#dad!mark estapa
letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Chapter two— road trips and quiet mornings
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Au Masterlist!!
“You are sure you packed everything?” Philippe asked rummaging through Florence’s diaper bag once again, his tone slightly panicked as he watch her begin packing her small duffle bag for her own clothes. “Yes Phil, we have everything, you checked twice already” She stopped in her tracks to get him to look at her for a sec, her hands squeezing his shoulders as she looked at his worried face, “we are only going two hours away from town, for three days, I’ll be at the Hughes house, we will be safe and fine” she gently patted his shoulder as he nodded. “Ethan, Mark, and I are going in one car, a safe car, and the others are taking Luke’s car” she reminded him, knowing that he trusted Mark’s driving enough for his daughter and best friend, “if we have any problems over the weekend I have your number, I will call, but I promise you we will be fine” she nodded slowly and pulled him into a hug as he hummed in agreement.
A knock on the door startled them out of their moment, “I'll go get that,” he said followed by a sigh as she squeezed him one more time, a smile danced on his lips as she ruffled his hair, pulling away from his touch She grabbed his hand before he could fully walk away, his gaze directing from their interlocked fingers up to her face, “when you’re done can you grab Flo from her crib so I can change her and get ready to get this show on the road?” She batted her lashes as he rolled his eyes and nodded. “You sound like a middle-aged man” He let go of her hand. a wide grin grew on her lips as she ushered him out of her bedroom, “I’m your favourite daddy, don’t lie!”
Phil ran downstairs quickly, and the silhouette of a man could be seen behind the door, “hey man” Phil gave the guy a tight-lipped smile as he opened the door to Mark who nodded quietly at him. “Is she ready to go?” “Just give her a few minutes to change Flo and finish packing” Phil let the sophomore into the house, an awkward tension between the two as Mark nodded once again. “No rush,” he said lowly as Phil made his way up the stairs to retrieve his daughter.
Florence whined as she leaned her forehead against her father's shoulder, tired tears rolling down her cheeks as Phil mumbled ‘sorrys’ to the little one, a sad smile on her face as she walked into her mom's room, “she was not happy getting up,” he said with a sad frown as he rocked her, his hand soothingly rubbing circles into her back. “She can sleep in the car” She smiled softly as she reached out to take Flo from his hold, Philippe taking a step away from her and clutching baby closer to his chest. “You can have her in a second, just let me hold her for a moment” he whispered into the crown of Florence's head, a grin on his face as he played with the short ginger curls growing on her head, placing one last kiss to her little nose before handing her over, “ okay you can have her now.” She smiled and took Flo right out of his grasp, “You’re a big softy” she said tauntingly as he handed her a clean diaper and a fresh change of clothes for her to put on the baby. “I am and I take pride in it” He grinned and took Flo’s bag down to the entranceway.
“Mark we need to chat,” Phil said as he got to the bottom step of the stairs, a stern look on his face as he placed the baby’s bag in marks hands. “You’ve given me the long speech a handful of times now, while drive I must remember that I have precious cargo on board, I know Phil” He leant up against the dorm frame, “I'm not gonna let anything happen to either of them, you have my word” sincerity lacing his tone as he watched Phil’s expression soften. “Good, that’s all I needed to hear”
Flo’s loud babbles could be heard as she and her mother walked down the stairs, small suitcase in hand and smiles on their faces as they saw Marl, “you guys ready?” “We are!” She said with a smile turning to Phil one last time and handing over Flo, “Give your daughter a kiss goodbye” she said as he gratefully took her into his arms, his other arm wrapping around her a pulling her into a hug as he kissed Flo’s cheek. “See you in a few days, tell Eddy I say hi,” he said pulling away from the woman and passing her baby back to her, a smile on his face as he looked to Mark and handed him the last suitcase. “Yes sir” Mark smiled and nodded, as he opened the front door to go and put the bags in the trunk of his car, while the woman put Flo in her car seat.
“How was the departure from Mama Lapointe?” Ethan said looking at Phil who was watching the woman set up Flo’s car seat and secure her into the car safely. She let out a huff as she finished buckling the baby in, “he was fine, he also says hello Ethan’s face broke out into a smile as he turned to look into the backseat of the car, his hand over his heart as “awe he thinks of me”
“Oh my babies,” Ellen said as she swung the front door open, the young adults not even on the front porch yet as she smiles all at them, Jim’s attempt to get her to stop smothering them died down as Dylan ran straight into her arms and hugged her. Luke rolled his eyes and placed his bag on the ground as she pulled him to the next hug, swaying him back and forth, “Mom they’re not even your kids.” “I feed them on holidays, they text me for advice, I've done their laundry, they’re honorary Hughes” She grinned as she made Mark her next victim, hugging him tightly after fixing the stray hairs that fell into his face. “Suck it Hughesy,” Mark whispered over Ellen's shoulder as he tightly hugged her back, gaining laughter from everyone but Luke who rolled his eyes dramatically.
Ellen pulled the girl into a hug after she made her rounds with the boys a grin on her face as she looked down at the car seat with the sleeping baby, “Now pass me the baby before I crumble” “She’s going through that phase of not being able to get a full nights sleep, so I apologize if she’s cranky” the woman bent down and unbuckled Florence from her car seat, a tiny yawn leaving her lips and she handed the half-asleep baby off to Ellen. “God she looks just like you,” she said softly as Florence rested her chubby cheek against Ellen’s arm, her eyes shutting again as she got comfortable in Ellen's grasp, “why are the four of you still here, go away so she and I can catch up” Ellen looked up from the baby to the four boys who all softly smiled at the baby. Luke was the first one to pull out of the daze and back into reality, “God you don't hold back Mom,” he said in a sour tone as he grabbed his bags and headed back into the house, the rest of the boys following behind him, laughing at Mark as he carried his own bags along with the girls, struggling as the rest of them watched his agony.
A small smile worked her way onto the girl's lips as she watched him struggle, asking him a handful of times if she could take at least one bag from him, but she was met with a hard no each time she asked. Ellen looked at her son with knowing eyes, and then to Mark and the girl who was standing with flushed cheeks. Luke shrugged and turned his attention back to Mark who had now made it up the porch steps and into the front door.
“How’s being a mom?” Ellen said as they ventured to the empty living room. The girl took a seat in one of the armchairs, as Ellen cooed again over the sleeping baby, “It’s everything I expected it to be, but it's so worth it,” she grinned as she looked at her sleeping daughter. “I bet, the world's cutest baby and a billion babysitters” Ellen jokes as she nodded out to the backyard where the four boys stood with Jim, the barbecue going on as they joked around with one of another “Phil doesn’t let them do much babysitting” she grinned now pointing at Ethan and Duker who were pushing each other around, a fake argument going on as Jim, Mark, and Luke watched them begin to wrestle, “he says that they barely know how to handle a puck, they aren’t allowed to handle his baby,” her fingers doing air quotes as her brows raised at the statement. “Do you ever get tired of them using hockey analogies?” Ellen asked with a laugh, the face the young girl was making felt all too familiar, and watching as the young girl cringed. “Yes! Literally every conversation that doesn’t have to do with hockey they bring it up metaphorically” she exclaimed, “and it's literally all of them, it's like an epidemic” She grinned, knowing that someone finally felt her pain.
The older woman nodded as she felt the small baby wiggle in her hold, her eyes finally open  looking up at Ellen as she gave the woman a gummy smile, “So are you and Phil?” “That’s never been a thing and is never gonna be a thing” the young girl cut her question short as she shook her head, “he wants it to be, but it's not mutual,” she said with a sigh. The older woman nodded once again as she looked out the window at the boys, “I see, so Mark?” “That’s also not a thing,” she said with a tight-lipped smile looking at an unconvinced Ellen, “ “But you have mutual feelings?” Ellen questioned with a smirk as the girl flushed red and shook her head, her eyes landing once again on the boy who sat outside, beer now in his hand as he joked around with Ethan, a smile dancing on his face as he caught her looking at him and gave her a little wave. “Marks a really good friend.” 
“Honey I hear it all from the boys,” Ellen shook her head with a dry laugh, she stood up to hand the baby back to her mom, “I know how he feels about you, and I can clearly see how you feel” Flo babbled as she tangled her little hand in her mother's hair. “I don't know what they’ve been telling you but there’s nothing going on there, not now,” she took a moment to pause and fix Flo’s position in her arms “and probably not ever” “You said probably.” “Ellen I’m a walking complicated situation, I'm not going to pull him down with me,” she said with a sigh, clearly a little upset by the topic, Ellen nodded and patted the girl on the shoulder before heading into the kitchen to set the table for dinner.
She’d spent the rest of the day in the garden with the boys, the four boys trading in their beers to watch Flo crawl around in the grass. Laughter chased her around as she’d crawl from boy to boy, each time she would successfully make it to one they’d lift her up and smother her with love and put her back in the grass. This was one of those moments that made it all worth the effort, all the hard days, the tears, the nights where Phil would be on roadies leaving her and Steve to fend off the crying and the teething that Flo was going through.
Now she sat upright against her bed frame, having a baby gave her the perks of not having to share a room with any of the boys. A room she had presumed was Quinn’s judging by all of the photos of him and his friends that littered the walls. Flo laid against her chest, nursing a bottle as she was lulled into comfort by the rise and fall of her mother's chest.
