#every time phil and missa are in the same room with others
arctic-bookclub · 5 months
something about how phil has missa’s volume turned up because of the time missa was playing on a laptop at a hotel with a low volume mic, something about how despite his mic being normal now phil hasn’t turned his volume down not even one bit despite always changing everyone else’s volumes when needed, something about how regardless of how many people are in the room missa is always the loudest in phil’s pov, always the easiest to hear, something about how you can always hear missa over everyone else from phil’s pov, something about how that doesn’t bother phil in the slightest, something about this never being aknowledged by phil and something about it not needing to be, for it’s how it’s supposed to be
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insanitybl00m · 23 days
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree
Chapter 11 - Dancing and the Dreaming
Phil woke up to a light humming coming from above him. “Good morning querido.” Missa brushed a hand through Phil’s hair. 
“Mhm morning.” Missa shifted like he expected Phil to move and pull away but he didn’t want that. He wanted to stay warm cuddling his husband. 
“Tallulah is taking a shower like you said she’d have to last night.”
“She’s already up?” 
“Mhm, you slept in, I wanted to give you time to rest.” He moved so he could stare up at Missa. “You ready to get up now?”
“The festival should be starting in a bit.”
“I know but I want to stay here.” Phil murmured. 
“Ok, until Tallulah is done, then I promised to do her hair.”
Phil pouted a bit but Missa ran his hands through the feathers of his wings and Phil was left speechless. His wings were still tender, not only from being burnt but also from carrying double the normal amount of weight while flying. However Missa made sure to be nothing but gentle, soothing the soft aches that Phil hadn’t even noticed were there. 
Phil was softly cooing. He didn’t seem to realize it but Missa loved it. Every time he seemed to find a tense spot on Phil’s wing he seemed to lean into Missa more, continuing to make the little noises that brought a smile to Missa’s face.
“Yes mija?”
“I put the curl product in my hair, now I need it braided.”
“This means it’s time for you to get up.” Missa said.
“No…” Phil murmured. 
“Tallulah I give you my full permission to jump on the bed to wake up your dad.”
“Yes!” She ran and started jumping, her wings flapped a little bit as Phil rolled over, trying to stop the child from jumping on him by accident. 
“I’m up.” Phil said. He stretched and Tallulah sat down in the spot he was laying in. 
“Braid time!” Tallulah handed over the ribbons she had packed. Purple and Magenta. Phil stared at the two of them and smiled as they started talking about their plans for the festival.
“You and papa are going on a date right?”
“That’s the plan.”
“What am I going to do?”
“There should be an area where you can play with other kids, we’ll give you a spare key and you can always go back to our room at the inn if you get bored.”
“We’re going to go around the festival together first though right?”
“Of course, we’ll get food and have fun for a bit and then you can go have fun with the other kiddos.”
“Ok!” Tallulah stood up and looked out the window, “Papa, people are wearing bird masks, like crows!”
“It’s to ward off the birds who try to eat the crops. By claiming the crops as theirs, the crows go to other lands to feed.” Missa explained. 
“Is that really a tradition?”
“At least in this particular area, my kingdom did the same thing.”
“So papa you can show off your feathers! All the humans are showing off theirs!”
“Tallulah they’re wearing crow masks, not removing the glamor.”
“Glamor?” Missa asked, confused. 
Phil sighed before closing the window. “I’ve got wings right?”
Missa nodded.
“I have feathers spread across my face, part of what helps me see while I fly, the feathers catch most of the wind so it’s not blowing in my eyes. I use glamor to cover it.”
“I thought only fae could use glamor?”
“I helped him figure it out!” Tallulah quickly said. 
“Anyway, papa you should show Apa Missa your feathers, they’re pretty! He knows about your wings!”
Phil sighed. “Fine.” Missa watched as Phil softly murmured something before feathers started appearing. Trailing from under his eyes to his ears.
“Woah.” Missa had an awestruck expression on his face and Phil felt a little too seen. He stepped closer to Phil and tentatively raised his hands up. “Can I feel them?”
“The feathers aren’t different from the ones on my back, where they meet the skin.” Missa still looked hesitant and Phil realized he didn’t answer the question. “Yeah, you can.” 
Missa’s hands were soft. And they tickled a little bit. 
“They’re so pretty.” Missa whispered.
“Papa the festival is starting!”
“Grab the money out of my bag and go grab yourself and your Apa Missa two crow masks.”
“Ok!” She took off and quickly left the two of them alone. 
“Cuervo really was the perfect nickname for you.”
“I wondered if you had found out but you never said anything.”
“Nope, I only found out about this when you showed me.” Missa ran his thumb over the feathers and Phil shivered slightly at the delicate way Missa held his head in his hands. “Can I kiss you again?”
