#doesn't mean you choose the murder factory
serialunaliver · 1 month
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beyond parody
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yakool-foolio · 3 months
what would you say are the traits to keep in mind for preventing mischaracterization of Yuma?
It's worth clarifying before I go into this that these are traits I personally look out for whenever I plan to write for Yuma. This isn't a targeted critique at anyone else's interpretation of Yuma. Writers are free to write however they want for a character, and I just happen to stick closer to canon while still taking creative liberties with elements that I believe can be expanded upon. If anything, this is just a nice reminder for myself, while potentially giving advice to those looking for it. Anyways, I gotta actually answer the question!
I haven't written as much with Yuma as I've done for Vivia, Yakou, Yomi, and even Shinigami (I really need to write more for Hitman Zilch too augh). But I still like to have some things in mind just in case I ever decide to write for him. The main aspect of Yuma's characterization that I try not to slip up on is his amnesia! From what I've noticed, Yuma remembers what things are, but doesn't remember any experiences he has with those things. For example, he knows what detectives are, but he doesn't remember ever working as one, which extends over into all memories of the WDO. He knows what cooking is and remembers the basics of how to cook, but he can't remember any actual recipes that he's read, so he ends up making horrible food. In essence, it's like if a phone wasn't factory reset, but the photo album and downloaded apps were completely wiped, and only the basic apps automatically on the phone remain.
This next element isn't necessarily for Yuma specifically, but it's a very important part of his arc: don't forget Shinigami! She's here, she's there, she's everywhere! While she can turn invisible at will (as shown by chapter 0's aftermath), she's still chained to him throughout the entire game and loves to comment about almost everything going on around them. They tend to bicker in their shared thoughts, which is fun to capture when thinking about scenes for them. This is something that matters to me a lot since I'll be writing a lot of Shinigami for my Death Knight Yakou AU. I always want to keep in mind that Shinigami will most likely have something to say at anything that catches her eye, and whether Yuma (or Yakou in my case) ignores it, replies to it, or turns it into a full-on conversation depending on what's called for and if it'll add anything small to their characters or have some entertainment value.
Last but not least, Yuma isn't wholly innocent or exempt from indirectly killing culprits. Yuma actively decides to access the Mystery Labyrinths as a sort of self-defense mechanism. When he or his allies are at risk of being hurt or killed, he calls upon Shinigami, despite knowing that the culprits will be killed and that it won't ensure their safety. The only reason Yuma and his allies weren't killed in chapter 3 and 4 was because of good timing from others intervening. He may have killed in an act of self-defense and to better understand the conflict, but it doesn't mean he's clean of any blood on his hands, especially when he wanted to kill Icardi for the murder of Shachi. When he's angry, he's angry. He has shown that he can be enraged enough to want someone to die, so I like to have that stored in the back of my mind if ever I need to write for a wrathful Yuma that can and will choose violence if his back is to the wall and his allies are in danger.
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Round 3; Plastic/Fake strawberry flowers Vs White Egret Orchid
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First, let's talk about the Plastic/Fake Strawberry Flowers
Why this flower was chosen: Because he is very germaphobic and also phobic of the things that are in flowers and thus hates nature because it’s dirty (his friends even said that he would be would be a plastic flower if he were one) and strawberry because that’s the smell of the shampoo his wife used and that he can still smell on the pillow she slept on that he keeps (in a plastic case) and hugs when he’s sad Description: He’s a detective. His wife was murdered and for three years after that he didn’t leave the house because his phobias that he had before got exponentially worse. He slowly did start coming out of his house and getting better trying to figure out why his wife was murdered while solving other crimes. He has 312 phobias [...] He has impeccable memory, doesn’t like people and will 100% put his phobias and needs over manners. He can clean his house in his sleep, literally. At the end of the day he is a very nice friend but annoys the crap outa his friends and often [...] doesn’t realise they consider him a friend [...] He also says “Unless I’m wrong, which you know, I’m not”. He always has his assistant carry wipes around and wipes his hands every time he shakes someone’s hand. He is very tight (as in with money) [...] and and its hilarious when he hasn’t paid his assistant because he doesn’t have money (while still buying copious amounts of cleaning supplies) and because he’s so non confrontational he doesn’t want to ask for a raise even tho it’s a totally legit ask (which is also hilarious in and of itself) he ends up just avoiding the subject in any way possible. He once was forced to decorate for Christmas (which he doesn’t do since his wife died) and he used not a fake tree but a paper cut out of a tree. He doesn’t at all know what would insult someone and rarely knows how to make someone feel better (often failing miserably but occasionally actually helping and being super wholesome). He hates/is scared of nakedness (and doesn’t even “look” when he wees) and there was a whole thing where he had to investigate a nudist [...](he was in the end more accepting of it but still freaked out) He also wears the same clothes every day and buys shirts checked by a specific checker in a factory that he actually sent a fan letter to [...]. Anyway he is very relatable for just introverted people or awkward people in general [...]. Apart from just mostly normal people, he is relatable for the people who share his mental conditions like my dad who is a germaphobe and even tho people still don’t understand germaphobia really, he knows that he gets it and he relates to him a lot. And he has a lot of other things like anxiety, and little things like not being able to deal with change and other stuff that just make him super relatable to neurodevergent people like me. When people first look at people with mental problems they say they are weak that so little sets them off but in reality, they are dealing with so so much that you can’t see and you don’t need to deal with and they- and he is (are) so incredibly strong. I love him so much and I would say more but I don’t want to reveal who he is.
