#elon musk e toyota
mundaoincrivel · 11 months
Toyota choca Tesla e toda a indústria com seu novo motor inovador!
Toyota choca Tesla e toda a indústria com seu novo motor inovador, até porque o coração do carro é o motor. Porque, sem ele o carro não vai a lugar nenhum, no entanto as montadoras não se contentam apenas em colocar um simples motor no carro. Elas querem colocar o melhor para superar a concorrência, é por isso que a Toyota está sempre trabalhando nos motores de seus carros. O motor mais recente da empresa é impressionante, então que motor é esse lançado pela Toyota e o quanto potente ele é. Pois é isso que vamos ver nesse artigo. A Toyota está entre as maiores montadoras do mundo, a empresa vendeu quase 10,5 milhões de carros no ano de 2022. 
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gazeta24br · 4 months
Dezembro de 2023 se torna histórico para a indústria automobilística brasileira. O visionário empresário capixaba Flávio Assis, decidiu colocar o Brasil no mapa dos carros elétricos mundiais, lançando o primeiro protótipo de carro elétrico, totalmente montado no Brasil, no último dia 21 de dezembro na cidade de Caxias no Rio Grande do Sul. Assim como o bilionário Elon Musk, Flávio Figueiredo Assis vendeu uma empresa do setor financeiro para investir em sua própria montadora, a Lecar. Quem acompanhou a trajetória do garoto humilde, que estudou em escola pública e nasceu na pequena cidade de Guaçuí, no interior do Espírito Santo, nunca teve dúvidas de que, apesar das dificuldades, seu futuro seria promissor. Foto: Divulgação Flávio Figueiredo Assis promete fazer história ao lançar o primeiro carro elétrico originalmente brasileiro. Mais do que contribuir para a mudança da matriz energética, impactando positivamente o meio ambiente, sua missão é mudar a imagem do Brasil para o mundo. Sua inspiração é o bilionário norte-americano Elon Musk, que tem uma história semelhante à do empresário. Formado em Direito e Contabilidade, Assis se mudou para a capital em busca de uma vida melhor. Iniciou sua carreira como bancário e pouco tempo depois partiu para o empreendedorismo, com a criação da Financial Contabilidade que, sob gestão do primeiro funcionário e agora sócio, Iledson Luiz Fracalossi, se tornou referência em benefícios fiscais, atendendo mais de 400 clientes. Logo depois, fundou a Lecard, uma administradora de cartões alimentação PAT (Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador) que chegou a uma movimentação anual de R$ 1 bilhão, fornecendo para mais de 600 prefeituras e órgãos públicos e mais de 3 mil empresas privadas. Em 2022, vendeu a Lecard com o intuito de acelerar um sonho ainda mais potente: criar a primeira montadora de carros elétricos do Brasil. A ideia surgiu quando o advogado se deparou com a Lei 8.723, publicada em 1993, que regulamenta a redução de emissões de CO2 de veículos com prazo final em 2027, encerrando a utilização de motores a combustão em veículos automotores fabricados a partir de 2028. De olho nessa oportunidade, em 02/02/2022, o empresário deu início à Lecar, com sede em Alphaville, São Paulo, e planta Industrial em Caxias do Sul/RS. A primeira iniciativa foi formar um time de engenharia automobilística altamente qualificado e experiente. Hoje, a equipe conta com 30 profissionais, muitos deles com passagens importantes por empresas como Gurgel, Troller, JPX, Ford, Toyota, Nissan e Marcopolo. Foto: Divulgação O capital é 100% próprio, mas a expectativa é fazer o IPO (oferta pública inicial) em 2025. “Além de um projeto que favorece a mobilidade e a sustentabilidade, nosso objetivo é fazer com que o Brasil seja visto de forma valorizada, assim como sempre deveríamos ser vistos. Somos a oitava economia do mundo e ainda não tínhamos nenhuma montadora nacional. Vamos mudar o rumo da história”, pontua. Ao iniciar o projeto de design do carro, Assis logo identificou a cidade de Caxias do Sul, no Rio Grande do Sul, como o melhor local para montar sua fábrica, visto que vários fornecedores do ecossistema de mobilidade se encontram na região. Lá, a equipe desmontou veículos híbridos e elétricos, a fim de entender a engenharia das opções já existentes no mercado. Cerca de 35% das peças do Lecar Model 459, o primeiro veículo da companhia, serão importadas da China. Motores e baterias virão do fabricante Chinês Wiston, que fornece também para outras duas gigantes do setor: Volkswagen e Hyundai. O restante será produzido no Brasil. “Nosso país é privilegiado, com matéria prima apropriada e abundante para a produção de carros 100% elétricos”, esclarece. Sempre atento a oportunidades, os contratos de fornecimentos fechados com vários fornecedores preveem a transferência de tecnologia e cooperação técnica, científica e operacional, o que viabiliza uma fábrica de baterias e motores elétricos no Brasil, permitindo que o país se torne suficiente na produção de carros elétricos.
“Temos em nosso país, 93% dos minerais que compõem as células de baterias de lítio. Além de sermos autossuficientes, podemos ainda nos tornar protagonistas e uma grande referência no mercado global de veículos elétricos. Nossos carros vão interessar quem cuida do meio ambiente também em outros países”, anima-se o empresário. O protótipo foi montado no dia 21 de dezembro, com acompanhamento em tempo real pelas redes sociais @lecarbrasil no Instagram e YouTube. Em fevereiro, o carro segue para uma série de homologações em Londres, na Inglaterra, onde será submetido a avaliações de impacto, aerodinâmica e até simuladores de segurança. Essa etapa terá duração de até nove meses. Depois disso, o produto entrará em linha de produção, devendo estar disponível ao mercado a partir de dezembro de 2024. A expectativa é gerar 600 empregos diretos na fábrica. O Lecar Model 459 terá um custo de R$ 279 mil e autonomia de 400 km por carga. A estimativa é produzir 300 veículos por mês já no primeiro ano de fabricação. O foco das vendas será a Grande São Paulo, especialmente entre a capital, Campinas e São José dos Campos, onde a empresa deve investir em uma rede de infraestrutura para recarregamento de bateria. Em um segundo momento, além da expansão para todo o território nacional, o visionário planeja a internacionalização de sua montadora, especialmente para EUA, França, Itália e Mônaco. “Já estamos alinhando uma série de parcerias nesses países para levar nossa marca para o mundo”, orgulha-se. O grande diferencial da empresa é o de não apenas fabricar um carro elétrico no Brasil, mas desenvolver um produto totalmente pensado para o país. “Tenho um Tesla e, definitivamente, ele não foi estruturado para rodar pelas ruas e estradas brasileiras. Ele sofre a cada buraco. Nosso projeto é de um carro feito para os desafios das estradas do Brasil, com tecnologia de ponta, resistência, prazer na direção e alinhado à necessidade de redução de emissões de CO2, que foi o grande motivador para embarcarmos nesse projeto”, finaliza. Sobre a Lecar: www.lecar.com.br A LECAR S/A Indústria Brasileira de Automóveis Elétricos é a primeira montadora de carros elétricos do Brasil. A equipe de engenharia desenvolveu um automóvel 100% elétrico com design, envolvimento e energia totalmente projetado por brasileiros para os brasileiros. O LECAR Model 459 deve ser lançado em dezembro de 2024.
