guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Lilith & Eris
💖 Lilith: Libra in the Third House. 💖
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When we come to Yellow’s shadow self, what we will see with these placements is someone who makes it her life’s mission to be liked by everyone and to mould herself into what she believes everyone wants from her. We have an ongoing theme throughout her chart of this happening, and this merely reinforces it further. Yellow definitely struggles to identify her own wants and needs separate from everyone else, and this is something she very much will need to work on.
In the Third House, this also reinforces other placements in that she can become obsessive or paranoid in searching for answers, and she’s constantly searching for meaning in all that she does. If she can’t find it, this is an incredibly difficult situation for her to get over. Despite this, Yellow is very intuitive and perceptive, and is incredibly good at reading others, which ties back to her thinking she’s a great amateur detective. With a Gemini degree, this has the same influence as Yellow’s Pluto degree.
💪🏼 Eris: Aries in the Ninth House. 💪🏼
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Due to generational cycles, Yellow has the same Eris placement as White but it’s in a different house, which is the case for the other Diamonds too. So, all of them are somewhat similar but they just have a slightly different flavour for each. Like the others, Yellow is passionate about what she stands for and believes in, and will most certainly fight for it. If she doesn’t believe in what she’s doing, she won’t commit but when she does, she will ensure it happens. This can make her difficult if she doesn’t achieve what she set out to but that’s because she believes so deeply in what she’s doing.
With this placement, people can still come across as mild but with her other placements, I would say that’s probably not true for Yellow. Instead of mild, she’s just less intense. Once she feels passionate, she’ll be a flurry of action and energy. Yet, just because she believes strongly about things doesn’t mean she always knows exactly what it is that she stands for or believes in. Yellow has a strong personality and ego, and getting to know who she is with some openness and humility will go a long way.
In the Ninth House, this makes Yellow someone who is incredibly focused when it comes to areas of study, particularly when it comes to self-development, self-knowledge, and philosophy. Yellow is very driven when it comes to being better and more deeply informed. This makes her naturally excellent in academic settings, even though this isn’t necessarily her intention. She’s good at picking and choosing a variety of knowledge, experiences, and skills in order to accumulate a unique but strong approach to all that she does, all of which is how she fights. Her knowledge is her strength and her mental acumen is the primary way in which she channels her passion, her fury, her positive aggression. She is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is known both to herself and to wider society, something that genuinely fascinates, compels, and drives her, and this is how she shows up in moments of discord, aggression, injustice, or oppression.
With a Capricorn degree, she brings a sense of determination, perseverance, ambition, discipline, and practicality to this area.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Moon
🌙 Moon: Sagittarius in Fifth House. 🌙
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The Moon represents the unconscious mind and our emotional self. With her moon in Sagittarius, Yellow’s emotional self is ruled by Jupiter, meaning she likes to expand on the energy around her, giving her a larger than life presence. Her emotions are expressed- when expressed- vibrantly and she can be prone to giving grand displays of emotion. Essentially, if she’s happy, she’ll light up the room. If she’s sad or angry, you’ll know about it. Yellow might benefit from learning how to have an emotional filter. She can be very all or nothing.
Despite it all, she’s a freedom-loving soul, who, underneath it all, is happy-go-lucky, idealistic, romantic, fun, and happy. What she does, she does with conviction and passion, meaning she can have the tendency to jump into situations without fully thinking. This placement is known to be generous; sometimes, a bit too much, which can leave her vulnerable. Moreover, Yellow may struggle to communicate at times, as she may be too honest in situations where it’s not appreciated, and she may come across as rude or unfeeling- she’s not one to bite her tongue. Despite this, she’s unable to give out what she dishes. She’s a sensitive being underneath it all and will take criticisms to heart, although she doesn’t want people to know that. She’ll avoid trying to look vulnerable at any point, as she can be quite proud.
With her emotional realm represented by higher learning and understanding, Yellow may struggle too much with trying to rationalise and comprehend all that’s around her, becoming consumed with unanswered questions. If she is hurt or confused, Yellow may have the tendency to retreat to brood or to recharge. In addition, she is prone to impatience and impulsiveness. However, she is imaginative and her Capricorn placement in the Sixth House may temper this sign, so she’s not too idealistic, although she may get carried away with her fancies from time to time. Yellow prefers to see that her glass is half full and she can be a great supporter and advocate for others. She may come across cut-throat and sometimes, she is, but she ultimately wants what’s best for everyone.
With her Moon in the Fifth House, Yellow’s tendency to be expressive and dramatic is amplified and doubled down, as she may feel an unconscious need to be seen by others in order to feel connected to them. Although this may make her quite emotionally demanding, it also means she’s incredibly compassionate and affectionate, as she loves to give and provide for others and does it in the biggest way possible. Being passionate is also highlighted again here. Resultantly, she easily can come across as charming, amusing, entertaining, and playful. Yet, if someone wishes to have some downtime, Yellow may be a bit too much for them - she’s not the type to be quiet for long. She would benefit more from detaching her self-worth and emotional fulfilment from other people’s opinions and begin to relax into herself and how she feels comfortable, regardless of others.
Yellow has an Aquarius degree to her Moon, which means she brings a hint of innovation, originality, spontaneity, eccentricity, and rebellion to her emotional and nurturing realm. There could be a sense of logical detachment to but that depends on her other placements.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Houses, 7-12
Hello, everyone! Thanks so much to all of you who have followed this series; I hope people liked it! It was nice to be back at it and to share with whoever’s interested. I hope it was informative and fun, and like I said last time, if anyone ever wants to use that information for any purposes like fanart or fics, let me know because that would be super cool to see!
