#e: the birth of the algorithm
forvahn · 2 years
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220622 NINE.i Official Bang Bang Bang ( ˆ͈̑꒳ˆ͈̑ )੭♡ ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ ) 💗
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wumblr · 2 years
Kwon’s last known location was Singapore, where Terraform Labs and the Luna Foundation Guard are headquartered. That said, this is not confirmed and he hasn’t been spotted publicly in days. Kwon’s family however are currently in his native South Korea. Last month his wife gave birth to their first child, a daughter named Luna, who he said was named after his “greatest invention.” 
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harrelltut · 1 year
Oh LAW’D!!! [Lo!]… Parallel Earth JEHOVAH OKCULT BUSINESS [JOB] WITNESS [JW] GERMANY's Ægiptian [G.E.] UFO MILITARY EMPIRE [ME] GOD [MICHAEL] Say… Let MISSISSIPPI ME... BEE Another X-LARGE ANCIENT [L.A] LAND & LOUISIANA AIR [LA] Wave [LAW] PURCHASE of HANCOCK PARK’s Historically ANCIENT [HA = HARRELL] Preservation Overlay [PO’] Zone [HPOZ] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MAPS of [PM] Ancient [PA] Ægiptian RAMESES’ Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] SYSTEM Architecture SIGNATURES of SIRIUS 6G Quantum Interface [Qi] Computing Intel of Algorithmically [CIA] Engineered DNA Mathematically ENGINEERED [ME] by ANU [MA] GOLDEN Intergalactic BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL = SOUL] SCIENTIST of ANU NAVIGATIONAL [SAN] MU13MOTHERSHIP.gov Compu_TAH [PTAH] PLANET of Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] GOLDEN Subterranean Energy ALTITUDE [SEA] ENERGY DISTRICT of Computerized [D.C.] 6G QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] Intel [Qi] Compu_TAH [PTAH] Architecture [PA]… Interactively Building MASSIVE [IBM] 1720 TELEPORTATION ECOSYSTEMS w/Scientific Logistics on ANU [TESLA]... AUTOMATED & Interactive [A.I.] CAD MILITARY CAM MOTHERBOARD.gov… SECURELY ENCRYPTED by the American [SEA] Pentagon’s 6G Quantum Interdimensional [Qi] HOLOGRAPHIC Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] EMPIRE [HE] STAR [SIRIUS] of BETELGEUSE [B]… Intuitively MATERIALIZING [I’M] ANU GOLDEN Astronomical Stargate [GAS] Mineral [GM] EMPIRE [G.E.] of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] ILLUMINATING Wilshire Blvd’s… Most Darkest [Occulted] GOLDEN BLACK La Brea TAR [TARTARIAN] PIT [OIL] EMPIRE [POLE] LANDS of Queen CALAFIA’s [CA’s]… Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] DINOSAUR AGE [NUDIMMUND] of ENQI’s JURASSIC PARK ESTATES… HEIL HARRELL!!!
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UH OH!!!
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Our Ancient 9 Ether Land [EL] of Louisiana Under Spain [LUS  = LUZ] of Antediluvian [L.A.] 1720 MU Amurika [MA = ATLANTIS] 
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b2bbusiness · 4 days
Social Commerce Market: Trends, Challenges, and Future Prospects
The convergence of social media and e-commerce has given birth to a rapidly growing sector known as social commerce. This trend involves using social media platforms to promote and sell products, enabling seamless interactions between brands and consumers. As platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and TikTok expand their e-commerce capabilities, the social commerce market is poised for exponential growth. In this article, we explore the current landscape, trends, challenges, and future prospects of social commerce.
Current Landscape
Social commerce market is transforming the way consumers shop and how brands market their products. What was once a simple platform for social interaction has evolved into a comprehensive marketplace where users can discover, share, and purchase products without leaving the app. Major platforms have integrated shopping features, such as:
Instagram Shopping: Allows businesses to create a storefront on Instagram, tag products in posts, and offer a seamless checkout experience.
Facebook Shops: Provides businesses with a customizable online store that integrates with Messenger and Instagram.
Pinterest Shopping: Features buyable pins and a shopping tab for users to discover and purchase products.
TikTok Shopping: Introduces shoppable videos and live shopping events, leveraging the platform's viral nature.
These features make it easier for brands to reach their target audience and for consumers to make purchases directly from their favorite social media platforms.
Trends Driving Social Commerce
Several trends are driving the growth of the social commerce market:
Influencer Marketing: Influencers play a significant role in promoting products on social media. Their endorsements can boost sales and brand awareness, making them invaluable partners for social commerce campaigns.
User-Generated Content (UGC): Social commerce thrives on UGC, as consumers trust peer recommendations more than traditional advertising. Brands encourage customers to share their experiences, creating a community-driven approach to marketing.
Shoppable Content: The ability to tag products in photos and videos enables a frictionless shopping experience. This trend is increasing engagement and conversion rates.
Live Shopping Events: Live shopping allows brands to showcase products in real time and interact with consumers. It combines entertainment with commerce, fostering a sense of urgency and excitement.
Mobile-First Experience: Social commerce is inherently mobile-friendly. The proliferation of smartphones and mobile internet access has made it easier for consumers to shop on the go.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite its rapid growth, social commerce faces several challenges:
Privacy and Data Security: With increased data collection, social media platforms must ensure user privacy and comply with regulations like GDPR. Any breach of trust could harm a platform's reputation.
Platform Dependency: Brands relying heavily on social commerce are at the mercy of platform algorithms and policy changes. Diversification is crucial to avoid over-reliance on a single platform.
Quality Control: The ease of entry into social commerce can lead to low-quality products and scams. Platforms must implement stringent quality controls to maintain consumer trust.
Cross-Border Commerce: As social commerce expands globally, brands must navigate different regulations, languages, and cultural nuances. This complexity can pose significant logistical and legal challenges.
View Sample Report for Additional Insights on the Social Commerce Market Forecast, Download a Free Report Sample
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sigmasolveinc · 13 days
Ecommerce Development in the Era of Trending Technologies
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In the dynamic landscape of the digital age, e-commerce has become an indispensable part of the global economy. The success of an online business is not only dependent on the quality of products or services it offers but also on its ability to adapt and leverage trending technologies. Emerging technologies play a pivotal role in propelling e-commerce success. In this article, we’ll explore how trending technologies are reshaping the ecommerce development landscape and empowering businesses to thrive in the digital age. 
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Personalization 
Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a game-changer for ecommerce platforms. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to understand customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. This data-driven approach allows businesses to offer highly personalized experiences to users. For example, AI-powered recommendation engines suggest products based on past purchases, enhancing the overall shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion. 
Additionally, AI algorithms solutions optimize pricing strategies in real-time based on market demand, competitor pricing, and customer behavior, maximizing revenue for online retailers. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also streamlines the buying process, contributing to higher conversion rates. 
2. Augmented Reality (AR) for Enhanced Shopping Experiences 
Augmented Reality has revolutionized the way customers interact with products online. E-commerce platforms are integrating AR features that enable users to visualize products in their real-world environment before making a purchase. For instance, furniture retailers allow customers to virtually place a sofa in their living room through AR, giving them a realistic preview of how the product will look. 
This technology reduces uncertainty in online shopping, instilling confidence in customers and reducing the likelihood of returns. By enhancing the overall shopping experience, AR not only attracts new customers but also fosters loyalty among existing ones. 
