faerunehq · 2 years
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The sun was beginning to sink in the sky when the ground began to rumble. At first those gathered wondered if this might be another earthquake, but then the lake exploded upward, giant crystals emerging from the water. Upward they climbed, continuing hundreds of feet in the air until they curved inward and stopped.
It was a crystal wall, and it extended in either direction as far as the eye could see. The police began to usher everyone back toward the city, but the ground continued to shake and tear open, crystal and stone emerging in various colors and heights and bundles in random areas of the city. Some of them destroyed buildings, while others missed completely and grew unheeded.
A massive explosion drew eyes inward, toward city hall. There, the building lay in rubble around a giant crystal throne, four pillars of amethyst rising up toward the sky around it, continuing until they met the crystal walls that had grown into a dome over the city, leaving a single circle of light directly above the throne.
On the throne sat Opal, glamour no longer concealing her reveal her true form: six feet tall in heels, in a blinding white dress, resplendent, with her multi-colored moth wings, pointed ears, and entirely white eyes on full display. Around her, fanning out in all directions, stood at least a hundred thousand fae, at attention, enchanted weapons at the ready.
“Citizens of Faerune!” Opal exclaimed, and her voice rang out for miles. “I am Opal, Queen of the Unseelie fae! For centuries we have waited and watched while the invaders took a beautiful kingdom and turned it into this monstrosity of metal and wires, built on the corpses of our cousins, brothers, sisters, family. We do not want another war, we simply want this land returned to its rightful rulers. We, the fae, who have been here for millennia and will be here for millennia, this is our home. Our magic. Our legacy! And I have come to take it back.
“Your Council is weak. It took them months to do something about the buildings and lives destroyed during the earthquake. They did nothing while someone was murdered under their own noses. They fell easily to poison administered on their watch. I have ruled my kingdom for hundreds of years. I will not be so slow to act when my people are in need. Ask any of my subjects and they will tell you that under my reign the full splendor of the Feywild will return to this place.”
She paused, gesturing to the walls of crystal surrounding the city. “These walls are enchanted to allow fae and those natives of the Feywild in and out as they please. But those without pure fae blood . . . I will not force you to leave, but you will not be able to cross. Your kind in the outside world will not be allowed inside our world from now on.”
She lowered her arms. “Now, I don’t wish to hurt or kill anyone, but those who oppose me will be punished. Be smart, Faerunians. My people have only been growing in power over the years, and they will not hesitate to put an end to any insurrection. Please, return to your homes, go about your lives, and be at peace. Your Queen will take care of you.”
She smiled, lowering her arms to rest her hands on her throne. “Welcome to the new Faerune.”
((to clarify: vampires, humans, werewolves, witches, and hybrids can no longer leave Faerune past the crystal barrier, which sits a mile outside the city in all directions. Fae, fae subspecies, and Familiars can come and go unheeded. If anyone attempts to attack Opal or the Unseelie fae, they will be killed, maimed, and/or captured.
There will be a one year time-jump on August 1st, setting the in-verse time as August 1st, 2023, at which time Opal’s reign in the New Faerune will be established and a post will be made going over the changes that have occurred in the meantime.
The event ends July 16th, but event threads may continue until July 31st.
Welcome to the Season 1 Finale of Faerune~))
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julian-brekker · 3 years
Julian took a drink out of his water bottle, his nose scrunching up taste. Vodka had been a shit idea. As he meandered between booths heading for the nearest food vendor, Julian thought about the bottle of tequila sitting at home. Mistakes had been made and he could only blame himself. Shoving the bottle into one of the pockets in his jacket, Julian fished out some cash. He thought he had decided when he saw the sign for candy corn ice cream and changed directions.
A person passed by him and Julian’s eye caught the sight of money fluttering to the ground. He snatched it and turned to follow the person. Tapping them on the shoulder he spoke, “this place is too expensive to be dropping money.”
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nash-mcnaughton · 3 years
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faerunehq · 2 years
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Queen Opal and her court would like to invite the citizens of Faerune to participate in a Halloween celebration. There will be a costumed parade full of song, dance, fireworks, and floats that will march from the lake to the palace where there will be a masquerade ball in the outer courtyard. If you would like to create and ride a float or perform during the parade, simply send your application in to Beryl and Monty Carter.