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kylemichael876 · 4 months
Elon Musk Urges Toyota to Join Forces on Establishing Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Standard
<h3>Elon Musk Hopes Toyota Will Join Electric Vehicle Charging Alliance</h3> <p>On June 15th, foreign media reported that Tesla CEO Elon Musk hopes that Toyota will join the automobile manufacturers alliance that has adopted the North American Charging Standard (NACS).</p> <p>In recent weeks, many automakers and charging companies have announced their support for Tesla's NACS standard. Ford was the first major automaker to announce support, saying its electric vehicles will be compatible with the standard starting in 2024.</p> <p>Last month, Ford reached an agreement with Tesla. Under the deal, Ford electric vehicle owners will be able to use Tesla's Supercharger network in North America beginning in 2024. General Motors CEO Mary Barra also stated last week that her company's EVs will support the Tesla fast charging network from 2024 onwards.</p> <p>With these announcements, the three biggest electric vehicle producers in North America now align on charging infrastructure standards. Media reports indicate that together, Tesla, Ford and GM command over 60% of the US electric vehicle market. Adopting the interoperable NACS standard could make it the predominant charging protocol.</p> <p>In addition to deals with Ford and GM, charging system providers like ABB E-mobility, EverCharge, ChargePoint, Blink and Kempower have also pledged to incorporate the NACS standard into their offerings.</p>
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eldamandate07 · 7 months
Revolutionizing the Trucking Industry: 13 Leading Electric Semi Trucks of 2021
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The American Trucking Association reports a staggering 15.5 million trucks operated by 1.5 million trucking companies in the United States. Unfortunately, these vehicles contribute significantly to pollution, with the Environmental Protection Agency revealing that 28% of total pollution stems from the transportation sector, of which medium and heavy-duty trucks account for 23%. In an effort to address this issue, electric trucks have emerged as a promising solution, offering not only reduced emissions but also quieter operation. This article explores the top 13 fully electric semi trucks of 2021, showcasing the innovation driving the transformation of the trucking industry.
E-Force One AG: Swiss company E-Force introduced the E-Force One AG in 2014, a practical electric truck powered by two 240 kWh lithium-ion batteries. With a 185-mile range on a single charge, solar panels on the truck's roof and recuperation contribute nearly 23% of its power. The batteries can be fully charged in 6 hours and replaced in just 10 minutes.
Tesla Semi: In 2017, Elon Musk unveiled the Tesla Semi, set to begin mass production in 2021. This futuristic electric truck boasts four electric motors and offers a range of cutting-edge features. (Note: Please consider updating this section with the latest developments if applicable).
Volvo FE and FL: Volvo is set to release the fully electric Volvo FE and FL trucks in North America in 2020. These electric heavy-duty trucks aim to provide a cleaner and quieter urban environment. Key features include a 185-mile range, fast charging options, and a total weight capacity of 27 tons.
Daimler eCASCADIA Electric Truck: Daimler's eCASCADIA, designed for local and regional distribution, packs a punch with 730 peak horsepower and a 550 kWh usable battery capacity. It can cover 250 miles on a single charge and offers advanced features like a Human Machine Interface (HMI) and options for public and depot charging.
Daimler eM2 Electric Truck: Complementing the eCASCADIA, Daimler's eM2 is designed for medium-duty applications. It boasts 480 peak horsepower, a 320 kWh battery, and a 230-mile range. Innovative regenerative braking technology helps recharge the batteries during stop-and-go city traffic.
Mercedes-Benz Urban e-Truck: Mercedes-Benz introduces an innovative, heavy-duty electric semi-truck designed for city deliveries. With a 120-mile range and a payload of 12.8 tons, it's powered by a 212 kWh battery pack and features a crash-proof battery location and fast charging capability.
Mercedes-Benz eACTROS: The eActros, launched in 2016, marked Mercedes-Benz as the world's first electric heavy-duty truck manufacturer. With two variants offering a range of up to 125 miles, this truck utilizes a 240 kWh battery and can be charged in 3-11 hours.
Mitsubishi Fuso Vision One: Developed by Daimler subsidiary Mitsubishi Fuso, the Vision One is an all-electric heavy-duty truck designed for intra-city distribution. It boasts a GVW of 23 tons, a 300 kWh battery pack, and a 217-mile range on a single charge.
Mitsubishi Fuso eCanter: The FUSO eCanter, launched globally in 2016, has seen adoption by various companies worldwide. This compact electric truck features six water-cooled high-voltage lithium-ion batteries, a 60-mile range, and a cost-effective operation compared to its diesel counterpart.
Peterbilt Model 220EV: Peterbilt's Model 220EV is an all-electric medium-duty truck designed for pickup and delivery applications. Equipped with a 148 kWh battery, it offers a 100-mile range and fast charging capability.
Kenworth Toyota Fuel Cell Electric Truck (FCET): Developed in collaboration with the California Air Resources Board, the FCET is based on the Kenworth T680 and powered by Toyota hydrogen fuel cell electric powertrains. It covers a distance of 300 miles with hydrogen fueling infrastructure.
Nikola Two: Nikola Motors presents the Nikola Two in hybrid and BEV versions, featuring battery power options ranging from 500 kWh to 1 mWh. This truck accelerates rapidly, has shorter braking distances, and offers a comfortable cabin with advanced technology.
Cummins AEOS Electric Truck: Cummins' Class 7 heavy-duty truck, AEOS, features a 140 kWh battery, a nearly 100-mile range, and regenerative braking for optimal efficiency. Solar panels on the trailer can further extend its range.
Volkswagen e-DELIVERY Electric Truck: Volkswagen's e-DELIVERY offers a range of over 125 miles, quick charging capabilities, and an innovative modular design. With high-performance lithium-ion-nickel-manganese-cobalt cells, it's set to transform urban deliveries.
Conclusion: The electric trucking revolution is underway, with these 13 leading electric semi trucks showcasing the industry's commitment to reducing emissions and noise pollution. As mass production and infrastructure support expand, the future of trucking looks cleaner, quieter, and more sustainable. Stay tuned for the exciting developments in this transformative industry.
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asiangames · 7 months
best car company of indian
Title: "Driving Excellence: The Best Car Companies in the Automotive World"
The automotive industry is a dynamic world filled with innovation, design prowess, and engineering marvels. While the definition of the "best" car company can be subjective and dependent on individual preferences, several automakers consistently stand out for their commitment to excellence. In this blog post, we will delve into some of the top car companies that have left an indelible mark on the automotive landscape.
Toyota: A Legacy of Reliability
Toyota is renowned for its unwavering commitment to quality and reliability. With a diverse lineup that includes the iconic Camry, the practical Corolla, and the pioneering Prius, Toyota has maintained its reputation as a manufacturer of dependable vehicles. Their foray into the electric vehicle (EV) market with models like the Toyota RAV4 Prime signifies their dedication to sustainable transportation.
BMW: The Ultimate Driving Experience
BMW has long been synonymous with luxury and driving pleasure. The brand's sleek designs, precision engineering, and powerful engines have made it a favorite among enthusiasts. From the agile 3 Series to the opulent 7 Series, BMW consistently delivers an unparalleled driving experience.
Tesla: Leading the Electric Revolution
Tesla, under the visionary leadership of Elon Musk, has disrupted the automotive industry with its electric vehicles. The Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y have captivated consumers with their futuristic features, impressive acceleration, and cutting-edge autonomous driving capabilities. Tesla's relentless pursuit of sustainability is propelling the EV movement forward.
Mercedes-Benz: Timeless Luxury
Mercedes-Benz epitomizes luxury and sophistication. The brand is renowned for its use of premium materials, impeccable craftsmanship, and a diverse lineup spanning from the classic C-Class to the potent AMG models. Mercedes-Benz is also making strides in the electric vehicle segment with its EQ lineup.
