eastgaysian · 9 months
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even when i'm not drawing astarion the absence of astarion in art of my bg3 ocs is really the shadow of his presence
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lucascecil · 8 months
Third Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV Stories
◆ Spearhead from Space
◆ The Silurians
◆ The Ambassadors of Death
◆ Inferno
◆ Terror of the Autons
◆ The Mind of Evil
◆ The Claws of Axos
◆ Colony in Space
◆ The Daemons
◆ Day of the Daleks
◆ The Curse of Peladon
◆ The Sea Devils
◆ The Mutants
◆ The Time Monster
◆ The Three Doctors
◆ Carnival of Monsters
◆ Frontier in Space
◆ Planet of the Daleks
◆ The Green Death
◆ The Time Warrior
◆ Invasion of the Dinosaurs
◆ Death to the Daleks!
◆ The Monster of Peladon
◆ Planet of Spiders
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Audio Adventures
- 3rd Doctor Adventures & Audio Novels
◆ Scourge of the Cybermen
◆ Prisoners of the Lake
◆ The Havoc of Empires
◆ The Transcendence of Ephros
◆ The Hidden Realm
◆ The Conquest of Far
◆ Storm of the Horofax
◆ The Rise of the New Humans
◆ The Tyrants of Logic
◆ Primord
◆ The Scream of Ghosts
◆ Poison of the Daleks
◆ Operation: Hellfire
◆ The Unzal Incursion
◆ The Gulf
◆ Conspiracy in Space
◆ The Devil’s Hoofprints
◆ The Annihiltors
◆ Kaleidoscope
◆ Supernature
◆ The Conservitors
◆ The Iron Shore
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ Old Soldiers
◆ Shadow of the Past
◆ The Last Post
◆ Binary
◆ The Blue Tooth
◆ The Rings of Ikiria
◆ The Sentinels of the New Dawn
◆ The Doll of Death
◆ The Magician’s Oath
◆ Tales from the Vault
◆ Find and Replace
◆ The Mists of Time
◆ The Scorchies
◆ The Many Deaths of Jo Grant
◆ Ghost in the Machine
◆ The Three Companions
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- The Lost Stories
◆ The Mega
- Classic Doctor, New Monsters
◆ The House That Hoxx Built
- Short Trips
◆ Landbound
◆ The Blame Game
◆ Walls of Confinement
◆ The Christmas Dimension
◆ Blue Boxes
◆ A Home From Home
◆ Taken for Granted
◆ Damascus
◆ Gardeners’ World
◆ The Switching
◆ The Other Woman
◆ Still Life
◆ Pop-Up
◆ Time Tunnel
◆ The Same Face
◆ Sphinx Lightning 
◆ Lost in the Wakefield Triangle
◆ Waiting for Gadot
◆ A True Gentleman 
◆ The Threshold
◆ Crime at the Cinema
◆ Decline of the Ancient Mariner
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◆ Dancing the Code
◆ The Eye of the Giant
◆ The Scales of Injustice
◆ Speed of Flight
◆ The Devil Goblins from Neptune
◆ The Face of the Enemy
◆ Catastrophea
◆ The Wages of Sin
◆ Last of the Gaderene
◆ Verdigris
◆ The Quantum Archangel
◆ Rags
◆ Amorality Tale
◆ The Suns of Caresh
◆ Deadly Reunion
◆ Island of Death
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pargolettasworld · 2 years
One of the more dramatic moments of the Torah service is the procession.  After the ceremony of removing the dressed scroll from the Ark, it is carried through the congregation so people can pay their respects (and, at my shul, get a cheerful elbow bump from the rabbi).  During the procession we sing a song that extols the power and majesty of the Divine and calls people to Divine worship.  There are a couple of standard tunes for this one.  American Reform synagogues like a melody by Gershon Ephros, while British Reform synagogues go for an old Mombach tune.  American Conservative shuls like a melody of uncertain origin that may be a genuine folk melody, or it may not be.