“You don’t have to ask Missa. You’ve never had to ask. Besides you weren’t asking yesterday, when—“
“Don’t ruin this moment, querido.” Missa said before kissing Phil. He wrapped his arms around Missa’s waist. Missa stopped kissing him for a second leaving room for the two of them to catch their breath. Missa then started kissing Phil’s feathers on his face. It tickled a little bit but Phil was too busy trying to control his brain from blurting out something stupid like ‘I love you’.
“Apa! I got us masks!”
Missa pulled away from Phil, and quickly turned to Tallulah. “Awesome!” Phil sat down on the edge of the bed as the other two were putting on their masks. 
“Ready cuervito?” Missa asked.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Phil grabbed his cloak and put it over his wings. The three of them left their room and headed into the center of the festival.
“Look Apa, they’re handing out food!”
“They’re different types of pie, do you want some Lullah?”
The girl nodded and Missa made his way to the woman handing out slices of pie. 
“Hello, can I have a slice?”
“Apple or blueberry?”
“Um…” Missa turned to Tallulah. Philza picked her up and they headed towards Missa. “What flavor would you like?”
“I have apple and blueberry, and there's actually a story depending on which one you choose.”
“I choose apple?”
“And what about you two sirs?”
“Can I have a slice of apple?”
“I’ll have a slice of apple as well.” Missa said, turning to Phil.
“I’ll be a rebel and go with blueberry.” He said. 
The woman handed each of them a slice of pie. “The reason these are the only two types of pie is because these two are the fruits that are harvested this time of year. It’s said that if you prefer apple pie that you are looking towards a relationship with someone loving and wise and if you prefer blueberry pie you are looking towards a new beginning and trying to grow as a person.”
“What type of relationship?” Phil asked, carefully lowering Tallulah’s fork.
“It can be any type of relationship. For her it can be a familial relationship or a platonic relationship; however for him it probably symbolizes a romantic relationship.”
Missa blushed and continued chewing on his bite of pie. The apple was sweet and he enjoyed it.
“Ok Tallulah you can eat it.” 
The woman laughed. “It won’t poison her. Besides, she already made her choice.”
“Are there any other traditions we should be aware of?” Missa asked.
“A few. Namely the dancing, the bonfire, and the tree.”
“The tree?”
“An older tradition. It’s said that if you pin the names of you and your partner to a tree the relationship is said to last as long as the tree. The bonfire is a collection of scarecrows and symbols of relationships you want to let go of. A past romantic relationship is typical. When it’s burned then you are said to be unburdened of that past relationship. And the burning of the scarecrows is meant to be a prayer to the stars that our town may be blessed with a fruitful harvest without pests eating the crops. When the fire is burning couples dance around the bonfire, celebrating the start of harvest season.”
“Those are beautiful traditions.” Phil said. 
“There’s fun things for the kiddos to do as well. At three there's a bell that will ring and the children will all have fun playing with some of our best caretakers so that their parents can participate in the traditions.”
“Really?” Missa asked. He didn’t necessarily want to just leave Tallulah with strangers but it would give him and Phil some time to actually go on a date like he suggested.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be plenty safe. You make a good dad, always worried about your kid. I could see it all over your face the second I mentioned it.”
Missa let out a little laugh. “Thank you.”
“Are you sure she’ll be safe?” Phil asked. 
“Perfectly. All the caretakers have dealt with my grandchildren and you can trust that if they can deal with my little ones then they are more than capable.”
“I wanna hang out with the other kids my age Papa! I’m a big girl!”
“You are, but you can’t blame us for being cautious.” 
“She’ll be fine. It gives you two time to enjoy the festival, I’m going to help watch them anyway.”
“Apa, you agreed to go on a date with Papa! I’ll be with kids my age! You two can go on your date!”
The woman laughed. “She’s right, you know, she’ll be fine.”
Missa sighed. “I know, I just worry.”
“We’ll drop her off, three you said?”
“Three. The bells will ring.”
“That gives us roughly an hour and a half to see the rest of the festival, we should get going Missa.”
“Thank you so much for the pie!”
“Of course!”
Tallulah hopped out of Phil’s arms and ran towards a different stall that caught her eye. “Look apa!”
“Stuffed animals, do you want one?” Tallulah nodded. 
“Ok, I’ll–” He flipped over the tag of the purple butterfly closest to him. 25 gold? Are you joking? Missa looked towards the other ones. All were more expensive. He didn’t have 25 gold to spend on a stuffed animal. As it was he felt bad that Phil was paying for their room at the inn and everything else they had bought on the trip. He wasn’t going to ask for money to buy Tallulah a gift.
Then he noticed a small black bird in the corner. It seemed a little worn but he made his way over to it.
“Hello, is this for sale?” He pointed to the stuffed animal.
“Oh that? That’s an old product, I didn't plan to sell it, it’s just going to go into the bonfire today. Do you want it? It needs some love.”
“How much?”
“Free, it’s not going to be bought, you’re the first one to even ask about it. I genuinely planned to use it as kindling for the bonfire.”
“Are you sure?”
