girlbosspyrrha · 1 month
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this one goes out to the dunmeshi fans out there
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stickydrama666 · 7 days
its so dissonant to me that trent reznor is not only alive and well but continues to make good music. like you need to be one of the Dead Greats no offense man
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poorlittlevampire · 7 months
be honest is 8pm too late for coffee
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mossdeep · 2 years
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duckduckngoose · 1 year
I am a tortured soul (tired and having pain bc tired) forced to choose between horrible decisions (if I should call in sick for school tommorow), between knowledge (there's a really cool class tommorow I really like) or love (I have plans with my friends the next day, and if I go to school all day I might be too tired to hang out)
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apoapsis · 2 years
Ill try to post some replies n art in the morning 🥰🥰
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swordscleric · 4 months
I love it when a meeting I expect to just basically be a rubber stamp/small discussion turns into basically a college lecture and then adds about an extra month onto my workload :))))))))
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lilacborrower · 8 months
I Am Showering And I am Going to Bed and That Will Make Things More Manageable
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energywisesolutions · 2 years
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marimayscarlett · 6 months
I love how there's one Richard hater who's doing rounds on everyones blogs, leaving stupid asks. Using the exact same sentences about the exact same topics.
You gotta wonder if they truly dislike him - and it's fine if they do, whatever - why would they put so much time and effort into him? Why would you want to constantly see the person of your dislike and talk about him? Is it truly hatered, or is it masking something else?
Either way, I think they're long overdue in quitting this nonsense. At least on Richard-centric blogs.
99% of us are not blind to Richard's faults. 99% of us do not keep him on some sky high pedestal. He's a broken person just like the rest of us. Just like you, dear hater. But just like in all of us, there's also something beautiful in him, and that's what we can openly admire.
Find new purpose. Find peace. Stop wasting your life on leaving anonymous negativity because at the end of the day, it only affects you the most.
Hello 👋 I think in this fandom, we're somehow used to unimaginative and impertinent anons - better to ignore them altogether I guess 🤷‍♀️
I said it once and I'll say it again (probably until the end of time), it is absolutely beyond me why people put their precious time and energy into trying to bring Richard down, painting him like THE worst guy who ever existed and in general spending time on a person they seemingly don't like. It's like with everything else - you don't like it, you don't watch it/don't listen to it/just click away/unfollow certain blogs. It's that simple and brings you inner peace if needed. I sometimes do wonder if there's a superior motif to it, if Richard portrays something which people can't seem to face or are uncomfortable with (his openness as a man, which isn't that common maybe, or his honesty that yes, working in a group with 5 other individuals can be one hell of an exhausting ride everytime you enter the studio). Either way: Just don't send nasty comments or hate. It doesn't change anything and just comes across as desperate and very mean spirited or just shows how little research you do before you type. This as a whole is not a good look energywise, that's for sure.
Richard is neither a saint nor a villain, and he doesn't have to be either. People don't fit into drawers with specific labels most of the time, let alone in the creative world, and that's what makes them interesting. Richard has a lot of interesting sides to him, lovable quirks, made some very questionable choices and had very rough times resulting from it. You should never put people on a pedestal because they're just people like you and me, but I think he learned a lot in his life and even more important, he was open to learning, to better himself and get himself the help he needed.
And I think that's admirable.
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ntls-24722 · 8 months
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@akikothefuzzball he would still love Comet, partially because if Comet was a fish, he would be a cool-ass fish
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really stupid idea: because the animatronics in security breach have charging stations, in the rubberhose au(?) petroleum is the animatronic equivalent to alcohol, and using green energy is like. being sober.
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mainly inspired by a scene i had in my head where Sun is really down on his luck with Gregory and going against his programming and is drinking petrol like crazy, so DJ offers him a glass only for him to smack it onto the floor the moment he pours it because "We transitioned to using green energy years ago" and THEN he starts to ask what's up. It makes no sense and I don't even know what the proper animatronic version of alcohol would be, but man there is the opprotunity for going green energywise being a euphemism for sobriety with cartoon robots 💀
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Deluxe! Drawn again because I very slightly changed the spider he's based off of into Habronattus orbus.