Honda: Practicality Meets Innovation
Honda has a longstanding reputation for producing reliable and affordable vehicles. The Honda Civic and Honda Accord are fixtures in the compact and midsize categories, cherished for their practicality and fuel efficiency. Honda's commitment to eco-friendliness is evident in its hybrid and electric models like the Insight and Clarity.
Ford: Tradition Meets Innovation
Ford boasts a rich heritage in the automotive realm, celebrated for classics like the Ford Mustang and the rugged Ford F-Series trucks. The brand is embracing the electric future with offerings such as the Mustang Mach-E and the forthcoming electric Ford F-150 Lightning, showcasing their dedication to innovation and sustainability.
Selecting the "best" car company depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Each of these car manufacturers excels in different ways, catering to various tastes and requirements. When choosing a car, it's essential to consider factors like reliability, luxury, performance, and sustainability. Conduct thorough research and test drives to find the vehicle that aligns best with your lifestyle. In the diverse and ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry, there's a car company and model that's the perfect fit for you.
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universomovie · 11 months
Como o carro elétrico da Tesla desbancou a Toyota e se tornou o 1º veículo mais vendido no mundo
Estratégia de redução de preços de Elon Musk fez o automóvel assumir a liderança em vendas. Montadora japonesa fabrica os quatro outros modelos que estão no ‘top five’ globalPor O GLOBO, com agências internacionais — Nova York O Model Y da Tesla, apresentado em Berlim: carro se tornou o mais vendido do mundo – Foto: Patrick Pleul/AFP Pela primeira vez na História, o carro mais vendido no mundo…
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generalcyclepainter · 2 years
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Elon Musk Knows That Tesla Is "The Next Netflix"; Here Is What Happens Next
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The latest on Tesla... In May Business Insider published a heretofore unknown story about Elon Musk paying $250,000 to settle a sexual harassment case brought by a flight attendant on one of his “global warming-fighting” private jets. Yes, the same Musk who soon after the story broke tweeted this: In fact, following that story’s publication Musk had a complete “Twitter legal meltdown”: What’s behind THAT??? Could it be that there’s rarely “just one cockroach”??? My comment to any investor who still owns this bubble fraud with that guy in charge: Have fun staying long! More “fundamentally” we remain short Tesla, the biggest bubble stock in modern market history, because: - It has a flat-to-sliding share of the world’s EV market and a share of the overall auto market that’s only around 1.5%, yet a market cap roughly equal to the next 9 largest automakers combined despite selling fewer than 3% of the cars they do. - It has no “moat” of any kind; i.e., nothing meaningfully proprietary in terms of its electric car technology (which has now been equaled or surpassed by numerous competitors), while existing automakers—unlike Tesla­—have a decades-long “experience moat” of knowing how to mass-produce, distribute and service high-quality cars consistently and profitably. Meanwhile, its previously proprietary Superchargers are being opened to everyone. - Excluding working capital benefits and sunsetting emission credit sales, Tesla generates only minimal free cash flow. - Growth in sequential unit demand for Tesla’s cars is at a crawl relative to expectations. - Elon Musk is a pathological liar. Tesla Is Netflix For years I’ve said “Tesla is Blackberry”—the maker of a first-generation version of a product that—once the market was proven—would be supplanted into niche obscurity by newer, better versions; now I can provide a much more recent analogy: Tesla is Netflix. For years Netflix had an absurd valuation based on its pioneering position in streaming media, but once it proved that such a market existed myriad competitors swarmed all over it, and in April the stock collapsed when we learned that not only is Netflix no longer in “hypergrowth” mode but for the first time since 2011 (when it transitioned from physical DVDs) it actually lost subscribers. I believe Musk knows that Tesla is “the next Netflix” (hence his recent “Twitter buying distraction”), with VW, Hyundai/Kia, Ford, GM, BMW, Mercedes, BYD & other Chinese competitors and, in a few years, Toyota & Honda, being the Disney, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Peacock, Hulu, Paramount +, etc., of the electric car market, stealing Tesla’s share and eventually pounding its stock price down 95% or so from today’s, into the valuation of “just another car company.” In fact, Tesla’s Q1 deliveries were sequentially nearly flat (just 1398 additional cars, a gain of just 0.45%) vs. the previous quarter and even that was only “achieved” by a sneaky redefinition by Tesla of what “a delivery” is. Yes, the company is chip-constrained, but its competitors (who, unlike Tesla, are unwilling to delete safety equipment or use untested chips to maintain production) are even more constrained, and in fact waiting times are longer for Tesla’s direct EV competitors than they are for a Tesla; for instance, Ford’s Mustang Mach-E is so in demand that it has even halted additional orders for the 2022 model year. (Current annual Mach-E production capacity is around 65,000 for the U.S. & Europe and tens of thousands more for China but in 2023 U.S. & European capacity will expand to 200,000.) The worst thing that can possibly happen to “the Tesla story” will be when its German and Texas plants are fully operational and the subsequent excess capacity stares the world right in the face, thereby ending its myth of “unlimited demand” (especially at current, drastically-raised prices, where the cheapest Model 3 now starts at $47,000 and the cheapest Model Y begins at $63,000); in fact, look for margin-destroying price cuts by late this year or early 2023. Meanwhile, the “record” profits that accompanied Q1’s nearly flat delivery number were obtained via myriad one-time items, including $679 million of emission credit sales that will disappear over the next year or two as every automaker ramps up its EV sales, a mysterious $502 million reduction in SG&A expense (of which only $140 million was due to reduced stock comp) despite opening new factories in Germany and Texas (what is Tesla capitalizing instead of expensing???) and a combination of FIFO accounting and multiple sticker price increases that allowed Tesla to expense rapidly rising raw materials costs at older, lower prices while selling cars built from those materials at new, considerably higher prices. Adjusting for these factors, Tesla had GAAP earnings for the quarter that were at least $1/share lower than the posted $2.86, and annualizing that realistic $1.86/share to $7.44 means that at May’s closing price Tesla (on a no-growth quarter) had a PE ratio of around 102 vs. an industry-wide figure of less than 10. Meanwhile, excluding growth in net payables and $993 million in sunsetting emission credit sales, Tesla’s free cash for Q1 2022 and Q4 2021 combined was just $950 million, which annualizes to only around $1.9 billion*. A 15x multiple on this (roughly a 100% premium to BMW’s multiple) would make TSLA stock worth only around $28/share! *And I’m not even backing out Tesla’s massively dilutive stock comp And for those of you who think that Tesla is “really an energy company,” in Q1 “Tesla Energy” had revenue of just $616 million (down 10.5% sequentially) and a cost of revenue of $688 million, meaning it had a negative gross margin. So if Tesla is “really an energy company,” it’s even more screwed than if it’s just a car company! Meanwhile, many Tesla bulls sincerely believe that ten years from now the company will be twice the size of Volkswagen or Toyota, thereby selling around 20 million cars a year (up from the current run-rate of around 1.3 million); in fact, in March Musk himself even raised this as a possibility. To illustrate how utterly absurd this is, going from 1.3 million cars a year today to 20 million in ten years means that in addition to one million cars a year of eventual production from the new German and Texas factories, Tesla would have to add 35 more brand new 500,000 car/year factories with sold-out production; i.e., a new factory nearly every single quarter for ten years! And what then? Well, then you’d have a car company approximately twice the size of Toyota (current market cap: $229 billion) or Volkswagen (current market cap: $111 billion). If that would make Tesla worth, say, $500 billion in 10 years, discounting that back at 15%/year and allowing for enough share dilution to pay for all those factories, Tesla—in that absurdly optimistic scenario—would be worth just $100/share today, down almost 90% from its current price. (To be clear, I think it’s going much lower than that!) Original Article Here: Read the full article
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is6621 · 4 years
The Tesla of China or Something Different?