Dylan snuck into the room, a soft smile on his face as he knocked gently on the door, “want to watch a movie with us?” “Depends on which one…” “Wolf of Wall Street I think” he grinned, his cheeks turning a hue of pink, knowing that the girl was going to chirp them once again about this movie. “The four of you really need to let that crush on Margot Robbie go” she mused as she handed him the empty bottle to put on the dresser and she put Flo over her shoulder to burp her. “Never” he whispered as he grabbed a spit-up rag out of the diaper bag and passed it to her.
“So are you going to join us?” He asked once more while heading to the door. The girl pretended to think for a second and then broke out into a smile, “yeah just let me get her settled in her crib,” she motioned to the baby who now was laying on her back on the bed, ready to get changed into a fresh onesie and get into bed. “Sounds good,” he smiled back and walked out the door, freezing once he got out the door and turning around to the girls once more, “You want popcorn?” “Yes please”
“Okay little Miss Flo let's call your daddy and then get you in bed” She smiled as she grabbed a fresh diaper and a new set of pyjamas, she dialled Phil's number and put it on speaker on the bed next to the baby. It rand twice before he picked up, “Hey,” she said softly, “I'm just putting her down and thought you might wanna say goodnight,” she hit the face time button and waited as his face appeared on the screen. A pout rested on his lips as she smiled at him, a grin on her lips as she showed him the little Michigan onesie that Ellen gifted her earlier in the day.
“You’re never allowed to leave me here with these three again, I’m miserable” he whined as he watched his daughter kicking her little feet at the sound of his voice, a squeal erupting from her as her mother picked her up and placed her in her lap so Flo could see her dad. Flo’s lips wobbled as she tried to reach out for the phone, little fingers running over Phil's face as she cried, “I think she misses you just as much” “Don’t say stuff like that, I will drive the two hours there just to tuck her in.”
“The two of you will survive the next two nights,” the woman smiled and brought the phone back down from her face so Flo could see him one last time, “now say goodnight, she’s getting fussy.” “Night! Love you guys” He grinned as she brought the camera back up so he could see her face. “We love you too, now have fun with the boys,” she said as she placed the phone back down on the bed to place Flo in her travel crib, and tucked her in with the stuffed animal that Mark had given her when she was first born. She picked up the phone back up to show Florence tucked into bed, “I probably won’t, you two don't have too much fun without me” “We definitely will” she said with a grin and hung up before he could reply, she leant over the edge of the crib and placed one last kiss on her daughter's temple before heading to the upstairs den where all of the boys sat in front of the tv, the movie started and paused as they awaited her arrival.
She walked into the living room and frowned as she looked around at the lack of seating for her, her face unamused as she watched the boys fight over who was holding their shared popcorn bowl, “move over” she said with her mom's voice, sternly pointing for Ethan to move over. “Here there’s room next to me,” Mark said pushing up against the end of the couch to create more room for her. He offered her some popcorn as she squeezed in between Luke and him, a smile on his face as she shared her blanket with him, “see look at how nice Mark is to me,” she grinned as she leaned up against him. “That’s because he’s in love with you,” Dylan said in a sing-song voice, his eyebrows wiggling as his hands formed a Hearst shape. “Shut up” She threw the throw pillow in between her and Luke at him, “What you're not going to deny it?” She looked up at Mark as he shrugged with a smug look on his face. “Love is a strong word, but you know how I feel,” he said smoothly as he wrapped his arm around the back of the couch, behind her head and she rolled her eyes. “You never give up, do you?”
The movie started shortly after that, all of the boys growing quiet as soon as Ethan pressed play. They occasionally chirped each other as that movie went on, but all went quiet when Margot Robbie was on the screen, it was almost pathetic how the boys gawked at her. “Okay wait I kinda get the Margot Robbie hype” she mumbled up to Mark as the blonde on the screen shamelessly flirts with Leo’s character, Mark smiled as he looked at the woman under his arm, his brows raised as his gaze flickered between the woman on the screen and her suggestively. “Don’t look at me like that you perv, she’s just pretty” she whispered and smacked him in the chest.
The girl awoke abruptly as the person she was laying on top of coughed, her eyes shooting open to see Mark's face just inches from hers, an innocent look on his face as the arms that wrapped around her waist tightened. She smiled for a second before it dawned on her, she struggled to get out of his hold, “don't,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse with sleep as she groaned and grabbed his face to force him awake “I have to get up, I need to get Flo” she said as his eyes slowly opened, registering the position they were in, the arms that were holding her down was now letting go of her to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “Oh okay,” he said as she got up off of him, and start top as she left the living room in search of her daughter, hoping that she slept through the night and wasn’t in need of her.
“Oh, hey Ethan,” she said looking at the boy who was snuggled in her bed with Florence on his chest, “why are you in my bed” “You looked too comfy to wake up, but I knew she was gonna need someone throughout the night” he smiled and patted the baby on the back as she babbled, teething rings in her hands as rested on Ethan. “You left me out there,” she whisper-yelled at the boy, her cheeks red with embarrassment. “You looked peaceful,” he shrugged, “and you were all snuggled up with Mark, didn’t want to ruin the moment” She flicked him in the middle of the forehead as she crossed her arms over her chest 
“Give me my daughter, now,” she said and pointed for him to leave, the smirk on his lips never faltered, she was giving him just the reaction he wanted. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the couch” he taunted as he handed Florence over to her. A shirtless mark walked into the room and motioned for the boy to quit torturing her, “Ethan quit bothering her” “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” She asked, confusion lacing her voice, she never understood how these boys just rid themselves of their shirts with no actual reason behind it, not that she was really complaining. “You guys are no fun” Ethan threw his hands up as he headed to his and Mark’s room.
The girl stood in place for a second, her hand gently rubbing daughter's back as she waited for the flush on her cheeks to disappear. She let out a quiet sigh as she searched her daughter's suitcase for an outfit for the day. Mark still stood in the doorway, her brows furrowed as she waited for him to leave, “Here you let me change her, and you can go make her a bottle” he said motioning for her to go, she stared at him for a sec before shaking her head and motioning for him to leave, “just let me help you” he said softly, waiting for her to either accept or get mad. “I really don’t need it Mark” She sighed and stopped her actions to properly look at him, her gaze was met with a soft expression as he motioned for her to hand the baby clothes over. “I know you don’t need it, but I'm offering,” he said, watching as she dug through her bag for her container of formula and a clean bottle, placing the clothes in the boy's hands as she headed to the kitchen, “see accepting help isn’t too hard” he called out as she walked down the hallway.
Mark finished changing her quickly, he now sat at the kitchen table, and Flo propped up on the edge of the table as he supported her up to make sure she didn’t fall. A smile on his face as he had a conversation with the baby, Flo giggled loudly as he squished her cheeks. The woman turned around as she finished making her daughter's bottle, an unreadable expression sat on her face as she watched the boy whisper to the baby who was erupting in a fit of laughs. “You like what you see?” Luke snuck up behind her watching as she watched Mark, his brows wiggling and his tone was laced with a taunting tone “Luke please not right now,” she mumbled as she tested the temperature of the milk on her wrist and made her way over to her daughter
She softly smiled as she stood in front of the pair, Flo now rested against his chest her little fingers intertwined in his hair as he gently spoke to her, “do you want to feed her?” The woman asked, extending the bottle to the boy with a light smile, “she looks a little too comfy in your arms to move.” “Like mother like daughter,” he said smugly making her face drop, Mark was notorious for ruining the moment. “You disgust me,” she mused, and he laughed and took the bottle from her grasp.
Flo lay contently in his hold, spit running down her chin as she drank, “Can you hand me the spit-up rag?” He asked, looking up at the woman who seemed in a daze, she blinked hard and nodded her head. “Here” she mumbled and passed him the cloth, returning back to watching him take care of her daughter, “thanks for your help,” she said just above a whisper as the rest of the boys migrated into the kitchen to make breakfast. “No need to thank me,” he tapped her on the thigh and smiled as she smiled back.
I didn't proof read this, so it there are mistakes I'm not that sorry <3
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mamaestapa · 5 months
For dad hockey player blurbs, I NEED to know what type of dad (girl/boy) you think each player you write for is🥹🥹 I love your writing btw! Excited for more hockey
Girl Dad or Boy Dad?|| all players I write for
a/n: AH i love this question, super cute concept!🤍 also thank you so much love! there will be so much hockey stuff coming out so get ready ;)
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girl dads🩷:
- luke hughes (screams girl dad)
- jamie drysdale (he will have 3-4 daughters i just know it—they’ll be mine too)
- ethan edwards (just imagining him with a baby girl makes my ovaries explode)
- nico hischier (nico is a girl dad. you can’t change my mind)
boy dads🩵:
- trevor zegras (all boys and they’d be just like him<3)
- luca fantilli (he just radiates boy dad, i can’t explain)
- mark estapa (idk why, hear me out, i get like twin boy vibes from mark. he’d be the best boy dad)
- jack hughes (would have all girls and then a boy as the last baby)
- quinn hughes (one of each 100%)
- rutger mcgroarty (i’m 50/50 about rut. i feel like he’d be the best boy dad, but him with a little girl would be adorable.)