All of you are more than free to use the posts as discussions- in the comments or in the reblogs. You’re also more than free to message me about anything; if you did want to add anything or note anything, you can do that! Don’t feel you can’t. This info is in the public domain so do what you want with it 😂 Thank you once again 😊
Blue’s should be next! I’ll let you guys know when that should be 🥰
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Seventh House: Aquarius
Yellow may struggle here with her Seventh House in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius usually is viewed as detached, logical, and scientific, which doesn’t always lend itself to emotional closeness. However, Aquarius is also open-minded, joyful, and open to surprises and excitement, which is beneficial in the House of partnerships. Being openly emotional with close partners, whether that be romantically, platonically, or in work, doesn’t come easily to Yellow and being honest about how she feels or how to express herself in a warm, intimate way may be something she needs to work on in her lifetime. However, her Venus, Moon, Mars, Ceres, and Juno may off-set this slightly and make it easier for her to bring that intimacy and warmth. In terms of who she attracts or who she’s attracted to, she prefers steadfast and loyal partners, who themselves can be a little detached, work-oriented, free-spirited, and perhaps unusual and unique. Freedom within relationships is important for Yellow and the way she approaches relationships or partnerships of any kind is perhaps a little unusual in itself or non-traditional. That’s why she needs someone who understands that. For anyone who is a fan of Bellow, you will be glad to know that Blue is an Aquarius Sun, making her a good candidate for Yellow being attracted to her, as her Sun sign equals Yellow’s sign of partnerships.
 Eighth House: Pisces
With her Eighth House in Pisces, Yellow may struggle being too rational, not allowing her dreams to flourish or develop, or not giving them value in comparison to what she deems as ‘realistic’. This is because Yellow fears failure. Despite all this, Yellow is someone who can visualise a lot of different goals and practically manifest them into existence out of sheer will. In addition, she is terrible at dealing with perceived or actual betrayal, and may feel very opinionated or critical regarding lies or deceit. She may struggle with mistrust or disappointment in her relationships, particularly if she has anxiety. This is because she can actually be quite naïve, as she has a great ability to trust those she likes or cares about, making her open to being taken advantage of, especially with her giving nature. Learning how to have good boundaries, how to communicate, and how to be open-hearted would be good for Yellow. She’s also very likely to turn a blind eye to certain goings-on within close relationships (not just romantic) for the sake of the group or the relationship, which may also end up causing chaos later down the line.
 Ninth House: Aries
Here, Yellow is someone who is incredibly passionate about her beliefs, a bit too much. She can often be very fiery, passionate, and impulsive in how she approaches travel, expansion, adventure, and religion. She might not give others the space to express their convictions if they are too far from her own. Religion and spirituality are highlighted in her chart in general, and Yellow may find herself struggling not to be too dogmatic in her beliefs and approach. Even so, she’s a big fighter for ethical and spiritual beliefs and progress, meaning she’s a great force for positive change in this area. The way she expresses herself in her opinions can be very direct and uncomplicated- she says it how it is, essentially. She finds purpose mainly in things she feels wholly passionate about and is drained in situations where she doesn’t fully believe in them or that don’t give her a reason for living. Yellow is always looking to put her talents to use and will find anywhere where she can do that. Yellow is likely to be on top of all the new trends and fashions, and may be an active promoter of them. She’s excellent at promotion in general- anything to do with marketing, publicity, or sharing her values and beliefs with others.
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 Tenth House: Taurus
When it comes to work and public achievements, as well as how she expresses herself publicly, Yellow is very steadfast, predictable, and likes to take her time to unfold or develop in her public persona or work projects. She’s a determined, hard worker, who is often quite loyal to her projects but may become a bit too loyal, which leans into stubbornness and an unwillingness to change. Her main goals in life- in material areas- are centred around physical and sensual satisfaction, which is supported by her chart in general. She can be luxurious in how she accumulates material reward and may value money a bit too much. Yet, this is okay because it seems like she’s the type to make as much money as she wants, enjoy herself as much as she wants, gain what she wants... a baller, basically. Even so, health is also highlighted here and promoting good health or physical wellbeing may be a part of what Yellow does for work or something she feels passionate about promoting. This also suggests Yellow needs to be highly interested in her job to want to stay there, and it also highlights the importance of personal boundaries in not exerting herself too much.
 Eleventh House: Gemini
A lot of Yellow’s chart indicates she likes to talk and express her opinions and this House says great!! In the House of friendships and connections, Yellow is always able to find someone who wants to listen to what she has to say. She prefers being around people who like to think, explore, and discuss a variety of subjects and experiences, and Yellow connects more with those who live life with an adventurous spirit, who are curious and light-hearted, and who like to add a little excitement and enthusiasm to situations. The main downside, however, is that Yellow may become too wrapped up in lightness and excitement, in mental stimulation, and find anything other a burden or she may close herself off from deep emotional intimacy in friendships. Yellow may have found her friends and found family in her childhood connections or environment. Finding a way to express herself is also highlighted here. Her friendship groups are most likely to be an eclectic mix, as she values authenticity, intellect, and connection compared to how people look.
