berryetto · 1 year
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Tales of the Rays 6th Anniversary Outfits
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refreshdaemon · 7 months
Going live with Wilds of Eldraine premier draft on Magic: Arena soon!
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richea · 1 month
Inomata’s Design Notes & Memories - Destiny Cast
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Some notes:
I’ve linked images of each thing she references below.
Unlike the first batch of Eternia characters I previously posted, these were in Japanese. And unlike the Destiny 2 ones I translated, she talks about her experiences with the characters in the game and not just her design processes!
The book in question is this one.
What I think about most when designing characters is their colors and the components to their look. The characters are displayed as such small sprites, so in order to be able to differentiate them from each other, I give each of them a specific color palette and unique accessories to each of their outfits.
Stahn’s thing was his scarf. I also made sure his shoulder pads, gloves, and boots looked huge.
Rutee is supposed to be a thief, so I made her look a bit like a ninja. I didn’t want her to look too girly, so I gave her shorts and exposed her navel. For colors I went with red and black, since that’s a distinctive palette. Whenever I’d do boss battles, she’d always be joyfully picking 2 gald off the ground instead of healing my very low HP characters (laughs). I thought about removing her from my party to prevent this, but then I’d feel bad, and it just made me think “this is all part of her plot” (laughs).
Philia is a priestess through and through. I went for white and green to give her an earthly feel (laughs). Her glasses and braids were a strong request from Namco. I came up with designs for her, but they didn’t have the glasses or braids, so they were repurposed for the priests in Straylize Temple. It was the basis for Philia’s design as well as Elraine’s in the sequel. Philia has her eye on Stahn, but he eats too much and he oversleeps. I feel like they’d work out better if Philia was more the assertive type herself (laughs).
Woodrow is an archetypical handsome man, so I didn’t have much to stress about when designing him. He’s a king, so I wished he had a stronger atmosphere behind him. I almost never used him when playing the game though (laughs). When you break into Dycroft, I thought, “it’d be really cool in a narrative sense to use him here, but he’s just so weak”. But you get special dialogue if you take him along, so I went “tsk” and brought him anyway. “Just stick to the backlines and don’t die” (laughs).
Leon’s really easy to draw, so again I didn’t have much to stress about when drawing him. He has a princely vibe to him, so I gave him white tights, but everyone was taken back by it! I thought, “is it that weird?” and ended up making them less tight fitting (laughs). He acts a bit snobbish, gets seasick easily and refuses to eat vegetables, so he really crosses off a lot on the “young master” list. He’s also really fun to use in battle (laughs). He has a really low defense stat but he hits fast, so it’s crucial that you string your combos together. When paired with Stahn, if you can isolate your bosses in the far side of the screen, they go down quite fast. Then I see the popup that Rutee’s picking gald off the floor again and I just use healing items on him (laughs).
I wanted to make Chelsea cute and small, so I based her image off of little birds. I gave her a palette of pink, green and blue, and made her hair look like a cockatoo or parrot. Her bloomers look like a paper lantern and I find them quite cute (laughs). Her life story makes me want to cry though. She’s fine and all in the first game, but in the sequel, she’s still wearing those bloomers from when she was a kid, living all alone on a snowy mountain. And if you go through her drawers, you can take something that Woodrow gave to her. I felt so bad, I thought “even though it’s so out of the way, I’ll go buy all the items you need!” (laughs). Then she makes all of these bows for you, but by then, I’d already enhanced my weapons a lot… But I felt so bad that I never Refined them and thought, “I’ll keep these on me forever” (laughs).
Johnny’s original idea was “troubadour,” but as the story progressed and I gave him his hat and all sorts of plumes, he came out a bit comical (laughs). He’s a really fun character to have in your party though, and I fell in love with him right away. I love that his tone-deafness does physical damage to the enemies (laughs).
With the Swordians, they have the will of humans and I wanted to incorporate that into their designs, but it didn’t seem to fit so I went for something more inorganic. Berselius alone has a creepy aura to him, and when Destiny 2 came around I thought “But his owner is such a nice person! Is it really okay for him to have such a creepy design?” but then I thought well, maybe Harold just likes things that way (laughs).
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flamingo-bubbles · 9 months
I want Emeraude and Elraine to have a very extravagant and polite tea party during which they're flirting with each other while at the same time they're trying to come up with the best way to murder the other woman.