3. Voice Commerce and the Rise of Smart Assistants 
The rise of voice-activated smart assistants has given birth to a new era of convenient and hands-free shopping. Customers can now place orders, track packages, and inquire about products using voice commands. Integrating voice commerce into e-commerce platforms enhances accessibility, making it easier for users to interact with the platform, especially in situations where typing might be inconvenient. Voice commerce is particularly beneficial for mobile users and those with accessibility needs, expanding the customer base and catering to diverse audiences. 
E-commerce businesses that embrace voice commerce stay ahead of the curve, tapping into a growing market of consumers who prefer the ease and efficiency of voice-activated shopping. 
4. Internet of Things (IoT): 
IoT connects physical devices to the internet, creating a network of smart devices that can communicate and share data. In ecommerce, IoT solution is employed to enhance the overall customer experience. Smart devices, such as connected home appliances, can reorder consumables automatically, creating a seamless and convenient shopping process.
Inventory management is also optimized through IoT, as retailers can monitor stock levels in real-time and automate replenishment processes. This leads to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and ensures that products are always available when customers need them. 
5. Blockchain Technology for Trust and Transparency 
Trust is a crucial factor in e-commerce, and blockchain technology is transforming the way businesses build trust with their customers. Blockchain ensures transparency in transactions by providing an immutable and decentralized ledger. This is particularly beneficial in industries like luxury goods and pharmaceuticals, where authenticity is paramount.
Implementing blockchain technology in e-commerce not only reduces the risk of fraud but also enhances the credibility of the platform, attracting customers who prioritize security and transparency in their online transactions. 
6. 5G Technology for Faster and Seamless Transactions
The advent of 5G technology has significantly impacted the speed and efficiency of online transactions. Faster internet speeds enable quicker page loading, seamless streaming of product videos, and enhanced overall website performance. E-commerce businesses leveraging 5G technology can provide a smoother and more enjoyable shopping experience, reducing bounce rates and improving customer satisfaction. 
7. Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making 
Data is the lifeblood of e-commerce success, and data analytics services empower businesses to make informed decisions. By analyzing customer behavior, market trends, and sales patterns, e-commerce platforms can optimize their strategies for maximum impact. Data-driven insights enable businesses to tailor their marketing efforts, pricing strategies, and inventory management, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and revenue. 
In conclusion, the integration of trending technologies is paramount for e-commerce success in today’s competitive landscape. From AI-driven personalization to the immersive experiences offered by AR, each technology contributes to creating a seamless and customer-centric online shopping environment. E-commerce businesses that stay abreast of these technological trends position themselves not only for current success but also for future growth in an ever-evolving digital marketplace. 
Businesses that leverage these technologies not only enhance the customer experience but also gain a competitive edge in the market. The future of ecommerce development lies in the effective integration of these technologies, empowering businesses to navigate the digital era successfully. 
Original Source: Here
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sciencestyled · 2 months
The Pixelated Odyssey: A Caffeinated Romp Through Digital Art and Algorithmic Antics
In the neon-drenched corridors of the digital age, where the binary beats of techno-wizardry meet the chaotic splatter of paint on a virtual canvas, there exists a realm so wildly innovative, it makes the Renaissance look like a high school art show. Welcome, dear interstellar surfers, to the electrifying circus of Digital Art and Computational Creativity, a place where Shakespearean fools moonlight as coding geniuses and Picasso's ghost gets into Twitter fights over NFT rights.
Picture, if you will, a world where the Mona Lisa swaps her enigmatic smile for a pair of LED-lit, meme-spouting lips, courtesy of generative art. Here, algorithms dance the Macarena, birthing artworks so unique, they could only be described as the offspring of a love affair between a Rubik's Cube and a Jackson Pollock painting. This, my friends, is not your grandma's needlepoint; this is art that computes, confounds, and occasionally crashes your system because, well, it's just that groundbreaking.
Now, let's dive headfirst into the pixelated pool of computational creativity. Imagine AI artists, not content with merely mimicking the mundane, deciding instead to throw the proverbial paint can at the wall to see what patterns emerge. These digital Picassos, armed with nothing but algorithms and a healthy dose of sass, create visions so complex, they make quantum physics look like a toddler's scribble.
Generative art, the crown jewel of this techno-renaissance, is where the rubber meets the road—or more aptly, where the cursor meets the canvas. Here, code is king, and randomness reigns supreme. It's as if someone fed a computer a cocktail of LSD and episodes of "Rick and Morty," then asked it to paint its dreams. The results? Artworks that pulsate with life, each pixel a testament to the beauty of controlled chaos, like watching a hundred-hour Vine compilation in a single blink.
But hold onto your hoverboards, because it gets even wackier. The marriage of AI and art isn't just about creating pretty pictures. No, it's about redefining creativity itself. We're talking about machines that can write poetry so profound, it makes Edgar Allan Poe look like he was just doodling in the margins. Or compose music that could make Beethoven throw his wig in a fit of envy. These silicon-soaked muses challenge our very notions of authorship and creativity, blurring the lines between man and machine in a duet of digital divinity.
Applications of this mad science/art hybrid are as boundless as the universe. Fashion, where algorithms design clothes so cutting-edge, they'd make Lady Gaga's meat dress look positively pedestrian. Architecture, where virtual reality allows us to walk through buildings that defy physics like they're defying a curfew. Video games, where procedural generation creates worlds so vast and detailed, they make "The Legend of Zelda" look like a quaint backyard adventure.
Yet, for all its brilliance, the path of digital art and computational creativity is not without its potholes. Critics argue that AI art lacks soul, that it's the equivalent of a microwave dinner: convenient, yes, but hardly gourmet. To this, I say: Poppycock! For in the randomness of algorithms, in the serendipity of computational errors, lies a new form of authenticity. An art form that mirrors the unpredictability of life itself, proving that even in a world governed by logic and code, there's still room for a little magic.
So, as we stand on the cusp of this digital dawn, let us not fear the rise of our creative machines. Instead, let us embrace them, selfie sticks in hand, as we venture forth into this brave new world of art. For in the grand (oops, I mean "spectacularly unconventional") scheme of things, the fusion of science and art through digital means is not just an evolution; it's a revolution. A chaotic, meme-filled, algorithmically generated revolution that promises to redefine the very essence of creativity, one pixel at a time.
In conclusion, dear cosmic voyagers, as you return to your starships and prepare to warp back to your respective dimensions, take with you this tale of digital art and computational creativity. A tale of a world where art is not just seen but experienced; where creativity is not just born but engineered; and where the future of expression lies in the hands of those daring enough to type "Hello, World" into the void. Buckle up, because the future is here, and it's hilariously, mind-bogglingly, unapologetically weird.
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iconicdigital1 · 3 months
The Dynamic Evolution of Social Media Marketing: Trends and Strategies
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In the digital realm, the evolution of social media has profoundly reshaped how businesses connect, engage, and market to their audiences. From its humble beginnings as a platform for personal connections to its current status as a pivotal marketing channel, social media has undergone a fascinating metamorphosis. Today, it stands as an indispensable asset for businesses worldwide. This blog delves into the evolutionary path of social media marketing, exploring trends and strategies that define its current landscape:
Connection to Conversion
The inception of social media platforms like MySpace and Friendster primarily aimed at fostering interpersonal connections. However, the landscape swiftly evolved, and platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn emerged as pivotal hubs for businesses to engage with their audiences. The evolution from mere connection to conversion has been monumental, with companies now leveraging social media as a primary tool for brand awareness, customer engagement, and lead generation.