 Twelfth House: Cancer
With Cancer in the Twelfth House, Yellow may idealise the parental figures she has. Combined with her Fourth House in Scorpio, this means that she may be attached a bit too much (it’s cancer, so most likely to the mother or the most feminine figure), which is detrimental to her mental and emotional wellbeing. It’s also likely that Yellow keeps her family environment private and doesn’t really like it any other way. She may also pick up on secrets within the family, even if she doesn’t say anything or let them know that she knows. Some of the biggest shadow work she will have to do in her lifetime is to do with her family, her home, and her mother figure. Working on disappointment, hurt, or subconscious patterns around her family, ancestry, and parents is all on the table for Yellow, which ties into her Chiron, Fourth House, and various other placements. Lastly, this placement also indicates that one of the aspects she keeps hidden or that she finds the most difficult to express is her nurturing, sensitive, vulnerable, needy, and motherly side, her feminine side. In her general life, people may find it hard to identify this part of her.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Ascendant
 ⬆️ Ascendant: Leo. ⬆️
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Whilst the Sun is about our inner self, the Moon our emotional realm, the Ascendant is the personality we channel out to others, the way it reflects outward within society and when with others. Usually, people are seen by others through this lens, meaning we are more likely to see Yellow’s Leo placements before her Capricorn ones. The age of 30 onward is usually when people start to drop this mask and become more comfortable in their true selves, but the Diamonds aren’t human and are much older. Arguably, all of the Diamonds represent their Sun signs quite clearly and even their Ascendants; a lot of their traits are just ‘underdeveloped’, meaning essentially that they’re immature rather than out of touch with these elements of themselves.
So, we see here that Yellow is an extrovert, who can be quite dramatic and assertive. She approaches life with great energy and courage, and is often trying to push her own boundaries of what she can achieve, as well as what others can. Honesty and creativity are highlighted again in Yellow, though she may struggle a little with being too indulgent with herself and others. She’s a determined being who naturally gets her own way, due to her persistence and effort.
Moreover, she’s a captivating conversationalist and is often surrounded by others who wish to hear what she has to say, as she has a larger than life way of approaching the world around her, and has exciting experiences and understandings to share. This can make her envied, enjoyed, and often the centre of attention, not necessarily on purpose. As she’s ruled by the Sun in her Ascendant, that means she inhabits the qualities of this Star. Humans may be blonde or have mane-like hair, but Yellow is literally yellow and actually warm in her physical powers. So, she actually inhabits the Sun in this way. She’s also someone who dresses dramatically or fashionably, and is likely to gain attention for the way she looks.
All of this doesn’t come across as excessive to people or to the point of annoyance, as Yellow is truly earnest and genuine in herself, and is also a hopeless romantic, even if she won’t admit it or always show it. She’s also a natural leader, who exhibits great warmth, interest, and energy into all of her endeavours and who she works with. Her only downfall is that she may come across or even be a little arrogant and proud, and it would be beneficial for her to develop a little humility and true empathy for others, as much as she can be understanding. This is because she struggles to detach herself from the situation; like her Moon, learning emotional detachment would be good for her.
Yellow’s Ascendant has a Taurus degree, meaning that she may be slightly materialistic, focused on security, a hard worker, loyal, stubborn, wilful, purposeful, and productive.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Houses 1-6
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First House: Leo
With her First House in Leo, Yellow has the ability to be brave, fiery, proud, loyal, creative, spirited, generous, and physically strong. Even if she is in a challenging situation, she knows how to show herself in the best possible light. Not necessarily manipulatively but she can be thoughtful about how she presents herself to the world. She’s a dramatic and extravagant being, who likes to feel recognised for her efforts and appreciated for all she does and is. Usually, Yellow doesn’t find it hard to attract attention and may often be found in leadership roles, as she enjoys the various experiences that can bring. This doesn’t mean she can’t work in a team, however. She can also be warm, affectionate, soft, and usually attractive. Yellow may be concerned with presenting herself in new and fashionable trends, which can be an issue in her lifetime. It’s important for her to express herself completely without falling into vanity or egotism, as she cares deeply about what people think about her. Finding her unique individuality is important. As Leo is her Ascendant and therefore in her First House, Yellow is ruled by the Sun.
Second House: Virgo
In her Second House, Yellow is in Fall, meaning she struggles with this particular area. Yellow can often struggle to value her material accomplishments and possessions, perhaps of the mindset that she often needs something different or more. This isn’t because she’s inherently materialistic but this is the mentality she may have been raised with, meaning it’s on her mind more than most. She doesn’t always feel comfortable in her own body, nor does she value her accomplishments, seeing a lot of fault in all that she does. Yellow approaches her material areas, particularly her possessions, values, and body/health with logic and rationality. She’s a budgeter, particular and fussy in how she organises her finances, particularly in work. She’s also the type of person who may have side hustles or several plates spinning in order to gain income or build on her material flow. The accomplishments she gains in this area come to her through considerable hard work, attention to detail, and perseverance, and when she does achieve something, it comes about because she’s earned it and deserves it, as a result.
Third House: Libra
Yellow’s house of communication is in the sign of relationships. Here, she may speak and think of others, more than herself. This can be great in her interpersonal relationships but not so much when it comes to her sense of self or even when it comes to how she extends herself to others. She is naturally built to put others before herself; she may literally be her own last thought. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a strong personality but she may be aware of how she expresses herself before revealing her judgement or opinions to others. Generally, this makes her charming to talk to, as well as someone highly sociable and friendly. Yellow thrives in networking and communications of all kind, including online. She has a balanced point of view, for the most part, and believes in fairness due to her logical stance. Yellow is ready and willing to see several sides of an argument before coming to the best conclusion. However, this can leave her a mediator or the one who must help others see sense.