Check his post here
Now, let's talk about the White Egret Orchid
Meaning: The White Egret Orchid means "My thoughts will follow you into your dreams" in Japanese flower language. Description: A sweet older sibling, who died young. Their untimely demise was at the hands of their younger sibling, but their sibling doesn't know for years. They play an instrument, which is linked their death.
Check their post here
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rontra · 1 year
So, I loved your Salem & Summer post but it does leave me questioning Hazel's narrative role, as how things went with him seem to go against the grain for much of it thematically.
okay okay okay before that, i'm panicking like a small rodent so i have to say first up that my post wasn't really made in the intent of like opening a wider discussion or anything (hence the several frantic disclaimers haha). as much as i love rwby analysis i'm also really insecure in sharing my thoughts publicly and i prefer to filter it through my art instead, to kinda Show you what im thinking instead, i guess?? and this is in the end an artblog so i don't want to put too many text posts in a row … so i was kind of like If someone tweets at me im just gonna ignore it.
but this ask intrigues me so much i can't help but come out and investigate, so consider it a cheat day i guess 😩
about hazel, i don't really...see anything about him that overtly contradicts my strange rambling notes. of course, this might be because he's not my primary field of study (lol) so ive been in bed just distilling him into another List Of Things to try and understand what you mean. to me, hazel is a guy who
Identified one of the core brutalities of the huntsman system, and
Had that realization corroborated by Salem, who did not lie to him (although she didn't divulge the entire truth either) before
The Oz Train derails him from this by pulling him back into the good brotherly remnant (4. and also death)
to me he's a bit similar to the summer rose concept, i think: he's not in this for the thrill of the kill or because he finds it pleasant to do salem's wetwork, he's here because he thinks it would be wrong to do anything else. that remnant as it is cannot stand. he doesn't typically indulge in needless violence, and he tries to go out of his way to protect the "little guy" when and if he can. he's the most restrained of salem's onscreen lieutenants, but just like her, he's willing to sacrifice whatever people need to go in order for the plan to move forward. he just hates seeing a kid get hurt most of all, because his teenage sister was killed in action before having the chance to even graduate.
You send children to their deaths for a cause that you know has no victory, no end. (8.6)
in no uncertain terms, he's identified a major issue with remnant in the huntsman system itself. he hates huntsmen and their academies. he knows remnant runs on hero blood and that ozpin has four factories spitting out cannon fodder. he knows the war can't be won, and he knows ozpin is sending people to die in it anyway. he knows this because salem, when she got to him, knew exactly what to tell him (she's unfortunately good at that); she filled him in on the important bits, demonstrated that she can't be killed and divulged that oz knows it too, and offered him the path to take revenge on the academy that murdered his sister. it's interesting that hazel has this to say about salem's motives:
We share a vision. She’s gonna create a new world order: no Kingdoms, and no Huntsmen Academies.