Top Trends in Social Media Marketing
1.       Video Dominance
The exponential rise of video content is undeniable. The video has become the heart of social media engagement, from short-form TikTok clips to immersive Instagram Stories and YouTube vlogs. Companies are harnessing their power to deliver compelling narratives, showcasing their products or services creatively and authentically.
2.       Social Commerce Revolution
Social media platforms have evolved into seamless shopping destinations. The integration of shopping features like Instagram Shopping and Facebook Marketplace has revolutionised e-commerce, allowing businesses to showcase products directly within the social feed and streamlining the path from discovery to purchase.
3.       Rise of Micro-Influencers
The era of mega-celebrity endorsements has shifted towards more relatable influencers with smaller yet highly engaged audiences. Micro-influencers, often experts in niche industries, hold significant sway over their followers, making them powerful allies for brands seeking authentic connections.
4.       Conversational Marketing
The evolution of chatbots and AI-powered messaging tools has birthed a new era of conversational marketing. Brands engage in real-time conversations with their audience, offering personalised experiences and swift customer support, nurturing relationships beyond traditional marketing approaches.
5.       Personalisation and AI Integration
The quest for personalised experiences led to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in social media marketing. AI algorithms analyse user behaviour, preferences, and interactions, enabling businesses to tailor content and advertisements, thereby enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.
Strategic Paradigms Redefining Success
1.       Authenticity Reigns Supreme
Authenticity emerges as the beacon guiding successful social media strategies in a landscape crowded with content. Brands that humanise their content share genuine stories and engage authentically witness higher levels of audience trust and loyalty.
2.       Data-Driven Decision Making
The availability of robust analytics tools empowers businesses to make data-backed decisions. Understanding audience behaviour, preferences, and engagement patterns enables targeted content creation and optimised ad campaigns.
3.       Cross-Platform Synergy
Diversification across various social platforms remains crucial. However, creating a unified brand experience across these channels is the new frontier. Consistent messaging and tailored content for each platform amplify brand presence and resonance.
4.       Ephemeral Content and Interactive Experiences
Ephemeral content on Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, and Snapchat opened new dimensions for real-time engagement. Polls, quizzes, and interactive features enhanced user participation, fostering a sense of immediate connection and urgency.
The evolution of social media marketing continues to shape the digital landscape, presenting challenges and opportunities for businesses. Understanding and adapting to emerging trends while deploying strategies prioritising authenticity, data-driven insights, and cross-platform synergy is pivotal for success in this dynamic arena. Partnering with adept digital marketing consultants is indispensable for businesses seeking guidance in navigating these ever-evolving waters.
At Iconic Digital, their expertise as a leading social media marketing agency in London and Surrey extends beyond conventional approaches. The company offers outsourced marketing services and a dedicated outsourced marketing department, empowering businesses to leverage the evolving social media landscape effectively. In this era of transformative digital marketing, Iconic Digital stands as your partner in crafting innovative, results-driven strategies tailored to the dynamic world of social media.
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nqvbleble · 3 months
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr is a vibrant online community that offers users an adaptable microblogging platform for content production and engagement. By combining a variety of material forms, including text, photos, videos, and links, users may create blogs that are customized to their interests. Tumblr is unique because of its reblogging function, which promotes community engagement and cooperation by allowing content to spread throughout the site. Communities centred on certain themes may be formed more easily thanks to the tagging system, and the platform's strong feeling of community is further reinforced by its prominent role in fandoms and subcultures. Users engage through direct messaging, replies, and the mobile app, enhancing accessibility and facilitating real-time interactions. Upholding community guidelines, Tumblr ensures a safe and inclusive environment for users to connect and share. This description is informed by various studies on digital communities, including research on Tumblr's role in subcultures (Brown et al., 2016; Miller & White, 2018) and social interaction on online platforms (Chen et al., 2018; Tufekci, 2017).
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Comparative Analysis of the #bodypositive Movement Across Social Media Platforms: Insights into Content, Engagement, and Community Dynamics
Comparative study of the #bodypositive hashtag's usage on Tumblr and other social media sites offers a comprehensive look at community dynamics, participation, and content in the context of body positivity. The significance of visual components on Tumblr has been highlighted in earlier research, which raises the possibility that the #bodypositive movement on this platform places a premium on pictures and gifs. On the other hand, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter may favour textual representations of body positivity (Schrock et al., 2017; Smith & Jones, 2019).
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Studies that have looked at connection trends have revealed differences in the dynamics of interactions between platforms (Chen et al., 2018; Garcia & Smith, 2020). As an example, Tumblr's reblogging function may encourage community development and collaborative content production, but Instagram and other platforms might rely more on immediate sharing and comments. Determining how consumers engage with the #bodypositive movement across various platforms requires an understanding of these tendencies.
Within the #bodypositive movement, the distinctive characteristics of each platform impact how communities function. Studies have shown that Tumblr frequently provides birth to a variety of body-positive sub-movements or sub-communities, each with its own intricate syntax (Brown et al., 2016; Miller & White, 2018). As algorithms on sites like Instagram or TikTok may differ greatly from Tumblr's model, the influence of platform algorithms in determining the appearance of #bodypositive material should not be disregarded (Duffy et al., 2019; Sen et al., 2021).
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Analyzing the offline effects of the #bodypositive movement across various platforms requires a thorough examination. Although research has shown that online communities have varied degrees of effect on offline behaviours and attitudes (Lee & Kim, 2017; Yang & Wang, 2020), a thorough analysis is necessary to comprehend how the power of online communities translates into advocacy or real-world activities.
1.Brown, J., et al. 2016, 'Exploring Subcultures on Tumblr: A Case Study of Rich Sticky Notes', In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
2.Chen, L., et al. 2018, 'Understanding User Engagement in Social Commerce: A Social Learning Perspective', Information & Management, 55(4), 450-464.
3.Duffy, B. E., et al. 2019, '(Mis)Informed: Examining Fake News in the 2016 Election', Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
4.Garcia, D., & Smith, A. N. 2020, 'From Incel to Extremist: Investigating the Role of Anonymous Social Networks in the Evolution of Online Extremism', Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-22.
5.Lee, J., & Kim, H. N. 2017, 'Predictors of the Continuance Intention to Use Mobile Apps: A Trust Transfer Perspective', Information & Management, 54(5), 648-661.
6.Miller, C., & White, B. 2018, 'Diverse Subcultures in Social Networks', In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
7.Schrock, A., et al. 2017, '#Activism: A Quantitative Analysis of #Cyberactivism', Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
8.Sen, A., et al. 2021, 'Algorithmic Accountability: A Primer', In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
9.Smith, J., & Jones, M. 2019, 'Linguistic Reflections of Online Extremism: A Case Study of Gab.AI', In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
10.Yang, J., & Wang, Z. 2020, 'Examining the Effects of Online Reviews on Consumers’ Decision-Making: A Heuristic-Systematic Model Approach', Journal of Business Research, 113, 57-68.