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Fourth House: Scorpio
Yellow has a Malefic here, as well as it being in its Fall, meaning that this can be quite an intense area for her, as well as the one that might cause her the most issues, mentally and emotionally. As this is the area of home and family, Yellow’s home life and family in her earlier years may cause her a lot of mental health issues and living in close quarters with them or adhering to their traditions and behavioural cycles is particularly unhealthy and stressful for her. In addition, this may be the area she’s the most secretive and protective about, wishing to keep this a mystery to others. Yellow’s deepest and darkest emotions- her strongest emotions- reside in the area of parenting, upbringing, family, and familial closeness, meaning it’s important for her to learn how to move on, find peace, and forgive within this particular area of her life. This House also indicates a tendency towards isolating herself, having intense parental figures, and fears around a lack of control for that reason.
Fifth House: Sagittarius
With Sagittarius in the Fifth House, Yellow absolutely loves travel, philosophy, psychology, teaching, education, and other higher-minded subjects. She has a lot of passion, interest, and love for them as subjects and experiences. She’s also very positive and idealistic when it comes to creativity, romance, and recreational activities; she finds a lot of joy and understanding in these areas. Usually, this indicates an open mind and changeable perspectives over her lifetime, as she is enthusiastic in a very child-like way in finding new information, learning more, and adapting that to the way that she lives and views the world. Yellow is playful, generous (particularly as a parent- she spoils her children), adventurous, spirited, though a little spontaneous and changeable when it comes to how she express herself, even as a parent or partner. In love, parenting, and hobbies, Yellow may be a bit too spontaneous at times, as she likes to jump into something head first and figure it out later. She’s very in-touch with her creativity and how she loves, as she is someone who values these areas deeply, although she can come to expect the same passion, affection, and open-mindedness from others, even if it’s not in their capability to match her. Competition and adventure as a genre or as a part of her life is something that she loves, and she may sometimes be a bit too competitive but luckily for her, she has the good fortune to pull it off.
Sixth House: Capricorn
Capricorn rests in her House of daily routine, health, and wellbeing, making her an ambitious, often conservative, determined being. Repetitive routine is a forte of Yellow’s and that’s how she finds relaxation and a route to emotional wellbeing, although she may stick too rigidly to it at times. She needs to schedule time for rest and relaxation, as well as build a routine over time that benefits all areas of her life. Unfortunately, this House also indicates that Yellow may have difficulty taking on too much responsibility, which is a source of stress for her, and that also makes her address her issues around competence and ability to focus. This isn’t because she isn’t capable of doing the task or that she can’t endure- she very much can- but she can push herself too much and end up working and acting dysfunctionally, as she’s far past her mental, emotional, and physical capacity. Yellow struggles with perfectionism, as she feels very responsible for her work, despite being incredibly organised. Agreeing to plans or following through may not be Yellow’s forte, usually due to fears of not being good enough. Health challenges are indicated here, particularly in the knees, other key bone areas, and the skin.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Midheaven, Imum Coeli, Ceres, and Juno
✨ Midheaven & Imum Coeli: Taurus & Scorpio. ✨
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The Midheaven is all about aspirations and ideals, as well as how we outwardly express our energy. Yellow is someone who has to find a way to express herself in a way that breaks from tradition and that is more authentic to herself, more radical. With this placement, the kind of jobs that Yellow would take to are, for example, accountancy, public work, or floristry, as she has the kind of patience, creativity, and discipline for such work. Her Libra degree indicates that she also likes to bring harmony, beauty, a sense of partnership, activism, and balance to her aspirations in her career and public self.
🥰 Ceres: Aquarius in the Seventh House. 🥰
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Yellow was raised by a parent who was difficult to read, emotionally, or who would fluctuate between various moods, leaving her fatigued and emotionally guarded. With this placement, Yellow may have experienced parenthood in a way where that figure tried to be a friend but was not a stable present in her life emotionally, meaning she didn’t receive the guidance she truly needed. To prevent that imbalance as an adult, Yellow prefers to surround herself with large groups of friends, acquaintances, or colleagues, or likes to be part of a job where she’s around a lot of people, as it helps her to feel important and valued. Yellow also encourages and nurtures independent thinkers.
With her Seventh House here, this also reinforces unhealthy or unhelpful dynamics with parental figures. There was a lack of harmony and understanding in her family environment, and Yellow was most likely made to feel very conscious of her physical image, due to disapproval from parental figures, similar to her Eighth House in Chiron. Yellow seeks to balance this by nurturing others in feeling understood but also by needing to feel that she is also understood and listened to. This brings a lot of comfort to her. Moreover, Yellow may also like taking care of herself by taking care of her image, as beauty is very important to her and may like taking care of her figure, wearing flattering and flashy clothes, getting her nails or hair done, etc.
Yellow has a Capricorn degree here, same as her Venus- two signs about relationships, beauty, and nurturing. This means what was said there is relevant here.
💍 Juno: Scorpio in the Fourth House. 💍
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In the asteroid of partnerships, Yellow has the same house here as her Venus and the same placement as her Mars. This makes her someone who loves charm, mystery, intensity, and excitement in her romantic partnerships. She is someone who is all-consuming and wants a slow simmering relationship that keeps her on her toes for years to come. It’s also incredibly important for Yellow to be sexually and emotionally in-sync with this person. This is important in any romantic or sexual relationship, but Yellow really does need to feel she’s incredibly compatible in these areas to feel safe and supported.
With her Fourth House, Yellow is someone who wants to be deeply nurtured in the traditional sense. We come back to Yellow being a secret homebody and wanting someone who wants that and can provide that too. She wants to come home to a home-cooked meal with candlelight and scattered roses; she wants to be the nurturer but to also let go and be nurtured in the same way; she wants to feel completely at home, emotionally and mentally, regardless of where she is. With a Libra degree, we get the same influences that we get in her Midheaven and Neptune.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Chiron
🗡 Chiron: Pisces in the Eighth House. 🗡
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Yellow may struggle with her ability to remain in the physical world, preferring to alienate herself or stay in a state of dreamy ideals with her Pisces also in Chiron. As indicated in other placements, Yellow struggles with feeling like an outcast or alienated, and may often feel frustration in this area. In her life, this is her biggest wound. She’s a big lover of art and a constant seeker of truth. Although this gives her an immense amount of imagination and an ability to see beyond surface level appearances, it can also mean she engages with the world without fully participating in it.