The Dullahan will not ride this night, allowing everyone to party for as long as they’d like. There will be refreshments and appetizers served at the ball, as well as live music.
We hope you enjoy this celebration of your annual topside holiday.
((the event will start at 12pm EST on October 29th and run until November 5th. please tag event starters with “faeruneevent06.″ you may start posting your characters’ costumes and masks now with the tag “faeruneattire06″.)) 
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faerunehq · 2 years
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Every year in July, we gather to celebrate the founding of Faerune and what it stands for: safety and harmony for all species. Our ancestors built this place to be a home for all of those who were cast out or mistreated by those in the mortal realm, and so we celebrate and give thanks for the opportunity to be ourselves and live peacefully.
This Founder’s Day, the Council is hosting a party at the largest lake within a mile radius of the boundaries of Faerune: Rainbow Lake. Famed for its naturally forming multi-colored crystals beneath clear water, it has long been a tourist attraction and popular swimming hole for those looking to bask in the rainbow light of the surface.
We will be having multiple party boats on the water for those who don’t wish to swim but still want to party off-shore, and live music and a dance floor set up on the shore. There are public grills available, as well as a few small summer games and attractions set up for all to enjoy. 
We understand safety is a concern for many, especially after the events of our last gathering, which is why we will be setting up a perimeter of police along the tree-line of the beach. There will be a single entrance and guests will be scanned before being permitted entry. No potions, wands, or weapons of any kind will be allowed on the premises. Anyone seen wielding large magic will be apprehended and made to leave. 
There will be no catering for this event. Everyone must bring their own food and drink and those that do will be inspected at the entrance. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we wish to have a fun and safe time for all.
((this event begins july 2nd at 10am est both IC and OOC. please use the tag ‘faeruneevent05′ for starters. you may begin posting your character(s) outfits for the event now with the tag ‘faeruneattire05.’ as always, event participation is optional, but please do not make any non-event posts during the even to avoid confusion. as far as the games and attractions, i’ll leave that up to you all to decide but think summer water games like slip-n-slides, water gun tag, magnet fishing games, etc.))
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faerunehq · 2 years
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Good evening good citizens of Faerune! In an effort to help rebuild and renovate the many small businesses that were hit during the earthquake last fall, as well as fix the streets, sidewalks, and traffic lights damaged, the Faerune Council is hosting a Casino Night to raise money for the reconstruction efforts! 
The buy-in is anywhere between twenty to two hundred notes depending on what game you play. All proceeds lost to the house will be put into the rebuilding fund, and of course if anyone would like to donate a portion of their winnings, it would be greatly appreciated!
Taking place at the Rosemary Hotel ballroom, there will be a blackjack table, a poker table, two slot machines, a roulette wheel, and a pool table. A wet bar will be present, with money collected also going toward the rebuild, and free appetizers will be provided.
Come dressed in your best and get ready to have fun!
(( the event IC takes place on April 1st at 6pm, however OOC it takes place from April 1st, 12:30pm EST to April 15th, 11:59pm PST. please use the tag “faeruneevent04″ for any open starters. you can post what your muses are wearing under the tag “faeruneattire04″ at any time from now until the end of the event. as always, all events are optional and you may choose to opt out if you wish. otherwise, have fun!! ))
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faerunehq · 2 years
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Hey there, singles! Looking for something to do for Valentine’s Day? Beaumont Navarre says you’re more than welcome to stop over at Birch Bar for a Single Mingle~
At the door, you will be presented with a number. Find your matching number, and meet your date for the night! Doors open at 6pm and closing isn’t until 2am, so you’ll have plenty of time to get to know your date. All cocktails are half-off and the kitchen will be open until 11pm so feel free to order food as well. Have fun and good luck finding your perfect match!
