electricxmayhem · 4 years
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spelviin · 4 years
dndads ep 26 intro gonna be like
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spelviin · 4 years
ok i’m like 99% sure the moms are not the purple robes
i went back and listened to ep 15/16 when they first meet the three of them, and it just doesn’t add up. 
like basically the only thing they have in common is the descriptors “tall and thin” and “short and rotund/stocky” which like... first of all, there’s only so many ways to differentiate characters while concealing their faces/identities, and describing build is pretty much it, so it makes sense that there would be some overlap in descriptors even among different sets of characters. there’s also the fact that the third purple robe is never described as being “curvy” while i’m pretty sure anthony describes mercedes as such like fifty-seven times. 
there’s also the fact that anthony has only ever referred to the purple robes as guys, men, he/him, etc, while he started using she/her for the mummies pretty much immediately. he doesn’t seem the type to deliberately obfuscate pronouns to throw off the audience, so unless he went through an entire year of the podcast before deciding the identities of the main bad guys of the campaign, it just doesn’t track for me. 
and lastly... i just don’t see any overlap there, personality-wise. i know there’s been a lot of talk about the “something” that had been siphoned off the moms during their ten-year fall being their kindness or their love or their tolerance for their husbands’ bullshit or whatever, but even so... i just can’t see them saying the things that the purple robes say to the dads, not even on their worst days. like, that “overly feminine bullshit” barb that one of the purple robes pulled on ron when terry jr was taken? in what universe would any of the wives, even some weird warped evil version, say something like that? it’s just not in character.
you know who it is in character for, though? 
willy fucking stampler.
i dunno, it just makes a lot more sense to me that the purple robes are the dads’ own fathers than some weird warped versions of their wives that are so far removed from the personalities we know that they’re practically different characters. 
we already know willy is an abusive misogynist prick who kills cats. we already know daddy oak is an asshole who believes in corporal punishment and set such a terrible example for his own son that he’s now terrified of expressing anger towards his kids for fear of ending up “like him”. frank is... a bit of a wild card, but i think it’s safe to say that the dude had some obsession with being “the perfect father” (likely since rob disappeared and he never had a dad of his own so he put a lot of pressure on himself with darryl) and that obsession could lead to extreme disappointment in darryl for not being, as scam likely put it, as good a dad as he had been. 
and daddy close remains a mystery because freddie, bless his soul, is playing glenn’s backstory sooooo close to the chest in the interest of letting things come out organically. which i hella respect but at the same time it’s like. tell me everything, i wanna know all about the close family!!!!!! but i digress.
point is, i just think the dads’ dads suit the descriptions we’ve had so far and the attitudes/motivations of the purple robes way more than their wives do. i could be wrong, and this could be me just being married to my pet theory, but idk... it just makes the most sense considering what we know so far. 
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spelviin · 4 years
this is all our fault we made fun of anthony for not knowing what the V stood for and now he’s exacting his cruel and merciless revenge on all who wronged him
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spelviin · 4 years
ok but like, all i’m saying is this:
the initial panic of falling into a purple hell abyss can’t last forever
eventually the moms would get to talking
and talking would inevitably lead to some tensions, considering one out of the three is a very conservative, very catholic career woman and another out of the three is a very liberal, very hippie feminist witchy  classical dj
i’m saying there would be some butting heads at the start, with sweet samantha mediating and just being her awesome self 
but even so, they all need each other. despite their differences, they only have each other, and the shared pain of losing their husbands and sons as well as the uncertainty of their current predicament
so they work past it, and they all get to know each other more and more, better than their best friends, maybe even better than their spouses
and those initial tensions, though the years, evolve into something different. something more
mercedes appreciates carol’s conviction, her strength, her drive, her no-nonsense attitude and firm sense of what she wants and doesn’t want
and carol appreciates mercedes’ honesty, her understanding, her passion and kindness
and carol remembers, lifetimes ago, standing in her living room venting to darnell about what she wishes she had in a relationship
someone who could be emotionally open with her, someone who could be vulnerable, someone who let nothing go unsaid, someone who was romantic and cultured, someone who said her name like it was the music she loved so much
and she realizes who that someone is - namely one birkenstock rocking, nature loving, hippie musical mummy mom. and her feelings are very much requited.
and then once this current snafu is somehow resolved, all the moms retain their memories of the decade they spent bonding with each other and are still besties
and when they finally reunite with their dumbass husbands, one of the first things henry and mercedes say to each other is “oh yeah btw i also may or may not have fallen a little bit in love with one of the wilsons” 
and everything is awesome and nothing hurts
tl;dr -  carol and mercedes totally fell in love over a decade of falling thru a dimensional portal and when they reunite with their husbands who also happen to have fallen in love they’re gonna form the most powerful fucking polycule the doodlers have ever seen 
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spelviin · 4 years
like, holy shit. i know it’s a really dumb idea and would essentially just mean orphaning the boys but like... i feel like the pain is so fresh and deep at this point that they would do anything to save their wives
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spelviin · 4 years
also i know they all just got an award there but fucking hell i think will deserves another one because his acting in those last scenes fucking BROKE me 
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spelviin · 4 years
i just want a scene at the end of the series, when everyone is safe and okay and reunited back home, where one of the wives casually suggests going to universal and all of the dads are like “NO” 
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spelviin · 4 years
me, a person who Hates Confrontations, in ep 24: nooooooo i don’t want the dads to fight! listening to them yell at each other like this makes me sad and kinda anxious i wish they could just get along!
me, also a complete Drama Slut, after ep 25: ok but like how great would it be if one of the dads went totally off the deep end with grief and, in a desperate and shortsighted bid to fix the fucked up thing that just happened, tries to pull from the deck of many things and then the other dads had to stop him and it ends up being a blowout battle between them fuelled by rage and despair and-
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spelviin · 4 years
what if carol’s letter is just, fuckin. divorce papers. 
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spelviin · 4 years
fandom: mercedes what do you have?
mercedes: A GUN!!!!!!
fandom: NO!!!!!! 
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spelviin · 4 years
darryl finally reveals his letter and carol has just drawn a perfect recreation of loss
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spelviin · 4 years
i am so, so interested to see how glenn reacts to this 
on the one hand, he’s spared seeing his wife like the others, a drained husk of what she used to be. but on the other, i feel like there’s a tiny, petty part of him that wishes he could see her again at any cost.
i’m also curious as to how he’ll respond emotionally to the other dads. like they’ve all been abruptly thrust into an unimaginable pain that he’s been living in for years and it’s like. will he guide them through the grieving process? will he step up and lead them though the rest of the pyramid because he’s the only one who can? will he be a rock for his friends or will he cave under the weight of responsibility? 
just... gahh. this hurts so much but i cant wait to see how this all plays out going forward. 
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spelviin · 4 years
i always wanted mercedes and darryl to meet face to face but not like this 
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spelviin · 4 years
wait hold up how has henry never turned into a lion 
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spelviin · 4 years
where is my missing scene of all the moms like, having a girl’s night and bonding whilst falling through an endless abyss like
samantha: hmmmm... okay, i got it. i spy with my little eye, something that is purple! 
carol: uhh...everything? 
samantha: you got it! :D 
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