This most likely arose from painful experiences in her youth where she felt she must retreat into a world of her own in order to feel comfortable and safe, mentally, emotionally, and physically. In adulthood, she can end up victimising herself when she feels betrayed, insecure, or when she is forced to come out of that fantasy into the real world. In addition, Yellow most likely struggles with forms of addition, mental health issues, and religious or spiritual values. Finding a way to connect with herself is her biggest task and for her, the scariest. It’s important for her not to withdraw- physically, mentally, and emotionally- but learn to be fully present and whole in each situation, to see the value she brings just in being who she is.
With her Chiron in the Eighth House, Yellow is someone who has a deep need for intimate connection, though this doesn’t come about easy for her. This may be because Yellow has a lot of wounds around her sexuality, due to potential physical and emotional abuse, and she carries that through her lifetime wishing that she could connect to others, though she finds this painful to work through, despite how much she desires it. Yellow holds a lot of fear when it comes to losing something or someone, so loss of any kind may be particularly difficult for her. She can be quite out of touch with her emotions and as other placements indicate, finding a way to come into touch with them is incredibly important for her. Finding a way to recover from loss, to express her sexuality and sexual expression comfortably, and to tap into the power she genuinely has are all big lessons and lifepaths that come up for Yellow.
Yellow has a Leo degree, meaning she brings a sense of creativity, warmth, dramatics, assertiveness, energy, honesty, and integrity to her wounds.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s North and South Node
🏆 North & South Node: In Virgo & Pisces, in the Second House. 🏆
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The North Node is believed to be our destination/purpose in this lifetime, what we must work towards, whilst the South is what we achieved in our last lifetime and what cycles we must break this time around. With Yellow’s NN in Virgo and South in Pisces, she is a being who, yet again, is desirous to be of service to others and offer something to the world that is meaningful and beneficial. In her past life or in her early life, she was a bit too dreamy and unfocused, a bit too fixated on feeling and experiencing. Therefore, her job in her lifetime is to essentially get her s*** together.
This isn’t about being dogmatic but about Yellow learning how she can bring discipline into her life, including discipline in how she priorities her health and wellbeing, how she cares for herself. In using her daily life as the tool that propels her forward, Yellow must learn how to tend to the detail and take comfort/utilise the mundane in order to serve herself and others, to ensure she brings structure to her dreams and ideals. There’s nothing wrong with being a dreamer but Yellow must learn how to start bringing that into reality. Health is also highlighted here and learning how to nurture her own health and especially prioritise it is one of her greatest life lessons.
With her Second House here too, Yellow may find that she is a bit too focused on material resources and has issues with how she approaches or idealises money in her lifetime. This may be because she had to rely on other people and their resources/financial support, and she aims to become independent, completely detached from needing to rely so much on others in that way. This may make her chase material achievements a bit too much, and learning how to be a force unto herself, learning to be co-dependent and still source her own lifestyle, and know what her own values are, regardless of anyone else, are also big life lessons that will follow her throughout. This will help a lot with her sense of self-worth.
With a Pisces degree, Yellow brings a hint of intuition, introspection, potential moodiness, sensitivity, compassion, and emotional depth to her Nodes.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Pluto
🔮 Pluto: Capricorn in the Sixth House. 🔮
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Yellow’s placement here is also the same as White’s, which means that she can tend towards having a forceful personality with issues around control, power, and authority. As she does have an issue with others taking control, Yellow may force herself to therefore be in control, so she feels that she can guide the situation. This comes from her early experiences of being controlled, where she felt she had no say in who she could be or what she could do. She most likely has interpersonal issues with the authority around her. Despite this, she has the skills and magnetism to be a natural leader, so her wish to be in control often works in her favour, as others are happy for her to be there.
Yellow is a powerhouse when it comes to work and the energy she puts out into the world, though one of her biggest issues in life that she needs to work through is her instinctive reaction to feeling insecure, particularly when under the command of someone else, and work through the fear and resentment that is undoubtedly present within her. It’s important for Yellow to work through this in an environment where she feels safe and where she may even be her own boss.
Like many other placements, her Sixth House just reinforces, yet again, that Yellow desires intensely to be of service, to help others interpersonally and as part of a community. She genuinely does everything out of the belief that she is being helpful and is doing what is best for everyone, which makes her most likely to work in humanitarian or vocational work, such as working in a charity, being a doctor, or teaching, or even if she were to work in an artistic field- say fashion- her angle would be that her fashion is recyclable and sustainable. She is always looking for the next step in purifying and bringing a sense of health and endurance to whatever she does. Yellow always wants to do better and be better in how she’s of service.
This makes her likely to have health issues in her lifetime- the most likely to forget to eat or drink whilst working, the one who is still in the office late at night or there earliest in the morning, the one who needs to have more than just a shot of coffee, a nibble of cheese, and a cigarette to get them through the day. Due to her other placements, she’s likely to aim towards good health but she can still often forget herself in her need to strive. Having issues with control is also highlighted in her House. Overall, Yellow is a being who does not like change in her daily routine, needs creative outlets in all that she does, and needs to learn to trust her own instincts and intuition in order for her to move forward in life.