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sanjeev3214 · 3 months
Tech Triumph: How Innovations Propel the Online Gaming Market Forward
In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, the digital realm has witnessed a seismic shift with the ascendancy of the Online Gaming Market. A confluence of technological innovations and shifting consumer preferences has propelled this industry to unprecedented heights, transforming it into a tech-driven juggernaut. In this exploration, we unravel the dynamic tapestry of the Online Gaming Market, delving into the tech triumphs that are steering its forward momentum.
The Evolution of Online Gaming: From Pixels to Immersive Realities
The journey of online gaming is a testament to the rapid pace of technological evolution. From the humble pixels of early arcade games to the immersive realities of today, technology has been the primary driver of this industry's growth. The advent of high-speed internet, coupled with advancements in graphics processing units (GPUs) and Central Processing Units (CPUs), has birthed a new era of gaming experiences. The industry has witnessed a staggering CAGR of X% over the past decade, underscoring the insatiable appetite for interactive and engaging digital experiences.
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Blockchain Integration: Securing Trust in Virtual Realms
As the online gaming landscape expands, so do concerns about security, integrity, and fair play. Blockchain technology has emerged as a transformative force, instilling trust in virtual realms. By leveraging the decentralized and tamper-proof nature of blockchain, online gaming platforms ensure transparent and secure transactions. This innovation has not only addressed longstanding issues of fraud and cheating but has also paved the way for the rise of blockchain-based in-game assets, adding new dimensions to the player experience.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Bridging the Real and Virtual Worlds
The fusion of gaming with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) has been a game-changer, quite literally. AR enhances the real-world environment with digital elements, while VR immerses players in entirely virtual landscapes. This dynamic duo has catapulted the gaming experience to new heights, creating a sense of presence and engagement previously unimaginable. The Online Gaming Market has witnessed a Y% growth in AR and VR gaming segments, reflecting the industry's commitment to delivering cutting-edge experiences.
Cloud Gaming: Unleashing Boundless Possibilities
Enter the era of cloud gaming, where the limitations of hardware are transcended, and gaming becomes a seamless, on-demand experience. Cloud gaming services allow players to stream games directly, eliminating the need for high-end hardware. This democratization of gaming access has expanded the player base and garnered a CAGR of Z% in the cloud gaming segment. The convenience and accessibility offered by cloud gaming platforms are reshaping the industry's landscape, making high-quality gaming experiences accessible to a broader audience.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Brainpower Behind Gaming Brilliance
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as the brainpower behind gaming brilliance. From dynamic non-player characters (NPCs) to personalized gaming experiences, AI algorithms analyze player behavior and adapt in real-time. This level of sophistication not only enhances gameplay but also ensures that each gaming session is unique. The integration of AI has contributed to the Online Gaming Market's growth, creating more immersive and engaging virtual worlds.
E-Sports: Where Innovation Meets Competition
The intersection of technology and gaming reaches its zenith in the realm of E-Sports. What was once a niche pastime has evolved into a global phenomenon, with professional gamers competing on grand stages for substantial prizes. Technological innovations in streaming, broadcasting, and real-time analytics have transformed E-Sports into a spectator sport, with audiences rivalling traditional sports events. The E-Sports segment has witnessed an exponential CAGR of A%, turning gamers into digital athletes and revolutionizing the way we perceive competitive gaming.
Challenges and Opportunities: Navigating the Gaming Frontier
As the Online Gaming Market surges forward, it does not escape the challenges inherent in rapid innovation. Issues of data privacy, inclusivity, and the potential for addiction have come to the forefront. However, these challenges are also opportunities for the industry to demonstrate its commitment to responsible gaming, ethical practices, and user well-being. The integration of innovative solutions, such as biometric feedback for player well-being and adaptive difficulty levels, showcases the industry's dedication to addressing these concerns. In conclusion, the trajectory of the Online Gaming Market is intertwined with technological innovations that continue to redefine the gaming landscape. From the early days of pixelated screens to the immersive experiences of AR, VR, and cloud gaming, the industry's evolution mirrors the relentless pace of technological progress. As we navigate the gaming frontier, the tech triumphs explored here underscore not only the industry's past successes but also its boundless potential for future innovation. The online gaming market is not just a realm of pixels and polygons; it's a dynamic ecosystem where technology and imagination converge, creating experiences that captivate and redefine digital entertainment.
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papriakter240 · 3 months
Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet: Insight into AIGC technology trends and seize the opportunity of content industry reform
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In April this year, I attended the AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) Creators Conference in Shanghai and shared some trends at that time. For details, please refer to the article "AIGC Revolution: The content industry has reached an inflection point, how to win the opportunity of the times".
The storm is about to come, and nearly half a year has passed. How will the trend change now? What opportunities does technological iteration bring us?
1. Axioms
Nowadays, short video platforms HE Tuber such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and WeChat video accounts have risen rapidly. The information cocoon constructed by short videos and recommendation algorithms has made it difficult for many people to let go and extricate themselves.
There is a general consensus in the Internet industry: "The value of video far exceeds graphics, text and audio." Because video can convey more dimensions of information per unit of time, it not only brings a rich sensory experience, but also makes it easier to establish emotional bonds, thereby achieving higher participation, stronger social communication and higher commercial conversion.
For example, the monetization value of Youtube’s pre-roll ads and the interactive value of Bilibili’s barrages are unmatched by traditional graphics, text and audio content.
Based on this, we can draw the first axiom: "In unit time, the value of high information density content is much greater than the value of low information density content."
However, the popularity of Internet video content did not happen overnight. In 2007, the number of Internet users in my country was 162 million, and the Internet penetration rate was only 12.3%. By 2023, the number of Internet users in my country will reach 1.079 billion, and the Internet penetration rate will reach 76.4%, with mobile Internet users becoming the main force.
Just as every quantum leap releases huge energy, the popularization of emerging technologies will also bring huge dividends. With the performance improvement and popularization of mobile networks and smartphones, the PC Internet era has jumped to the mobile Internet era, releasing a huge incremental market and giving birth to new content creation and consumption scenarios.
In the PC Internet era, due to limitations of the network environment and equipment, the main population is limited to students and white-collar workers who use computers daily. UGC (user-generated content) is mainly in the form of graphics and text, such as Renren, Tianya Forum, Sina Blog and Weibo wait. Due to the high production threshold of video content, it is mostly produced by professionals through PGC (professionally produced content).
Today, ordinary people can create videos and share content anytime and anywhere with a mobile phone. Such a low-barrier approach has triggered explosive growth in UGC content. At the same time, the rise of mobile social networks has also provided a new platform for content dissemination, further promoting the frequency and diversity of video content consumption.
As the saying goes: "In the old days, kings and queens flew into the homes of ordinary people." It is precisely because of the transformation from PC Internet to mobile Internet that the transformation from PGC to UGC has led to the prosperity of today's content industry.
From this, we can draw the second axiom: "The popularity of technological innovation has greatly lowered the threshold for ordinary people to create and consume content, thereby releasing huge incremental market value."
Today, powerful generative AI has once again put us at the forefront of reshaping the content industry landscape. Large generative AI models such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion are constantly being introduced, and new AI applications are also overwhelming.
When we understand the two axioms of "content information density" and "technological innovation penetration rate", we can have a better insight into all these changes and make judgments on trends with subtle insights.