“No please, take it, your daughter seems so excited.”
Missa sighed. “Thank you.” He picked up the stuffed animal and looked if there was anything he needed to repair before giving it to Tallulah. The eye was a little loose but other than that it seemed perfectly fine, just a little worn.
“I can always return it if you don’t like it but it’s a crow, like your papa’s wings. It needed some love.” Tallulah squeezed it.
“I love it Apa! It’s just like Papa, she’s a pretty birdie!”
“What are you going to name her?” Phil asked. He took Missa’s hand. 
“Esperanza!” Phil gave Missa a confused look.
“It means hope in spanish.”
“She had hope that I’d find her one day! She wasn’t loved by another kid because she was waiting for me!”
Missa had to look away from the sweetness before he started crying.
“Is there anything you want to do before you go play with the other kids?”
“Can we just look around?” 
“Sure thing.” Tallulah took Missa’s hand, Esperanza the crow was still clutched in her other hand.
Philza was enjoying the day. Missa said he had to go to the bathroom and as soon as he left Tallulah decided to confront him about the glamor conversation that they had had earlier. “Why haven’t you told him Papa?”
“Told him what?”
“That you’re a fae.” She hissed the last part, careful to not say it too loud, not to gather the attention of the crowd nearby. 
“I don’t want him to be scared off.”
“He isn’t going to be scared off, Papa. And I’m not covering for you again. I had to lie. You know how that feels.”
“Like glass shards in your mouth, cutting your tongue open.”
“Exactly. I’m not lying to cover for you again. Tell Apa Missa. He won’t run from you. If anything he’ll ask what fae traditions are.”
“If you know I haven’t told Missa then why are you calling him Apa?”
“Because I know it’s going to happen eventually. Also it’s fun to see you squirm a little Papa.”
“You little shi–”
“Ok we ready to go?” Missa said, he adjusted the crow mask he had on. 
“Yeah, we’re ready Apa! We should head back to the center of town, it will be three soon and I don’t want to run, I might drop Esperanza!”
“Good idea Lullah.”
“I have the bestest of ideas!”
Missa was amazing, he instantly took care of Tallulah and– Phil needed to stop. He was head over heels for a human who didn’t even know he was fae. That was a recipe for disaster. Tallulah was right, he really did need to tell Missa.
But couldn’t he just wait a little longer before he ruined everything? 
He’d tell Missa eventually but right now he was going to try his hardest to be the perfect person for Missa. Missa deserved perfection. 
“The bell should ring in–” Missa was cut off by the bell. Ironic? “Now.”
“All kids joining us in our harvest festival celebration come to the center.”
“Bye Apa, Bye Papa; I love you!” 
“Love you too, stay safe!” Meanwhile Missa was nearly sobbing at the sweetness. Tallulah loved him. “You ok?”
“She said she loves me.”
“Aw,” Phil wrapped him in a hug. “Of course she does, you’re treating her so well and it melts my heart whenever I see the two of you like that.” Phil gave him a kiss before rubbing away the few tears that had managed to fall. 
“Thank you.”
“I’m always here for you, always.”
Missa was the perfect balance to Phil. He was a bleeding heart whereas Phil kept his emotions close to his chest. A soft light in every room. 
Phil was used to observing and being left alone, by choice. Missa was forced to be an observer for so long that now he jumped at the chance to be a part of the conversation.
Phil made sure that Missa was no longer crying before he pulled out of the hug. 
“What do you want to do?”
“I’m still hungry, the apple pie was delicious but I need more food.”
“I saw a place that was selling stew, it looked really good.”
“Down the street a bit, shouldn’t be too far.”
“That sounds great querido.”
He might have teased Missa about the nickname earlier but he just smiled and led the way.
The smell from the food stalls was delicious. Warmth came from the stew, the pleasant smell of fresh bread, and the smell of dried fruits made Missa even hungrier.
“What type of stew is that?” Phil questioned the shop owner.
“Pork, got the meat from the butcher over there.” He pointed to a guy roasting a pig over an open fire. 
“What’s in the stew?” Missa asked.
“Carrots, onions, a bit of mushrooms, and spices.”
“Two bowls please?” Phil carefully took the bowls and set them down on a table. “You mind watching the table, I’m going to go get some bread from the bakery, trust me it tastes really good together.”
“Yeah of course.” Missa sat down. He blew on his stew hoping it would cool down from the boiling temperature.
“Bread,” Phil handed Missa a small loaf.
“Thank you.” Missa quickly started eating. He finished over half of his stew before Phil had even taken more than three bites.
“I feel like I haven’t eaten in ages.”
“Time flies by quick.”
“Yeah I know, it's just crazy to me that I ate so recently and I still feel hungry.”
“So what do you want to do with the rest of the day?”
“You mean for our date?” Missa looked up and saw Phil’s face turn bright red. His feathers even fluffed up a bit. 
He coughed before letting out a strangled “Yes.”