Elon Musk and his company Tesla changed the car industry by trailblazing the production of Electric Vehicles. “The global electric vehicle market size was valued at $118,864.5 million in 2017, and is projected to reach $567,299.8 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 22.3% from 2018 to 2025.”
China, the world’s largest auto market, saw a huge influx of electric vehicle (EV) startups over the past 10 years. “According to Forbes, Chinese automakers churned out 680,000 all-electric cars, buses, and trucks in 2017, more than the rest of the world combined.”
In short, the future is EV and so far, China is taking advantage of it. So, what is this article all about? One specific Chinese EV company called NIO. The company has been labeled the Tesla of China. I’d like to compare the similarities and differences between the two companies and products. Lets organize this in the 4 P’s + Jordan’s other two P’s.
Let’s start with exterior design. To get an idea of what the two products look like and their websites please look at the two websites here https://www.tesla.com/ and here https://www.nio.com/. What you’ll find is that the exterior design is very similar. Let’s call out the obvious when it comes to exterior design and car models Nio copied Tesla, hard! When it comes to their website look and feel the copied them too.
For the interior design it is very similar too. However, Nio added personality to its vehicle with an AI bot named Nomi. This bot can be seen in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhxi0BMAL0I. This addition I would say gives them a leg up on Tesla from a product standpoint just as Alexa gives a competitive advantage to Amazon.
For technical design, there is one key difference. Tesla uses charging stations while Nio uses swappable battery technology and an app to order on-demand new batteries. My thoughts, Nio learned from Tesla’s mistake which is that infrastructure can’t be changed overnight. I think in the short-run this is smart because they then can switch to charging technology after Tesla pays for the infrastructure change.
Nio is only sold in the high-end Chinese market, while Tesla is sold in the U.S., China, and around the world. This is an area where Tesla is winning and Nio is losing due to Tesla’s first mover advantage. The brand awareness of Tesla vs. Nio is far superior in the U.S. Moreover, Tesla takes a strong market share in china. Also, there is a large amount of competition in the EV industry in China vs. the U.S. The good news, Nio has some of the most prime real estate in Shangai to market their cars. Lastly, history has shown that what has been successful for combustion engines in China, usually is successful in the U.S. markets.
Nio is priced at what would be equivalent to $65,000 in US while Tesla is priced at the equivalent $110,000 USD when you consider their car market pricing and proportion of budget spending on cars. This puts tesla at a more luxurious price point while Nio can squeeze some sales in the lower upper class of China.
They have very similar promotional strategies, free energy. Nio offers free battery swaps for a year while Tesla offers free charging at any of its stations. They are both footing the bill or subsidizing the demand for Electric Vehicles to compete with combustible engines when they do this. In a sense, they are both pioneering the EV industry.
I am adding production as a 5th P even though I don’t have the poetic license to do so. Anyways, how these cars are produced is a similar story to the swappable battery technology. What I mean is, Nio saw that Tesla is having a lot of trouble producing their own cars. As a result, they decided to partner with JAC a large auto manufacturing company in China to produce their vehicles. I think this was a brilliant move.
Mr. Elon musk has done a great job securing funds and grants from the government. Just recently Nevada offered $1.3 B in tax incentives to Tesla to build their battery plant there. “NIO is establishing a joint venture with a state-owned fund, Beijing E-Town International Investment and Development company (E-Town Capital), the company said during its first-quarter earnings conference call today (May 28). E-Town Capital will put 10 billion yuan ($1.45 billion) into NIO China, as the Beijing-based JV will be called, in exchange for a minority stake.” Moreover, China is starting to put a cap on the number of EV Start up permits that are issued which will give Nio protection in the Chinese market.
All said and done, Nio and Tesla are very similar. If Nio can break out of the financial distress they are in currently, they could become the Toyota to Tesla’s GM. We shall wait and see!
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dermontag · 2 years
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Donnerstag, 06. Januar 2022 "Absurde Bewertung" Wirecard-Jäger attackiert Tesla Von Jan Gänger Fraser Perring hatte bei Wirecard den richtigen Riecher. Nun nimmt der Spekulant Tesla ins Visier. Doch mit Wetten gegen den E-Auto-Pionier haben sich schon andere Leerverkäufer die Finger verbrannt. Der britische Investor Fraser Perring verdient (oder verliert) Geld, indem er auf den Kursverfall von Aktien wettet. Nun hat er einen namhaften Gegner gefunden: Tesla. Tesla Motors (USD) 1.026,96 Perring ist in der Finanzbranche vor allem durch den Zusammenbruch von Wirecard bekannt geworden. Inzwischen blies er mit einem Tweet zur Attacke auf Tesla und kritisierte eine "Preisverschiebung" im Vergleich zu den Aktienkursen von Volkswagen und Toyota. Die beiden größten Autohersteller der Welt sind an der Börse zusammen weniger als halb so viel wert wie der E-Auto-Pionier - und das, obwohl sie im vergangenen Jahr jeweils etwa zehn Mal so viele Autos verkauft haben. Perring hatte bereits 2016 mit seiner damaligen Firma Zatarra Research & Investigations vor Unregelmäßigkeiten bei dem mittlerweile implodierten Finanzkonzern Wirecard gewarnt und damit wiederholt dafür gesorgt, dass die Aktie nach unten rauschte. Zwischenzeitlich geriet der Brite ins Visier der deutschen Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Bafin, die gegen ihn wegen Kursmanipulation ermittelte. Doch Recherchen der "Financial Times" bestätigten die Vorwürfe. Wirecard räumte Luftbuchungen in Milliardenhöhe ein. Der Zahlungsabwickler ist insolvent, der ehemalige Chef wartet auf seinen Prozess und der Finanzchef ist auf der Flucht. Perring ist ein sogenannter Short-Seller, ein Leerverkäufer. Derartige Aktiengeschäfte sind an der Börse ein gängiges Mittel. Investoren verkaufen dabei Wertpapiere, die sie sich zuvor gegen eine Gebühr von anderen Marktteilnehmern geliehen haben. Sinkt der Aktienkurs bis zum Rückgabe-Datum, können sie sich am Markt billiger mit den Titeln eindecken und streichen die Differenz ein. Steigt der Kurs, droht den Leerverkäufern allerdings ein Verlust. Das heißt: Perring hat ein Interesse daran, dass der Aktienkurs der von ihm ins Visier genommenen Firmen möglichst tief fällt. "Völliger Unsinn" Der Brite verstärkt seine Angriffe oft mit ausführlichen, aggressiven Studien, die er im Internet über seine neue Firma Viceroy Research veröffentlicht. Das bringt ihm oft den Vorwurf der Marktmanipulation ein. Einige seiner Angriffe liefen ins Leere. Im Fall Tesla betont Perring, dass er dem Unternehmen - etwa im Gegensatz zu Wirecard - keinerlei Unregelmäßigkeiten vorwerfe. "Ich shorte niemals nur deshalb, weil Firmen überbewertet sind", legte Perring in einem Interview mit "Bloomberg" mit Blick auf Tesla allerdings nach. Das mache er nur dann, "wenn eine absurde Börsen-Bewertung mit völligem Unsinn gerechtfertigt wird." Konservativ geschätzt sei Tesla mindestens mit dem Faktor 10 überbewertet. Dennoch ist Perring bei seiner Tesla-Spekulation vorsichtig und verwendet nach eigenen Angaben lediglich fünf Prozent seines Portfolios darauf. Bei Tesla müsse man das Risiko konsequent unter Kontrolle halten. Der Hintergrund: Angesichts des rasanten Kursanstiegs der Tesla-Aktie haben sich Leerverkäufer mit ihren Wetten gegen das Unternehmen immer wieder die Finger verbrannt. Und dann ist das noch Elon Musk, derzeit der mit Abstand reichste Mensch des Planeten. Der Tesla-Chef hat sich schon häufiger mit Short-Sellern angelegt und ist ihnen in tiefer Abneigung verbunden. 2018 kündigte er per Tweet mal eben an, Tesla von der Börse zu nehmen. Der Aktienkurs schoss daraufhin nach oben. Kurz darauf ruderte Musk zurück. Es folgte großer Ärger mit der US-Börsenaufsicht. Doch der exzentrische Milliardär hatte erreicht, was er wohl erreichen wollte: Wetten von Leerverkäufern gingen gründlich schief, sie verloren sehr viel Geld.
