#eventually the game of telephone reaches phantom and he knows enough about halfas to help
chaoswarfare · 1 year
do x dc prompt #64
When Tim Drake-Wayne stepped into that portal in the shut down government lab, he never really thought about dying from electricity would be the way he’d go. It had always seemed like it would be a rogue questing for revenge, or his investigations taking him where he shouldn’t be.
On second thought, it really looks like the second one of the list was coming true.
The last thing that crosses his mind as the agonized screaming(that couldn’t possibly be him, right? he doesn’t feel like screaming any more.(he feels like crying)) ends abruptly is that he really wishes he could have finished a few more mysteries with his family.
And then he woke up.
months later, when Tim starts obsessively digging into investigations with more vigor than he’s ever had, ripping through the pitiful attempts at hiding crimes or evidence, and even going as far as to dragging in the suspected perpetrators for extremely brutal ‘questioning’ even when their committing the crime isn’t certain, or the crime isn’t bad enough to warrant this behavior.
The newfound meta powers he uses to pursue whatever goal he’s aiming for are only the cherry on top of a heaping pile of problems. Tim is practically losing himself in his detective work, and nothing the bats do seems to help.
He’s obsessed.
(or- Halfa!Tim doesn’t have a protection Obsession. instead he’s Obsessed with investigating. And with no way of knowing what to do, all he can do is try and fulfill his Obsession. In any way possible.)
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