#dbh ak300
nightmaresart · 1 month
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"We all have stories we won't ever tell,"
Hello hello, today I bring you my old dbh oc redesigned!! This is Eric, an AK300 model that is no longer in production, he's one of the oldest deviants found at Jericho and some even believe he's the one who found the place.
He's a friend and companion to Simon, North, Josh and Markus. His evolvement in the story I'm currently rewriting. All I can say is that he's not fond of talking about his past and how he deviated in the first place, he will always change the subject or cut the conversation short.
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nightmaresart · 3 years
ᴅᴇᴛʀᴏɪᴛ: ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ
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Hey everyone, I'm just working on my dbh ocs again and decided to update their moodboards as their purpose in the storyline has changed for the most part, excluding Eric since he is the most fleshed out of the bunch. So you guys can expect some more content of these four as well now since I am working on concept designs and ideas in general.
See ya around
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nightmaresart · 4 years
Eric: *Sighs*
Simon: Being pretty must be tiring
Eric: Then you must be exhausted
North: Holy fuck, that was smooth
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nightmaresart · 4 years
Eric: I need your advice
North: Kill them
Eric: You shouldn't be promoting murder
North, shrugging: We all have our flaws
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nightmaresart · 4 years
Eric: Did you just refer to your knife as a 'People opener'?
North: Should I not have?
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nightmaresart · 4 years
Fun fact for Eric!
Fun fact!
After Eric became deviant he ofcourse hid in Jericho with the others a year before Markus fell into the ship. But Eric has someone managed to get dubbed as 'Mama bear' or even just 'Mother' for the other deviants. Caring for others hasn't left his programming even after becoming deviant.
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nightmaresart · 4 years
North: Ra9, give me the patience..
Eric: Don't you mean strength?
North: If he gave me the strength, everyone would be fucking dead.
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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🎃Happy halloween
Happy Halloween guys, have there Jericho crew, including my oc Eric, dressed up for halloween! Josh is an angel, North is a devil, Simon is a vampire, Markus is a werewolf and Eric is a witch!
Please stay safe and inside during these times but dont let that ruin your halloween spirit
This will also be my last post as I am joining no content November, but not like anyone will notice or cares lmao.
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nightmaresart · 4 years
Eric: Wait, are you flirting with me?
Simon: Have been for the past couple of months but thanks for noticing
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nightmaresart · 4 years
North: I have a solution!
Markus: Thank goodness
North: It involves fire
Eric: Absolutely not!
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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The first meeting
Disclaimer: this was written quite some time ago but I finally have to courage to post some of my terrible writing! So please enjoy!
Also please not that this isn't proofread and might contain spelling errors since English isn't my first language, so please be considerate about that!
The drabble starts below the cut
Markus was wandering around Jericho, he had finally found it and was now looking for Lucy like Simon had told him to do. He saw many androids, some broken, some who had already shut down and some who were walking around, hoping for a better future.
Markus scanned the abandoned ship in the hope to find Lucy, but he found another android who seemed to be comforting an other who was shutting down. He made his way over, slowly as not to startle the two. Markus remained silent, listening to the black haired android.
"Its going to be okay dear" the black haired android spoke with a soft tone in his voice, holding the female android's hand, rubbing his tumb over her knuckles. "Just, close your eyes and everything will be fine. You need to rest." He continued, urging the other to close her eyes and let go. He knew there wasn't any hope left for her as there was no way they could repair the amount of damage that has been caused to her.
Markus saw how much the female android trusted the male android, as she nodded with a small smile and did what she was told. Her LED who was first a screaming bright red, slowly died down until it was completely out. She had shut down.
"Why did you lie to her?" Markus found himself asking, getting closer to the black haired android. "You knew she wasn't going to make it and you told her it was going to be okay, why?"
The black haired android let go of the hand he was still holding and turned to face Markus. "Sometimes," he began, again with such a gentle and calm tone of voice "Its better to tell a white lie that makes people feel better, then tell them the harsh truth that will only cause stress." He stood up, looking back at the female android one last time before fixing all his attention to Markus. "I knew she wasn't going to make it, she knew she wasn't going to make it." A sigh escaped him, "So making her feel better was the best I could do." He gave a small sad smile.
Markus his expression softened, he understood now. All the other wanted to do was make sure she wouldn't shut down feeling stressed. His eyes wandered from the shut down android to the blue eyes of the android standing infront of him. "Who are you?" Markus then asked, needing to know his name.
"My name is Eric, I'm an AK300 model." Eric told him, appearing to be scanning the mismatched eyed android standing infront of him. "And you're markus, you made quite the fall to get here." The smile never faded from his face.
"How did you-" Markus began to ask but he was soon cut off by Eric.
"Simon told me," Eric simply explained "He also told me you're looking for Lucy." Eric came a little closer and pointed towards a corner with a barrel which was on fire. "She is over there, I suggest going to her unless you want to lose more thirium." He patted Markus his shoulder and watched the android go.
He had a distinct feeling Markus might be the one that everyone needed. The one that would lead their people towards freedom and end their slavery. It would be alright.
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nightmaresart · 4 years
My dbh ocs as John Mulaney quotes
Eric, during Markus his violent route-
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Eric, when you talk to him as Markus and ask about his past-
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Bella, when she first starts to have actual emotions-
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Bella, basically after she discovers she had become deviant-
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Charlie, basically whenever connor is close to finding him-
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Brendon, just, this is brendon-
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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The confrontation
Summary: Markus confronts Eric after they had a fight, this is where he finally learns about the other androids past and thus why he lashed out.
⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
This story lightly touches upon past abuse, if you're sensitive or can not handle this topic then please leave or proceed with caution, you have been warned
No one had seen Eric after he had lashed out at Markus for being so reckless. What started out as a discussion of what their next step would be to lead their people to freedom, had unfortunately ended in a shouting match between Eric and Markus, after which Eric had promptly left without saying another word to the deviant leader.
Markus had initially wanted to follow the other android but was stopped by North. She told him to let Eric be, as he was way too high in his emotions right now, and would make stupid decisions if Markus were to confront him right away. Markus had understood it immediately and let Eric be.
This was a couple of hours ago, as Markus was now standing next to the other android again. Eric still hasn't spoken up to Markus, but he wasn't walking away either. So that was definitely a win in Markus his book.
More minutes passed and the two were just looking out over the city, as they were on the roof of Jericho at this very moment. "I apologize for yelling at you Markus," Eric begun with a hushed voice, "I was wrong for shouting at you, but.. I just couldn't stay silent any longer." Eric turned to look at the android beside him.
Markus turned his head to see Eric looking at him while he spoke, "I should be the one apologizing," he begun, furrowing his brows slightly "You were right to speak about what was on your mind, I just shouldn't have yelled back straight away."
A snort came from the black haired android, "Guess we were both extremely stupid to do that then." A smile made it's way on Eric's face and he visibly relaxed.
A silence settled over them again, less tense this time around. The smile never fell from Eric's face as he studied the deviant leader, there was just something about him that seemed to draw everyone in to listen to him. Perhaps it had something to do with how Markus was designed, as he appeared to be one of a kind while Eric, and everyone else, were just models that had multiple versions of themselves walking around Detroit.
Markus caught Eric staring and cocked a brow in response along with a faint smile, "Is there something on my face?"
This question caused Eric to laugh, "No, there isn't, dont worry." After he stopped laughing a smile stayed on his face while he looked back out over Detroit again. If it wasn't for Markus, Eric was certain they still would have been in hiding, not doing anything to gain freedom and rights.
His smile must have fallen from his face as Markus got closer to Eric and laid a hand on his shoulder. "You seem distracted, even more so then usual.." Markus noted, "Something is bothering you." The deviant leader then stated, which caused Eric to snap his head back to Markus again. Was he really that easy to read whenever something was bothering him.
"Well," Eric started, hesitating wheter or not he should let Markus in his thoughts, his past and concerns.
Markus saw how Eric hesitated and removed his hand from the other's shoulder. "You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable with doing so." The last thing Markus wanted was to further upset Eric.
Eric furrowed his brows as Markus removed his hand, "No, markus," Eric begun, taking the other android's hand in his own, "It's not that I don't want to tell you.." deactivating the skin on his hand he gave silent permission for Markus to so the same, "It's just a lot." Eric finished his sentence with a faint sad smile and let all his concerns and past experiences flow trough their connection.
A couple of seconds passed before Markus ripped his hand away from Eric's, a look of concern quickly took over his features. "It was as if I was there with you.."
"Markus I can-" Eric begun, but was cut off by the other android.
"No! There is no need to explain or to apologize, it was just alot of information." Markus looked at the android infront of him, Eric was concerned and it was rather visible. "All that abuse you had to go trough, the amount of times you lay broken in a puddle of blue blood, waiting to shut down.. and yet you have never given up on humans," Markus took a step forward, getting in Eric's personal space, "Why? Why have you never defended yourself against him?"
Eric crossed his arms and hugged himself, avoiding Markus his gaze he opened his mouth to talk, "Because I couldn't, because if I did.." He looked back up at the android in front of him, "Those two boys I used to care for would be devastated, that's why." A faint tremble could be heard in Eric's voice at the end of that sentence.
Markus his expression softened as he pulled the deviant in his arms for a hug. "I understand everything now.." he muttered, "and I'm terribly sorry for making you so worried all the time.."
A sigh escaped Eric as he returned Markus his embrace. "Its okay," burying his face in Markus his shoulder he closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment. "You couldn't have known.. after all, I barely tell anything about myself in the first place."
A chuckle escaped both men, and their embrace lasted just a little longer. They had so much to learn about being alive and actually telling others about how they feel, but this is the first step of a long journey. A journey they would take together.
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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"When I started to love you, I realized that I have never loved anyone like this before"
Today I present to you one part of my polyamorous ship that contains Simon, Markus and my oc Eric. I wanted to make some moodboards for all of them separately so the other two will come.
So this is Simon and Eric, these two have known each other for quite some time before Markus fell into Jericho. The relationship and confessions were slow but after the revolution was won and androids obtained rights, all the emotions came gushing out and they finally felt like they could be themselves for the first time
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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Genderswap: Dbh edition
I was quite bored today so I began sketching my dbh oc's as the opposite gender, and these are the results!
I personally really like Eric's female design 😔✋🏼
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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"Darling I dont care how complicated this gets, I still want you"
The second part of my lovely polyamorous ship, but this time it's with Markus and my oc Eric!
These two officially met after Markus fell into Jericho and was searching for Lucy. During this he stumbled upon Eric who was taking care of another android who was shutting down. They talked about the androids who were still in working order and what Eric had been doing during his time at Jericho. A friendship was made after they raided the Cyberlife warehouse.
After the revolution was won and android obtained rights, feelings came gushing out as well as confessions. It was messy but it was the purest from of emotions they had felt in months
Before you go
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