This melody is none of them.  This melody outstrips all of them in truly grokking what it means to be “music to process by.”  This melody is the snazziest, pomp-and-circumstanciest, most-gosh-darn-pleased-with-itself march tune EVER to accompany a dressed-up scroll around a synagogue.
Honestly, it was the flute trills.  It was those cute, military-precise flute trills that got to me.  It was the flute trills that made me fall in love with this piece.
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convxction · 6 years
// excuse me to throw myself at the bed. it is almost 5am and this is first time in a long time i stayed at this hour. im a granny moogle give me a break. yall go to bed whoever is staying up as well. stay safe and awesome.
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hardtoreadings · 6 years
Ranch by Kayla Ephros
I’m stumped by the pile of this place, it’s called a ranch it’s so big, it’s a long drive from one end to the other too big a picture to see at once and too big a place to keep clean my heart breaks for the pink man in the leg brace, but more for the Native American Learning Center, tucked behind the elevators sorry or not the man hobbles on by the pool people who are also pink are angry with the ducks for loitering around their now steamy caesers I admire the duck’s shiny neck and swim with him in the pool this big place has small flies because of the small pieces of old crust at the ranch, I feel the weight of the world my dad is by the pool too bless his heart, waiting for me to join, but I’ve stopped at a chair in all it’s glory, cushions boiling, in a boat of thick, polished wicker we’ve been referred to as a couple twice a couplet it’s offered a bad taste does no one see a dad and their grown daughter? I wonder, just dads with sugar, he said do we want a king bed instead is where I’ll stop because if I don’t I’ll will that ecoli into reality, that ecoli on the romaine lettuce from Yuma, Arizona which dad and I have both eaten twice what a sad place, I’ll say it one of many homes to the most pervasive, thinly veiled cult called everyone enjoying themselves in a hoax they don’t know that vacation unfolds
Read more Kayla here
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theladyjojogrant · 7 years
I love how The Transcendence of Ephros makes it seem like the Master has companions too? Like just imagine him (or her) picking up random evil people all the time, being constantly super unimpressed with them as they blow up planets together until the Master gets tired of them and kills them
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fictionadventurer · 4 years
Don’t let it go to your head + Man from UNCLE? (Or whichever fandom you prefer) for the prompt meme?
I really did intend to try to write something for this fandom. But I haven’t seen any episodes of the TV show in years, and I’ve never seen the movie (which I suspect is the fandom you’re referring to, so the TV characterizations probably wouldn’t hold much appeal for you anyhow). I wasn’t confident enough in my grasp of the material to come up with any decent drabbles.
I then tried to think of similar fandoms, or any fandoms at all, that would fit the prompt, but my brain was contrary and decided to use it as a spark for a scene from one of my original universes. Well, two, technically. I have characters from my long-abandoned non-magical fantasy romance, A Beautiful Tomorrow, and this drabble’s a bit of an experiment in switching up their story and moving into my Starfall universe (though the Starfall portion of it doesn’t really factor into this scene).
So even though it’s not fanfiction, it’s a little bit like fanfiction for my own characters, and I’ve been sitting on this prompt so long that I’m overdue to do something with it. I hope it’s not thoroughly disappointing.
Interior Worlds
Snowflakes drifted like daytime stardust beyond the schoolroom window. Daniela rested her head against the glass to watch it fall. She could take a moment to relax. Her student was absorbed in her geography text, attentive to the lesson for once. Even in exile, Lucia preferred tales of far-off lands to facts about her homeland.
Something moved in the faint reflection of the glass. A shadow darkened the schoolroom door.
Daniela bolted upright. Hoops clattered against the wall as she straightened her skirts. She patted down the flyaway strands in her hair, even as the more rational part of her mind told her it was unnecessary. Even though Prince Alessandro couldn’t see her hair, Daniela couldn’t shake the conviction that he would know.