(( below the cut you’ll find the random match-ups. The event will start Friday, Feb 11th at 12pm EST and all event starters must be posted before end of day on Monday, Feb 14th. Event threads may continue as long as you want. As this is a mini-event, non-event threads and starters may still be continued/posted during the event. For event starters, use the tag faeruneevent03. The event is optional and if you wish for any of your characters to not attend, just let your match-up know they’ve been stood up for the night ;) have fun! ))
Cameron Romero <-> Obsidian
Hyun Moon-soo <-> Shadow DeBois
Korra <-> Samantha Weston
Thalia Byrne <-> Grace Lin
Simon Tolch <-> Natalie McNaughton
Melon <-> Sessile Quercus
Daivi Bakshi <-> Olivia Bergara
Lyla Morais <-> Dallas Murphy
Avery Thomas <-> Malachi
Elijah Atkins <-> Ruby
Opal Stone <-> Briana
Mattie Cline <-> Len Larose
Lucas Walker <-> Percy Notaras
Sofia Clarke <-> Cosmo
Natasha McNaughton <-> Benjamin Cardiff
Ezra Keane <-> Helena Theriot
Beaumont Navarre <-> Amelia Fraser
Ivy <-> Leif Navarre
Cyrus Martinez <-> Red
Lacy Hauser <-> Etienne LeDeux
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faerunehq · 2 years
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The Faerune Council would like to invite you to the Hyacinth for our Annual Winter Ball to bring in the new year. Refreshments and appetizers will be provided, and be sure to dress formally in your best black tie attire. We will have live entertainment, an open bar, a dance floor, and a special surprise planned for midnight, courtesy of our Council Leader.
We hope you have fun celebrating the past year and welcoming the new.
((this event will take place in canon on Dec 31st but will last ooc from Dec 26th to January 9th, giving everyone plenty of time to participate. the event is optional, but please use the tag faeruneevent02 for your starters if you do join us. you can post your characters’ outfits with the tag faeruneattire02 before or during the event. we hope to see you there!))
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faerunehq · 3 years
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At 5:52pm, an earthquake struck the city of Faerune. A 6.5 on the richter scale, it caused the ground to crack, the buildings to wobble and some to fall completely. Glass shattered and pipes burst. The crowd that gathered to watch the parade scattered, screaming, crying, crawling to safety. The whole thing lasted three minutes, resulting in ten casualties, one hundred and fifty injured, and two dozen trapped for hours before rescue.
Once the dust settled, fae and familiar alike sensed something . . . something big:
The doorways to the Feywild in New York City, New York have somehow c l o s e d, the boundaries in that city restored.
What caused the earthquake? Will this keep happening? And, if so, how to prepare for it?
Below you will find a list of those trapped or injured beyond minor scrapes and bruises (though those trapped may also be injured).
Bailey & Atreus
Mia & Ryan
Willow & Juniper
Nash & Nat
Shadow & Ember
Stevie & Jess
(( you may make new starters for the plot drop or jump to it in your current threads. if you’d like to pull your character from the above lists, just let the admins know so they can pick a new character for the trapped pairings.
the event ends on oct 10th. you may continue and finish your threads, but please do not make any more event starters after this date. ))
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julian-brekker · 3 years
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faerunehq · 3 years
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The Faerune Council would like to invite you to participate in our annual Fall Festival! In a street party that will take up three city blocks, we will have art, wares, and food and drink vendors and game booths of all kinds, as well as a few rides set up in the city park, including a Ferris Wheel, a roller coaster, bumper cars, Tilt-A-Whirl, a carousel, a petting zoo, and a maze of mirrors. At 5pm there will be a parade, with fireworks at the end to finish the festival with a marvelous display of colors.
We encourage anyone with art, wares, or food and/or drink to display and sell to apply for a vendor booth at City Hall before September 31st. There will be a contest for the vendors including Best Decorated Booth, Best Baked Good, Biggest Vegetable, Best Art Piece, and Best Textile. 
As this is an October Fall Festival, we also encourage everyone to dress up in costume in honor of the upcoming holiday! There will be photography booths where you can get your picture taken with that special someone, as well as free candy stalls for all children and those who decide to dress up. For those old enough to drink, there will be a beer tent with locally brewed beers and liquors.
We hope to see you there, and Happy Fall everyone!
((once the event begins, you do not have to reply to an open starter in order to post your own, though we encourage everyone to reply to any open event starters first. please tag your event starters with “faeruneevent01.” If your character(s) is coming in costume, feel free to post their costumes before the event with the tag “faeruneeventattire01.” All events are optional.))
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