#eric macleish
hitchell-mope · 2 years
This was. A truly terrifying movie. Important. But terrifying
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bustrkeaton · 1 year
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BILLY CRUDUP as eric macleish spotlight (2015), dir. tom mccarthy.
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screenmovie · 9 months
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Billy Crudup as Eric Macleish,
Spotlight (2015), directed by Tom McCarthy, written by him & Josh Singer and based on true events.
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showmethesneer · 3 years
Top 5 Billy Crudup Performances That Hit Me With Silly Love-Stricken Bitch Disease:
1. Stage Beauty
2. Almost Famous
3. Big Fish
4. Rudderless
5. Spotlight
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queenofangrymoths · 4 years
Book Log of 2019
I kept a record of how many books I read in 2019. I liked most of them so I would recommend you give any of them or read.
So on with the list! If it has an X next to it then it means I didn’t finish reading it. 
#1: Warcross by Marie Lu.
#2: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.
#3: Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix by Julie C. Dao.
#4: Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova.
#5: A Thousand Beginnings and Endings by Roshani Chokshi, Alyssa Wong, Lori M. Lee, Sona Charaipotra, Aliette De Bodard, E. C. Myres, Aisha Saeed, Preeti Chhibber, Renée Ahdieh, Rahul Kanakia, Melissa De La Cruz, Elsie Chapman, Shveta Thakrar, Cindy Pon, and Julie Kagawa.
#6: The 57 Bus by Daska Slater
#7: The Dark Descent Of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kristen White.
#8: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
9#: Broken Things by Lauren Oliver.
10# The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
11# A Study In Charlotte by Arthur Doyle
12# Simon Vs The Homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
13# The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
14# Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
15# The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
16# Carry On by Rainbow Rowel
17# Teen Trailblazers, 30 fearless girls who changed the world before they were 20 by Jennifer Calvert
18# Evermore by Sara Holland
19# The White Stag by Kara Barbieri
20# One Dark Throne by Kendra’s Blake
21# Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
22# A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney
23# King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo X
24# Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
25# The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
26# Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
27# Mythology by Edith Hamilton
28# Percy Jackson Greek Gods by Rick Riordan 
29# Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen M McManus
30# The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
31# Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
32# Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt De La Peña
33# The Phantom of The Opera by Gaston Leroux
34# Roseblood by A.G Howard X
35# Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Maas
36# Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
37# Velvet Undercover by Teri Brown
38# Through The Woods by Emily Caroll
39# The Wicked Deep by Shes Ernshaw
40# Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
41# Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
42# Where She Fell by Kaitlin Ward
43# Modern Herstory: Stories Of Women and non binary people rewriting history by Blair Imani
44# White Rabbits by Caleb Roehrig
45# To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Adapted by Fred Fordham
46# Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
47# Ever The Hunted by Erin Summeril
48# Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte
49# Lost Souls, Be At Peace by Maggie Thrash
50# Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
51# The Giver by Lois Lowry adapted by P.Craig Russell
52# My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand. Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
53# What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera X
54# An Assassin’s Guide to Love & Treason by Virginia Boecker
55# The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas adapted by Nokman Poon and Crystal S. Chan
56# The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R Tolkien
57# What is someone I know is gay? By Eric Marcus X
58# Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig
59# The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien
60# The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien X
61# The Return of The King by J.R.R Tolkien
62# Lafayette by Nathan Hale
63# Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
64# We should all be feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
65# The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson
66# Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
67# Norton Volume Of English Literature
68# Beowulf by Unknown
69# The General Prologue by Chaucer
70# 20/20 by Linda Brewer
71# Always in Spanish by Agosim
72# The First Day by Edward P. Jones
73# Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff
74# Writing Fiction by Burroway
75# Murderers by Leonard Michaels
76# Greatness Strikes Where It Pleases by Lars Gustaffson
77# Cathedral by Raymond Carver
78# A Conversation with My Father by Grace Paley
79# Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov
80# The Lives of the Dead by Tim O’Brien
81# Head, Heart by Lydia Davis
82# Richard Cody by Edwin Arlington Robinson
83# “Out- Out-“ by Robert Frost
84# The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy
85# I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth
86# Poem by Frank O’Hara
87# On being brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley
88# On her loving two equally by Aphra Behn
89# Because you asked about the line between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemerov
90# Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish
91# Ars Poetica? By Czeslaw Milosz
92# Ars Poetica #100: I believe by Elizabeth Alexander
93# Poetry by Marianne Moode
94# “Poetry makes nothing happen”? By Julia Alvarez
95# Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins
96# In Memory Of W.B. Yates by W. H. Auden
97# The kind of man I am at the DMV by Stacey Waite
98# The Changeling by Judith Oritez Carer
99# Going to war by Richard Lovelace
100# To the Ladies by Mary, Lady Chudleigh
101# Exchanging Hats by Elizabeth Bishop
102# History Of Ireland Volume 1 by Lecky X
103# A Modern History of Ireland by E. Norman X
104# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
105# Gender by Lisa Wade & Myra Marx Ferree
106# Trifles by Susan Glaspell
107# The Shroud by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
108# King of the Bingo Game by Ralph Ellison
109# Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin
110# Fences by August Wilson
111# Where are you going, where have you been? By Joyce Carol Oates
112# Daddy by Sylvia Plath
113# What is our life? By Walter Raleigh
114# May I compare thee to a midsummer day? By William Shakespeare
115# The love song of J. Alfred Prufruock by T. S. Eliot
116# À unr passante by Charles Baudelaire
117# In a station of the metro by Ezra Pound
118# The Fog by Carl Sandburg
119# The Yellow Fog by T.S. Eliot
120# On first looking into Chapman’s Homer by John Keats
121# the Road Not Taken by Robert Frisr
122# Paradise Lost  Book 1 & 10 by John Milton X
123# The Victory Lap by George Saunders
124# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
125# The Vanity Of Human Wishes by Samuel Johnson
126# Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
127# When to Her Lute Corinna Sings by Thomas Campion
128# Sir Patrick Spens by Anonymous
129# Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall
130# A Prayer, Living and Dying by Augustus Montague Toplady
131# Homage to the Empress of the Blues by Robert Hayden
132# The Times They Are A-Changin’ *
133# Listening to Bob Dylan, 2005!by Linda Pastan
134# Hip Hop by Mos Deff
135# Elvis in the Inner City by Jose B. Gonzalez
136# Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost*
137# Terza Roma by Richard Wilbur
138# Stanza from The Eve of St. Agnes by John Keats
139# Stanza from His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
140# Stanza from Sound and Sense by Alexander’s Pope
141# Stanza from The Word Plum by Helen Chasin
142# Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
143# Myth by Natasha Trethewey
144# Sestina by Elizabeth Bishop
145# Sestina: Like by A.E. Stallings
146# l)a by E.E Cummings
147# Buffalo Bill by E.E Cummings
148# Easter Wings by George Herbert
149# Women by May Swenson
150# Upon the breeze she spread her golden hair by Franceso Petrarch
151# My lady’s presence makes the roses red by Henry Constance
152# My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun by William Shakespeare
153# Not marble, nor the gilded monuments by William Shakespeare
154# Let me no to the marriage of true minds by William Shakespeare
155# When I consider how my light is spent by John Milton
156# Nuns Fret Not by William Wordsworth
157# The world is too much with us by William Wordsworth
158# Do I love thee? By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
159# In an Artist’s Studio by Christina Rossetti
160# What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why by Edna St. Vincent Millay
161# Women have loved before as I love now by Edna St. Vincent Millay
162# I, being born a woman and distressed by Edna St. Vincent Millay
163# I will put Chaos in fourteen lines by Edna St. Vincent Millay
164# First Fight. Then Fiddle by Gwendolyn Brooks
165# In the Park by Gwen Harwood
166# Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley by June Jordan
167# Sonnet by Billy Collins
168# Dim Lights by Harryette Mullen
169# Redefininy Realmess by Janet Mock
170# Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood
171# The House Of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges
172# Death Fuge by Michael Hamburger
173# Clifford’s Place by Jamel Bickerly
174# We are seven by William Wordsworth
175# Lines written in early spring by William Wordsworth
176# Expostulation and Reply by William Wordsworth
177# The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth
178# Lines by William Wordsworth
179# Recitatif by Toni Morrison
180# Volar by Judith Ortiz Cofer
181# The Management Of Grief by Bharati Mukherjee
182# Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
183# Jesus Saves by David Sedaris
184# Disabled by Wilfred Owen
185# My Father’s Garden by David Wagoner
186# Practicing by Marie Howe
187# O my pa-pa by Bob Hicok
189# Mr. T- by Terrance Hayes
190# Late Aubade by James Richardson
191# Carp Poem by Terrance Hayes
192# Pilgrimage by Natasha Trethewey
193# Tu Do Street by Yuaef Lomunyakaa
194# Diving into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich
195# Elena by Pat Mora
196# Gentle Communion by Pat Mora
197# Mothers & Daughters by Pat Mora
198# La Migra by Pat Mora
199# Ode to Adobe by Pat Mora
200# Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy
201# The Silken Tent by Robert Frost
202# Metaphors by Sylvia Plath
203# The Vine by James Thomsen
204# Questions by May Swenson
205# A Just Man by Attila József
206# the norton anthology of world literature
207# Pan’s Labyrinth by Gullernio de Toro and Cornelia Funke Xw
208# The prince and the dressmaker by Jen Wang
209# Rejected Princesses: Tales of History's Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics by Jason Porath
210# The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
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ninewheels · 5 years
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Buffy Summers - 2630 Angel - 2008 Willow Rosenberg - 1258:15 Xander Harris - 1067:30 Cordelia Chase - 1038 Wesley Wyndham-Pryce - 840:15 Rupert Giles - 820:30 Spike - 760:30 Charles Gunn - 575:45 Winifred “Fred” Burkle - 480:15
Anya Jenkins - 379:15 Dawn Summers - 376:45 Lorne - 281:15 Faith Lehane - 256:15 Riley Finn - 241 Connor - 231:45 Tara Maclay - 211:30 Daniel “Oz” Osbourne - 181:15 Joyce Summers - 164:30 Darla - 154:45 Lilah Morgan - 153 Allen Francis Doyle - 132:30 Lindsey McDonald - 128:30 Harmony Kendall - 123 Andrew Wells - 122:45 Drusilla - 97 Det. Kate Lockley - 88:45 Jonathan Levinson - 79:15 Jenny Calendar - 65:45 Principal Robin Wood - 65:30 Warren Mears - 56 Illyria - 55 Kennedy - 54:30 Daniel Holtz - 51:30 The Groosalugg - 50:45 The First Evil - 50:15 Glory - 50:15 Mayor Richard Wilkins III - 44:30 Eve - 41:15 Jasmine - 41 Anne Steele - 38:45 Principal Snyder - 38:45 Gwen Raiden - 38 Amy Madison - 34:15 Justine Cooper - 32:15 Holland Manners - 30:15 Forrest Gates - 29:45 The Master - 27 Ben Wilkinson - 27 Kendra Young - 25 Nina Ash - 24:15 Adam - 22:30 Amanda - 22:30 Sahjhan - 22 Rebecca Lowell - 22 Skip - 21:30 Gavin Park - 21:15 Caleb - 21 Prof. Maggie Walsh - 20:45 Linwood Murrow - 20:30 Buffy-Bot - 20:30 Parker Abrams - 19:45 Bethany Chaulk - 19 Knox - 18:30 Ethan Rayne - 18:30 Graham Miller - 18:15 Sam Lawson - 18:15 Mr. Trick - 17:30 Virginia Bryce - 17:15 Halfrek - 16 Marcus Roscoe - 15:30 The Beast - 15 Rona - 15 Inca Mummy Girl - 15 Roger Wyndham-Pryce (doppleganger) - 14:30 Trish Burkle - 14:30 Roger Burkle - 14 Ted Buchanan - 13:45 Rondell - 13:30 Clem - 12:45 Vi - 12:45 Dana - 12:45 Quentin Travers - 12:30 Marcus Hamilton - 12:15 Billy “Ford” Fordham - 12:15 Jhiera - 12 Molly - 11:45 Holden Webster - 11:45 Veruca - 11:30 Numéro Cinco - 11:30 Barney - 11:15 Owen Thurman - 11 Melissa Burns - 10:45 Jinx - 10:30 Kathy Newman - 10:30 Judy Kovacs - 10:15 D’Hoffryn - 10 Merl - 10 April - 10 Gene Rainey - 10 Cassie Newton - 9:45 Trevor Lockley - 9:45 Tina - 9:45 Richard Straley - 9:30 Olaf - 9 Larry Blaisdell - 8:30 Gio - 8:30 Gwendolyn Post - 8:30 Katrina Silber - 8:15 Silas - 8:15 R.J. Brooks - 8:15 Willy the Snitch - 8 Cyvus Vail - 8 Alonna Gunn - 8 Harriet “Harry” Doyle - 8 Penn - 8 James - 8 Nancy - 8 Rack - 7:45 Samantha Finn - 7:45 Dracula - 7:45 Jack O’Toole - 7:45 Justin - 7:45 Landok - 7:30 Natalie French - 7:30 Collin, the Annointed One - 7:15 David Nabbit - 7:15 Luke - 7:15 Drogyn - 7:15 Jo - 7:15 Doc - 7 Scott Hope - 7 Marcus - 7 Dr. Ronald Meltzer - 7 Catherine Madison - 7 Lee Mercer - 6:45 Nathan Reed - 6:45 Murk - 6:45 Russell Winters - 6:45 Ryan Anderson - 6:45 Hank Summers - 6:30 James Stanley - 6:30 Billy Blim - 6:15 Shannon - 6:15 Paige Anderson - 6:15 General Gregor - 6:15 Debbie Foley - 6:15 Sweet - 6 Prof. Oliver Seidel - 6 Prima Ballerina - 6 Dr. Angelman - 6 Seth Anderson - 6 Magnus Bryce - 6 Sid - 6 Billy Palmer - 6 Grace Newman - 6 Archduke Sebassis - 5:45 Jesse - 5:45 Chloe - 5:45 Anne (William’s mum) - 5:45 Gage Petronzi - 5:45 Doris Kroeger - 5:45 Pete Clarner - 5:45 Chao-Ahn - 5:30 Dr. Kriegel - 5:30 Sheila Rosenberg - 5:30 The Valet - 5:30 Menlo - 5:30 Tom Warner - 5:30 Sunday - 5:30 Collins - 5:15 Spider Monster - 5:15 Razor - 5:15 The First Slayer - 5 Dr. Sparrow - 5 Wo-Pang - 5 Orlando - 5 Ken - 5 Kyle DuFours - 5 Rhonda Kelley - 5 Tor Hauer - 5 Heidi Barrie - 5 Chris Epps - 5 Coach Carl Marin - 5 Wilson Christopher - 5 T’ish Magev - 5 Lee DeMarco - 5 Zachary Kralik - 4:45 Lyle Gorch - 4:45 Mr. Maclay - 4:45 Vyassa - 4:45 Sam Ryan - 4:45 Jenoff - 4:45 Weatherby - 4:30 Cousin Beth - 4:30 Vanessa Brewer - 4:30 Daryl Epps - 4:30 Devon Macleish - 4:15 Principal Bob Flutie - 4:15 Lissa - 4:15 Nikki Wood - 4 Olivia - 4 Deputy Mayor Allen Finch - 4 Uncle Enyos - 4 Percy West - 4 Smith - 4 Maude Pearson - 4 Old Man (Hell’s Bells) - 4 Eric - 4 Morgan Shay - 4 Richard Anderson - 4 Vocah Demon - 4 M’Fashnik Demon - 4 Female Oracle - 4 The Judge - 3:45 Kit Holburn - 3:45 Caridad - 3:30 Whistler - 3:30 Gronx - 3:30 Cain - 3:30 Dante Chevalier - 3:30 Cameron Walker - 3:30 Zack - 3:30 Tony Harris - 3:15 Male Oracle - 3:15 Izzerial the Devil - 3:15 Dalton - 3:15 Janice - 3:15 Eddie - 3:15 Lorne’s Mother - 3 Senator Helen Brucker - 3 Liam’s Father - 3 Dreg - 3 Donny Maclay - 3 Balthazar - 3 Philip - 3 Lydia - 2:45 Nigel - 2:45 Hus - 2:45 Det. Stein - 2:45 Ed, Grand Potentate of the Fell Bretheren - 2:30 Sandy - 2:30 Lorraine Ross - 2:30 Kakistos - 2:15 Laurence - 2 Jessica Harris - 2 Teeth - 2 Merrick - 1 Numfar - 1
That’s a lot of damn characters. Counted by and rounded to the nearest quarter-minute.