“What about the traditions that the lady mentioned, the dancing, the bonfire, the tree thing.”
Missa locked eyes with Phil. “The tradition of writing your names and pinning it to a tree?”
“I’d rather not right now…” oh. Missa was fine with that. It was soon. He could see where Phil was coming from. That was a thing for serious couples. They were just— “it’s not that I don’t want to! I just would rather it be at a place that has significance. A random tree in a town we might never visit again? I actually have the perfect tree in mind.”
Missa smiled. “What tree?”
“There’s a wisteria tree near my house, you know, because of the—“ 
“Wisteria tree? You love that little nickname huh.” Missa smiled as he got up and gave Phil a kiss before giving his empty bowl back to the store clerk. 
“The bonfire is at sundown, that should be in about an hour give or take. Dancing is after that so what do you want to do in the meantime?”
“Well, finish my food for starters.” Phil joked. 
“Yeah but after.” 
“There was a fortune teller, they claimed they could read the stars.”
“Ooh! Yes! Let's go there!” Missa said excitedly. He had never been to a fortune teller.
“Are you sure? Most of the time it’s a scam.”
“It’s just for fun, cmon cuervito.”
Missa really wanted to go to the fortune teller’s. He hid it with jokes but Phil could see the glimmer of truth behind the dramatics. Missa’s eyes shone when Phil inevitably agreed.
“Let’s go!” Missa took off only to stop in the middle of the street. “I don’t know where it is.”
“You’re sure about this?” Phil took Missa’s hand and started leading him towards the fortune teller's shop.
Phil took a deep breath before he followed Missa into the shop.
“Hello!” Called a voice. Phil hated every second of this. His skin was crawling. Missa wanted to be here. Missa.
Two steps ahead of him, following the voice. Ok. Missa was safe. His ears were ringing. This place was filled with fae repellents. Probably something from the underdark.
It wasn’t actively harming him, just annoying. Giving him a headache. Dulling his senses.
“Missa do you want to—“
“Hiya! I’m Jaiden! Fortune teller!”
Where the hell did she come from? Phil never was snuck up on. Never.
“Hi, we’re here to—“ Missa started.
“Get your fortunes read, don’t worry, I know. Come sit down!” She pointed to two chairs, and sat in a third across the table.
Jaiden squinted at Phil. “Those are actual feathers.”
“You can see past the glamor?” Philza asked. Damn ringing in his ears. He needed to think. To think before he spoke. A human finding out about the glamor was a sure fire sign to get killed. Especially one that had access to things from the underdark.
“I can read fortunes, if I couldn’t see past the glamor I wouldn’t be able to see the messages left from the stars.” She paused for a beat. “Oh! I should turn off the moth-bat sounds!” She quickly ran off.
“Moth bats?”
“Underdark, they’re at a higher pitched frequency than most people can sense. I was getting a huge headache.”
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
“I didn’t tell you. You’re fine Missa.”
“Sorry about that! My son can’t sleep without the noise.”
“It’s fine.” Phil said. 
“Well, who wanted their fortune read?”
“Him.” Phil pointed to Missa.
“What? I thought we were both getting ours read.”
“I can do a palm reading for him and a tarot reading for the two of you, that way you each get a reading but he won’t have to get a personal reading. Some people aren’t as comfortable.”
Missa turned to Phil. Holy shit. Missa was looking at him like a puppy. Puppy eyes. That’s what they were called. He paired it with a slight pout that made Phil just want to kiss—
Tarot reading. 
Missa wanted to do a tarot reading with him. 
“I don’t see why not…” 
“Awesome, I’ll do his palm reading first. Can you put both your hands face up on the table?” Missa did as she instructed. “Now which is your dominant hand?”
“Oh.” Jaiden said. “So you’ve been treated as an outsider for most of your life then.”
“Uhm, yeah I guess so.”
“Let's start with your life line.” She ran her finger over the crease nearest to Missa’s thumb. “It’s relatively deep, however it’s not as deep as your love line. You tend to have a lot of energy for those around you that you care about, however you might give a little too much and leave yourself with less energy.”
“Yeah, I’d say that's true.” Missa murmured.
“Your head line,” She pointed to a line in the center of his hand. “Is very curved. You aren’t confined to the rules that others might think of. You aren’t limited by the facts, you are open to more abstract concepts.” She moved her hand towards the top of his hand. The deepest line. “Your love line. It starts under your index-finger. You’re happy with the relationships you’re in. Romantic, Platonic, and Familial. It’s a long, deep line. You should have a long, successful relationship with those around you.” She pulled away from his hands and started looking between the two of them. “You tend to hide your emotions in practice though. Your left hand is much straighter, there's a practiced wall you put up between your true emotions and how you present them.”
“That’s it! Palm readings are much shorter than tarot readings!”
“So it’s my turn now?” Phil asked. 
“Don’t be nervous! It’s just the stars presenting themselves to you. They’re trying to help!”