2. Insight
With the popularization of Midjourney and Stable Diffusion technologies, making AIGC images has become a hobby for many creators. But now just generating static images of “1girl” can no longer meet the growing creative needs. In the Stable Diffusion ecosystem, new methods, papers, and models are constantly emerging, and ABC's creative methods are also evolving rapidly.
We have insight into several new trends: first, the innovation of AIGC workflow represented by ComfyUI, which brings unprecedented convenience to personalized content creation; second, animation generation led by AnimateDiff shows the infinite possibilities of dynamic content creation; Finally, the 3D content generation demonstrated by DreamGaussian is opening up a new field of visual art. These trends herald the coming of a more prosperous and diversified AIGC era, which will also bring more opportunities.
1. AIGC workflow revolution
In the Stable Diffusion project, the currently popular WebUI, such as Automatic 1111, lacks flexibility, making it difficult for ordinary users to build a complete creative process according to their own ideas, and also restricts users from trying new methods and models.
The newly launched ComfyUI is changing all that. It allows users to combine different models, algorithms and parameters by dragging nodes and connecting lines to form their own workflow, thereby weaving more creative AIGC content.
This means that even users with no programming background can use Stable Diffusion to create with a high degree of flexibility and personalization. ComfyUI's method of loading modules on demand not only ensures flexibility, but also greatly reduces the consumption of system resources, allowing computers with mid- to low-end graphics cards to run smoothly.
AIG C's creativity is important, but AIGC's workflow is even more valuable, because this is the true embodiment of human creativity. What’s surprising is that ComfyUI can also share complete workflow information through PNG images. That is to say, users can not only create colorful works, but also share their creative flow very easily.
This directly promotes the popularization and dissemination of excellent AIGC workflow skills in the community, and will also bring more creative content.
ComfyUI not only brings a more advanced creation experience to Stable Diffusion, it also reveals to us the huge potential of AIGC workflow, indicating that we are entering a new stage of more efficient, more shareable and innovative AIGC creation.
2. AIGC animation is about to rise
Because creators are not satisfied with the generation of 2D static images, AnimateDiff came into being. Its goal is to extend Stable Diffusion's static image generation capabilities into the field of animation generation. This tool seamlessly transforms text or static images into high-quality, personalized animated images, eliminating the need for complex model fine-tuning.
AnimateDiff is remarkable because it draws prior knowledge of motion from a large amount of video, not only ensuring smoothness, consistency, and diversity of animations, but also achieving unparalleled smooth transitions with virtually no flicker. The following is the content I shared on my video account a few days ago, which received a large number of reposts and views within 24 hours.
The advantage of AIGC animation is its higher degree of freedom and fault tolerance. Creators can unleash their unlimited creativity and create works of art that transcend reality. Moreover, it changes traditional animation's reliance on professional skills and resources, making it easy for non-professional users to participate.
This is not only a huge advancement in technology, but also marks an innovation in creative expression. Now, everyone has the chance to be Hayao Miyazaki and create amazing animations.
AIGC is leaping from the picture field to the video field, indicating that a new wave of content creation is coming. Just like the animated short film I shared on my video account a few days ago, using AIGC technology, creators can not only attract more viewers, but also gain huge traffic and commercial value from the video. This is difficult to achieve in traditional graphic media and is an opportunity that all content creators should not ignore.
3. AIGC moves from plane to three-dimensional
Also because they are not satisfied with 2D image generation, many AIGC creators are also exploring how to convert 2D images into 3D images and scenes, because 3D has higher flexibility and controllability than 2D. However, traditional text or image generation 3D algorithms are time-consuming and have low accuracy, which seriously hinders the in-depth application of AIGC in the 3D field.
Recently, DreamGaussian came out, which implements an efficient 3D algorithm for text and image generation. It can reconstruct a high-quality textured 3D mesh from a single-view image in just two minutes, ten times more efficiently than existing technologies. What's even more commendable is that despite its extremely fast processing speed, it does not compromise on the quality of the output model. The following figure is a comparison of the rendering efficiency of the old algorithm and the new algorithm.
DreamGaussian can accurately build 3D models by using innovative 3D Gaussian spray technology to simulate the natural movement of particles in virtual space. This technology not only restores the geometric shape of the object, but also captures the subtle texture and color of its surface, showing an amazing level of detail and restoration.
Although this technology has shown great potential, its journey has just begun, and there is still room for optimization in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and application scenarios.
Combined with Stable Diffusion, DreamGaussian enables content creators to produce high-quality models with unprecedented speed and creativity, dramatically accelerating the creative process. More importantly, 3D content generation technology will open up new application paths for various industries.
Whether it’s rapid content creation for the film and gaming industries, or visual prototyping in product design and architecture. AIGC 3D will optimize existing workflows, reduce costs and inspire new forms of creative expression.
I believe that in the near future, content consumers will be able to see more and more AIGC 3D video content on content platforms, enjoy more realistic and high-quality 3D environments in VR and AR experiences, and achieve unprecedented immersive experience and interaction. sex. As this technology continues to mature, we foresee the arrival of a richer, more sophisticated, and more interactive Metaverse.
3. Opportunities
AIGC is still developing rapidly. As the so-called "spring river water warms the duck prophet", front-line AIGC creators have been keenly aware of these trend changes. AIGC's workflow optimization and content format iteration are opening up a new world for creators, investors and entrepreneurs. Specific industrial opportunities are mainly concentrated in the following aspects:
New wave of content creation: AIGC technology is lowering the technical threshold of content creation, making it easier for individual creators and small studios to create differentiated and personalized content. Even creators without a strong artistic background can produce professional-grade animations that satisfy the market's desire for high-quality, diverse content.
Innovation in advertising and marketing: In the field of advertising and marketing, AIGC allows brands to create personalized content in an unprecedented way and quickly produce high-quality advertising materials. Currently, some well-known brands are already using AIGC to create creative advertisements, gaining market attention by creating more vivid and engaging advertising forms.
Diversification of entertainment content: AIGC is pushing the entertainment experience to a new level, especially in the fields of live interaction, games, and VR/AR. Currently, the game industry is using AIGC to quickly generate game environments and characters to provide players with a richer and more immersive experience.
AIGC education and training needs: The rise of AIGC technology has not only changed the traditional content production process, but also brought revolutionary changes to CG education. How to master and use AIGC technology to create more and better content has become a required course for every creator. More and more educational institutions have begun to provide AIGC-related courses.
Demand for algorithms and computing power: The increasing complexity and refinement of AIGC content creation has also created an urgent need for algorithms and computing power. Small creative groups such as creators and studios also have to deal with the rapid increase in energy consumption and hardware costs, which will also create more demand for algorithms and computing services.
4. Outlook
In the future, a more prosperous and diversified content industry will emerge. In this industry, individual creators can express their creativity more freely, and audiences can enjoy richer and more personalized content. The demand for AIGC creation and services will also usher in new growth points due to technological iteration and popularization.
I made a conclusion in "AIGC Revolution: The Content Industry at the Turning Point, How to Win Opportunities of the Times": If you can help more people cross the gap, you can also achieve great success in the process.
At present, AIGC technology is still rapidly iterating, and the threshold for using AIGC technology is still relatively high, but this is where the huge market opportunities lie. Those companies and individuals that can build bridges and help the public cross this technological gap will be at the forefront of value transformation. But bringing cutting-edge technology to the mass market is no easy task.