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ljones41 · 7 years
"SPOTLIGHT" (2015) Review
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"SPOTLIGHT" (2015) Review Have you ever watched a movie on DVD or cable that you regret not seeing in the movie theaters? I have. In fact, I have seen at least three films nominated for Best Picture . . . after they had been released on DVD. One of those films was the actual Best Picture winner, "SPOTLIGHT". Directed by Oscar nominee Thomas McCarthy, "SPOTLIGHT" told the story of The Boston Globe's "Spotlight" team, the oldest continuously operating newspaper investigative journalist unit in the United States and its investigation into cases of widespread and systemic child sex abuse in the Boston area by numerous Roman Catholic priests. The story began in 2001 when a new editor named Marty Baron is hired by The Globe. During a staff meeting, Baron brought up the subject of a Boston priest named John Geoghan, who was sexually abusing children and nothing was done - by the Church or the city's law enforcement - to stop him. Baron urged the "Spotlight" team to investigate. Initially believing that they are following the story of one priest who was moved around several times, the "Spotlight" team eventually uncovered a pattern of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests throughout Massachusetts and an ongoing cover-up by the Boston Archdiocese, Cardinal Bernard Law. After watching "SPOTLIGHT", I easily understood why it had received a good deal of acclaim and award nominations. It really is a first rate movie. Due to the fact that the movie focused on a newspaper investigation team, it allowed moviegoers to enjoy the team's step-by-step investigation into the priests and their victims in the Boston area. I might as well say it. The movie reminded me of the 1975 Oscar nominee, "ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN" . . . and in a good way. I have not seen a really good movie about investigative journalism in a long time. I also have to commend director Thomas McCarthy and his co-writer Josh Singer for conveying the "Spotlight" team's discoveries via interviews and records in a well-paced manner. McCarthy did not rush the "Spotlight" team's investigation, but he did not drag it as well. In the end, the investigation itself struck me as a fascinating mystery that developed into a horror story that left me feeling appalled. "SPOTLIGHT" not only received nominations for McCarthy's direction and the screenplay that he wrote with Singer, it also received a Best Supporting Actor nomination for Mark Ruffalo and Best Supporting Actress nomination for Rachel McAdams. The pair portrayed two members of the "Spotlight" team - Michael Rezendes and Sacha Pfeiffer. I will admit that both gave first-rate performances. The movie also featured excellent performances from Liev Schreiber as Marty Baron, who started the whole thing in motion; John Slattery as Assistant Managing Editor Ben Bradlee Jr.; Brian d'Arcy James as reporter Matt Carroll; Jamey Sheridan as Catholic Church attorney Jim Sullivan; and Billy Crudup as attorney Eric MacLeish. Ironically, my two favorite performances in the movie did not receive any Academy Award or Golden Globe nominations. One came from Stanley Tucci, who portrayed Mitchell Garabedian, a sharp-tongued attorney who represented many sexual abuse victim. I enjoyed Tucci's sardonic, yet understated performance and how his character pointed out how many Boston officials cooperated with the Catholic Church to cover up the abuses. I also enjoyed Michael Keaton's ambiguous portrayal of editor and the team's leader, Walter "Robby" Robinson. Keaton did a great job in not only conveying his character's leadership, but also his knowledge that The Globe had learned about the abuses years earlier, but had covered it up. It seemed a shame that he did not receive an Academy or Golden Globe nomination. As much as I enjoyed "SPOTLIGHT" and was impressed by it, a part of me feels that it should not have won the Best Picture award. I think the Academy had awarded the film its top honor simply based upon its topic. The problem for me is that "SPOTLIGHT" simply lacked any real artistry. One might accuse me of being shallow. Perhaps I am. But I would prefer to choose a movie that not only provided a great topic, but also first-rate writing . . . and artistry. I can think of two other films that were also nominated the same year as "SPOTLIGHT" that provided all of those features. Someone once pointed out that if you take away the movie's topic of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, "SPOTLIGHT" would come off as a solid, paint-by-the numbers film by a first-time director. And you know what? That person was right. There were times when McCarthy's direction for "SPOTLIGHT" seemed a bit amateurish. Even though I feel that "SPOTLIGHT" should not have won the Best Picture Oscar for 2015, I cannot deny that it is a basically an first-rate film. I believe that this is due to its fascinating subject, the film's approach to the topic as a mystery and the excellent cast led by Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams.