- adam fantilli (two of each! adam would have a big family, idk i just get those vibes)
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this was such a cute idea!! definitely gave me so many ideas for some blurbs lol
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viennajoell · 9 months
Piece by piece
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Notes: inspired by piece by piece by Kelly Clarkson
I never thought I would get in another relationship after my last.
It was very abusive and he left me and my child daisy.
But that’s until I met Quinn.
I ran into him at a coffee shop, literally ran into him spilling coffee all over the both of us
He gave me his number.
I was very hesitant but I texted him and we hit off pretty much right away.
After a couple dates he asked me to be his girlfriend but before I could say yes I had to tell him about daisy.
“Quinn” i say nervously. “It’s okay” he says sounding sad. “No I do but it’s just” I sigh. “It’s what?” He asks. “I have a kid” I reply. I look at his face trying to figure out what’s going on his mind. After a little bit he nods and says “okay”
“Okay?” I ask. “Okay” he nods. “I want you and your kid” he says. I swore in that moment I could cry.
“But piece by piece he collected me”
I didn’t let Quinn meet daisy for three months.
I never told him about daisy’s father either.
I just couldn’t, I was so afraid.
Eventually Quinn met daisy and ever since that day he has been her father.
“He filled the holes that you burned in me”
We took daisy to the the Hughes family lake house to meet everyone in the summer
I was very anxious but they were all so welcoming and sweet towards me and daisy.
Everything was going great until my ex, daisies father found us
I tried to keep everything quiet and very private the best I could but dating a attractive hockey player it was bound people found out.
There was a knock on the door so I go to look with daisy following right besides me.
As soon as I open the door he pins me against the wall.
Ellen comes down the stairs with pure panic in her eyes.
I give her the eyes to get daisy and thankfully she catches on and brings her upstairs.
“You think you could take my fucking daughter from me?!” He yells.
Quinn rounds the corner pushing him off of me and punching him
I didn’t stick around to see what happens after that
I run outside, trying to catch my breath.
Quinn comes out shortly after pulling me into his arms.
“Where’s daisy?” He asks. “You uhm, your mom has her” I say in between sobs.
He holds me, not asking or pushing me to say stuff until my crying begins to stop.
“Let’s go get our girl yeah?” He says giving me a soft smile. I nod and he takes me upstairs to our room where daisy was playing with Ellen.
Ellen hands her off to me, rubbing my back softly before leaving the room.
“So who was that?” Quinn asks in a very soft tone. “Daisies father” I say quietly. He nods not needing anything else to confirm his suspicions.
“I’m not going to let him touch you ever again” he kisses my forehead. “Not you or daisy” he says kissing my forehead once again.
“Piece by piece”
“He restored my faith”
“That a man can be kind”
“And a father should be great”
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huggybug · 2 years
Lowkey a wholesome DILF day content where you and mark are still in school but you guys have a kid and maybe you drop your kid off with mark cause you have a class or something so he takes him/her to see the other guys and it’s just wholesome where the kid is just having lunch and hanging out with the other guys
AW omg the guys and the kid all sitting around eating like pb&j’s for lunch🥹🥹🥹🥹 that’s so adorable ugh
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wintfleur · 6 months
pictures that remind you of luke and stella? i love their sibling bond
ꔫ pictures that remind me of stella and luke
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( Tysm for requesting! I’m so happy you love there bond! I do too! It was fun looking for pictures of them! )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ stella and Luke’s photo gallery ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
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.❀。they were genuinely the cutest kids, they always spent so much time together. Luke is a great big brother to Stella, always by her side and making sure she’s okay. This picture is taken when they family went out together. Stella was running after her older brothers who were playing tag, and stella tripped and fell and scratched up her knee. Poor Stella was crying as her dad cleaned her cuts, Stella stoped crying once Luke sat by her and held her hand. Luke kissed her cheek to make her feel better and Ellen just had to take a picture of the cute moment. 📸 by Ellen Hughes
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.❀。these two are always falling asleep in the car. This picture was taken after the siblings decided to spend all day together, and after the fun day and the nice dinner the two youngest passed out in the back of the car, absolutely wrecked. Jack couldn’t help but laugh at how cute they looked and he snapped a picture to send in the group chat. Quinn definitely got onto Jack for having the flash on, saying that he could have woke them up. 📸 by Jack Hughes
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.❀。(when I saw this picture it just screamed luke and Stella) Stella wasn’t in school yet, but she would go with her parents to take her siblings to school, and would always be there to greet them when they get home from school. Ugh Stella is so cute. This picture is when stella forgot to zip up her jacket and Luke made her stop so he could zip it up for her, saying that she can’t get sick 📸 by Jim Hughes
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.❀。Ellen loved dressing luke and Stella up when they were younger and before they could complain. Everyone always assumed they that they were twins because they were almost always matching when they were little. They also always had a habit of holding hands, not wanting to loose each other 📸 by Ellen Hughes
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.❀。as the youngest they were always the ones who enjoyed baking with there mom the most, and the ones that were always there to help. There’s always two moods in the kitchen with them, calm and sweet as they bake or chaotic, there’s never a middle ground. They love sneaking ingredients to eat, almost always blaming it on Jack. It’s funny because they never let Jack sneak cookie dough, but they always let Quinn have some. Stella kinda takes charge of the recipes and she leaves anything that involves the oven to Luke, she has a fear of the oven (Jack told her a scary story when she was little about falling into a oven, and it stuck with her) Stella and Luke loving baking together 📸 by Cole Caufield
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.❀。Stella loves walking, but she gets tired from walking a lot. So Luke is always there to give her a piggyback ride. Sometimes Stella doesn’t even have to ask, he can tell when she’s getting tired so he just stops in front of her and motions for her to get on his back. Stella loves piggyback rides, especially from Luke because he’s so tall. 📸 by mark estapa
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.❀。Stella and Luke can get pretty competitive with each other and Stella likes to prove that she can do anything that he can. So after Luke easily held Stella up she decided to try, they both couldn’t help but laugh as she tried, this picture was taken seconds before Luke fell on top of her. Let’s just say both of there stomachs were hurting from how hard they laughed 📸 by Trevor Zegras
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.❀。Luke and Stella decided to go and visit Quinn in Vancouver, and let’s just say Stella wasn’t so happy when Quinn decided to wake them up early for breakfast. Luke found Stella’s grumpy mood hilarious and enjoyed teasing her all morning 📸 by Quinn Hughes
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.❀。these two absolutely destroy each other in the snow, they show no mercy when they have snowball fights. They could be making a snowman together and then the next minute full on tackling each other in the snow. They could spend hours playing in the snow but sadly they are always told to come back inside after a little 📸 by Rutger McGroarty
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I LOVE THEM SM! )
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @bradenschneider @cixrosie )
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lovinbarzal · 1 year
FATHER'S DAY | never grow up au
mark estapa x fem! reader
never grow up au
y/ncooke has posted !
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liked edwards.73, nolan_moyle, and others
y/ncooke happy dilf day to my favorite dilf 💓 (nez made the cake)
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seamuscasey26 DILF, a slang acronym meaning "Dad I'd Like to Fuck"
↳ y/ncooke accurate!
markestapa my favorite wet paper towels❤️‍🔥
↳ y/ncooke you're icky
fanacc1 cuties
nolan_moyle i want a cake from nez next
↳ y/ncooke "tell uncle nol that it's $500"
↳ nolan_moyle i've 6 bucks
↳ y/ncooke "deal"
edwards.73 world's best/favorite dilf
mackie.samo hat 👒
jackhughes strange magic
umichhockey best dad award goes to...stop sign!
livekatecooke from most penalized player in the big10 to softest girl dad
↳ markestapa i'll rake up more penalties next season
trevorzegras inez & mark = trouble
quinnhughes_ still can't believe he is a dad
fanacc2 they're perfect!
lhughes_06 cray cray 😜
↳ y/ncooke go away🏃‍♀️💨
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 9 months
summer adventures and simping
mark estapa x f!reader social media au
warning: swearing, sexual innuendos if you squint
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liked by _maggiepilibosian, nolan_moyle and 1,294 others
ynofficial: my proud mother photo dump that didn't make the umich cut
psa: i tried to maintain a 'no bias' policy
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dylanduke25: I'M NOT IN THIS WHYYYYYYY 😭😭😭
ynofficial: i'm gonna give you a whole post i promise duker
dylanduke25: wait...are you gonna post THE photos???????
ynofficial: 🤫🤫
lhughes_06: dylanduke25 you're literally in two photos
dylanduke25: oh silly me i didn't recognise myself
nolan_moyle: me and duker are the favourites in this!!!!!
ynofficial: why is always a question of my favouritism with you guys
markestapa: you know why 😏
ynofficial: ok mr only in this once 😐
adamfantilli: i look like a child
ynofficial: you were 17 at the time of the photo so you kind of were...