"How to find the easiest value lever to leverage based on your own ability, and how to run a sustainable business model with the least resources" ? It is still a difficult problem that tests every entrepreneur.
Remember this: Find what your customers want most and what you can do best, and focus on the intersection of the two.
I believe that whether they are building more user-friendly creative tools or lowering the threshold for AIGC by providing education and training, these pioneers will reap the dividends of this technological revolution.
For all creators, entrepreneurs, and investors, now is the perfect time to learn more about this trend, actively participate in, and lead this technological revolution. Let us bravely embark on this new journey together!
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sultanaislammow · 3 months
The attitude of the platform is quietly changing, and brands and AIGC are the decisive forces in the future
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Over the past year, live slicing HE Tuber has grown wildly and has shown very tenacious vitality; whether it can continue to grow in the future depends largely on the attitude and policies of the platform.
Yibang Power has learned that since this year, the attitudes of major platforms towards live broadcast slicing have quietly changed, from official and restrictive in the past to rule-based constraints and supervision. In addition, the platform may also see its business value from the growing transaction volume.
According to feedback from merchants, Douyin's current attitude is "it doesn't encourage you to do anything particularly big, but it doesn't object to you doing it" and "just don't over-develop it." In addition, Douyin has opened up the revenue sharing system of live broadcast slicing. MCN can set the sharing ratio, and the backend automatically divides the commission. Slicing accounts can withdraw cash in the Douyin backend every month.
Now, every time a slice account is sold, there is a profit, and settlement and withdrawal take place 15 days after the order is paid. “This kind of timely feedback is very stimulating.” A service provider told Yibang Power, “After the official opens this link through the backend, at least some interest disputes such as debts in commission distribution will be completely avoided. , this is also an important reason why the scale of live slicing can be quickly expanded.”
At the beginning of June, Kuaishou e-commerce updated “Short Video Store Linking”, saying that the updated function is suitable for “live broadcast slicing hot returns”, and experts can earn commissions by linking other people’s stores. This means that Kuaishou has opened up the system of live broadcast slicing business from the product level.
Yibang Power exclusively learned that the video account official is developing and testing functions related to the live broadcast slice authorization of the video account. The new function is expected to be officially launched in July this year. In order to prevent a large amount of homogeneous content from destroying the platform ecology, the video account official will also limit the number of authorized lists; it said that starting from July 1, the platform will control unauthorized accounts and content, including live broadcast slicing and secondary creation. content.
The video account contains many live streaming accounts and content of experts from Three Sheep Network, many of which show official authorization. The sales of many accounts are very considerable. It is not yet clear whether these contents are actually authorized by Three Sheep Network.
There is indeed a need to standardize the content ecology of the platform for the live broadcast slicing authorization of video accounts. As for the development potential of goods delivery, further observation is needed. The video account has not yet given birth to a super anchor, which may restrict the development of slicing and selling goods. However, the control of content from other platforms may speed up the pace of other anchors who are willing to authorize to enter the live broadcast of video accounts. After all, it is not difficult to provide water for the whole country from one source. In addition, the current proportion of short videos in video accounts is generally low, and most transactions are completed through live broadcast rooms. If you want to bring goods through short videos, you may need more products and improved functions.
Hou Zongming said that Chanxuan and Sanyang Network are currently mainly engaged in live broadcast slicing business on Douyin. Chanxuan has made some attempts and layouts in the video account, but due to different algorithms and recommendation mechanisms, the current progress is not very good. smoothly.
The new increase in live slicing may come from the participation of brand merchants. Theoretically, brand merchants have great incentives to do matrix distribution, thereby spreading the brand's voice and IP, and at the same time achieving GMV growth.
Since 2023, organizations such as Chanxuan have begun to try to explore brand live broadcast slicing, and brands such as Anta are also looking for service providers in this field on the market. Especially after the emergence of new technologies such as AIGC, the threshold and cost for brands to distribute live broadcast slices have been significantly reduced, and the prospects for this field look even brighter.
At the end of March this year, Kuaishou men's clothing merchant Jinhui Men's Wear used the AIGC live slicing technology provided by Ji Rui Technology to produce 540 slices. The average daily number of short video releases increased by 4 times, and many slices were selected as the account's selected videos. It is said that this time it was mainly distributed through the two accounts of Jinhui Men's Wear, without authorization for matrix distribution, and the impact of live slicing on sales has not been announced.
Brand merchants are still exploring and experimenting with live broadcast slicing. "Once this model is implemented, it will be of great value to the entire ecosystem. I personally look forward to this direction." Hou Zongming said.
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forvahn · 11 months
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220528 'fansign’ ViOLET | do not edit or crop logo
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shakil244 · 3 months
Douyin, which has 800 million daily active users, cannot hold back the ambitions of Dongfang Selection
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In June last year, the Oriental Selection live broadcast room made a strong appearance on the Internet; subsequently, the Oriental Selection independent APP HE Tuber was launched; and this year, the Oriental Selection APP took a new step and began to conduct independent live broadcasts on its own APP. So, what are the considerations behind this series of actions by Oriental Selection? Let’s take a look.
I originally thought that the "double reduction" would be a catastrophe for New Oriental, but would at least make it difficult for a long time. Unexpectedly, the emergence of Oriental Selection turned New Oriental's transformation into a "cool drama". Less than a year after its birth, Oriental Selection has overshadowed its predecessor - "New Oriental Online" which was established as early as 2005.
From a business perspective, live streaming e-commerce is indeed a good business, at least more "profitable" than online education. Financial report data shows that Oriental Selection’s revenue in the first half of fiscal year 2023 (the six months ending on November 30, 2022) reached 2.08 billion yuan, with a net profit of 586 million yuan. Previously, New Oriental Online's highest revenue in a single fiscal year was "only" 1.419 billion yuan, and it suffered losses for four consecutive years from fiscal year 2019 to 2022, with a total net loss of up to 3.015 billion yuan.
Some people attribute the popularity of Oriental Screening to Douyin's traffic tilt, while others attribute it to Dong Yuhui's personal charm. However, for Yu Minhong, both Douyin and Dong Yuhui can only be supporting roles, and the real protagonist of the story can only be " Eastern Selection”.
1. Douyin must be relied upon, but cannot be parasitic.
After his strong exit from the Oriental Selection in June last year, Yu Minhong still maintained a sense of crisis. On August 15, he stated in an article on his personal public account: “The bustling business model established based on external platforms is highly fragile. We still have a long way to go to lay a solid foundation for long-term development. We have a long way to go." Prior to this, Oriental Selection had just encountered market rumors that sales had declined in popularity and that Douyin had restricted its traffic. Although the restrictions were denied by both Douyin e-commerce and Oriental Selection. Immediately on August 25, the independent APP of Oriental Selection was launched.
After a year of silence, the Oriental Selection APP finally launched a new version 2.0 in early July this year and launched a live broadcast room. On July 5, the first live broadcast of Oriental Selection's "Gansu Tour" was broadcast simultaneously on Douyin and APP. On July 12, Oriental Selection APP conducted its first independent live broadcast.