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saturniandragon · 1 year
My OCs in a nutshell
Alien dragon in a polyamorous relationship with three girlfriends. One of them isn't even the same species (Adra, Jesse, Mira, Aeryx)
Archer cat and her lesbian companion (Merri'sa and Elrain)
CIA agent cat, his step sister and a mad scientist who defected from another alliance (Zanri, Vani, Adrastea)
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m2uza · 1 year
elrain yjnn
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kskskdsworld · 1 year
Bilmiyorum hiçbirşey bilmiyorum aklım almıyor beynim durdu kafam çalışmıyor artık dibi gördüm Allah'ım nolur bana iyi günler göster diye yalvarıyorum yakarıyorum ama tam tersine dahada dibe batıyorum olmuyor yaşayamıyorum gözlerimin önünde çocukluğum mahvoluyor kılımı kıpırdatamıyorum olmuyor ruhum fazlasıyla yaşlı ve yorgun bedenim çabalamaktan çürüdü hareket edemiyor mahvoluyorum ama en kötüsüne bunu kimse görmüyor çığlıklarımı kimse duymuyor bağırışlarımı yalvarışlarımı yumruk seslerini silah seslerini kılıç seslerini kendimle mücadele erişimi kimse bilmiyor duymuyor görmüyor beni kimse anlamıyor YORULDUM diye bağırıyorum ama sesimi duyan yok ölüm ile dip diyeyim kimse farketmiyor nedenmi çünkü beni sevmiyor önemsemiyor ben mutsuzluğumu belli etmemek için maskeler takarım ama işin şu yanıda var bir yanım beni duymaları için bağırıyor çığlık atıyor yalvarıyor ama onu kimse duymuyor görmüyor ben terkedilme ihanet edilme yarım bırakılma aşağılama ve bunun gibi bir çok duyguyu ezbere biliyorum ve bu yüzden yüzüme taktığım maskelerin bir kaç tanesini hiç sevmediğim bir insan bile olsa iyilik yapmak onla beni sevmese bile empati kurmak istedim ama gördüm insanlarını bir yüzü yok hani iki yüzlüsün derler ya insanoğlu iki yüzlü değil bir çok yüzü var ama onların yüzleri iyi değil onların yüzleri aşağılamak dışlamak hakaret etmek yalancı durumuna düşürmek sıralarından bıçaklamak insanlarda acı bırakacak maske yüz veya herhangi birşey hiçbir insan masum değildir tıpkı her gülenin mutlu olmadığı gibi hayat dünya ve insanlar çok garip onlar paralarını kıyafet bakim yemek için harcarken ben kitaplar için harcamayı tercih ederim çünkü kitap okuyunca en azından bir süre hayattan soyutlanabiliyorum farklı dünyalara geçiş yapıyorum oradaki iyi insanlarla karşılaşıyorum birbirinin yaralarını iyileştırenlere bakıyorum onların hepsi güçlü kendime sende güçlü ol senin onlardan ne farkın var diyorum ama kitabı bitirince bütün bu hisler geçiyor ve yine negatif somurtkan depresif halimi alıyorum neden bilmiyorum ama sanırım artık sona yaklaştığımı hissediyorum ben kendi sonumu gerçekten yazıyorum çocukluğum gözlerimin önünde acı çekti ve ben hiçbirşey yapamadım sonra çocukluğum öldü üzerine toprak atıldı onun dirilmesini çok istedim ama olmadı yapamadım bedenim öpmeye hazır bekliyor ben bekliyorum elimde silah kafama dayadım ve günlerdir bekliyorum neyi beklediğimi beni neyin durdurduğu hakkında hiçbir fikrim yok ben ölünce ne ailem ne ar,adamların beni umursayarak iki gün ağlayıp normal hayata devam edecekler bu günlük bu kadar hoşcakalın kendinizi sevin bunu kendinden nefret edne ben söylüyorum evet ama şunu söyliyim ben ne kadar kötüyüm dese de ben hep kötü insanlara karşı kötü oldum ama iyi insanlara karşı hep iyiyim ve siz çokc ama çok iyi insanlarsınız kendinizi sevin kimse size sarilmıyorsa siz kendinize sarılın ve saçlarınızı okşayın içinizdeki acı çeken çocukluğunuzu görün ruhunuzu görün sizi seviyorum iyi geceler kafanıza taktığınız bütün şeyleri kenara atın Elrain ne der siktir etmeyi öğrenin yani kısacası kafanıza taktığınız her ne varsa bu gece siktir edin bu gece hepimizin dinlenme gecesi olsun bir sonraki gece gece açıdan ne kadar kıvranırsak kıvranalım bu geceyi boş kafayla geçirin sizleri çok ama çok seviyorum bu sefe rgerçekten hoşçakalın iyi dinlemeler sizleri sevdiğimi unutmayın :)
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Indignant Judgment
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elvenwhovian · 3 years
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“The Desert of Veridia Circula”
The Wayfarer Chronicles - concept #2
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pk-sonica-omega · 4 years
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Lightwarden!Soni, Forgiven Sorrow.
