#da9 quark
markermonarchy · 11 months
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Quark (again)
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5lazarus · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
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one more scene and the Jane Austen Book Club will be done!
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Commander Sisko is in need of a good fuck. Skrain Dukat believes he is just the man for the job. Absolutely everyone else disagrees.
“You see, my dear Julian,” Garak says, eyes widening over his Tarkalean tea, “a certain someone sent him a copy of that lovely novel you lent me, and he does believe it is meant as a model of, ah—“
“Human mating practices,” Julian says, horrified.
Garak closes his eyes, inclines his head, and smiles. “Yes. Now, how he arrived at that misconception is neither here nor there.”
“You told him,” Julian says.
Garak widens his eyes and inclines his head. “Now, your Jane Austen writes a society that is…familiar to certain Cardassian cultural practices.”
“The bickering as a lead up to sex, yes,” Julian says. Garak pauses. Julian says, “What? I read about it.”
Garak does not even attempt to suppress a smirk. “What book?” he asks, faux-suspicious.
Julian colors, and continues, “So, a certain someone, who is certainly not a spy masquerading as a tailor, slipped Jane Austen’s seminal text Pride & Prejudice into Gul Dukat’s PADD when he showed up at the station after we accidentally set off the emergency self-destruct system. As an insider look into human mating culture. And now he’s convinced this is going to get Commander Sisko to fuck him.”
Garak says, “Yes, isn’t it delightful?”
Julian picks up his tea and smiles over the rim. “Oh yes,” he says. “Commander Sisko is going to kill us both!”
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mrspockomakeitso · 4 years
Ok but I love how protective Quark is of Nog and Rom. As much as he teased them and as snippy as he can get sometimes, he really, really cares and he's always the first one to jump in when one of them is in Real Trouble.
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jimkirkbootybitch · 5 years
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Some Deep Space Nine props from the Star Trek 50th Exhibition, including the Bajoran Compass, gold pressed latinum, and Dabo chips.
I love the detail added to the Dabo chips. Never would there be a reason for us to see them up close like this, and yet there the horrible gremlin is.
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