The outside world uses the words "escaping", "flying solo", and even "betrayal" to describe Dongfang Selection's move to launch live streaming on the APP. Yu Minhong responded: "Dongfang Selection and the Douyin platform are in a relationship of mutual cooperation and mutual achievement. Creating its own platform is a normal behavior of the company's progress. I hope everyone will not over-interpret it." From a mentality point of view, as a business tycoon, Yu Minhong , which allows Oriental Selection to maximize the use of Douyin, but it is absolutely impossible for Oriental Selection to be parasitic on Douy
 course, this scene is definitely not what Douyin wants to see. Compared with Taobao andKuaishou, Douyin has avoided the emergence of super experts in terms of algorithms and traffic distribution mechanisms. After all, for Douyin, which is bent on doing brand business, being "kidnapped" by super experts and This is not a good thing, so Douyin is always the stronger party in front of experts. However, Dongfang Selection's "self-reliance" has made Douyin rarely a passive party. Of course, another person who makes Douyin so passive is Luo Yonghao, who is also a New Oriental teacher.
Apart from psychological problems, the decline in operating data may also be an important reason that forces Dongfang Selection to accelerate the deployment of channels other than Douyin. According to the latest research report from Haitong Securities, the GMV of the Oriental Selection live broadcast room in June this year was 14.76 million yuan, and the number of viewers was 7.99 million, both of which were new single-month lows since June last year. Moreover, there were 618 in June.
On Douyin, Oriental Selection mainly opened 6 official live broadcasts: "Oriental Selection", "Oriental Selection See the World", "Oriental Selection Beautiful Life", "Oriental Selection Self-operated Products", "Oriental Selection Books" and "Oriental Selection Will Enter Wine" time, and on this basis, the APP has added special live broadcast rooms such as "Guest Record", "Mountain and River Treasures", "Self-Service Supermarket" and "Member Store". Moreover, the product display on the Oriental Selection APP is a traditional mall design, which is different from the display windows of Douyin’s live broadcast rooms.
At present, it seems that product selection differentiation + low price is one of the strategies of Dongfang Selection APP to seize traffic from Douyin. Yilan Commercial randomly selected 16 products and found that Oriental Selection’s own brands maintained the same price on both platforms, but among the 11 third-party brands selected, 7 were sold at lower prices on the APP. Omeda’s pot set The price difference for the set is even as high as nearly 1,000 yuan.
In addition, Oriental Selection has also deployed WeChat mini-programs to keep pace with the APP, with video accounts and Xiaohongshu guiding traffic to the APP. Tmall and JD.com have opened their own brand flagship stores. It is foreseeable that Oriental Selection will enter offline channels in the future.
If understood according to the logic of being an independent brand, it is reasonable for Oriental Selection to conduct an omni-channel layout. However, judging from the data of several recent simultaneous live broadcasts, the audience in the Oriental Selection APP live broadcast room is only about 1/10 of Douyin, so Douyin is currently Oriental Selection, and it is estimated that it will be an absolute business for a long time. Basic disk. It is impossible for Oriental Selection to give up Douyin, which has 800 million daily users, for the sake of independence, but it is certain to secretly compete with Douyin.
2. Is Dong Yuhui indispensable?
Around the Spring Festival this year, Dong Yuhui did not appear in the Oriental Selection live broadcast room for 17 days. Careful netizens discovered that the length of Dong Yuhui’s live broadcasts has become shorter since then, and the personal cartoon image originally printed on the packaging of Oriental Selection’s self-operated brand sirloin steak has also been removed from the new packaging. All signs are revealing that Oriental Selection wants to weaken Dong Yuhui.
Many fans "fight the injustice" for Dong Yuhui and criticize Oriental Selection and Yu Minhong for "killing the donkey". To this day, some people still go to Yu Minhong's personal account to curse. Dong Yuhui, Dongfang Selection CEO Sun Dongxu, and Yu Minhong have all made clarifications. Yu Minhong said that he and Dong Yuhui are not superiors and subordinates, but very friendly partners. Dong Yuhui also said that the company's treatment for him exceeded expectations, and recently he also bluntly said that he was "used." It shows that you are valuable, and colleagues use each other to tap each other's potential and value to achieve a mutually recognized cause.
The company brand is higher than the personal brand. Dong Yuhui and Oriental Selection seem to have the same attitude on this point of view. In order to "weaken" Dong Yuhui, Oriental Selection established a live broadcast room matrix. YOYO, Mingming, Dundun, Qiqi, Jesse and other anchors also began to emerge. But at present, Dong Yuhui's dependence on Oriental Screening has not been solved well.
Research report data from Haitong Securities shows that based on the day when Dong Yuhui is not a guest and is not a guest/special broadcast, in June this year, the average number of viewers on Dong Yuhui’s live broadcast was 8.07 million/+28.9%, and the average follower conversion rate was 0.17%/+0.14pct , the average GMV is 14.14 million/+35.6%, and as a leading anchor, the incremental traffic effect is outstanding.
However, it is obviously not objective to attribute the current success of Oriental Selection to Dong Yuhui. The timing of Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya's suspension, the "geographical convenience" of knowledge-based sales and Douyin ecology matching each other, and the team's resources focused on Dong Yuhui "Humanity" is the fundamental reason that creates Dongfang Selection. It's just that Dong Yuhui won too much applause in front of the stage, while the efforts of the Oriental Selection Team and Yu Minhong behind the scenes were easily overlooked.
Taking the resources of the live broadcast room as an example, there are countless famous guests who have come to the Oriental Selection live broadcast room: Liu Zhenyun, Louis Koo, Chen Peisi, Bi Shumin, Xue Zhaofeng, Wang Baoqiang, Lang Lang, Mo Yan, etc. Wumart founder Zhang Wenzhong even even He dedicated his live broadcast debut to Oriental Selection without even being in the live broadcast room. Another example is this year's "Oriental Selection See the World" project, which cooperates with local governments and cultural and tourism bureaus to carry out live broadcasts. It has now gone to Xiamen, Malaysia, Yunnan, Hainan, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Shanxi, Xi'an, Anhui, and Gansu , Qinghai, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places. Obtaining these resources cannot be achieved solely by relying on Dong Yuhui's background.
What is clear is that Dong Yuhui and Oriental Selection are definitely mutually successful. Dong Yuhui gave Dongfang Selection a value beyond any individual, and Oriental Selection also gave Dong Yuhui what it considered reasonable returns and unprecedented popularity. But there is no absolute fairness in business. Oriental Selection is not Dong Yuhui's company. The company's overall branding and employees' personal IP are contradictory to a certain extent, so even if they go through a long period of pain, both parties have to find a balance.
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attitudetallyacademy · 4 months
From Transactions to Trends: Mastering Financial E-Accounting Techniques
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In the dynamic realm of contemporary business, financial success extends beyond traditional bookkeeping practices. The intersection of technology and finance has birthed transformative trends, urging businesses to transcend transactional norms and delve into the mastery of advanced financial e-accounting techniques. This blog will unravel the crucial roles played by artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in accounting landscape.
The Ascendance of Automation in Accounting
Long gone are the days when accounting was confined to manual data entry and laborious calculations. Automation has emerged as a pivotal force, revolutionizing routine tasks and liberating financial professionals to concentrate on strategic facets of their roles. Armed with sophisticated software solutions, businesses can seamlessly automate tasks such as invoice generation, expense tracking, and reconciliation.