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echopulse-archive · 4 years
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The Coerthan Savage.
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twilight-red-mage · 5 years
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The squad’s breaking out the pastels~
@pk-sonica-omega @pepper-somerset
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talesoftheraysen · 5 years
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Holy goddess! Bring thy noble souls to this place!
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saturniandragon · 2 years
46. Reuniting with family members after the events of the main questline have transpired
For Merri’sa; I just learned how her story begins and I already want to know how it ends
46. Reuniting with family members after the events of the main questline have transpired
(this is actually a draft in my hard drive so I just had to copy it and continue it a bit, you gave me a reason to write more to this nearly forgotten draft :) )
Characters: Merri'sa (Khajiit female, main character) Bikhai (Khajiit male, Merri'sa's husband) Elrain (wood elf female, Merri'sa's best friend)
“How far is it?”
“Just over this ridge.”
4E 202. One year after the horrific dragon attack in Bruma, and more importantly, one year after Merri’sa has slain Alduin, the World-Eater, delaying the end of Mundus in the Fourth Era.
It’s a bright clear day on the Jerall mountains that border Skyrim and Cyrodiil. Merri’sa and her husband Bikhai are on horseback trip to Merri’sa’s hometown of Bruma, the northernmost county in Cyrodiil.
It is true that she has promised to herself that she would return when her matters have been resolved. Not only the matter concerning the dragons, but also the matter concerning her true origin. Her original plan was to visit Elsweyr to look for traces of her past, but one year ago the conditions were unsatisfactory, forcing her to shift priority towards resolving the Dragon Crisis first in Skyrim. After all it was a matter of postponing the end of the world.
“There it is.”
Merri’sa and Bikhai reaches the midpoint of Jerall Mountains, where the married couple can see a silhouette of Bruma from where they are on the stone trails. For a moment they stop their horses on the side of the road to take a brief rest and admire the view of Cyrodiil. To Merri’sa, like a gaze on home. But to Bikhai, a first-time sight on the Imperial heartland.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve always missed it here.”
“So, how long were you here? Before Skyrim.”
“24 years, give or take? Lived all my life here, practically.”
Despite his large posture, Bikhai wears thicker clothing compared to his spouse. Cold and snow aren’t kind to his nose, as he tends to sneeze or cough on exposure. Merri’sa on the other hand has little to no issue with the Cyrodiilic weather, although that doesn’t mean she can stay outside for extended period.
The two continue on their trip down the rocky hills of Jerall mountains, towards Bruma. They converse along the way to pass the time.
“What were your family like?”
“I don’t know, typical Imperial family, I suppose. My dad was a Great War veteran, my mom was a merchant, and a teacher to an extent.”
“Great War veteran?”
“The war thirty years ago. I guess if you survive the Great War you’re not exactly typical now, are you? Yes.”
"Who else?"
“And then there’s… Elrain. Oh, my dear Elrain. A wood elf I rescued from the Thalmor, some 5 years ago. Has become my best companion since.”
“Is that the one you mentioned about cooking?”
“Yes. She can teach you a lot.”
Merri’sa and Bikhai is just 10 minutes away from Bruma. Close enough for the front gates to be visible. But in the middle of the road, Merri’sa suddenly stops the horse and hops off. Bikhai does the same in response.
“What is it, love?”
“Hold on, hold on, I have an idea. Hide in the treeline.”
The two Khajiit reverse their direction, for a reason that Bikhai has not yet aware of. He follows along for now, yet still confused. Merri’sa takes out a small telescope from her pack and observes the front gates of Bruma from between the tree trunks.