“I thought you said we’d do a reading for the two of us?” Missa asked.
“Oh, right. Tarot is typically a singular person asking a question to the stars. The stars reveal their message in the cards. The way I planned to do it was by having him ask a question about the two of you, that way it is technically focused on your relationship but it still is his reading.”
“So I have to ask them a question?”
“I typically advise to leave it vague. Like how should I navigate the difficulties I’m experiencing?”
“So would a good question be what does our future look like in terms of our relationship?”
“Yeah that works, is that the question you want to ask?” Jaiden took out the cards and started shuffling. 
“Ok can you cut the deck for me?” She placed the deck down in the center of the table. Philza took the deck and cut it in half.
“Perfect.” She then started laying out the cards. “Celtic cross spread, six cards making up the cross and four cards making up a staff. This first card represents you in the situation, so you in your relationship.” She flipped over the first card. “Ace of cups upright.” 
“So I am the ace of cups?”
“Cups are often seen as emotions, closest to the element of water. Ace of cups symbolizes you, so a new relationship. New love. I’m guessing you two being together is a recent thing?”
Missa shrugged and leaned into Phil, resting his head on Phil’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, you could say so.”
“Next is the conflict, what could affect your future.” She flipped over the– “Hanged man reversed.”
A pause went throughout the room.
“That’s not a bad card actually. I mean it sucks that you got it on your obstacle. Major arcana are typically representative of major character traits. Or in this trait a character flaw.”
“Great.” Phil sighed. “So it means?”
“It means you’re stubborn. You are refusing to look at things from a new perspective. You’re resisting change and it’s holding you back in your relationship.”
“So, look at the signs the universe has been giving you to change. Anyway, card three is your past conflict. What are you still holding onto that is affecting your relationship now? That would be the ten of swords.”
Ten of swords. A guy laying face down with ten swords stabbed in his back. This was going great. 
“In your past you’ve faced betrayal and painful endings. It’s affecting your relationship now.”
“Betrayal, that's ludicrous.”
“And that's the stubbornness. Just look at what the stars are saying, don’t judge them just yet.”
“Next is the recent past. Six of wands. Exhaustion, overwhelm and giving up. You’ve been feeling hopeless recently. Probably been working yourself so hard that now you are just tired. You aren’t able to give all of yourself because parts of yourself need to rest.”
Phil sighed. He couldn’t bear to look down and see the pitying look Missa was giving him. He knew Missa would feel bad for him. And he didn’t need that.
“Ok so, that might be negative but if you overcome those struggles you should be… happier! Two of cups! That’s a good one, it represents partnership, union, and love! So that’s good, if you’re able to be more open to change your relationship should work out for the better!”
“So, I need to change.”
“Yeah, pretty much but if you don’t then you’ll be…” She flipped over the next card. “Disappointed, regretful and feel like you failed.”
“So that’s a great reading.”
“We’re only halfway done, things could change for the better. But this one represents your self image. Eight of swords reversed. Your thoughts are self-limiting. Your inner-critic only feeds you negative thoughts and you look down upon yourself.”
“So I need to help him change that.” Missa said.
“You can, but so far his reading has urged self-discovery. You should just stay by his side. Now there’s still a bit more. This is what he needs to rely on. Strength. Major arcana.” She stopped and looked carefully at Missa.
“How would you describe him?” She asked Phil. “Three words.”
“Honest. Brave. Charming.”
She paused for a second. “Yeah ignore what I said earlier, you two need to rely on each other. Strength card is representative of courage, compassion and inner strength. Based on his palm reading and your reading so far you two need each other for the journey ahead.”
“Rely on inner strength?” Phil asked.
“Based on your reading so far you’ve got shit emotional control, you’re good at repressing your emotions. Not dealing with them. The stars aren’t telling you to rely on yourself rather someone around you who is good at those things. Which would be him.”
“So rely on Missa?”
“Yep. He should help you, after all most relationships require trust and effort from both sides. It makes sense he would need to help you. Moving onto your hopes or fears. Typically I see your fears in this part of the reading but occasionally you get shown your hopes. And you got five of cups. Yeah that's a fear alright.”
“What does it mean?”
“Regret, failure and disappointment. You fear that the journey will leave you feeling regretful. You fear the relationship failing.” When both Missa and Phil were silent she continued. “Last is the overall journey. This can change everything so far, so it might be a bit different in actuality, but you got the lovers! That’s great! Especially for a love reading. You should look for your love, harmony and a strong bond should be present.”
 “So overall the journey will be good.” Missa said.
“As long as you can overcome your obstacles, yeah! You two should make it through. Just listen to the stars. They told you what to look out for.”
“How much do we owe you?”
“It’s the festival, nonsense. The stars want people to look to them for guidance. It’s free.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course! I love giving readings! But it’s almost sunset. I need to go wake up my son, he loves the bonfire.”