He, as usual, looked as pristine as an oil painting, the pleats of his trousers and jacket crisp, every hair in place. His unfocused eyes seemed to see everything, including Daniela’s inattention to duty.
Daniela breathed deeply, steeled her spine, and gave a curtsy that would have made the Countess proud. “Good morning, your highness.”
He acknowledged her with a stiff nod. “Good morning, Miss Decardi. I hope I’m not intruding?”
Though he spoke it as a question, it had the effect of a command. He couldn’t be intruding when it was his house, his sister, and his employee, and it was her duty to accommodate him. “Not at all, your highness.” She was proud of the steadiness of her tone. She was ever amazed at how social training could cover fear and anxiety. “Lucia is finishing her geography lesson.”
He nodded and strode into the room, his cane lightly sweeping before his feet. “How does she progress?”
“Very well, your highness.”
Lucia lit up brighter than a star lamp and bounced up from her seat. She rushed to his side and led him toward the wooden chair next to the standing globe. “I know all the capitals!”
His eyebrows rose. “All the capitals?”
Lucia helped him into the chair with the patient confidence of a nurse three times her age. “All the important ones.”
Daniela explained, “She has learned to identify all the major cities of the western nations.”
Would it be enough? He’d made it very clear that Lucia’s accomplishments were her responsibility, but she had needed to take extra time to frame the lessons in a way that captured Lucia’s attention…
The barest of smiles softened the sharp lines of Alessandro’s face. “An excellent accomplishment,” he told Lucia. “But don’t let it go to your head. There’s much more of the world to learn.”
“I know,” Lucia said, with the enthusiasm of an explorer.
“By the time you come of age,” Alessandro said seriously, “you ought to be able to label a globe blindfolded.”
Daniela’s stomach twisted at the reminder of the prince’s astronomically high expectations.
Lucia only laughed. “Even you can’t do that, Sandro.”
His shoulders and spine straightened. “You think I can’t?” He lifted a hand to the standing globe beside him and turned it until his hand covered the entire Western continent. He pointed at nations. “Alsperra, Corlant, Myraldia, Ephros, Dartan.”
Lucia laughed. “You’re just guessing.”
“Am I right?”
“So far. But that’s the easy part.” She twisted the globe and planted his finger in the middle of the broad Eastern Expanse. “What’s here?”
He brushed his other hand over the surrounding patch of the globe. “The Espiren Mountains.”
“What country?” she demanded, unimpressed.
“It goes without saying that they’re in the western portion of Poresti.”
She twisted the globe again. “What’s here?”
“The Feshrin Peninsula.”
“The Midnight Islands.”
“How about here?”
“Well, now we’re just in the middle of the Avrian Ocean.”
She released his hand and threw her own into the air. “How are you doing that?”
His eyes, blank as they were, sparkled with mischief. “What do you think I did as a boy?” he asked. “I forsook all sleep and leisure, memorizing this globe so I could one day astound you with my geographical wizardry.”
“You’re cheating!” The accusation was half amusement and half outrage. Lucia looked toward Daniela. “Miss Decardi, how is he cheating?”
Daniela only shook her head in amazement. The globe included topographical definition, and most of the places Lucia had pinpointed were geographically distinct, but his quick, confident answers were still impressive. “I don’t believe he is,” she said.
Alessandro’s smile was as bright as the sun through a storm cloud, and just as startling. “Thank you, Miss Decardi. I knew I could trust your academic honesty.”
The words left her dumbfounded. Not what he’d said, but how he’d said it. It was like he’d transformed into a different person. Always, he’d been the meticulously polite prince, the exacting employer. But now, he was speaking to her, with genuine warmth rather than polite formality. As if some dividing veil had been pushed aside and she was seeing something of the man beneath.
She was surprised to find herself returning the smile.  “Always glad to be of service, your highness.”
Lucia seized Alessandro’s hand again, and the game continued. He identified seven more nations, three mountain ranges and two archipelagos before he finally stumbled over a collection of nations in the southern hemisphere.