And she sets eyes on a familiar figure near the front gates. She’s conversing with some workers.
“There she is.”
“What, who do you see?”
Merri’sa passes the sighting device to Bikhai. He points it roughly at the same direction that Merri'sa was pointing at and looks through the lenses.
“Front gate. The elf with red hair. You see her?”
“The one with face paint around the left eye?”
“Yes, that’s Elrain. Say, can you do me a favor?”
“Of course, love. What is it?”
“Put the boxes there, I’ll finish up here.”
“Yes, lady Elrain.”
Just past Bruma's north arch gateway, under the shining afternoon sun. Elrain is busy directing the workers in Bruma unloading crates from a horse cart. On her skin is no longer leather armor or arm cops, not even a weapon visible on her person.
“Uhm, excuse me, ma’am, do you have some time?”
It was relatively uneventful day until she feels taps on her shoulder, and when she turns around there's a Khajiit right before her eyes, almost casting a complete shadow due to his large build.
“Oh goodness- who are- um... can I help you?”
“This one is… looking for Merri’sa. This one hears she lives here. Do you know her?”
It's a name she hasn't heard in such a long time, her brain practically freezes for a moment, before finally she's able to sew words together to answer his question.
“Uh... Merri’sa? Yes, I know her. I’m her uhh… best friend. Or was, anyway. I'm afraid you're a year too late, though. She left to Skyrim.”
“Oh, do you know what she looks like?”
“Hmmh… silver and white fur, with some black stripes. Gold eyes, and crimson red hair. Very iconic, similar to my hair. If you're looking for her, you can't miss her."
“Oh, do you mean the Khajiit behind you?”
“The wha-“
Someone else suddenly also taps her shoulder from behind, and when she turns around, to her complete surprise it's a face she hasn't seen in 12 months.
“Hi, El.”
“Yffre's bones, MERRI’SA?!? YOU’RE HOME?!?”
Ecstatic, Elrain launches herself at Merri'sa with no second thought and wraps her arms tight around her. Merri'sa wasn't expecting such an explosive gesture, and they both fall towards the ground. The thick snow drift provides a cushion to break their fall, and already Elrain is burying her face in her shoulder.
"Fuck, Merri'sa... I waited all year..."
"Oof, there, there. I know. I miss you too. Can you uhm... get up please? The snow is cold."
Bikhai gives the wood elf-Khajiit pair a hand as they get up from the snow and dust off the clumps of snow stuck on their clothing. Civilians in vicinity was briefly surprised by such a seemingly random display, before they return to their usual activities.
"Fuck, I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's fine. Maybe I should be the one who apologizes, you look like you're working."
"Well... kind of. Wait, who is this Khajiit then?"
"Oh, this is Bikhai. My um... my husband."
On amount of the list of unexpected things to happen to Elrain within 10 minutes, Merri'sa referring to the unknown male Khajiit as her husband really catches her off guard. It's like her heart shatters, despite knowing full well Merri'sa is not romantically attracted to women.
Perhaps deep within she secretly hoped Merri'sa would have a change of heart, and accept her as companion for life bonded together in marriage. But now she knows that chance is zero.
"Your what now..."
"Yes, my husband. You... received that letter from me, right? 6 months ago I sent a letter back home."
"Oh, you're serious about that letter...?"
Merri'sa can feel her companion deeply disheartened, for she also knows Elrain is attracted to her. She had no choice but to disappoint her when she refused the proposal some years ago, but she stayed her promise that they would still be the best of friends. So Merri'sa decides to give her companion another hug to comfort her.
"We're still best friends, alright? I haven't forgotten about you."
"Well, I know..."
It feels as though the world just got colder, the more she thinks about it. She thought she'd learned how to let go, but in the end she tries to see the positives. Merri'sa is back in her arms again, and more importantly back home to Bruma.
"Wait, what about my... my home?"
"Every building has been rebuilt since that dragon fire. Your home is still in the same location. As for your mom and dad though, they left to Imperial City this morning, said they'll return by sundown."
"Alright, I'll take Bikhai around town. You should get back to work."
"What? Nonsense, I'm almost done here. Just... give me a minute or two, right? I'm not giving up an opportunity to walk with you again."
"Ha, sure, El. Always the same."
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talesandsome-blog · 7 years
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Tales Villains
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bio-hazard-xiv · 6 years
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some spooky screens for the holiday!
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