“The bonfire!” Missa grabbed onto Phil’s arm and pulled him out of the shop. “Thank you again!” The door closed before she could answer.
The bonfire was sky high by the time Missa and Phil got there. Missa was happy to spend time with Phil, despite him being silent almost the whole time they walked over to the bonfire. That tarot reading must have been hard for him, Missa felt a little bad. Afterall he did push Phil to get a reading. 
“Are you ok?”
“I’m always okay when I’m with you handsome.” Phil kissed Missa and stared back at the flames.
“What’s the tradition again?”
“Burn something that represents what you want to get rid of. And then dancing, celebrating the harvest.” 
“So we just dance?”
“I assume we’ll know when to dance. Right now it seems everyone is burning things though.”
“So we just wait?”
“We watch the fire Wisteria, patience Love.”
“Fine.” Phil hugged Missa as he complained. “I don’t like being patient.”
“You want to dance with me that badly, huh?”
“Yes.” Missa answered honestly. “I can’t remember the last time I danced with someone. I always felt like I missed my chance. I adopted my son. I accepted the fact that most people wouldn’t want to be with a guy who had a kid. And then you showed up.”
“Missa, I know how it is to be a single dad. Trust me, I understand the looks. Especially because Tallulah doesn’t look like me, everyone is always judging.”
“I know and I’m just glad I have you.” 
“You’re pretty.” Phil murmured, he was playing with the emerald necklace.
“Me or the necklace?”
“I meant you but the necklace is pretty too.”
“Did the tarot reading affect you? I’m sorry for pushing you to get one, you seemed uncomfortable.”
Phil sighed. “I don’t like someone else reading the stars. They interpret them rather than me and once the words are spoken you can’t unhear them. It’s different to know your past is full of betrayal and exhaustion then it is to have someone just say it. I know I’m stubborn and I know I need to learn to be more honest but hearing it spoken into existence stings.”
“I thought it would be nice, someone could tell you what to look for rather than you having to look for it yourself and constantly doubting whether or not you interpreted the signs right.” 
“I guess that’s true. I want to learn to trust more, I’ve just never had a person that I know will be by my side through my bad days and my good.”
“Do you think I’m that person?”
“I really hope so.”
Phil was warm, after all he was hugging Missa. The bonfire helped too but he chose to believe that it was Missa who was helping keep him warm. 
“Ok Querido, it’s dancing time.”
“The first notes literally just started, what do you mean it’s time to dance?”
“Please, I’ve wanted to dance with you all day.”
“Fine.” Phil let himself be taken by Missa and pulled into the forming circle of couples dancing. 
Missa started humming as the band started playing, spinning Phil around in circles until he got dizzy.
“Cmon cuervito, you know how to dance right?” Missa teased, his words were warm. “There’s a traditional dance we do at festivals like this, do you know it?”
“It’s easy just follow my lead.” Missa raised his arm and pulled Phil’s arm to match his. Their forearms were touching as Missa slowly moved in a circle, Phil was careful not to fall behind and let Missa lead him. 
Then Missa spun around the other way, switching his arms. Phil mimicked him as Missa started to sing along with the rest of the crowd. 
“If you will promise me your heart and love—“
Phil remembered the lyrics. “And love me for eternity. My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me. But I’ve no need of mighty deeds. When I feel your arms around me!”
Missa smiled. The two kept on dancing, going in a circle. Missa then sang the next verse. “But I would bring you rings of gold. I’d even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm! If you would stay beside me!” Missa then took both of Phil’s hands, interlacing his with Phil’s before he started the next part of the dance. Push and pull, push away then pulled back to each other. Like beating hearts.
Phil laughed. “I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry! I only want your hands to hold—“
“I only want you near me!”
Missa spun Phil and started leading him in a square dance. The two of them joined in singing, their voices blending together. 
“To love and kiss. To sweetly hold! For the dancing and the dreaming! Through all life’s sorrows and delights, I’ll keep your laugh inside of me! I’ll swim and sail a savage sea. With ne’er a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life! And you will marry me!”
Phil was suddenly spun and pulled back. Before he could catch his breath Missa dipped him. Missa was stronger than he looked. And soon Missa was kissing him. Missa was still holding up Phil and managed to kiss him without falling over.
“Missa—“ Phil managed to say, he was still catching his breath. “Holy shit you’re an awesome dancer. And singer!”
Missa blushed at the compliment. “Gracias Querido, you’re a fast learner.”
The laughing and cheering of the crowd created a nice atmosphere as the two continued dancing. 
Before long Phil was yawning and the bonfire was dying down. Missa was getting tired as well.
“Let’s go pick up Tallulah and then get some sleep, sound good amor?”
“Yep. And I heard that new nickname, just because I’m tired doesn’t mean you can slip in a new nickname and think I won’t notice.”
“Ok amor,” he said, rolling the ‘r’ before leaning down to kiss Phil’s cheek.
“Apa! How was your date?”