“It’s not Efzi!” Lucia cried triumphantly. “It’s Falni!”
“I think not.” He brushed a finger of his other hand over the flat surface to the nation’s left. “It’s a coastal nation.”
“It’s on the...” Lucia peered at writing on the land mass. “The Efni Flats.”
He lifted his head. “Miss Decardi, does she tell the truth?”
“I’m afraid she does, your highness.”
Alessandro withdrew his hand from the globe. “It wasn’t a fair test,” he told Lucia. “You turned the globe upside down. It doesn’t count.”
Lucia said, “That wasn’t in the rules!”
“We never defined the rules.”
The quarrel continued, with no real hostility. The answer didn’t matter so much as the contest and the camaraderie. Daniela had never seen either of them so at ease. Their lives had been painted by sorrow, weighed down by war, but here and now, they were a brother and sister caught up in silly games. Daniela thought she finally understood how Lucia could be fond of her brother. This was the man she’d always been able to see; this was what they brought out in each other.
Finally, Alessandro settled back in his chair. “If I made a mistake,” he conceded, “it means only that you have opportunity to surpass me. I still expect you to make a diligent study of geography.”
“I will,” Lucia said, then seized his hand. “I’ll bet you can’t get another one.”
He withdrew his hand from her grasp. “Unless I was very much misled, I graduated the schoolroom long ago. It would be rude of me to take you from your tutor any longer.”
Lucia turned pleading eyes toward Daniela. “Miss Decardi, don’t make him leave! I was learning geography, really!”
Alessandro began to rise from his chair. “I did not intend to distract your student. The schoolroom is your domain, and I apologize for taking your...”
“No. Please. Stay.”
The words escaped before Daniela had time to consider them. When she’d spoken them, she wasn’t sure what was more shocking—that she’d interrupted the prince, that she’d contradicted him, or that she truly did want him to stay.
She used every lesson in deportment she’d ever received to gather up her confidence and courage, then added, “It is an unorthodox lesson, but an engaging one, and Lucia enjoys it. If it pleases your highness, you may stay as long as you desire.”
The prince laughed. “Very well,” he said. “If the ever-proper Miss Decardi is willing to indulge this folly, who am I to protest?” He sat back in his seat. “But you must be willing to be judge of this contest.”
Daniela smiled at him—even if he couldn’t see it, he’d know. “Gladly, your highness.”
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damn-daemon · 5 years
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A Traitor’s Honor - plot bunny
Vardin. Home of the Gods. The last free kingdom of Ephros. 
For centuries, superstition and the famed might of the Vardinian armies kept their borders safe. But the gods have abandoned the world, and those who have not are dying. The new king dares to make a deal that would bring Vardin into a foreign empire’s fold, and for this treachery, his sister rebels. 
A country tears itself apart, an empire threatens to crumble for its pride, and beneath it all, a new power rises.
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jessicalaurenbutler · 7 years
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thirddoctor · 6 years
Hello! I hope you are feeling better. I had a question: I listened to 'Transcendence of Ephros' last night, and loved it to bits. I am curious what your thoughts are on it? I love reading the Master metas you do, so I thought I'd ask.
bold of you to assume that I, tumblr user 3rddoctor, have listened to the Third Doctor Adventures
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eastgaysian · 8 months
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ephros 🙂
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lucascecil · 8 months
Terceiro Doutor - Projeto: Caixa Azul
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TV Stories
◆ Spearhead from Space
◆ The Silurians
◆ The Ambassadors of Death
◆ Inferno
◆ Terror of the Autons
◆ The Mind of Evil
◆ The Claws of Axos
◆ Colony in Space
◆ The Daemons
◆ Day of the Daleks
◆ The Curse of Peladon
◆ The Sea Devils
◆ The Mutants
◆ The Time Monster
◆ The Three Doctors
◆ Carnival of Monsters
◆ Frontier in Space
◆ Planet of the Daleks
◆ The Green Death
◆ The Time Warrior
◆ Invasion of the Dinosaurs
◆ Death to the Daleks!