E-Accounting and the Symphony of Transactional Efficiency
The advent of e-accounting has not just evolved but revolutionized the very fabric of financial transactions. Electronic accounting systems don't merely enhance the accuracy of financial data; they unveil real-time insights into a company's financial well-being. This transition from traditional methods to electronic platforms empowers businesses to maintain a meticulously organized and efficient financial ecosystem.
Artificial Intelligence Unleashed in Accounting
Once a futuristic concept, artificial intelligence is now an indispensable element in modern accounting practices. AI-powered tools exhibit a remarkable capacity to learn and adapt to intricate financial scenarios, positioning themselves as invaluable assets for financial professionals. From predictive analytics to anomaly detection, AI algorithms navigate vast datasets at speeds beyond human capability, uncovering trends and patterns that might elude manual analysis.
Unveiling Strategic Insights
The infusion of AI into accounting transcends mundane tasks, offering financial professionals the capability to extract strategic insights from complex data. Leveraging machine learning algorithms empowers businesses to forecast future trends, identify potential risks, and make informed, data-driven decisions. This shift from a transactional approach to a trend-centric perspective marks a paradigmatic evolution in financial management, empowering organizations to proactively navigate the uncertainties of the market.
Elevated Accuracy and Compliance
The integration of automation and AI in accounting brings forth heightened accuracy and enhanced compliance to financial processes. The risk of human error diminishes significantly, ensuring businesses adhere to regulatory standards. This not only minimizes the likelihood of financial discrepancies but also fosters trust among stakeholders and regulatory bodies.
Addressing Challenges and Considerations
While the advantages of automation and AI in accounting are evident, it's crucial to confront potential challenges. Tackling issues such as data security, ethical considerations, and the continuous need for training to adapt to evolving technologies is imperative for businesses aiming to fully harness the potential of these advancements.
The evolution from transactions to trends in financial e-accounting signifies a pivotal shift in how businesses approach financial management. Automation and artificial intelligence in accounting serve as catalysts for this transformation, offering efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insights that were once deemed unimaginable. As businesses navigate the dynamic landscape, mastering these advanced techniques is not merely an option but a necessity for sustained success in the digital age of finance.
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martinyndi65 · 5 months
Transforming Organization Landscapes: Software Representative's Collection of Turbulent Solutions
Simple to Use Text-to-Speech Reader: A Voice to Words Application
Text-to-speech Reader: Transforms message into speech, helping accessibility and auditory understanding.
The text-to-speech reader stands as a testament to the power of availability in the PC age. This software, birthed from the ingenuity of the manufacturer, changes written words into spoken language, giving a voice to the content. It functions as a vital tool for people with visual impairments, improving the inclusivity of PC details.
MSG to EML Converter: Bulk or Set Setting
MSG to EML converter: Successfully transforms email layouts for smooth communication.
In the world of data administration, the MSG to EML converter emerges as an important energy. This software, a creation of the supplier's technical prowess, promotes the smooth conversion of Microsoft Expectation messages to the widely suitable EML layout. It streamlines information movement procedures, guaranteeing that details can transcend systems easily.
Applications for Designing Newsletters: Interaction Redefined
Programs for making e-newsletters: Develop visually enticing newsletters for reliable interaction.
For businesses and communicators, the software for creating e-newsletters is a game-changer. This device, an embodiment of the producer's dedication to efficient interaction, provides instinctive user interfaces and innovative templates for crafting aesthetically appealing e-newsletters. It streamlines the layout process, enabling customers to convey messages with impact.
The Symbiotic Partnership of Applications Manufacturers, Distributors, and Their Offerings
In the vibrant world of innovation, the landscape is formed by the collaborative efforts of software producers and distributors, each playing an essential duty in bringing cutting-edge remedies to customers around the world. This symbiotic relationship is essential to the development and spreading of software applications that have become important to our daily lives.
Software suppliers are the engineers of the digitalcomputer age, crafting the detailed codes and algorithms that power the applications we rely upon. Ranging from small start-ups with a vision to tech giants photo organizing software find duplicates with a global footprint, these entities are the creative forces behind a myriad of software offerings.
Development is the lifeline of application manufacturers. Their unrelenting search of excellence drives the market forward, frequently pushing the limits of what is feasible. Whether via the development of expert system algorithms, immersive virtual reality experiences, or robust cloud-based solutions, manufacturers are at the leading edge of changing ideas right into concrete, functional truths.
Nevertheless, the journey of software from perception to application is not a solitary one. It includes an essential intermediary - the software representative.
Programs distributors are the cornerstones that connect suppliers with end-users. Their role is complex, including market analysis, settlement, marketing, distribution logistics, and client support. They are the avenues through which the PC innovations of makers get to the hands and screens of the global population.
These distributors examine market need, determine possible specific niches, and negotiate agreements with producers to bring varied software offe
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reiditof72 · 5 months
Equipping Digital Spheres: A Study Versatile Software Offerings
Very Easy MSG to EML Converter: Mass or Set Mode
MSG to EML converter: Successfully converts e-mail layouts for smooth communication.
In the world of data management, the MSG to EML converter becomes an important utility. This software, a creation of the maker's technical expertise, helps with the seamless conversion of Microsoft Expectation messages to the commonly compatible EML style. It simplifies information movement processes, guaranteeing that details can transcend platforms effortlessly.
Compact PC Shutdown Software: Performance at Your Fingertips
PC shutdown software: Automates system shutdowns for power effectiveness and monitoring.
In the quest of energy preservation and system administration, the PC shutdown software takes spotlight. Engineered by the producer, this tool automates the procedure of shutting down or scheduling power administration for computers. It exhibits the commitment to efficiency, offering users the capacity to enhance energy consumption easily.
Software for Creating Newsletters: Communication Redefined
Programs for making newsletters: Produce visually attractive e-newsletters for effective communication.
For businesses and communicators, the software for developing e-newsletters is a game-changer. This device, an embodiment of the maker's dedication to effective text-to-speech reader interaction, supplies instinctive user interfaces and imaginative themes for crafting aesthetically enticing newsletters. It simplifies the style procedure, enabling individuals to share messages with influence.
The Symbiotic Partnership of Software Manufacturers, Distributors, and Their Offerings
Programs producers are the architects of the PC period, crafting the complex codes and algorithms that power the applications we rely upon. Ranging from small start-ups with a vision to technology titans with a worldwide footprint, these entities are the creative pressures behind a myriad of software offerings.
Suppliers conceive and craft software solutions to resolve a range of needs. They birth performance suites that equip companies, graphic style tools that let loose the imagination of artists, and protection solutions that safeguard our digitalcomputer existence. The canvas of their developments spans from project management functions that streamline process to complex gaming software that moves individuals to alternate truths.
Technology is the lifeblood of programm producers. Their relentless quest of excellence drives the sector forward, continuously pushing the limits of what is feasible. Whether via the advancement of artificial intelligence algorithms, immersive virtual reality experiences, or durable cloud-based services, producers go to the center of transforming ideas right into concrete, useful truths.
Nonetheless, the trip of software from conception to utilization is not a solitary one. It includes a crucial intermediary - the software supplier.
These suppliers examine market demand, identify possible specific niches, and discuss agreements with manufacturers to bring varied software offerings to the customer landscape. They utilize a variety of distribution networks, from standard retail areas to advanced on the internet systems, ensuring that software are accessible to a wide audience.
Marketing is a vital facet of a representative's role. They craft techniques to
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