burn. Fucked up his ankle, I think you sprained it? Anyway, he gets in a world of hurt, and Isadora comes back like “WHAT THE FUCK, YOU GUYS. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE PAINTING THE SET PIECE.” But what was funny about it was that Nate the whole entire time, ankle swelling and tears on his face even as they were carting him to the ER, was like I’m FINE. I’m FINE you all are overreacting, I’m not a little bitch, I can handle this. I’m FINE!!!
Nate: Well, I was fine!
Jade: Another good one that doesn’t involve bodily injury is during our first ever techie hang out, Lucas came up with the idea that we should imitate the performers. This is kind of something we do often now at hang outs --
Dave: And Lucas always plays his harmonica to underscore, which is so funny --
Jade: But at this point, it was just like charades basically. So we put all our names and classmates’ names into Lucas’s snapback, and one by one drew people and had to imitate them. And it was just really funny.
Nate: I remember Dylan got Asher’s name -- and remember, this is before they really knew each other, but they definitely already liked each other -- and he just zipped away and disappeared upstairs for like five minutes. So we were all confused, but then he comes back down wearing the sweater he helped Asher store upstairs so it wouldn’t get dog hair on it, and he’s combed his hair up all nice super quickly, and he rushes back in out of breath and in this perfect imitation of Asher’s nervous voice, was just like “I’m so so sorry I’m late!” And we all just lost it.
Jade: God, Asher was so embarrassed. I’ve never seen his cheeks so red.
Jeff: But he liked it.
Jade: Oh, he totally did. And I mean, look at them now.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
jade, who's your favorite performer to make costumes for?
Jade: Hmm... honestly, whoever is the least dramatic about it. So like, Haley, Clarissa, Nigel, Riley. It’s also nice when I have comfortable rapport with them, so that when I’m taking measurements and stuff or hemming while they’re trying it on, we can chat rather than me just... pinning in silence.
Nate: What, Maya’s not your fave? How could that be?
Jade: I’m not acknowledging that question by giving it an answer.
Nate: Yeah, well, Nigel would be your favorite, wouldn’t he? With his perfect neck ratio --
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ambitionsource · 4 years
the people wanna know - what happened at the last techie hangout??
Jeff: Sorry this took so long. We broke for dinner and then Jade reminded us that we were supposed to organize our spaces in the auditorium while we were here today.
Nate: Of course, she chose to remember this... after most of the day.
Jade: Well sorry! If we don’t do it at all, Asher would’ve been so upset, so best we just tidied up our things now.
Dave: Anyway, what did happen at the last techie hangout? It can’t have been too eventful.
Nate: Well, depends which combo of us you mean. The reason you don’t remember all eight of us is because, yeah, it was uneventful. We went out for tacos.
Jeff: So good.
Nate: The reason you don’t remember the last tots hang out, like us and Dylan and Asher, is because we were in your basement and you were high as fuck.
Jade: Yes, I remember it well. I remember because I ranted about the divas for like thirty minutes and I still feel the invigorating rush a week later.
Nate: Buzzed Jade is so great, y’all. Her filter disappears and she tells you exactly how she feels. There you go, Jade, we can just get you zooted right before you tell Maya off. Mission accomplished.
Jade: Yeah, no way that’s happening.
Dave: Are you sure? I don’t remember any of that. Where were Dylan and Asher? Usually I remember Dylan because he does something kooky.
Nate: Asher was there. Usually when we spark up, it’s just you, me, him, and Jeff. But no, Asher was there this time. So what do you think he was doing, Dave?
Dave: Ummmmmmm...
Jade: Kissing, Dave. They spent the entire time kissing.
Jeff: It’s honestly impressive. Usually Asher is so careful about that sort of thing, but it’s like you lower his inhibitions a little bit and he doesn’t give one solitary shit. His main priority becomes very clear.
Nate: Well, supposedly Dyl is the kissing expert.
Jade: Forget the kissing. I got to shit talk Maya! That is what matters!
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ambitionsource · 4 years
who's your least favorite performer?
Jeff: Maya.
Jade: Maya.
Dave: Maya.
Nate: Sarah. Not to break rank, but at least Maya is talented. Sarah is a bitch with absolutely no credit to back it.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
what's each of your favorite comfort foods? and what do y'all do to destress after a particularly rough day dealing with performers?
Dave: Mmmm. Food.
Jeff: Doughnuts without a doubt. I love it on dress rehearsal days where we’re there on weekends and Eric usually brings the techies a couple boxes of them because we’re working so hard and he wants to make sure we’re fed. I eat like 5 of them.
Nate: Well, that’s partially because you’re sitting around in the lighting booth rather than busting your ass building like us.
Jeff: And?
Jade: My comfort food is macaroni and cheese. Can’t go wrong with mac and cheese. And to destress, I usually bundle up in my comfiest clothes and watch a lot of feel-good TV. Queer Eye is a go-to, but I also like rewatching Gilmore Girls.