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ann6b1ack · 3 years
Do You Buy Electric Cars?
Buying electric cars can be exciting and confusing. Think about what kind of car you want and where you need to charge.
The appeal of electric cars has never been stronger than it is now. GM plans to sell only electric vehicles by 2035. Volkswagen's goal is to make it cheaper than gasoline-powered cars. The survey shows that at least two-thirds of American drivers are willing to buy electric vehicles. However, many people are still worried about the costs, choices, and charges of electric vehicles, but these obstacles are falling rapidly. The government hopes to speed up this process and provide tens of billions of dollars of incentives.
For those who want to buy electric cars, this can be overwhelming and exciting. Here's how you should consider whether electric vehicles are suitable for you.
What are you looking for? Electric cars are fast, fun to drive, require little maintenance and produce no exhaust emissions, which are the main cause of climate change. But even if you're sure you want one, there are many options. That's why it's important to understand what you're looking for.
"Is this a basic means of transportation?" Or an expression of yourself and your personality, Said Matt DeLorenzo, senior executive editor of Kelly's blue book“ The car is a statement to the buyer. If not, there would be no Mercedes Benz. "
Tesla. Of course, the company produces powerful, modern, and fast electric vehicles. But Tesla's appeal is also related to its evaluation of car owners. Buying one means buying an early collector community and, to some extent, the views and vision of Elon Musk, the company's charismatic and arrogant CEO. Therefore, many car lovers either like Tesla or hate it.
Some electric vehicles, such as Hyundai IONIQ, Nissan LEAF, or mini cooper se, start at about $30000 and are economic and ecological alternatives to gasoline-powered vehicles. Other models, such as Porsche day can, GMC's upcoming giant electric Hummer, and the luxury Mercedes Benz EQs, are boutiques priced at about $100000.
What is your charging plan? The charging infrastructure in the United States may be developing rapidly, but anyone who wants to turn to electric vehicles should have a charging plan.
The first step is to determine where you usually charge. Most people do it at home, which is the easiest. But as new electric cars and trucks can travel 200 miles or more when fully charged, some drivers choose to replenish fuel when needed in the workplace or public charging stations. It is reported that some urban residents start long cables from apartments or families to provide power for vehicles parked on the street.
If you plan to charge a new electric car or truck at home, there are some pitfalls to pay attention to. Although electric vehicles can be charged through a typical household socket, the charging process is very slow and takes up to 24 hours or more to be fully charged. Many car owners choose to install faster 220 to 240-volt power outlets, as used in clothes dryers, which usually require hiring an electrician.
Alistair Weaver, editor in chief of edmunds.com, said: "you are basically installing something unique for electric vehicles - it costs."
He should know. After buying a new house, Weaver realized that his electric panel needed an expensive upgrade to power his wife's Tesla Model 3.
Anyone without a simple charging method should pay special attention to the driving distance of the car in the real world and its possible changes under different conditions. For example, cold weather can greatly reduce the vehicle's mileage.
But don't be too nervous. Experts say that although the fear of power failure, which is often called distance anxiety, is real, it is often exaggerated. In fact, many electric car owners don't charge every day because they don't need it at all.
Should I buy a Tesla? When it comes to electric vehicles, we can't help mentioning Tesla. Tesla is the leader in the U.S. electric vehicle market for a reason: Although Tesla's car is not without problems, it is still popular.
Tesla has attracted many people who are just looking for future technology or sports cars, and even something deeper. I think people like Elon Musk.
As a market leader, Tesla has some advantages. Tesla's cars and technology last longer than electric vehicles produced by other carmakers, and Tesla has an easy-to-use charging network for its own cars. But the situation is changing rapidly. The choice of electric vehicles is really proliferating. Everyone is pouring into the market. The turning point has come, and all the brands you are familiar with will provide really useful and multifunctional alternatives to electric vehicles in the next two or three years.
At the beginning of 2021, several new electric vehicles started on the road, including Ford's Mustang mache, Volkswagen's ID4, and Volvo's xc40 recharge. Carmakers are expected to launch more cars this year and next. The models eagerly awaited by car lovers include Audi Q4 e-Tron SUV, BMW I4 sedan, Hyundai IONIQ 5 SUV, and Nissan ariya SUV. Several other start-ups are also expected to start selling cars, including the lucid air sedan, Vivian's r1t pickup, and R1s SUV.
What can you afford? Tax credits may help. Yes, electric cars are more expensive than similar gasoline-powered cars, but the price tells you so much. Federal and state tax breaks, utility grants and other savings can help offset costs.
The federal government provides a $7500 tax credit for electric vehicles. Although Tesla or general motors have run out, they can still be used in many other electric vehicles. Take Nissan LEAF as an example. A new basic model costs nearly $32000, but after the federal tax credit, the price fell to less than $25000. States, cities, and even utility companies provide incentives to buy electric cars or install chargers at home.
Electric cars are also cheaper. A recent study by the consumer report found that, compared with the average owner of a gasoline-powered car, the average expenditure of electric vehicle drivers on providing power for a car, truck or SUV has decreased by 60%, while the expenditure on repair and maintenance has decreased by half - there is no need to change the oil.
Buying a used car may be a cheaper way to buy an electric car, but carefully evaluate the quality of the car you buy, especially the battery, because it will deteriorate over time. In other words, a used electric car may be the perfect choice for a second car on business, commuting, and other short trips.
Although owning an electric car may be exciting, it may not be suitable for everyone. Many families and individuals cannot afford electric cars that meet their needs - for example, there are few three-row electric cars, and they are often expensive. Others have difficulty charging at home or nearby. That's why Delorenzo and Fisher recommended plug-in hybrids.
If you're interested but not sure if you're willing to invest, these plug-in hybrids are away. For many people, plug-in vehicles such as Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivan or RAV4 prime SUV can be effectively used as all-electric vehicles. Toyota said the RAV4 prime could drive 42 miles before switching to gasoline, while Chrysler said Pacifica could drive 32 miles on a full charge. If these cars are mainly used for short commutes and town travel, they rarely use gasoline. Both cars and other plug-in hybrids are also eligible for the federal tax credit. As long as you plug it into an ordinary socket on the wall and charge it all night, you can feel what it's like to have an electric car. Maybe your next car will be a pure electric car.