“Good Tallulah, I’m surprised you’re still awake! Your papa is falling asleep over here.”
“Am not!” Phil said, blinking his eyes open in a desperate attempt to not seem tired. The two laughed at him. 
“It’s okay papa, I’m sleepy but I wanted to see you! Now we can go to sleep.”
“That sounds like a good plan tallulah, let’s head back to the inn.” Missa picked up the girl and walked with Phil to the inn. 
“Ok Tallulah bedtime routine.” Phil said, before walking over to the bed and flopping face first onto it.
“Scooch.” Missa said, nudging Phil. Phil got up and took off his cloak, unfurling his wings and stretching them out.
“Papa, I want to be tucked into bed!” 
“Yes Lullah.” He stretched out his wings and placed a kiss on her head before smoothing out her blankets.
“Esperanza needs a kiss goodnight as well!” She said, holding up the stuffed crow. Phil heard Missa stifle a laugh as he bent down to kiss the stuffed crow on its head.
“Esperanza can go to sleep safe now too! Goodnight papa! Goodnight apa!”
“Goodnight.” They echoed.
“Hey wisteria.” Phil murmured as he rested on Missa’s chest.
“Hola querido.” He whispered and Missa placed a light kiss on the top of his head. “Let’s go to sleep, huh?”
“Yeah, goodnight sweetheart.” Phil wrapped his wings around Missa, a protective embrace that Missa never wanted to leave.
“Buenas noches amor.” He said before drifting off into dreamland which was filled with dreams of dates the two could go on, Phil being his angel in all of them.
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mediocre-shark-tales · 3 months
Qsmp x Streamer reader (4)
Summary - it's the first day you get to spend in the qsmp 'highly secured islander vacation' truthfully it's just a glorified prison system. The funny thing is you are being treated differently among the inmates. No one knows why as you keep something to yourself because of your lore.
Warnings - Mentions of Beating/torture for information. Angst
There is a chance for this to turn into a love trope of some kind but for now there is focus on fluffy platonic-ness
This series will not be 100% lore accurate, but it will be pretty close to it. If certain people don't log on soon, I may change things around until they do actually log on.
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Everyone was online, I was currently stood near philza and Etoiles. They were yelling at each other, the only words being "My bro!" I laughed as Phil moved his mic around his face while yelling to add more pizazz to their silly encounter. Suddenly we were forced to watch another cutscene as the eye man popped up on screen. He began to warn us of the incoming doom as we had one of his people kept away on our island. But right at the end he made one comment about me in particular. "You also have gained a new islander, its unfortunate that they are now stuck with the likes of you sinners" Then the video cut as I heard everyone screaming again.
"What does that mean? Does this eye guy not think y/n is a sinner? I'm so confused!" Foolish screamed. Next we were all teleported to the qsmp hub where the whole island began. While we all waited for the next part of the event to begin, we kind of just ran around the hub chatting. I saw Leo and peptic start beating up foolish, Phil and his eggs just chatted in a corner. However this was also short lived as another cut scene started and everyone was muted. This time the cut scene was Cucurucho as he explained how the islander were now forced to stay at a heavily guarded island vacation. But really it was just a giant prison owned by the federation.
Then we got teleported into a prison before another cutscene began, this time everything about the prison and what we were expected to do was explained.
Finally we were free from all the teleporting and cutscenes as they tried to lead us into the prison. They all showed us our rooms and who our roommates were. I was given a room by myself, this was mainly because I was also given a walk in tank to stretch my tail every now and then. I was on a top floor right above Will and Missa. I checked my character out to see how I looked since they changed my characters outfit to orange, so I looked the same but my outfit was orange like a prison uniform. I could hear the voices of others as they reached out all around me.
I payed extra attention to the others and stayed quiet, taking in everything that was going on. I watched as a guard took foolish from his cell to another room to talk privately. Easily I could tell his job for the federation was giving him special privileges, especially when he came back giggling quietly.
I decided to waste some time by organizing my two little cupboards. In the cupboards I found mainly webs, skulls, and dead bushes. However in the other cupboard I found a little book, next to it was backpack. Opening the book I read the words to myself, clicking the translator for my Spanish viewers. I made sure to give extra time for others to read. I even put some words on screen saying I was not allowed to read it aloud.
It read
Hello again little shark,
I see you were able to escape my grasp yet again, don't you remember the lessons I taught you? You sit amongst the sinners now. Aren't you disgusted by their actions? Well I hope you have fun, I'll allow you this experience cause I know you will come running right back to me. This time you will come with some... much needed information.
For now I will leave you with some well deserved supplies. I wouldn't want my favorite little shark getting hurt by some repulsive sinners.
Can't wait to hear from you
Sincerely Zpvs Tbwjps,
The name had been tampered with as now it was some sort of random code or maybe just random letters that had no meaning. Fr now you would just continue with your day.