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paradoxicalca · 5 years
The most dominant Philadelphia Flyer, season by season
I decided to take a look at who the most dominant player for the Philadelphia Flyers was by season. Each season's highest PPG total is shown at an 82 game pace. Here are the results.Obviously this doesn't take most defenseman and goalies into account. But thats just the way she goes.1967-68 - Lou Angotti (57.4pts): 3.15 point lead over Gary Dornhoefer1968-69 - Dick Sarrazin (69.85pts): 8.62 point lead over Jean-Guy Gendron1969-70 - Gary Dornhoefer (69.38pts): 4.95 point lead over Simon Nolet1970-71 - Bobby Clarke (67.09pts): 9.55 point lead over Gary Dornhoefer1971-72 - Bobby Clarke (85.15pts): 31.58 point lead over Gary Dornhoefer1972-73 - Bobby Clarke (109.33pts): 4.2 point lead over Rick MacLeish1973-74 - Bobby Clarke (92.65pts): 11.7 point lead over Rick MacLeish1974-75 - Bobby Clarke (118.9pts): 37.92 point lead over Rick MacLeish1975-76 - Bobby Clarke (128.39pts): 13.59 point lead over Bill Barber1976-77 - Rick MacLeish (100.68pts): 8.43 point lead over Bobby Clarke1977-78 - Bobby Clarke (102.79pts): 27.26 point lead over Rick MacLeish1978-79 - Bill Barber (83.04pts): 8.21 point lead over Bobby Clarke1979-80 - Reggie Leach (82pts): 1.02 point lead over Ken Linseman1980-81 - Bill Barber (87.13pts): 9.34 point lead over Rick MacLeish1981-82 - Ken Linseman (95.49pts): 2.21 point lead over Brian Propp1982-83 - Bobby Clarke (87.13pts): 2.05 point lead over Darryl Sittler1983-84 - Tim Kerr (96.53pts): 1.04 point lead over Brian Propp1984-85 - Tim Kerr (108.59pts): 3.93 point lead over Brian Propp1985-86 - Brian Propp (110.47pts): 19.84 point lead over Tim Kerr1986-87 - Tim Kerr (103.87pts): 0.21 point lead over Brian Propp1987-88 - Murray Craven (86.56pts): 2.34 point lead over Brian Propp1988-89 - Tim Kerr (104.58pts): 3.94 point lead over Rick Tocchet1989-90 - Rick Tocchet (104.96pts): 6.56 point lead over Tim Kerr1990-91 - Rick Tocchet (83.17pts): 5.66 point lead over Pelle Eklund1991-92 - Rod Brind'Amour (78.93pts): 7.18 point lead over Kevin Dineen1992-93 - Mark Recchi (120.07pts): 19.25 point lead over Eric Lindros1993-94 - Eric Lindros (122.37pts): 17.92 point lead over Mark Recchi1994-95 - Eric Lindros (124.78pts): 16.19 point lead over John LeClair1995-96 - Eric Lindros (129.18pts): 32.18 point lead over John LeClair1996-97 - Eric Lindros (124.58pts): 27.58 point lead over John LeClair1997-98 - Eric Lindros (92.41pts): 5.41 point lead over John LeClair1998-99 - Eric Lindros (107.41pts): 10.3 point lead over John LeClair1999-00 - Mark Recchi (91pts): 3.04 point lead over Eric Lindros2000-01 - Mark Recchi (91.51pts): 7.2 point lead over Keith Primeau2001-02 - Jeremy Roenick (73.25pts): 4.74 point lead over Simon Gagne2002-03 - Jeremy Roenick (61.24pts): 7.27 point lead over Mark Recchi2003-04 - Mark Recchi (75pts): 12.84 point lead over Jeremy Roenick2005-06 - Peter Forsberg (102.5pts): 12.53 point lead over Simon Gagne2006-07 - Simon Gagne (73.37pts): 4.18 point lead over Mike Knuble2007-08 - Mike Richards (84.25pts): 9.52 point lead over Daniel Briere2008-09 - Jeff Carter (84pts): 0.96 point lead over Mike Richards2009-10 - Jeff Carter (67.59pts): 5.59 point lead over Mike Richards2010-11 - Claude Giroux (76pts): 3.58 point lead over Daniel Briere2011-12 - Claude Giroux (99.04pts): 32.04 point lead over Scott Hartnell2012-13 - Claude Giroux (82pts): 3.42 point lead over Jakub Voracek2013-14 - Claude Giroux (86pts): 24 point lead over Jakub Voracek2014-15 - Jakub Voracek (81pts): 7.1 point lead over Claude Giroux2015-16 - Claude Giroux (70.44pts): 8.66 point lead over Jakub Voracek2016-17 - Jakub Voracek (61pts): 3 point lead over Claude Giroux2017-18 - Claude Giroux (102pts): 17 point lead over Jakub Voracek2018-19 - Claude Giroux (85pts): 7.1 point lead over Sean CouturierTop Five Most Dominant Seasons1974-75 - Bobby Clarke: 37.92 point lead over next highest scorer1995-96 - Eric Lindros: 32.18 point lead over next highest scorer2011-12 - Claude Giroux: 32.04 point lead over next highest scorer1971-72 - Bobby Clarke: 31.58 point lead over next highest scorer1996-97 - Eric Lindros: 27.58 point lead over next highest scorerPlayers With Most Dominant SeasonsBobby Clarke: 8Claude Giroux: 7Eric Lindros: 6Tim Kerr/Mark Recchi: 4Bill Barber/Rick Tocchet/Jeremy Roenick/Jeff Carter/Jakub Voracek: 2 The most dominant Philadelphia Flyer, season by season Source
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Oh I’m so confused
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Spotlight - A Review
Currently the Catholic Church is embroiled in yet another controversy regarding priests(and other Catholic officials) and their sexual misconduct with minors. Recent news suggests that the highest office in the Catholic Church, the Pope, may have been aware of sexual predators but did nothing about it. Perhaps more disturbing is the amount of sexual predators that have been accused in the last few months. A simple google search on ‘Catholic Church news’ will result in multiple stories published within the last 24 hours about high-ranking Catholic officials and their misconduct with minors. 
For this reason I thought it would be appropriate to do my first movie review on Spotlight. The movie is about the Spotlight team of The Boston Globe and their investigative work to uncover sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in Boston. As a result of their investigation, they revealed that the church had been secretly covering up decades of abuse. The priests and bishops accused hardly received any punishment. Their work was considerably influential in changing the public’s perception of the Catholic Church. Ever since the Globe and the members of Spotlight ran their article, the Church can’t seem to get away from the controversy.
At the beginning of the movie we are given a glimpse of things to come. At a Boston police department we see a Catholic priest being booked for child molestation charge. A police officer looks on with dismay. He comments that the press will be all over the situation. But, he is told, they will not if no one finds out. And just like that, the situation is pushed under the rug and the priest is released. This scene does a lot to introduce the audience to the film. First, the priest we see being booked is John Geoghan. The case against Geoghan is the inciting incident to start the investigation. Second, it sets up the pattern of priests being released without due punishment. 
The next important scene comes when we see the Globe’s editor retiring and being replaced by Marty Baron. This is important because the new editor will be the person who directs the Spotlight team to investigate the Church’s behavior. He reads an article in the paper suggesting that Cardinal Law new about Geoghan’s pattern of abuse and ignored it. He is Jewish which gives him the important view of an outsider’s perspective. It’s also important to recognize the distinction that this new editor gives to the Spotlight team. He wants to prove that Cardinal Law knew about the abuse but did nothing about it. He wants to prove it was systemic and came from the top down.
The bulk of the movie, of course, is the actual investigation. Much of the information they gather is from the lawyer in the article I mentioned earlier, Mitchell Garabedian. After some coercion Garabedian agrees to cooperate with the media and they begin to interview victims. Through interviewing these victims and talking with members of a support group ran by Phil Saviano, they begin to uncover a pattern of abuse. Eventually, they have the names of 87 priests in the Boston area who are potentially abusers.
The final portion of the film focuses on getting sealed documents that would prove the abuse was covered up by Cardinal Law. It is revealed that some of the sealed documents are public record and should be in the courthouse, but aren’t there. Michael Rezendes, one of the Spotlight team members, orders a refiling of these records. Once they are returned they seem to reveal that Cardinal Law indeed ignored multiple reports of abuse against multiple priests. The Spotlight team seeks to confirm the names of the 70 priests with one of their sources. One of these sources is Eric MacLeish. At first he tells them that he can’t reveal that kind of information. After some intense coercion, MacLeish reveals that he tried to send information regarding these priests to the paper a long time ago. Eventually, Robby(Spotlight’s editor), speaks to one of his golfing buddies that represented the priests. He confirms the priests and they run the story. The final scene is the Globe being overran with phone calls from more victims.
Spotlight was directed by Tom McCarthy, and he does an excellent job. The film’s pacing is one of my favorite elements. Once the film begins it only accelerates from there. The concept of the investigation makes this possible. The information they uncover in the investigation builds on itself like a snowball rolling down a hill. It gets bigger and faster until finally it reaches its end. The film is also gorgeous in its own right. The film seems to have a cool color palette of blues and browns. 
Standout performances from Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, and Rachel McAdams carry the film. My favorite performance comes from Ruffalo after his character urges Robby(Keaton) to publish what they have now. He begins to yell and he flails his arms about in passionate emotion. He believes that if they don’t publish the story now some other paper will come along and ruin everything; or worse, the pattern of abuse will continue as they keep searching for more. Robby, of course, tells him they can’t publish what they have now until they can prove Cardinal Law was behind the coverup. The performance marks the emotional height of the film.