luca.fantilli: FACTS
nblanks98: i'm the first one and i have a whole photo to myself so i'm obviously the favourite
markestapa: no
nblanks98: yes
markestapa: no
dylanduke25: i'm the favourite actually, i'm gonna have my own post
nolan_moyle: dylanduke25 we have equal numbers of posts my dude
dylanduke25: nolan_moyle but i'm gonna have a whole post
markestapa: but i'm still the favourite
dylanduke25: YOU WISH
markestapa: you get a whole post? watch the summer posts start coming in and then we'll see who's the favourite 😜😜
ynofficial: i never thought i'd say this but please don't fight over who is my favourite. my favourite is _maggiepilibosian obviously
_maggiepilibosian: i'm just THAT girl 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
ynofficial: you absolutely are 😘
markestapa: 😦
edwards.73: ynofficial i do have to say that i am MORTIFIED by me in these
kienandraper: it's the horrific dad pose isn't it
edwards.73: YES!! IT IS!!! I AM APPALLED
markestapa: dw you're still cute
edwards.73: tell me something i don't know, estapa, and then get back to me
markestapa: fuck me what crawled up your ass and died this morning
edwards.73: regret. that's what.
ynofficial: are you hungover?
edwards.73: yes
ynofficial: whatever will you do?
edwards.73: please can you get me a glass of oj
ynofficial: i'm sending mark up i'm trying to find dylanduke25's photos
lhughes_06: and i'm not in this because??? 🤨
ynofficial: i'm saving your photos for the summer for clout
lhughes_06: smart 🙌
nblanks98: i just reread the caption and are you implying that you're proud of me for cooking two separate dishes????
ynofficial: yes. you have yet to send me a photo of your special pasta bake that looks edible.
nblanks98: IT IS EDIBLE
nolan_moyle: it's really not
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liked by tyler_duke, graciebrns and 1,913 others
ynofficial: title-weforgotwehadtohandinanassignmentandthenightbeforewegothammeredanddylanrangmeatfourinthemorningpanickingsowedidthisonthewaytosaidclassandwewerebothviolentlyhungoverandfunfactiactuallypukednexttothetreedylanisleantagainst
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dylanduke25: the only thing i'd change about that caption is that we both only got an hour of sleep before i rang up and didn't manage to sleep the alcohol out of our systems so technically we were still drunk
ynofficial: i'm not gonna lie i forgot about that i think i blacked out
markestapa: i can never forget about that, it was the first time i had to wash your hair in nolan's sink because you had sick everywhere
nolan_moyle: the FIRST? there were more times?????
ynofficial: because the second time was edwards.73
edwards.73: i don't remember that
nolan_moyle: ok i'm sensing a pattern here
rutgermcgroarty: remember that time eddy came to practice and he had to be dressed by me, decked it in the tunnel, fell on the ice and bust his nose on his hockey stick and therefore had to be excused from practice and escorted to the med centre? it was then
nolan_moyle: that explains a lot actually
lhughes_06: my my my dylanduke25 you're looking absolutely radiant i just want to pinch your cheeks
dylanduke25: the invitation is always open 😘😘
kienandraper: that's a lot to unpack there
_maggiepilibosian: you can say that again
ynofficial: yeah it wasn't our brightest moment
nblanks98: aren't you advertising underage drinking in the comments?
ynofficial: um
this post has been deleted
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liked by lhughes_06, kennedyclairewalsh and 2,007 others
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markestapa: first
edwards.73: omg i love mark too
_maggiepilibosian: aaaaand the favouritism begins!!!
ynofficial: FINALLY
markestapa: i knew i was the favourite dylanduke25 nolan_moyle are you seeing this
dylanduke25: you're her favourite person, not hockey player
nolan_moyle: you're also not her favourite captain
markestapa: you're the only captain??
nolan_moyle: yeah that's the point
lhughes_06: an adorable, sweet-cheeked, fluffy muffin...then there's mark
markestapa: kindness is free 😞 it costs nothing 😞
ynofficial: i can't tell if you're talking about me or the dog
lhughes_06: 🤷🤷
luca.fantilli: at no point camping should anyone ever make that face in the first picture so wtf happened there
ynofficial: i tripped over a log and fell onto a rock and smashed my knee and mark took photos to document the moment
luca.fantilli: r u ok?
markestapa: i patched her up sir 🫡
nblanks98: again with the alcohol??
ynofficial: fun fact! i'm actually 21, i took a gap year so technically i'm a year older than my year group!!!!!
nblanks98: i missed your birthday?
ynofficial: yes but it's ok i forgive you
dylanduke25: mark looks so cute
ynofficial: doesn't he??????? he's just so AHBIGFKJA
dylanduke25: YES HE IS
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liked by adamfantilli, jacob_truscott20 and 1,187 others
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lhughes_06: ITTTTTT
ynofficial: fuck you
dylanduke25: and my invitation was lost was it?
ynofficial: if anybody has any queries, i would like to direct their attention to nblanks98 because he was the one who threw the party and i had zero clue or knowledge to its existence prior to said party
edwards.73: fresh 🥶🥶
rutgermcgroarty: seeing as though mark is at the front in the first photo of clear faces i conclude that he is the favourite
ynofficial: tis true young padawan
dylanduke25: why does everyone look bitable in this i just want to take a chomp out of them why do i want to do that
nolan_moyle: raw sex appeal
ynofficial: ^^
lhughes_06: that's a lot of half-naked people
ynofficial: just the way i like it
lhughes_06: say that again 🤨
ynofficial: i mean...not like that
nblanks98: i thinyk ive sed tbis before but i hope yiou bad a great birthfay and im sorry i missed it
ynofficial: if you apologise one more time i'm gonna hurl
nblanks98: please ont talk abut viut
ynofficial: idk what you're trying to say there
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liked by lauren.rodolitz, edwards.73 and 1,196 others
ynofficial: the tri-ality of ma(rk estapa)n
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markestapa: first
markestapa: also: the last photo????
ynofficial: but you look so cute 😔
markestapa: you ALWAYS say that
ynofficial: because you ALWAYS look so cute
adamfantilli: i don't think that's how those bracket things work and i don't think tri-ality is a word
ynofficial: i'm making them make sense
adamfantilli: fair dos
dylanduke25: mark is so bf coded in those and it makes my heart go fast
ynofficial: ME TOOOOOO
markestapa: tbh most of the time i wish we were wearing less iykwim 😉
edwards.73: you're disgustingly horny (fr the photo is so adorable)
nolan_moyle: I WANT WHAT YOU HAVE
ynofficial: nblanks98
nblanks98: that can be arranged nolan_moyle ☝️
markestapa: this is literally the second post from week 1 that has been dedicated to me and to me only dylanduke25 i'm so obviously the favourite
kienandraper: i beg to fucking differ i think i take that spot
ynofficial: kienandraper is to me what markestapa is to _maggiepilibosian so that is absolutely correct kienandraper
dylanduke25: not only is that some weird couply shit, but i'm kind of offended
ynofficial: it doesn't mean to say that you're not one of my favourite people though duker, bc you are, i just happen to have a lot of favourite people
kienandraper: actually it's kind of the opposite of weird coupley shit because i knew y/n from class and she then met maggie through me who introduced her to the media side of the team and then y/n met mark
lhughes_06: cute
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liked by ynofficial, _maggiepilibosian and 13,186 others
markestapa: if you would have told #1 and #2 mark that he ACTUALLY had a shot with the pretty girl with the camera, he would have been flabbergasted
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edwards.73: SIMP
edwards.73: you don't want me to answer that
markestapa: please don't
dylanduke25: baby mark was adorable what happened? 😔
markestapa: hEY
ynofficial: he's STILL adorable wtf
lhughes_04: the girlies in his comments agree
liked by ynofficial
ynofficial: you thought you didn't have a chance? bro bffr
markestapa: dude 🤨
ynofficial: *deep inhale to maintain sanity* you were (+ still are) the most KJAGSF boy in the world like you just make me hajshfaj
ynofficial: i'm just in disbelief that's all
nolan_moyle: you guys are my couple goals
nolan_moyle: also THE OCEAN PHOTO??? 😭
kienandraper: y/n likes shiny things...but she'd...
ynofficial: damn right i do drapernator...
edwards.73: i'm confused
markestapa: you're confused? i'm fucking confused bro
_maggiepilibosian: (taylor swift)(paper rings)(lover album)(2019)(pastel pink/blue/purple/yellow)
dylanduke25: what is that wet patch on your hoodie markestapa? it's sus
markestapa: water. after YOU threw it at me.
dylanduke25: but that smile on your face, huh? what about that
markestapa: all ynofficial
ynofficial: *dies*
adamfantilli: confirmed that ynofficial is indeed markestapa's favourite
liked by markestapa
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liked by mackie.samo, luca.fantilli and 1,810 others
ynofficial: pathetic lack of debate necessary bc this one (markestapa for those unaware) is my favourite (and by pathetic lack i mean you guys were really delulu to think you were my favourite (i'm sorry if this is mean))
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markestapa: i fucking knew it
markestapa: you have a crush on me don't you?
ynofficial: whatever gave it away? 🤔
edwards.73: on a scale of 1-10 how hammered is he rn
ynofficial: solid 8 bc he's in his clingy phase
edwards.73: so glad you're the one dealing with that this time 🤮
edwards.73: also for the caption - girl, we been knew 🙄
dylanduke25: missy what do you mean I'M not the favourite????