Of course, gasoline-powered cars have become more and more efficient. If you want to upgrade from an old car, choosing one wisely will help reduce emissions. However, many people buy cars based on what they think is attractive and attractive. 'if you admire the function and design of electric vehicles, you may find that nothing else can satisfy you,' Mr. de Lorenzo said. This is a different experience.
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Discussion on Organizational development
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Introduction Organizational development is a key scientific tool that lets organisations build their ability to adapt and gain greater efficiency by strategies, systems and processes improvement, enhancement and strengthening. OD is a method focused on facts and organised. It's not just trying and looking at what's going on. It involves utilising scientific results as inputs and developing a formal and regulated mechanism for testing hypotheses. Finally, it is a question of checking whether the results represent the intervention's intent. Organizational growth focuses on the efficiency of organisations. Therefore, it has many (business) results. This may vary within organisations, but typically involve financial success, consumer loyalty, the commitment of the company members and an improved ability to adjust and refresh the organisation. With time, organisational architecture has become important. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity define the environment today (VUCA). This VUCA environment demands new operational agility, and organisational growth is the way to achieve this goal. The key owners are internally and externally involved with corporate growth. External partners include management and staff. Customers, owners, providers, societies and states are all external stakeholders. Competitiveness is the belief that any company has specific tools and skills to help companies win the competition. These may be the individuals (a chief such as Elon Musk or the Google team), a creative product, superior service, or community. It can also respond to evolving consumer demands. It can also be. In the next five years for example, if you are the first to make use of a chance, it will solidify your income. Human Process Interventions of organizational development Interventions of human processes are programmes for transformation that are interpersonal, community and organisation. These include some of the oldest and most popular OD procedures. Individual interventions: These approaches are directed at the individual and are also intended to improve contact with others. An employee is trained in ineffective interpersonal behaviours. Group interventions: These strategies are directed against the group's material, structure or mechanism. The material is the subject of the community. The arrangement is how a community acts on the material. The method is how the group does its main activities. For one, a call centre focuses on receiving consumer grievances. A corporate hierarchy of a manager, managers and customer support team is provided in the call centre. The operation of the Contact Centre shall register all grievances as soon as possible. Based on how severe and complicated a complaint is, just one such proportion was increased to administration. Third-party interventions: Interventions by third parties are also utilised as disputes arise. Not all dispute is evil, but it can be settled quickly. The presence of outside parties helps monitor the dispute and settle it. The OD contractor is frequently the third party. Development of Teams: The most common OD operation is team building. It applies to practice that enhance the way groups do tasks. For example, volunteers, team sports and Pictionary are practising for the creation of teams. Organizational confrontation meeting: A conflict conference helps to recognise and prioritise issues and improvements. It is a focal point for the organisation to tackle found challenges. Intergroup relations interventions: An order to diagnose and consider community relations, intergroup approaches. Intergroup interventions. Similarly, challenges and priorities and progress goals are established before the concerns have been dealt with. Large-group interventions: These interventions are amid confrontations and intergroup. The goal is to pull together a wide number of representatives of organisations and other stakeholders. Collaborating with internal and foreign partners. Large-scale operations may resolve or enforce structural adjustments or shifts in the course throughout the enterprise. For example, if you operate a care facility, you might ask service providers, families and employees for guidance about how to increase the resident quality of life. New activities can begin or menu choices are changeable. They also refer to themselves as 'shared room workshops,' 'planet cafes,' 'future research' and 'appreciative research summits.' Technostructural Interventions Technostructural approaches lead to the infrastructure and organisational process reform programmes. These became more important to today's technology world, and the markets change rapidly. Organizational (structural) design: The organization's organisational framework is essential for its operation. You already know the classic corporate hierarchy. What is known as the functional structure? Other systems are customer-centric, network, matrix and method. Reengineering and downsizing are key activities of organisational architecture. In this sense, a job is rethought, the organisation is prepared and restructured around modern company processes. Total quality management: Complete quality control is also defined as continuous development of processes, lean and six-sigma. The concentration on quality management arose out of manufacturing. The long-term sustainability of a company focuses on consumer loyalty. To this end, an emphasis is put on the overall participation of employees to continuously develop goods, operations and the atmosphere of the workplace. This action has been used by companies such as the Toyota automobile manufacturer and the Motorola phone company. Work design: Any effort should be made to produce results. These results differ between organisations. Work should be planned as fast as possible to produce a result. Or, employee loyalty should be emphasised (which can lead to a higher quality of outcome, but often this is more costly). The skills required can vary depending on the strategy your company selects. Job architecture is termed work design in a manner that contributes to optimal efficiency. Job enrichment: Enrichment of jobs is part of the architecture of the job. The aim is to build a task for the individual who does this that is exciting and demanding. For one, the diversity of skills, role identity, autonomy and input are important factors. Internal communication and knowledge sharing Over the years, British Airways has created a range of resources that allow employees to communicate. E-mails are used to provide vital news on everyday business and to provide weekly short publications containing valuable industry details. Other resources provide an Internet network, which includes content for each department as a platform for answering daily questions and the weekly British Airways News offers a valuable source of awareness for workers. Intranet provides e-learning modules for all staff and executives to promote internal collaboration strongly. British Airways has launched a social networking platform Yammer Enterprise, backed up by Microsoft 365, to gather 41,000 workers. Yammer is a virtual network on mobile devices that enables staff employed across divisions to communicate and encourages project management. Its KM features include user accounts, community set-up and document sharing and other features. In contrast with text, Yammer has a greater number of box spaces. British Airways opted to use social networking-like communications platforms until it analysed their workers' non-work contact patterns and found that the social media networks became more involved. Yammer has united 11000 British Airways personnel from the cabin crew and front-line staff to share their experience and to find the best alternative for engineers, pilots and managers. In the first flight of the new A380, the personnel exchanged their impressions and experience to allow the new airliner to operate via Yammer. A series of methods promote communication systems. The briefs led by the Chief Executive are intended to negotiate with the department's administrators and to provide the staff with discussions. British Airways hosts a trade fair with 5,500 people a year, the show features lectures on many industry matters and has seasoned TV presenters. Another session will be held after the presentations to encourage attendees to put questions to the Chief Executive and other directors. Another creative approach to information sharing is private TV – BATV – that broadcasts through BA's destinations. The programmes provide fair sessions to raise the visibility of employees who were unable to attend the fair. Fernsehen makes it even neutral to reveal bad problems. Knowledge management for strategic planning The corporation had to deal with long-term challenges and devise future solutions after 2001. Through the implementation of a rich visual methodology, the chief economist at British Airways suggested that eight experts among employees from the entire business be selected to create a 'Halo Group.' After interviewing 40 managers, the experts described 3 collections of key problems and put them together: key uncertainties, pre-set elements and guiding forces. The procedure produced the schedule "Official Future," which represented the outlook for British Airways for the next decade. The experts then focussed on forecasting incidents and results, using 2 techniques: the storey writing process and rich images. This phase was adopted. Story writing is a tool used to communicate principles and standards within the organisation, to enhance the feeling of confidence, disseminate implicit information and build an emotional connection. Sharing stories encourages implicit understanding and creativity to be transmitted, utilising a more 'human' intelligence and emotion transmission. This procedure allows one person to construct a storey and other groups participating, apply their own stories at or concurrently. BA's analysts, endorsed by the Chief Economist, created two stories. Although