Overall, Spotlight accomplishes being both an accurate film and an entertaining one. It avoids many of the “true story” cliches that plague the genre. For example, many true story films will embellish their films and make up conflict where there actually was none. Fortunately for Spotlight, the situation is already interesting enough that there is no need to embellish any parts of the film. Perhaps Spotlight’s creates accomplishment comes in its timing. The film will be remembered because of how it makes the audience think about the Catholic Church. The film covers an event that happened over a decade ago, but was released in 2015. In 2015 we were still talking about abuse within the Catholic Church, and now in 2018 it’s the same. In another decade we will likely still be thinking the same thing if this pattern holds up. It’s a true story film that affects its audience in tangible way. In the end, the audience is left asking when will it end?
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k4teens · 6 years
Teacher accused of molesting students is identified by Gordon School
Tom Mooney Journal Staff Writer Mooneyprojo
The Gordon School, a private elementary and middle school in East Providence, educated about 1,300 alumni in a letter Monday that many former students had reported being sexually molested, and in 2 cases raped, with a former teacher in the 1970s.
The alleged victims were girls between the ages of 11 and 15.
The faculty explained the allegations as plausible and said they were supplied by other former students who advised a college investigator or an East Providence police detective that they had “seen or were aware of the abuse.”
The letter recognized the prior teacher as Andrew D. Cohen, today of Coventry, who educated Gordon between 1972 and 1977 till he had been put on paid leave following “among the rape victims went to the authorities,” the letter said.
Cohen was never charged, authorities state. And while the school says it’s forwarded these recent reports to East Providence authorities for possible prosecution, the statute of limitations appears to have died, law enforcement officers say.
The allegations contained “numerous instances of improper touching and digital rape that occurred on campus and in two cases allegations of rape that occurred from campus,” the letter stated.
In an interview in his home, Cohen, more recently the chairman of the board of this currently defunct Ocean State Theatre Company, declined to address the allegations right:
“I can’t see where there’s any merit to me saying anything that’s exactly what, forty-something years back? I don’t even understand exactly what they [the allegations] are so, so no I really don’t need to mention anything about these. I don’t need to stick my foot in my mouth and say something that I don’t understand anything about. “
The Gordon letter said Cohen had denied all the allegations when contacted lately with a lawyer hired by the college to inquire.
Last June months before revelations of high-powered men sexually assaulting women swept the country that the Gordon School publicly announced that it was launching an investigation of possible sexual molestation with a former teacher in the 1970s following a former student told the faculty.
The announcement prompted “numerous” other former students to speak to the faculty and three other women, now in their 50s, talked to an East Providence detective and said they were personally molested or raped by Cohen.
The detective September 2017 police report names Cohen as an alleged sexual perpetrator. It quotes four former students who state Cohen had molested them in school hallways, classrooms, along with the French Room, during particular math tutoring sessions held in students’ house, and in his own East Providence apartment.
Three of Cohen’s alleged victims talked with The Providence Journal and consented to being diagnosed: Laura Browder, currently a professor of American Studies in the University of Richmond, in Virginia; Lisa Kantor, an accredited psychologist out Boston; and Lori Kahler, of Lincoln, a consultant for a bio-med Firm.
Each described Cohen as a dogged predator whose conduct was known to school officials in the moment.
Kantor said Cohen repeatedly molested her during her whole seventh grade, in 1974.
He’d walk up behind her in the hallway or the coat room and place his hands beneath her garments. She recalls one attack in the school’s French room when she awakens and read the French ribbon around the wall to dissociate herself from that which Cohen had been performing.
“This occurred to mepersonally,” Kantor said. “And so here I am a 55-year-old lady, and not only have there been 40 some odd years in my lifetime with this as part of my childhood, but more to the point, there have been 40 years where Andrew Cohen was free to continue sexually molesting pre-teens girls without having been called it out.”
Browder said, “that I was 12 in the summer of 1976 when Mr. Cohen organized a particular math class.” The math team met after college at students’ homes. “Over the duration of that class, Mr. Cohen started groping me and eventually invited me to his flat, smoked marijuana together with me, made me high and mistreated me.”
“Before then,” said Browder, “he continued to molest me in my living space, my kitchen when my parents weren’t around. So he was rather bold.”
Browder said she told no one except her very best friend because “I did not understand how to process it as rape. He told me, ‘Do not tell anyone because while you are going to find a smack on the wrist it would ruin my career.’ I sensed duty-bound to keep silent.”
But in the spring of 1977, Browder, then an eighth grader, started to hear that Cohen had been molesting other girls, she said.
She told her parents what had occurred at Cohen’s East Providence apartment and they reported to college officials. Gordon’s then head of school, Laurance Miller, place Cohen on compensated leave, according to the correspondence, as authorities started an investigation.
But Browder claims the East Providence authorities did not take her complaint seriously. A detective she talked with, now deceased, accused her of top Cohen on.
“It had been so hard for me once I moved to the authorities, that I wasn’t thought,” she said. “I faced a great deal of ostracism.”
Kahler said Cohen’s groping of her during a math class — he glanced her from behind and put her hand down her top, she states — terrified her so much that she eventually moved to Bay View Academy, in East Providence.
“I only remember being in shock. I couldn’t get him off me,” Kahler said, asserting that the incident only ended when another classmate saw what was happening and called loudly for Cohen to help him along with his alliance.
Cohen “always attempted to convince me miss my bus and say, ‘I’ll drive you house’ But I learned to just bolt when he started speaking to mepersonally,” Kahler said. “People clearly knew.”
All three women say they’re only speaking publicly about what happened to these since they think there have been other victims who might come forward if they hear their tales.
While Gordon School acted appropriately if a second former student raised allegations against Cohen last year, the three women say college officials did little in the moment.
“I understand it was mentioned at the PTO,” said Kantor. “I understand there were teachers that indicated at the time to the authorities that they knew something. When there are this many sufferers, you can find an equivalent amount of people that are complicit.”
Gordon officials state in their letter that they had spoken with two former mates, two former faculty members and two former trustees. Not one, the faculty said, could confirm that the college administration had been alerted about Cohen’s behaviour until Browder went to the authorities in 1977 together with her rape allegation.
“At what stage in our collective memory,” inquires Kantor, “did everybody forget that this is some thing that happened?”
The three former Gordon students are represented by Boston attorney Eric MacLeish, who represented hundreds of victims of sexual abuse by priests throughout the 1990s.
About Cohen, MacLeish said, “Although it could well be too late to get prosecution, the message from today is that because of brave women such as the three I represent, the times are when perpetrators of childhood sexual abuse can take refuge in comfortable hiding places, safe in knowing that the horrors they imposed will efficiently silence their victims.”
In an announcement Monday to The Journal, Gordon’s Head of School Ralph Wales said   he was “saddened to find out how this case has been managed by former college administrators decades ago. This wouldn’t endure today. … We remain completely committed to meeting that essential and basic expectation to deliver a safe and healthy learning environment for all our students.”
Cohen told The Journal he’d taught school elsewhere. However he refused to say where.
“You understand, I’d rather not. Why? As it is going to give you other paths to follow. I just don’t see the merit to me.”
-LRB-401-RRB- 277-7359
On Twitter: @mooneyprojo
from k4teens http://www.k4teens.info/teacher-accused-of-molesting-students-is-identified-by-gordon-school/
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flauntpage · 6 years
Halftime Adjustment? Where the Orange and Black Sit at the Midway Point of the Season Following Flyers 6, Blues 3
While we are enduring the some of the coldest weather on record here in the Philadelphia area, the Flyers are heating up – for the past two games anyway.
Following yesterday’s 6-3 win over St. Louis, the Flyers scored six goals or more in consecutive games for the first time in nearly five years.
It’s been good enough hockey to get the Flyers out of last place in the Metropolitan Division (O.K., they are tied in points with the New York Islanders, but the Flyers have a game in hand, thus, they are ahead of New York. Only in the NHL is a tiebreaker based on something that hasn’t happened yet while in every other sport known to man is a tiebreaker based on results that have happened.)