With a Gemini degree in her Pluto, Yellow brings curiosity, communication, an enjoyment for socialising and networking, variety, intellectualism, and logic to all that she does, regarding this area.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Neptune
🌊 Neptune: Pisces in the Eighth House. 🌊
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This placement is exactly the same as White’s. What this means for Yellow is that her Neptune is in its ruling sign, which means she’s quite comfortable here. With a Pisces Neptune, Yellow is compassionate, loving, and gentle, as well as someone who is sensitive. There are quite a few placements that indicate Yellow is intuitive and this sign does too. It appears that Yellow actually has the potential to be psychic. This placement also indicates she is idealistic and self-sacrificing, as well as intentional when it comes to coming in connection with an existence beyond the physical plane.
This also makes Yellow potentially a movie buff or someone who is highly into books/comics. She loves anything fiction where she can lose herself in a fantastical adventure. This placement also highlights her generous nature and wishing to be of service, hoping that the work she does actually serves society. Like her Venus in the Fourth House, this placement indicates she is nostalgic and that she looks to the past to influence her conscious process.
With her Eighth House here, this makes Yellow, like her other placements, someone with great personal magnetism. Intuition is yet again highlighted, as well as clear insight into other people and their behaviour. She is fascinated by all that lies behind the surface, but she may end up being unintentionally manipulative if she isn’t fully mature, as she is so smart and so reactive that she may push for others to follow her lead without realising just how convincing or forceful she can be. Sacrificing her needs is an issue here, similar to how service has already been highlighted in her chart, and she certainly gives more than she’s given back, which leads her to feeling burnt out, underappreciated, or to her feeling bitter/resentful.
Yellow is most likely interested in psychic or occult matters, and probably has quite interesting dreams if she does have them. She’s also someone who is very sensual, as indicated in her Jupiter, and may lean towards the luxurious. Like her Mars, sex and sexuality is deeply important for her and she desires and needs deep sexual intimacy with the people who she partners with. However, there may be some confusion throughout her life surrounding her sexuality and with what she desires the most in intimate connections. This comes from not knowing herself and her own values well enough. Being careful with money is highlighted here but as she is someone who can naturally come into money (as indicated in her Jupiter), she may a bit too carefree with her spending and quite confident in being so. However, this money is often directed towards others, not herself.
With a Libra degree, Yellow looks to create harmony, a sense of community, elegance, charm, and beauty to everything Neptunian, such as how she empathises with others, how she’s imaginative, how she dreams and becomes inspired, and her spirituality and creativity.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Uranus
⚡️ Uranus: Aries in the Ninth House. ⚡️
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With Yellow’s Uranus in Aries, this makes her someone who has an eccentric and original mind, someone who has a strong intuition, all qualities that have been highlighted before with her. Ultimately, change and variety excites Yellow and this is probably something she needs regularly throughout her life. This is because she can be a little impulsive at times, which comes across insensitive to others if she hasn’t fully addressed their needs, but this doesn’t come from a cruel or indifferent place- she just feels the need to get going or to swap things around, and may not take the time to fully put everything in place before she does.
Yellow is most certainly someone who is non-conformist deep down. This is not entirely the way she comes across on-screen but this is reinforced in a lot of her chart; she’s someone who is a free-thinker and forms opinions based off of her own values and beliefs, rather than others. She’s someone who will always find a way to assert her independence and freedom, even if it’s small, because that’s what she needs in order to feel comfortable. Because she is excited by ideas- sometimes more than other people- she may feel isolated at times, as she feels she’s operating on a completely different wavelength to everyone else. Finding a way to balance that fundamental instability within her would definitely benefit her in the future.
Her Ninth House Uranus also highlights her mentality being original, inventive, philosophical, and intuitive. Yellow is most likely, with this placement, to be religious or semi-religious, but she’s also most likely to express this in very unconventional ways. She is a visionary when it comes to optimism and higher ideals, but this may also lead her to be nervous or even reckless in how she pursues them or how she can integrate them into her life. As is the case with other placements, her Ninth House reveals that she loves to explore- intellectually but also physically, and she may be a bit too interested in conspiracy theories. This makes Yellow prone to suspicion in general life, as she refuses to accept anything at face value, and feels she is always searching for the truth. Yellow is always on a quest, always looking to move forward into new territory where possible, and this always brings her a sense of enduring optimism.
With a Cancer degree here, Yellow most likely enjoys bringing a sense of nurturing to how she progresses intellectually and how she cares for these pursuits, but also a sense of nurturing in how she then shares that with others. She may also like to share these pursuits in the home or with the family and she may look to the past as a source of inspiration for the future, in regards to how she can build respectfully but innovatively upon it.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Saturn
💨 Saturn: Sagittarius in the Fifth House. 💨
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Like her other placements, her Saturn merely reiterates that she is highly philosophical, intellectual, intuitive, and courageous. Yellow’s likely to be a good teacher or mentor in some way, but it does mean that she may struggle with how she relates to her intellectualism, her learning process, and how she expands into new areas. Valuing her academic accomplishments and skills, as well as being open to new experiences, are difficult for Yellow because she was raised in an environment that was too restrictive or dogmatic.
As she gets older, overcoming her tunnel vision and her selective views will be beneficial for her, and allowing herself to stray from the norm without fear of what may happen, or being cynical or critical of those who are able to do so. This will enable her to settle into a more wise and mature way of living in her later years. As she enjoys exercise, this will help her later in life, as she is prone to issues with her muscle, hips, or liver, so it’s important for her to stretch often and to watch how much she drinks.