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That spider just perfectly happened to have all the features from Habronattus I wanted to add to Deluxe with the facial markings to the fuzzy yellow underarms. As much as I characterize Deluxe to being the Dippy Fresh to DJMM, he's a lot more different. DJMM is his dad that he desperately wants the approval of, more like.
Also, peep his weird liquidey irises! Everything about him is based off of Beta DJMM because Deluxe was made specifically on the demand that they wanted classic DJMM back, so they not only remastered him but also added older details
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And finally, this DJMM teapet because i wanted to visualize the experience of dousing the character i love most in scalding hot water
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sistersorrow · 11 months
Science side of Tumblr, explain to me why caffeine either does jack diddly fuck all for me energywise or makes me sleepy
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noortjelanterfanter · 4 months
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I'm really cranky today. I slept too long. I have a headache. I really want to Just binge today so I feel like I can relax, which is not how it works, but still. I've been thinking about food all day today.
I felt justified in eating a little more yesterday. I celebrated getting my Keys by buying a readymeal I like and getting some dessert. And then snacking on my favourite cheesespreak.
The weight is still going down, so I'm on the right path.
All the shit that comes woth moving is making me cranky, I have to keep asking people to help, let businesses know I'm moving. My utility Bill is going to go up by 30 euro's, nevermind that I'll be living in a house that is way better energywise. But fine. I am fucking annoyed tho. I already need a break and all the mess has only Just begun. Send help 🥲
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
Part 3, last part, Kristy uwu
--- Kristy- *She eats the least out of The Trio...Becauseeeeeeee she is a human, that does help her out in that regard. Her magic and energy output does make her need to eat alot more tho then she usually would if she wasn't doing all this demon fighting shit lol... *Kristy is autistic and as such, she's pretty goddamn picky with her foods and food choices. Like she'll reject certain things if she has a choice...She has alot of texture sensitivities in that regard... *Kristy's all time fave thing ever is pizza. And because of her autism, she ends up wanting it ALOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...To where she drives her friends nuts with her constant wants for her comfort food...She knows it's kind of irritating but she loves what she loves... *Due to her anxiety, Kristy sometimes forgets to eat...And has to be reminded sometimes...Kristy does try very very hard to keep her energy up though since...Her magic runs on energy. No energy=no magic...Which means bad shit can happen if she's really starving and fucked up energywise...
*Kristy at the beginning of the series doesn't really know how to cook...Like anything really but she picks up stuff and does it more frequently as the series goes on (survival skills +1 lol) *Kristy gets grossed out by both Sharky and Max's eating habits at points. Sharky cuz he'll hunt and literally eat fish alive/chew them to bits and crush their bones and whatever and Max because...Max is a fucking trash goblin lol... -------- Maybe i'll add more later but i'm tired rn so lol, ima stop for now...
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boatslut · 9 months
I've come to see Mason as very chill with his friend group/team (idk if chill is the right word. I'm unsure of his general energy levels, but I think they're too high for "chill" to be the correct term.)
Anyway, he's "chill" with his team, but seems to be curt with authority? Is it just his personality in general, or does he have specific figures, or parts of EPS he does Not Like? Or are there other authorities that are less well meaning and he's vary of them?
Or did I just pull all that out if my ass. Honestly I think I've read a snippet of dialogue on his toyhouse page and that's where this whole thought about his characterisation came from.
Oh! Id say that 'chill' is debatable (like you said, energywise); but yeah, he's got a very fun-loving and carefree attitude; but he also has a bit of a short temper as well. Much like everyone else in the CETUS team, they sort of show a more open and intimate side of themselves to eachother that's not as freely shown to others (tho it depends on which of them we're talking about; Mason, Gamma, and Charlotte are more socially open than the others, ect). With authority, though, it does sort of depend. He has a bit of a disregard of rules and how to act properly; rebellious in a way. That said, he tries to not overstep rules too much to the point of genuinely getting in trouble. He's a bit ACAB, much like the rest of the team, but he doesn't really super disrespect the EPS higher ups.
It's not too far off of a perception, though! Ty for asking abt it! It makes me super happy to see people curious abt my ocs ; o ;
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creekfiend · 1 year
Oh my god I'm the person who accused you of being an aries, I still hold that position but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
I'm an Aries moon so you're not far off energywise 😆
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