Nevertheless, for this Flyers team, this is progress.
And it’s been fueled by excellent starts in each of the past two games, ambushing their opponents and dictating the style in which the game is to be played.
On Thursday, everyone assumed the Flyers were playing pissed off after such a dreadful and listless performance two nights earlier against Pittsburgh.
By Saturday, everyone saw it was a definitive change in style that was making a difference.
And it didn’t take long.
Tyrell Goulbourne, making his NHL debut, on his very first shift, was a bowling ball and the guys with the Blues note on their sweaters were the pins.
This included St. Louis captain – and Norris trophy candidate – Alex Pietrangelo who promptly turned over the puck when he saw Goulbourne coming for a big hit, allowing Scott Laughton to take the puck and score from a sharp angle to give the Flyers an early lead they never relinquished.
A great hit and an even better shot! http://pic.twitter.com/x4H6SSgl5d
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) January 6, 2018
Goulbourne said he was “scared” before his first NHL game. Keep doing things like that Tyrell and you’ll be using your special power of transference to instill fear instead of feel it yourself.
The Flyers continued to press and kept scoring.
They got an ass goal from Claude Giroux:
CLAUDE GIROUX BUTT GOAL! http://pic.twitter.com/UsoS3ns1y9
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) January 6, 2018
Jordan Weal made a sick move to beat a goalie:
Voracek gets it to Weal for a filthy finish! http://pic.twitter.com/VQ5SqlXIri
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) January 6, 2018
Sean Couturier scored his 20th:
Giroux with a gorgeous pass to Couturier for his 20th goal of the season! http://pic.twitter.com/fuAPzBPCZK
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) January 6, 2018
He’d later get his 21st on an empty netter – the eight shot attempt the Flyers had on an empty net that finally went in.
Oh, and Wayne Simmonds must have been playing Cards Against Humanity because he played the “Just the tip” card:
Just Wayne at work in his office. http://pic.twitter.com/ErHaeQi2qC
— NBC Sports Philadelphia (@NBCSPhilly) January 6, 2018
“It’s part of being a good home team,” Dave Hakstol said. “Having a little extra. Not just being good, not just being solid, but having that push to start a hockey game is what helps you establish a small advantage at home. We’ve been able to do that the last couple nights now. This is short lived. We can sit back and enjoy this for the next 30 minutes or so and then gotta park it. Gotta park it and move onto the next challenge which is here [today] at 1 o’clock.”
(Thanks for interrupting a Sunday afternoon NHL schedule makers).
Anyway, the offense looks good right now. Four lines are pretty much rolling. The third period was better than against New York, but still a little dicey as they gave up a goal 12 seconds into the period. Another later in the period and in between had one waved off and go unchallenged (surprisingly) by St. Louis on a play when the puck was in the net well before the whistle blew.
That would have made it a one-goal game and then it would have gotten really hairy.
But it never did. The Blues never got to within two. Brayden Schenn was invisible (how’s he looked since Jaden Schwartz’ injury, huh? Less than a half point per game in 13 games without Schwartz. He can’t create on his own, needs help, is mostly a power play specialist (although he has been better at even strength this season) and traditionally isn’t a clutch goal scorer, usually potting goals when the pressure isn’t as high (big leads, trailing by a few, etc.)
Not to mention, the first of the two first round picks the Flyers got for Schenn turned into Morgan Frost – who is leading the OHL in scoring this season. So, there’s that.
But today is the day the Flyers have to worry about.
They can’t get caught playing down to the level of their opponent. Buffalo is the worst team in the league. However, they were in town watching the Flyers game yesterday, so they’re rested. They beat the Flyers in their last meeting.
And, I can’t stress this enough – the Flyers are officially on their bye week as of 4 p.m. today and many of these guys have travel plans and want to get out of dodge. I’d bet many of them have flights tonight. It’s easy to get caught looking ahead to a break mentally and getting snookered by a team you expect to beat.
Not only that, but I think – THINK – Hakstol is finally going to give Brian Elliott a day off and start Michal Neuvirth. Elliott has started 16 consecutive games for the Flyers.
“[The last two games] we don’t wait to see how they are going to play or what they are going to do,” Giroux said. “We kind of play our game and it’s been working well for us. But we have had a couple good games and then we slack off a little bit on how we play. So we gotta keep this going.”
Despite all the ups and downs of the season, the Flyers find themselves at the halfway point just two points out of a playoff spot, which is pretty hard to believe considering a 10-game losing streak was included in that first half.
But it might be because of three players – Giroux, Couturier and Jake Voracek.
This isn’t to slight anyone else – Ivan Provorov has been excellent. Shayne Gostisbehere is third in the league in scoring for a defenseman and Elliott has done his job keeping the Flyers in games.
But this season has been and continues to be about the big three.
And while they might not be a line anymore, they’re still doing some really good things.
With his three points last night, Claude Giroux has 51 points through 41 games and ranks third in the NHL in scoring. He is on pace for 102 points, which, if he reaches that total, would not only be a career high but also make him the first Flyer since Eric Lindros in 1995-96 to crack the 100-point plateau and only the sixth player in franchise history to do so (Bobby Clarke, Bill Barber and Mark Recchi all did it twice, Lindros and Rick MacLeish were the others).
But more importantly, Giroux has been the Flyers best player in almost all phases of the game. If the Flyers were in a better position in the standings, the murmur would be that Giroux is a Hart Trophy candidate as MVP.
Consider what he’s done for Couturier as well.
That’s not to say Couturier wasn’t ready to break out and shouldn’t get credit for his season thus far, but playing with Giroux has elevated Couturier to new heights. He has 40 points in 41 games. The 40 points is a career high – and he’s still got half a season to go.
Couturier is finally in the Selke Award conversation as the best two-way forward in the NHL, where he belongs.
But would he be there without Giroux?
Voracek leads the NHL in assists with 41. Would he have that many without Giroux?
The Flyers captain is having a relatively obscure season from a national perspective. That’s a shame, because locally, we realize just how damn good he’s been playing.
A couple other notes about the pace these guys are on.
Voracek has 49 points in 41 games, so he’s on pace for 98 points, which of course would be a career high. If both he and Giroux can reach 100 points, they’d be the first teammates to do so in franchise history since Clarke and Barber in 1975-76 and the first teammates to do so in the NHL since Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom in 2009-10 (which was also the last time more than one player in the entire league had more than 100 points).
Meanwhile, Voracek’s pace of an assist per game would have him finish with 82, which would be third-best in Flyers history. Clarke had 89 in each of 1974-75 and 1975-76. The next closest to those was Recchi getting 70 in 1992-93. Barring injury, Voracek should pass Recchi for sure.
Additionally, the trio combined are on pace for 280 points, which would be the most since Lindros, John LeClair and Rod Brind’Amour in 1995-96.
But as good as they’ve been, there have been some equally perplexing things going on with the Flyers.
Wayne Simmonds is on pace for a 50-point season, but he doesn’t seem to be his old self.
Travis Knoecny may have turned the corner since being moved to the top line because now he is not trying to do too much because of the players he is playing with and can utilize his skill set more effectively and efficiently.
The jury is still out on Jordan Weal, although he’s looked better of late.
Scott Laughton and Michael Raffl have turned into reliable depth forwards, although Raffl is being forced to play second line left wing because the Flyers don’t have another scorer there.
From there, the rest of the forward unit hasn’t been pretty.
Nolan Patrick will be fine, but his rookie season has been underwhelming. Taylor Leier hasn’t impressed his coaches and can’t get in the lineup now.
And the veterans – Valtteri Filppula, Dale Weise and Jori Lehtera remind me of these guys:
On Defense, Provorov has been sensational. Gostisbehere has had some lapses, but overall has been what you’d expect. Robert Hagg and Andrew MacDonald have been steady. Radko Gudas is what he is – a third pair defenseman – on a team with too many third pair defensemen.