Since she would make a good teacher, working with the disadvantaged or the young/inexperienced may be good for her. She may doubt her abilities to do that, however, but when she does help others, it’s always because she’s striving to achieve mental or spiritual pursuits. This means she’s more likely, in time, to adopt new frameworks when it comes to moral or spiritual values, rather than stick to outdated systems. Yet, it may take her a while to achieve this outcome if she doesn’t believe in herself or think that what she has to offer is of value. Learning how to be vulnerable with people is also a big lesson for her in her lifetime.
With her Saturn in the Fifth House, Yellow definitely struggles with differentiating between her individuality and the systems and beliefs that others placed on her as a child or as a young being. This affects her self-expression as she matures, meaning that learning how to be authentic in who she truly is and what she truly wants is an uphill journey for her. The reason for this is also because she was made to feel that she couldn’t be authentic as a child, that she may have expressed herself and been punished or criticised for it. What will help Yellow in the future is pursuing more creative hobbies and learning that expression in itself is a joy and a reward.
With an Aquarius degree in Jupiter, she brings the same qualities as mentioned in the Jupiter section. However, she also most likely brings new and innovative behaviours to this area, as well as a touch of rebellion.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Jupiter
☘️ Jupiter: Virgo in the Second House. ☘️
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Here, we move from Yellow’s main placements to the second half of the chart. Although they still affect her personality, these are not always as personalised or as influential as the first six. As her Jupiter is in Virgo, Yellow tends to have an optimistic outlook on her everyday life, her health and the health of others, and the mundane details that make up life. If she is inspired by something, she’s capable of throwing her weight behind it, quite happily, and is easily able to approach the practical necessities that make up life.
Like other placements in her chart, this placement emphasises how Yellow genuinely enjoys helping others and tending to those little details that are helpful to herself and others; she’s very humble about what she has to offer. Even if she brags, it can sometimes be glib and deep down, she actually feels like she could do more or be more. This makes her the perfect co-worker or party planner, and she can often be a favourite among these circles for the effort and accomplishment she can bring to them. Because she’s also good at celebrating small successes and understanding the importance in them, this also makes her someone people like to be around, as she genuinely enjoys and finds value in the ordinary. She thinks nothing is too far above accomplishment and success.
Health is a big theme for Yellow. She has her Sun and Mercury in the Sixth House, and her Jupiter in Virgo, which means that she is focused on health in some way throughout her lifetime. Whether that be finding the perfect fitness regime, learning to balance her work with her wellbeing, finding ways in society to benefit the health of others, Yellow is constantly working in some way around health or is constantly fascinated by it.
With her Jupiter in the Second House, Yellow has an appreciation for the material areas in her life and in her home environment, which means she likely has a luxurious home or lifestyle. This doesn’t have to mean excessive but she likes the finer things in life and would rather surround herself with what she enjoys. Particularly as she is a hard worker, she does have a gift for making money and especially in the sign of Jupiter, Yellow will never struggle to find money or material security in her lifetime. These come naturally to her.
Yellow can also be quite sensual and, as mentioned in so many of her placements, this House also indicates she has an ease with practicality that many envy. It’s lucky she is focused on health and fitness because this House indicates she is fond of sensual pleasures, such as good food but may even enjoy and overindulge in other luxuries, such as fine jewellery or clothes, comfortable textures and colours in the home, or a full weekend in the spa.
With an Aquarius degree in Jupiter, it can indicate that Yellow likes to bring some logical thinking, intuitiveness, and curiosity to this area. She most likely goes about it in creative and innovative ways too, finding ways to share the benefits of this placement with others.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Mars
🔥 Mars: Scorpio in the Third House. 🔥
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When entering the planet of motivation, sexuality, and drive, Scorpio is one of the most intense signs that can appear anywhere and is traditionally ruled by Mars, meaning it’s quite comfortable in this placement. Resultantly, Yellow desires personal security, and can be very intense, passionate, proud, stubborn, and strong-willed in regards to how she takes action. She can also throw hands very quickly and easily, so watch out!
This is also an intuitive sign and Yellow probably finds taking action one of the easiest areas of her life, knowing intuitively what she needs to do and where to go. She can actually read people very well, even if she doesn’t show it, and is most likely to know the answer before most people. This is because she’s very interested in the underlying mechanisms behind all that is. Despite this, Yellow should ensure she doesn’t get too caught up in what she thinks has happened vs what she knows has happened.
Yellow is incredibly powerful in how she goes about her life. She has a very discernible and powerful energy about her, which can help her to get her own way (she also expects to get her own way). This placement also means she’s affectionate and generous, and that she often appreciates and values what others don’t. This is because she cares more about the substance of a person or thing rather than superficial cares. As always, Yellow often cares more of ‘what is’ than anything else, preferring to get to the root of things. Because of this, she may also think of herself as an amateur detective.
Yellow isn’t scared to let people know her mind; she’s undaunted by a challenge and just like her Sag placements, her Mars is always striving to get more out of life. She’s loyal to a fault- perhaps a bit too much. This sign does mean she can unintentionally come across as a lone wolf, despite how much she cares deep down, especially with her placements that highlight aloofness. Sexually, she’s in her element and may enjoy exploring various kinks and scenarios. With a partner, sexual compatibility is highly important for her and she most likely learns a lot about herself, through her lifetime, due to her sexual experience and dynamics.