◆ The Monster of Peladon
◆ Planet of Spiders
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Audio Adventures
- 3rd Doctor Adventures & Audio Novels
◆ Scourge of the Cybermen
◆ Prisoners of the Lake
◆ The Havoc of Empires
◆ The Transcendence of Ephros
◆ The Hidden Realm
◆ The Conquest of Far
◆ Storm of the Horofax
◆ The Rise of the New Humans
◆ The Tyrants of Logic
◆ Primord
◆ The Scream of Ghosts
◆ Poison of the Daleks
◆ Operation: Hellfire
◆ The Unzal Incursion
◆ The Gulf
◆ Conspiracy in Space
◆ The Devil's Hoofprints
◆ The Annihiltors
◆ Kaleidoscope
◆ Supernature
◆ The Conservitors
◆ The Iron Shore
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ Old Soldiers
◆ Shadow of the Past
◆ The Last Post
◆ Binary
◆ The Blue Tooth
◆ The Rings of Ikiria
◆ The Sentinels of the New Dawn
◆ The Doll of Death
◆ The Magician’s Oath
◆ Tales from the Vault
◆ Find and Replace
◆ The Mists of Time
◆ The Scorchies
◆ The Many Deaths of Jo Grant
◆ Ghost in the Machine
◆ The Three Companions
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- The Lost Stories
◆ The Mega
- Classic Doctor, New Monsters
◆ The House That Hoxx Built
- Short Trips
◆ Landbound
◆ The Blame Game
◆ Walls of Confinement
◆ The Christmas Dimension
◆ Blue Boxes
◆ A Home From Home
◆ Taken for Granted
◆ Damascus
◆ Gardeners’ World
◆ The Switching
◆ The Other Woman
◆ Still Life
◆ Pop-Up
◆ Time Tunnel
◆ The Same Face
◆ Sphinx Lightning 
◆ Lost in the Wakefield Triangle
◆ Waiting for Gadot
◆ A True Gentleman 
◆ The Threshold
◆ Crime at the Cinema
◆ Decline of the Ancient Mariner
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◆ Dancing the Code
◆ The Eye of the Giant
◆ The Scales of Injustice
◆ Speed of Flight
◆ The Devil Goblins from Neptune
◆ The Face of the Enemy
◆ Catastrophea
◆ The Wages of Sin
◆ Last of the Gaderene
◆ Verdigris
◆ The Quantum Archangel
◆ Rags
◆ Amorality Tale
◆ The Suns of Caresh
◆ Deadly Reunion
◆ Island of Death
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pargolettasworld · 4 years
We’ve just come off of Shabbat Shira, which is my personal favorite Shabbat of the year.  Formally, it’s Parshat Beshallach, but many people know it by its nickname, which means “The Sabbath of Song.”  It’s called this because Beshallach is the parsha that contains the Song of the Sea, the first recorded song text in the Torah.  The Haftarah also has a very long song, the Song of Deborah.  A shul like mine that is very traditional and devoted more to visual than aural art will observe the day by just standing respectfully for the Song of the Sea.  But a lot of more musically active shuls will use Shabbat Shira as an opportunity to do a service that is more musically fancy than they’d normally do.
In 2010, Temple Kol Ami in Thornhill, Ontario, asked the Toronto Jewish Chorus to come and liven up their Shabbat Shira.  This is the TJC’s performance of the Priestly Blessing as set for choir by the great cantor and composer Gershon Ephros.  If you look closely, you can see that, right behind the conductor, there is a sign-language interpreter, too!
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dizzy-magazine · 7 years
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The official cover for our very first issue, by Ellen Berkenblit.
Buy a copy here!
