#dogs cats snakes bunnies birds whatever you see if you want to share it with literally anyone im RIGHT HERE.
transexualpirate · 5 months
you can Always send me cat pics btw. through any means you find accessible. cat pictures are always acceptable. any animal picture actually. no questions asked.
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totalkpoptrash · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
    I was tagged a while ago by @awkwardlyjin !!! Thank you for the tag sorry it took me so long I’ve been so busy!
Name: Melissa
Nicknames: Hoboy let’s start this I have a million. My husband calls me Cabbage (I’m married, it’s a thing haha) and he calls me sauerkraut when I’m grumpy XD (Get it, because sauerkraut is pickled cabbage... okay lol it’s stupid :3)He also calls me Bug. My main nickname that my friends call me is Missa, because I always hated being called Missy growing up and liked Missa instead. My mom calls me Boo Boo or Sissy most of the time, or Melsiemae, which is a mash up of my first and middle names. My dad calls me Scooter Bird or Scooter. One of my brothers occasionally calls me Cheese Head, Walrus Head, or Stinkerbell when he’s using childhood nicknames that he used to use to pick on me. My foster brother ALWAYS calls me Little One. My aunt only refers to me as Miss Melissa. She never says my name without the Miss before it haha. In high school a lot of people called me Panda. I go by Axiss on a lot of forums and stuff like Steam and Skype and in games with friends etc. I have two very close friends that started calling me Melrose about 5 years ago and they still call me that lol. Some people also call me Mel. But for the most part, Missa is the easiest way to get me to respond to you hahaha.
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'2
Sexual Orientation: Basically pansexual. I’m not as worried about gender or identity as long as there is attraction. 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor!
Favorite Color: Green, black, silver (All slytherin colors ahaha) purples and bright purples, really saturated blues.
Favorite Animal: Dogs, wolves, snakes and horses oh and rats!
Time Right Now: 11:21 PM
Average Hours of Sleep: Uhhh.... maximum of like...5 on a night that I sleep a lot >.>
Cat or Dog Person: Dog
Favorite Fictional Character: Oh how do I even begin to answer this?!?!?! So many! But for the sake of being lazy I’ll say... Probably Darth Vader. He’s so cool XD
Dream Trip: I would love to go to somewhere overseas like Germany or Japan, any kind of new culture and experiences are always great. I have a lot of heritage in Germany so that would be cool. But I’d be super happy also to go back to Disneyland. Yes I’m in my late 20s and Disneyland is still my favorite place. Deal with it >.<
When Was This Blog Created: Uhhh.... a few months ago. I think like... September? October? I can’t remember lol.
When did your blog reach its peak: I don’t think it has yet. I only have like 60 followers but that’s okay :3
What Made You Decide to Make a Tumblr: I didn’t want to flood my other blog with kpop when I mostly posted stuff about bone collecting and art and whatever music I was into at the time and just random stuff, so I made this blog instead and kind of abandoned my old one... @miss-wicked if anyone wanted to check that one out lol. (Warning, some NSFW stuff there on occasion)
How Old Are You: 27
What Are You Talented At: Music! I have always had good rhythm and I was in choir all my life and I can read music and time signatures and stuff. I used to play guitar a little (not very well) but I had to pawn my guitar for gas money to move across the country in 2015 and never got a new one. I also think I’m really good at my job but circumstances are a little garbage at the place I’m working right now with my management team so it’s been really frustrating.
What Is A Big Goal You Are Working Towards: Getting myself back into a supervisor position at work and shoving my foot in stupid manager’s faces. Getting back into art, because it makes me happy. Losing some weight/being more active and eating a little better in general because that also makes me feel better about myself.
What’s your aesthetic: Roaring bonfires, the energy of a crowd at a concert, the Olympic national rain forest. Laying on a trampoline in the middle of the night in the summer with friends. Stacks of novels that have been read over and over and show wear on the bindings. Socks with little holes in the toes. Fingerless gloves and to go cups. Standing at a bus stop early in the morning and dancing alone on the side of the highway. Walking the dog at 3AM when the world can’t see me dancing to the songs that mend the holes in my heart. Cigarette smoke trailing up into the air over a group of people who share a common bond. (I’m gonna try to quit that this year, universe save me from myself) Angry tears that come with lyrics that speak to my soul. Late night chats with global friends. Tumblr. (I’m pretty sure I just summed myself up haha)
Do you collect anything: bones from animals who have died of natural causes, Warhammer 40k models (nerd alert), stuffed animals! Star wars stuff, comic books stuff.
What is a topic you always talk about: Kpop haha, and kdramas, but really just music in general. I will never shut up about music. I talk about my job a lot too, and lately it’s complaining more than talking haha. Scientific advances that I think are really cool. Robotics. Legends and folklore.
What is a pet peeve of yours: Leaving jelly/jam on the counter instead of wiping it up if someone spills it! Being called Missy.
Good Advice: Life moves forward one day at a time, try to move with it instead of clinging to the problems of the past. Things have a way of working out, maybe not always for the best. the thing that seems like an impossible crisis today will find a way to resolution, even if it isn’t exactly what you hope for. Try to make the most of whatever may be, and do what you can to help things work out for the best.
Recommend three songs: 
Dreams by Rogue. This song is something beautiful to me. I really enjoy a lot of techno/industrial/dubstep stuff and this is one of my favorites. The lyrics are simple but meaningful. I really enjoy the vocals. One of my faves for sure.
The Evil in Me by Combichrist. This song is really slow and sort of dark feeling? I love this band so much and I even got to meet them and hang out with them a few years ago. The vocalist, Andy, has a really pleasant voice and accent, and the lyrics of this one are also interesting to me.  
“Nothing really matters here We're dying by default, You're searching for serenity, You're to late.
Cause there is nothing left In the nether world, Another world is rising, And we're doomed to face our faith.”  I always just thought it was an interesting song and I love the way it sounds.
Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe. These guys are pretty awesome (Okay guys and girl, The main vocalist, Rabbit with the goggles on his hat is trans and she goes by Bunny now) and I have a fondness for this song because it was the first song I heard from them, and also because my name means Honey Bee in Greek XD I wanted to give some non kpop suggestions and all of these songs are also not pop or mainstream stuff! I hope people will give them a listen to get a taste for some new music! I figured if I posted kpop songs everyone would already know them hahahaha.  Thanks again for the tag! I’ll just tag anyone who wants to do it since I’m not sure who has already lol.
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