the destruction of ozma's remnant and construction of a new society is their "shared vision". i don't think salem painted the full picture for him (like, the stuff about the gods, and such), because she really didnt need to in order to convince him. this guy was ready right out of the gate to tear remnant apart for the thought of no one being dealt the same hand as gretchen ever again
(here's a funny aside—about gretchen, oscar posits that she "knew the risks" and made her own choice. oscar obviously has his own insane ozpin baggage given he is slated to "die" for him in a very different way as their personalities literally merge and the new combined oz overwrites him. extremely intriguing of him to say this. ozpin does this maneuver to get out of addressing my new band Raven And The Branwens, and also with Pyrrha, insisting that she must "choose" and he has to hear her decision out loud before he can bring himself to start the Soul Suckatron 4000 (machine that murders (literal), contained below machine that murders (figurative)). obviously those cases can Not be neatly chalked up to "she made a choice" either, and i don't think merely saying that and dusting his hands is the Move he thinks it is—although it certainly soothes his conscience)
(whether oscar suggesting nobody but gretchen made a choice here is just him being naive and 14 and raised by remnant, or if it's plain old ozpin bleedthrough, is up to interpretation imo. but it is. Interesting.)
(how do you make a choice like that when the people asking it of you are not divulging all the information? when you do not, in fact, know the stakes—because they are withheld from you on purpose?)
(...) Hazel denies that his twin sister's choice was ever hers to make. That the honeyed words of Ozpin, an immortal being long removed of the burdens of mere humanity, coaxed her to give up her life. (...)
How could an innocent and talented youth resist those seductive words? Talk of duty, untold glory, legendary exploits, and heroes of old? How was she to know that she was merely one little girl caught in a war between behemoths, immortals, GODS? (...) In the end, what did her sacrifice change in this wretched world? What difference did any Huntsman make in Remnant? What were a few drops of light in this ocean of black? (Amity Arena)
hazel saw the still-bloody bones remnant is built on on his own and said Hey what the fuck! and salem targeted him for her collection because he was Based. i have no idea what she told him and how much of it was true, but hazel was . right. about this stuff
like i said in my previous post (at least in the post nested inside it), characters tend to ascribe to salem whatever motivation fits their personal narrative and biases. but i have to say that compared to "salem wants to destroy the planet", this one is a lot more convincing; i don't think it's complete but it's closer, i guess, to my personal read on her actual feelings about remnant (as discussed in the other nerd posts). so maybe it's my own confirmation bias, hehe. whether it's the complete truth of her end-goal is unclear (since it seems doubtful that what she told him included things like "i am god's mistake") but i can at least very much believe they had a conversation about it where she was like Look Buddy , Shit Sucks ,
when confronted with this by hazel, ozpin does an immense ozpin maneuver: he says Actually have you heard the good word? and starts selling his own thing again—
"New world order". No. When Salem gets all four Relics, there will be no world left at all.
i touched on this in my previous post too but i do not believe ozpin when he says this. it does not feel true to me. this is Light's Guy doing Light's Guy Things and casting the Sole Evil out; she has to be unreasonable and driven only by death and destruction, and the people who know about her have to believe this, or else things begin to fall apart for him. if the redeemable remnant is destroyed, there is nothing else left for him or for humanity; there are no possible alternatives to him. the man is completely tangled up in his agonies and wearing horse blinders some deer guy put on him. it's my way or the highway, baby!
anyway, hazel doesn't believe him about this either, until an unrelated statement proves to be true, which convinces hazel to believe ozpin and oscar in general. but i HAVE to stress that nowhere was it said that THIS was actually true; hazel just is convinced to trust ozpin and oscar's word by an unrelated thing they said turning out to be true. he's being pulled back into ozma's remnant, and his ensuing mode of operation is explicitly described as
he hasn't forgiven oz for what happened, but he's been convinced that salem's goals are too destructive, that she's going to end the world entirely. he commands oscar to ensure there be "no more Gretchens", but it's not like you can achieve that without taking down what oz built. none of this really changes the fact that she isn't One Girl who had an Unfortunate Tragic Accident: she was intended to be coke for the furnace just like every other huntsman, she just happened to die before getting in.
and now hazel is doing what she would have done: burning himself alive along with the witch.