ynofficial: you're not my #1 boo
dylanduke25: am i #2 boo?
kienandraper: that's me
dylanduke25: #3? 😢
ynofficial: tied with nolan_moyle, edwards.73 and nblanks98 then yes 😁
dylanduke25: ynofficial it's not ok to have that many favourites in your top 3
ynofficial: my favourites = my rules
ynofficial: or you can be #4?
dylanduke25: nvm 👍👍 i can be 3 👍👍
ynofficial: good boy 👍👍👍
markestapa: 😏😏
lhughes_06: PHONE OFF NOW ynofficial HELP NO STOP IT
nolan_moyle: i am honoured, truly 🙏🙏
nblanks98: as am i 🙏🙏
ynofficial: you're welcome 🙏🙏
lhughes_06: do i mean nothing
ynofficial: no (i don't actually have favourites apart from m and k but the rest are fragile and ik you can handle it) (still like you a lot though)
lhughes_06: it's because i'm devil scum isn't it (like you a lot too (for drunk mark: PLATONICALLY))
ynofficial: yes
edwards.73: but i'm devil scum (i'm ignoring the fragile part)
ynofficial: not yet properly, luke's runs in his blood (probably for the better)
ynofficial: just that you're very bbg
nblanks98: actually i don't want to know
kienandraper: pecs 🤯
markestapa: omg 🤯 such a shocker 🤯🤯🤯🤯
kienandraper: oi
nolan_moyle: what a little studmuffincutiepie that markestapa is
markestapa: captain? 😧 is that legal???? 😧
ynofficial: i thought that NICKname was for nblanks98 only
nblanks98: we fell out momentarily and he's being petty
ynofficial: oh? okay???
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hearts4hughes · 1 year
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!! = smut
jack hughes ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
hangover - blurb
hurt pt 2 - fic
cutie - blurb
silent treatment - blurb
cruel summer - fic
one bed - fic
jealous boy - blurb
wakeboarding - blurb
whipped - fic
wanna be yours - fic
good 4 u - social media edit
regrets pt 2 - fic
the fight - blurb
italy boy - social media edit
romantic surprises - blurb
green-eyed boy - fic
looking at the stars, admiring from afar - fic
i hate it here - fic
dating jack hughes would consist of… (part 2) - headcanons
washing machine heart - fic
trevor zegras ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
golden - blurb
canyon moon - blurb
pool day - blurb
taylor swift tickets (platonic) - blurb
summer love - social media edit
birthday boy - social media edit
frenemies - social media edit
hits different - fic
luke hughes ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
hockey boys are hot - blurb
‘that’s me’ - blurb
wear my jersey? - blurb
little freak pt 2 - fic
blushing - blurb
lake house love - social media edit
soothing - blurb
late night treat - blurb
trouble in paradise - blurb
girl dad - social media edit
i’ll always be there for you - blurb
quinn hughes ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
sunflower, vol. 6 - blurb
jealous - fic
forever - blurb
too late - blurb
soft launch - social media edit
fake dating - fic
touch tank !! - smut
dog parents - social media edit
mark estapa ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
get lost - blurb
lacy - fic
echoes of love - fic
jamie drysdale ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
coriolanus snow ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
jealous lover - fic
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eth-edwards-73 · 10 months
Baby Estapa
Mark Estapa x reader warnings: none
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liked by umichhockey and 9.192 others markestapa new player on the team tagged: y/u/n
y/u/n i love you so much > markestapa i love you so much more
edwards.73 baby Estapa!
rutgermcgroarty GIRL DAD 
umichhockey best girl dad on the team
lhughes_06 i still can’t believe Y/N chose to date you > markestapa HATERRRR
adamfantilli congrats!
mackie.samo this feels unreal > markestapa i feel like i’m on cloud 9
dylanduke25 girl dad is used to refer to dads who have daughters and is often used to capture the love between fathers and daughters
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just a short little thingy while i write the first chapter of country girl
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uluvjay · 1 year
from last 2 prompt 33 and 69 with mark estapa where him and reader have been arguing back and forth so it’s angsty with tensionnn
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Mark Estapa x fem reader!
warnings?; Cursing, light arguing, small fist fight, party scene, underage drinking, frat house, yelling
i figured this meant list 2 so thats what i went with! hope you enjoyed anon
33. "your not going out dressed like that"
69. "if you interrupt me one more time-so help me god"
You and Mark had been arguing all day and it had been over the smallest things but it was enough to have both of you in pissy moods hours later. Everyone was currently getting ready to go to some frat party, Mark had been downstairs with the guys for a little now while you finished getting ready.
as you made it down the stairs mark turned around and the content look on his face was immediately replaced by a pissed off one.
"you're not going out like that" he told you while looking you up and down.
"um yes i am" you laughed at him, you knew your corset top would piss him off and that was your reason you decided to wear it but you had to act annoyed.
"No your not, your not wearing something that your tits ar-" he started but got cut off by Ethan
"Guys! we are going to be late so you can either stand here and yell at one another again, like you have been all day or get your asses out the door" he told both of you, giving you both a dad look.
"Dude! her boobs are almost out, I'm not trying to have some dude be weird towards her" Mark tried but all of the guys were over both of you at this point.
"You have ninety penalty minuets i think you can handle someone if they're weird to her, now get the fuck out of the house" Ethan said and you could hear the annoyance in his voice so you decided to be the bigger person and walk past Mark and out the front door.
Unlike himself to usually do Mark had left you early into the party and because of it you were throwing shot after shot back in the kitchen with some random girl. You felt like shit that your boyfriend was so upset with you that he wouldn't stay and party with you like he usually did, so you used vodka shots to cover the guilt.
"What's your reasoning for getting wasted?" she asked after you both finished your third shot.
"My boyfriend's mad at me and won't even hang out with me" you told her with a pitiful shrug.
"is that his jersey number?" she asked pointing to your neck where you had a '94' pendant necklace that mark had gotten you for your one year.
"yeah he plays hockey" you told her with a smile, you loved talking about Mark especially when drunk.
"ohh a hockey player, good luck with that" she laughed before telling you bye and leaving the kitchen.
you couldn't help but stand there in your thoughts for a moment, you knew Mark would never, he loved you and he showed you on a daily basis how much he loved you. He actually walked around with a shirt that said "i love my girlfriend" that he'd bought for himself and was extremely happy to show you when it came in the mail, but your alcohol influenced made you think he hated you in the moment
You looked all over the first floor of the house and didn't see him and right as you began to panic you saw a concerned Dylan walking towards you. "Y/n! you need to come outside right now" he told you grabbing your arm and pulling you with him. You had to have asked him a million questions but he ignored them all just pulling you to a growing crowd outside.
As you got to the front you seen Nolan, Jay, and Ethan all pulling Mark away from some dude that was holding a bleeding nose. "What the fuck happened Dylan!?" you asked the boy next to you.
"we were playing pong when that guy and his friend asked for a round against us and then the one that's bleeding asked mark that if they won could he get a night with you and told Mark how good he thought you look in that top and Mark just went crazy" he explained causing you to shake your head and make your way over to where the guys were calming Mark down.
Hearing footsteps approaching Mackie turned around and his face immediately dropped before he made his way to you, "No I'm sorry, i love you Y/n but i don't want him lashing out on you, he needs to calm down" he told you, not letting you any closer.
"Is that Y/n?" you heard your boyfriend ask and watched Mackie take a frustrated deep breath before telling him yes.
"Let her over here I'm fine and we need a second alone" you watched as all the boys looked at each other before Nolan gave the nod okay and everyone started walking away from Mark.
You made your way to him but he stopped you before you could throw your arms around him and ask if he was okay, "I'm upset with you right now" he told you.
"I know and I-" you started but he cut you off
"No let me talk and if you interrupt me one more time i-" but before he could finish you did interrupt him
"Mark just listen for one second"
"So help me god! Y/n I am trying to talk so just shut the fuck up for a damn minuet and let me get my words out" he exclaimed and for once you did listen.
He was waiting for a braty reply but didn't get one and as he looked down at you to begin talking he noticed the new look in your eyes and how you were rubbing your thighs together.
"Are you turned on right now?" he asked with a smirk on his face
you looked down at your feet before answering him, "A little, I'm drunk and then duker said you stood up for me and then putting me in my place kinda got me going" you shrugged.
He didn't reply you just felt him pull on your wrist and looked up to see that you were heading towards the back gate to get out of the yard.
"Where are we going?" you asked
"Home so i can fuck you and then when we wake up tomorrow we can talk about what happened today"
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lukehughesbabymama · 1 year
Luke Hughes Blurb
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Being that you're loud and have a hard time shutting up, one of the first opportunities that came your way during your time at Umich was being a student information speaker during tours and other events. This means that you’d often stand at the bottom of a 300-person lecture hall and answer audience-produced question about attending the University of Michigan.
So you knew it was trouble when your Luke Hughes, Jacob Truscott, Mark Estapa, and Nolan Moyle snuck into  an Accepted Students Day session during your sophomore year. 
You stood at the bottom of the lecture hall watching the high school students and their families file in and begin to fill up the seats. 