I picked up the backpack and hid it in my inventory, they had disabled the domestic mod that hid your armor and backpack from others. Inside the backpack was a bunch of extra food, a couple turtle helmets with respiration on them, and finally a few weapons. "Remember chat, this event will be dropping some lore for me. I ask that you keep anything to do with me from the other chats. Along with not telling me about the others. Basically don't ruin the fun or story for others."
My chat agreed with me and promised their cooperation. With everyone in agreement we were finally allowed to leave the cells. Walking around I stuck with Quackity for a bit as we talked to each other in Spanish.
" ¿Para qué estás aquí pendejo?" I asked walking up to him
What are you here for, asshole?
"¡Ey! ¿Muy grosero?" He yelled back at me
Hey! Rude much?
"sólo responde la pregunta pato chico" I told him faking annoyance
just answer the question duck boy
He told me the charges they had put on the wanted poster on twitter as we walked to where ever they were leading us. Quackity and I continued our chat in Spanish until we made it to what I assume was the cafeteria. Once we got there the guards told us to take a seat first. So I simply walked over to a table and sat down. Niki and Bagi joining me, we called our table "Mom's and Y/n" just for shits and giggles. With our announced table name, Mouse was quick to join as she wanted to be with her co-parents.
We held a light conversation before they finally told everyone to line up for their meal. But when it was my turn, the guards paused and one came up asking me to follow them. Everyone around me had noticed this and Phil was there first to say something. "Where are you taking y/n?" The guard looked at him and only said. "Sit down and eat"
I followed the guard as we walked for what seemed like ages. Winding in and out of doors and hallways. Once we got to where they wanted to take me. That when I learned why we had to be as far away as possible. As the guard handed me a book and I read it aloud.
We know where you really came from...
You have connections to the small creature...
Until you give up the information we want you will experience only hardships and beatings for your crimes...
The crime of hiding away the information we want and ask for..
You have 10 seconds after reading this to tell me otherwise you will be beaten...
I threw the book back at him. "I have no information, I know nothing, I have no idea what you are even talking about. If this is how it must be then I will take it with pride. With my bloodshed Poseidon will write your fate. So take your risk if you dare." Without a second thought or word the guard began to shoot me over and over again. Seeing as we were in a closed room, and this guard was the only one with a key to the door, I just took it. Around somewhere an admin began to play specific audios, like it was a voice talking to me from my conscious so that my viewers could hear it too.
"You will understand me one day little shark
"You will come to see them the way I do"
"They are all sinners"
"Weaklings fighting for survival in a world they will never understand."
"You are different than them, You live without sin"
"I will protect you from sin just stay with me little shark."
In chat you could see my name saying I was taken down by 1 and then that I had been finished off by the same guard. This showed up 10 more times as the guard had placed me in the same cell where I would respawn automatically. Throughout these few minutes, I saw all of my friends yelling through chat wondering what was going on and why I was getting killed repeatedly in such quick succession. Everyone was getting more and more upset but the funniest one to read was Etoiles.
He was instantly asking where I was so he could save me from the guard who had lost his mind. Then he started calling out the guard for being a coward by attacking a shark out of water.
Once my 'beating' was over they let me go. My Minecraft skin was changed to reflect my beating, I now had a few marks to represent cuts and bruises. I was teleported back to the cafeteria with the rest of the qsmp members. Phil was the first to notice me. "What the hell happened back there y/n?!" I shook my head. This was part of my lore, I wasn't allowed to explain why I was getting killed over and over again. "Ju- Just don't worry about it Phil. Let's eat" Phil tried to get me to talk as I sat down and began eating. Others rushed over to me as well trying to understand why I had been taken away in secrecy and spawn killed.
But once they realized that I wouldn't tell them (more like I couldn't). That's when they finally gave up. However I did notice someone always staying near me from that point on.
After a while they had decided to take us to a new cell block. Here we found is where they keep all the egg babies. I found Sunny first with Phil, "come on sunny let's find Lulu!" Sunny nodded and ran around with me as we were on a mission. She wasn't on the first floor so we ran upstairs where we found Foolish had just found Tallulah.
"Oh my gosh! Lulu! are you okay sweetness! You too sunny are you alright?" We had moved to a more open area as they both placed signs. Tallulah said she was okay and so was sunny, however they both asked if I was okay as they had also seen the chat when I went through my multiple deaths. I just told them that everything was okay and there was nothing to worry about.
"Sunny, I know your dad is not here right now because he unfortunately got caught up in some things outside of this world. So I will take care of you today alright?" She nodded and then I turned my attention to Tallulah. "Now Tallulah I hope you are okay with this and can understand. You still have Phil and Cheyenne to help you but sunny needs someone to pay more attention to her right now. To make sure she doesn't get hurt." Tallulah placed down a sign and told me. 'Don't worry y/n! I understand, I'm glad sunny has you today until her pa comes back!' I smiled and the three of us returned back to the main group.
To be continued...
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