What I don’t get is Brandon Manning playing ahead of Travis Sanheim. More so, what I don’t get is how sitting Sanheim in the press box night after night is doing anything to develop his game. He’s supposed to be a huge part of this team’s future and yet he and I have had a bit of a ritual the past few games of meeting up to make hot chocolate at intermission at the press box snack bar to combat the frigid temperatures up in the rafters.
I don’t have a problem with Manning being your No. 7 guy. He’s a glue guy in the locker room. He’s a gritty player. He can fill in if needed and not kill you.
But I just don’t see his value playing ahead of Sanheim. I just don’t.
Look, even though the Flyers have clawed their way back to within two points of a playoff spot, by going 10-4-1 in their last 15 games, they pretty much have to do that again… and maybe even again if they want to be considered a real playoff possibility.
It’s doable. But it’s going to be tough – because they’ve put themselves in this position.
I’ll let the captain close it out from here:
“I can’t really say [the first half was] good because it’s not the position we want to be,” Giroux said. “But I think how we’ve been building as a team – how we got together and kind of played how we are playing now… We’ll see. We are playing well now and it’s easy to say we are playing well but I think we can definitely keep getting better.”
Halftime Adjustment? Where the Orange and Black Sit at the Midway Point of the Season Following Flyers 6, Blues 3 published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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iwritethisforu-blog · 7 years
Being A Journalist Is A Way of Life
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Film ‘Spotlight’ merupakan film yang diangkat berdasarkan kisah nyata yang terjadi di Boston pada tahun 2002. Film ini menceritakan kisah tim jurnalis investigasi dari koran Boston Globe yang bernama Spotlight. Spotlight beranggotakan empat orang, yaitu Michael Rezendes, Walter “Robby” Robinson, Sacha Pfeiffer, dan Matt Carroll. Spotlight ditugaskan oleh editor Koran Boston Globe, Marty Baron, untuk menindak lanjuti berita mengenai kasus dugaan pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan oleh pastor kepada anak di bawah umur di Boston.
Film ini mengisahkan tentang tim Spotlight dalam menginvestigasi kasus dugaan pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan pastor kepada anak di bawah umur dan berhasil mengungkapkannya kepada publik. Hasil investigasi tim Spotlight kemudian dimuat dan dijadikan headline koran Boston Globe dengan judul “Church Allowed Abuse by Priest for Years” pada 6 Januari 2002. Headline tersebut menjadi pembicaraan paling hangat setelah peristiwa 9/11. Headline ini selanjutnya menjadi awal mula terbongkarnya kasus pelecehan seksual oleh pastor di negara-negara lain.
Melalui film ini, kita dapat mengetahui pentingnya peran pers dalam kehidupan dan mengetahui karakter-karakter yang dimiliki oleh jurnalis untuk mampu membuat perubahan.
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Peran Pers
Tim investigasi Spotlight berhasil mengungkap kasus pelecehan seksual di Boston dan memicu terbongkarnya kasus pelecehan seksual di negara-negara lainnya. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari peran pers sebagai informer yang selalu menjadi mata dan telinga publik. Peran ini dapat kita temukan dalam adegan anggota tim Spotlight yang melaporkan peristiwa-peristiwa di luar pengetahuan masyarakat dengan netral dan tanpa prasangka.
Selain itu, peran pers yang direalisasikan oleh tim Spotlight adalah menjadi representatif dari publik. Dalam kasus ini, Spotlight mewakili korban-korban dari pelecehan seksual tersebut untuk mencari keadilan. Keadilan inilah yang mejadi alasan mengapa tim Spotlight menginvestigasi kasus pelecehan seksual ini. Jurnalis menjadi perwakilan publik dengan cara mereka sendiri, yaitu mencari fakta dan mengangkatnya ke permukaan agar semua orang mengetahui kebenarannya.
Selanjutnya, Boston Globe mejadi media yang berani dan kritis karena memuat berita mengenai bobroknya lembaga gereja di Boston akibat oknum-oknum pastor yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Dengan terbitnya berita tersebut, Spotlight berhasil menjalankan peran pers sebagai pembuat kebijaksanaan dan advokasi. Berita tersebut menjadi headline di majalah Boston Globe dan mengakibatkan banyak pihak yang menuntut keadilan untuk para korban pelecehan. Pemberitaan tersebut mengakibatkan 87 pastor diadili di pengadilan Boston.
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Ciri-Ciri Jurnalisme
Tidak mudah menjalankan peran pers tanpa diikuti oleh karakter kuat yang dimiliki oleh sang jurnalis. Dalam mengumpulkan informasi dan mengungkap kasus, setiap anggota tim Spotlight memiliki ciri-ciri jurnalisme dalam diri mereka yang patut diteladani jika ingin menjadi jurnalis sejati.
Ciri-ciri jurnalisme pertama adalah skeptis. Dalam film digambarkan seluruh anggota tim Spotlight memiliki karakter yang skeptis, selalu mempertanyakan apa yang mereka lihat dan dengar. Misalnya saat adegan tim Spotlight menghadirkan salah satu korba pelecehan seksual, Phil Saviano, di kantor mereka. Korban tersebut memberikan informasi bahwa setidaknya ada 13 pastor di Boston yang melakukan pelecehan seksual terhadap anak di bawah umur. Informasi ini membuat anggota tim Spotlight tercengang. Mereka tidak langsung menelan metah-mentah informasi yang diberikan oleh Saviano. Tim Spotlight mengecek latar belakang Saviano untuk memastikan apakah Saviano dapat dipercayai atau tidak. Mereka juga langsung bertanya kepada Eric MacLeish selaku pengacara yang ditunjuk gereja untuk menangani kasus pada saat itu. Adegan lain yang menunjukkan sikap skeptis tim Spotlight adalah saat mereka menghubungi Richard Sipe yang notabenenya merupakan mantan pastor yang saat ini menjadi psikoterapis dan meneliti pastor-pastor cabul dan korban-korbannya selama 30 tahun terakhir. Melalui telepon, Sipe mengatakan bahwa setidaknya ada 90 pastor di Boston yang melakukan pelecehan seksual kepada anak di bawah umur. Informasi ini juga membuat tim Spotlight tercengang. Mereka melakukan pemeriksaan ulang melalui buku-buku yang dikeluarkan oleh keuskupan yang memuat nama-nama pastor dan paroki tempat mereka bertugas. Mereka menemukan 87 nama pastor di Boston yang terlibat kasus pelecehan seksual tersebut.
Ciri-ciri juralisme selanjutnya adalah bertindak. Setiap anggota tim Spotlight mempunyai karakter ini. Ciri ini dapat dilihat dalam adegan saat Rezendes dengan gigihnya membujuk Pengacara Mitchell Garabedian untuk mengizinkannya mewawancarai korban pelecehan seksual yang pernah ia bela. Adegan lainnya adalah saat Pfeiffer mewawancarai korban bernama Joe. Selain itu ada adegan saat Pfeiffer  mendatangi rumah korban satu demi satu untuk meminta informasi mengenai kasus tersebut dan saat Pfeiffer mendatangi rumah mantan pastor yang mengakui dirinya telah mencabuli anak di bawah umur. Dengan kata lain, mereka langsung turun ke lapangan untuk mencari informasi dan memverifikasi informasi tersebut.