the stories centred on business development and management, the study of the passenger figures, economic growth and aircraft specific statistics provided supportive number results, which were used to build future models and to collect them in a booklet of histories. Based on these details. A study was developed by technical personnel using a story-telling methodology focused on a scenario in which the handling pilot felt he had been allowed to take off. The NHP realised that the aircraft was too late and had passed the holding point. No crew member ever participated in some such thing, and nothing other but an isolated occurrence may be thought of. Therefore Sharing their human insight in basic stories facilitates the handling of difficult conditions by pilots, based on research reported in Flywire. The rich technique of picture was used for the production of descriptive versions. The extensive picture technique shows the interrelationships between different subjects through images and is used to transmit, log or illustrate data. Rich images reflect the key players and their understanding of the issue and demand close teamwork. The versatility of the technique of rich pictures makes the depiction of facts more imaginative and flexible. UK Airways designed several models: The Driving Forces scenario represented developments that will happen and affect the airline industry in the future; a scenario of governance and growth defined where "a new wave of representatives" appears between "wild gardens" and "new systems," and between the two situations. The rich picture methodology was used in the last model. The image portrayed a two-headed snake where one stood as 'wild gardens' – a scenario in which international integration impeded the building of modern governance and the other as 'simple institutions,' a position in which shared principles enable development to be predicted and managed. Following discussion of the scenarios and the creation of worthwhile ideas in a workshop, new solutions were described and contrasted in matrix form. All the procedures resulted in the development of plans at various levels and agencies. Workshops were used to share the external problems found with the stakeholders. The workshops were open to all British Airways employees and attendees were instructed to address their customers' concerns while debating the tactics. The outcomes of the discussions were put together in each of the workshops and general themes and proposals were summarized in a report to the Community of the Managing Director. The scenarios helped to get the strategy into line and successfully connect to external partners including Trade unions at various layers of management. Information management to improve the service of consumers Although British Airways has developed and communicated business strategy inside the organisation with its rich image and history, the key objective of these strategies remains consumer loyalty. In order to develop consumer awareness, British Airways began by handling the customer database that reflects British Airways passengers' experiences. In former times data is housed in separate Oracle, Teradata and IBM-managed databases and processed with various computing platforms in four different outsourced centres. Due to the 50 per cent rise in the volume of consumer data, British Airways deployed the Ocean Wave system, which unites all data in a single database and implements a Teradata based data warehouse. British Airways has been able to collect data from all over the organisation for this new scheme and utilise it for global advertisement and consumer relations. This solution led to BA's objective in 2000 to save £1 trillion. In order to develop an awareness of online behaviour and shopping patterns, British Airways developed the loyalty scheme 'Know me.' With the support of Opera Solutions' tools, the platform was developed to improve loyal customers' incentives for service failures, including missing flights or misplaced luggage. It took about nine months before the 'Know Me' tool was applied to analyse the results, while it took three weeks because of the Opera Solutions tools. In addition, British Airways supplied the flight assistants with iPads, which included reports on both clients: their grievances, seat choices, flyer status and other information that was accessible to them. The corporation was however suspected of a privacy disruption when the company of which its members replied that the data were intended solely for the advantage of customers was collected and used for intelligence purposes. It would be necessary to remove these accusations if British Airways adopted KLM's practice, which allows its customers to decide whether to disclose their details by presenting an online approval form. Another device form mounted on these tablets enables the aircraft to improve their speed of maintenance. Information and KM greatly enhance the security of aircraft across several instruments. The Panasonic Toughpad is a tablet that can be used for registering the technological features of the flight and that is sent to engineers in real-time to detect and resolve the aircraft's technical failures easily and effectively. It also has the choice of publishing reliable and up-to-date statistics on the scientific data sites; the app also tracks fuel amounts, monitors greenhouse dioxide and registers de-icing aircraft at low temperatures. Control of information to promote organisational analysis Operational research is the final part of KM in British Airways. "Advanced analytic approaches are used to address difficult issues" of operational analysis. These challenges require inappropriate utilisation of finite capital or adverse results with some transactions. The analytical instruments are statistical equations that are related to the organisational objectives. Because British Airways practises soft organisational analysis methods, understanding what it entails is important. Soft operating analysis focuses on the structuring of the issue to "identify what specific facts and expertise should be organised to address complicated challenges." Soft organisational analysis approaches include political choices, the approach of soft networks, semantic mapping and the thought of processes. In order to maximise passenger income, British Airways uses a soft organisational analysis methodology. To do so, organisational scientists retain the management of capabilities and knowledge, support logistics, marketing and customer care. The first obstacle facing these specialists was to consider what the organisation uses and how it can be used. Experts examine the methods of soft operational analysis and have found that indirect negotiations and persuasion and terminology are the way to communicate information. Research conducted in British Airways showed that the firm utilises soft organisational research to develop structural models of the issue, simplify project coordination and promote discussion of the problem between the client and the contractor. Cognitive mapping is the key tool of soft organisational analysis used in BA. Cognitive mapping is a way of interpreting the cognitive mechanism, which explains how individuals perceive space through their spatial behaviour, and how these experiences are reflected and used. In BA, mind mapping is used to tell the client the problem; it is a less formal and easy to use instrument combining "semantic comprehension and episodic memory as forms of minds." British Airways' less traditional soft organisational analysis approaches provide methods for association, ideas and innovation. Summary British Airways has established several KM programmes for the improvement of customer experience, strategic strategy, business and corporate communications. It is possible to draw several assumptions concerning KM after an analysis of how KM is applied in British Airways. Firstly, greater focus is placed on internal contact, because workers can be motivated to communicate their experience using approaches such as industry fairs or corporate TV and newspapers. In British Airways, modern technology is commonly employed to accelerate technical regulation and increase consumer awareness by using apps. British Airways' bright side of the KM is the versatility of its initiatives. While Brit Airways is using an effective KM scheme, additional improvements will consider KM procedures in other airlines in the field of customer awareness. While British Airways sends customer reviews, they are very lengthy and have 20 questions that may make customers disagree. This may be changed by designing shorter surveys or encouraging clients to finish the survey with different incentives. This would boost the amount of consumer awareness. British Airways could add an incentive scheme for all workers who are more involved with the company's contact applications. British Airways could also profit from taking the initiative of Singapore Airline to share insights with non-management staff by 'bottom-up information processes.' The corporation also created a system named Staff Suggestions Action, enabling frontline workers to share views and ideas about improving customer experience. As the management assumes that it is impossible to produce the best ideas under regulations or tight supervision, UK Airways managers encourage their staff to share their experience. Read the full article
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certadoc · 3 years
A vez dos quietinhos
07 de maio é o Dia do Silêncio. Vamos conhecer os prós e os contras dos carros que não fazem barulho
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Parece uma tendência que chegou para ficar. Carros elétricos, além de não poluírem o ar, também praticamente não fazem barulho. Em 2019, a Mercedes-Benz anunciou ao mundo que o setor de desenvolvimento de motores a combustão seria encerrado, ou seja, os carros novos da marca, ou sairiam equipados com propulsores antigos, ou seriam elétricos. Outras grandes montadoras investem pesado nos veículos híbridos, como é o caso da Toyota, líder em vendas de carros elétricos no Brasil.
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Mas, na prática, como funcionam os carros elétricos? Atualmente os automóveis mais comuns de se encontrar são os híbridos, que utilizam dois sistemas de propulsão: um a gasolina, e outro elétrico – em alguns casos, esses veículos dispensam tomadas. Há também os modelos que não utilizam mesmo a gasolina – esses veículos sim, precisam ser carregados por tomadas.