Once everyone was seated, and you began your usual introduction you spotted movement out of the corner of your eye. You immediately recognize the lanky body and extremely identifiable movement of your boyfriend Luke as he scurries in with a few of the other hockey boys. They sit in the back row but you can already see them doubled over and snickering. 
You could tell they were feeling mischievous after their practice and could only imagine what they were going to do. But you kept it professional and finished talking about what you had to.
The boys didn't cause any issues, that is until you got the the portion where anyone can ask you questions. 
You had a few other Umich students in the room who helped with the questions, standing up by the seats with microphones for the guests to use.
You had a few of the usual questions about dorms and on-campus jobs until the inevitable happened.
You could hear it from the floor even though it was coming from the farthest seats back in the hall.
“Yo, I think he has a question”, you hear Truscott’s voice say, catching the attention of one of the students there to help with voicing the questions. You see him start to walk up to where the boys were sitting and you swallow, awaiting their next move.
The boy gives the microphone to Luke who is sitting on the outer seat of the isle, but he passes it to Truscott. This relieves you slightly, but you already knew Luke would never draw that much attention to himself, so it was a given that one of the other boys would be making a scene in a few seconds. Truscott takes the microphone and passes it to Mark who then holds it up to his mouth, already laughing. 
“Yeah, I have a question for you”
You see Luke shake his head and look down, smiling into his fist.
You shake your head at Mark, but can't help but smile seeing them be so stupid. Thats why you love them anyways, right?
“Which sports team here has the hottest guys?” The room immediately lightens up with some laughter, giving you a moment to think of a response.
“Hmmm”, you pause, “The hottest? I don't know. But I will say I heard the hockey team is the most generous since they said they are taking photos with and giving autographs to anyone in the room who would like it after the session is done”
You smile spitefully up at the boys and see Luke sink into his chair, laughing while Nolan pushes Mark as he hands the microphone back to the boy, laughing too.
A few claps come from some enthusiastic dads in the audience and then session resumed.
And just as expected, when it’s over, the boys had to stay for almost an hour taking pictures. You sit in a rolling chair, watching with satisfaction the entire time. When the final family leaves the lecture hall you bring the microphone to your lips. 
“I think I have to say the football team has got the hottest guys”, you state in a fake snarky voice.
“I fucking hate you”, Luke screams while laughing from up top, giving you the middle finger. The other boys seem to like this idea as they all stick their fingers up at you too.
“Get out”, you reply laughing and shooing them away with your hand.
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huggybug · 2 years
“Go watch your child”- “Oh so now they’re my child?” with Mark Estapa for Dilf Day!
happy dilf day!
“Oh buddy” You sigh, watching as your son picks himself up from the pile of dirt he just fell in.
“Uh oh” Your son says, wiping his dirty hands on his pants which are also coated in mud.
“Hey babe… oh my” You turn to see Mark walking up to you, catching a glimpse of your mess of a son.
“Go watch your child” You grin, waving him off which only makes him laugh.
“Oh so now he’s my child?” Mark asked, more amused than anything.
“Mhm, you always say he’s your little twin so he’s all yours babe. Clean him off out here, the house was just cleaned!” You make your escape from the backyard, leaving Mark to deal with your son.
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1-800-iluvhockey · 1 year
slipping through my fingers - hughes siblings
warnings - mild language, mini angst & sadness (not everything will be accurate as it’s fiction lol), it is a very long fic and has two instagram edits as well
please listen with slipping through my fingers by abba <33
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hey it’s me again. I sent you guys four tickets to graduation & I hope you guys can make it! mom & dad already told me they could make it, and q said that he is flying in for it. I hope you three can make it! it would mean the world to me— please…. I’ll talk to you soon j! love ya— bye.
❀☻ 𓆉☼ ✿
college graduation.
the one thing that y/n had been dreading since she started at umich…. leaving. home was here. so many good memories here, as well as meeting her bestest friends & boyfriend. but it was time to go— and it just felt like
time slipped away from her.
she was glad that she was convinced by q to come here, and then got to share some of her college years with her twin brother luke. y/n always felt like she was forgotten by her siblings as she didn’t excel at hockey and that she was a girl. they loved her, and she loved them— but the distance between them was enough for her to feel like she didn’t get enough time to grow up with them. she wanted to not stand in their way, but still cheer them on. so, when quinn— her oldest brother convinced her to go to umich instead of boston college, she felt seen. she felt even more seen when luke — her own twin was petitioning for her to go to college with him.
“cmon sis— we can take on the world from ann arbor together! come with me!!” luke pleaded at the family dinner table as ellen gave her daughter a “it’s up to you, scholarships have been coming in for you for years to go to anywhere you want sweetie. lu is going for athletics— and you are our ms. academics! that would be amazing but you know that it is your choice, honey.”
“okay lu on just one condition……. don’t push me away.” she told her older brother she got tackled into a bear hug from the side.
“YES!! 3 to mich baby!!!” q yelled as her two older brothers got up and joined the hug.
“guess I’m the odd one out now…” jack joked as he saw y/n’s smile grow bigger by the minute.
“I love you hockey idiots.” she said as she meted into her older brother’s hug.
y/n got to be his cheerleader sister for the two years as became one of the greatest young players in college hockey. her friend group intermingled with his— and she even had a thing with his friend mark estapa for awhile. until they all left after their sophomore year, as expected. they had big nhl contracts & big bucks coming in. no one was more proud than y/n of her boys, she bought all of their jerseys, went to as many games as she could all while being in school.
❀☻ 𓆉☼ ✿
junior year started and she had earned an internship for the red wings. a dream come true as she has always wanted to be in the hockey industry some how. it felt as it was a birthright that she started to fulfill. y/n was on cloud 9 when she called her dad and said that she had started with the red wings as an intern assistant pt to the head physical therapist to the red wings organization. her parents were ecstatic as they knew how important it was to her.
on one of the first games, she met him— simon. he had came into the locker room with a bad shoulder injury during a game while y/n was “on deck” aka waiting for someone to give her someone to work on. he came in with a bloody nose and a out of place shoulder— and changed her whole life.
“hey— you think that you can fix this and we can go out some time?” he asked her as she looked to the side to see him smirking at her with a little bit of blood on his nose still. she had only met him 20 minutes ago and he was asking HER out.
“maybe— we still need to get this blood off. my brother may add some if he knew though.” she joked as they both laughed. she was nervous. guys aren’t normally like this to her without knowing her family.
“I think you will be worth the risk, ms dr in training hughes.” he winked and put the ice pack back on his nose.
“hughes? you know who I am?” she questioned stupidly as he smiled at her. he looks down to her name tag that says “y/n hughes— physical therapy & sports medicine assistant” with the red wings logo on it & her little flower doodles. her eyes look down to her name tag— and she feels herself turning pink.
“right— my name tag. duh.” she says laughing off her awkward question as she turns to grab some k-t tape for his shoulder.
her back was turned as he started “of course— but that’s not how I know you. I saw you on draft night on tv. luke was no.4 overall and I was no.6. I followed you on instagram after that. I thought you were cute, despite all of the hockey glory family & scary older brothers to go through. you seemed so sweet & cared a lot about hockey. I just didn’t know I’d actually get to meet you…..” simon semi ranted as y/n turned bright pink at his words.
she turned around and he saw her turn pink, and he smiled at it. she was cute, in a way that was different from the rest. the compassion & intelligence radiated from her making her stand out in a way that caught his eye.
“okay— one date edvinsson. but first let’s get your shoulder back in place & get you healed up.” y/n said in return of his semi rant as she quickly popped his shoulder back in. she kept him company for the rest of the game, getting him more ice water as they talked & watched the game. it was relaxing, the pair got to have a calm moment in their “stressful” lives.
he didn’t care who she was the sister of— or what family she was from. he was a genuine, caring guy who wanted to be with her. she loved him— she loved everything about her life when he stepped— ran into it with his injury stunt that night. date after date, their relationship went from flirtatious friends to a private but secret relationship. no one knew who got them whipped— but each other.
❀☻ 𓆉☼ ✿
the rest of junior year flew by, as well as her internship with the red wings. at the end of the season, after a great time she was promoted from an intern to a part time assistant for the red wings in her department. summer came & she spent most of it at the lake w/ simon. her parents loved him, and her brothers had no idea of her relationship yet due to the fact they have had summer hockey and couldn’t come home. again, she felt that time slipped away as her brothers wouldn’t even call any more, or text her to check up on her like she did to them.
one night at the lake, the university called & told her that after she graduated that she would have a guaranteed spot for their graduate program, which would have hours for her to go work for the red wings. simon was sitting next to her, trying to watch his girlfriend’s odd expressions on the phone.
“yes— thank you! thank you so much. I cannot wait to sign. alright — see you in a few weeks then!” y/n then quickly hung up, looking over at her confused boyfriend. they were sitting on the dock as she got the call.
“who was that? signing? I’m confused.” he asked her as she leaned over to kiss him happily.
“guess who’s becoming a wolverine again! and a redwing!” she said ecstatically as simon jumped up.
“WHAT?!” he said excited as she jumped up and hugged him tightly.
“yeah!!! I got the graduate program spot & it will let me go part time with the red wings now— this is it!” y/n told him as he spun her around.