Ciri jurnalisme selanjutnya adalah berubah. Boston yang notabenenya merupakan kota yang banyak menganut agama Katolik harus menghadapi peristiwa yang melibatkan lembaga gereja di sana. Fenomena ini merupakan tantangan tersendiri yang dihadapi oleh tim Spotlight. Mereka harus mengungkapkan kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh pastor yang merupakan panutan mereka dalam beragama. Mereka berani mengungkapkan kasus pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan oleh pastor ini karena mereka mendorong adanya perubahan dalam sistem lembaga gereja yang bobrok pada waktu itu. Investigasi Spotlight ini juga mendorong para korban untuk membuka mulut untuk memperjuangkan keadilan untuk mereka. Ini mengakibatkan terbongkarnya kasus-kasus pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan oleh pastor di negara-negara lainnya.
Selanjutnya ciri jurnalisme adalah sebagai seni dan profesi. Tim Spotlight bukan hanya menulis berita, tetapi mereka membuat berita berdasarkan fakta yang belum pernah dilihat oleh orang. Informasi-informasi yang mereka terbitkan pun berdasarkan hasil dari investigasi mendalam mereka. Mereka secara profesional menyajikan berita yang netral dan tanpa prasangka. Berita yang dibuat oleh tim Spotlight bersifat netral karena mereka mewawancarai seluruh pihak yang diberitakan, mulai dari pihak korban, pengacara korban, terduga pelaku pelecehan, pihak gereja, sampai pengacara utusan gereja. Ini menjadikan berita yang dibuat memiliki arah yang jelas dan wajar.
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Tanggung Jawab dan Etika Jurnalisme
Menjadi seorang jurnalis tidak serta merta menjadikan seseorang bebas mengakses informasi dan membuat berita secara bebas. Seorang jurnalis memikul tiga tanggung jawab besar dalam diri mereka. Oleh karena itu, menjadi seorang jurnalis merupakan sebuah profesi yang digeluti dengan sungguh-sungguh dan menjadikannya sebagai jalan hidup seseorang yang tidak bisa ditukar atau diganti dengan jalan hidup lainnya.
Tanggung jawab pertama yang dipikul oleh seorang jurnalis adalah tanggung jawab berdasarkan penugasan (assigned responsibility). Jurnalis dituntut media yang memperkerjakannya untuk meliput dan membuat berita. Dalam adegan terlihat saat editor baru koran Boston Globe, Marty Baron, menugaskan mereka untuk menginvestigasi kasus pelecehan seksual saat mereka tengah menginvestigasi kasus lainnya. Karena perintah dari sang editor, tim Spotlight harus memenuhinya.
Tanggung jawab kedua adalah tanggung jawab berdasarkan kontrak (contracted responsibility). Tanggung jawab ini didapat dari perjanjian tidak langsung dangan masyarakat. Pers diberikan kebebasan untuk menjalankan tugasnya meliput berita dan sebagai imbalannya jurnalis menyajikan berita yang dapat memenuhi informasi masyarakat. Adegan yang menggambarkan tanggung jawab ini adalah ketika tim Spotlight memuat hasil investigasi mereka di halaman depan koran Boston Globe.
Tanggung jawab ketiga adalah tanggung jawab yang muncul dari diri sendiri (self-imposed responsibility). Selain karena tugas dari atasan, jurnalis meliput berita berdasarkan hati nuraninya. Mereka memiliki panggilan hati untuk menyampaikan apa yang perlu diketahui masyarakat. Adegan dalam film yang menggambarkan tanggung jawab ini adalah saat Rezendes berhasil mendapatkan berkas tentang kasus pelecehan seksual dari pengadilan yang sudah cukup dijadikan bukti untuk membuat berita. Namun Robby menolak dan tak ingin terburu-buru untuk menerbitkan beritanya karena menurutnya berita tersebut harus mencakup keseluruhan peristiwa, mulai dari sudut pandang korban, pihak gereja, dan juga pengacara.
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Cara Kerja Wartawan
Wartawan bekerja dengan cara mengumpulkan informasi, memverifikasi informasi, memuat informasi tersebut dalam format berita dan kemudian mempublikasikan berita tersebut kepada masyarakat.
Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, wartawan tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kerja tim dan koordinasi antaranggota tim. Setiap wartawan dituntut untuk selalu siap saat ditugaskan untuk meliput berita apapun. Wartawan harus mampu menggali informasi dan memverifikasinya secara langsung di lapangan. Informasi yang digali juga harus dari seluruh pihak yang akan diberitakan, agar berita yang dihasilkan bersifat netral. Selain itu, wartawan juga harus memiliki pandangan yang ‘clear’ agar berita yang disajikan tidak mengandung opini pribadi.

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maafbox · 7 years
by Adam Kaplan –
Spotlight, the Academy Award winner for Best Picture and the best film of 2015, recently became available to stream on Netflix. Very rarely does the best movie in a particular year actually win the Oscar for Best Picture, yet at the 88th Annual Academy Awards, that surprisingly became the case.
Spotlight is directed by Tom McCarthy (The Station Agent, Win Win) and stars Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, Brian d’Arcy James, and Michael Keaton as a group of investigative journalists for the Boston Globe in the early 2000’s looking into the Catholic Church and the claims of child molestation against it. As we know now, the Boston Globe and their incredible team of investigative journalists were responsible for revealing the rampant corruption and malfeasance in the Catholic Church, so the ending of Spotlight isn’t all that illuminating, but the journey to get there, thanks to McCarthy and his superb cast, was extraordinary.
Ruffalo, McAdams, and d’Arcy James play Globe reporters Mike Rezendes, Sasha Pfeiffer, and Matt Carroll, respectively. They report to Keaton’s Walter “Robby” Robinson. Early in the film, Robby meets with the new head of the Globe Marty Baron, played by Liev Schreiber. Schreiber plays Marty as cold and calculated, yet with a lot of heart. That’s basically what Spotlight is. It’s very methodical and intentional, yet bursting at the seams with emotion. Marty tells Robby to have his team dig as deep as they can into the claims made against the Catholic Church. In the film, we learn that horrific accusations made against Catholic priests have been made for years and decades, yet have fallen on deaf ears. Marty, a non-Boston native, wants to change that, which sets the story into motion.
Rezendes, Pfeiffer, and Carroll then begin to start digging and meeting with people. They begin to pull the thread, and by the end of the film, the entire garment unravels. Along the way, the reporters meet a victim’s advocate attorney named Mitchell Garabedian played by the incomparable Stanley Tucci, and a slick defense attorney named Eric Macleish played by Billy Crudup along with a handful of former priests and victims. Each interview sends these Globe reporters down a fascinating and terrible rabbit hole that you just can’t help but be engrossed by. Each interviewee could have earned a Best Supporting Actor nomination for their work, because each one of these scenes is memorable in their own way. Crudup and especially Tucci are amazing as they always are, and is character acting at its finest.
However, the real star of Spotlight is its director Tom McCarthy. Throughout Oscar season in 2015, not much was made about McCarthy despite how excellent the film is. Spotlight isn’t as flashy as something like Alejandro Inarritu’s The Revenant or George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road, but it’s just as impressive. Not only did McCarthy manage to make investigative journalism exciting and captivating, but he was able to get out of the film’s way. Spotlight dives right into the action and never lets up. It flows on a steady consistent pace that moves briskly from scene to scene. Spotlight is able to do that thanks to the astonishing acting and perfect script penned by McCarthy and Josh Singer. Spotlight easily could have been over-directed, overacted, and over-the-top, but it thankfully was none of those things. McCarthy has made his directorial career out of stepping out of the way and letting his great film just be great, and Spotlight is no exception to that.
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popculturecrunch · 8 years
Spotlight is an important film that fails to address the ‘Why’
Spotlight is an important film that fails to address the ‘Why’
Films that chronicle historical, pivotal events are obviously alluring. In fact, some of the greatest films out there involve historical events – see: JFK, The Imitation Game, Lawrence of Arabia, Schindler’s List, etc. What is more fascinating (in terms of storytelling) is the ‘why’. For example, JFK examines the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (duh) and the peculiar events leading up…
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Oh you idiot
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