Nate: I’m a bubble bath man myself. Suds it up, baby. And my comfort food is pork dumplings. I could eat a boatload of those and never get sick of ‘em. Especially if they’re from this awesome Chinese place in my neighborhood.
Dave: My favorite food is soup.
Nate: Just soup? You gonna elaborate?
Dave: Just soup. Although chicken pot pie is a close second.
Jeff: To destress, I usually shoot hoops in my driveway. I’m not good at it, I should be clear.
Nate: He’s not. Dave and I cream him and Dylan every time we do 2v2.
Jeff: But just throwing the ball over and over gets out that anxious energy. Plus it makes me look active and cool, which is never a loss.
Nate: What about you, Dave? How do you destress?
Dave: I don’t really get stressed.
Jade: God, I want your mind.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
Dear techie tots can I ask who your favorite performer and staff member is?
@amarakaran asked: who's your favorite performer?
Jeff: Okay, performers first. Sound off!
Nate: Yindra.
Dave: Yogi.
Jade: Nigel and Riley.
Jeff: Mine is Zay, Yindra runner-up. Haley and Clarissa also acceptable.
Nate: Agreed.
Jade: And faculty?
Dave: Janitor Harley.
Jeff: Norton, the science and math teacher. He’s actually... a good teacher. And he comes to all the shows to support us without needing a child in the cast.
Nate: Mine’s Shawn, cause he’s such a clusterfuck.
Jade: And mine is Counselor Eric, because I think his job is the most important in the school. Without him, we would’ve burned down a long time ago.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
do you guys have any like bucket list items of stuff you want to do before senior year is over?
anonymous asked: What's something you want to do before graduation?
Jeff: We don’t have anything officially, but that’s a great idea.
Nate: My biggest goal is that I want to break Dylan’s record for how many sticky notes he’s stuck to Shawn’s back in a class period without him noticing. He bested mine last year, so now the competition is really heating up.
Jade: Once, just once, I’d like to stand up to Maya. I know it would never happen, but if I could just... make her listen and point out that I know what the hell I’m doing, I don’t need her input! That would be...
Nate: Iconic.
Jade: Sure.
Dave: My goal is to have corn chips at lunch every day.
Jeff: ... that’s nice, Dave. Any reason?
Dave: I like corn chips.
Nate: Fair enough.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
dave, how'd you get so buff? what's your secret?
Dave: I’m buff?
Nate: Dude, you’re like, a brick. You’re five thousand feet tall and have big ass shoulders.
Dave: Oh. Didn’t notice.
Jade: So what’s your secret?
Dave: Not knowing, I guess.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
supreme overlord nate how are you what did u get up to this summer
Nate: Now this, this is what I’m talking about. Supreme overlord. Dig that!
Jeff: God.
Nate: No, supreme overlord. But I’ll accept God as well.
Dave: I thought Dylan was God. Because of all his weird prophetic dreams.
Jade: They’re not prophetic, Dave. They’re just weird.
Dave: Maybe...
Nate: Okay HELLO. This question is about ME. I had a great summer. The crew hung out, I played hella GTA and Overwatch, and me and my family took a rare vacation. Which, to my family, means we went to Coney Island for the millionth time.
Jeff: Well, that’s nice.
Nate: Sure, but mark my words, when I start bringing home bank we’re going on a real vacation. If I don’t get Mama Martinez sunbathing on the Virgin Islands or wearing those ridiculous mouse ears at Disney World, then I’ll have failed as a son.
Jade: Aw, that’s really nice. How human of you, Nate.
Nate: ... okay don’t get it twisted, you’re going to ruin my rep.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
if you could get rid of any staff member at AAA who would u pick
Jade: Cory.
Dave: Cory.
Jeff: Cory.
Nate: Cornelius.
Jeff: If you had asked us freshman year, we might have said Shawn, because we know he’s incompetent. But he’s grown on us now. He’s been here since the start for us, and honestly he has kind of grown with us too.
Jade: He is somewhat more aware and helpful than he was then. Like at least now, if we ask him for stuff we need a faculty to help with, like getting the school credit card checked out or paperwork and stuff, he’ll do it no questions asked.
Nate: Except that time I wanted to check out the credit card for “personal reasons.” No, that he had to question.
Jeff: With good reason.
Dave: But Shawn is cool. He’s like that uncle who shows up every holiday a little drunk and never brings us presents, but we still like him.
Nate: Matthews, on the other hand, is some shit. I can’t believe Counselor E is his brother when their capabilities as human beings are like... so opposite on the spectrum of decent.
Jade: I felt a little bad when he was going through the divorce stuff, because I know how much it affected Riley. We could all tell.
Nate: Can’t believe they’re related either.
Jade: But the way he teaches is just so... bad. Like, sure, he’s decent I guess in the grand scheme of things -- and no one really cares about English or history here anyway -- but how he treats Dylan and Dave is so fucked up. Any teacher who actively belittles his students for being a bit behind the curve is a bad teacher. End of discussion.
Jeff: I see Asher’s ranting is contagious. You sound exactly like him.