“my girlfriend with her big girl job & big girl graduate school!! I’m so proud of you baby. you deserve the world!!” he told her as she started to tear up.
“I— I love you so much si— thank you for being here.” she told him as they held hands walking back up to the house so she can tell her parents.
“always my love. always. are you going to tell your brothers? or just your parents?” he questioned as they walked up the dock.
“just my parents. I’ll wait until I get closer to graduation to tell the boys about my new job & graduate school. I still got a season left as a intern so—“ y/n trailed off as simon stopped her.
“hey— you got time. they are going to be happy for you regardless.” simon told his nervous girlfriend as they walked in the door. “go— celebrate. I’ll be here.” pushing her to go to the dinner table & tell her parents. he watched from behind the corner as she told her parents, taking a few pictures as the moment went on.
it’s like he was freezing the special moment for her in time
❀☻ 𓆉☼ ✿
november came and it was only a month away from graduation. y/n's university life was full of having its "lasts" while simon was cruising through the beginning of the season. he would try to come to her senior banquets if he was off, but y/n knew that the thought counts if he couldn't attend. simon was nervous about it because she knew how her brothers were with her, the stories he has listened to about the hughes brothers ignoring their baby sister. he wanted her to feel loved and he engaged in everything he could for her. 
two weeks from graduation; y/n relooked up the graduation date in correlation to her brother's hockey schedules and of course, they didn't line up anymore. she knew that they weren't going to put the effort in to show up, but she still sent a voicemail. 
and of course, she waited every day for a call or text back from at least one of them. she would call her mom every day, asking how her and her dad were doing, as well as asking about the boys. nothing on the boys, but at least her parents agreed to come to her college graduation. 
she felt like shit the week before graduation, sick with stress. simon was truly worried about his girlfriend, and he couldn't even worry about his stress. 
graduation day came and y/n's stress turned into bliss when she was handed her diploma. she couldn't see her group in the crowd, but she could feel the love. simon was sitting with her parents and grandparents in the crowd.
simon sat next to ellen as ellen called frantically all day to get in contact with her sons. again, no answer. "I swear I talk to y/n more than those boys." she told simon and simon tried to laugh it off.
"yeah, y/n knows more about the boys through their insatgram posts than anything else." he tells his future in law as she looks at him, dumbfounded.
"si-- what?" she questions almost angrily. "did y/n never tell you?" he asks as the whole hughes family starts to listen in. "she hasn't actually talked to any of the boys since junior year. they ignore all of her texts and calls, she didn't see them when they would come to detroit......" he continues on and ellen puts the pieces together in her brain. her boys have completely ignored their baby sister, so y/n would always check up on them through her. 
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liked by @/colecaufield, _alexturcotte, elblue06 & 87,672 others
y/n.hughes - thanks umich for the best 4, see you soon for grad school! also go redwings as I will be part time with them over my graduate program! ♥️ thankful for my people and life always🥰 #goblue
tagged @/ universityofmichigan, umichhockey, detroitredwings, simonedvinssonn
posted on december 17
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umichhockey - congrats from all of us here at yost!! 〽️
↳ y/n.hughes - thank you 💙💛
detroitredwings - ❤️🤍
↳ y/n.hughes - excited for this new step with you!!
elblue06 - congrats my girl!! 🥰🥰
↳ y/n.hughes - I love you mama💖 @/elblue06
simonedvinssonn - pretty grad😇
↳ y/n.hughes - min kärlek♥️♥️ (my love) @/simonedvinssonn
trevorzegras - congrats baby hughes! 🤩
nicohischier - congrats hughesy!!! 🥹🥹
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❀☻ 𓆉☼ ✿
three ish months later.......
hey, it’s y/n. I’m calling and I know you wouldn’t have answered me— but I’m engaged! I just called to tell you and jack because I already sent a voicemail to q. I love you both & I hope that you can call me or facetime me soon. but if not— I’ll see you when I see you. or if I even see you. bye, lu lu. 
another phone call was unanswered and sent to voicemail by her siblings. all she wanted was for them to answer or even just acknowledge their existence. she didn't know why she had been exiled, nothing on simon's & hers relationship was out, she was still at umich -- nothing was adding up. but all three of her older brothers were ghosting her. she felt like they were slipping away from her, but this time -- they truly were.
being engaged and working for the same team as your fiancee was tough for y/n. papers were to be signed, and contracts were to be renegotiated, but everything worked out in simon's and y/n's favor. the rest of the year went smoothly, and playoffs came quick enough. the devils were in and the canucks as well as the redwings were out of the playoffs. meaning the whole hughes family went to new jersey to see jack and luke play. y/n told simon that he could come, and ellen encouraged it. so, the future edvinssons with the hughes parents went to new jersey for the first round.
the airport was awkward as they met quinn there, and then waited for jack and luke to pick all of them up. quinn had grown up significantly since the last time that y/n had seen him in person. his beard was grown out, and he grew into the levelheaded defensive player that the canucks needed and wanted as a captain. his face tensed when he saw his little sister with his family, and a tall blonde man. he had no idea why his mother had that face on. 
"hey, how was the flight?" quinn asked his family as he dropped his stuff next to ellen's, engulfing her into a hug. a hug which she reciprocated but then as she let go, she grabbed her eldest son by ear, tugging him to his little sister. y/n and simon stifled a laugh as ellen dragged him to them.
"quintin jerome hughes! I am livid at you and your brothers! ignoring your sister for THAT LONG?!? unacceptable, you are not children anymore." she said as she dropped him off right in front of the couple.
quinn was facing downwards, meaning his eye level was at his little sister's hands, meaning he saw that ROCK on her finger. his head whipped up so fast it almost gave him whiplash. eye to eye, quinn got a good look at his baby sister who was not a baby anymore. she was beautiful, and he had no idea how much time passed until he saw that rock on her finger. "you're engaged?" he questioned her lightly, almost out of breath because he couldn't BELIEVE that his BABY sister was engaged, let alone in a relationship.
"yeah, if you would pick up your damn phone you would have gotten MULTIPLE things from me over the past two years, quintin." she spat back. he was shocked at her anger, but not fully surprised by it. he looked over to her left to see him. the man who stole his little sister's heart, simon edvinsson. he knew who he was as they were both defensemen, as well as luke. they were always in the articles together. 
"you're marrying a hockey player, y/n? that's pretty low of you." quinn told her as he watched her face drop.
"unlike you quinn, he actually has time and cares for me. he has ALWAYS been there, unlike some hockey players I know." she tells her older brother, and she laughs at the end. "oh speak of the devil and they shall appear. simon, meet my other two asshole brothers, luke and jack." she pats his shoulder as quinn turns around to see his other brothers.
"hey what's up -- who's the guy y/n?" jack questions as ellen starts to walk over to her other two sons.
"you two are in serious trouble. how could you ghost y/n like this? for this long? unacceptable." ellen says grabbing them both by their ears for a moment and then letting them go.
"boys, meet simon, y/n's fiancé. y/n, go order an uber for you and simon, please." jim asks them and they nod.
"c'mon babe." she says lightly, grabbing their stuff and heading to the uber terminal.
"they aren’t mad, are they?" simon asks, holding her hand. "not at you my love, but a hughes family talk will be done and hopefully my dumbass brothers will realize what they have done wrong." she tells her fiancé.
a day later and its game day. y/n and simon waited until the game to see everyone (so aka the boys could get their shit together). ellen texted y/n that the boys would need to explain it to her. so, like any good sibling, she met them before the game. bright and early at 8am so they could have a good talk. she met them by a coffee shop near the rink, just a simple brunch spot where it should be fine to talk. or so she thought.
all three boys were sitting at a table when she walked in. she was wearing a monochrome black and red outfit, her brunette hair in curls. she had developed a nice look since they last saw her in person. she was glowing, and looked so much like their mom. she smiled softly at them as she sat down.
“did you order yet?” she asked them politely as they all had coffees in front of them.
“no but we did get coffee, I got you a vanilla latte.” luke told his twin sister as he scooted it next to her.
“thanks luke.” she thanked him.
the waitress came over and took their orders, and then it was silent again. jack cleared his throat and quinn took a drink of his coffee. y/n kept looking down at her rings, fiddling with them. it was awkward, all of the hughes siblings were in a way — but especially now.
“you want to start?” quinn asked his younger sister as she looked up.
“yeah. what the fuck.” she stated bluntly as she took a sip of her iced latte. “how, why, when. I want to know everything. I have done everything right. I have no idea what I have done wrong. do you even know how you made me feel? all of you? I have always felt like the outcasted sibling and you all have made it worse over this period of let’s ignore y/n time.” she ranted as she watched all of their faces turn.
“look y/n with everything going on—“ quinn started as y/n bluntly cut him off. “quintin do not fuck with me. I work for an organization in the league and I’m engaged to a player. I know how your schedules work, I keep up with both of your teams on top of the redwings’, and simon still makes time for me. so, do not bullshit me if you guys say “I’ve had no time” or “we didn’t want to bother you.” she told them straight as their food came.
the tension was thick between the four of them. y/n couldn’t even eat, she just stared and drank her coffee.