(holy SHIT Witch is a good episode.)
one bonkers thing about hazel's self-sacrifice is that it would have done absolutely nothing. when oscar hangs back and jaune tries to prompt him to go, oscar refuses because
She'll just come after us.
to be clear: if oscar had not intervened by pulling the trigger on ozpin's stored-up Cane Energy, killing Monstra and Salem and Hazel (to shreds, you say??), this would have accomplished nothing. if a now-15-yo hadn't killed them both first, salem most likely would have dispatched hazel and resumed doing what she was doing before he cut in. hazel is pouring his blood into a futile fight against salem for no real gain just like every huntsman in history, and what oscar wrests from it is temporary relief; everybody knows salem will only be gone for a few hours at most, but at least they got away to lick their wounds and regroup. at least it's better than nothing.
but without that, it would have achieved nothing.
it's...what gretchen would have done.
i don't feel as though the story is exactly celebratory about this. it was a Big Damn Hero moment, but is that a good thing in rwby's eyes? his story is a tragedy and ends a tragedy.
i won't deny that the hours of respite it bought our heroes was invaluable, but again, hazel did not accomplish that alone (and does not have the Audience Perspective we do to gauge the full benefit). he just...didn't. if the little guys had just run as hazel intended, his death would have changed nothing at all.
those precious hours were important and mattered a lot to the overall plot, but were bought with blood. v8 didn't exactly end in a stunning victory either. we're still barely hanging in there, still on the brink, still feeding coke into the furnace to keep the lights on a little longer...
well, anyway, summer and salem should kiss on the mou
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kamil-a · 2 years
btw im still yet to finish the last piece of elliot nonstay but. okay this has the vague appearance of an essay (long) but has no structure or thesis whatsoever. lets ramble.
i think we can already hold a gender studies class (lmao) on it that goes something like this, that all alice's insecurities about her relationship with elliot fuel these very..... image of a housewife comforting her tired breadwinning husband...ish, do you know what i mean? acts. oh he's so tired from work (more on this later), i need to cook for him i need to fix his clothes i need to literally massage him.
but all that's stuff he already has access too because a: he's a foodie who loves seeking out cool niche restaurants, b: his clothes fix themselves with literal magic, and c: everyone in the hatter house massages each other as a post-work bonding hobby (WHICH IS CUTE). actually i take back c i cant imagine elliot letting people touch him. well except blood of course. oho! haha. hehehe. okay let's get back on track.
right so the POINT is she's losing at girl really bad in this one, and really struggling with that, and he isnt noticing because to him the thing she is providing is...romantic love? intimacy? companionship? obviously cookies your gf made are more special than cookies a chef made!! but from her point of view, no matter how much she runs, she can't catch up to actually Providing Housewifery to him (because she's not a hatter girl). (interestingly, she doesn't do this stuff as much when she IS a hatter girl).
okay, it's later, more on this: she also, by her own in game admission, fixes his coat to take her mind off the parts of their relationship she's scared to tackle, namely that he works at the murder factory. and that he's in opposition to HER chosen territory, which means it's her friends and coworkers he's killing at least part of the time. she's throwing every justification she can at this one, but mostly trying to distract herself.
one more interesting twist: there are times when she can't bring herself to lie and tell her partner she's staying for sure, and this is not one of them. she directly chooses to straight up lie to elliot (oh ill just go home and say goodbye and then come back!)
(It's been a while, but i think that's actually her for real not lying plan in stay route. Huh.)
anyway this is kind of a usual thing to do with elliot, who tends to get really stubborn on dumb arguments until you just go okay fine i agree with whatever bs youre saying. but this isnt a dumb argument and i suspect he knows she's lying, or at least doubts her out of insecurity, and i bet that's why he went behind HER back to try and find a way to force her to stay.
(but of course as we know she can only be forced to stay if by some deepdown subconscious will, she- im trying to find a not awful sounding way to put this, because "wants to be forced" is, yikes!- wants the option to leave taken out of the equation hard enough. It's a free will reacharound. but that doesn't excuse elliot or anyone else TO BE CLEAR , it's just a little grimace moment about Themes.)
but in any case, unlike in stay, i get the feeling alice has never really had a deep conversation with him, has always tried to keep it light, puts SOOOO much weight on what a cute little bunny he is, because i think she's scared of finding out things about him she doesn't want to know, and he rolls with it because he's scared of scaring her. she [shrek 2 png] doesn't even know how he wants to die. lmao. which 2 BE FAIR she doesnt find out from talking to him in stay route either but at least she knows it.