Nate: God, most instant way to trigger feral Asher. He hates him so much. It’s hysterical.
Jeff: But I agree, it’s not cool. Education is only effective if it’s equitable and helps all students, including and especially those who need a little more attention. All Cory does is give the students who don’t need help the basics and calls it a day.
Nate: Dave? Care to comment?
Dave: Huh? Oh, sorry, I was thinking about Rocket Power. You all remember that show?
Jeff: How did you end up there? ... well, I don’t know why I still bother to ask --
Dave: I don’t know. Whenever Cory comes up I just immediately tune out.
Nate: That tracks. As is your right, Davis.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
dave, is ice-t actually your godfather?
Dave: Yeah. Why do people never believe me when I say stuff?
Jeff: Some people just aren’t ready for your special delivery, D.
Jade: And every answer you give somehow leads to another question...
Dave: He calls me Ice-D. He and my parents are tight. They met on the set of Law and Order SVU.
Nate: ... doing what? I didn’t know your parents were in show business.
Dave: They’re not.
Jade: So they met because...
Dave: Oh. My mom was filling in for one of her actor friends.
Jeff: Oh, no way. What role did she play? Could we watch the episode?
Dave: For sure. She’s only in a couple scenes though. She played the dead body.
Nate: There it is.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
favorite disney channel original movie?
Jeff: Good thing Lucas isn’t here. We’re basically single-handedly teaching him about movies. He’s like a martian.
Dave: My favorite is Teen Beach Movie. I just think it’s neat.
Jade: Mine is Lemonade Mouth. When Mo sang “She’s So Gone...” I felt that.
Jeff: Mine would have to be Smart House. That is so classic. It’s one of the best films ever and totally predicted AI.
Nate: It’s all about Cheetah Girls 2, y’all. If I could have the techies perform any number post-Dancing Queen, it would be for me, Jeff, Dave, and Dylan to do “Amigas Cheetahs” and have Asher come in as the Belinda role. Now that would be worthy of the Kossal program or beating Haverford at the showdown.
Jeff: Who’s who?
Nate: I’m Galleria obviously. Dave is Aqua. Dyl can be Chanel, who gets distracted by Belinda -- i.e. Asher -- and you’re Dorinda because you can dance.
Jade: You’ve given this a lot of thought.
Nate: Maybe...
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ambitionsource · 4 years
if y'all had to switch places with a performer for a day, who would it be and why?
anonymous asked: if you could swap lives with one of the performers for a day, who would you swap with?
Nate: Hard-hitting questions, huh? The people want to know.
Jade: Do we have to...
Jeff: I would swap with Zay, I feel like it’s the least risky. He’s well-liked, he’s talented, we have similar family dynamics. I could survive a day in his shoes.
Nate: I would choose Farkle. Not because I want to experience his hell brain, but he is loaded. Just to blow through his wealth for one day would be the best experience of my life. I think I could manage not to want to off myself that long.
Jade: I think I would go with Clarissa? But it’s honestly easier to say who I wouldn’t go with.
Nate: Oh, yeah.
Jade: Not Farkle, because of the... well, you know. Not Maya, because I don’t even want to tread the waters of being such a bitch.
Nate: Same for Sarah, then.
Jade: Not Nigel, because that would be... too weird. For me. And not Riley, because no way could you get me to kiss Lucas.
Dave: I’m definitely picking Maya.
Jeff: That so?
Dave: Yeah. I would love to see how the world looks from all the way down there.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
okey guys, out of the techies who’s more likely to: rule the world, kill a performer, join a gang, puke on stage and be famous
Jeff: Oh nice. Love stuff like this.
Nate: Rule the world... me, obviously.
Jade: If we’re in your world, I’m leaving.
Nate: Rude.
Jade: Besides, the answer is obviously Isadora.
Jeff: Yeah, sorry Nate.
Nate: Damn it, Isa...
Dave: Kill a performer... I don’t think any of us are murderers?
Jade: No, but Asher has come close.
Nate: You wouldn’t think it. He’s deceptively demure.
Jeff: But he would love to kill Maya.
Nate: Oh, yeah. More than anything.
Jade: I think he could get away with it too.
Nate: Join a gang...
Dave: I am in a gang.
Jeff: Dave, for the last time, the techie crew is not a gang.
Dave: That’s what you think.
Jade: I guess the answer is Dave, though he wouldn’t realize he joined it.
Nate: Puke on stage?
Jeff: Jade.
Dave: Jade.
Jade: Me. Please don’t ever put me on stage.
Nate: And be famous? If you don’t say me you’re wrong!
Jade: It’s not you.
Nate: I hate you.
Jeff: It’s Dylan. He’s literally already semi-famous.
Dave: What’s his channel up to now? Like 30,000 subscribers or something?
Nate: It’s been climbing steadily all summer. I can’t believe that many people out there know of him. It must make Maya so pissed, knowing that Dyl Pickle is more famous than her. And just for being his weirdo self.
Jeff: Well, he is one of a kind.
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