“we thought you needed space okay? we thought you wanted to be your own person and we are sorry. we made a promise to each other to all back off and not be the overbearing brothers that we were for the past 20 years. I regret it I do because look at you now. graduated, big girl job, engaged?! I regret missing these milestones of your life y/n.” jack says sincerely which made her choke up.
“I’m sorry too y/n, as a twin I have been horrible. I broke our promise of not pushing you away. I wanted to let you have your umich experience on your own for the past two years but I would do anything to go back and tell myself how stupid our idea was to give you space. I love you, I love you sis. I am happy that you got to do what you have always wanted career wise — and honestly, even relationship wise. I haven’t fully met him, but my friends in the league say he is a pretty good guy.” luke rants heartfully as he grabs y/n’s hand.
at this point y/n is looking at a with tears in her eyes. she has always been closest to quinn. seeing his baby sister look at him like she used to when they were toddlers makes his heart ache. how could he be so stupid, how could all of them be so stupid.
“you— you slipped though our fingers, y/n. and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for graduation, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to buy your first legal drink like I said, I’m sorry for not answering your calls, I’m sorry that I didn’t try harder. you’ve grown up without us for the past two years and I fucking regret it all. I missed hearing your voice and seeing you at games or in our gear. I’m guilty for pushing you away but I’m not guilty about it if that means you got to get your dream job and dream job because we weren’t standing in your light anymore. I love you. we have missed having our little dancing queen in our life, sis. will you take us back?” quinn stutters out and y/n is full on crying in her pancakes.
“I love you boys. I hated that you left — simon hated that you left. but if that means I would get you back again then I would let you do it to me all over again. you are my brothers and I would nev—never not want you in my life. I am still mad but I have worked past it. I love you three to death. luke, jack — lets get you playoff ready, yeah? ice cream?” y/n tells them as they both smile.
quinn is looking at the two boys and their eyes are lit up like christmas. the boys get up and hug their sister tightly and quinn goes to pay the bill. luke and jack lead the way to the ice cream shop down the way, and quinn & y/n follow.
“so, you really love him yeah?” he lightly hits y/n’s shoulder as she blushes.
“yeah I do quinny, he means everything to me.” she mumbles softly as quinn wraps his arm around her shoulder.
“as long as he makes you happy, we approve — but sis; you do know he will still have to pass the hughes brother tests right?” quinn jokes to her as they both laugh.
“simon is up for it if you guys are, but my man is a 6’6 goon so be careful.” she jokes as they meet them at the ice cream shop.
“morning ice cream before playoffs, just like old times when you’d drag us in michigan.” jack tells his younger sister as they make their way to the counter.
“good habits die hard, jacky. time may have slipped but I’m still the same.” she tells him as she orders a mint chocolate chip cone with extra rainbow sprinkles, just like she did as a kid.
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liked by @/ umichhockey, edwards.73, trevorzegras & 127,728 others
y/n.hughes - can finally post these♥️ my secret is out! #engaged💍
tagged - @/ simonedvinssonn
location - hughes lake house
posted april 17
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elblue06 - finally got those back!!
↳ y/n.hughes - the perfect planner :) @/elblue06
lhughes_06 - congrats sis🤑
↳ y/n.hughes - love you moose 💖 @/lhughes_06
simonedvinssonn - jag kan inte vänta med att få spendera för alltid med dig min älskade♥️ (I can’t wait to spend forever with you my love)
↳ y/n.hughes - forever by the beach boys baby🤍 @/simonedvinssonn
jackhughes - still need the summer tests but he is approved 🫡
↳ _quinnhughes - our baby sister isn’t a baby anymore 😭 @/jackhughes
trevorzegras - WEDDING BELLSSSS ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
colecaufield - CONGRATS SIS
umichhockey - team 101 reunion???
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since the hughes sibling talk, the hughes family & simon watched every single devils playoff game together, as a family. the devils went all the way to the stanley cup finals, everyone was ecstatic for it as luke & jack were not having record breaking seasons. y/n was happy to be there in person to see her brothers shine. she missed it. but she was even happier to see her brothers get along with her fiancé, especially quinn. simon and quinn bonded fast as they watched all of the games, side by side.
two years ago, if she told herself that her brothers would be back in her life and being on good terms with her fiancé, enough to even be civil while watching the cup together - she would have laughed. now…. she can’t imagine it any different. time slipped by and the hughes siblings grew apart, but not even time can break the bond of the siblings. it just grew stronger.
if y/n knew that this would be the outcome of growing apart from her siblings — she’d let it all happen again; in a heartbeat.
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luke-hughes43 · 6 months
hello hello!
so my name is meg, I'm 20 and I'm from the Boston area! I'm a massive hockey fan and I'll write for most players if you ask!
I have a variety of aus and mostly everything for each au is under the tag for the girls!!!
I'm always open to write stand alone fics outside of my AUs as long as you send the request of what your looking for and who want it about!
*disclaimer: any and all pics for the AUs and insta edit I got from pinterest and instagram and are not my own*
Stella's World
Luke Hughes and Stella Zegras
Ethan Edwards and Bella Murphy
Trevor Zegras and Mackenzie Boldy
Mackie Samoskevich and Paige Greene
Mark Estapa and Fiona Swanson
Seamus Casey and Ella Woods
Dad!Jack with daughter Alyssa Hughes and Sarah Hunt
General Knowledge
Dylan Duke and Avery Johnson
Gavin Brindley and Emma Woods
Matt Boldy and Abby Jackson
Eden's World
Cutter Gauthier and Eden Hughes
Will Smith and Danielle Duke
Ryan Leonard and Isla Gauthier
Gabe Perreault and Kelsey White
General Knowledge
Luke Hughes and Melissa Moynihan
Johnny Beecher and Kaitlyn Granowicz
Jeremy Swayman and Olivia Brown
Steve Holtz and Haley Cameron
Seth Jarvis and Elizabeth Davis
Gabby's World
Gabby Perreault and Will Smith and Ryan Leonard
Riley's World
Riley Leonard and Will Smith and Gabe Perreault
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lovinbarzal · 1 year
mark estapa x fem! teen mom! reader
summary: just a random spam of posts made by y/n ( including a mullet post at the end )
a/n i love teen mom reader and mark au
y/ncooke has posted !
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liked by theemilycarey, edwards.73, and others
y/ncooke emooly, marck, and iniz
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theemilycarey she's ok, everyone! she's just dsylexic!
↳ y/ncooke Hey now!
markestapa the doctor place was scary
mackie.samo guy in the last pic looks a little too good
↳ edwards.73 that's what i'm saying!
y/ncooke has posted !
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liked by livkatecooke, markestapa, and others
y/ncooke emplode
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markestapa my favorite tissues!
↳ y/ncooke boi wth!!!
edwards.73 i wanna join the crib party with mark and nez
↳ mackie.samo me two
↳ dylanduke25 me three
↳ nolan_moyle me four
↳ lhughes06 me five
↳ y/ncooke who's gonna buy a bigger crib so you all fit?
livekatecooke miss u, darling ! <3
jackhughes i sent the bigger crib so that all the boys can fit ( luke begged me )
↳ lhughes06 I DID NO SUCH THING ( i did )
y/ncooke has posted !
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liked by dylanduke25, nolan_moyle, and others
y/ncooke mark: *takes off his beanie* inez: *screams*
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markestapa "you're not me dad!"
↳ edwards.73 i'm so happy i got to witness this go down
umichhockey inez doesn't approve of mullet season?
mackie.samo i could've witnessed this? never getting gas again
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mamaestapa · 3 months
so hypothetically.. mama and papa estapa ?
you know what i want bby -> also pookie hung !
mama and papa estapa🥹 that is so cute stop
i don’t even know where to start with this because there’s so much to talk about, literally such a sweet thought.
all the guys call you and mark mama and papa estapa. rutger started it as a joke after the live. but then it just stuck, and when you get pregnant that’s all they call you.
definitely wasn’t a planned pregnancy, but that baby is so so loved. baby estapa has SO MANY UNCLES. also, i go back and forth because mark gives off boy dad, BUT him with a baby girl, oh it’s so sweet
mark is the sweetest during your pregnancy. he is so protective of you and the lil peanut. he’s by your side every step of the way, from the moment you get a positive test to the day your baby is born. he’s so good with you…holding your hair back when you’re sick, holding your bump when it gets too heavy, giving into your cravings, rubbing your swollen ankles, he’s just the absolute best.
he’s obsessed with your bump too. like the second you start showing with a little belly mark is all over you.
when baby estapa is born, mark somehow gets even better. he’s so caring and attentive with you and the baby, always doing anything and everything he can to help. the newborn stage is tough, but mark loves getting up and having a moment of skin to skin with his son or daughter when no one else is awake but them.
definitely gets your child an estapa jersey/onesie for hockey season. the uncles insist on their jerseys too, so baby estapa is showing up to yost with estapa, edwards, mcgroarty, fantilli, hughes, casey, duke…at that point baby estapa is the teams baby.
your child definitely takes after mark too, especially if you have a boy. like just a mini mark looks and personality wise
i could keep going because this such a cute thought (my ovaries are exploding) mark would be the best dad…papa estapa🥹
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