she never ever likes having feelings convos but she REALLY tries to avoid it in this one lmao, stuffing his face full of muffins whenever he tries to say he loves her, which IS ADORABLE AND NOT A BAD THING 2 BE CLEAR it just is one point in this constellation of a relationship she's afraid of having a real direct conversation in. That said maybe im forgetting things and wrong about this, that's always an option. It's just fun to say words.
anyway i imagine blood is watching his best friend ever and his new friend he's grown to really value having this weird eggshell relationship like :^) this is fine!
oh one more thing. i worry a lot whenever she talks about specifically wanting to be where lorina is, how when she says she wants to go home and home means lorina to her....... just bad feelings from this.
but can you connect this sentiment popping up to how dismally she's losing at girl in this one? something something the deep knowledge that going to where lorina is means going [points in the vague direction of human heaven] and the last and most potent weapon any player of the girl game has in her arsenal is death and eulogy? idk, maybe. whoa this got dark, sorry.
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mestisang-cavitena · 2 years
It is with great privilege, honor, and pride that you would unfollow, unfriend, and block me because of you being annoyed, uncertain, or angry with what i'm standing for.
I'm not perfect, holy, or righteous, But I always choose my battles, The moment I stand up for something, There's no holding back, I won't stand up for something I would regret someday, And in this fight i'm not only standing up for myself but I'm also standing up for the million filipinos who are helpless and doesn't have the means to put food on their tables 3 times a day, for elders who witnessed the martial law, the corruption, rapes, murders, etc. for our minimum wage earners, farmers, fishermen, construction workers, factory workers, our ofws, who worked very hard just to provide and sustain for their families. If you didn't experienced any of these hardships, Lucky for you! But don't blame us for standing up for what we believe in, With all due respect, But we can't respect a president with a bad family reputation, liar, tax evader, thief, etc. If that's your definition of who you should respect then with all due respect i'd rather be disrespectful madam/sir.
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fancyriver · 3 years
Thoughts on Legend of Korra S1E7:
- Tarrlok moderates what happened in the last episode? OK. He's a bitch. Why does he want to get rid of Chief Beifong? His approval contributed as well, but I knew that he will just put the blame on Chief Beifong ...
- Will the arena be closed forever? I mean, I understand that they probably have to fix a lot of things and the police will probably investigate too, but wouldn't it be enough to look for something else temporarily? It sounds like Mako and Bolin are leaving this place forever
- Cabbage Corp is back? And works with the equalists? LMAO
- "No, not my Cabbage Corp" XD
- Korra can be so empathic, when she wants to. I almost feel bad for Tahno, almost
- Asami's property is nuts ... I mean an indoor pool? Holy
- Asami looks so good in her swim outfit 20/10
- I love how Korra and Asami slowly become friends
- Korra and makeup don't go well together XD
- What's up with Asami's father?
- Ok, I just want to say that so far, everyone who's parents have been murdered, firebenders were responsible for it, like ... come on
- Everyone's angry with Korra, and Mako will likely see it as some kind of revenge
- I don't want Hiroshi to have anything to do with the equalists, because of Asami, but I also don't want Korra to be wrong, because it will probably isolate her from her friends
- It's a bit dangerous to meet under a bridge at night, it could be a trap
- Are you telling me Hiroshi has a ... secret tunnel? ;)
- I feel bad for Asami, she really doesn't seem to have known about any of this, that's tough
- Mecha tanks? Holy shit
- Why can't metal benders bend platinum?
- Chief Beifong goes straight for the kill
- OMG, Tenzin has some sick moves
- I'm so sorry for Asami, that for a little moment I really believed she could choose her father, I'm glad she didn't, but ugh I want to hug her :(
- And now I feel bad for Lin too, I don't really want her to resign, but if that's the better way to stop Amon and bring her officers back, then go for it
- Korra is such a good friend, I hope her rivalry with Asami is finally over
- Ok, one last thing ... did they just leave that one officer behind? So the other officers were taken when they lost the fight and then the others fled into the airship, but what about the other officer that Mako and Bolin had tied up, who didn't fight in the underground factory at all? Poor guy, didn't even know what happened
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