Dizzy Magazine Issue 1 features:
Ellen Berkenblit, Jessica Butler, Livia Charman, Jos Howard Demme, Kayla Ephros, Raque Ford, Patrick Morales, Princess Nokia, Reika Soleimanpour, Diamond Stingily, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Haley Wollens, and Bernadette
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hamburgerdampfer · 3 years
Ephro Armor & Profile RDTA
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thevappo · 4 years
Ehpro Cold Steel 200 Box Mod By Nebelfee Limited Edition
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Here is the newest Ephro Cold Steel 200 Box Mod,in co-operation between the well-known hardware manufacturer Ehpro and the Youtuber Manuel Topschall alias Nebelfee, the Cold Steel 200 battery carrier was created. Designed for use with two 18650 rechargeable battery cells (not included), the Mod not only impresses with its appearance, but also the materials used, as well as its feel and inner values.
The Cold Steel battery carrier in every color variation is epitomized from stainless steel and PVD coated (Physical Vapor Deposition - a coating technique in which a substance is vapor deposited on the Matrial to improve the durability and optically adjust).
The positioning of the buttons makes the Cold Steel 200 very easy to operate and offers various setting options without having to go into the system menu. So all keys can be locked ("Mod Lock" - to prevent, for example, an accidental release in the bag) by pressing the (+) and (-) keys together. The power button and (-) pressed together let the display toggle so that both right and left-handed users can conveniently use the mod. Power button and (+) activate the "Key Lock", where the setting buttons (+) and (-) are locked, but the power button still works. Each setting is confirmed on the OLED.
On the front side below is the button for the battery cover. If this is pressed the battery cover jumps, which simultaneously sets the bottom plate and the battery cells can be easily inserted. The poling direction is indicated on the contacts in the lid. The underside of the bottom plate (battery cover) are rubber plates to protect both the box and the shelf. On the top of the battery carrier is the 510er evaporator connection, on the evaporator with 25 mm diameter flush. All evaporators are supported with a resistance between 0.05 to 3.0 ohms.
Powered by Ehpro's proprietary chipset, the electronics respond very quickly and provide Power (PC - Variable Watt), VOLT (VC - Voltage VAR), Curve, Temperature Control and Bypass output modes.
Power offers the option of setting 5 - 20 watts in 0.1 watts increments.
Volts can be set between 0.5 to 8.0 volts.
Curve mode can be used to set the output power to the second. This is based on the multiple of the main setting. If the battery carrier is set to 40 watts, the setting 1.5 in curvemode results in 60 watts. This allows the battery carrier to be set exactly on the coils.
The temperature control offers presetting for nickel, stainless steel and titanium wires as well as the TCR mode for free input of the temperature coefficient. Here, the output power (watts) and the maximum temperature to be reached are set.
The Bypass mode is the unregulated mode in which the full power of the battery cell is applied to the evaporator. If the battery cell is fully charged, it is 4.2 volts and correspondingly less as the battery level drops.
The Cold Steel 200 Mod also offers the PreHeat modes "Soft", "Normal" and "Strong", which affect the first 300 ms of the usage process. With the "Soft" setting, "only" 0.9 times the set output bars are used, while with "Normal", the set output power is taken as normal. With "Strong", the output power increased 1.1 times in the first 300 ms, which allows the coil to heat up faster and thus achieve faster performance.
On the side of the box is the USB-C port, which can be used to update the firmware and recharge the batteries up to 2 amps (we strongly recommend using an external charger to recharge battery cells!).
Technical specifications
Height: 88 mm
Width: 25 mm
Depth: 52 mm
Material: stainless steel, PVD coating
Output power: 5 - 200 watts
Output voltage: 0.5 - 8.0 volts
Output current: max. 40 amps
Resistance range: 0.05 - 3.0 Ω
Modes: Power (VW / PC); Volts (VV / VC); Curve; Temperature control (nickel, stainless steel, titanium); bypass
Akkuslots: 2x 18650 (not included - ache on battery capacity!)
OLED display
510er evaporator connection
Max. Diameter of the usable evaporator without standing over: 25 mm
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