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A professora aposentada Jesuina Silva Abreu, proprietária de um Toyota Prius desde 2019, se mostra satisfeita com a aquisição: “escolhi este modelo, à princípio porque gostei do design. Mas a tecnologia dele me assustava. Hoje em dia, como não utilizo o carro com frequência, gasto cerca de 5 litros de gasolina por mês. O consumo dele fica na casa dos 40 Km/l na cidade”, conta a professora. No caso do hibrido da Toyota – o veículo com motor elétrico mais vendido do mundo – é utilizado um sistema semelhante ao Kers, da Fórmula 1, que durante as frenagens, o calor gerado entre o atrito das pastilhas com os discos de freio, é convertido em energia para a bateria. Este sistema dispensa o uso de tomadas para recarregar o carro, vez que o veículo também conta com um motor 1.8, que é acionado automaticamente quando a bateria descarrega.
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Quando o assunto são carros puramente elétricos, aí é necessária a recarga em tomadas. É o caso, por exemplo, dos automóveis da linha Tesla, raros ainda no Brasil – apenas 27 unidades emplacadas no país em 2020. Os carros da empresa do bilionário Elon Musk, famosos pelo desempenho, tem boa autonomia. O Model 3 roda cerca de 430 Km, tem uma velocidade final de 225 Km/h e faz de 0 a 100 Km/h em 5,6 segundos. Nada mal para um dos modelos de entrada da montadora. Plugado numa estação de recarga, o Tesla Model 3 precisa de 75 minutos para uma recarga completa, ou, um almoço e um cafezinho. Mas, se a carga for realizada numa tomada 220 Volts, esse tempo para o “abastecimento” sobe para 8 horas.
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Dados técnicos à parte, a ausência de barulho realmente marca os modelos. Não é comum ver um carro trafegar sem emitir praticamente ruído nenhum. Sensação inversa, é sentida ao visitar países como o Paraguai ou Argentina, onde boa parte dos veículos de passeio são equipados com motores à diesel e fazem barulho de caminhonete. O condutor de um elétrico precisa ficar muito atento, principalmente em locais com crianças ou estacionamentos públicos. “Assim que comprei o Prius, fui com ele até a Basílica de Aparecida, e só ali me dei conta que é preciso se atentar, pois as pessoas não saem da frente do carro, e não é por maldade, ou por folga, é porque realmente é imperceptível a aproximação”, explicou Jesuina. Outro ponto que pode ser considerado ruim, de acordo com o propósito de uso deste híbrido é que em rodovia a média do carro caí: “Na estrada, o consumo vai para pouco mais de 25 Km/l em média, porque o motor a combustão trabalha mais, vez que o carro trabalha em rotações mais altas”, finaliza a professora.
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orbemnews · 3 years
As Car Companies Pledge To Go All-Electric In Coming Years, Designs Are Getting More Stylish by Doug Dunbar | CBS 11 NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) – On a recent sunny Saturday, a local car show was buzzing. READ MORE: 2 People Shot Outside 7-Eleven Near Grapevine Mills Mall Nearly two dozen cars, and not a single one of them needed a drop of gas. Why? They were all driving all-electric vehicles. Just a battery-powered motor to push them down the road. We talked to quite a few people who are all-in with electric cars, and one of the elements they absolutely love, is the instant power. Lloyd McMaster has been a Tesla owner for a few years now, and for him, it’s not just the style, but the power behind the looks. He told me when you want to go, you hit that pedal and you “really go!” Hang with the EV crowd, and you’ll find an energy that is sparking perhaps the biggest transformation the auto industry has ever seen. The dashboards are often pretty dazzling, so too is the amount of money an owner might save. One owner told me he can drive a thousand miles, for what amounts to about four dollars in electricity. Buzz Smith of Fort Worth, who describes himself as the EV-angelist, is a former gas and oil man, who fell into the electric revolution nearly a decade ago. He’s also sold cars for a living, and he says that when it comes to maintenance, it’s a whole new world. In all-electric vehicles, there are no oil changes, no spark plugs, no transmission fluid. The brakes I’m told, will last basically forever. Cheaper to operate and an eye toward the environment really began in earnest with Toyota’s less than eye catching hybrid Prius in 1997. Let’s be honest, lots of people weren’t thrilled by how it looked, but it was a popular car that took us to the future. About three years after Prius though, is when Elon Musk and Tesla turned the electric market on when it comes to looks, and battery technology. That great-looking car, and those that came after for Tesla came at a sizable price, and that’s where Nissan jumped in to help round out an affordable side of all electric. They brought the Leaf to the market, and soon after, Chevy was here with the Bolt. Both still selling well today. So many wonder about charging. The basics? You can charge at home in the very same outlet you use for your cell phone. That charge will get you about four miles per hour on the batteries. Install a 220 outlet like what you’d use for your dryer, and then you can charge your vehicle at home four times faster. As for charging stations across the country, Tesla owner Lloyd McMaster told me their Tesla basically maps out places they will need to stop to fill up on electricity, on the very same map they’re using to navigate where they are going. He says there is no fear of going cross country. For manufacturers, the only fear now is getting left behind in the all-electric revolution. The list is incredible, of manufacturers who are rolling out or already on the market. READ MORE: ‘Its Hard To See It All Torn Down’: Waxahachie Tornado Victims Share Story Of Terror And Gratitude Cadillac will debut the sleek all electric Lyriq next year. Volvo has the xc 40 and a promise to be 100% electric or hybrid by 2025. Jaguar already sells the i-pace. Volkswagen has the Id4 and an ambitious goal of all electric by 2026! Kia is all electric with Niro. Hyundai, has the Kona. Audi has their E-Tron coming soon. Honda’s electric “clarity” is on the market, along with their just announced pledge to be all electric by 2040. Mercedes just revealed their first all-electric. the *EQS* hits dealerships later this year. And Ford has ponied up in the EV market, with their Mustang Mach E. If you take any electric vehicle for a test drive, no matter the price point, you’re going notice two things right off the bat. First thing, is the silence. Quietest thing you’ll ever drive in. Second, is the insane acceleration. I drove the Ford Mustang Mach E for a couple of days, and the acceleration was like nothing I’d ever been in before. Mustang Mach E (CBS 11) This was my first time ever being in an all-electric vehicle. The reason for that incredible acceleration Buzz Smith told me, is the fact that the electric motor delivers 100% torque to the wheels, instantly. There is no lag. GM has promised to go all-electric by 2035. Huge promise and commitment. Their new truck is months away from hitting the market. They will be coming out with the Hummer pick-up truck and Buzz says that truck, will accelerate zero to 60mph, in just 3 seconds! But watch out for the ever popular Ford F-150. They have an all-electric F-150 that is going to his showrooms by next year. But other trucks are competing for attention in the EV market soon as well. Rivian is aiming for this summer to push out its r1t truck. And Lordstown in Ohio plans to bring its endurance truck to market soon. The Tesla Cybertruck is on the way, as is the very tactical looking Bollinger B1 and B2. Buzz feels the tidal wave of battery-powered cars taking over the roads is building as we speak, but he feels that once EV trucks hit the market, sales of some of the most popular vehicles we drive in America, could tip the industry forever. As of this story, the federal government offers a $7,500 tax credit for the purchase of an all-electric vehicle. MORE NEWS: Debate Over Short-Term Rentals To Heat Up At Dallas City Hall Wednesday The state of Texas does have a rebate program as well, but it is currently not taking any new applications. Source link Orbem News #allelectric #car #carshow #Coming #Companies #Designs #dfwnews #electricvehicles #ev #hybrid #pledge #Stylish #Years
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