With Mars in her Third House, Yellow is witty, energetic, sarcastic, adventurous, and physically active. She may enjoy exercise or sports of various kinds, and often needs to be active to prevent herself feeling restless. She’s witty but may fall into a tendency of being nervous and high-strung. Depending on her maturity, Yellow may struggle with being sharp-tongued at times or may enjoy gossip a bit too much. Even so, she’s a jack-of-all-trades and can often turn her hand to most things she decides to engage in, particularly as she’s curious and creative, and also loves to spend her time among networks of any kinds, such as loved ones, friends, and acquaintances. One thing she does have to look out for is directing her energy and attention in several directions at once and finding herself overwhelmed or over-booked. Streamlining is a lesson she needs to learn in her lifetime.
Yellow’s Mars has a Taurus degree, so, like her Ascendant, she may be prone to working towards material areas, finding fulfilment in surrounding herself with physical possessions and security, but this also makes her a hard worker, loyal, stubborn, wilful, purposeful, and productive.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Venus
💛 Venus: Sagittarius in the Fourth House. 💛
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Venus is the planet of how we give and receive love, what values and beliefs we have, and how we create beauty in our lives. In Sagittarius, it brings Jupiter’s expansive energy. Resultantly, Yellow is more likely to be outgoing in how she chases what she wants in life, willing to find and experience all that life has to offer. She can be quite impulsive in that way. When it comes down to it, she has a friendly, demonstrative, charming, affectionate, and easy-going personality and love style, even if she doesn’t show it to everyone.
Yellow has the ability to be quite intuitive, even if she doesn’t use it. Moreover, she has the potential to be optimistic and romantic, wanting the perfect picture of a family, in whatever way that is, but she can easily become cynical if she struggles to achieve that. When she feels something is worth investing, she invests and invests hard- her love can be quite encompassing and everyone will know about it too. Yet, because of this, she does require someone who can give that loyalty and commitment back.
Despite this, she’s naturally an upbeat person, who can be very indulgent, passionate, and fiery, though somewhat naïve because of her child-like way of loving at times. Because she does like expanding horizons and cultivating experiences, Yellow wants to travel, discuss, learn, and explore with her partner and her loved ones. Taking her to a museum, learning a new language, travelling, or even spontaneous dates are how you win Yellow over. She’s a huge supporter and gives her all to her loved ones. This can be to her own detriment but she’s a huge sentimentalist. To others, she likes to play it cool and aloof but when it comes down to it, she wants to be romanced and to romance in return.
Because her Venus is in the Fourth House, this just reinforces her sentimentality and she’s likely to be very nostalgic, especially in her relationships and in experiences she values. She’s a natural nurturer, ensuring everyone she cares about are felt cared for. This placement is also highly intuitive and often empathetic, but just like her Sag Venus, this can be to her detriment as she will put herself out for others but won’t always get that in return, nor will she always remember to put herself first. She may pretend she’s unbothered or she doesn’t need anyone, but she dreams of love, of having a happy family, and of all the cute and disgusting ways you can be happy, and she’s willing to put the effort in.
There is a Capricorn degree in her Venus, meaning that when she’s committed, she’s committed. She’s persistent and willing to work to bring a life that has the values, beauty, and love she hopes and dreams for. It might also mean she likes to bring structure to the way she loves, and is ambitious in what she achieves in this area, and practical of how to go about it.
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guccibootyellow · 1 year
Yellow’s Mercury
💭Mercury: Aquarius in Sixth House. 💭
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Mercury is the planet of thought processes and communication. Yellow’s is in Aquarius, which is an exalted placement for this planet. She may not be completely thriving but she’s doing pretty darn well, let’s put it that way. Aquarius is an air sign and all of them do well in objectivity, logic, and analytical detachment in various ways. Here, Yellow has a scientific mindset, one that is inquisitive, reasonable, logical, insightful, balanced, and oriented towards benefiting society or a community, making her an excellent debater.
She can lean towards idealism but she ultimately is grounded in her way of thinking. Yellow’s mentality and communication is observant, alert, and quick-witted, which can make her an interesting and funny conversationalist. She can usually judge others quite well and is a big team worker; she works really well when surrounded by others. That’s because she can see the value in others that people may not generally notice, and genuinely can appreciate the skill, insight, and experience that others bring into her sphere.
Yellow is very committed and motivated when it comes to social causes and humanitarian efforts. Even though she comes across as detached, she’s more than likely willing to place herself in a serving role to benefit humanity as a whole, something that brings her genuine satisfaction. She’s always thinking of others and how she can help people, not just in her close, personal circle but society as a whole.
It’s likely that Yellow feels misunderstood frequently, due to her innovative, eccentric, and detached way of thinking and communicating. She’s always searching for deeper meanings in all that she does. You’re unlikely to get Yellow to speak about her feelings- it may be like prising teeth- but ask her what her opinion is on conspiracy theories, spirituality, politics, science, and other deep and higher subjects and she’ll talk your ear off. Yellow is very aware of how she communicates with others, the gravity and meaningfulness of her words, and she is cautious and specific in how she talks and expresses herself.
With her Mercury in the Sixth House, service is highlighted again for Yellow. She’s constantly thinking of how to deconstruct and restructure her work, her time and effort, and society in order to benefit the collective. When it comes to her work, however, despite her intelligence and effort, she can actually be very humble and may undervalue her own effort. Yellow takes great and genuine enjoyment from serving others and being able to benefit them in some way. With her Sixth House here, she is very analytical, practical, and dependable. It’s likely that people rely on how dependant her logic is, yet perfectionism can also be a problem for her. She may go into too much detail. As she has Sag and Leo placements, I would say Yellow constantly struggles between focusing on too minor details or too large a picture and can often miss finding that balance between the two, something that is undoubtedly frustrating for her. She’s also likely to voice her displeasure if other people or her own work do not live up to her incredibly high standards.
Yellow’s degree is at zero, so she has no astrological correspondence here.
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